All Saints Bulletin 2008-10-12

  • November 2019
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WELCOME TO ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC CHURCH STEWARDSHIP THOUGHT In today’s second reading, St. Paul thanks the Philippians for being willing to share in his hardships and promises that God, in turn, will fully supply all their needs. Our God truly cannot be outdone in generosity!

VOCATION THOUGHT The Lord is the shepherd who calls. Pray for an increase in vocations to priesthood and religious life. Read Psalm 23.


Oct. 12


Oct. 13


Oct. 14


Oct. 15


Oct. 16


Oct. 18

2:00pm 2:30pm 9:30am 7:00pm 9:30am 9:30am 7:30pm 7:30pm 9:30am 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 9:45am 10:00am 7:30pm 7:30pm 9:00am

NO Pre-School Rel. Ed. Baptism Preparation Class (Lounge) Blessing of Animals (behind Ed. Bldg.) “Just Moved” Ladies Guild (Lounge) RCIA classes (Ed. Bldg.) Mother Cabrini Guild (Resource Room) St. Monica Guild (Lounge) St. Catherines Croppers Guild (Parish Hall) St. Elizabeth Seton Guild (Lounge) Martha and Mary Circle (Lounge) Rel. Ed. Classes, Gr. 1-5 (Ed. Bldg.) Adult Choir practice (Church) Rel. Ed. Classes, Gr. 6-8 (Ed. Bldg.) Catholic Women and Friends (Parish Hall) Grief Support Group (Resource Room) Martha and Mary Circle (Resource Room) Sr. Hi Youth Group (Parish Hall) Sr. Kids Mass and Breakfast (Parish Hall)


9am Mass 12:10pm Communion Service Tuesday 9am & 12:10pm Mass (No 7pm service) Wednesday 9am & 12:10pm Mass Thursday 9am Mass 12:10pm Communion (No 7pm) Friday 9am & 12:10pm Mass With a huge back log of Mass Intentions due to the shortened summer schedule, the illness of Fr. Michael and limited services of Fr. Augustine, we have had to do a lot of rescheduling of intentions. Please be patient with us as we try to be fair to everyone who had scheduled masses some time ago but find they cannot be said on the desired date. We have tried to notify everyone a week in advance, but sometimes time restraints have made it impossible. Please call Lee, 531-0770, if you have any concerns. Coffee and Donuts Unless we have volunteers signed up the week before, we will not be serving. Thank you for volunteering for this very easy and fun family project! Don’t forget we have a wonderful nursery during the 10am Mass for children 4 and under. The nursery is not open holiday weekends.

Pictorial Directories are here and are available in the office for families who were photographed. Extras will be available in the coming weeks. MARK YOUR CALENDARS! All Saints 7th Annual Hoedown is scheduled for Sat., Nov. 15. Bring the family for BBQ, fun and square dancing led by All Saint’s own world renowned caller Steve K.! Signups will be the weekend of Nov. 8-9. Don’t miss seeing Fr. Augustine doing the Chicken Dance! All Saints Adult Christmas Party is scheduled for Friday, Dec. 12. Plan to join your All Saint’s family for lots of fun, food and dancing. More info to come. The Apostles of Jesus (Fr. Augustine’s religious order) will celebrate their 40th anniversary on Tues., Oct. 28 at 7pm at Sacred Heart Cathedral. Their theme is “I will be with you always,” (Matthew 28: 20). All parishioners are invited to this wonderful celebration and to a reception to follow in the gym. CELEBRATE GOD’S CREATION AND HONOR ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI. Fr. Augustine will bless the animals this Sunday, Oct. 12 at 2:30pm. Families and their pets will gather in the parking lot between the pavilion and Ed. Bldg. Nervous pets may remain in the car and Fr. Augustine will come to the car to bless them. Flu Shot Weekend (Oct. 25-26). Flu shots will be available after all masses. Licensed medical personnel will administer the vaccine to those 12 years and older. Proceeds will benefit the KCHS baseball team. Suggested donation: $25. We would appreciate your support. Questions? Contact Dr. Jake H. at [# omitted]. Not necessary to register. All Saints parish will participate in a 40 Hours Devotion beginning Thurs., Oct. 30th and concluding on Sat., Nov. 1st. Look for the sign-up board in the narthex to sign up for adoration times. All parishioners are invited to join in this parish wide devotion. CONGRATULATIONS and welcome to Conner Joseph, son of Eric and Lisa; Graham Michael, son of Jared and Karen and HongAn Cao, daughter of Binh and Thuy who were baptized last weekend. REMEMBER: PURCHASE YOUR KROGER OR FOOD CITY GROCERY/GAS GIFT CERTIFICATES AFTER ALL WEEKEND MASSES

