Adastrarpg A Grav

  • August 2019
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  • Words: 226
  • Pages: 3
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Central to the lives of many races and groups of Humons are Anti-Gravity Technologies. Whether it be the Raos who use Grav Harnesses to fascilitate their flying, Zir traders using Grav Belts to deal with taller races, or most members of the Troian military using Icharus Units to patrol their skies, millions of beings use Anti-Gravity Technologies in their daily lives. Utilizing Cavorite-generated Anti-Gravitational fields, Anti-Gravity Technologies make their user's more mobile, harder to target, and increase the effective carrying capacity of their wearer by decreasing the effective weight of items carried.

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Icharus Units Weight: 70 lbs.

Tech Level: 12 Cost: 1,200 Credits Dodge Bonus: Encumberance: 10,000 Max Speed: 300 mph +2 lbs. Designed originally from standard Cavorite-based Grav Belts, Icharus Units were developed by the Troian Military, and utilize armored "Wings" to steer flight, with thrust being provided by micro-turbines integrated into the wing frame.

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Grav Belts Weight: 8 lbs. Max Speed: 50 mph

Tech Level: 12 Cost: 500 Credits Dodge Bonus: Encumberance: 5,000 +1 lbs.

The original standard, Cavorite-based Grav Belts are the most commonly used devices among Anti-Gravity Technologies.

Ad Astra: The New Age RPG and All Materials Herein Copyright 2001 Paul DuBois & Lemming Graphics

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