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Welcome to the REVISED home for

The New Age Role-Playing Game

updated 12-10-00

If You've Read The Details Below And Are New to the Game But Wish to first Play-Test the (1 of 4) [1/9/2001 12:39:40 PM]


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Click Here For The Rules (Now expanded!) AD ASTRA: The New Age has waited a long time to be seen by the public. Up until now it has remained available only to my friends and I, with the eventual goal being conventional publication. Attempts were made with the folks at M and B Games to do this. Unfortunately, the nature of AD ASTRA: The New Age made conventional publication impractical; AD ASTRA has always been very fluid in nature, both in it's rule system, and it's constantly evolving campaign universe. This, added with the unfortunate closing of M and B Games has made us return to AD ASTRA: The New Age RPG utilizing an alternate means of publication. We have decided to again try the route of ShareWare.

This means the following: (2 of 4) [1/9/2001 12:39:40 PM]

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AD ASTRA: The New Age RPG Basic Rules will be freely available via this website for PERSONAL USE ONLY. We are in no way relinquishing the rights to it, nor is any part of it becoming Public Domain. Instead, we are merely asking that anyone who uses AD ASTRA: The New Age RPG and enjoys it send in a Twenty Dollar ShareWare fee as compensation for our efforts in both creating and sharing our RPG. In recognition of those who send in the ShareWare fee, we will mail them a CD Rom with the full Rules for the AD ASTRA: The New Age RPG, as well as vast amounts of supplementary GM Secrets, Adventures, GM-Restricted Equipment, as well as 3 more Beta-Test RPGs.


FOR FULL REGISTRATION INFORMATION (3 of 4) [1/9/2001 12:39:40 PM]

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Visit My Mac Related Web Project

MAC-O-PHAGE AD ASTRA: The New Age is copyright 1988 thru 2000 by

Paul DuBois and Lemming Graphics (4 of 4) [1/9/2001 12:39:40 PM]


Thanks to all those who Registered for their copy

PLUS (1 of 4) [1/9/2001 12:39:42 PM]


The Shareware Rules are EXPANDED! Aliens & Tribes are all listed!


A Shared Community of Gaming Resources!

PLUS Introducing (2 of 4) [1/9/2001 12:39:42 PM]


The Ad Astra: The New Age Players Network AND

The Ad Astra: The New Age GMs' Group (click above to visit)

PLUS Ad Astra: The New Age (3 of 4) [1/9/2001 12:39:42 PM]


Page (click above to visit)


Your Online Source for In-Game & Out-of-Game News (4 of 4) [1/9/2001 12:39:42 PM]

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AD ASTRA: The New Age RPG Basic Rules is freely available via this website for PERSONAL


Again, we are in no way relinquishing the rights to it, nor is any part of it becoming Public Domain. Anyone who uses AD ASTRA: The New Age RPG and uses it with any regularity must send in a Twenty Dollar ShareWare fee. Those who send in this ShareWare fee will receive a CD Rom with the full Rules for the AD ASTRA: The New Age RPG, as well as vast amounts of supplementary GM Secrets, Adventures, GM-Restricted Equipment, 3 fully-playable Beta-Test RPGs, and awealth of other surprises which are

otherwise unavailable!

The Beta-Test Games are: Pantheons: The Living Divinity (1 of 3) [1/9/2001 12:39:42 PM]

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Secret Identities: The Superhero RPG ShadowPaths: Investigations into the Supernatural

Mailing Adress: send


(understanding that checks will delay your order till it clears)

for your SHAREWARE FEE to:

The Hole Bookstore 223 North Main St. Newport, NH

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to contact the author:

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Table of Contents for




COMBAT SECTION (1 of 2) [1/9/2001 12:39:43 PM]

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Source Material for the AD

ASTRA: The New Age RPG

THE CYCLOPEDIA GALACTICA (1 of 2) [1/9/2001 12:39:43 PM]

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REGISTRATION INFORMATION (2 of 2) [1/9/2001 12:39:43 PM]

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The Humon Tribes reverted to their ancient ancestries as part of a renaissance movement initiated by the Emperor. This was done to repair the damages done to culture, and the humon spirit by the Age of Faithlessness. As with the first Renaissance in Europe, wherein the culture of the ancient Greeks and Romans were revived to restore civilization after the Dark Ages, the various cultures of the Empire went to their respective ancestries to regain their identity. (with some allowances made for the liberties taken with recorded history by scholars in the intervening millenia.) (1 of 13) [1/9/2001 12:39:46 PM]

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A Woman of the Zioux-Azrax Tribe Shown Here

TRIBES Albion Tribal Mutation: From the Genesis Wars, most of the Albion gained the following physical traits; smooth alabaster skin, pale tinted eyes, and thick shock-white hair. Olde Earth Ethnicity: Much of the Albion population traces it's ancestry to the European peoples; English, French, Italian, Scottish, Irish, etc. Star Nation: The Avalon Worlds. Allegiance: The Terran Empire of Humonity.(also known simply as "The Empire") Main Allies: The Imperial Nations of The Cynosure, The Zioux Nation and occasionally The Web; The K'Mhrr Nation of The WarVista. Ruling House: Plantagenet. Arch Enemy: The Briiol Nation of The Union. Notes: Their culture being derived from their English heritage, the Albion are a proud, if overly "cultured" people.The Albion have developed a strong alliance with the K'Mhrr, whom they'd warred with extensively in the past. From this conflict developed a strong respect, which has earned the K'Mhrr the nickname "Dragons" among the Albion.(And conversely the Albion being 'Georges' to the K'Mhrr, once the history of the Humon reference was explained to them...)

Coriolaen Tribal Mutation: From the Genesis Wars, most of the Coriolaen gained the following physical traits; elongated bones, giving a slender, spindly appearance to their race, and due to fallout from biomorphic weapons in the Genesis Wars, the majority of the Coriolaen possess disfiguring mutations, ranging from cancerous growths, lesions, and other unsettling blemishes. (thus leading to their tradition of wearing masks whenever in public, whether the individual is disfigured or not.) (2 of 13) [1/9/2001 12:39:46 PM]

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Olde Earth Ethnicity: Much of the Coriolaen population traces it's ancestry to the Greco-Romance peoples of Olde Earth; Italian, Spanish, Greek, Portugese, etc. Star Nation: The Coriolaen Tribal Nation of The Centennial Worlds. Allegiance: The Centennial Worlds. Main Allies: On occasion the Mongol Tribal Nation of The Dominion, members of the Numa race who were Life-Mated to Coriolaen, and it is rumoured that they have an alliance with the Briiol nation of The Union. (see Briiol religion.) As well, members of the Coriolaen have come into possession of certain Galataean artifacts. Ruling House: Aegis. Arch Enemy: Most of Known Space; The Empire, all non-humon Star Nations (save The Union) but most prominently the Sylum nation of The Protectorate. Notes: The Centennial Worlds are named from their nearly century-long war against The Empire when they seceded from it. Their culture is almost completely based upon their principles of Human Supremacy (They are the only tribe that retains the Olde Earth spelling, as they seek to keep out all elements of alien culture.) stemming from the policy of 'Pax Humana', wherein all non-human races are enslaved or killed.

Eloi Gnosistine Tribal Mutation: From the Genesis Wars, most of the Eloi Gnosistine gained the physical trait of being 'Aesthetically Perfected'; all physical disfigurements, and 'aesthetically unappealing' physical traits were removed from their gene pool. Thus, all Eloi Gnosistine are physically attractive. Olde Earth Ethnicity: The Eloi Gnosistine population traces it's ancestry to a completely heterogeneous mixture of nearly all Olde Earth blood-lines. This is due to their Tribe having arisen from those who followed the religious movement of the Eloi Gnosistine faith, as opposed to other Tribes coming together by way of common ancestry. Star Nation: The Web. Allegiance: The Terran Empire of Humonity.(also known simply as "The Empire") Main Allies: Occasionally The Imperial Nations of The Avalon Worlds, and The Ultima Thule; The Briiol Nation of The Union. Ruling House: Eden. Arch Enemy: The Morloch Gnosistine.(Albeit more of a cold animosity is shared between them than (3 of 13) [1/9/2001 12:39:46 PM]

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ever any direct confrontation.) Notes: The Web is a center of commerce -specializing in recreation, luxury goods, imported Briiol biotech, and though it's not openly talked about, illegal contraband and activities. Eloi Gnosistine is an offshoot of the parent faith of Gnosistinism, which evolved into a faith which worships the spirit of The Emperor Lear, and the current reigning GodEmpress Khoresis. A schism occurred early on which split it's followers between the Morloch sect, who believe that "sin" is to be dealt with here on the mortal plane (and thus one must be made accountable here and now), and the Eloi sect, who believe that one makes ammends in the afterlife but one can make ammends in the here and now through prayer (and thus, so long as you pray afterward, any action is permissible in their belief system.).(A further division has occurred wherein the Morlochs ascribe greater signifigance on the Emperor, and the Eloi ascribe greater signifigance on the Empress.Which of couse has resulted in the Web receiving even greater favor with the Empress than before!) Things got especially interesting when the Eloi Gnosistine church declared that it need not even be the "sinner" who prays for absolution;an entire new branch of the church was born, comprised of the Glory Girls and Glory Boys.These followers were trained to be professional counselors/ spiritual mediators, who would, for the right price, say all the needed prayers to get you forgiven for your confessed transgression.With this, the morality of the Web came to be written that any action was permissible so long as you had the credits to pay for it after.

Goth Tribal Mutation: From the Genesis Wars, most of the Goth gained the following physical traits; a big boned, heavy browed form, with coarse thick hair, especially on their pronounced eyebrows. Goth tend not, however, to have body or facial hair. Olde Earth Ethnicity: Much of the Goth population traces it's ancestry to the Slavic & Germanic peoples; German, Swedish, Dutch, Czech, etc. Star Nation: The Ultima Thule. Allegiance: The Terran Empire of Humonity.(also known simply as "The Empire") Main Allies: Occasionally The Imperial Nation of The Web; The race of The sKeKs. Ruling House: Caliban. Arch Enemy: The race of the Zir. Notes: as a people, the Goth know two drastically different ways of life; they began as an agrarian people, accustomed to long winters and living in tune with nature. From this, they adapted to living in burrow-lodges dug into hillsides(to keep them warm in winter.) and developed a love of games and merriment in their off-hours/winter-seclusions. To this came a dramatic shift when the Ultima Thule, unable to compete with the harvests of The Avalon Worlds, expanded into mining and ore processing. To keep the rolling hills of their worlds primal, it was decided to mine only in the moons and asteroid belts of the Ultima Thule. All such moons and asteroids became twisting mazes of tunnels, with nuclear (4 of 13) [1/9/2001 12:39:46 PM]

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furnaces and rock dust making their artificial environments rank and unhealthy. It was into this environment that 75% of the Goth population found themselves. Unable to survive on their crops, most Goth still 'commute' (three days on, four days off.) to the mines. Goth draw a clear division between their lives in and out of the mines; at home, they will play that much harder to steel themselves to the misery of their work, while at work even the kindest of them will kill a neighbor in the harsh competetion of the Work Crews. Those not working directly in the mines are traders, selling the wares and produce of the Ultima Thule. Openings in the field of Trade are rare and highly prized, as most contracts and deals are given to the Zir, who's contacts are vastly superior. (in a way, the Zir are blamed by Goth for cutting off this avenue of escaping the mines.That, and the jealousies of Goth Traders has made the Zir race greatly despised in the Ultima Thule. They need to trade with them, but 'Zir' has nonetheless become a profanity among the Goth.) The race with which they've made their closest ties is the sKeKs, many of whom work alongside Goth in the mines, as sKeKs thrive in radiation and squalor. (As well, the less scrupulous Goth Traders have developed highly profitable ties to the sKeKs crimelords and their blackmarkets...) Note that sKeKs are never found on Thulian worlds, as they are usually too cold.

Macabee Tribal Mutation: From the Genesis Wars, most of the Macabee gained the following physical traits; loss of the 'ring-finger' of each hand (which their theologians claim was an offering to God.), and curled shock-white side-burns. Olde Earth Ethnicity: Much of the Macabee population traces it's ancestry to the Semitic peoples of Olde Earth; Israelis, Iranians, Iraqi's, etc. Star Nation: The Cynosure. Allegiance: The Terran Empire of Humonity.(also known simply as "The Empire") Main Allies: The Imperial Nations of The Avalon Worlds, The Shining Path, Hy Braisille, and occasionally The Coriolaen Tribal Nation of The Centennial Worlds (strictly in the hopes of establishing peace.); The Y'Qwyth Nation of The Pan-Galactic Concordance. Ruling House: Babel. Arch Enemy: The PiN. The Macabee people have developed a spiritual belief that they are the people destined to end the PiN's threat to Known Space. At first, many of the Elder Races took offense at this perceived arrogance. However, high priests of the Chirrok were soon silenced in their objections by thus-far unrevealed communications from their dieties, The Green. (5 of 13) [1/9/2001 12:39:46 PM]

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Notes: the Macabee people, though united by a common religion, are not dour and forever serious (as many characterize the zealous Morloch-Gnosistine...) but instead are quite gregarious and welcoming towards other peoples and species, seeing themselves as the 'goodwill ambassadors' to the humon race. The only area of their lives in which they are reclusive and private is that of their spirituality; for centuries now the Macabee have forbidden gentiles (those not of the Jewish faith) to view their religious practices. This is believed to have evolved out of past transgressions against their people by gentiles.

Maiia Tribal Mutation: From the Genesis Wars, most of the Maiia gained the following physical traits; a complete lack of body hair, and slight enlarged, pupiless iridescent eyes, tending towards shades of light blue to green. Olde Earth Ethnicity: Much of the Maiia population traces it's ancestry to the peoples of India. Allegiance: The Maiian Tribal Nation of The Veil. Main Allies: Occasionally the race of the Chirrok. (so long as it is not construed as a religious conversion to the Chirrok faith of The Harmonic Enlightenment.) Ruling House: Rama. Star Nation: The Veil. Arch Enemy: The Maiian people are very reclusive, and tend to have little contact with outsiders of the Veil. Thus, they have no enemies, per se. They are however in league with the effort by the rest of Known Space to thwart the manipulations of The PiN. Notes: An austere and insightful people, the Maiia have for the most part broken from the caste system of early India, and replaced to it with a belief in the elevation of one's mind beyond the physical world. Their belief is that the only Untouchables are those 'shackled to the material world'; those unwilling or able to expand their consciousness and develop the psionic potential they believe is latent in all sentient races. To them this belief thus justifies their treatment of such Untouchables; such beings have chosen their lot and the Maiia cannot be held responsible. Though no outright hostility or inhumanity is shown Untouchables, they are nonetheless limited in Maiian society as to how high they can aspire, and there are laws restricting 'mixed marriages' between Untouchables and those enlightened by psionics. As well, visitors to the Veil who are classifiable as Untouchables are treated, though not disdainfully, 'awkwardly'; as Maiians view the material world unclean, they will avoid physical contact with such visitors as much as possible. In their cities and homes, this disdain for the material world has all buildings immaculately clean to the point of sterility. Their furnishings are as well best described as spartan, with decorations being more various Id Box art pieces than physical ones. In their work places and general technology as well, machines are replaced as often as possible with Psi-trained staff; a Maiian hospital's operating room contains nothing more than a very comfortable bed, soft lighting and a (6 of 13) [1/9/2001 12:39:46 PM]

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computer console for the attending physician to record the procedures done psionically.

Masaii Tribal Mutation: From the Genesis Wars, most of the Masaii gained the following physical traits; black-pigmented circles around the eyes, and on the lips, giving their face the vague appearance of a skull. Olde Earth Ethnicity: Much of the Masaii population traces it's ancestry to the African peoples; Star Nation: IFE. Allegiance: The Terran Empire of Humonity.(also known simply as "The Empire") Main Allies: The Imperial Nations of The Shield Worlds, The Zioux Nation and The Shining Path; The Jingo Nation of The Stolen Worlds. Ruling House: Ashanti. Arch Enemy: though no open hostility is shown between them, contact between Masaii and the Lithistrata tends to be tense and awkward. This is due partly to religious differences in regards to treatment of the dead -see Lithistrata and Masaii Life Gardens. However, this situation is not helped by the close relations between IFE and the Jingo Stolen Worlds, arch enemies of the Lithistratan Consortium. Notes: Masaii culture is firmly based upon a reverence for nature, and living in symbiosis with it. (with many correlaries to the beliefs of the Zioux-Azrax tribe) One of the most vivid examples of this is their relationship to the Oliphant; the nomadic Masaii people first encountered these immense creatures colonizing their first world of IFE, Obatala. The Masaii came to the realization that the most habitable location on Obatala was living on the backs of the Oliphant. This has become the customary home for the Masaii people, who when colonizing other worlds, have taken to, whenever possible, transplanting larval Oliphant to their colonies so as to continue their shared existence.

Mongol Tribal Mutation: From the Genesis Wars, most of the Mongols gained the following physical traits; blue-black tinted lips and eyelids, and no body hair save for a thin strip across the top of their scalp. (which most trim into various styles of mohawks, or braid.) Ruling House: Khan. Arch Enemy: The Lithistratan Nation of The Consortium. (7 of 13) [1/9/2001 12:39:46 PM]

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Olde Earth Ethnicity: Much of the Mongol population traces it's ancestry to the Eurasian and Middle Eastern peoples of Olde Earth; Mongolian, Turkish, Russian, Korean, etc. Star Nation: The Mongol Tribal Nation of The Dominion. Allegiance: The Dominion Main Allies: The Dominion is quite sporadic with it's alliances, but time to time counts the Jingo nation of the Stolen Worlds, and occasionally the Coriolaen Tribal Nation of The Centennial Worlds. (exclusively in wars against the Lithistrata or other non-humon nations.) Notes: The Peoples of the Dominion(Known collectively as The Mongols(Mongol Horde) are actually made up of various sub cultures derived from northwest Asian/Siberian native cultures. Within the Dominion, there are various worlds which have been allowed to become(and remain) backward and savage. It is from these worlds that the Kha Khan and his Generals (his sons) choose the vast numbers of those who will join the army of The Dominion-"The Mongol Horde". The Dominion differs in culture from other Humon star nations in that religion is wholely suppressed; The State is everything, with the only road to power being within the military. (The Order of the Mysteries is a secret and criminal one.) The vast majority of the population is split between peasant farmers, soldiers-for-life, and entertainers/artisans/prostitutes for the Pleasure Domes. (which are solely available to those in the military....)

Morloch Gnosistine Tribal Mutation: Given that for religious reasons they never participated in the Genesis Wars, the Morloch Gnosistine were left untouched by mutation. If any of their peoples possess mutations now it is purely the result of past generations intermarrying with those of the other Tribes. Olde Earth Ethnicity: The Morloch Gnosistine population traces it's ancestry to a completely heterogeneous mixture of nearly all Olde Earth blood-lines. This is due to their Tribe having arisen from those who followed the religious movement of the Morloch Gnosistine faith, as opposed to other Tribes coming together by way of common ancestry. Star Nation: Hy Braisille. Allegiance: The Terran Empire of Humonity.(also known simply as "The Empire") Main Allies: The Imperial Nations of The Cynosure, IFE and occasionally The Maiian Tribal Nation of The Veil; The Momes. Ruling House: Byzant. Arch Enemy: The Galataea. As well, The Eloi Gnosistine.(Albeit more of a cold animosity is shared (8 of 13) [1/9/2001 12:39:46 PM]

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between them than ever any direct confrontation.) Historic Note: It must be first pointed out that there are comparatively few surviving Morloch Gnosistine, billions having been killed in the Primordial Rift Wars, when the Galataean Matrix sent warships to remove the source of The Non of the Culture Alphans. (see respective entries and Supplements forthcoming regarding Galataea, Culture Alphans and The Non.) Sadly, in the war between the Galataea and the Culture Alphans, Hy Braisille was in the middle, and was nearly destroyed. In the centuries since that war, the surviving Morloch-Gnosistine have struggled to rebuild their nation. Despite their efforts, several worlds within their nation remain uninhabitable. Notes: Morloch Gnosistine is an offshoot of the parent faith of Gnosistinism, which evolved into a faith which worships the spirit of The Emperor Lear, and the current reigning GodEmpress Khoresis. A schism occurred early on which split it's followers between the Morloch sect, who believe that "sin" is to be dealt with here on the mortal plane (and thus one must be made accountable here and now), and the Eloi sect, who believe that one makes ammends in the afterlife but one can make ammends in the here and now through prayer (and thus, so long as you pray afterward, any action is permissible in their belief system.).(A further division has occurred wherein the Morlochs ascribe greater signifigance on the Emperor, and the Eloi ascribe greater signifigance on the Empress.)