Certificates are available during the week in the parish office.

GRIEF SUPPORT MINISTRY Grief Support Group meets Thursday, 10:00am in the Resource Room.

YOUTH MINISTRY (Annie N., Youth Minister) Email [email omitted] or phone 531-0770 Sr. Hi Youth Group meets Thursday from 7:30-9pm in the Parish Hall.

CATHOLIC SINGLES Sun., Oct. 12 Brunch and Banter at Courtyard Café, 3749 Alcoa Hwy, 1:00pm. Join host Alan S. for this monthly fellowship meal.

Mon., Oct. 13 Join us at 8am in All Saints parking lot to set “sail” for a “Voyage of Discovery” in honor of Columbus Day. For those who want to join in for breakfast, meet at Cracker Barrel at 7am. This is being coordinated by Randy S. [# omitted]. If no response, event cancelled. Thurs., Oct. 16 Free line dance lessons at Church St. Methodist. Lessons begin at 7; doors open at 6:30pm. For more info or questions, contact [email omitted]. Fri., Oct. 17 October Birthday Celebration, 6:15pm at Peerless Restaurant. Come join us to celebrate our members birthdays or anything else you would like to celebrate. Please RSVP to Sandra. [# omitted], day; [# omitted], evening for table planning purposes. Sat., Oct. 18 Hike and a picnic! Come out and enjoy the colors by joining host Keith S. [# omitted] for a hike at Norris Dam State Park. Meet at All Saints parking lot at 1pm to carpool. At the end of the hike, we will enjoy a picnic in the park coordinated by Kathy C. Cost is $3 which includes meat, trimmings and soft drinks. Please RSVP by Oct. 16th to Kathy [# omitted]. We would love to have you join both of the activities, but if not a hiker, come for the picnic or just enjoy the hike!

CATHOLIC WOMEN St. Elizabeth Seton Guild will meet Tues., Oct. 14 at 7:30pm in the lounge. The topic for this month is the virtue of Prudence from the video series, “The Virtues: Seven Habits of Champions” by Dr. Marcellino D’Ambrosia. All women are invited to join us. For more info, call Liz at [# omitted]. Martha and Mary morning group meets Wed. at 9:30am in the lounge. ALL ladies interested in an overview of our scripture through video and discussion, The Bible Timeline is for you! Come make new friends. Read Genesis 4-11 for this session. For info, call Debbie, [# omitted]. “Catholic Women and Friends” has begun a weekly study on the New Testament book, Romans. Grow in your faith and meet other Catholic women every Thursday morning at 9:45am in the hall. All Saints parish will be hosting the Cumberland Mountain Deanery Fall General meeting on Wed., Oct. 22nd. There will be a business meeting, mass at 11am, lunch catered by Take Out Thyme and Dr. Ruth Queen Smith speaking on “Women and Paul.” You are welcome to join us for any part of the day. Reservations are required at $9, payable at the door. Please call Susan at [# omitted] or email [email omitted].

SENIOR KIDS Join us on Sat., Oct. 18th for 9am Mass and then breakfast in the parish hall. Call Mary Jane F., [# omitted] for reservations.

SOCIAL ACTION We will be collecting cans of cranberry sauce for Knox Area Rescue Ministries Thanksgiving meals. Please bring them to the collection bins in the narthex at masses the weekend of Oct. 18th-19th.

FAITH FORMATION RCIA classes have begun! Please join us on Monday nights from 79pm in the Ed. Bldg. if you are interested in becoming Catholic or would like to learn more about the Catholic faith. Sponsors are also needed. For more info, call Tanya at [# omitted].

