A Reformation Time Line

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A Reformation Time Line 1215 Signing of Magna Carta; English barons force King John to agree to a statement of their rights 1290 Edward I expells all Jews from England 1291 Sacreans (Muslims) capture Accre, last Christian stronghold in Palestine; end of Crusades after 200 years 1294 Kublai Khan dies after 35-year reign establishing Ming dynasty 1295 England’s Model Parliament—Edward I summons bishops, knights, and burgesses from all parishes for first representative parliament 1296 A Genoese prisoner, Marco Polo, writes about his travels to Orient 1302 “Unam Sanctam,” papal bull of Pope Boniface VIII, asserts papal supremacy over every human being King Philip IV of France convenes first Estates-General (Parliament) with all estates represented 1306 England expels 100,000 Jews who remained after Edward expulsion order of 1290 1307 Dante Alighieri, Italian poet, begins writing The Divine Comedy 1309 Pope Clement, a Frenchman, move papal court to Avignon, France, beginning “The Babylonian Captivity,” lasting until 1377 1310 England’s barons force Edward II to appoint lords ordainers to help him rule Parliament rules taxation shall be imposed only by Parliament c. 1310 Perfection of the mechanical clock 1314 Battle of Bannockburn assures independence of Scotland—30,000 Scotsmen under Robert Bruce VIII rout 100,000 led by Edward II 1318 At Battle of Dundalk, Ireland’s Edward Bruce killed three years after being proclaimed king 1325 Mexico City has its beginning in the city of Tenochtitlan founded by Aztecs in Lake Texcoco 1326 Queen Isabella and her paramour, Roger Mortimer, invade England and capture her husband, Edward

II First mention of gunpowder (in Venice) for warfare 1327 Edward II is killed in prison; Isabella’s 14-year-old son becomes Edward III 1328 Louis IV invades Italy and declares Pope John XXII deposed for heresy 1330 John Wycliffe born in Wycliffe-on-Tees Edward III seizes power, ends regencey of Isabella and Mortimer 1337 Beginning of “Hundred Years War” between England and France—Edward III assumes title of King of France; French king Philip VI contests England’s claims to Normandy 1338 Declaration of Rhense—Electors of Holy Roman Empire can select emperor without papal intervention 1341 English Parliament divided into Upper House (Lords) and Lower House (Commons) 1345 Cathedral of Notre Dame completed in Paris after 182 years of construction 1346 Battle of Crecy establishes England as military power; English longbowmen change face of warfare 1347–1351 The Black Death (bubonic plague) devastates Europe, killing as many as two-thirds of the population in some parts 1348 Black Death reaches England 1349 Death of William of Ockham, English philosopher, who sowed seeds of independance of church and state 1351 England removes Pope’s power to give English benefices to foreigners 1353 Parliament’s Statue of Praemunrie forbids appeals to the Pope 1356 Edward, the Black Prince of Wales, destroys French army at Battle of Poitiers “The Golden Bull” of Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV transforms empire from monarchy into aristocratic federation to last 450 years 1359 First Swedish Riksdag (parliament); all classes represented 1360

First francs coined in France 1362 English becomes the authorized language of the law courts; French still used for legal documents Piers Plowman written by English poet over next 30 years Palace of Popes at Avignon completed after 28 years of construction 1366 Parliament refuses to pay feudal tribute to Pope Statute of Kilkenny forbids marriage between Irish and English 1370 Wycliffe’s First Presentation of his doctrine on the Eucharist; he clarifies a theme which is later enshrined as a central doctrine of the Reformation John Ball in England preaches man’s natural equality 1374 John of Gaunt returns from French wars to become leader of the state 1377 Rioting ends Wycliffe’s trial at St. Paul’s Pope Gregory XI issues five bulls against Wycliffe Wycliffe agrees to “house arrest” at Oxford Leaving Avignon, Pope Gregory XI moves papal court to Rome; ending the “Babylonian Captivity” 1378 Queen Mother ends Wycliffe’s trial at Lambeth Palace The Great Schism divides the Catholic Church for 39 years when two opposing popes are elected— Pope Urban V in Rome and Pope Clement VII in Avignon{Avignon } 1378 Pope Urban VI presides in Rome whilst Pope Clement VII presides in Avignon 1381 John Wycliffe publishes Confession, denying that the "substance" of bread and wine are miraculously changed during the Eucharist; Wycliffe withdraws from public to Lutterworth The Peasant Revolt; 30,000 rioters converge on London; ends when Wat Tyler, their leader, is betrayed and killed 1381–1384 Wycliffe, with the assistance of his aides, intensifies his work on an English translation of Bible (from the Latin Vulgate not the Biblical Greek and Hebrew); this is the first translation of the Bible into the English tongue 1382 Blackfriars Synod condemns Wycliffe’s writings, followed by purge of Wycliffites at Oxford. 1383 Wycliffe, “morning star of the Reformation”, dies on New Year’s Eve 1387 Chaucer begins work on The Canterbury Tales