Phoenician Tribal Mutation: From the Genesis Wars, most of the Phoenicians only gained the physical trait of a complete lack of body hair. (which they cover with various forms of cosmetic and biomorphic covering when on espionage assignments.) Olde Earth Ethnicity: Much of the Phoenician population traces it's ancestry to the peoples of ancient Phoenicia, but they have over the millenia increased their ranks with Semitic and African peoples; Egyptian, Iranian, etc. Allegiance: The Phoenician Tribal Nation of The Phoenix. Main Allies: Due to a need for maintaining neutrality, the Phoenicians establish no loyalty to any other nation, lest they lose customers. (their information is available to ANYONE that offers the highest bid.) Ruling House: Zhihar-.Rhizad. Star Nation: The Phoenix. Arch Enemy: The Phoenician people are very reclusive, and tend to have little contact with outsiders of the Phoenix, aside from business dealings. Thus, they have no enemies, per se. They are however in league with the effort by the rest of Known Space to thwart the manipulations of The PiN. Notes: Their's is the largest, most far reaching spy network ever known.All of the Phoenician people are at some level spies, but it is the nobility who have perfected well it is their culture that only the nobility can sell information outside of The Phoenix.Their history in regards to galactic society is far (9 of 13) [1/9/2001 12:39:46 PM]

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older than that of the other houses, as they were establishing their empire and spy network well before The Grand Exodus from Earth.House Zhihar-Rhizad and 10, 000 of their retinue left Earth directly in the wake of the Atlanteans leaving Earth, on orders that they should do surveillance of what the Nazgar and Atlanteans were doing.While out among the stars, the Phoenicians were given sanctuary by the Pan-Galactic Concordance, who were at that time warring with the Nazgar.While living in the P.G.C., the Phoenicians began to use their talents on behalf of their hosts, and it was herein that they began to establish their network and profession.In the meantime, the Nazgar were beginning to discover the extent of damage that the Phoenicians spies were having on their military campaigns, first with the Pan-Galactic Concordance, and then later with the Empire which had by this time ventured into space.In retaliation, the Nazgar set up a pogrom to wipe out the Phoenicians-not just their spy ring, but the entire race! it was in answer to this that the Phoenician people took to the custom of never living in the open, and secluded themselves in hidden caverns and lairs.(which is a custom they have retained to this day.) At the conclusion of the war, after the executions of both the Nazgar, and the Atlanteans, the surviving Phoenicians were rewarded by both a grateful Empire, and an equally grateful Pan-Galactic Concordance.From the P.G.C., they received worlds with which to colonize, and though they declined to join the Empire, the Emperor let them retain the artifact of House Zhihar-Rhizad. To symbolize their surviving near defeat from the Nazgar pogrom, and their aspirations to forge a mighty star nation from the ashes, they decided to christen their body of worlds The Phoenix. As a people, all Phoenicians are mysterious, elusive and stoic. However, in social settings they are quite charming, albeit guarded with their true feelings. They are a nomadic people, living in clans which move about secretively, with hidden lairs in the deep deserts. They have cities which are more akin to ports for the people to visit, trade, do political business, reunite with friends, etc., but few actually live there. Their real homes are hidden-entranced caves, or trap-door-spider type dwellings beneath the sands of ther desert planets. Another cultural aspect of the Phoenicians is their use of eye makeup (save during covert operations). Worn by both genders, it is similar to that worn by the nobility of ancient Egypt, (neighbor and cultural sister to the ancient people from whom the modern day Phoenicians are descended) with the common people wearing simplistic eye liner, and the nobility wearing patterns progressively more elaborate. Their attire is one for skulking, in flowing cloaks and broad hats, about their craggy desert planets, whose mesas and ravines create winding labyrinths.

Shaolin Tribal Mutation: From the Genesis Wars, most of the Shaolin gained the following physical traits; all body hair and eye pigments changed to non-standard colors, such as various shades of green, purple and blue. Olde Earth Ethnicity: Much of the Shaolin population traces it's ancestry to the Asian peoples of Olde Earth; Chinese, Japanese, Taiwanese, etc. (10 of 13) [1/9/2001 12:39:46 PM]

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Star Nation: The Shining Path. Allegiance: The Terran Empire of Humonity. (also known simply as "The Empire") Main Allies: The Imperial Nations of The Zioux Nation, IFE and occasionally The Mongol Tribal Nation of The Dominion; The Hel. Ruling House: Sun-Tzu. Arch Enemy: The Zaed. This is due in large part to their Nation's proximity to the Zaed Infestation, but as well to a cultural need for a spiritually-dictated 'racial enemy'. This has helped greatly to further unify the Shaolin people, and give them as a whole a focus seldom seen among Humons. It has however given a militaristic slant to almost every aspect of their culture.

Notes: whether due to some undisclosed exchange of technologies between their nation and The Hel, or merely intensive research by their industrial/military complex fueled by their war against the Zaed, The Shining Path tends to be far more advanced technologically than most of the other nations of the Empire.

Troian Tribal Mutation: From the Genesis Wars, most of the Troians gained the following physical traits; all body hair, skin and eye pigments gained metallic properties; such as hair being varios shades of gold, and silver, and skin and eyes being copper, platinum and bronze in color. Olde Earth Ethnicity: Much of the Troian population traces it's ancestry to the Greco-Romance peoples of Olde Earth; Italian, Spanish, Greek, Portugese, etc. Star Nation: The Shield Worlds. Allegiance: The Terran Empire of Humonity.(also known simply as "The Empire") Main Allies: The Imperial Nations of The Zioux Nation, IFE and The Shining Path; The Sylum Nation of The Protectorate. Ruling House: Sparta. Arch Enemy: The Coriolaen Tribal Nation of The Centennial Worlds. (11 of 13) [1/9/2001 12:39:46 PM]

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Notes: The Shield Worlds are older than the Centennial worlds, as it was the original holding of the Coriolaen before their exodus from The Empire. Sparta had been an order of empowered slave warriors of Aegis, who rebelled after the Coriolaen exodus and for their service to the Empire were made a royal house, being named after the ex slave Spartacus."Troia" was also a Coriolaen term of unknown origin meaning warrior, but now refers to an ancient people wiped out by the Greeks, with whom the modern Troians identify with. (The idea being to bring back to life/hold dear the memory of another oppressed people.)

Zioux-Azrax Tribal Mutation: From the Genesis Wars, most of the Zioux-Azrax gained the following physical traits; loss of all body hair, and pigmentary patterns like those of Olde Earth animals.(ie., Zebra stripes, Leopard spots, etc.) Olde Earth Ethnicity: Much of the Zioux-Azrax population traces it's ancestry to the Native peoples of Olde Earth; Australian Aborigines, Eskimos, the Northern and Southern Native Americans, etc. Star Nation: The Zioux Nation. Allegiance: The Terran Empire of Humonity.(also known simply as "The Empire") Main Allies: The Imperial Nations of The Avalon Worlds, IFE and occasionally The Shield Worlds; The Lithistratan Nation of The Consortium. Ruling House: Taraziin. Arch Enemy: The Mongol Tribal Nation of The Dominion. Notes: Ziox-Azrax culture has grown up around these native earth/nature philosophies. The people maintaining strong ties and an affinity with nature.The Zioux are a prideful people partial to family dress which includes furs and other animal decorations.The societies of the Zioux are organized along various clans, each with Clan totem animals.(Individuals each have their own totem animal, which is usually related to the animal pattern of their Tribal Mutation.(though these patterns are the inherited result of experiments in The Gene Wars, it is felt that one's Totem Spirit was involved in determining what pattern manifests.)These clans make up the different districts of Zioux communities. These clans give identity to the various peoples, but in no way take away from their national identity, nor does clan affiliation enter into personal interactions. The people show great reverance for ceremony and the observance of the "Old Ways". (12 of 13) [1/9/2001 12:39:46 PM]

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Playable Races

Chirrok (1 of 48) [1/9/2001 12:39:54 PM]

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Reproduction: Possessing one gender, this race shares genetic material each time they meet one another.However, they have evolved, through their symbiotic ties to The Green a very selective form of reproduction; only a select few are chosen from among the Chirrok as being worthy to parent the Chirrok race.These selected few are taken to participating members of The Green, who let worthy Chirrok drown in the digestive nectars of specially formed growths on the Green.(these growths resemble those on the Pitcher Plant of Olde Earth.)Once the worthy Chirrok has been digested in this nectar, it's DNA, which has been fertilized by all the other Chirrok it's encountered in it's lifetime, goes to form hundreds of new Chirrok.These larva develop inside the rooted Green, feeding on it's Flesh, until they've developed into fully grown Chirrok.Once they hatch, they are welcomed into Chirrok society and taught their culture.It should be noted that no familial loyalty or respect is shown by these Chirrok for their parent who's life went for their creation.The only familial loyalty they is towards the Green which carried them. Culture: Government is constantly shifting, as there are no set leaders, but groups forming around preachers of different doctrines compeating for the hearts and souls of their race.In Chirrok society, one's charisma and the strength of one's arguments are the sole basis for legitimacy, and it is on the basis of ones strength or weakness that one is a leader or a follower. Trade: They are predominately either agriculturalists-and are counted among the best in the galaxy, or spiritualists. they don't have much of their own technology, and have been taught how to use the technology of other races. often seen within the Empire tending miracle gardens. History: The Chirrok are the third race to have evolved to sentience on the Birthworld of The Green.(the other two, The Jeica and Orpelle are now extinct.) Metaphysics: They are from the same planet as The Green, and worship them as gods. Their worship of The Green has evolved into various sects which do many attempts at machinations to increase their scope of power.(at times at the expense of other star nations.)Despite all their faith and devotion to their gods, it is very one sided;The Green are for the most part oblivious to the Chirrok.When they do recognize the religion that has grown up around them, they are at the most amused, and unless it will benefit the Chirrok race as a whole, seldom involve themselves in the politics of the different factions of the Chirrok (2 of 48) [1/9/2001 12:39:54 PM]

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faith. Due to their shared history, close proximity and the Chirrok traditions of eating The Flesh of The Green, all Chirrok are at least semi psychic, though for the most part it seems to be limited to the area of divination.But it is in this area that the Chirrok are renown.Whether a part of their faith, or as a result of their having eaten an abundance of the Flesh of the Green, most Chirrok seem in a constant state of euphoria, and when having visions(which they do often-though it must be mentioned that they are not loathe to falsifying a vision to intimidate or deceive non-Chirrok...) they will be seen to close their common eyes and widen their "spirit eyes"(-said to see into other planes of existence) and sway about, chanting out the details of their vision.(this is an apparent physiological occurence as even if a Chirrok wishes to keep their state of "unsight"(their term for having visions)they will involuntarily go into this state-though they will retain sufficient self control to prevent their divulging the details of their vision.) A further aspect of this ability to see both past, present and future is that Chirrok, especially the more psionicly aware, will see fragmentary images from the past, present and future of people they newly meet.(by the fact that they look upon one with both sets of eyes).The specific details of these fragments are seldom very incriminating, though it's usually very unsettling to be so well "known" by someone on the first meeting.(this component of the Chirrok nature also makes it very difficult to lie to them-though it in no way prevents them from doing so....) Habitat: The birthworld of the Chirrok, and therefore of The Green as well, falls within the Pan-Galactic Concordance, and it is for this reason that so many of the Chirrok can be found there. Diet: The Chirrok have now evolved to a level where they subsist exclusively on the flesh of their gods.Whether they could survive in an emergency on other foodstuffs is unknown, as most opt to starve to death, rather them blaspheme their faith. Communication: The Chirrok, though often possessing telepathic abilities, have retained their spoken language, which consists of clicks, chirps and croaking. Chirrok Names: Titles are either Kzrk (for a 'solitary practioner', aka non-ranking devotee.), Vrr'tk (the Chirrok equivalent to 'reverend') or K'vrr'tk("most enlightened" -ruling class of the various factions.) followed by surnames comprised of appropriate sounding consonant groupings.(examples include K'krk, K'tk, rK'Kr, etc.) their lineal names are that of the Green which bore them.(thus, a Chirrok full name might be Kzrk K'Tk Orshomon.)Lineal names are used ONLY in formal settings, as they are difficult for the Chirrok to pronounce. Weight range: Adult, 20-80 lbs. Height Range: 1-3 ft. Life span: av.90 yrs.

Goem (3 of 48) [1/9/2001 12:39:54 PM]

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Habitat: Pollitzania is home to the Goem. Though not natives, they are now a dominant population there. Diet: The digestive system of the Goem is extremely active, to the extent that there diet consists or anything which contains (or that they think might contain) nutrients. Perhaps because of their unrestricted diet, the Goem don't eat meat, but have a fondness for plants. History: The Goem have lived on Pollitzania ever since their creation by The SIRE.Nothing else is known. Physiology: Race of slower moving non-differentiated biologied, multi cellular life. Goem are distinguished by the fact that their bodies have no internal specialization; ie. they have no organs.Only injuries that disrupt the Goem's entire cell structure will kill them. Anything else can be eventually recuperated from. Most common race to be found making up the ranks of any military or mercenary unit, due to their physical traits and their intense cultural loyalty to authority figures. They have "chimney" blow holes on the sides of their head, as their very high temperature biochemistry requires them to release excess steam. As well they have spacious cheek cavities that are dry like in a terrestrial squirrels, which were originally used for housing their young during development, but now often carry extra weapons or supplies. Mutagen: A side effect of their being an artificially created race is that their cell structure acts like an airborne retro-virus. In the modern day, most races are not susceptible simply by virtue of their immune systems. The only time it's an issue is when they are in the proximity of anyone who's immune system is weakened -usually in instances where that person is ill. Even then, so long as they receive antibiotics before the halfway point in their alteration no permanent damage will occur. Failure to do so will result in a FULL and permanent transformation into a Goem. Culture: Their's is an agrarian culture, placing greatest value on owning land for farming.Though mostly hired as mercenaries, they undertake said jobs solely for capital to buy farmland for their 'retirement'.This retirement is the closest thing that atheistic Goem have to a 'heaven', as they speak of it (4 of 48) [1/9/2001 12:39:54 PM]

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reverentially.Among their own kind, one's status is based upon the resources they have accumulated for said retirement farm. (retired Goem are all looked upon with respect, irregardless of the size of their farm.All retired Goem have equal status, and amongst themselves have only a shared pride at their all having achieved this goal.Retirees do not compete or compare their farms against another; resources are freely shared for mutual benefit.No such help is shown to those working towards retirement, as such charity would cheapen their success.) Communication: The Goem possess a spoken language, which is quite similar to the phonics range of Humons, save that it is more guttural. Goem Names: Their names have evolved into pairs of sing-songish rhyming one syllable names. Examples: Keop-Seop, Ren-Den, Gek-Zek, etc. Weight range: Adult, 250-2000 lbs. Height Range: 5-7 ft. Life Span: av. 75 yrs.


Culture: Owing to their predator/scavenger heritage, Jingo believe that if someone doesn't defend possessions well enough, they don't deserve to have them. This also deems they never kill those weaker than themselves, as there is only honor in destroying worthy foes. Jingo are judged for their number of worthy kills, this is viewed as making said Jingo stronger, as the victim is believed to have given their power, or their life force to him. These worthy foes they've killed are believed to have "given" their lives for that Jingo's greater glory, and are therefore seen as now being honored members of that Jingo's (5 of 48) [1/9/2001 12:39:54 PM]

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family/ancestors -who usually keep some token momento of their worthy victims-above and beyond booty. (preferably something more personal, something which possibly the Jingo can carry on theim.) The lower echelon of 'ancestors' for a Jingo are those they inherits from another of their kind they slay. Note: though Jingo take from those weaker than themselves, Jingo code requires that those weaker can request to become under the protection of their conqueror. Politics: In times past, all positions of authority, from that of the BroodKing down to the overseer of sanitation, could be contested in combat. This of course led to a perpetual state of chaos, and nearly prevented the Jingo race from ever coordinating it's resources to travelling to the stars. Luckily for their race, several thousand years ago, a powerlord ruler, BroodQueen Armada Starsmasher brought an end to the chaos by establishing that ALL positions of authority derive from her, and thus the only position one could fight for was that of ruler. Positions of authority below that of ruler are either chosen by an election, or earned for one's talents. This new system has continued on to this day. A by-product of this has been, however, that only the most militaristic of Jingo have become ruler. Physiology: Their form resembles that of the Olde Earth mythical 'Centaurs', save that all 6 limbs are usable arms, like that of an Ape. The hindmost pair are more developed, but still possessing of hands. The Jingo can 'trot' on their hind pairs of limbs, or rear up onto their hindmost limbs to yield 4 arms to attack with. As well, Jingo are completely hairless, and have a glistening sheen to their skin, caused by an oily, sweet scented sweat. (which actually is their bodies primary form of waste elimination. though they possess an anus, it is used for the occasional excretion of indigestible matter, such as bones, gravel, etc.) Regeneration: Jingo metabolism and cellular replacement are superior to most species (save the Goem), allowing Jingo to replace most lost organs and limbs, save for the brain. This is also partly a result of the nature of their blood and it's role in reproduction. History: Originally a predator species, with each fighting to snatch away the kill for themselves. Those too weak to hold on to their share lost it and died out - exemplifying survival of the fittest. This carried over into their "civilized" culture. Psychology: As a race Jingo, though having evolved to a sentient race, still show their predatory origins. (and proudly so) No Jingo will knowingly kill any being they don't consider worthy of joining their "ancestry". Reproduction: Jingo mate by having seemingly-ferocious battles with one another, slashing with their claws to combine their blood and mix genetic material. This blood is then buried in the soil, where it develops into Larval Jingo. Three to five days later, these larvae dig their way out of the soil.when born at this stage of development, they are viewd merely as pests, and are hunted as food. Those that survive (and are thus physically superior) and grow to the next stage of development, are accepted as adult members of society. "Lets make puddles" -Jingo slang for sex. Same-Sex Mating: Yields young of same gender as parents. Psychologically, children of a male/male union are among the fiercest warriors, whereas children of a female/female union are non-aggressive, becoming care givers and make up ranks of the Brood in Silence and the Open Hand. Closed Brood: This is the family they join for life, and is the source of their last name.It should be noted that in the modern day, other species have been welcomed into these Broods. Non-Jingo Droogs (Jingo (6 of 48) [1/9/2001 12:39:54 PM]

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gender-unspecific term for a member of one's Closed Brood.) are expected to take on the Brood's last name, and are given a first name by their elder Droogs. Brood of Brood Hoard: This is a shared racial cashe.A portion of the booty of all Jingo Broods goes into it. No Jingo would ever steal from this. Metaphysics: Jingo build altars of a kind to their 'ancestors'. (see Culture) These altars usually contain items which are believed to symbolically represent the primal nature and highest achievements of their ancestors. A further element of their faith revolves around the number '3' (their number of fingers), and a never named 3 armed god. Signifigance is placed on each of his arms; the first gives life, the second points to booty ('treasure'), and the third takes life. Bloodspawn: Unfertilized blood activates upon death of sire to clone, skipping stages 1, but born scrawny and needind to gorge and fill out, gains varying % of sires memories, though always includes last few hours. titled bloodspawn + creator name till avenges creator , then welcomed back as sire, once again titled Communication: Their language is comprised of growls and howls, which are mostly silent to humon range of hearing, but have a vocal range to converse with humons and other species. (It is due to their native vocal range being hyper-sonic that only the translations of Jingo terms can be listed herein.) These talents make Jingo great at vocal mimicry. Weight Range: Adult, 250-1000 lbs. Height Range: 7-9 ft. Life Span: av.150 years

Lithistrata (7 of 48) [1/9/2001 12:39:54 PM]