LITURGY COMMITTEE Children’s Choir will lead mass on Oct. 19th at 10am. New members are always welcome to join us at practice each Wed. at 5:30pm.

CATHOLIC SCHOOLS SACRED HEART CATHEDRAL SCHOOL 8th Annual Fall Golf Classic will be held on Tues., Oct. 21 beginning at 10am at Egwani Farms Golf Course. Entry fee is $150/person which includes green/cart fees, lunch, goodie bags, prizes, beverages, snacks and awards. Contact Rick D., [# omitted] or Anita P., [# omitted].

CATHOLIC CHARITIES Catholic Charities next Creating Hope tour and casual lunch is Thurs., Oct. 16 from noon-2pm. Anyone interested in learning firsthand about the local shelter and children’s services we provide should RSVP to Freddi, [# omitted] or [email omitted] no later than Oct. 14.

DIOCESE AND DEANERY You, or someone you know, are invited to participate in the formation meeting of a support group for those with a loved one with dementia. This is a confidential, faith-based support group for anyone caring for a loved one who has been diagnosed with a dementia related disease. The formation meeting will be held Oct. 16, 7pm at Sacred Heart Assembly Room. For more info, please contact Dianne D. at [# omitted] (home), [# omitted] (cell) or [email omitted]. 40 Days for Life: Please consider this sacrifice of time and prayer. You can meet people and/or just quietly vigil at the Concord St. Women’s Clinic location. For further information, go to the website at

OTHER I’M A CAREGIVER – NOW WHAT DO I DO? Regardless of your age, 25, 45, 65, single, married or widowed, you will probably be a caregiver sometime in you life! If you have never faced this question, you should prepare yourself for the emotional and coping skills for this special calling. Do not miss this FREE two consecutive Sunday afternoon seminars. The two 90 minute classes will be conducted by Bob Coyne, retired director of training and development for a major manufacturer. His qualifications include over 5 years of being a 24/7 caretaker for his wife prior to her passing in 2003. Seating will be limited to 15-20 people per class, therefore, register early. The first class will be Sun.., Oct. 26 from 2-3:30pm in Rm. 106 in the Ed. Bldg. Please call Bob at [# omitted] or email [email omitted]. Don’t miss this free class! It will help you survive one of the most challenging and stressful times of your life! Crazy Quilt helps with Thanksgiving and Christmas meals for families in need each year. If you or your organization would like to help with this cause, you may send your check to: Crazy Quilt, 2967 Hwy 297, Newcomb TN 37819. Please write Holiday Meals on the memo line. For more info, you may call [# omitted].

SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT Just when you think you graduated from the school of experience, someone thinks up a new course!



Today’s Readings are on page 1062 in the Hymnal Mon. Gal 4: 22-31 ; 5: 1 Lk 11: 29-32 Tues. Gal 5: 1-6 Lk 11: 37-41 Wed Gal 5: 18-25 Lk 11: 42-46 Thur. Eph 1: 3-10 Lk 11: 47-54 Fri. Eph 1: 11-14 Lk 12: 1-7 Sat. 2 Tm 4: 10-17 Lk 10: 1-9 Sun. Is 45: 1; 4-6 1 Thes 1: 1-5b Mt 22: 15-21

MASS Mon., 10-13 Tues., 10-14 Wed., 10-15 Thurs., 10-16 Fri., 10-17 Sat., 10-18 Sun., 10-19

9:00am 12:10pm 9:00am 12:10pm 9:00am 12:10pm 9:00am 12:10pm 9:00am 12:10pm 9:00am 5:00pm 8:15am 10:00am 11:45am

INTENTIONS Katherine R. by Mary and Joe P. Communion Service John P. by the C. family Frieda D. by Mr. and Mrs. Carroll J. Joseph K. by the F family Loretta G. by Bill and Pat G. John P. by the family Communion Service Joe E. by the family Marguerite C, by Leonard Intention of the Senior Kids Carolyn A. by the L. family Vera B. by the Z. family Max M. by the F. family People of All Saints Parish

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