Agreement And Disagreement.docx

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  • Words: 951
  • Pages: 5
Agreement And Disagreement Expressing Agreement dan Disagreement adalah salah satu jenis expression dalam bahasa Inggris yang digunakan digunakan untuk menyatakan setuju atau tidak setuju terhadap suatu opini, ajakan, atau fakta. Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari kita pasti sering menanyakan atau memberikan pendapat pada lawan bicara, terkadang kita menanggapi hal tersebut dengan pernyataan setuju atau tidak setuju. Berikut beberapa contoh ungkapan dari expression of agreement and expression of dissagrement. Expressing Agreement I agree. I agree with you. That’s so sure. (Itu sangat pasti) I agree with you 100 percent. (To completely agree with someone) (Untuk sepenuhnya setuju dengan seseorang) I couldn't agree with you more. (Saya tidak bisa setuju dengan Anda lagi) That's exactly what I think. (Itu tepat saya pikir) That's exactly how I feel. (Itu tepat saya rasa) You have a point there. (Anda punya pendapat di sana ) You're absolutely right (Kamu benar sekali) I'm afraid I agree with Kaco. (Saya takut setuju dengan Kaco) I have to side with Dad on this one. (Aku harus berpihak pada ayah yang satu ini.) No doubt about it. (Tidak diragukan lagi)

I was just going to say that. (Aku hanya akan mengatakan itu.) That's so true. ( Itu benar sekali) That's for sure. (Itu sudah pasti) Partial Agreement Note: Partial Agreement Adalah persetujuan secara sebagian, ungkapan yang digunakan ketika kita tidak setuju namun menanggapinya secara halus. 1. I agree with …, but what about ….? 2. That’s a good point, but in my opinion…. 3. That could apply in some situations, but what about when….? 4. I understand your point about…, but I don’t understand….. 5. It’s certainly true that…, but on the other hand…. 6. I can see that…., but I think it’s also important to consider…. 7. That makes sense, but could it also be true that…. 8. I’d agree with you if…., but not if… 9. I see what you mean with…, but I also think we need to consider…. Artinya :

1. Saya setuju dengan ..., tapi bagaimana dengan ...? 2. Itu bagus, tapi menurut saya .... 3. Itu bisa diterapkan dalam beberapa situasi, tapi bagaimana dengan kapan ....? 4. Saya mengerti maksud anda tentang ..., tapi saya tidak mengerti ... .. 5. Memang benar itu ..., tapi di sisi lain .... 6. Saya bisa melihat itu ..., tapi saya pikir ini juga penting untuk dipertimbangkan .... 7. Itu masuk akal, tapi mungkinkah juga benar itu .... 8. Saya setuju dengan Anda jika ..., tapi tidak jika ...

9. Saya melihat apa yang Anda maksud dengan ..., tapi saya juga berpikir kita perlu mempertimbangkan .... Expressing Disagreement I don't think so.(Saya tidak berpikir begitu) No way. I'm afraid I disagree. I totally disagree.(Saya sama sekali tidak setuju) I beg to differ.(saya mohon untuk berbeda) I'd say the exact opposite.(Saya akan

mengatakan sebaliknya)

I have a different opinion with you. I am of different opinion. I cannot agree with your idea. Not necessarily. I doubt with that. (Saya ragu dengan itu.) I completely disagree. I don’t guess so.(Saya tidak menebaknya.) That is not true. That's not always true. That's not always the case. (Itu tidak selalu


No, I'm not so sure about that. Observing & Questioning From page 19 to 20 (Think Globaly Act Locally Beni : “I think we should start our wall magazine now.” Dayu : “I don’t think we can start now. We should plan it carefully. We should go to people who know how to make a wall magazine.” Siti : “I agree with Dayu. We should think before we leap/melangkah.” Siti : “I think we need a lot of money to make a wall magazine.”

Edo : “I don’t think so. We can use used paper. We can also use used wood for the frame.” Lina : “Yes we can, so we do not need a lot of money to make a wall magazine. What we need is hard work.” Edo : “What should our wall magazine contain? Can we put any writing we have made there?”

Udin : “I don’t think so. We should not just put anything there. The texts should be good and interesting.” Lina : “And, there should not be many mistakes there.” Udin : “I think only good texts, with few or no mistakes, can be published.” Edo : “But how do we know that a text is good enough to publish?” Dayu : “I think our English teachers can help check our English. Do you think Mrs. Tini is willing to be the editor of our wall magazine.” Lina : “It seems that none of us knows how to make a wall magazine. What if we go to Mrs. Tini and ask her for advice. I think she has a lot of good ideas.” Observing & Questioning Siti : “I think so too. Let’s go to her now.” Dayu : “I don’t think we can see her now. She is in the staff meeting.” Beni : “Why don’t we go back to SMP Sumber

Ilmu tomorrow to look closely at their wall magazine. We will know what kinds of texts are published there.” Edo : “I agree with Beni. We will also look at the layout and the decoration. Do you remember the color of the background.” Lina : “Sorry, I don’t. What if we just ask for their permission to take a picture of the magazine?” Siti : “I think the best thing to do is to meet the team who Manages the magazine.” Udin : “I agree with Siti. We can ask them a lot of questions. I think they will be happy to help us start our wall magazine.” Dayu : “That’s a very good idea. We need their help to plan our wall magazine.”

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