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Physiology: Mostly known only by the females of the race, the Lithistrata are a reptilian species, reminiscent of Earth's raptor species of dinosaurs, only with elongated thinner jaws like that of an Earth gavial -though hinged at the very end.Like other reptilian species, their large almond-shaped eyes are on either side of their head.Their eyes are distinctive in that they appear similar to those of a blue eyed human -save much larger, dominating their face.They are very sleek and graceful, with mammalian skin.Their tails open into a fan, via 6 segments, with a membrane of skin between them. The males of the species are pretty much mindless grubs, whose sole purpose is the fertilization of the female. Grubs are kept in a marsupial-like pouch at the lower abdomen. Adult females who bare young give birth to three to four live young, with there always being at least one male. Culture: Females will trade males and use that trade as one form of currency, with values being places upon the genetic strengths and weaknesses of their genetic bloodline. Males are traded off and females are sent off to kibbutz-like learning centers. The dark side to all this is that in some of the more rural areas, parental Lithistrata will devour female young to save on the cost of their kibbutz education.culturally, the lithistrata have always held sacred the cycle of life, surrounding themselves with the bones of the dead, taxidermically preserved bodies of their ancestors and late loved ones, and a general comprehensive knowledge of the morticians arts.thus, they have become the morticians of the galaxy. Conversely, their knowledge of anatomy, and their reverence for the full cycle of life has resulted in their being the galaxies foremost doctors as well! - this being aided by their incomparable manual dexterity and calm demeanor, thus owing to the phrase, "Only at the end do you realize a Lithistrata's been quietly beside you, from cradle to grave".(quote from queen Dagmar Babel 's book Wading Through The StarTide With Both Eyes Open) Another cultural phenomena of the Lithistrata is their practice of tattooing the membranes between the "fingers" of their tail.this is done as a method of identification and trust-the tattoo lists their name, important family members (both living and deceased), their place of birth and their title of station in Lithistratan society.the idea behind this is that by showing their tattoo to all whom they meet, they are establishing a willingness to be wholely accountable for their actions, and wholely aware of whom they stand to disgrace.failure to show ones open fan to a new acquaintance is the equivalent of not being able to make eye contact while speaking in many humon cultures-it more or less indicates an untrustworthy nature to the viewer. conversely, it is the greatest (8 of 48) [1/9/2001 12:39:54 PM]

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insult amongst their race to avert ones eye's and not allow the other person to show their is in essence saying "I ignore your existence.your life and accomplishments have no meaning." History: During the reign of the Nazgar, enslaved Lithistrata filled the ranks of the Atlantean's ButcherPriests.From this the Lithistrata inherited artifacts of ectoplasmic armor; GrithStones.Despite the horror associated with GrithStone's history, Lithistratan programmer-artisans take great pride in being the sole masters of these artifacts, and will elaborate on even the dullest ordered patterns. Communication: Is done through music produced through three tracheal slits. A popular form of entertainment in the Empire is recordings of Lithistrata reading a phone book, Shakespeare, etc., as the sounds they make are very similar to a symphony. Diet: The Lithistrata are a carnivorous species, having been hunters of large game, as well as surviving on small burrowing animals called Shreee, which today make up the majority of their diet -large game animals are only hunted for ceremonial feasts.The extendable secondary jaw is a throw back to when they needed to extract the shreee from their burrows. Metaphysics: The Lithistrata practice for divination is that of reading the entrails of freshly killed animals - most often this being at each meal-time shreee.however, their has been some discomfort on the part of some sentient species, most notably humons, at the idea that it is also traditional among the Lithistrata to read the entrail of their fallen foes in battle.during the few, brief military encounters between humons and Lithistrata, humonity was stricken by the fact that their soldiers bodies were being disemboweled and "read" during combat-often while the soldier was still clinging to life..... it has taken some time for these wartime images to fade and the strain they placed on Lithistrata/ humon relations to do so as well. Soul Singers: The facts of their nature remain a mystery.All that is known is that at all times there is one Soul Singer for the Lithistratan race.When a Soul Singer dies, any one of the Lithistratan race, anywhere, will suddenly burst into a continuous song which will last until the day they die.(which is usually far off, as Soul Singers are renown for their longevity as well.)Theories as to the reason for this are varied, though the most widely held belief is that which is the basis of the Lithistratan religion; a Soul Singer is the link between the living and the dead, and brings a song of joy to those in this world, telling of the glories in the life after.(note that the Soul Singer's song is purely musical, with no intelligible meaning.)For this reason, Soul Singers are treated as messianic figures, and there is a continual transmission over the Nexwork of her song for any Lithistratan to tune in during times of crisis or contemplation. Lithistrata Names: Translates as adjectives or terms describing first their professional identity, followed next by the connective title of Mistress, and ending with a descriptive of the subject's person.Examples include the physician Scalpel-Mistress Tatter-Fan, the soldier War-Mistress Scar-Back,etc.Exceptional names are for Matrons: those Lithistratan females devoted to bearing young, running the kibbutzes, and being the ruling elite of Lithistratan society.They are simply titled Matron, followed by a term describing their person.Examples include Matron Bright-Eyes, Matron Sweet-Song,etc.Males have no name until they are sold off, whereupon they take their owner's personal descriptive, preceded by their personal descriptive and the title Consort.Examples include Squish-Butt-Consort Sweet-Song,etc. Weight Range Adult: 150-800 lbs. Height Range: 4-7 ft. Life Span: av.140 years life span, age of maturity-14 years (9 of 48) [1/9/2001 12:39:54 PM]

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Reproduction: Only the drones produce Ovo, which are sterile, having no genetic code. Ovo are ingested by the queen, fertilized and incubated. (Ovo sold in the Empire are those from drones which have not been fertilized -the queen can only incubate a set number at a time. Excess were previously eaten as food by the hive, but now are sold as a commodity.) New queens are created when two hives exchange drones. These drones mate with the other hives queen, who impregnates those drones, who thereafter become new queens to start their own hives. Suitors for the role of new queen are among the eldest drones, who will fight to the death for the role of exchange-drone. In the modern day, those elder drones who don't wish to enter into this contest will usually be among those who opt to leave the nest and trade the hive's Ovo (including the ones they themselves produce) with the rest of the galaxy. Possessing no home planet anymore, Loom travel in starship caravans, financing their existence with silk they produce, which is highly sought after as it makes lightweight, durable armor. Unfertilized Ovo produced are anagathic. (Most of the caravan following their Generation Ships consists of traders or seekers of anti-aging drug.) Diet: The Loom are vegetarians, prefering to eat various types of fungi that they garden aboard their Generation ships. History: The exact specifics are unknown, however it is common knowledge that several thousand years ago the Loom Birthworld was on the verge of destruction when their sun was approaching the stages of going Nova.The Loom were contacted and saved from death by the Patrons, who helped them to build (10 of 48) [1/9/2001 12:39:54 PM]

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Generation Ships to escape.Over the millennia, the Loom evolved to a degree where these vessels are now their native environment, and the search for a new home was aborted. The Loom now instead merely travel nomadically about Known Space trading their wares with the species they encounter. Physiology: Possessing no 'hands' as such,the Loom have evolved a malleable, manipulator tongue, with which they can grasp objects and operate controls.Note that this prevents them from talking while doing any manual activity,and having to communicate in Patron during such activity. Culture: Hive based, with a queen and "her" subjects. Owing to their original need to stay in the cramped confines of their Generation ships, the Loom soon became the masters of Holographic-Technology, and now are the main providers of such systems throughout Known Space. They introduced the idea of integrating Holo-systems throughout one's entire ship, as they had done,t o constantly alter/'improve' their living accomodations. Their entire lives are now spent mostly in a Holo-environment, so accustomed to controlling their reality as they've become. In times of stress, it's not uncommon to hear Loom whisper under their breath "end program". When travelling, they use Maiian mind-alterant technologies; not to escape from reality,so much as to alter the reality they are seeing. (The drab hotel they might be stuck in on a backwater planet suddenly becomes lavish, with all the people they meet dressed in Loom finery. Thus,they remain in the 'real world', but can at least make it more tolerable...) Psychology: The Loom, being maternal-minded, don't mind the caravan of alien ships following their own because it makes them feel needed. They are extremely gregarious, and - though not fooled by it, enjoy the praise and attention of their sycophants, to whom they are very generous. Trade: In every caravan, the vast majority of mercenary protectors are comprised of Raos contingents, who seek to trade for the Loom Ovo (see Raos). They have been known to grant asylum to the criminal elements, so long as those individuals do not cross the Loom. Often, queen Loom will exchange "male" drones to share genetic material for the purpose of expanding the gene pool of both families. Though their caravans are forever on the move, most of them limit their journeys to within the Pan-Galactic Concordance and its surrounding peaceful neighbors. LOOM OVO: Possesses anagathic and regenerative properties, making them very widely sought.A further benefit of the Ovo is that they are interfertile with other species (this being due to their being sterile but receptive to new DNA codes. Among their own kind, being asexual, the full code is in the "sperm" of the queen, whereas in most sexually reproductive species the codes of both parents are needed, as each only possesses 1/2 of the code.) thus allowing other species to use them to bear offspring. This is used currently for producing offspring for couples with fertility problems, and same gender couples. (as well the properties of the Loom Ovo to some degree fill in the blanks in DNA codes where previously there might have arose defects or outright genetic incompatibility. -such as 2 females, yy chromosomes producing mentally retarded offspring, and the pairing of only male chromosomes could previously only yield female children. Similarly, though this practice is illegal throughout the galaxy, there have been examples where this capacity to "fill in the blanks" has been known to make interspecies offspring possible...) Loom Names: Their names are elaborate multisyllable titles defining their role in Loom society, in the Loom's trilled language. ('R's are rolled, and consonants are harsh) Examples: Rrrrroooseekrrrr, Fooorrrteeek, etc. (11 of 48) [1/9/2001 12:39:54 PM]

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Weight Range: Adult, 50-200 lbs. Height Range: 4-6 ft. Life Span: av.2000 yrs., age of maturity-7 years.


Physiology: A quadripedal sentient race, possessing a spherical body, with 4 elephant-like stump feet, 4 trunks -each positioned between each of the 4 legs (these trunks are as well able to eject seeds as projectiles at great velocities and are often used as a means of defense versus non-Momes of other worlds.), and along the top of their dome-shaped humped body are 2 sets of eyes-with 8 per set, crossing at a central blow hole. Native Environment: Their birthworld, an arid desert planet, is orbited by 3 moons, which have always bathed their planet with moonlight approximating dusk.It's for this reason that the Momes have their well known fear of the dark, never having known it on their their world. Diet: Being omnivore-gatherers, their diet consists of tiny insects and seeds that they filter out of the sands with their trunks.the Momes, being the largest indigenous species on their world have never known predators(save for much smaller scavengers akin to herbivore hyenas with whom Momes once competed for food), which accounts for their calm demeanor. Communication: The Momes use their four trunks, whose sound is that of a combination flute and elephant's trumpet.their four lobed brain allows them to carry on 4way conversations.traditionally this has been used for adding 4 levels of meaning to their singular subjected sentences (though often this (12 of 48) [1/9/2001 12:39:54 PM]

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subtext is little more than anecdotal, relating the current subject to the experiences of an ancestor). As well, when dealing with non-mome, they have a tendency to speak with one trunk in a pitch below that which most translaters can perceive, for purposes of discussing topics which aren't for non-mome ears. Psychology: They have eidetic memories, are very peaceful, calm, and by virtue of their great memories, make excellent scholars, Xenopaths, and historians. Trade: As the caretakers of the STAR GATES the race of the Momes have been able to maintain a far stronger voice in the galaxy than their pacifist ways might seem to indicate.And, as the incredibly complex systems of the gates are only comprehended by the Momes who have worked on them for countless millenia, all attempts to wrest control from them have proven futile-the controls, even if another species could fathom them, have been programmed with centuries worth of code-chains to serve none save the Momes.they are among the most trusted of the member races of the Pan-Galactic Concordance. Culture: Their society is very much based on the extended family -whole colonies can be made up of one clan. The basis of their Culture is the perpetuation of the racial memory. Family histories and wisdom are carried down through the generations. Reproduction: Momes are very unparticular in their mating habits; their genetic material is left in their dusty waste matter, to be consumed by any passing Mome. The most intriguing element to this is that not just any Mome will be impregnated by said genetic material; only a Mome with a compatible and racially-enhancing genetic makeup will be impregnated. The Momes' overly complex, tightly structured DNA self-analyzes potential pairings to produce a viable, physically and mentally superior offspring. (there is some conjecture that an elder race may have engineered Mome DNA to yield these capabilities.) Mome Names: As their vocal range exceeds that of most races, and their perceptions can be of realities, their paired names, defining purpose and demeanor, are mere approximations of the sounds the Momes perceive. Examples: Murd Wome, Horg Leem, Sosf Gohk, etc. Weight Range: Adult, 50-300 lbs. Width Range: 2-6 ft. Life Span: av. 800 yrs.

Numa (13 of 48) [1/9/2001 12:39:54 PM]

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Diet: Numa are omnivores, originally sifting water for insects,algae and small fish.On land they mostly scavenged for edible plants and slow moving insects they caught with their limbs.(plus they would feed on scraps from their symbiote.)In the modern day, they can eat most foods edible by carbon based organic life forms.(Their tastes reflect those of their Life-Mate.) History: Originating as the symbiotes of the Nazgar, Numa had evolved from blind amphibians that had entered into this relationship with their sighted sister-species. Physiology: Numa are a completely amphibious species, as comfortable on land as in water.(they have better mobility, however, in water.) They are possessed of extraordinary olfactory senses, but have no eyes. (Numa 'see' their surroundings through the eyes of their Life-Mate.) Their other senses are as well superior to that of most species. Their flattened serpentine body evidence their aquatic ancestry , undulating their flattened bodies ala eels to swim. Their main body, when on-land, stands upright, supported by a fleshy skirt under which are their 5 tentacles. Their 'face' is nothing more than 2 large nostrils lined with cilia. Numa 'ears' are diagonal slits all up their torso. Numa taste by way of a mucuous lining beneath their skirt. Culture: Numa have none, as such, taking on wholely the beliefs and traditions of their Life-Mates. Psychology: A major component of their personality is it's malleability; they develop a personality that directly complements that of their Life-Mate, and by way of their general empathic nature, tend to adjust their behavior to be 'liked' by whoever they are dealing with.(though the interests of the Life-Mate always take precedence.)During their time with their original symbiotes, The Nazgar, Numa emulated the more sinister predatory nature of their Life-Mates.Since Numa die with their Life-Mates, all of the 'evil' Numa were replaced by the following generation, most of whom linked with the Humon inheritors of the Nazgar Territories. Reproduction: Numa are hermaphroditic, releasing genetic material when in water.Other Numa exposed to this absorb it and fertilize their eggs.After 3 months, the eggs are deposited in water to hatch, and bond with the first available symbiote.It was the need for young to be bonded with (and not eaten by.) a (14 of 48) [1/9/2001 12:39:55 PM]

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potential symbiote that caused Numa to evolve their empathic nature.Larval Numa begin life as purely aquatic life forms, resembling a cross between a tadpole and an eel.After one year, they develop lungs and become as suited to land as an adult. Numa Names: The original naming system of the Numa having been lost with the annihilation of their original Life-Mates the Nazgar, Numa now take names given them by their Life-Mates. The only cultural element they retain being that out of a cultural proclivity for humility, Numa accept only a first name. If asked further, they will speak at length of their Life-Mate, not of themselves. Examples: George, Phred, Lazaar, Beor, etc. Weight Range: Adult, 100-300 lbs. Height Range: 3-6 ft. Life Span: av. 120 years


Diet: A carnivore species of hunters, Raos must eat their prey live. It is for this reason that a Raos galley is more akin to a "pen", wherein flying food-animals are bred. History: Originally an arboreal species that in and of themselves possessed no technology, the Raos became the pawns of the PiN and were used by them to weaken the defenses of the Pan-Galactic Concordance.(see Fourth Galactic War.)Uplifted to sentience, and armed with high technology from the PiN, the Raos began to lay waste to the Y'Qwyth's defences. It was only the appearance of the Patrons, who freed the Raos from the instinct-programming of the PiN by making it dormant, that the Pan-Galactic Concordance survived.It is due to this history that the Raos have gone on to become the most loyal and steadfast member race of the Pan-Galactic Concordance. Owing to their racial nature, (15 of 48) [1/9/2001 12:39:55 PM]

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they are to be most often found in the branches of the military and police forces within the Pan-Galactic Concordance .A lingering effect of the war is that on many worlds in the P.G.C. remain ruins from the Raos' bases from the time of their domination by the PiN. Even in the modern day, generations after the Fourth Galactic War, Raos can still be corrupted by seeing the symbols and patterns of those ancient sites' architecture. Raos thus avoid them and most of their technology, lest the PiN's uplift genetic programming be reawakened. Psychology: Resulting from their predatory origins, as well as their history as slaves to The PiN, the Raos are as a rule a very paranoid race. They are slow to trust anyone, save for members of their own species (and even then...), and have difficulty with establishing relationships. They often become loners for this reason, only working in groups for large undertakings. Despite this, however, the focus that their culture has placed upon the protection of their race has yielded a common purpose for all Raos, making short-term group efforts surprisingly effective. They are apt to view any deviance in regular behavior, as well as those who work at cross-purposes, as 'servants of The Accursed'. (This position often gains Raos considerable leverage in their dealings with other races, as such an accusation can cause the offending party in question to come to the attention of the often over-zealous Quislem....) Amongst their own kind Raos are extremely cautious to make such accusations, as they have been known to cause a panic amongst those within the communities in which it was said. (this phenomenon is akin to that from Olde Earth history of Witch-Trial hysteria.) Culture: Much of their early culture and traditions were lost under their enslavement by The PiN, but over the millenia that have followed the Raos have invented new traditions, based upon their new existence as a star culture. Most of these are either dealing with the Quislem (a major aspect in every Raos' life) or the various rites of passage into adulthood. The Raos, for the most part, have no artistic branch of their society. Entertainment and high culture are imported from other races, but only those which espouse Raos values; dedication to the cause (see Quislem), loyalty to one's race, humility, and the "ecstacy of the hunt". Reproduction: Little is known about Raos mating, as their race is very private on that subject.However, based on available evidence it's known that they are hermaphroditic, and seem to share saliva containing genetic material in order to impregnate each other. Physiology: A flying, arboreal race, Raos physiology consists of a long muscular torso, with a delta shaped head at either end upon a sinewy neck. Their brain is in their torso's central hump, and they 'see' by sonar out of their throats. (they hear with both their hump and each forehead.) Raos fly by means of a pair of powerful wings, which, like the rest of their body, have no bones. The wings are supported by muscular tubules, out of which they expel waste while flying. Raos are formidable in appearance, with their long, snaking bodies, and the ominous drone of their sonar, sounding like a rythmic chirping hum. Raos Names: The vocal range of Raos is outside that which most races can duplicate, so often the subtleties are lost in the approximations, but their names consist of combinations of whirrs, humms, and the grinding of teeth, all detailing said Raos' contribution to their races' greater glory. Examples: Vhrrrshhhkvt, Hrrrrmmmzzst, Frrrrrrrlllllnt, etc. Weight Range-Adult: 150-500 lbs. Length Range: 5-8 ft. Life Span: av. 80 years (16 of 48) [1/9/2001 12:39:55 PM]

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Physiology: In appearance, sKeKs are similar to elongated Trillobites of ancient Earth.They have two pairs of domed eyes, with one pair topside and the other on their underside.Like Terran horse-shoe crabs, sKeKs have 8 pairs of limbs on their underside.The top pair are larger pincers, used for heavy lifting and combat.The remaining three pairs are smaller, and used interchangeably for walking and delicate manipulations.sKeKs can more or less stand upright on their hind pair of legs,balancing on their tails.They are their most imposing in this pose, as at 7+" tall,they tower over most races.On their underside is a slender, hinged serated jaw, which houses their long barbed tongue.This tongue is extended with lightning quickness to puncture their prey. sKeKs digest the organs of their impaled prey by pumping into them powerful acids, and then drinking the liquified matter.sKeKs blood as well contains this powerful acid, and in combat, injuries inflicted on sKeKs may splash this blood on opponents causing them severe burns. Culture: Organized similar to a mafia, amphibious race, living mostly underwater on their home planet. Grow to meet the confines of their environment, and only the young ones leave the planet. Culture organized into rival families. Children are born in sibling groups known as pods, with incredibly strong ties, to the point where each pod consists of mostly identical siblings. The Elders of the race become so large as to be unable to interact with the rest of there society, moving to the deep oceans, Where they eat(among other things, The Young sKeKs.) They Developed their Technology and culture through conflict and interaction of the different families. In interplanetary activities they tend to seek control(through Internal corruption, as well as warfare), rather than exploration and colonization.their presence within the Pan-Galactic Concordance is often very strained, as they are usually involved in most (17 of 48) [1/9/2001 12:39:55 PM]

