Advantage Of Ice Cream.docx

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  • Words: 1,513
  • Pages: 9
Advantage of ice cream 1. Source of Vitamins Did you know that ice cream happens to be a huge source of vitamins A, B-6, B12, C, D, and E! It doesn’t stop there. Apparently, ice cream contains vitamin K, which prevents blood clotting. Let’s not forget that ice cream also contains niacin, thiamine, and riboflavin.

2. Provides Energy Not only does ice cream have nutritional value, it also is an incredible source of energy. As a diabetic, I understand that ice cream is rich with carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, which are all, needed for our bodies to produce energy. Careful on how much energy you want to get from ice cream, after all, it can also help you gain weight. Everything in moderation remember!

3. Source of Minerals Minerals like calcium and phosphorus are found in ice cream. Calcium is an essential mineral for us as it maintains strong bones and reduces the chances of kidney stones. Mood swings and PMS can also be prevented by eating ice cream. Who knew!?!?

4. Stimulates the Brain “Ice cream stimulates the thrombotonin, which is a hormone of happiness and helps in reducing the levels of stress in the body. Ice cream is made of milk, which contains L-triptophane, which is a natural tranquilizer and helps in relaxing the nervous system. It also helps prevent symptoms of insomnia.” Enough said! Now, let’s get one thing straight. After listing all these fantastic health benefits of ice cream, by no means do we suggest you eat as much ice cream as you can or, god forbid, you binge on ice cream this weekend.

With as many benefits that may come with eating ice cream, there is probably an equal amount of health issues that could arise from eating too much.

Choose your flavours wisely and eat responsibly. Everything in moderation remember!

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The Disadvantages of Ice Cream I scream, you scream we all scream for... coronary heart disease? Brian Gould, professor of Agricultural Economics at the University of Wisconsin, reports that the average U.S. citizen consumes over 14 lb. of ice cream in 2006. It's clear that most people enjoy the frozen treat on a regular basis. Unfortunately, like most tasty foods, ice cream is high in some potentially harmful ingredients, particularly to the cardiovascular system. Ice cream is a dessert best consumed in moderation if you want to avoid screaming for an angioplasty.

(Image: Christopher Robbins/DigitalVision/Getty Images)

Fat Like all dairy products, ice cream is high in fat. A 1/2-cup serving of a leading brand of the most widely consumed flavor of ice cream, vanilla, contains 9 g of fat. While fat is a nutrient and the body needs a certain amount to produce hormones, provide

energy and protect organs, too much can result in cardiovascular disease. Fat should account for about 20 to 35 percent of your total calories. If you consume a typical 2,000-calorie diet, you'll want to avoid consuming more than 78 g of fat each day. One serving of vanilla ice cream contains more than 10 percent this amount. Also consider that a 1/2-cup serving is quite small. Saturated Fat Saturated fatty acids are commonly found in animal products such as meat, milk, eggs and butter. Excess consumption of saturated fat can increase your blood cholesterol levels, causing arterial blockage and ultimately resulting in heart attacks and strokes. The U.S. Department of Agriculture advises limiting saturated fat intake to less than 10 percent of your total calories. A 1/2-cup serving of vanilla ice cream contains 6 g, or about 28 percent of this amount, based on a 2,000-calorie diet. Cholesterol Excess consumption of foods that are high in dietary cholesterol can increase your blood-cholesterol levels and increase your risk of heart disease. A 1/2-cup serving of vanilla ice cream contains 25 mg of cholesterol. The USDA recommends consuming less than 2,300 mg of cholesterol each day to avoid increasing your bloodcholesterol levels, and less than 1,500 mg a day if you are over 50 or have a history of heart disease or diabetes. While a serving of vanilla ice cream does not place you in danger of reaching the USDA's recommended limit, the Institute of Medicine does not set recommended dietary allowances for this substance and advises limiting it as much as possible. Your body produces about 1,000 mg of cholesterol a day on its own. Sugar Sugar is an empty calorie. It contains caloric value, but contributes no other nutrients to the diet. You can eat all the sugar you want and reach your daily caloric requirements, but you still need to consume additional calories to meet your other nutrient needs. Therefore, sugar can significantly contribute to weight gain and, ultimately, cardiovascular disease. Sugar's immediate impact on blood-glucose levels can also result in diabetes. The American Heart Association recommends men and women limit their daily sugar intake to 150 and 100 calories, respectively, to