1389 Statute of Provisors makes papal appointments in England invalid 1393 Second Statue of Praemunrie prohibits introduction of papal bulls 1399 John of Gaunt dies; Richard II confiscates his estates; John Gaunt’s son, Henry of Bolingbroke, returns from exile and is acclaimed by Parliament as King Henry IV; Richard II dies a year later in prison 1414 Sir Jon Oldcastle (Lord Cobham), disciple of Wycliffe, burned at stake 1415 The Council of Constance condemns Wycliffe on 267 different heresies At Battle of Agincourt, Henry V leads English archers in victory over larger French cavalry Council of Constance condemns Wycliffe of 267 heresies and demands that John Hus recant; he refuses and is burned at the stake 1428 At papal command, remains of Wycliffe dug up, burned, and scattered on the river Swift 1431 Jeanne d'Arc (Joan of Arc) burned as a witch at Rouen 1452 Leonardo da Vinci born 1453 Sack of Constantinople by the Turks; Christian refugees are welcomed into Florence bring their libraries, including ancient copies of the Greek Septuagint, with them; this encourages the revival of “New Learning” throughout western Europe and will make possible Erasmus’s ground breaking work on the Greek New Testament (the basis of the Textus Receptus) End of Hundred Years War between England and France 1455 Gutenberg completes printing the Bible using movable type (first printing of the Bible in any language); the invention of the commercial printing press revolutionizes how knowledge and information are shared; it proves to be an essential and powerful tool in spreading the Gospel War of Roses begin in England 1463 Turks capture Bosnia c. 1469 Erasmus born 1469 Lorenzo de’ Medici rules Florence Ferdinand and Isabella marry 1470 Portuguese explorers discover Gold Coast of Africa

1471 Thomas á Kempis, author of The Imitation of Christ, dies 1473 Copernicus born 1476 William Caxton sets up printing press at Westminster 1478 Spanish Inguisition Spanish Inquisition persecutes Jews, Muslims, and heretics 1480 Ferdinand and Isabella appoint Inquisition against heresy among converted Jews Ivan III styles himself Czar of the Russians 1482 Portuguese explorers discover bananas on west coast of Africa 1483 Luther is born at Eisleben (November 10) 1484 “At Hammel in Saxony, on the 20th of June, 1484, the Devil, in the likeness of a pied piper, carried away 130 children, that were never after seen.” Japan’s shogun Yoshimasa introduces the tea ceremony Ulrich (Huldrych) Zwingli born at Wildhaus (Toggenburg) in Canton of St. Gall 1484 Caxton prints Morte D'Arthur, the poetic collection of legends about King Arthur compiled by Sir Thomas Malory 1485 Treaty of Leipzig divides Saxony Henry VII crowned first king of 117-year Tudor dynasty 1488 Battle of Bosworth on August 22 ends England’s 15-year Wars of the Roses; 1489 Symbols + and – come into use 1490 Beginnings of ballet at Italian courts 1491 Henry VIII born 1492 Spanish forces conquer city of Granada, expelling Islamic Moors from Iberian peninsula Christopher Columbus, with three ships and 78 men set sail on September 6 after first attempt aborted; arrives in the Bahamas, thinking he has reached the East Indies Lorenzo de’ Medici dies Christopher Columbus introduces Europeans to the pineapple, parrots, Indians, peppers, allspice,