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things of an illegal nature that occur therein.the fact that it is only an indeterminate minority of the sKeKs that are involved in these activities makes it unrealistic to simply exile the sKeKs from the Pan-Galactic Concordance.(or at least such is the mind set of the Y'Qwyth, who are looked to by all races for their defending of justice.) Native Environment: Their race is native to refuse and inhabits trash heaps of known space.-common denizens of star culture sanitation systems where they naturally process the waste matters during respiration/filtration. Diet: Omnivores when necessary, they are predators first and foremost. They hunt by drilling their sharp tongue into their prey's chitin. History: Originally bottom feeders on a world shared with the more technologically advanced species, the Venn, who polluted the environment and made their homeworld into the wastes it is today.When the sKeKs evolved up to sentience, they fell into rivalry with the other species.The resulting war saw the sKeKs victorious, as they were by now hardy to most toxins,and thus able able to use far cruder chemical warfare.Against these toxins the Venn had no defense, and were hunted to extinction.Thereafter, the sKeKs took over their world, inheriting the technologies of the Venn. Note: it is their world's environmental conditions that made the sKeKs immune to most toxic wastes. Homage Bones: sKeKs offer pincer joints in tribute or in penance to superiors, or even as formal greeting.Though given to non sKeKs as well , this can open the door to said non-sKeKs needing to do such restitution as well!(for sKeKs this isn't a big deal as; the joint grows back, they have lessened pain receptors in their extremities, and they have multiple limbs.) sKeKs Names: Consisting of pincer clicks, teeth gnashing, and spit-bubbling, sKeKs names define firstly their family, secondly their elder sibling, and among their own kind ONLY a term defining themself. Note that elder siblings define only themself. Examples: Krrrsdl (elder sibling), Krrkrrgl K'khk (young sibling) Weight Range-Adult: 250-1,000 lbs. Length Range: 6-14 ft. Life Span: av.300 years

Stratapin (18 of 48) [1/9/2001 12:39:55 PM]

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Physiology: The Stratapin exist as bio-energy within a network of neural circuitry in crystal, therefore, as they "grow", their energy pattern grows stronger, and more complex, requiring larger and more intricatly etched crystals to reside in. Thus Stratapin must periodicaly etch new larger crystals. The Stratapin are able to generate "weak force" energy shells around themselves and use them to manipule physical objects within this field(see tractor beams and orbitals.). This is their sole method of manipulation and movement.By releasing bioenergy as light, and focusing it through it's crystalin structure, the Stratapin are capable of generating bio lasers. these lasers are primarily used for etching new circuits into crystal, but can serve as a defensive weapon if necessary. History: Though the Stratapin are loathe to discuss this, it is now known that their race was artificially created millions of years ago by the SIRE. Culture: Stratapin have trouble understanding the rushed pace of "ephemerals." Their interactions with computers are the sort that tend to raise them to the level of artificial intelligence, and give them sentience. As they live very long lives, Stratapin love to collect information. Habitat: They can be found throughout the galaxy, but for the most part make their home within the Pan-Galactic Concordance, wherein it is rumoured the birthworld of the Stratapin resides.(though this is a subject which NO Stratapin will discuss.exactly why the location of there birthworld is such a secret remains a mystery...) besides the disemination of scientific theories, and the manufacture of artificial intelligence systems, Stratapin are the inventers and manufacturers of most starship's sensor and ship defense orbitals(which were a natural outgrowth of their own bodies orbitals) Brain Trusts: Specially selected Stratapin act as recipients, each holding engrams of great personalities.This procedure includes a failsafe, with there being multiple copies of each persona contained in a number of stratapin.As well, with sufficient resources on historic(or Living) individuals, they are capable of synthesizing their persona and characteristics.; through fiberoptic style projection the stratapin can as well generate holograms utilizing their innate crystaline properties and laser light capability. (and are often fond of reproducing the image of someone whose mind they are Acessing/ Displaying) (19 of 48) [1/9/2001 12:39:55 PM]

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Diet: Are a species that feeds off electric current -also get inebriated by AC as they process DC. Reproduction: The species reproduces itself by etching in Neural pathways into a new crystal, similar to the process used to prepare crystals to be new bodies(as well as for the creation of Major and Minor Domos.). They then impart a portion of their bio-energy, which the parent Stratapin regenerates with time. Stratapin Naming: Due to an early mistake in communication with first-contact sophontologists, Stratapin take names of famous landmarks from Terran and galactic history, as they misconstrued the significance of "landmarks", due to the Stratapins' physical composition. Examples of names include Taj Mahal, Manchester, Gibralter, Valley Forge, etc. Amongst themselves their "names" are in fact electromagnetic resonance patterns akin to humon auras, which are used for identifying individual Stratapin. Weight Range:100 to 5,000 lbs. Height Range: 6" to 10' Life Span: 50,000 years or more.


History: Sylum had been slaves of the Nazgar for 10, 000 years in an arrangement of luxurious captivity, wherein they could produce all the art they liked, and be cared for in regal splendor, but upon reaching adulthood, they became foodstuffs for their captors. Finally, one of their kind stood up and united his people against the Nazgar at the time of the Third Galactic War.They have quickly become masters of warfare, using those technologies their Nazgar captors had forced them to develop.These technologies (20 of 48) [1/9/2001 12:39:55 PM]

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are currently used mostly in the ongoing Protectorate/Centennial war. Diet: As vegetarians, the Sylum prefer high-fructose plant nectars. Physiology: Despite their fragile, ropey appearance, the Sylum's network of cartilage replaces a conventional skeleton, giving them tremendous flexibility and surprising resiliency from impact damage.The end of their 'tails' possess two long,sharp needle-like protrusions, which are used for injecting their eggs into trees.Though semi-flexible, they can still be used as piercing or slicing weapons. Reproduction: Possessing one gender, this race shares genetic material through saliva.As all Sylum drink from shared goblets(and originally drank sap from the same plants.), genetic material is constantly mixed and traded among them.The genetic material of siblings, or Sylum whose DNA too closely matches that of the Sylum receiving it is identified and ignored by the receiving Sylum's body.Every four years of their life, if Sylum have accumulated the genetic material of dissimilar Sylum, fertilized eggs are produced.These eggs are then injected into trees to develop.Hatching larval Sylum are taken in by the Sylum community and view the Sylum race(though it would've originally been their particular pack, or community.) as their family.Sylum maintain no ties between parent and child. Psychology: Having evolved from arboreal herbivores which lived in large packs for protection from predators, the Sylum are uncomfortable when solitary.Though they are a gregarious race, that enjoys socializing with other sentient races, they feel most secure with other Sylum.If completely seperated from others, a lone Sylum will eventually 'die of loneliness'.A further aspect of their origins is that they are tremendously homogeneous, having not a group mind, but a racial need to assimilate.Their basic demeanor is even tempered, affectionate and open.Sylum keep NO secrets from one another.They have only learned by their contact with other sentient species not to divulge secrets to non-Sylum.However, when it comes to showing their emotions, Sylum are anything but stoic; they openly cry, laugh and sing, scream,etc. as the mood takes them. And as well, they are brutally truthful -speaking their opininions freely, and are unaccustomed to others taking offense as this does not happen in their own society as it's based on such openness.Finally, the concept of privacy is completely alien to their race, being dependant on constant social contact.Their mindsets make them especially well suited as Life-Mates for the Numa, though on their native worlds they are mostly arboreal, which can be problematic with Numa.Nonetheless, Sylum constitute the second most common race to Life-Mates with Numa next to Humonity.Note: it is believed that the current level of assimilation amongst Sylum within the Protectorate is partially due to their use of the Meps. Culture: Due to their evolutionary origins, and their assimilative instinct, Sylum culture is based on mutual cooperation and on the total absence of aggression between Sylum. A further drive among them is their passion for the arts; all Sylum are talented in one or more creative arts, and bring artistry to all of their endeavors.As a race, given that the Sylum all take strength and comfort from the unity of their nation, the wellbeing of The Protectorate comes before one's own interests among their race.They can be viewed as one of the most patriotic races, though it's more that all Asylum now view The Protectorate as their primary family.The Sylum open the borders of The Protectorate to any beings needing asylum (owing to their own history...)They do not grant asylum to criminals, except those from the Centennial Worlds.For unknown reasons, they have an aversion to the Patrons, not trusting them, and avoid them whenever possible. Trade: Aerosponges are the main export of the Sylum, as well as Floratech.Note that ships and other (21 of 48) [1/9/2001 12:39:55 PM]

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craft follow an insectoid motif.( Sylum floratech ships and vehicles are made by first building a frame and then seeding the frame with specially cultivated lichen and other vegetation to build the craft.)As well, the creatures that have come to be called Meps, as well as the liquid they produce, is beginning to quickly grow in popularity among many of the other races now that The Protectorate has opened up the market to trade it with non-Sylum. Metaphysics: The religion of the Sylum is based upon the concept that each being has their own interpretation of 'God', and that each must find the beauty and truths of this reality to piece together the true face of God.Each artistic endeavor taps into the beauty of the world, and is thus one's window on the divine.It's believed that one will one only find true enlightenment when the full face of God has been revealed.Thus, one must live the truths one has determined to bridge the gap, and continuosly expose oneself to, and bring into the world more beauty through art to uncover all facets of the divine. Sylum Names: Names are cooed 'oohs' and 'aahs', examples include Oahoo Huo, Looheee Soo. Weight Range: Adult, 150-350 lbs. Length Range: 6-14 ft. Life Span: av.80 years


Physiology: Floating mushroom-like air jelly fish, with tentacle "roots", eyes along the bottom lip of their crown.They move about via squidlike motions.Float via a gasbag body which, when in an environment with gravity they fill with lighter than air gases. (Due to their physical composition, cybernetics were never an option for them. It wasn't until the advancement of nanotechnologies by the Mezlim that they were able to infuse body-wide Nano-Phage implants as needed.)They are transparent (22 of 48) [1/9/2001 12:39:55 PM]

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creatures with nerve networks and organs visible from inside, changing color according to mood, and turn opaque when they die.Due to the differences of pressure and accumulated gases at the varying levels of their Gas Giant birth-world, the Y'Qwyth evolved a level of adaptability that now let's them survive in a wide range of environments -even to the extent that they can survive the vacuum of space for several hours.Outside their native environment, they are compressed in form, especially when in a gravity environment with a thinner atmosphere.( - in their natural state they are enormous zeppelin like creatures .(-aspects of sponges that expand greatly in water.) However, their structure at this level is much more light and airy-unable to manipulate most denser materials save by virtue of zero-g. Environment Chambers:Though able to temporarily adapt to most environments, Y'Qwyth must rest in their native environment for a number of minutes equal to the number of hours that they were out of it, and they need to do this every Constitution number of hours.(note also that their foodstuffs cannot survive outside their native environment, and thus Y'Qwyth must go to Environment Chambers to feed.) History: One of the Elder Races in Known Space, they have been a star nation for several hundred million years.Their technology,though advanced,does not reflect as much advancement as might be expected,as their motivations have been diverted to advancing their culture and the logic of their minds.Nonetheless,in certain areas they surpass most races.The most notable example being their Stellar-Dynamics Technology.An off-shoot of their Star Jaunt Drives,this technology was developed with the help of the HRim during the war against the K'Jhad Rectory.In essence,it is a method of manipulating a star using the star's own energies.This can be simple effects,like changing it from a White Dwarf to a Red Giant,etc.,to making it go nova-or preventing same.To the more extreme manipulations,such as Jaunting the star across space to another system.Stellar Dynamic Technology is the cornerstone of the P.G.C.'s dominance in Known Space,and is therefore their most closely guarded secret. Native Environment: They originated on a gas giant (Y'Mut) similar to Earth-System's Jupiter, with an atmosphere of Hydrogen, Helium, Methane and other gases at incredible pressures.In their Environment Chambers they are comfortable in Gravity 2.61% of Terran standard, reflecting once again conditions in their Gas Giant.Their native temperature is in the range of -110, -130 degrees Celsius.However, once again, their physiology is very adaptive, and they are able to exist outside these conditions for prolonged periods. Culture: Their's is an ancient race, highly advanced as a starculture while humons were not yet even primates.They are total pacifists in that they will not start any war, and will seek any alternative to combat-but if given no other option they will defend themselves, even having been known to use deadly force.(though this is especially unlikely as those who have done so were shunned by other Y'Qwyth who viewed such actions as proof that those individuals were obviously flawed and perhaps even contaminated by non Y'Qwyth.)The Y'Qwyth came up with a system of laws developed to take into account all the various Cultures which existed at the time, and to be adaptable to all foreseeable new cultures. This optional set of laws, made to be universal can be called invoked if both agree, to settle differences in lieu of local law, where such laws may be divergent. These laws being most commonly used for transgressions between different houses and or races. These laws have come to be known as the Laws Pristine, and it is the Laws Pristine which govern the Pan-Galactic Concordance. Habitat: The Pan-Galactic Concordance was originally just the colonies of the Y'Qwyth, but as they made contact with more and more races, the Y'Qwyth took to sharing their star nation-both as an (23 of 48) [1/9/2001 12:39:55 PM]

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alternative to war, and because there was no xenophobia in the Y'Qwyth mindset to prevent such an arrangement.and of course there were seldom instances where war was really a possibility; most races who made contact with the Y'Qwyth were not as advanced as they in technology, and the sheer scope of the Y'Qwyth's colonization precluded any races from being any real threat.(the most glaring exception being the Raos, who at the time of contact were the pawns of the PiN and made use of PiN weaponry, against which even the Y'Qwyth were hopelessly vulnerable. it was only the coming of the Patrons, who freed the Raos from the seduction of the PiN that the Pan-Galactic Concordance survived. in the modern day, by virtue of this history, the Raos are among the most steadfastly loyal members of the Pan-Galactic Concordance.)other races that make up the Pan-Galactic Concordance include;the Chirrok, The Green, sKeKs, Momes, Stratapin, the Loom, Zir, and the Hel (in colonies). Psychology: By way of their totally logical minds, they have no comprehension of religion, magic, or anything paranormal. Thus, they're immune to passive magics, and psionic manipulations. They are not capable of going insane, as they are either functioning/Thinking perfectly, or they shut down. they are also most likely immune to the evil eye of House Aegis. Their system of morality is very similar to that of humonity, but they differ in that they possess no emotions.As well,they lack curiousity in the traditional sense,being more obsessed with order;though they've had advanced technology for several hundred million years,they have not really advanced as far as might be expected.Sophontologists suggest that this is an expected outcome of the Y'Qwyth mindset;change is only sought as a means towards stasis.So long as there are no threats to the status quo change, even progressive change, is not pursuedand even to some degree avoided.Scientific advancement can bring with it a disruption of their sought after balance, and is thus only used as a last resort.Their early historical records are unreliable,but seem to point to an undisclosed natural disaster being the catalyst for Y'Qwyth's space exploration,not any desire to explore. Communication: Their means of communication involves these color shifts in patterns and even symbols on their bodies, as well as the vocalized emission of gases from their various pores. Diet: Consists of floating bubble-spores emitted by a "plant" indigenous to their world, with multitudes of these creatures floating about the habitations of the Y'Qwyth. Y'Qwyth Naming: Deriving from a rich cultural heritage, Y'Qwyth names are always prefaced by 'Y', referring to their homeworld ('Qwyth' refers to their race's shared history) and details said Y'Qwyths' goals for it's race. Examples: Y'Zuh, Y'Haes, Y'Hnnn, etc. *Weight Range-Adult: 50-200 lbs. *Height Range: 2-4 ft. *Life Span: av.500 years *refers to Y'Qwyth outside their native environment. See Race Description. (24 of 48) [1/9/2001 12:39:55 PM]

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Physiology: Originating on a high gravity(10G), metal saturated world, the Zir are deceptively dense and resilient to injury; there tissues being composed of disproportionaly large amounts of metallic compounds. They are possessed of cone shaped rubbery bodies, with coloration ranging between various earth tones. Zir have a blow hole at the top for breathing and communication, a larger mouth on the underside of their cone for eating, and 12 finger-like ambulatory limbs ringing the bottom of their cone.the "front" of their cone has a triad of small black domed eyes located just at their midsection. The average Zir stands only 1-3 feet tall, while weighing 50 - 200 Lbs. Communication:Their blow hole allows them to speak in squeeks and whistles, but nearly all Zir encountered have a translator module grafted to the upper left-hand side of their cone, just below their blowhole. Trade: Renown traders of Known Space, Zir have no currency, exclusively operating on a barter system.The Zir Market has become the measure of economic stability for all of Known Space. Culture: They have no names, but have a constantly shifting pattern of importance, based upon the rank of their productiveness and wealth. , as well as a digital identifying number patch. (25 of 48) [1/9/2001 12:39:55 PM]

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Native Environment: Their birthworld, a high gravity(10G), metal saturated world is located just on the edge of the Pan-Galactic Concordance.However, when the Zir established space travel, unlike most species, their first instinct was not to spread out on their own, but to get themselves assimilated into the Pan-Galactic Concordance as quickly as possible.Given their mindset this shouldn't be a surprise;what was to be gained in colonizing uninhabited worlds, when they could join with other races with whom they could TRADE(!)? Diet: Omnivores, Zir feed on a combination of seeds, small insects and edible clays found on their home-world. History: The Zir came into prominence in Known Space as a major race during the Second Galactic War, when this previously unnoticed race became the primary suppliers to rebel forces on K'Jhad-held worlds.In recognition of this, they began to receive many of the more lucrative trade deals, which established the beginnings of Zir dominance in Intergalactic Trade. Reproduction: Zir breeding is considered one of the spectacles of Known Space. Regardless of distance, all Zir come into heat at the same time, once every 56 days (the equivalent of their home world's week). When in heat, Zir within up to 3 kilometers of each other are drawn by scent to converge in a seething pile, rubbing their cones together furiously for up to 10 hours. (the ring around their blow-hole is lined with microscopic pores that secrete at this time.) Despite the seeming chaos that ensues, each Zir can withhold receiving genetic material from an unwelcome mate.(or even if they at that time don't wish to become pregnant.) No Zir however can resist the lure of piling up with other Zir at this time. (save if they distance themselves from others of their race, or deaded their urges chemically.) Note that Zir never seek privacy for their mating, preferring to pile themselves publically. (to show how fertile and virile their race is....) Zir Names: An off-shoot of the all-pervasive Zir Market in their lives, none of their race has a true 'name' as such. Their designation is the rank they hold as a trader for the Zir Market. (this of course also dictates their status among other Zir.) Thus, most Zir will have a designation in the billions, whereas a Zir of note would be Zir 7,000 or lower. Examples: Zir 15,874, Zir 123, Zir 12, etc. Weight Range-adult: 50-200 lbs. Height Range: 1-3 ft. Life Span: av.80 years

NPC Races (Many of these Races will be further detailed in Supplements) (26 of 48) [1/9/2001 12:39:55 PM]

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Diet: The Briiol have evolved into a wholely symbiotic relationship with the Wyrms, and now extract nutrients directly from the surface of their travel pods, rooting themselves in it's flesh to do so. History: Not much is known about their racial history, save that they made contact with the Wyrm species- and survived, entering into their current relationship. Physiology: The form of the Briiol resembles that of a cross between an Olde Earth tree and Sea Anemone, with it's fleshy, blood red limbs ending in either cumbersome, two digit grasping-appendages, or in sensory organs.Plus, they can 'uproot', and awkwardly lumber about for short distances on their lower tentacles.It was due to their bodies' lack of mobility and minimal capacity of manipulating objects, that the Briiol's evolution as a species resulted directly from the control of their implanted youngs' hosts.They implant their young via needles that retract from their eye-pods' pupils. Culture: Unknown.It is known to be very individualistic, paranoid, and obsessed with personal gain. And, as they are a telepathic race, their language and culture are in thought forms, and not sounds or words. One of the most commonly known traditions among Briiol is that of their giving Scrymdols(see Metaphysics) as gestures of respect and/or alliance -most commonly to humons. (conversely,receiving a broken Scrymdol signifies a declaration of hostility...) Reproduction: Nothing is known as to their mating habits.As they are a parasitic race, though, the Briiol inject their young into host bodies once the egg has been fertilized by the thus-far unknown method. The Gestation period being about 5 years. At which point they are surgically removed to preserve the host's (27 of 48) [1/9/2001 12:39:55 PM]

