A Cosmological Journey

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FOREWORD This book is the culmination of a lifetimes searching for answers. It was never enough for me to accept the status quo, the orthodox view, what my parents told me I had to

accept, what my teachers swore was right and what my culture said I should not question. c I guess you are either born a seeker of truth or not and this book is a primer for those who have the same thirst for knowledge I have. k It�s a simple query, why do I exist? Why does anything exist? Is it by accident or is there a plan for it all? The answers I discovered are sometimes contrary to popular scientific understandings and are certainly bound to offend those who want a big parent God to look after them. Yet these very same answers take us into worlds beyond our tiny imaginations and into the essential validity of our being. I developed a simple process for my researches. First I would develop the question I needed answered and then search through those works that gave me the answers. Often the question is more important than the answer and in the honing of the query the solution begins to unfold, sometimes taking decades. I am convinced that the Universe responds to us in the most intimate way and no cry for understanding goes unheeded, even though we may end up in some brightly lit cul de sacs. Sometimes an answer received before the question is fully formed can act like poison on the consciousness and create a setback which has to be overcome in time.

For a long ,long time I berated our schools and teachers and social systems for denying the queries I so eagerly made and been given frustrating responses. A bit like when someone sheds their body and is told that they live on just because we remember them. For a true seeker such responses are an insult to his/her intelligence. Truth exists whether we like it or not or deny it repeatedly. We are all entitled to be stupid and wrong and convinced that something is right when in fact it is not. Much of the world turns on this ignorance and I admit to my own fair proportion of same. If you cannot accept some or any of what I have written then good, that is your free choice and I honour it. If you read it and your curiosity is aroused and you develop the desire to find out more then also good, that is your free choice and I honour it. The truth cares not for bias or prejudice it just is and I prostrate myself at its high altar. At the end of my search which is also the beginning of grander journeys, for it is never really over, I am convinced of the Divine Intelligence that permeates all of existence. That nothing is ever wasted and everything valued to its utmost. Love would not be too strong a word here. So it is with great respect and humility for you my dear reader, I offer what I know and hope this small work will take you further along the road of your own personal quest, at the very least may it encourage you to explore further.


FOREWORD������������......... 1 CHAPTERS 1 �����Death�������.. 3 2.��.Worlds within worlds����. 5 3.�.Consciousness and evolution��. 9

4.����Poles apart������ 13 5.���..Mirror/mirror������.17 6.���Life��movement���� 22 7.���.Illusion v reality����� 25 8.Evolution and the birth of the soul� 30 9.��..The human condition��� 35 10.���..Relationships����� 42 11.���..Russian dolls����� 46 12.���The secret agenda���� 50 13...Old endings, new beginnings�� 56 14.��..The law of one����� 62 CHAPTER 1 DEATH

The worst word, the most abused and wrong word, the

word that is most meaningless, is the word �death�. This awful word pretends to identify a state that cannot occur, for there is no death nor can there ever be. There is only life and what we call death is the transmuting of substance from one place to another. To understand this more clearly, let us look at what we know of the physical Universe. The Universe is made up of say x number of atoms. Everything that exists is made up of atoms and combinations of atoms. An atom cannot cease to exist but can attach itself to other atoms and appear different according to these relationships. Because no atom can cease to exist, the Universe will have, always had, and has at this moment the same amount of atoms. Because it will never change in the quantity of atoms it encourages us to contemplate that nothing can really die. What we observe as death is the collapse of one form into another. Take for example the burning of an object. For instance, to burn a log only means that what previously made up the shape and substance of the log is now transmuted into fire, smoke, ash and air atoms. Although now dispersed into other elements, if the process were reversed and all these constituent atoms brought back into the log, not one atom would be missing. So it must be for all forms, from a grain of sand to a mighty

Galaxy. Atoms are shape changers through combinations, they are infinitely alive, animated, not one single atom in the whole of Creation can die. When a person so called dies, it would therefore be more appropriate to state, he or she has just changed form, all of the physical atoms that comprised this being have just been transformed into other elements. This is also why only life can come out of apparent deadness, because bodies are only in a different form and becoming together to form other bodies. Even if a Planet were to explode, each and every atom would still be in existence and its new shapes would be according to its combinations in disintegration. Eternally then, the physical Universe through its atomic relationships is constantly changing shape, everything is in the process of becoming something else, yet absolutely nothing can be annihilated or simply cease to exist. This must then mean that the physical Universe has always existed and will exist infinitely with the same amount of atoms that it had, has and will have albeit in different forms. Therefore birth or growth of new bodies or matter only means that atoms have rearranged to create a shape from atoms that were always in existence in the first place. There truly can be �nothing new under the sun� only a rearrangement to suit the body that is being formed.