maize, and sweet potatoes Nuremberg geographer Behaim constructs first terrestrial globe Leonardo da Vinci draws a flying machine Profession of publisher emerges, consisting of typefounder, printer, and bookseller Inquisitor-general Torquemada gives Spanish Jews three months to convert or leave country; 200,000 Jews are expelled 1493 Maximilian I becomes Holy Roman Emperor The pope divides the New World between Spain and Portugal 1494 First mobile artillery firing iron cannon balls, used by Charles VIII in Italy c.1494 William Tyndale is born 1495 First recorded outbreak of syphilis; infects army of Charles VIII at Naples Leonardo da Vinci’s “Last Supper” 1496 Menno Simons born John Cabot reaches coast of Newfoundland; Vasco de Gama discovers west coast of India 1497 The College of Cardinals discusses a church bill condemning “licentious clergy,” but the idea is soon dropped Melanchthon born Albrecht Durer paints Apocalypse John Cabot discovers Newfoundland 1498 Savonarola burned at the stake for heresy in Florence Vasco de Cama establishes sea route between Portugal and India 1499 War between Swabian League and Swiss Cantons. Swiss victory forces Treaty of Basel granting Swiss independance Granada’s Moors revolt as Inquisitor de Cisneros introduces forced wholesale Christian conversion 1500 Pope Alexander VI proclaims a Year of Jubilee; imposes a tithe for crusade against Turks First human Caesarian operation performed by Swiss pig gelder Jakob Nufer Postal service between Vienna and Brussels established 1501 Music printed for the first time by use of movable type

Peace of Trent between France and Emperor Maximilian I recognizes French conquests in Upper Italy Erasmus’ Enchiridion promotes a Christianity based on the Sermon of the Mount Michaelangelo completes Pieta Papal bull orders the burning of any books questioning Church’s authority 1502 University of Wittenberg established by Frederick, Elector of Saxony 1503 Canterbury Cathedral completed after 436 years of construction Da Vinci paints “Mona Lisa” Pocket handkerchief comes into use 1504 Venice sends ambassadors to Sultan of Turkey, proposing construction of a Suez Canal 1505 John Knox , the leader of the Scottish Reformation, is born 1506 William Tyndale (age 12?) enters Magdalen College at Oxford; as a youth “singularly addicted to the scriptures”, he reads the Bible in English (translating from the Latin Vulgate) to his fellow students (11 years prior to Luther’s 95 Thesis). Pope Julius orders work on St. Peter’s in Rome; Da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa” 1507 Martin Luther ordained and celebrates first Mass New geography by Waldseemüller proposes the New World be called “America” after Amerigo Vespucci League of Cambrai formed by Margaret of Austria, the Cardinal of Rouen, and Ferdinand of Aragon to despoil Venice Diet of Constance recognizes unity of Holy Roman Empire 1508 Michelangelo begins painting Sistine Chapel ceiling 1509 Henry VIII assumes English throne and marries Catherine of Aragon Luther visits Rome First shipload of African slaves arrives in Hispaniola (Haiti) John Calvin, the Swiss Reformer, is born in Noyon, France Erasmus writes Praise of Folly at Thomas More’s home 1510 African slaves cross the Atlantic to work in Portuguese sugar plantations in Brazil 1511 Pope Julius forms Holy League with Venice and Aragon to drive French out of city; Henry VIII joins Holy League

1512 William Tyndale completes his B.A. at Oxford Ponce de Leon discovers Florida Copernicus publishes that the earth actually revolves around the sun Forces of the Holy League meet defeat at Ravenna; coalition of Swiss, papal, and imperial forces drive French and their German mercenaries out of Milan 1513 Giovanni de Medici becomes Pope Leo X—“one of most severe trials to which God ever subjected his church” Peasant and labor rebellions spread eastward from Switzerland Henry VIII conducts brief invasion of France Balboa discovers the Pacific Ocean 1515 Tyndale completes his M.A. at Oxford and is ordained, but refuses to enter monastic orders Thomas Wolsey is appointed Cardinal and Lord Chancellor of England