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life, instead of the young ripping out as they had in the past. In the modern day they take good care of the hosts incubating their young. The incubating young stimulate the pleasure center of the host. This can be very addictive in some races, causing the host desire to be a host again after the young are removed. Note that the Briiol mother has psionic control over the young, and can communicate psionicly with (and control as well) the host. Due to their history of enslavement prior to their "new enlightenment", there are various races with whom the Briiol are on bad terms. Technology: The Briiol have never been comfortable with "cold, hard technology", prefering to use living organisms.when seen outside their own territory, it will most often be the implanted young (it is the law in most star nations that Briiol implanted young must wear a signifier on their host to indicate their state.)who will travel in starships of other species, with the elders, for those few occasions where they leave their star nation do so from the protection of a tamed Conqueror Wyrm during its mobile phase every 2 to 3 years, doing this from within the safety of their Palatial Seeds (or "Travel Pods", which travel harmlessly through the Wyrm's circulatory system.)These seeds are fabricated from the "corpuscles" of the Wyrm itself, and are remade to contain elaborate networks of chambers which the Briiol adapt for sumptuous living quarters.(as the seed is biological, the Briiol elders can actually root themselves for the duration of their stay, gaining sustenance from the seed"s own nutrients.) Psychology: Very individualistic and private, the Briiol keep their distance from those of their own kind save for official gatherings or in instances of a trade agreement of information or resources.They do not possess any emotions corresponding to love or kindness in regards to another being. However, due to their dealings with humonity, they have a keen understanding of friendship, and can mimic it to enhance their alliances with non-Briiol.Their closest approximation to such emotions is their purely instinctual 'love' for their young -which fades completely once the young are extracted from their host and enter into adulthood.When dealing with non-Briiol they are a bit more sociable, albeit doing so mostly psionically through their implanted young within hosts.The sole exception to this distance is for Humons, who whenever possible the Briiol try to meet with personally.(see Metaphysics) Communication:The Briiol are a telepathic species, and have no language, per se, being restricted to the direct transferral of images, concepts, etc. Trade: The primary commodity of the Union is drugs, manufactured within the bodies of the Wyrms. As well, using the mysterious biomorphic fluid Mojo which is extracted from one of the innermost glands of the Wyrm, they are able to create R.U.R.s (Recreation/Utility Replicants) and other living technologies.(these are sold exclusivel through the Web which has special permission to sell these products -which would be otherwise illegal within the Empire. Metaphysics: Though not thoroughly understood, the Briiol worship a race of "demons" -beings which their faith states are to be revered as the great testers.It is said that they gave the Briiol their existence and therefore must be showed reverence.But conversely, it is the ultimate goal of the Briiol to overcome the demons, for in the end they will try to destroy the Briiol race.This is made especially interesting by the fact that the ivory figurines which decorate the worship chambers of the Briiol are distinctly humonoid in appearance(!).(These figurines are made from a light blue tinted ivory, and are called "Scrymdols".) Thus it is that Briiol, in their dealings with humonity, tend to be excruciatingly polite and generous, going out of their way to gain the friendship of humons. Unfortunately, humons must ultimately be on their guard around Briiol, who will in the end try to establish a position of power over their "dieties".Until that time comes however, a Briiol is a humons best friend and a VERY profitable resource. (28 of 48) [1/9/2001 12:39:55 PM]

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Briiol Names: 1st is an adjective detailing their contribution to the Union.Secondly is the commemorative title 'United'.And lastly, all have the last name 'WyrmTraveller',to reaffirm their relationship to The Conqueror Wyrms. Samples include; Patience-United WyrmTraveller, Humility-United WyrmTraveller, etc.


Diet: They hunt hyperspatial life forms, and as well absorb cosmic radiation. History: Native inhabitants of Hyper-Space, their race has for millenia gone unnoticed by the other Major Races until only recently. Allies and assistants to the Patrons, Burchyll have helped maintain the Nexwork apparently since it's inception some time in the distant past. Their presence was actually only discovered by accident, when researchers at the Eiffelstadt Institute were conduction experiments to document the nanosecond lags in Nexwork communications. A junior research assistant, a Humon no less, noticed a pattern in the delays which did not correspond with either the distance the messages were being sent, or the length or complexity of the message. Though the Institute's chief sophontologist at the time was convinced that patterns of the lags were underlying messages in their own right, exhaustive attempts at translating the messages proved fruitless. When at last members of the Eiffelstadt Institute the Patrons on this phenomenon, the Patrons were at first reluctant to speak on the matter. However, once the (29 of 48) [1/9/2001 12:39:55 PM]

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Burchyll consented to having their presence revealed, the truth finally came out; though Burchyll do not in fact communicate by means of the delays, they are used to relay their ancestral 'mating songs' across Hyper-Space, in much the same way that early Burchyll churned the hyperspatial currents to carry those songs. Physiology: Their internal structures are indeterminate, as they are a hyper-spatial, energy-based life form, thus making their nature incompatible with most known medical sciences. (and thus, in instances when they are injured, medical teams can but look on and hope for the best.) Culture: Little is actually known about their interactions among their own kind, but it is known that they have very little contact with their own kind. (save for courtship and in times of need.) Burchyll have only recently seeking to form 'friendships', but even these are only sought with non-hyperspatial life forms. Communication: Though not native to our universe, these energy-based creatures originating in Hyper-Space are fascinated by our 3 dimensional, temporal, physical universe. Burchyll can not exist naturally in our world, but may access it by 2 methods; via Cathexis -small Patron designed artifacts that allow them to communicate and interact with beings of this reality, or by possessing the bodies of sentient beings in this reality. Due to the damaging effects such possession would have on any sentient being, Burchyll codes of morality preclude their making use of the bodies of living creatures. Instead, Burchyll are capable of temporarily (3 to 12 days) inhabiting and animating bodies of dead beings. Names: Burchyll names are translations of descriptive terms of personality traits, and preferred forms and angles. Examples include: Caprice Straight-Forward; Seeker Slope-Down; Playful Wave-Form, etc. Trade: Aside from their maintaining the Nexwork, Burchyll have little to trade and do not actually 'need' anything from our universe. Burchyll, however, love attention and company. They are more apt to contact ships carrying a Cathexis, as it makes them feel welcome, but are known to tap into Nexus Globes to chat with denizens of our universe. (they'll usually want to chat a moment or two at most, and will usually return to hyperspace once they become bored.) Psychology:Their personality is best described as 'flighty'.The Burchyll language is in a sense pictographic, with names and concepts being reduced to similar forms, angles and properties.There are few subjective terms in their language, such as 'good', 'evil', 'beautiful', etc. Certain terms may convey preference, but they are not in and of themselves subjective.Thus, a Burchyll stating that a friend is 'possessed of many curves' refers not to their shape, but to the Burchyll preference for physical objects that lack sharp angles. (thus, they are stating their admiration of said person.) Conversely, anyone described as 'jagged' is clearly disliked. As well, they tend to parallel physical objects as a means of identification; the original Burchyll term for humons was 'squishy SIRE Units', as the humon form most closely resembled (to the Burchyll at least.) that of SIRE Units. In the spirit of their language, sophontologists who met them named them after a species of elegant wild flowers, to reflect the Burchyll's capricious nature and the energy patterns they manifest in our universe. (30 of 48) [1/9/2001 12:39:55 PM]

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shown here is a Corpus Galataea

shown here is a Galataean Probe (31 of 48) [1/9/2001 12:39:55 PM]

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History: The beings now known as the Galataeans are in fact the various robotic starships and probes, whose creators came from the previous universe, and who sent their robotic minions to re-create the existing universe as it had been before the Big Bang, readying it for a new race of Galataeans. Diet: Inapplicable. Physiology: Inapplicable. Onboard their ships are carried the decaying bodies of the actual Galataeans, known as "Corpus Galataea, each releasing energy that fuels ship's functions. This energy has been increasing over time, increasing as this galaxy is slowly remade in the image of The Purpose. Habitat: their base of operations is a many-system-wide device, known as The Matrix, for which they are constantly scouring the universe for exotic materials. Culture: None as such. They go about the galaxy, seemingly at random, altering the conditions of planets and whole ecosystems for The Purpose. Trade:None as such, but various factions over the millennia have sought out the Corpus Galataea to empower themselves with their alien life-energies. Reproduction: Inapplicable. The Purpose: Through communications with the spirits of the Culture Alphans, this phrase is consistently mentioned in respect to the Galataea. The exact process involved remains unclear, but it is of course involving the re-creation of the existing universe as it had been before the Big Bang.

NOTE: The Galataea will be fully detailed in an upcoming supplement.

The Green (32 of 48) [1/9/2001 12:39:55 PM]

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Diet: Similar to most plants, they need to root themselves at intervals for water and nutrients, and they continually absorb solar radiation for photosynthesis. History: Over four million years ago the Green were worshipped by the Jeica, whose worship the Green ignored.It wasn't until the Jeica were dying out from a plague that the Green realized their mistake and tried to help, but by then it was too late and the Jeica became extinct.Several hundred millenia later the Orpelle race grew to sentience, and they too worshipped the Green.Wishing to reconcile for their past mistake, the Green embraced the identity of being gods, and sought to serve their worshippers to the best of their ability.Sadly however, as different groups of Orpelle favored different Green gods a Holy War ensued and despite efforts by the Green, the Orpelle all died in the massacre.(In memory of the Jeica and Orpelle, the names taken by all Green are those used by their late worshippers.)Thus, when the third race of the Chirrok came to sentience and summarily took to worshipping the Green, their gods took the approach of maintaining some distance from their worshippers while at the same time striving to be worthy of their reverence. Culture: Central to their culture is The Dreaming; whenever any of the Green root themselves, they enter into a deep sleep, during which all others of their race who are rooted share consciousness.(it's said that the spirits of all deceased Green dwell in this Dreaming as well.)This sharing of consciousness has no limit to it's range, and thus Green from across Known Space will join during their rooting.It's during The Dreaming that all decisions for the Green race (and thus potentially decisions regarding the Chirrok) are made. Psychology: Very inquisitive.They are worshipped as gods by another of their world's inhabitants, the Chirrok.(see History regarding their reaction to the Chirrok's worshipping them.) For their interactions with other species other than the Chirrok and themselves, the Green are very informal, and will speak good humoredly of their being 'gods'- though never being disrespectful to their role as gods.In conversation, which they love, they have no interest in the finite affairs of day to day politics.Their passions are philosophy and purely theoretical sciences.(facts bore them.) Trade: The Green like to explore other worlds, using their talents and services as payment for (33 of 48) [1/9/2001 12:39:55 PM]

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transportation. They are highly prized for their flesh, thus having high economic power. They're especially respected by the Maiia of the Veil, as their flesh is used for psionic amplification drugs.They need very little technology, as they can manufacture most of what they need from their own bodies.Mostly they trade for information, land to plant their young, and interstellar transport to seed the galaxy with their race. Physiology: In their natural state, mature Green are immense "clumps" of vegetation, often several hundred feet in diameter! On their homeworld they are akin to islands of life in a desert sea, moving as needed to more fertile soil, areas with fewer herbivorous "predators" (-one of the stimuli that caused them to develop sentience), and new underground pockets of water.They can alter their mass, size and shape. (by converting their mass into energy and back again as need be.)The Green use their shifting of form for movement, which is a process they call The Wilding.Seemingly chaotic, this process consists of a flurry of shiftings, coiling and uncoiling various vines, roots and fronds, all of which is akin to an elaborate dance.The Wilding is the closest thing to a religious experience for the Green, as during this shifting they must tap into their very being, and in so doing, feel their most alive.For this reason, unless rooted, Green are seldom still. Reproduction: Green are fertile once every 1,000 years or so, when their seeds can be fetilized.However, like in humon reproduction save in reverse, their mates spore can only fertilize one seed from the hundreds they bear.Fertilized seeds develop sentience and possess the characteristics of their Elders.(after several hundred years of rooting, wherein they grow physically into the immense islands of vegetation which is their parent's true form, and mentally via their education within The Dreaming..) Those unfertilized are identical to the Common Seeds produced continually by The Green.Common Seeds are nonetheless part of the Green species, and are still cherished by the Green, who seek to spread their seed throughout Known Space for the perpetuation of their species.The plants that spring from these are unlikely to grow to sentience (though it has been known to happen...) and thus their flesh possesses none of the psi-amplifying properties attributed to that of sentient Green. Metaphysics: Due to their themselves being worshipped, the Green are in effect atheists.Since the scope of their abilities is in the range of what other species claim 'miraculous', the Green tend not to be impressed by displays of power.They deeply respect the Patrons, but are in no way in awe of them as other races tend to be.(since strictly in the area of psionics, it's unclear which of the two species is superior....) The only race that the Green tend to be semi reverential to is the Delphii, as their abilities are solely spiritual. Habitat: the birthworld of the Green, and therefore of the Chirrok as well, falls within the Pan-Galactic Concordance, and it is for this reason that so many of the Chirrok can be found therein.

The Hel (34 of 48) [1/9/2001 12:39:55 PM]

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Physiology: Very little is known about their actual physiology, as it is concealed beneath their shielding body-armor. Only this is known: the Hel are communal organism that exists on different planets, and and as a composite being feed off of solar energy, which generates a life-force aura ('Hel Presence'). This aura overpowers any non-Hel living organisms exposed to it, placing them into a comatose state. It is only in this state that any true communication can be established with the Hel, as those overpowered by their emanations enter into a sort of mind meld with them. (more accurately though the outsiders mind becomes a part of the Hel mind, and it is this relationship that allows outsiders to in a sense understand the thought processes of the Hel. Not really being compatible, this state allows the visitors subconscious mind to interpret the alien thought processes in the form usually taken for a dream. Ie. there is the perception upon waking that one HAD understood it all, but with waking it slips away, with only the most basic concepts remaining. This is of course a natural offshoot of the minds natural instinct to protect the conscious mind from ideas and information it can't handle. This most commonly results in nightmares when this hidden truth isn't well enough shrouded in symbols and secrecy by the subconscious, thus causing us to wake from this stressful state before the conscious mind totally unlocks the puzzle and inflicts psychosis upon itself. Similarly, visions from the Hel-state are also comprised of symbols, though not to shield the mind, but actually due to the mind finding the closest representations of a common point of reference. When adorned in their shielding suits of armor, the Hel are limited in their communication to simple 3 colored light displays on their face plate-red for no, green for yes, yellow for untranslatable/no common point of reference. They are capable of assuming a myriad of forms on the Hel planets, and wear armored suits to protect those around them from their life force when off-Hel. Those that leave the Hel planets, do so for trade, and to spread the Hel to lifeless planets.(when traveling outside Hel-Space, they customarily bring a liaison/interpreter to facilitate negotiations.these liaisons will usually meld with the Hel on a regular basis to be able to better represent them with other species.most commonly these liaisons are Xenopaths in training, and to be assigned to one of the Hel is considered the greatest honor, and most coveted of all assignments for any xenopath!)

Diet: Inapplicable. On their birthworld, they feed collectively by solar energy absorption (in a manner (35 of 48) [1/9/2001 12:39:55 PM]

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somewhat akin to photosynthesis, but apparently more efficient), but off-Hel they subsist on their personal store of energy, replenishing from the life energies of their Hel Gardens. Habitat: HelWorlds can be found throughout the Pan-Galactic Concordance, and they are one of the species that gives the Y'Qwyth the least-or more accurately- NO trouble, though it must be mentioned that they are not a member species of the Pan-Galactic Concordance;they occupy the same space, and there are never any conflicts between the Hel and their neighbors, but the Hel still remain a reclusive and mysterious race. History: in 18,245AD Humon sophontologist Dr.Miguel Ozymand 'discovers' the Hel race on worlds previously classified 'wild'. Formal relations between the Hel and the other Known Races begin soon after. Trade: Mechazoa technologies, and 'Elixirs': chemical matrixes which restructure brain pathways to create artificial experience and skill. They use them for an instant transmission of information between shielded Hel when they are off their homeworlds. It's become a common sight, that of their dispensing devices, appearing like black metallic hummingbirds, constantly attending the Hel when they need information on all the alien concepts of non-Hel. Within the HelPresence, the transmission of information is instantaneous, as all Hel think as a whole.) The Hel for their part, scan other species to gain biological templates for bio-diversity for their race. (they don't use DNA, thus they merely look for templates to mimic the forms and functions of.) Psychology: as communal organisms, they do not have an individual identity -even when an 'individual' leaves the HelWorlds to explore and trade in Known Space. All that varies is the information possessed by each individual part of the whole -all of which is shared with the group mind at the first opportunity.(in some way, on a planetary level, all HelWorld sentiences are linked across space.This link does not carry over to separated individuals, or to HelGardens. Culture: Inapplicable/Unknown Helscyon: when scanning other species to gain biological templates, they will on occasion (if the recipient is the bearer of young to it's species-ie., female, etc.) request to impregnate that sentient by their exposure to the Hel presence, to form a Helscyon. Helscyon are sentients that are physically the young of the recipient mother, but are mentally compatible with the Hel -and thusly able to enter into the Hel presence consciously. (Helscyons are most often Liaisons to the Hel for it's parent race, and/or the Xenopaths.) Hell Gardens: Comprised of non-sentient Hel organisms, these 'gardens' appear to be the equivalent of a life-support system; not only to they passively collect solar energies, but they appear to help maintain the connection of those Hel travelling off-Hel to the rest of the group-mind. (36 of 48) [1/9/2001 12:39:55 PM]

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Diet: They extract minerals from asteroids that they grind up and digest. As well they absorb solar and cosmic radiation. History: Known to have been the servants of the Sire, the HRim at times claim responsibility for the building of the dyson sphere Pollitzania, all the way to having bio-formed the planets in Known Space for Culture Alpha on behalf of the Sire with whom they'd allied. Nicknames for this range from "The World Merchants" to "The Star Demons". Physiology: Everbonded twins -one large, one small.if separated too long, both will die.The smaller one can disengage to mingle with smaller life forms.(it's still large by our standards.('smaller' is a relative term.) (mutant HRim with TWO smaller twins, 1 large sibling -driven it criminally insane.)Smaller twin is the mouth, larger twin is the digestive system. Old-style Burchyll for Aleph-HRim with mouth tentacles to manipulate food and other objects.The Aleph-HRim has the mouth, and the HRim has the digestive system. Culture: Name as an approximation of their species name in radio frequency.species can manipulate ley (37 of 48) [1/9/2001 12:39:55 PM]

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lines to increase their power for the purpose of manipulating the composition of the entire planet!-they even have moons that they've amplified the ley lines of and can manipulate the orbit of to aim the poles at points of interest in the galaxy for them to examine.As well they can use this to allow them to fold space for travel -as they can only fly through space at sublight speeds naturally.As well, in gestalt, they can use a worlds ley lines to fold space for the entire planet (!) and move it to a new location. names are anamatapia in that they are vowel-less approximations of the signals they use as individual. Psychology:HRim body chemistry is deeply tied with the stellar movements around them. They are as effected by the rotation of the Milky Way as life on Earth is by the phases of the Sun and Moon. To survive in space, they were given sensory organs allowing them to 'feel' Space/Time, gravity, electro-magnetic fields, and the movements of celestial bodies. The advantage to this is that HRim are aware omni-directionally, unlike senses such as sight which have a set field of vision. The disadvantage of this involves the effect a tangible awareness of the universe has had on the HRim psyche; since they 'feel' every stellar movement, HRim now perceive the universe as an extension of themselves, with other species being similarly just an extension of the HRim. (Only the SIRE, who created them, are perceived as 'other') This is one of the reasons that HRim have few dealings with the other Major Races, as politics, borders and commerce have no meaning to them. Usually, it's only when the celestial movements are interfered with that the HRim get involved. Such was the case with the First Galactic War, when the Y'Qwyth first began developing Stellar Dynamics and StarJaunt Technology. This 'disturbance' of the celestial movements was extremely traumatic for the HRim, who initiated that war to end the distorting of their perceived universe. The main reason that the war lasted as long as it did was that the HRim did not recognize the Y'Qwyth as a sentience seperate from themselves, but instead merely as anomalies to be corrected. Thus, while all attempts at communication by the Y'Qwyth failed, the HRim continued to destroy Y'Qwyth technology, oblivious to the fact that a sentient race had built it.

Nascene: Hyperspatial eggs containing a visible embyonic HRim. They are given as 'gifts of the ages' to honored allies of a HRim, to act as godparents.Being a godparent entails merely keeping the egg until it hatches, then delivering the newborn HRim to Pollitzania. Eggs are moved about via energy fields that can manipulate it's ectoplasmic form. The embryos still 'read' time/space and a map of all distances covered by the godparent is imprinted in the embryo's mind. Any wielders of these eggs will be assisted by nearby HRim -who will sense the presence of the egg onboard ships, etc.

