Advantage Of Radio

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 920
  • Pages: 3
Advantage of radio The most important advantage radio offers is its ability to reach specific audiences through specialized programming. In addition, radio can be adapted for different parts of the country and can reach people at different times of the day. For example, radio is the ideal means of reaching people driving to and from work. Known as drive time, these radio time slots provides the best audience for many advertisers. Pizza hut, for instance, reached out to its target audience of women making dinner choices by using radio during 4 to 5 pm time slot. Radio offers advertisers flexibility. Of all media, radio has the shortest closing period. Copy can be submitted up to airtime. This flexibility allows advertisers to adjust to local market conditions, current news events, and even weather. For example, a local hardware store can quickly implement a snow shovel promotion the morning after a snowstorm. Radio's flexibility is also evident in its willingness to participate in promotional tie-ins such as store openings races, and so on. Radio may be the least expensive of all media. And because airtime costs are low, extensive repetition is possible. In addition, the costs of producing a radio commercial can be low, particularly if local station announcers read the message. Radio's low cost and high reach of selected target groups make it an excellent supporting medium. In fact, the most appropriate role for most radio advertising in a supportive one. Leave a comment Report 00

Advantages * A universal medium. Can be enjoyed at home, at work, and while driving. Most people listen to the radio at one time or another during the day. * Permits you to target your advertising dollars to the market most likely to respond to your offer. * Permits you to create a personality for your business using only sounds and voices. * Free creative help is usually available. * Rates can generally be negotiated. * Least inflated medium. During the past ten years, radio rates have gone up less than other media. Disadvantages * Because radio listeners are spread over many stations, to totally saturate your

market you have to advertise simultaneously on many stations. * Listeners cannot refer back to your ads to go over important points. * Ads are an interruption to the entertainment. Because of this, radio ads must be repeated to break through the listener's "tune out" factor. * Radio is a background medium. Most listeners are doing something else while listening, which means your ad has to work hard to be listened to and understood. * Advertising costs are based on ratings which are approximations based on diaries kept in a relatively small fraction of a region's homes. * Not as fast as using a phone; could take a little bit * The line could get fuzzy, or not clear

dis Basically in any educational communication, for making it more persuasive and effective visual aids are very important. In the case of radio, if an educational program is broadcast then the people who do not have good listening skills cannot understand it. There are a lot of people who want visual aids like whiteboards, multimedia presentations or hard copies to better understand the discussion. Lack of visual aids is the major disadvantage of radio in educational communication. Moreover, body language also plays a very significant role in understanding the point of view of the other person and it is not viewable in radio communication. Another thing which is very important in educational communication is to get feedback and analyze the interest of audience which is also not possible in radio. The speaker just continue the discussion regardless, anyone has missed a point or not. Therefore, radio is having a lot of disadvantages for any educational communication. Fgfhgfhgfghdfgfgdfgfdgfdgfdgdfgdfgdfgdfffgdfgdfgdfgfdgfgfdgdfgfdgdfgd

"Great Radio Controversy" redirects here. For the album by the band Tesla, see The Great Radio Controversy Invention of radio Also known as Great radio controversy Participants Bose, Fessenden, Henry, Hertz, Hughes, Lodge, Loomis, Marconi, Maxwell, Popov, Tesla Result Disputes persisted as to who could claim credit for the invention of radio. In America, Tesla was declared the inventor of radio and, in England, Marconi was declared the inventor. This box: view • talk Within the history of radio, several people were involved in the invention of

radio and there were many key inventions in what became the modern systems of wireless.[1] Radio development began as "wireless telegraphy".[1] Closely related, radio was developed along with two other key inventions, the telegraph and the telephone.[1] During the early development of wireless technology and long after its wide use, disputes persisted as to who could claim credit for the invention of radio. The matter was important for economic, political and nationalistic reasons. Contents [hide]


In summer 1895, Marconi sent signals 1.5 km.[61]

In 1896, applied for British patent protection for a radio system. In 1900, he was granted British patent No. 12,039. Transmission over 6 km in March and May 1897.[62] Transatlantic transmission on 12 December 1901.[63] Tansmission over 3,378 km in February 1902.[64] Transatlantic message on 17 December 1902.[65] In 1897 Marconi founded "Wireless Telegraph and Signal Company"[66] and exploited the "Marconi System"[67][68][69][70] of radio commercially. He shared the 1909 Nobel Prize in Physics with Karl Ferdinand Braun, "in recognition of their contributions to the development of wireless telegraphy".[71] His 1901 transatlantic transmission is disputed.[34] Many of Marconi's system components were developed by others.[72] Oliver Lodge claimed British patent of 1900 to contain his own ideas which he failed to patent. 1895

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