II. The Reformation Period (1516 – 1563) Select another Time Period: < Pre-Reformation > < Post Reformation > (1215 - 1515) (1564 - 1689) 1516–17 Erasmus publishes his edition of Greek-Latin New Testament, Novum Instrumentum; this translation powerfully demonstrated the corruption of the Latin Vulgate’s text; Erasmus promotes the translation of the Bible into vernacular tongues for reading by the plowboy and the “simplest woman” Pope Julius II convenes the Lateran Council to undertake reforms in abuses of Church in Rome Sir Thomas More writes Utopia 1517 Martin Luther posts 95 theses in protest against saleable indulgences Erasmus publishes anti-war tract Tetzel hired by Albert of Mainz to sell indulgences 1518 At meeting of Augustinians in Heidelberg, Luther defends his theology; later he appears before Cardinal Cajetan at Augsburg, but refuses to recant; in December, Frederick the Wise protects Luther from being handed over to Rome. 1518–22 The Spanish carry out their conquest of Mexico 1519 Luther questions papal infallibility in a debate

Luther begins New Testament sermon series, signaling new era of Biblical preaching Zwingli begins New Testament sermons; Swiss reformation is born Cortes enters Aztec capital, Tenochtitlan Charles V (of Spain) succeeds Maximilian as Holy Roman Emperor 1520 Papal bull “Exsurge Domine” gives Luther 60 days to recant or be excommunicated; writes 3 seminal documents: To the Christian Nobility, On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church, and The Freedom of a Christian; burns papal bull and canon law Suleiman I (the Magnificent) becomes sultan of the Ottoman Empire (Turks) 1521 Cambridge students form a study-group at the White Horse Tavern Little Bilney, William Tyndale, John Frith, and Thomas Cranmer are among them Luther is Excommunicated by the papal bull Decet Romanum Pontificem; at Diet of Worms in April, he refuses to recant writings, and edict (in May) condemns him as heretic and outlaw; he is “kidnapped” and hidden at Wartburg Castle; begins translating the New Testament into German Religious unrest in Wittenberg: private masses abolished, Karlstadt serves Communion in both elements, religious statues destroyed Pope titles Henry VIII “Defender of the Faith” for attacking Luther’s views of the sacraments Lutheran books appear in England “Zwickau prophets,” early Anabaptists, arrive in Wittenberg Pope Leo X dies, succeeded by Hadrian VI The Turks capture Belgrade Carlstadt celebrates first Protestant communion at Wittenburg Diet of Worms; Luther refuses to recant; gets backing of German princes; begins German translation of Bible 1521–1523 William Tyndale begins teaching at Little Sodbury; disputes with local clergy and is arraigned on charges of heresy; translates Erasmus’s Enchiridion 1522 Anabaptist movement begins in Germany Stump and Reublin challenge paying of tithes Luther introduces German liturgy in Wittenburg 1523 Tyndale resides with Humphrey Monmouth in London 1524 Tyndale seeks patronage of Bishop Tunstall and is rebuffed; then, assisted by Monmouth, he travels to Germany and registers at the University of Wittenburg 1524 Luther debates Karlstadt on the Lord’s Supper

Erasmus publishes On Freedom of the Will Peasant Wars breaks out in southern Germany Diet of Nuremberg fails to enforce Edict of Worms condemning Luther 1525 In Cologne, Tyndale prepares to print an English New Testament; but he is discovered and escapes with only a few printed portions Anabaptist movement begins in Zürich, spreads to Germany; First Zürich disputation with those opposed to infant baptism; First believer’s baptism in Zürich; Denck banished from Nuremberg for views on Lord’s Supper; First Anabaptist congregation of 35 converts established in Zollikon; First imprisonment of Anabaptists occurs in Zürich; they escape Luther marries Katherine von Bora; writes Bondage of the Will (against Erasmus). Charles V defeats Francis I; Elector Frederick the Wise dies; France makes pact with Suleiman I 1526 Tyndale completes the printing of New Testament (in Worms); (It is the first printing of the New Testament in English and the first English translation of the scriptures from the Biblical Greek); smuggled copies of his New Testaments are soon being circulated throughout England Cardinal Wolsey presides at a massive burning of “Lutheran” books Reformation spreads to Sweden and Denmark League of Torgau formed; First Diet of Speyer postpones enforcement of Edict of Worms Erasmus publishes the works of St. Augustine 1527 Bishop Tunstall orders the purchase and burning of all the testaments; but this serves only to finance Tyndale’s second edition of the New Testament The German and Spanish Imperial troops of Charles V sack Rome Basel orders corporeal punishment and confiscation of property for adult baptism and sheltering Anabaptists Luther pens “A Mighty Fortress”; writes against Zwingli’s views on the Lord’s Supper First Protestant university (Marburg) founded Plague strikes Wittenberg 1527–1530 English agents seek to capture Tyndale on the Continent; he keeps moving and continues to translate and write 1528 Reformation established in Bern Swabian League authorizes military division of 400 horsemen to scout for Anabaptists Thomas Bilney, respected Cambridge preacher and “Lutheran sympathizer,” is dragged from his pulpit and imprisoned Simon Fish, a London attorney and amateur actor who has fled to Antwerp after spoofing the clergy,