K'Mhrr (38 of 48) [1/9/2001 12:39:55 PM]

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Diet: Solely carnivorous, eating their prey live. History: Not very technologically advanced inherently, the K'Mhrr "inherited" certain technologies from the ruins of a large SIRE outpost on their birth-world and the surrounding systems. Culture: They have one of the largest space fleets in the galaxy, and given their predatory racial stock, they are not loath to warfare.though it cannot be said that the K'Mhrr are prone to starting wars, once slighted they have proven to be savage and merciless to their enemies. Though they take great pains not to endanger innocents, and will under no circumstances take hostages or treat conquered peoples unkindly, prisoners of war are summarily tortured and killed with absolute sadism. Toying with ones prey is viewed as one of the spoils of war. (it's not uncommon for high ranking officials to have p.o.w.s transferred to the K'Mhrr throneworld for the amusement of the elite.) This seeming barbarism is at odds with the cultured mien of even the lowest stationed of the K'Mhrr, whose highest aspiration is to be viewed as a masterful host. Guests receive pampering accommodation from the K'Mhrr, whose communal nature has made them among the most highly sought after "friends" in stellar high society (owing also to their great wealth) second only to the Loom. Trade: The K'Mhrr "inherited" certain technologies from the ruins of a large SIRE outpost on their birth-world and the surrounding systems. Most notable in this cache was an abundance of operational SIRE Robots. (though it has never been verified by the K'Mhrr, outside experts believe that the Robot population may far outnumber the K'Mhrr population in The WarVista.) They have vast amounts of mineral wealth in their home system, setting up trade with alien merchants (most notably from among the Zir contingent) for which they made highly profitable mining-right agreements. Through wise investments, they increased their net worth, and are now one of the richest races in the galaxy. They surround themselves with the finest technologies available. They're always willing to make profitable (39 of 48) [1/9/2001 12:39:55 PM]

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investments.Early on, it has always been the Zir with whom they have done most of their business. (due less from respect for this diminutive species and more because the K'Mhrr have found it easy to use their great size and ferocious aspect to intimidate the Zir into the habit of always maintaining fair trade.) Physiology: Massing up to 100 or more tons, the K'Mhrr are among the largest of the major races. Semi -aquatic, their nature is akin to that of Sea Lions of Olde Earth, being equally at home in the water and on land. (Albeit being more lumbering in the latter/graceful and agile in the former.) In form, they look like a cross between Olde Earth's Manta Ray, though with a long neck, at the end of which is a large head shaped that of a HammerHead Shark. The tips of it's manta wings possess manipulative claws, though it has a prehensile tail ending in ropey finger-like projections which are most used for any complex manipulations. A major aspect of the K'Mhrr culture and mindset is there cycles of hibernation, which comprises a 117 day span out of their 412 day year.this is done in 3 cycles in the course of the year, each being roughly 35 days. Historically they were watched over by their symbiotic "pets", the much smaller K'Rhee, who live as packs on their hosts bodies, grooming and cleaning them of total is their symbiotic relationship that the mammary glands of the hermaphroditic K'Mhrr exclusively feed their K'Rhee's young (with adult K'Rhee being fed regurgitated food from the carnivorous K'Mhrr), whereas the mammary glands of the K'Rhee go only to feed the infant K'Mhrr-as both species exchange hormones to activate lactation in the other. (as well, the mere fact that the carnivorous K'Mhrr do not devour the K'Rhee is due to the fact that the smaller species evolved to mimic the pheromones of K'Mhrr young, which cause the adults to be able to control their instincts. So strong are these instincts, however, that even in the modern day, visitors to the K'Mhrr need to be sprayed with this pheromone to prevent their hosts from devouring them!the after effect of this is that K'Mhrr have a tendency to be very maternal towards guests, on occasion even licking them clean...) The sight of the comparatively minute K'Rhee picking clean the interior of a K'Mhrr's mouth is an unusual sight to say the least. (often being compared to the relationship of tiny birds within the jaws of otherwise ferocious alligators of old earth) the historic dependence of the K'Mhrr to another species during their hibernation cycle is also the basis for their immense armies of warbots-most of which only see activation during these 3 cycles. (it also is the time when the ranks of the K'Mhrr mercenary-brigades swell.) Reproduction: the K'Mhrr are a very private species when it comes to their mating habits, but it is commonly known that as they have no gender they did not evolve the cultural disposition to choose a mate, or even have any form of courtship ritual. The exact process by which they share genetic materials is believed to involve the exchange of saliva, as K'Mhrr are selective in who they will share their food with in much the same way other species' females are selective about which males they will mate with.

Mezlim (40 of 48) [1/9/2001 12:39:56 PM]

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Trade: Nanotechnology - as they became able to psionicly read the devices around can do so with other tech, though it's much slower with lower tech levels.they can mentally reprogram nanotech.nano-systems can only be made in the FreeHolds. History: The Mezlim were a non sentient species living inside large amphibious filter feeding hosts. (which have an appearance like that of an Olde Earth Squid.) The sentient joint-species known now as the Mezlim developed when the aquatic symbiotes came into contact with advanced Nano-technological structures following the Patron's transplanting them to the FreeHolds. The Patrons had built vast waterways covering the planets of the FreeHolds, and as part of terraforming, wanted to introduce an ecosystem into them. (Which is where the two symbiotic species destined to become the Mezlim came in.) The aquatic symbiotes(which are tadpole-like in appearance and are called Psygotes.), when they were exposed to the nano-tech lining the waterways, had an unusual reaction; they began to in a sense read them. Psygotes 'see' by producing an E.M.Field, which helps them locate their food. However, like Homing Pidgeons of Olde Earth, they retain an E.M. map of what they sensed, as a means of navigating the coral reefs of their native world. When they scanned the nano-imprints, they began to encode computer language and data built into the technology. Eventually, these patterns coalesced and integrated into the neural network of these creatures, causing them to artificially gain sentience. Physiology: The Mezlim are dominated by their elongated bulbous heads, which are transparent, allowing the Psygotes to view the world outside their Host. Mezlim move about on 5 hollow limbs, which extract water and filter food from the water. It is also the means by which the Psygotes enter and leave their hosts. Psuedopods fringing the base of each limb are used to mainpulate objects, allowing Mezlim to use any limb as a grasping appendage. (41 of 48) [1/9/2001 12:39:56 PM]

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Psychology: The nature of the Mezlim Psygote allows these limitedly sentient individuals to integrate together in their host, and function as a fully sentient individual. Simlilar to a computer, each Psygote acts as a specialized co-processor.Groups of compatible individuals will carry out different tasks within one host, thus allowing a single colonial individual to carry out multiple mental processes simultaneously. They exert no ego, and tend to be very easy-going, though they are not cowardly or apathetic. Owing to their gestalt-consciousness, they tend to be flighty, and have difficulty staying on task, and avoiding tangents. (as well, they haven't learned not to think aloud, thus Mezlim will often be heard by passersby to be carrying on a conversation with themselves.) Mezlim are normally quite serious-minded, no-nonsense, logical beings. And yet, on the subject of 'sporing', they have vulgar humor; Mezlim adore making dirty jokes, and/or adding a sexual connotation to their conversations. As well, they have acquired a love for the art of flirtation, whether it be among their own kind, or even with other species. Though the sentient psigotes of the symbiotic grouping only go into rut on an annual cycle, they, unlike most other cyclically sexual beings have such thoughts all year round. It has been conjectured that this is induced by their relationship to their non-sentient 'mounts' in which they live. The mounts are sexual all year, as humons are. In fact, it is a common, albeit no less jarring sight to see Mezlim mounts copulating while their sentient psigote passengers are otherwise engrossed in conversation. Reproduction: Both the host and the Psygote have complimentry reproductive cycles, and now go to special Breeding Chambers every two to four years.These chambers are rather chaotic, as hosts expel their symbiotes, which swirl about in the waters beneath them and follow their own mating instincts.The now non-sentient hosts will mill about with other hosts for their mating.When the impregnated Psygotes bear their young, they do so inside their host.(a throwback to when they as animals needed shelter from predators while so incapacitated.)The young of the Psygotes produce a disruptive effect on the mental processes of the colony (they generate animalistic, non- sentient impulses), which further incapitates the pregnant host, which will merely thrash about.The Psygotes watch over their young for about a month, which is the same amount of time as the host will incubate it's young.After this, both sets of children are expelled as young adults, to fend for themselves.(in modern Mezlim culture, this entails host-young and Psygote young swimming about the enclosed Breeding Chamber, feeding and growing.And for the Psygote young, this includes scanning the nano-imprints in the canals and developing a consciousness.

Patron (42 of 48) [1/9/2001 12:39:56 PM]

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Diet: Unknown. History: Unknown, save that they are not from our galaxy, and there are less than 100 of their race in our galaxy.They are secretive, and usually maintain a pattern of non-interference, but... it was they who made mankind aware of the threat and machinations of the PiN. Also, it was they who increased the technology of the Loom so they could escape their dying planet. They will occasionally give gifts of advanced technology to any race they deem worthy enough.However, without exception, this technology is never in the form of offensive weaponry-it is always defensive or utilitarian.Though the Patrons and the PiN are at cross purposes, and though the PiN are not THAT far behind the Patrons when it comes to their levels of technology, neither race will confront or directly work against the other.Why this is so is a subject of constant debate, and is something no Patron has ever been willing to elaborate on.It must be pointed out though that no PiN will enter, let alone disrupt those living in any of the FreeHolds. Physiology: Aside from their outward appearance, nothing is known as to their biological makeup, save that their eons of psionic empowerment have induced the current form of their bodies.Their form is that of a torso dominated by 6 boney limbs akin to humon fingers.These limbs, whose pairs are adjacent to one another, are actually cumbersome for any complex manipulations and/or locomotion.(Both of which are accomplished via telekinesis.)Their head extends out from one end of their torso and is held up by a thick, curved neck (Their form is obviously a mutation, as their torso clearly is too small to support their far larger neck and head.) and looks like a "T", with their eyes ending at either side of the "T"'s top, and facing forward.(And it should be mentioned that there has been much speculation as to the similarities between their large blue eyes and those of humons.) Culture: Unknown.It is however known to be highly ritualized,and incorpoates many components of their ancient, non-psionic heritage. Examples include their retaining phonetic names,as opposed to thought-form names,such as those of the Briiol. Another is their use of both telepathy and their sign language in tandem. Standard sophontology would predict them to have abandoned their gestural language in exchange for faster,more effective psionics, but such has not been the case. (43 of 48) [1/9/2001 12:39:56 PM]

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The PiN

Physiology: No one knows what they truly looked like, having placed their brains and nervous systems into slender cyber bodies. they are highly technically advanced, and they wear bodies like cloths, first labotomizing their victim to add to their wardrobe. Trade: As the galaxies foremost experts in warfare, the PiN most often give their allies high technology weaponry. The Magnus is their predominantly used weapon; it extends a foot long needle that will create a wound in the victim, then expands the wound, shredding the victim. (44 of 48) [1/9/2001 12:39:56 PM]

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Psychology: They are driven to become the galaxy's ultimate predators, and enslave all other life forms. Habitat: Their base of operations is one of the great mysteries of the galaxy(1)-they come and go with impunity and all attempts to track them have failed.(with the efforts of the Macabee tribe being the most exhaustive) Reproduction: Unknown

NOTE: The PiN will be fully detailed in an upcoming supplement.


Physiology: The Zaed are a reptilian/insectoid animal type, covered with extremely durable chitinous armor plates and body segments. They mass up to 30 tons, and stand 12 to 20 feet tall. Their body is dominated by immense jaws, with 4 boney eyestalks, 2 above, 2 below. Their muscular legs end in talons that do not seem designed for grasping, but are the only means for Zaed to manipulate objects. (45 of 48) [1/9/2001 12:39:56 PM]

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Reproduction: The exact specifics of their mating rituals and the care of their young is unknown. However, insight gained from the observation of a captured group of Zaed revealed the following facts; they are hermaphroditic, and their means of reproduction involves eating the flesh of other Zaed, gaining the stable components of their dna, and then being fertilized with it. The fact that this fertilizations occurs during combat between Zaed, and that it tends to be only the survivors who have gone on to bear young, has brought about a type of natural selection to garner a species whose vey nature is that of the best possible predators. Technology: Sophontologists know that the Zaed are completely incapable of creating the technology that they use. (This is one of the mysteries of Ad Astra) Diet: Their species is solely carnivorous, and must eat their prey live. A dark side to their nature is that in times of scarce food, cannibalism is commonplace. History: Unknown, save that they were slaves of the Nazgar who first discovered the potential for their Elder's Psiops. (whether the modern apparent UpLifting of the Zaed was the result of Nazgar manipulations is unclear.) Culture: Unknown. Psychology: They are just slightly more intelligent than carnivorous animals.the Zaed are not able to function very well in groups, usually splitting up and going solo at the first opportunity. When they are kept together they are as apt to fight amongst themselves as they are with an opponent. Enemies' tactics which rely on creating dissension within their ranks tend to work with brutal efficiency, and it has been solely this tactic which has slowed the Zaed at all. Zaed Elders: Blind spider-like, semi-psionic rulers of the Zaed, they appear to be the only truly sentient members of their race. They are kept in a mind expanding narcotic vapor, and see via sensory orbs (Psiops) they birth, which are used by the warrior-class Zaed for telepathic communications from the Elders. As well, these orbs are throughout Zaed ships for FTL travel, for which other races raid Zaed ships. (The other Known Races can more competently use fewer orbs for equal effect.) Zaed Names: There is no information available on their naming system. (46 of 48) [1/9/2001 12:39:56 PM]

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RACIAL NAMES Jingo: (based upon translation) 3 part names, beginning with the gender prefacing title of Broodling or Broodlass which is a composite of the humon terms Mr. & Ms. but as well introduces their Brood Loyalty/Membership. 2nd is their personal first name chosen by their Brood as a descriptive term;examples include (teeth)Gnasher, Snarl, One-Eye, Pouncer, etc. Their 3rd, last name is the name of their chosen closed-Brood, examples being the Broods of Gatecrasher, Huntwell, Bloodspray and Hoardwatch. An example of a full Jingo name is that of the infamous plunderer Broodlass Gnasher Gatecrasher, well known throughout the Empire for her raids of The Ultima Thule. Stratapin: Due to an early mistake in communication with first-contact sophontologists, Stratapin take names of famous landmarks from Terran and galactic history, as they misconstrued the significance of "landmarks", due to the Stratapins' physical composition. Examples of names include Taj Mahal, Manchester, Gibralter, Valley Forge, etc.Amongst themselves their "names" are in fact electromagnetic resonance patterns akin to humon auras, which are used for identifying individual Stratapin. Green: elaborate names, usually created by the Chirrok. Samples include Panaphast, Rastaphile, Domokore. Patron: two vowel names, samples include Oa, Ua, Io, Eo and Uo. HRim: radio frequency anamatopeia names, samples include Mxzlplk, Fzrkx, etc. Numa: two syllable names ending in vowel sounds, samples including Poo Nee, Lee Nii, Dii Roo. Burchyll: names are conceptual images or ideas, samples including Nobis Parlance, Philosopher Binary, Profit Fountain, Cretin Suggest, Burble Idea, Taxonomic Nomenclature.(As should be clear, Burchyll names tend not to translate perfectly...) Goem: names are two vowel rhyming words, samples include Boop Loop, Sump Nump, Leb Neb. Briiol: 1st is an adjective detailing their contribution to the Union.Secondly is the commemorative title 'United'.And lastly, all have the last name 'WyrmTraveller',to reaffirm their relationship to The Conqueror Wyrms. Samples include; Patience-United WyrmTraveller, Humility-United WyrmTraveller, etc. Sylum: names are cooed 'oohs' and 'aahs', examples include Oahoo Huo, Looheee Soo. Lithistrata: translates as adjectives or terms describing first their professional identity, followed next by the connective title of Mistress, and ending with a descriptive of the subject's person.Examples include the physician Scalpel-Mistress Tatter-Fan, the soldier War-Mistress Scar-Back,etc.Exceptional names are (47 of 48) [1/9/2001 12:39:56 PM]

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for Matrons: those Lithistratan females devoted to bearing young, running the kibbutzes, and being the ruling elite of Lithistratan society.They are simply titled Matron, followed by a term describing their person.Examples include Matron Bright-Eyes, Matron Sweet-Song,etc.Males have no name until they are sold off, whereupon they take their owner's personal descriptive, preceded by their personal descriptive and the title Consort.Examples include Squish-Butt-Consort Sweet-Song,etc. Mezlim: They always maintain a plural identity, refering to themselves as "we", but title themselves with "Cluster-Self"(wereas those adressing them use the title Clustered-One), followed by a descriptive term taken from their field of study; a scientist might take the title Cluster-Self Inquisitor, while a physician's might be Cluster-Self Curative. (48 of 48) [1/9/2001 12:39:56 PM]

Game Masters Section

NO PLAYERS ALLOWED BEYOND THIS POINT! What follows are campaign plot-lines which, if viewed by Players, will only serve to ruin their enjoyment of the game. It is therefore in the Player's own interests to heed this warning. (1 of 2) [1/9/2001 12:39:56 PM]

Game Masters Section (2 of 2) [1/9/2001 12:39:56 PM]

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Steps in Character Generation 1 Distribute 20 Points between the 5 Stats.

2 Break Down Development.

3 Determine Terms of Education

4 Break Down Each Stat to Determine Skills.

5 Choose Negative/"Character" Traits (1 of 15) [1/9/2001 12:39:58 PM]

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6 Determine Hit Points, Stamina, Healing Rate, Encumbrance, etc.

Break Downs A fundamental component of this game is that of the numeric breaking down of a Stat or Rank to yield figures with which to work with. In other words, using the example of Aquiring Skills, a Player with a Strength Stat of 3 would have three Strength Skills of Ranks 3, 2 and 1 respectively. (aside from the exceptions listed below, in regards to Areas of Education.) When determining a Player's Skills, this breakdown is done for the Stats of Strength, Intellect, WillPower and Agility. (there are no Skills for Perception.)

Statistics ("Stats"): these include

Strength: this stat refers to the character's ability to lift, carry, throw heavy objects, etc.

Agility: this stat refers to the character's ability to run, leap, do gymnastics, etc, as well as the character's hand-eye coordination, especially when it comes to piloting a vehicle, aiming a weapon, etc.

Intellect: this stat refers to the character's level of intelligence. WillPower: this stat refers to the character's strength of will, whether it be in psionics, for withstanding pain, mind control, etc.

