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Activity 12 - f WonderAbotlf fr"
t Types of
Dimensionsond Oifted Strotegies Analysis and Synthesis o CreativeProblem Solvins
Relevanceand Significance r Simulation
Instructionql Moteriols o
materialsto build a prehistoricdiorama(cardboardor Styrofoarnfor the base,sand, glue, craft sticks,toothpicks,small bowls to hold water,modelingclay, etc.) books about dinosaursand orehistorictimes.
Preparotion Copy and cut apartthree or four setsof cardson Attachment13. Put the cardsin plastic bagsto keep separated.
BockgroundInformotion The Mesozoic Era experiencedthe most prehistoric plant and animal life. During this time, flowering plants beganto emerge.Therewere palm-like treesand other low growing plants.The climate was warrn and mild. Nlountainbuilding occurredduring this time. Birds, marine reptiles,and dinosaursappearedduring the MesozoicEra as well. A. Have studentgroupsplay Dino Concentrationto learn sometypesof dinosaurs.
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B. Write the alphabetacrossthe board.Show studentshow to find the first letter of a dinosaur'sname as you hold up a card.Then tape the dinosaurunderthe letters.Ask studentsto alphabetizethe picturesaccordingto their initial letter.Ask studentsto look at the graph and tell which letterhasthe most dinosaursand which hasthe least.Have studentscount the dinosaursin eachgroup. c. Help studentscreatea dioramaof the MesozoicEra.Readthe Background Information then ask studentsto list items that will needto be madefor the diorama. Divide studentsinto pairs.Ask themto choosea projectthencreatetheir part of the dioratna.Studentsma1'needto look at booksand Web sites ONIcGee-Keiser.{cademic E nrichment Programs