avoid these health setbacks. A serving of vanilla ice cream contains 40 calories from sugar, or about 27 to 40 percent the AHA's suggested limit for men and women.

Ice Cream Sanitation And Quality Control Parameters Quality should be the first thing you think about whenever you set out to make any food product. Ensuring ice cream sanitation during ice cream manufacturing will influence the quality of the end product. Adequate sanitation programs are necessary to reduce ingredient contamination. As such, you will need to ensure proper sanitation for ice cream during production by using only the highest quality of ingredients and the cleanest equipment. To achieve satisfactory levels of ice cream sanitation at the plant, implement the following: Ensure that all the workers are clean and healthy. They should be trained in quality control and processing Ensure that only the highest quality ingredients are used Adopt proper processing techniques such as quick-freezing method to avoid ice cream defects Use appropriate equipment to process the ice cream Maintain high standards of plant hygiene and sanitation Adopt proper distribution channels that will maintain high quality of the product

The ice cream sanitation parameters that will help in maintaining high quality of the product include: 1. Chemical and physical composition of the ice cream ingredients Here, check the viscosity of the mix (using viscometer) and the stabilizing capacity of the stabilizers used in the mix 2.

Microbiological tests

Conduct Total Viable Count (TVC) and Total Plate Count (TPC) of the product. Also carry out coliform (especially fecal coliform) test on the product to ensure that it is of very high hygienic standards. According to the provisions of the Kenya Bureau of Standards, an ice cream should meet the following standards: The overrun must not exceed 100% There should be ZERO pathogens Total plate count should have less than 105 Colony forming units (CFU) per ml Non-fecal coliforms should be less than 102 CFU/ml Fecal coliforms should be ZERO 3.

Sensory evaluation of the ice cream

Use an ice cream score chart to conduct the sensory analysis. A typical score card would look like this


Possible points




Assign score

Body and texture


Assign score

Colour, appearance & packaging


Assign score

Melting quality


Assign score



Assign score



Total score (sum up)

Using the chart, award points for each category based on how you perceive the quality to be. This scorecard emphasizes the degree of perfection n ice cream quality and gives the manufacturer room for improvements. The analysis for the score awarded to the ice cream sample would be analyzed according the category table below: Total score (%)



Excellent quality


Good quality


Fair quality


Poor quality

A proper quality ice cream should provide the following nutrients: Butterfat – 12g/100g MSNF – 11g/100g Stabilizer – 0.3g/100g Proteins – 41g/100g Carbohydrates – 20.7g/100g Minerals (calcium 122, Phosphorus 105, Potassium 90, Sodium 60, Iron 0.1) – 0.9g/100g Vitamin A – 492 international Units (IU) Thiamine (vit B1) – 0.04mg Riboflavin (vit B2) – 0.23mg Niacin (vit B3) – 0.1mg Vitamin C – 1.0mg

Ice cream sanitation activities at the plant Thorough cleaning and sanitation of the ice cream plant equipment is necessary to assure the quality of the products. It is futile to sterilize dirty equipment because it only increases the chances of recontamination. Conducting a thorough cleaning will not only make the equipment clean but also provide an opportunity to inspect the facility for wear and tear. The equipment can be scrapped using an abrasive material or a detergent under high pressure can be used. Soap use is discouraged because it is very difficult to completely rinse from the system. Furthermore, soap leaves a thin film on the surface of the equipment.

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