Perception: this stat refers to the character's ability to use their senses to notice details within their environment. (2 of 15) [1/9/2001 12:39:58 PM]

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Useage 20 Points are distributed between these 5 Stats however the player wishes, within the character's Racial Maximums. (see below)

Racial Attribute Maximums (See Racial Description for full details on Weaknesses)


Agility Strength Intellect WillPower Perception Weakness

Humon Chirrok Goem Jingo Lithistrata Loom Mome Numa Raos sKeKs

5 6 3 6 6 6 4 6 8 6

5 3 8 7 3 3 3 3 2 6

5 5 4 4 5 6 8 7 5 4

5 6 5 3 6 5 5 5 5 4

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 5

























None Restricted Diet 1/2 Base Move Restricted Diet Restricted Diet Nervous/Passive Pacifist/Passive No Sight Restricted Diet Social Stigma No Healing Rate Require Socialization Can't be Psionic Obsessed by Status

Development All Players generate details of their background from Development. This is done in a descending order from Rank 5 down to Rank 1. (ie., if a Player wishes to focus on their Terms of Education, it could be at Rank 5, with the remaining details at Ranks 4,3, 2 and 1 respectively.) Most of the options listed below are optional, but no character can take more than five of them. The possible options are as follows: (3 of 15) [1/9/2001 12:39:58 PM]

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A.) Terms of Education B.) Noble Status: Rank determines level of Noble Status on chart below. C.) Physical Bonuses: Rank determines how many of the following Bonuses can be taken; Ambidextrous: useage of both hands (or like appendage) equally in combat. Eidetic Memory: total recall of everything seen and heard. Rapid Healing: doubled healing rate. Heightened Stat: one Stat can be increased by 1. (non-cumulative) Note that the Stat can't be increased higher than it's racial maximum. Natural-Born Psionics: learned independently without attending the Psionics Institute in The Veil. (see Skills section for full details on Psionics) D.) Starting Money: See Chart below for yield of chosen Rank. E.) Starting Equipment: Rank determines the number of initial pieces of equipment. (see Chart below for further details.) F.) Contacts: Rank determines either: the number of Non-Player Character friends/allies/supporters, etc. that the character has; or the Rank of a special high level Contact. See the Chart below for details. (4 of 15) [1/9/2001 12:39:58 PM]

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G.) Entourage: Rank determines level of proficiency of assistant. Entourage are created by the GM and Player. H.) Diminished Disadvantages: Rank decreases the number of Disadvantages character begins the game with. (See Disadvantages under Final Steps)

Charts Starting Money Chart: (Kcr = Thousand Credits) Rank: 1 = 1Kcr 2 = 2Kcr 3 = 3Kcr 4 = 4Kcr 5 = 5Kcr 6 = 6Kcr Special Situations: Entrepeneurial Wealth: Use Chart above, but multiply this by the number of Terms character ran a business. (ie., Rank in Private Enterprise/Gainful Employment) End Result is received monthly from said business, unless character history has it established that they no longer own said business. Can only be taken if Private Enterprise/Gainful Employment is chosen under education. Nobility Wealth: Use Chart above, but: Knights receive this amount monthly Barons receive 5 times this amount monthly in saleable goods('tithe') (5 of 15) [1/9/2001 12:39:58 PM]

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Counts receive 10 times this amount monthly Dukes receive 20 times this amount monthly Princes receive 100 times this amount monthly Starting Equipment Chart: (Note that the focus here is on Game Balance, NOT on relative value) See Equipment section for full desciptions of items. Tachyon Token: Count as 2 items each. Quondam Companion: Counts as 1 item. Meson Jar: Counts as 1 item. A-Grav Harness/Icharus Unit: Counts as 1 item. (Free for Raos PCs) Cybernetic Implant: Any Implant 5Kcr and under Counts as 2 items; Up to 10Kcr Implant Counts as 3 items; Up to 20Kcr Implant Counts as 4 items. Shield: Light Personal to Heavy Combat Counts as 1 item. (though PCs should pay attention to the Shield's weight, in regards to their Encumbrance. Armor: Kevlar and similar Count as 1 item(as does ZapSuit); Light Combat and similar Count as 2 items; Assalt and similar Count as 3 items. Weapon: any Weapon Factored 1 to 5 Counts as 1 item; any Weapon Factored 6 to 9 Counts as 2 items. No Optional, Specialty, or GM Restricted allowed. Contacts Chart: (full details of individual Contacts are determined by the GM and the Player. Examples listed are merely a guide, not an exclusive list.) Rank 1: Contact is older, and wiser than the Player Character. Rank 2: Contact is high ranking in a planetary government, a corporation, etc. Rank 3: Contact is high ranking in a star nation's government (up to a Duke or similar), a mega-corporation, etc. Option: Contact is in fact the organization of the Star Scouts, in which the Player has had membership since childhood. Membership yields: access to hundreds of Scout Hostels across Known Space; Potential allies in the form of other Star Scout alumni; Phreem Colored glasses to view coded messages left by other Scouts, in the form of other-wise (6 of 15) [1/9/2001 12:39:58 PM]

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invisible grafitti; etc. (full details on the Star Scouts will be detailed in future supplements.) Rank 4: Contact is a Prince(ss), CEO of a mega-corporation, etc. Rank 5: Contact is one of the Patron, the Hel, the Green, or the PiN, or ruler of one of the star nations, etc. Nobility Option: (All Imperial Allied Races may achieve Noble status up to Duke, but the Noble status of Prince is exclusive to Humons.) Each consecutive Rank of Nobility possesses all the benefits of the noble Ranks below it. KNIGHT/DAME Prestige: Rank 1 -Bestowed Keep as Holding -Right of Free Passage (all Imperial vessels must grant this, though they need not alter course.) -Right to Bear Arms (note that this is not a right of all citizens of the Empire.) -Right of Audience (with noble of higher rank) -Military Enlistment (allows for the hiring of militia in the name of the Empire.) BARON/BARONESS Prestige: Rank 2 -Right of Trade Exclusivity (specify) -see Nobility Wealth, detailed above -Right of Confirmation(Can Bestow Lower Titles of Nobility) COUNT/COUNTESS Prestige: Rank 3 -Bestowed County Lands -Appointed Seneschal (Overseer) for County. -Right of Ordinance (right to have standing militia of soldiers to guard County.) DUKE/DUCHESS Prestige: Rank 4 (7 of 15) [1/9/2001 12:39:58 PM]

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-Bestowed Nation -Right of Decree - (right to dictate laws of one's Duchy.) -Right of Pardon PRINCE/PRINCESS Prestige: Rank 5 Note: PCs roll % Dice to determine their place in line to the throne -Member of Royal Family -Bestowed Princedom (Usually a Planet Within Their StarNation.) Entourage Chart: Rank 1: assistant is an untrained apprentice/squire/student being trained by Player. Rank 2: assistant is an entry-level professional, aiding and learning from Player. Option: Player has a Numa Life-Mate, of equal talent to the Player, though NOT in the same field. Numa is, however, dependant on the Player. (see Numa Race for details) Rank 3: assistant is a professional of equal talent to the Player, though perhaps not in the same field. Rank 4: assistant is a professional of superior talent to the Player, though NOT in the same field. Rank 5: assistant is a master in the field of the Player, and is training/advising the Player.

******FINAL STEPS****** Weight: Determined by PC.(within Racial Norms -see full Racial descriptions) Mass Hits: determined by weight using chart below. (8 of 15) [1/9/2001 12:39:58 PM]

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1 to 100lbs. = 1 Mass Hit 101 to 200lbs. = 2 Mass Hits 201 to 350lbs. =3 Mass Hits 351 to 500lbs. =4 Mass Hits 501 to 650lbs. = 5 Mass Hits 651 to 800lbs. = 6 Mass Hits 801 to 950lbs. = 7 Mass Hits 951 to 1100lbs. = 8 Mass Hits 1101 to 1250lbs. = 9 Mass Hits 1251 to 1500lbs. = 10 Mass Hits Move/Dodge: Used for determining comparative speed amongst characters, and the Rank of their ability to Dodge attacks. The figure is equal to Agility minus any Ranks of Mass Hits over Agility, with a minimum Rank of 1. Hit Points: Mass Hits plus Strength plus 10 Stamina: A reserve of energy, expended in physical activity. The figure is double that of Hit Points. Healing Rate: This represents the healing of wounds over time. 10% of Hit Points, rounded up, per day -unless specified otherwise. Encumberance: Represents the maximum amount of weight the character can comfortably carry. Using the chart below, this figure is determined by: Strength plus Mass Hits. 2 = 50 lbs. 8 = 750 lbs. 14 = 12,000 lbs. 3 = 100 lbs 9 = 1,000 lbs. 15 = 16,000 lbs. 4 = 200 lbs. 10 = 2,000 lbs. 16 = 24,000 lbs. 5 = 300 lbs. 11 = 3,000 lbs. 17 = 32,000 lbs. 6 = 400 lbs. 12 = 5,000 lbs. 18 = 48,000 lbs. 7 = 550 lbs. 13 = 8,000 lbs. (9 of 15) [1/9/2001 12:39:58 PM]

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Skills Each Stat is given a Break Down from which to determine starting Skills. In other words, a Strength Stat of 3 would yield three Skills at Ranks 3, 2 and 1 respectively.

Skill Level Maximums Any skill may be taken or raised above the Stat it is based on, BUT the actual number of Dice rolled cannot exceed the Stat it is based on. Excess CAN however be called into play to counter any negative modifiers. (ie., a character with a 5 in Intellect CAN have a 7 in Computer skill, but only 5 dice are rolled for his success. If he tried a difficult Computer task, which the GM assigned a -3 Penalty to, he would roll 4 Dice, not 2.)

Skills and Descriptions

Languages PCs begin the game with fluency in their native language equal to their Intellect, plus a number of other languages equal to their Intellect. Their fluency in these would be determined by a breakdown of their Intellect Stat. (ie., a character with a 4 Intellect would have their native language at 4, plus 4 additional languages, at Ranks 4,3,2 & 1 respectively.) In addition to this, those with Aero-Space and Private Enterprise Specialization gain 1 more language free at Intellect Level, and Xenopaths receive 2 more languages free at Intellect Level. (ie., if the above character were a Xenopath, with a 4 Intellect, they would have their native language at 4, plus 6 additional languages, at Ranks 4,4,4,3,2 & 1 respectively.) Language Fluency 1: Can't speak the language, but can read & write it poorly. Language Fluency 2: Can speak the language, and read & write it simplisticly. Language Fluency 3: Can both speak the language, and read & write it well. (10 of 15) [1/9/2001 12:39:58 PM]

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Language Fluency 4: Can both speak, read & write the language as a native. Language Fluency 5: Complete mastery of the language.

LANGUAGES Patron Lithistrata Numa Phoenician

Goth Mongol K'Mhrr Goem



sKeKs Sylum Y'Qwyth HRim Morloch-Gnosistine PiN* Wyrd*

Nazgar* Galataea* Zaed* Maiia Tribal Jingo* Shaolin Mezlim Coriolaen*

Loom Albion Jingo Macabee

Danaan Troia Zioux-Azrax SIRE-Access

Eloi-GnosistineZir Atlantean* Chirrok Delphii

Raos Masaii Sprawl Cant

Languages of Note *GM Restricted. Patron: due to the reverence accorded them by all races, Patron is used as a common reference sign language. SIRE Access: machine language of SIRE Units, non-SIRE can only hear it by using the Shift drug Kapek. (Momes and Babel nobles being the exception) No non-SIRE can 'speak' it though. (Babel nobles being the exception to this as well...) Y'Qwyth: by virtue of Pristine Law, Y'Qwyth is usually spoken or quoted regarding legal matters. Delphii: albeit not often spoken, Delphii hymns are most often heard at religious events of all faiths. Nazgar: due to it's history, Nazgar is the secret tongue of the more nefarious criminals in the galaxy. Sprawl Cant: gutter slang of denizens in the Imperial Sprawl's slum sections, it is also used by criminals. Wyrd: secret language of the Phoenician Spy Network, it consists of barely perceptible changes in body language. (11 of 15) [1/9/2001 12:39:59 PM]

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Disadvantages All characters begin the game with 12 Disadvantages (and/or Character Traits) chosen by the Player from the chart below. Note that Players can diminish their number of Disadvantages under Development above. dark secret -specify bad credit -specify superstious -specify gossip criminal record -specify wanted criminal status -specify extreme nationalism severe allergy -specify psycho-emotional disorder - specify sterility orphan (not available to nobility characters unless otherwise specified.) outcast - specify reason phobia - specify albino dependant - specify dependant Numa Life Mate disfigurement -specify rival - specify stutter asthma hyperactivity missing limb-specify missing digit-specify missing teeth-specify -non-cumulative missing eye-specify missing ear-specify missing nose paralyzed hand/limb/foot odious personal habit -specify (12 of 15) [1/9/2001 12:39:59 PM]

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primitive/technophobic social stigma -specify advanced age dwarfism epilepsy eunuch underweight obesity gigantism addiction -specify alcoholism bad temper bloodlust code of honor -specify compulsive behavior -specify delusion -specify fanaticism -specify gluttony greed honesty impulsiveness intolerance -specify jealousy kleptomania laziness lecherousness megalomania miserliness overconfidence pacifism paranoia (13 of 15) [1/9/2001 12:39:59 PM]

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pyromania sadism shy stubborn vow -specify dependant -specify low pain threshold mute scandal-in-past -specify color blindness wear prescription eyeglasses (player is allergic to Retinox5) diminished sense of hearing diminished sense of smell diminished sense of touch diminished sense of taste deaf blind no sense of smell no sense of touch no sense of taste

Character Traits these are neither positive or negative but add distinctions to the Player's character, and therefore count the same as Disadvantages. heavy accent unusual hair color -specify -only available to characters whose race has hair unusual eye color -specify unusual skin color -specify birthmark -specify scar(s) non-cumulative, though count twice if signifigance of it is explained. bald/balding -only available to characters whose race has hair celibate (14 of 15) [1/9/2001 12:39:59 PM]

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straight (if player is bi/gay) -only available to PCs whose race has gender bisexual -only available to characters whose race has gender gay -only available to characters whose race has gender xenosexual (attracted to other alien races) chromosexual (attracted to robots/machines) transgender -only available to characters whose race has gender character comes from 1 parent clone "family"- via Loom Ovo. character comes from 2 father homosexual family- via Loom Ovo. character comes from 2 mother homosexual family- via Loom Ovo. (15 of 15) [1/9/2001 12:39:59 PM]

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Benefits of

Education For each Terms of Education, the Player chooses between a desired Specialty Benefit or those Benefits open to all Education Specializations. (ie., if Player A chooses Rank 4 for their character's Terms of Education, then this would yield 4 Terms to be split up between the desired Benefits. Thus, Player A might have gone for 3 Terms of Aerospace Specialization at the Order of Cygnus, and 1 Term of Military Specialization. From the Aerospace Specialization Player A might use all 3 Terms towards a StarShip, which would yield 50 million credits worth of StarShip. From the Military Specialization Player A might use the 1 remaining Term towards 1 Extra Piece of Equipment, from those Benefits open to all Education Specializations.)

Benefits Open to All Education Specializations Safe Houses: character has 2 false - ID bought apartments spread throughout Known Space to use when visiting those other worlds, per Rank. (player must list and get approval of these Safe Houses before beginning play.) Extra Contacts: See Development for details. Extra Equipment: See Development for details. Extra Starting Money: See Development for details. Extra Languages: One more language, at Player's Intellect Level of proficiency, per Rank.

Aero-Space Specialization starship captain, aeroplane pilot, etc. The Halls of the Light (Available to Consortium Citizens & Allies) (1 of 8) [1/9/2001 12:40:00 PM]

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Protectorate StarFleet academy (Available to Protectorate Citizens & Allies) P.G.C.StarFleet academy (Available to P.G.C. Citizens & Allies) The Order of Cygnus (Available to Imperial Citizens & Allies) The Wandering Brood (Available to Stolen Worlds Citizens & Allies)

Specialty Benefits: Starship; Legal Enforcement powers

Medical Specialization physicians, physical therapists, etc. The Halls of Bone (Available to Consortium Citizens & Allies) Order of Lazarus (Available to Imperial Citizens & Allies) The Brood of Silence (Available to Stolen Worlds Citizens & Allies) Protectorate Ministry of Health (Available to Protectorate Citizens & Allies) P.G.C.Ministry of Health (Available to P.G.C. Citizens & Allies)

Specialty Benefits: Starship, Neutral Status

Entertainer Specialization artists, entertainers, culinary artists, etc. Order of The Muse (Available to Imperial Citizens & Allies) The Halls of Dancing Shadows (Available to Consortium Citizens & Allies) The Brood of Dreams (Available to Stolen Worlds Citizens & Allies) Protectorate Endowment for the Arts (Available to Protectorate Citizens & Allies) P.G.C.Endowment for the Arts program (Available to P.G.C. Citizens & Allies) (2 of 8) [1/9/2001 12:40:00 PM]

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Specialty Benefits: Entrepeneur Wealth

Social Sciences Specialization psychologists, educators, scholars, etc. Order of Chaldea (Available to Imperial Citizens & Allies) The Halls of Ancestry (Available to Consortium Citizens & Allies) The Brood of the Open Hand (Available to Stolen Worlds Citizens & Allies) Protectorate Ministry of Sophistry (Available to Protectorate Citizens & Allies) P.G.C.Ministry of Sophistry academy (Available to P.G.C. Citizens & Allies)

Specialty Benefits: Neutral Status

Sciences Specialization Scientists, Technicians, Chemists, etc. Order of Talos (Available to Imperial Citizens & Allies) The Halls of Structure (Available to Consortium Citizens & Allies) The Brood of the Prying Eyes (Available to Stolen Worlds Citizens & Allies) Protectorate Ministry of Sophistry (Available to Protectorate Citizens & Allies) P.G.C.Ministry of Sophistry academy (Available to P.G.C. Citizens & Allies)

Specialty Benefits: Starship

Legal Specialization (government officials, judges, lawyers, attorneys) Order of the Quabal (Available to Imperial Citizens & Allies) The Halls of Elder (Available to Consortium Citizens & Allies) (3 of 8) [1/9/2001 12:40:00 PM]

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The Brood Above (Available to Stolen Worlds Citizens & Allies) Protectorate Ministry of Legal Sciences (Available to Protectorate Citizens & Allies) P.G.C.Ministry of Legal Sciences (Available to P.G.C. Citizens & Allies)

Specialty Benefits: Legal Enforcement powers

Theological Specialization (spiritualists, religious officiaries) Order of the Cairn (Available to Imperial Citizens & Allies) Protectorate Ministry of Metaphysics (Available to Protectorate Citizens & Allies) The Brood of Ancestry (Available to Stolen Worlds Citizens & Allies) The Halls of Memory (Available to Consortium Citizens & Allies)

Specialty Benefits: Religious Ordination, Neutral Status

Military Specialization (police, militia, security personnel) The Brood Ever Watchful (Available to Stolen Worlds Citizens & Allies) The Hall of Tooth & Claw (Available to Consortium Citizens & Allies) The Order of Cadmus (Available to Imperial Citizens & Allies) Mercenary Work (Determined by GM and Player) Military Career (Determined by GM and Player)

Specialty Benefits: Legal Enforcement powers, Starship (4 of 8) [1/9/2001 12:40:00 PM]

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Smuggling Specialization (Apprenticeship for smugglers. Note that they can't smuggle on their own till they can steal from their mentor's vault.) The Brood of the Hunt (Available to Stolen Worlds Citizens & Allies) Specialty Benefits: Starship

Freehold Xenopathic academy (Located within FreeHolds) for the training and registering of xenopaths. Specialty Benefits: Xenopath Status, Starship

Psionics Institute (Note that school is located within the Maiian nation of The Veil, and the only school accepting non-Maiians is on planet Tvashtri.) Specialty Benefits: Psionics, Religious Ordination

The Spies Network requires citizenship-by birth or emigration, within The Phoenix. All Phoenician citizens are entitled to Imperial treaty, without the renouncing of Phoenician citizenship.The same is not true for those of other Nations wishing training by the Network! -they must often train there in secret... Specialty Benefits: Number of Contacts are multiplied by double the number of Terms in the Network

Private Enterprise/Gainful Employment (specify business run.) Samples: The Collective -private businesses, all done for profits to the benefit of Y'Qwyth race.; Zir FreeMarket -Automatic enrollment for all Zir wishing to compete in the Z.F.M.; sKeKs Family Buisiness -runs gamut of legal to illegal sKeK private enterprise.; The Futures Exchange -Lithistrata commodities exchange based solely on the exchange of breeder males. Can also simply refer to career fullfillment for one's area of study; thus, being a doctor after medical school, lawyer after law (5 of 8) [1/9/2001 12:40:00 PM]

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school, etc.

Specialty Benefits: Entrepeneurial Wealth, Starship

Manual Labour (covers broad range, from construction, farming, craftworks, etc.- all physical careers, including those of professional athletics as well.)

Specialty Benefits: Determined by GM and Player

Imprisoned Player specifies crime & sentence. Note that this can be for war crimes against an enemy nation.

Specialty Benefits: Determined by GM and Player

Impoverished/Homeless Player specifies cause/circumstances.

Specialty Benefits: Determined by GM and Player

Independent Research/Project (GM and Player specify area of study)

Specialty Skills: Determined by GM and Player. (6 of 8) [1/9/2001 12:40:00 PM]

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Education Benefit Definitions Neutral Status: this is defined as most governments and organizations showing some degree of professional courtesy towards those with Neutral Status, on the grounds that they are assumed by the nature of their position not to be a potential threat to the 'status quo'. In other words, as in the example of a doctor entering a warzone, enemy troops would be less inclined to incarcerate and/or attack said person, on the grounds that the doctor would be assumed to be present solely to lend humanitarian aid. By contrast, journalists, while often still receiving Neutral Status, are often not harassed on the grounds that to do so would reflect badly in the media. A special case exists for that of Xenopaths; governments and organizations often show some degree of professional courtesy towards Xenopaths simply due to intimidation from the ties between a Xenopath and the Patrons. Note that in ALL situations listed above, Neutral Status is never an absolute; the actions made by said individual, or the details of the situation in which they are involved can cause Neutral Status to be ignored. (ie., if the doctor in the above situation were suspected of spying, etc.)