writes "A Supplication for Beggars", which urges an end to taxes for Rome. (Henry VIII really likes this book.) 1529 Tyndale publishes Obedience of a Christian Man; Sir Thomas More begins writing against Tyndale and Luther (Dialogue) Henry VIII dismisses Lord Chancellor Thomas Wolsey for failing to obtain the Pope's consent to his divorce from Catherine of Aragon; Sir Thomas More appointed Lord Chancellor; Henry VIII summons the “Reformation Parliament" and begins to cut the ties with the Church of Rome Reformation becomes official in Basel Diet of Speyer—Luther’s followers name Protestants (first use of the term) Luther and Zwingli attend Marburg Colloquy, but no agreement reached on the Lord’s Supper Tyrolean Anabaptists flea homeland for Moravia Diet of Speyer restores death penalty for rebaptizing Turks lay siege to Vienna 1530 Tyndale’s translation of the the first five books of the Old Testament appears in England (printed in Worms); he also publishes Practice of Prelates Hoffman baptizes 300 Anabaptists in Emden and sends lay preachers to Netherlands Luther, as outlaw, cannot attend the Diet of Augsburg, held in attempt to end religious division in the empire; Melanchthon presents Augsburg Confession, a statement of Lutheran beliefs Protestants form Schmalkaldic League against Emperor Charles V 1531 Tyndale meets Henry VIII’s agent Steven Vaughan, but declines the king’s invitation to return to England; Tyndale’s translation of the Book of Jonah and his Exposition of the first Epistle of St. John are printed; Tyndale responds to Thomas More’s Dialogue, with An Answer Thomas Bilney is burned at stake Bullinger succeeds Zwingli and publishes first book against Anabaptists Zwingli angles for French support for the Reformation by allowing Swiss mercenaries to be hired Dressed in battle armor, Zwingli joins the forces on October 11 and is killed in battle 1532 Thomas More responds to Tyndale’s An Answer with his Confutation; Tyndale, choosing to spend his energies in more essential endeavors, breaks off debate with More English clergy submit to Henry VIII Calvin starts Protestant movement in France; publishes his first work—a commentary on Seneca’s De Clementia. Diet of Regensburg and Peace of Nuremberg guarantee religious toleration in face of Turkish threat 1533 Tyndale’s translation of Erasmus’s Enchiridion and his revision of chapters five, six, and seven of Matthew’s Gospel are printed; his beloved friend, John Frith, is burned at the stake in

Smithfield; Thomas Cranmer appointed Archbishop of Canterbury; (This effectly ends clerical celibacy among Anglicans, as Cranmer is twice-married) The Act in Restraint of Appeals prohibits appeals to the bishop of Rome. Henry VIII’s marriage to Catherine is declared void; Anne Boleyn crowned Queen Calvin and Nicolas Cop flee Paris. At about this time Calvin undergoes a “sudden conversion.” Hutter joins Moravian group who become known as Hutterites Pizarro conquers Peru Ivan “the Terrible” (age 3) ascends Russian throne 1534 Tyndale’s revised New Testament is printed; he moves into Thomas Poyntz’s English merchants’ boarding house in Antwerp (English House) Pope Paul III, the father of three illegitimate children, comes to power Luther completes translation of Bible into German Act of Supremacy Henry VIII establishes himself as Supreme Head of Church and Clergy of England Ignatius Loyola founds Society of Jesus to spread Counter Reformation Strassburg decrees that Anabaptists must leave the city 1535 King’s agent Henry Phillips arrives in Antwerp and “befriends” Tyndale, then arranges to have him arrested while Thomas Poyntz is out of town; Tyndale is cast into Vilvoorde prison near Brussels Myles Coverdale, a close aide of Tyndale, translates the portions of the Old Testament not completed by Tyndale (relying heavily on Tyndale's early drafts) and publishes the "Coverdale Bible"; This is the first printing of the entire Bible in the English language Thomas More and Cardinal Fisher beheaded for opposing Henry VIII Anabaptist uprising at Münster put down, and Anabaptists executed Charles V conquers Tunis and frees 20,000 Christian slaves; Emperor forms Catholic Defense League France makes pact with Suleiman I 1536 Following a fifteen month imprisonment William Tyndale is strangled and burned at stake for heresy (6th October) Luther agrees to Wittenberg Concord on the Lord’s Supper, in an attempt to resolve differences with other reformers, but the Zwinglians do not accept it Denmark and Norway become Lutheran; Erasmus dies Menno Simons breaks with Rome; becomes Anabaptist leader in Netherlands Calvin is persuaded by Farel to remain in Geneva; publishes the first edition of Institutes of the Christian Religion

