All Saints Bulletin 2008-11-09

  • November 2019
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WELCOME TO ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC CHURCH STEWARDSHIP THOUGHT Like the sensible bridesmaids in today’s parable, good stewards make sure that they, and whatever gifts are theirs to share, are ready to serve when the Master calls.

MARK YOUR CALENDARS! All Saints 7th Annual Hoedown is scheduled for Sat., Nov. 15. Bring the family for BBQ, fun and square dancing led by All Saints’ own world renowned caller Steve K.! Signups will be the weekend of Nov. 8-9. Don’t miss seeing Fr. Augustine doing the Chicken Dance! All Saints Adult Christmas Party is scheduled for Friday, Dec. 12. Plan to join your All Saints’ family for lots of fun, food and dancing. You may return your RSVP’s to the parish office entryway.


Oil and time; light and patience – requirements for discipleship. Keep your eyes open! In time, you will see what you are called to do. Read Matthew 25: 1-13.

Grief Support Group meets Thursday, 10:00am in the Resource Room.









Nov. 09 10:00am 2:00pm 6:00pm Nov. 10 9:30am 1:00pm 7:00pm Nov. 11 9:30am 9:30am 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm Nov. 12 10:00am 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm Nov. 13 9:45am 10:00am 7:30pm 7:30pm Nov. 15 10:00am TBA

Pre-School Rel. Ed. (Parish Hall) Baptism Preparation Class (Parish Hall) Rel. Ed., Gr. 9-12 (Parish Hall) “Just Moved” Ladies Guild (Lounge) Gardening Guild (Lounge) RCIA classes (Church) Mother Cabrini Guild (Resource Room) St. Monica Guild (Lounge) Liturgy Committee (Ed. Bldg.) St. Catherine’s Croppers (Parish Hall) St. Elizabeth Seton Guild (Lounge) Friends and Crafts Guild (Lounge) Rel. Ed. Classes, Gr. 1-5 (Ed. Bldg.) Adult Choir practice (Church) Rel. Ed. Classes, Gr. 6-8 (Parish Hall) Catholic Women and Friends (Parish Hall) Grief Support Group (Resource Room) Men’s Club (Off site) High School Youth Group (Parish Hall) Men’s Club Chili Cook-off (Pavilion) Hoedown (Parish Hall)

PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS DAILY MASS SCHEDULE. Mon. thru Sat. Tues., Wed., Fri. Mon. and Thurs.

9am 12:10pm 12:10pm

Mass Mass Communion Service


Certificates are available during the week in the parish office.

YOUTH MINISTRY (Annie N., Youth Minister) Email [email omitted] or phone 531-0770 Sr. Hi Youth Group meets Thurs., Nov. 13, 7:30pm in the parish hall.

CATHOLIC SINGLES Sun., Nov. 9 Brunch and Banter, 1pm at the new Mulligan’s (8923 Linksvue Dr.) Join host Mary W. for this monthly fellowship meal. Sat., Nov. 15 Bowling anyone? Dust off your shoes (or if you don/t own a pair, we’re sure the bowling alley will rent you some) and join host Keith at 4pm at Strike and Spare Family Bowl, 213 Hayfield Rd., off Parkside, between Cedar Bluff and Lovell. This is not just for adults; bring your children with you. If enough interest, we will go out to eat afterwards. Contact Keith at [# omitted] for more info. If no RSVP’s by Friday, Nov. 14th, the event will be cancelled. Sun., Nov. 16 Easy to moderate Hike… determined by the group where the hike will take place. We will meet at the parking lot near the pavilion at 9:30am. For more info, contact Randy S. at [# omitted].


Please be patient with us as we continue to reschedule masses. We have discontinued the weekly evening masses and hopefully will be settled into our new schedule soon.

St. Elizabeth Seton Guild will meet this Tues., at 7:30pm in the lounge. “The Virtues: Seven Habits of Champions,” a video by Dr. Marcellino D’Ambrosia will focus on the virtue of Justice (fairness) this month. All ladies are invited to join us. For more info, call Liz, [# omitted].