Xenopath Status: Trained in the FreeHolds, Xenopaths are recognized throughout Known Space as the most reputable diplomats in regards to settling disputes between disparate cultures. Their training encompasses the understanding and integration of alien thought processes, and the capacity for absolute objectivity.As well, they are the unofficial representatives of the FreeHolds. (and thereby, in a sense the Patrons...) A further avenue of their talents is that they are often hired to witness business and legal matters, for absolute documentation of verbal exchanges, etc. As their Psycorder Implants(qv.) will make them utterly truthful, their word is never to be questioned in the official matters of most Star Nations. Tools at the Xenopath's disposal include;

Psycorder Implant: Ala the Black Box in early planes and modern starships, this hyperspatial implant is activated by a Burchyll at legal proceedings to allow the implanted Xenopath to recount testimony in perfect, objective detail. Xenopaths are eligible for a Psycorder Implant after completing 4 terms at the Xenopathic Academy. As well, implants can be activated at will by the Xenopath for perfect recall of events or details from their experience that they wish to examine.

Nexus Initiated Edict: a quasi-legal Order, wherein a Xenopath, in the best interests of a species, planet or community, may declare martial law in the name of The FreeHolds. (and thus, in a sense the Patrons...) No world is actually required to obey said Edict, but failure to do so in the face of a Xenopath making such an Order, with justifiable cause, can bring that government to the attention of the Patrons, which few governments want. In the event however, that a Xenopath is found to have made such an Order without justifiable cause means immediate loss of all Xenopath status, and the full legal recourse of the involved government. (7 of 8) [1/9/2001 12:40:00 PM]

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Entrepeneurial Wealth: Terms of Education in Private Enterprise/Gainful Employment determines monthly income -see Starting Money under Development for full details.

Legal Enforcement Powers: Player is a legal representative of their native region (range determined by Rank -see below) and can make lawful arrests, temporarily deputize individuals to assist in the completion of an operation, and commandeer local resources for reasonable useage in the completion of said operations. Rank 1 yields jurisdiction within a town/village/outpost. Rank 2 yields jurisdiction within a major city. Rank 3 yields jurisdiction within a planetary nation. Rank 4 yields jurisdiction over a planet. Rank 5 yields jurisdiction throughout a star nation.

StarShip Chart: (Mcr = Million Credits) Rank: 1 = 10Mcr Worth of StarShip. 2 = 25Mcr Worth of StarShip. 3 = 50Mcr Worth of StarShip. 4 = 75Mcr Worth of StarShip. 5 = 100Mcr Worth of StarShip. 6 = 150Mcr Worth of StarShip. see the StarShip Rules for details on making a Ship via the above funds. (Note that said funds can't be converted into money prior to the game, whereas in-game, said Player can opt to sell their vessel.)

Psionics: character had latent psionic abilities brought forth and enhanced through training and study at the Psionics Institute. Note that this Benefit differs from innate Psionics found under Development. (for full details regarding Psionics, see Skills.) (8 of 8) [1/9/2001 12:40:00 PM]

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Skills and Descriptions Skills Highlighted In Bold Are Those Skills Which Require Having The Player Character To Have Trained At A School Which Provides Said Skill. Example: Pilot-Astro, Which Is Foremost Available Under The Aero-Space Specialization.

STRENGTH Attack Skills represent offensive use of melee weapons (including bare hands)

Repost Skills are specialized attacks resulting from successfully Parrying an attack.

martial arts-attack - Any form of unarmed hand-to-hand attack. tackling-subdual - Involves wrestling/Judo attacks. it can be used as a full body attack doing normal damage(Main body only), a non lethal wrestling/grappling hold(entangle), or as a stunning/knockout attack. Tackling/-subdual can also be used as a repost(normal damage, any location) following a successful MA parry. edged weapon-attack - edged weapons include swords, knives, spears, axes, etc. edged weapon-repost - A repost is a special attack available in addition to your normal action, it can only be used following a successful parry. blunt weapons-attack - Includes clubs,staffs,maces and similar makeshift weapons. (1 of 8) [1/9/2001 12:40:01 PM]

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blunt weapon-repost - A repost is a special attack available in addition to your normal action, it can only be used following a successful parry. articulated weapons-attack - Includes flexible weapons, such as whips, chains, flails, nunchucks, etc. articulated weapons-entangle - may be used as a repost to capture weapon, etc., after a successful articulated parry. AGILITY Parrying involves using a weapon(or your bare hands) to block an attack made against you, unlike dodging, which refers purely to avoiding an attack. A successful parry allows the use of a corresponding repost attack.

martial arts-parry - use of limbs to parry an attack, a successful MA parry allows for a tackling/subdual. edged weapon-parry - use of a blade to parry an attack, a successful parry allows for an edged repost. blunt weapons-parry - use of a blunt weapon to parry an attack, a successful parry allows for an blunt repost. articulated weapons-parry - use of an articulated weapon to parry an attack, a successful parry allows for an articulated entangle. sleight of hand - legerdemain, picking pockets, etc. stealth - refers to avoiding detection, moving unseen/unheard. performance art - absorbs singing, dramatics, mime, etc. athletics - includes dancing,jumping, sports, swimming, mountain climbing, acrobatics, etc. athletics can be used in combat after a successful dodge to move or set up an attack. zero-g movement - refers to maneuvering without gravity. arts of creation - specify-(sculpture, painting, origami, fashion, etc.) pilot-auto - operation of a land-based vehicles. pilot-aero - operation of a air-based vehicles. pilot-astro - operation of a space-based vehicles. pilot-hydro - operation of a water-based vehicles. pilot-mech - operation of a HelTech-based Mechazoa vehicles. small arms - use of projectile weapons up to sub-machine guns. (2 of 8) [1/9/2001 12:40:01 PM]

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support weapons - use of projectile weapons above sub-machine guns (grenade launchers, bazookas, mortars, etc.) vehicular weapons - use of larger projectile weapons integrated into starships, tanks, naval vessels, etc. archaic ranged - includes bow& arrow, sling, spear, shuriken, throwing knives, etc. forgery - the 'art' of duplicating signatures, official seals, etc.

INTELLECT biomorphics (illegal-capital offence for non imperial operatives) encompases genetic engineering via Mojo. electronics - encompasses both research, repair and development. chemistry - encompasses both research, application and development. med sciences - skill in medical treatment of one's own species. encompasses both research, application and development. bionic sciences - skill in cybernetic sciences. encompasses both research, implantation and development. xeno-med sciences - skill in medical treatment of species other than one's own. encompasses both research, application and development. xenopathics - encompasses the understanding and integration of alien thought processes for use in settling disputes between disparate cultures. sophontology - study of the evolution of sentience. psychology - study of the mind. may be used for second-guessing an opponent, or counseling and treating those with mental or emotional disorders. terrestrial navigation - The ability to plot a course from point A to point B, using tools appropriate to planetary navigation. extraterrestrial navigation - The ability to plot a course from point A to point B, using tools appropriate to starship navigation. applied mathematics - study of higher mathematics as they apply to the higher sciences, probabilities in a given situation, etc. A.I. sciences - ability to diagnose, repair, and design Artificialy Intelligent computer hardware and software. mechanics - (building construction, low tech equipment, etc.) encompasses both research, repair and development. (3 of 8) [1/9/2001 12:40:01 PM]

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quantum engineering - encompases starship systems, force fields, warp fields, power systems, etc.) star ship tactics - as it sounds, this covers skills for the command of a starship, most noteably in battle. utilities - catch-all skill for useage of most modern systems within their basic function parameters. law - familiarity with specific laws, as well as the ability to work within the legal system. architecture - encompasses both research, application and development. physics - study of the physical world. professional level knowledge could include such specialties as Quantum Physics and Nuclear Physics. encompasses both research, application and development. botany - study of plant life. It includes everything from identification and classification to understanding what a plant needs to live. encompasses both research, application and development. galactic history - encompasses knowledge of most important events in the history of the 24 Major Races, as well as Humonity. regional history - (specify) encompasses knowledge of most important events in the history of the chosen region. journalism - covers the ability to both work within the media profession, as well as objectively understand and manipulate it. meta-sciences - encompasses theology, mythology, occult lore, etc. bureaucratics - all skills needed for political and business offices.

WILLPOWER iron will - used each action to save versus stamina loss due to physical exertion, harsh environments, pain. As well, can supplement saves versus outside mental manipulation. (psionics, hypnosis, etc.) fame - all the instincts needed to make it to stardom in any given profession. (media manipulation, sense of style, oratory skill, etc.) streetsmarts - covers a range of activities related to the darker side of urban life, from knowing who to trust and dealing with the black market to where the best dumpsters are for food. nomadics - covers all the skills for living off the land -edible plants and animals, to making a shelter. meditation - speeds the regaining of lost stamina, decreases need for sleep(condensed) speculate - ability to go on instincts, gamble, "guess".also used to appraise items, but must be in one of the fields which the player has knowledge in. Note Regarding Feats of Divination Below: the various methods of divining future, past and present allow visions (4 of 8) [1/9/2001 12:40:01 PM]

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within the scope of their medium (ie., tarot can only show glimpses of past, present and future within the confines of it's limited number of symbol-cards). tarot card reading - a predominately Humon method of Divination utilizing ancient cards. saxon wands reading - a predominately Humon method of Divination utilizing ancient inscribed sticks tea leaves reading- a predominately Humon method of Divination utilizing the patterns left behind from a cup of tea. entrails reading - a predominately Lithistratan method of Divination utilizing the exposed internal organs of prey. palm reading - a predominately Humon method of Divination utilizing the features of the hand's palm. rune cast reading - a predominately Humon method of Divination utilizing the throwing of ancient carved stones.

Psionics-Base Discipline From this skill a BreakDown is done to gain all of the desired Talents. The Intrinsic Talents (those 3 done in Italics) MUST be chosen first (in any order). Any numbers left in theBreakDown can be used towards the remaining desired Talents.

Example: a Character with a Psionics Base Discipline of 4 must use the BreakDown's 4, 3 & 2 towards the Intrinsics. In this case the Player chooses to have Mind Shield at Rank 4, 'The Voice' at Rank 3, and Communion at Rank 2. With the remaining '1', the Player chooses to assign it to Telepathy, at Rank 1.

Psionic Bonuses (non-cumulative!) These Bonuses can supplement one's Psionic ability at any time. A.) +1 with deprivation of one sense. (usually via any form of Caul.) B.) +1 with physical contact with subject. (ie., contact with recipient of mind scan, personal item of subject for focused Communion, etc.) C.) +3 when using full sensory deprivation Caul Suit. (5 of 8) [1/9/2001 12:40:01 PM]

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D.) Special: +1 with a dose of the Flesh of the Green. Note that this is the only bonus which can supplement bonuses 'A' through 'C' listed above. (though eating more F.O.T.G. will not increase it's effects beyond the +1 bonus.)

Acquiring Psionics In Ad Astra, one can gain Psionics as a solitary practitioner, or through training in the Veil at the Psionics Institute. Solitary study costs a Positive Trait, but does not require leaving one's home Star Nation, which can make others question one's loyalty to their native star nation.

Imperial Policy on Psionics The Empire does not actively hunt down psionics, and what private citizens do in their private life is not intruded upon, but if a psionic uses their abilities in an illegal or flagrant manner (whereby it is used to gain unfair advantage over others in business, etc.) they are arrested. Psionics who are licensed, as one would a firearm, can utilize their talents openly. However, the only people allowed to be licensed are those who in some capacity are working for the Empire. There is the additional option of taking Psitox -a drug which permanently destroys the psi portion of the brain.

Psionic Talents communion: The most basic form of psi, this is the releasing of the psionicly aware subconscious mind and allowing it to make us "daydream" visions of our reality.we are instantly aware of all that is transpiring in the universe-which is our natural state already, but this allows our conscious mind to have access to this information. Since the mind CANNOT deal with such a mass of information, the subconscious sorts out bits and pieces and gives us flashes-or visions-of events beyond the scope of our more limited senses.the content can only be controlled in the most limited sense-we can try to focus on receiving visions which only relate to one subject, but the raw abundance makes this nearly impossible to have anything but the most generalized effect on our visions content.this talent requires the deprivation of one of the senses-that sense which is deprived will be the form in which the flashes come. ie., to SEE a far off locale requires blindness, to hear a secret conversation deafness, and so forth.(use of Food of The Green will negate the need for deprivation, but during the flash, that sense which is appropriate will be nonetheless overwhelmed by the flash-ie. if a conversation is picked up, there will be a rushing in the ears and then the sounds of the conversation will almost totally drown out the sounds around the psi, etc. used in conjunction, the psi will receive far more flashes and will be able to exert more control over the content. Note that there is no stamina cost to use this ability. the voice: This talent is a form of telepathy, but is focused on forcing one's will onto the victim's mind. The attacker pays 3 stamina points per attempt to control another person, and can expend additional points of stamina to supplement their attempt beyond their level of the Voice, on a point-per-point basis. The defender saves against the attack with their Will Power, but can NOT increase their save with Stamina. Note that those using the Voice must be heard and understood by the victim. Commands given via the Voice tend to be immediately fullfillable ('give me the key', 'forget we were here', etc.) and can't (6 of 8) [1/9/2001 12:40:01 PM]

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be long-term in their effect ('track her down', 'never leave this planet', etc.). mind shield: This talent is the psionics basic ability to maintain both control over their unintentional projecting of thoughts, and the blocking out of thoughts of others, whether it be the simple background of perceived thoughts, or the deliberate intrusion into their mind by another psionic.

Chosen chaos running: working from the Taoist method of going on instincts in seemingly hopeless situations, ('gut instinct') this talent allows the user to let the Universe guide their hand. (ie., successful useage yields private advising of the player by the GM on a course of action to escape an otherwise inescapable situation.) There is no Stamina cost for this, but it can only be used a number of times daily equal to the Player's level. telepathy: the basic premise of psi dictates that all consciousnesses are linked already, being part of the cosmic consciousness. The user can contact another mind a number of meters equal to their Telepathy talent. As well, this range is multiplied by 10 each level. ( ie., at 1st level, a character with Telepathy of 6 would have a range of 60 meters, at 2nd level 600 meters, at 3rd level their range would be 6000 meters, and so on. The number of minds that can be linked to at one time is as well equal to level. (ie., at 3rd level the Player could maintain contact with 3 minds.) mind probe: This talent is a form of telepathy, but is focused on forcing one's perception into the deepest recesses of the victim's mind. The user attacks at a strength equal to their Mind Probe talent, plus any additional stamina they wish to add. The base stamina cost is 5. Those defending save with their Will Power or Mind Shield. telekinesis: by "seeing" an object with the mind one can as well feel it with the mind, and as the mind is not limited by the same physical laws as the body, objects can be moved about from a distance, and can be of a mass which the user's physical body could not lift. The weight limit of this ability is equal to the player's Telekinesis Skill times 20lbs. Stamina cost is 1 per turn of use, multiplied by the number of times greater their TK limit exceeds their Encumberance. ( ie., a player whose TK limit was 120, but whose Encumberance was 60, would pay 2 points of stamina per turn of use. healing: Through this discipline, mental energy is converted into life-force for the regaining of Hit Points. This is done at a rate of 1 stamina point per 2 Hit Points restored -to either the user or anyone they touch. object reading: This is a form of telekinesis, but it is focused on the analysis of the "essence" of a held object. The user can gain information as to the history, nature and useage of the object. The base chance is equal to the players level of skill, plus any additional stamina points they add. Stamina cost is 2. precognition: This power is akin to Communion, save that it allows visions of the future. See Communion for details. Note that this psionic talent is most often not 'used' by the Player, but utilized by the GM to impart plot details to the Player. (7 of 8) [1/9/2001 12:40:01 PM]

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puppet mastery: This talent is a form of telepathy, but is focused on forcing one's will onto another strictly for the purpose of controling physical actions, one action at a time.(it effects the body ONLY, not the mind.)The user attacks at a strength equal to their crown chakra, plus any additional stamina points they wish to add.The base stamina cost is 4. (8 of 8) [1/9/2001 12:40:01 PM]

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Definitions: Attack Skills: represent offensive use of melee weapons (including bare hands)

Note: If a Player Character chooses not to learn ANY personal combat skills, then as in the real world they don't know how to fight. In a special situation, a character could, GM willing, use a non-combat Skill to suffice IN THAT INSTANCE. Examples: Utilities to wield an edged weapon, acrobatics to kick, etc.

Repost Skills: are specialized attacks resulting from successfully Parrying an attack. Parrying: involves using a weapon(or your bare hands) to block an attack made against you, unlike dodging, which refers purely to avoiding an attack. A successful parry allows the use of a corresponding repost attack. (1 of 4) [1/9/2001 12:40:02 PM]

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Basic Combat Attacker's number of Successes determines the Hit Point damage inflicted, as well as the level of the Manifest Injury. (ie., an Attacker with a 5 in Martial Arts Attack, who rolls 4 Successes against the Defender who fails to Dodge or Parry, inflicts 4 Points of damage. From the Manifest Injury Chart (see below) the Defender's Level reduces the Manifest Injury taken from the base level of 5 to 3, which corresponds to a Severe Laceration. (depending on Hit Location chosen by the Attacker, the GM would determine game effects/description of this injury.)

Note: Regarding conflicts arising wherein a Manifest Injury is determined to have a fatal result, but the actual Hit Point damage received is nowhere near fatal, the GM has the final say. Hit Points (and thereby Stamina as well), in the final analysis, merely refer to the full body's capacity for injury. A precision attack against a single organ upon which the entire rest of the body depends logically SHOULD be fatal, depending on the level of success. (see above)

Dodging: Just as the Attacker's number of Successes is used to determine damage, Opponents try to Dodge using their Speed to equal or exceed the Attacker's number of Successes. Number of Attacks per Turn: Determined by Agility on chart Agility 5 or less: 1 Attack per Turn Agility 6 to 8: 2 Attacks per Turn Agility 9 or above: 3 Attacks per Turn

Weapons in Combat: this works similarly to the above sample, with the Attacker's Skill in the weapon being the sole factor in determining Successes. The weapon's 'Weapon Factor' only comes into play if the attack is successful. Then, the Weapon Factor increases the severity of the Manifest Injury. (ie., an attack Roll wherein the Manifest Injury would've been a 2 on the chart, if done with a Weapon Factor 3 weapon would result in a Manifest Injury at level 5 on the chart.) As with above, exactly WHICH organ is effected should be determined by the overall level of success of the Attacker. (2 of 4) [1/9/2001 12:40:02 PM]

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SIMPLE Armor System There are two Types of Armor Energy: temperature extremes, lasers, sonics, flames, radiation, etc. Concussive: punches, falls, kicks, punctures, telekinesis, etc. Though it is possible for Armor Tech Level 12 or higher to be a combination of both types, one will always act as the primary type, with the secondary being at least one Armor Rating lower. (ie., a TL 14 suit of combat armor could be Rating 4 Concussive, but versus Energy attacks it could only go as high as Rating 3.) Effects of Armor in Combat: Attack Successes are reduced equal to Armor's Rating. (with Manifest Injuries being thusly lowered as well.)

SIMPLE Manifest Injury Chart: Damage Successes minus Defender's Level* on Chart, With Organ Type Determined by Hit Location.

1.) Bruise 2.) Laceration-mild 3.) Laceration-Severe. Scarring Will Occur 4.) Organ Damaged 5.) Organ Ruptured 6.) Organ Destroyed * Targets level is not subtracted in situations were target is incapacitated or surprised. Injury examples: a.) Head Shot; Organ Damaged = 1 Eye Temporarily Blinded. b.) Leg Shot; Organ Ruptured = Broken Bone. and so forth.... GMs' common sense should dictate how to describe any particular Manifest Injury. (3 of 4) [1/9/2001 12:40:02 PM]

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Note that this chart is meant solely as a guide (4 of 4) [1/9/2001 12:40:02 PM]

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Paul DuBois

LIKES Science Fiction, Alternative Music, Humour, Ethnic Foods, Conversation (!!), Thrift Store Shopping, The Internet (duh), MACINTOSH!!!!!

DIS-LIKES (1 of 2) [1/9/2001 12:40:03 PM]

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Bigotry, Religion-Used-To-Justify-Bigotry, Cigarette Smoke, Loneliness, Anti-Social People, IBM Users IF They Belittle Macs!!!

STATS D.O.B.: (12/8/67) STATE: NH



NON-SMOKER WEIGHT: 160-ish ;) (2 of 2) [1/9/2001 12:40:03 PM]


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