Henry VIII dissolves 376 monasteries and nuneries 1537 John Rogers, a close aide of Wm. Tyndale, publishes the second complete English Bible. Because the major part of this Bible was the translation of Tyndale, whose writings had been condemned by the English authorities, it is published under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". The "Matthew's Bible" is a composite made up of Tyndale's Pentateuch and New Testament (1534-1535 edition) and Coverdale's Bible and a small amount of Roger's own translation. 1538 Landgrave Philip of Hesse arranges debate between Anabaptists and Bucer; results in Hessian Anabaptists returning to state church and state church deciding to excommunicate immoral Christians Calvin and Farel are banished from Geneva. Calvin goes to Strasbourg as pastor to the French-speaking congregation. Luther writes against the Jews in Against the Sabbatarians 1539 Thomas Cranmer, the Archbishop of Canterbury, at the bequest of the King Henry VIII commissions Myles Coverdale to publish a large pulpit Bible. It became the first English Bible authorized for public use, distributed to every church and chained to the pulpit. The Great Bible was approved by Henry VIII: “sent abroad among the people” to be read by all and “set forth with the king’s most gracious license”. This Bible — mostly comprised of Tyndale’s translation — was known as the "Great Bible" due to its great size: a large pulpit folio measuring over 14 inches tall. Seven editions of this version were printed between April of 1539 and December of 1541. Printers and sellers of books were encouraged to provide for the “free and liberal use of the Bible in our own maternal English tongue”. By the decree of the king every church was to provide a reader so that the illiterate could hear the Word of God in their own tongue. It would seem that William Tyndale's last prayer had been granted three years after his martyrdom. The Six Articles, against Lutheranism. Hugh Latimer, bishop of Winchester, resigns in protest. Henry VIII is still occasionally burning Lutherans and hanging Roman Catholics. Henry VIII marries and divorces Anne of Cleves, executes the now-unpopular Thomas Cromwell, and marries Katherine Howard. Cardinal Sadeleto writes letter to Geneva. Calvin is asked to respond on behalf of Geneva. Frankfurt Truce declared between Catholic and Protestant territories 1539–40 Simons publishes the Foundation Book of Anabaptist faith 1540 Pope recognizes order of Jesuits; will make them the chief agents of Counter Reformation Conferences at Hagenau and Worms fail to reconcile Protestants and Catholics 1541 John Calvin establishes theocracy in Geneva John Knox establishes Calvinist Reformation in Scotland Peter Riedeman writes Hutterite Confession of Faith