Coffee and Donuts Unless we have volunteers signed up the week before, we will not be serving. Thank you for volunteering for this very easy and fun family project!

“Catholic Women and Friends” has begun a weekly study on the New Testament book, Paul. Grow in your faith and meet other Catholic women every Thursday morning at 9:45am in the hall.

Our 7th annual “Harvest of Blessings” will be after all masses Nov. 2223 in the parish hall. A wonderful opportunity for early shopping to benefit charitable organizations in the parish and community. We are so pleased to have the Paraclete Book Store joining us this year!

Many parishioners have asked about our delicious Fr. Woody salsa. More is on the way! Excellent for the holidays, a great value and you are supporting our Habitat Home and scholarships(s) for Catholic HS.

Don’t forget we have a wonderful nursery during the 10am Mass for children 4 and under. The nursery is not open holiday weekends.

We can use some additional help on building our second Habitat for Humanity Home. Please contact Jerry at [# omitted].


MORE FUTURE ACTIVITIES… Chili Cook off, Sat., Nov. 15 from 10am-4pm. 15 of the top Knoxville restaurants will be offering their best chili. Breakfast with Santa, Sat., Dec. 6. A great way to a positive start to your family holiday season. Not to be missed—great photos will be taken for your 2008 family Christmas collection.

KNOXVILLE CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL Admissions Information Meeting for the 2009-2010 school year will be held on Sun., Nov. 16, 2pm in the KCHS gym. Learn about Academics, Arts and Athletics, tour the campus, meet administrators and department chairs. For more info, please contact Barrie Smith, Dean of Admissions at [# omitted] or [email omitted].

SENIOR KIDS Senior Kids Thanksgiving Dinner, Fri., Nov. 21 at 5:30pm in the parish hall. Join us for a “finger lickin’ great time”! Reservations must be made by Nov. 18th to Mary Jane F. at [# omitted].

CATHOLIC CHARITIES Seton’s Thrift Store serving rural families in the Roane County area, is in need of non-perishables for its food pantry. If you would like to organize a food drive, contact Mildred M. at Seton’s, [# omitted].

FAITH FORMATION RCIA classes have begun! Please join us on Monday nights from 79pm in the Ed. Bldg. For more info, call Tanya at [# omitted]. G.R.O.W. (God Renewing Our World) On Sun., Nov. 16th, All Saints High School Religious Education students in cooperation with Arnstein Jewish Community Center Youth will host “Tents of Hope.” This program provides temporary shelter for refugees and national awareness of the conflict in Sudan. Included in the evening will be tent decoration, dinner and speakers. We will begin at 5pm with dinner and presentations at 6pm in the parish hall. Tickets are $10 in advance and $15 at the door. For more info, please call Annie, [# omitted] or Deacon Tim, [# omitted].

LITURGY COMMITTEE Children’s Choir: We will be leading the 10am Mass Nov. 16th. New members are always welcome to join us at practice each Wed. at 5:30pm.

SOCIAL ACTION COMMITTEE All Saints is providing Thanksgiving meals for families in the Elizabeth Homes program and In-Home Services program. Help is still needed with the In-Home Services program. A suggested meal consists of a 15 lb. turkey, instant potatoes, stuffing mix, green beans, corn, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie and Jello. The food can be delivered to the Catholic Charities offices at 3009 Lake Brook Blvd. Food must be delivered by Nov. 16. If you can help, please contact Mike M. at [# omitted] or [email omitted].

SPIRITUAL LIFE COMMITTEE The Book of Remembrance and photo board is by the Holy Family statue. Parishioners are invited to place photos on the board and enter names in the book so these souls can be remembered during November.

