Adastrarpg Cybernetics

  • August 2019
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Arms (manipulatory appendage): Cyber-Replacement-Arm: Yields no bonus, but equals perfectly effectiveness of lost limb. COST: 2,000cr.

Augmented Cyber-Arm(See full notes below for all effects): Increase effective Strength up to Factor 10, in terms of combat Skill Maximums utilizing replaced limb, up to and above Racial Stat Maximum. (ie., if the user is a Humon with a Strength of 3 naturally, then they can Augment up to their strength up to 10, in terms of how many dice they can roll for Strength-based skills. So if said character had a Martial Arts Attack of 6 (which is still the highest they can learn it with a natural Strength of 3) and had Augmented Cyber-Arms at factor 10, instead of being limited to rolling 3 Dice they can roll 6! If, however, a Humon with a natural Strength of 5 had Augmented Cyber-Arms at factor 10 and Martial Arts Attack of 10, they could roll their full 10 dice! Note: Any higher Augmentation beyond factor 10 is wasted.) Effects on Encumbrance: none unless Augmented Cyber-Arms are utililized in conjunction with a Augmented Cyber-Support System. Effects of Singular Limb Raplacement: in instances wherein a Limb Raplacement recipient has only replaced 1 of their limbs normally used in combat, the resulting imbalance of using both an Augmented and non-Augmented normal limb yields opponents a bonus of +2 to their Dodge, Parry or Repost. COST: 2,000cr base cost plus 5,000cr per Factor that their effective Strength is raised. (ie., raising one's Strength by Factor 3 from a natural 3 to a 6 would cost 17,000cr, since it cost the Base of 2,000cr plus 15,000cr for raising Strength by Factor 3)

Cyber-Replacement-Hand: Yields no bonus, but equals perfectly effectiveness of lost hand. COST: 800cr.

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Cyber-Weapon-Arm: Electric Arc Generator: Attacks as a Factor 3 Energy Weapon. Fires for up to 10 turns, either split between opponents/attacks, or the arc can remain on a chosen opponent, with the user not needing to reroll a hit after the first success. (Nor can the opponent dodge after the initial hit, as the arc follows them!) COST: 10,000cr. plus 1,000cr per turn of fire after the first (ie., 12,000cr would buy a Generator that could fire for 2 turns before needing to recharge.) to a maximum of 10 turns.

Legs (Ambulatory appendage): Cyber-Replacement-Leg: Yields no bonus, but equals perfectly effectiveness of lost limb. COST: 2,000cr.

Augmented Cyber-Leg(See full notes below for all effects): Increase effective Strength up to Factor 10, in terms of combat Skill Maximums utilizing replaced limb, up to and above Racial Stat Maximum. (ie., if the user is a Humon with a Strength of 3 naturally, then they can Augment up to their strength up to 10, in terms of how many dice they can roll for Strength-based skills. So if said character had a Martial Arts Attack of 6 (which is still the highest they can learn it with a natural Strength of 3) and had Augmented Cyber-Legs at factor 10, instead of being limited to rolling 3 Dice they can roll 6! If, however, a Humon with a natural Strength of 5 had Augmented Cyber-Legs at factor 10 and Martial Arts Attack of 10, they could roll their full 10 dice! Note: Any higher Augmentation beyond factor 10 is wasted.) Effects on Movement Rate: So long as ALL ambulatory limbs have been replaced with Augmented Cyber-Legs, their Factor increases effective Agility in regards to Movement rate as well. Effects of Singular Limb Raplacement: in instances wherein a Limb Raplacement recipient has only replaced 1 of their limbs normally used in combat, the resulting imbalance of using both an Augmented and non-Augmented normal limb yields opponents a bonus of +2 to their Dodge, Parry or Repost. COST: 2,000cr base cost plus 5,000cr per Factor that their effective Strength is raised. (ie., raising one's Strength by Factor 3 from a natural 3 to a 6 would cost 17,000cr, since it cost the Base of 2,000cr plus 15,000cr for raising Strength by Factor 3)

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Eyes (Visual Receptors): Cyber-Replacement-Eye: Yields no bonus, but equals perfectly effectiveness of lost organ. COST: 1,000cr per replacement eye

Augmented Cyber-Eye: Increases Perception Score in regards to Visual useage. COST: 1,000cr + 1,000cr per Rank above normal Perception, to a maximum of 8.

Thermal Vision Option: can replace regular Cyber Replacement-Eye, or be added in addition to an Augmented Cyber-Eye. Yields the ability to view heat sources and their respective temperatures, and allows seeing in complete darkness. COST: 1,000cr + 1,000cr per Rank above normal Perception, to a maximum of 8.

Cyber-Weapon-Eye Laser Projector: Attacks as a Factor 3 Energy Weapon. Fires up to 10 shots. COST: 10,000cr. plus 1,000cr per shot after the first (ie., 12,000cr would buy a Projector that could fire 2 shots before needing to recharge.) to a maximum of 10 shots.

Ears (Auditory Receptors): Cyber-Replacement-Ear: Yields no bonus, but equals perfectly effectiveness of lost organ. COST: 1,000cr.

Augmented Cyber-Ear: Increases Perception Score in regards to Auditory useage. COST: 1,000cr + 1,000cr per Rank above normal Perception, to a maximum of 8.

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Ad Astra: The New Age RPG and All Materials Herein Copyright 2001 Paul DuBois & Lemming Graphics

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