Henry VIII assumes titles of King of Ireland and Head of Irish Church At Conference of Regensburg, Melanchthon and Bucer reach agreement with Catholics on most doctrines, but Luther and Rome reject their work Calvin writes a treatise on free will against the Roman Catholic theologian Albert Pighius 1543 Luther writes On the Jews and Their Lies Copernicus writes that earth revolves around sun Alliance between Henry and Charles V (Holy Roman Emperor) against Scotland and France 1544 Ferdinand I and Suleiman I agree to truce Council of Trent, for reform of Catholic Church, opens Cranmer instructed to write prayers and a litany (for the army) in English. He does this so well that he is asked to make a prayer book in English, based on the service at Salisbury Cathedral 1545 Henry VIII's last speech to Parliament; He says Papist, Lutheran, Anabaptist are names devised by the devil to sunder one man's heart from another Luther writes Against the Papacy at Rome, an Institution of the Devil Peace of Augsburg allows rulers to determine religion of their region 1546 Luther dies 1547 Henry VIII dies 1553 Edward VI dies; succeeded by Mary I (“Bloody Mary”) Servetus, Spanish theologian and physician executed in Geneva as a heretic 1554 Mary I marries Philip (later Philip II of Spain); Catholicism restored in England; Elizabeth is imprisoned. During Mary’s reign, about 300 Protestants are burned, including 5 bishops, 100 priests, 60 women. John Rogers, Tyndale's close assistant (alias "Thomas Matthew"), is the first to burn. Protestants are forced into exile or hiding. An attempt by Cardinal Pole (Mary's archbishop of Canterbury) to restore monasticism fizzles when, among 1500 surviving monks, nuns, and friars, fewer than 100 are willing to return to celibacy. In the 1550's the Church in Switzerland was very sympathetic to the reformer refugees and was one of only a few safe havens for a desperate people. Many of them gathered in Geneva, led by Myles Coverdale and John Foxe as well as Thomas Sampson and William Whittingham. Over 200 including 8 pastors and 2 bishops found refuge in John Knox’s congregation and there were many more English Protestants in exile elsewhere. There, with the protection of John Calvin, the Church of Geneva determined to produce a Bible that would educate their families while they continued in exile. 1555 Bishops Hugh Latimer and Nicholas Ridley are burned at the stake as Cranmer watches; Later John Hooper and John Bradford are also burned

1556 Archbishop Thomas Cranmer, is forced to recant but later repudiates; He is burned at the stake 1557 Publication of Geneva New Testament 1560 Publication of Geneva Bible (complete Old and New Testament); This is the first time a Bible is printed with verse divisions 1563 Thirty-Nine Articles drafted as a doctrinal statement by a convocation of the Church of England. John Foxe's publishes Acts & Monuments ("Foxe’s Book of Martyrs"); to this day it remains the only exhaustive reference work on the persecution and martyrdom of Early Christians and Protestants from the first century up to the mid-16th century

III. The Post-Reformation Period (1564 – 1689) Select another Time Period: < Pre-Reformation > < Reformation > (1215 - 1515)

(1516 - 1563)

1564 The term “Puritan” first used Calvin dies William Shakespeare born 1577 Alliance between England and Netherlands; Francis Drake sails around the world (to 1580) 1587 Mary I dies; succeeded by Elizabeth I 1588 Defeat of Spanish Armada 1598 Boris Godunov seizes throne on death of Fyodor I of Russia 1600 Elizabeth I grants charter to East India Company 1603 Elizabeth I dies; James VI proclaimed King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, as James I 1605 "Gunpowder plot"; Guy Fawkes and other Roman Catholic conspirators fail in attempt to blow up Parliament 1607 Parliament rejects proposals for union between England and Scotland

Colony of Virginia is founded at Jamestown by John Smith; Henry Hudson begins voyage to eastern Greenland and Hudson River (Hudson Bay discovered 1610) 1611 Publication of King James Bible; approximately 85% of the New Testament and the first half of the Old Testament are rendered as Tyndale translated them English and Scottish Protestant colonists settle in Ulster 1620 Separatists (“Pilgrims”) land at Plymouth Rock on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, in the "Mayflower"; found New Plymouth 1643 Scots adopt the Solemn League and Covenant 1647 Westminster Assembly drafts Westminster Confession of Faith and the Larger and Shorter Catechisms 1648 Scots invade England and are defeated by Cromwell at battle of Preston Pride's Purge 1664 England siezes New Amsterdam from the Dutch, change name to New York 1665 Great Plague in London 1666 Great Fire of London 1667 John Milton publishes Paradise Lost 1670 Secret Treaty of Dover between Charles II of England and Louis XIV of France to restore Roman Catholicism to England Hudson's Bay Company founded 1679 Act of Habeas Corpus passed, forbidding imprisonment without trial 1687 James II issues Declaration of Liberty of Conscience, extends toleration to all religions 1688 England's 'Glorious Revolution'; William III of Orange is invited to save England from Roman Catholicism, lands in England, James II flees to France 1689 Convention Parliament issues Bill of Rights; establishes a constitutional monarchy in Britain; bars Roman Catholics from the throne; William III and Mary II become joint monarchs of England and Scotland (to1694), Toleration Act grants freedom of worship to dissenters in England

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