CATHOLIC SCHOOLS SACRED HEART CATHEDRAL SCHOOL Sacred Heart School Information Night, Tues., Nov. 11th. The program begins at 7pm in the library for prospective students and families. Free childcare will be provided for children over age 2. For more info, please contact Mrs. Jere D. at [# omitted]. ST. JOHN NEUMANN SCHOOL Save this date! Our 3rd Annual Mardi Gras Dinner Dance will take place on Sat., Feb. 21st from 6:30-11pm at Fox Den Country Club. All proceeds benefit St. John Neumann Catholic School. We are seeking items and gift certificates for the Silent Auction. Contact Kelly S. at [# omitted] or [email omitted].

Columbus Home children’s services has an immediate need for warm coats, socks, gloves and hats for the children in both its group home and emergency shelter. Additionally, gas cards and dependable vehicles are needed for Columbus Home’s in-home services, working in Knox and nine additional counties. If you can help with any of these needs, please contact the main office at [# omitted]. LADIES OF CHARITY Ladies of Charity Thrift Shop: TOY SALE! Get your Christmas shopping done early. There are toys for boys and girls of all ages. Mark your calendar for Fri and Sat., Nov. 14-15. We hope to see you there! SAVE THIS DATE! Fri., Nov. 21st (3:30-5:00pm and Sat., Nov. 22, 9am-4pm). 9th Annual Holiday Gift Boutique to support the Ladies of Charity. Great location: Sacred Heart Gym! Watch for more details. If you have questions, call Sue G., [# omitted] or Francie R., [# omitted].

DIOCESE AND DEANERY FESTIVE FAIR at Immaculate Conception Church, Sat., Nov. 15 from 4-8pm and Sun., Nov. 16 from 9am-2pm. Make your holiday gift buying easy! Candy, jewelry, plants, pottery, quilts, soap, Tupperware, wreaths, and chances on beautiful baskets. Something for everyone, so come and bring a friend. Proceeds will be used to renovate the IC kitchen. For more info, please call Connie at [# omitted]. Join us on Sat., Nov. 15 for the Contemplative Saturday Morning Talks at John XXIII Parish. Fr. Bob Hofstetter will present “On Being Present to God’s Presence.” Come at 8:30am for coffee and tea. Workshop will last from 9am-noon. There will be time for group discussion and silent prayer. Bring a bag lunch and enjoy some fellowship afterwards. RSVP to [# omitted]. CAREER OPPORTUNITY: The Knights of Columbus is seeking a Field Agent for a career opportunity representing their insurance program. We offer a complete benefits package with this full-time position. In order to qualify, one must be eligible for membership in the K of C. For more info, please contact Daniel S., FIC, General Agent at [# omitted] or [email omitted].

SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT Family faces are magic mirrors. Looking at people who belong to us, we see the past, present and future. We make discoveries about ourselves.



Today’s Readings are on page 1073 in the Hymnal Mon. Ti 1: 1-9 Lk 17: 1-6 Tues. Ti 2: 1-8; 11-14 Lk 17: 7-10 Wed Ti 3: 1-7 Lk 17: 11-19 Thur. Phim 7-20 Lk 17 : 20-25 Fri. 2 Jn 4-9 Lk 17: 26-37 Sat. 3 Jn 5-8 Lk 18: 1-8 Sun. Prv 31: 10-31 1 Thes 5: 1-6 Mt 25: 14-30

MASS Mon., 11-10 Tues., 11-11 Wed., 11-12 Thurs., 11-13 Fri., 11-14 Sat., 11-15 Sun., 11-16

9:00am 12:10pm 9:00am 12:10pm 9:00am 12:10pm 9:00am 12:10pm 9:00am 12:10pm 9:00am 5:00pm 8:15am 11:45am

INTENTIONS Ann B. by friends and family Communion Service Tom Irwin by the family Gerard N. by Robert & Harriet S. Joe L. by JoAnn H. Special Intention for Tanya S. Ross A. by Charles and Carolyn S. Communion Service Joe E. by the family Dan K. by Jack and Carolyn F. Jose V. by the family Patty L. by the family Oresto and Madeline D. by the family People of All Saints Parish

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