Abused And Neglected Children.pdf

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 335
  • Pages: 1
In order to understand abused and neglected children, we need to understand what abuse and neglect are. According to the Cambridge Dictionary, abuse is a verb with the meaning of “to treat someone cruelly or violently”; and neglect is also a verb with the meaning of “to not give enough care or attention to people or things that are your responsibility”. From these definitions, we can conclude that abused and neglected children are children who were/are treated cruelly by their parents or caregivers; or children who didn’t receive/aren’t receiving enough care or attention from their parents or caregivers. Sometimes “neglected” is avoided and child abuse or abused children are used as umbrella terms. Generally, there are four types of child abuse which are physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and neglect. Physical abuse means that someone harms a child’s body or puts him/her in physical danger. Sexual abuse is any kind of sexual activity with a child, not just physical contact. Emotional abuse is a pattern of behaviors that harm a child’s emotional well-being and development. And finally, neglect is when a caregiver doesn’t give the child basic care and protection, such as clothing, food, heat, medical care etc. Since school takes most of our time in a day, teachers have many opportunities to suspect and report child abuse; and contribute to the adjustment of students who are victims of child abuse. In my opinion, every education major student should get educated about this topic and how to deal with it. Of course, there are some general pieces of advice that work such as maintaining student’s normal status is the class, not discriminating him/her positively or negatively, respecting and maintaining student privacy and their personal space. But, as predictable as it is, these are not and can never be the only methods. To conclude, as stated above, education majors should be deeply educated on this topic and various methods of dealing with child abuse. I hope in the future there won’t be any child abuse.

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