Adastrarpg Hrim Stats

  • August 2019
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  • Words: 390
  • Pages: 3
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HRim in Starship Combat Note: Stats presented here are to represent the effectiveness of a HRim in combat with a starship. Since HRim are Tech Level 28 artificially created life-forms, they do not otherwise conform to the limits and rules conventions of Starship Construction.

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Tonnage: Length: 700 to 1200 1000 meters Maneuver: 7 Offense: 8 Command: Power: 11 2

Lifespan: Immortal? Defense: 7 Life: 7

Skill Pool Bonuses: HRim can get up to 3 Re-Rolls in Offense, Maneuver and Power Systems. Trans-Light Wave Speed: 5 Parsecs per day per Maneuver Success. Space/Time Senses: In-System(Deep Scan), 1 Parsec(Basic) Gravitic Manipulation: HRim innately can generate gravity fields, using them like both tractor beams and weapons. (All Offense System results represent crushing damage inflicted on an opposing vessel.) Tractor Beam Capacity: 500,000 Tons (see Starships for full rules on using Tractor Beams.) Psionics: HRim are not per se Psionic, but have "hard-wired" telepathic projectors used to communicate with non-HRim. (range is limited to within a solar system.) HRim save versus Psionics as an Iron Will Skill of 9. file:///Brain/Desktop%20Folder/PostCampWorx/hrim-stats.html (2 of 3) [9/15/2001 5:19:32 PM]

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Ramming: HRim can build up a cumulative number of Defense System dice for every turn of Combat that it withholds using it's standard Defense System. (To a maximum number of turns equal to it's Defense.) The HRim inflicts damage equal to it's Maneuver System die Successes, and inflicts upon itself equal damage. However, this damage is reduced by the accumulated built up Defense System dice. StarDive Capability: Maneuver Successes can be applied to attempts to safely enter a star. (either for purposes of evasion, or feeding.) Only 1 Maneuver System Die needs a Success result for safely entering a star. In the event of NO Successes, however, the HRim 1 System die per turn it remains in the sun. Nadir Pocket Access: though a HRim cannot utilize Nadir capabilities, their gravitic manipulations allow them to pull ships submerged within a Nadir Time/Space Pocket back into normal space. The HRim needs to roll more Maneuver Successes than the vessel that created the Nadir Pocket. Note that HRim cannot access vessels that have drawn themselves out of touch with normal Space/Time, since for the HRim no time would have elapsed.

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