The physical atom vibrates at a particular speed and cannot occupy the same space as another atom. However there is an enormous amount of space within the field of the atom. Although not visible to the physical eye it can be assumed that particles moving at a greater speed would not be seen by the physical atom. These faster moving particles would then form other faster Universes. Until science can register these �faster� atoms it will be assumed by physicists that only matter as we know it, exists. �In my Fathers house there are many mansions� is a profound mystical statement the full meaning of which has yet to be uncovered by science. To use logic here we must deal with concepts of movement

and space. It is known that that the atom moves in space and is an indivisible unit of energy. If this were not so there would be constant collisions and forms would disintegrate before they could become bodies. Atoms build up relationships with other atoms to form bodies in a very organised orderly fashion, this I will write about later. 6 For our purposes here it can be stated that an atom moves at x speed in y space and nothing interrupts its field of play. Lets assume that this y space is occupied and not a vacuum. For it to be so inhabited, particles would need to move at a rate that did not interfere with the movement of the physical atom. This could only happen by exaggerating the speed of these particles. The rate of movement of these very fast particles would be such that they would be invisible to the physical Universe. Along with speed their weight would have to be lighter. This would mean that these particles could occupy the same �space� as their physical counterparts without interference. In esoteric literature man/woman is deemed to have seven bodies only one of which is the physical. This means that there are six other bodies in the same being/space. This leads to the conclusion that each physical atom has six other atoms moving within it in the same space. As a consequence of this there then would have to be six other Universes within the physical Universe. It is said once again in esoteric understanding that the

higher can see the lower but the lower cannot see the higher. As we can only see the physical as this is our focus, we are blind deaf and dumb to the other bodies/Universes unless we are a highly evolved soul or divine master. Psychics also can penetrate the veil at times and people under the influence of certain mind altering drugs but this can have a negative impact which I will write about later. Going with the assumption that there are these different atomic rates, vibrations is possibly a better word, in the same relative space, it is also understandable that there is still space within 7 and around each vibration. This I like to term as THE GREAT UNMANIFEST. Whereas the movement of atoms could be regarded as THE GREAT MANIFEST. Both these together comprise �All That Is� , GOD for short. GOD could then be regarded as that which �IS� and that which �IS not�. That which has no outside itself but contains all. Our difficulty in trying to imagine something so complete without anything else, yet at the same time manifesting itself in all the seven vibrations, and at the same time simply being UNMANIFEST [being without becoming] is possibly too much for our little brains. Yet it is observable that humans live, move and have their being in GOD and are an intrinsic part of GOD. We are the living manifest reflection of GOD, in GODS image, within the GREAT UNMANIFEST.

At the core of the atom, travelling through the seven rates of vibration, we would come to the centre and that centre would be the UNMANIFEST, the GOD within. If on the other hand we travel from the core to the outer rim we eventually come to the UNMANIFEST state once again. So the UNMANIFEST is both at the core of our being and of every living thing or particle, and also surrounding all our being and every living thing or particle. Every single physical atom therefore has this essential makeup. The physical atom is the outer crust of a seven tiered structure that has at its very core the very Breath of GOD. It makes sense also to comprehend that Creation came from the centre to the outer and will consequently evolve through time from the outer to the centre. 8 I will write about evolution later. Therefore the physical atom can only come into existence after six other layers have preceded it, skins of an onion. The physical is the final externalisation of the atomic family and is fed and rooted by all its internal structures. It is understood in esoteric lore that the MANIFEST came out of the UNMANIFEST and then returns to the UNMANIFEST at the end of its evolutionary journey.

It is reasonable also to comprehend that not all atoms will journey to the physical rim but instead will reach levels of evolution and satiation in the higher worlds. The Angelic Realms populated by beings, not with wings but of intense purity and light. To try and get a tiny glimpse of the immensity of MANIFESTATION, take for example a grain of sand. This one grain contains millions of atoms each vibrating in its own space, within every one of these atoms there are six other layers of inner vibration, with at its core the UNMANIFEST. To consider that this grain of sand lies on a beach that borders a vast ocean, on a massive planet, in an immense Solar System, that moves in a mighty Galaxy that also moves in a physically infinite Universe, must leave us totally overwhelmed and grabbing with our tiny imaginations at even very partial comprehension. And this only the physical Universe. CHAPTER 3 9 CONSCIOUSNESS AND EVOLUTION

At the very beginning of Creation the UNMANIFEST began to move unto itself, giving rise to the MANIFEST. Life was born. The atomic Universes came into existence. Each atomic particle or divine spark contained the essential UNMANIFEST/GOD core and as such is and was indivisible, complete unto itself, the divine, eternal and immortal soul. Consciousness is the ability to be aware through experience and occurs through the accumulation of more consciousness units. At the very beginning as our eternal soul atom travelled outward from the core, its experiences were simple and primitive. It would have been in a bliss state, being aware of its essential Godhood. After aeons of time and as other dimensions came into existence it experienced newer and slower rates of vibration till eventually it pushed out to the outer crust and developed its physical coat. It could not leave any band of vibration until it had satiated its experience there. In other words until it attracted similar units, built its bodies and these bodies finished their cycle of experience. When it first came into the physical it was in a gaseous state but after billions of circuits it eventually arrived in the

physical as a particle of mineral. p The eternal atom/soul is much like a seed, even before it experiences, it has at its core the blueprint of all its expressions from the beginning of setting forth to the final spiritualised return as a fully realised being. s It must be kept in mind that this seed/soul/atom is completely perfect, indivisible and cannot be destroyed. c It is at the very centre of all forms no matter how small or big they are. The smallest thing is the biggest thing. Each moment or movement or life, could be regarded as a unit of consciousness, thus coming from very simple, elementary structures, larger and more complex bodies are formed. s For example, the physical Universe will first be gaseous and then solidify, then develop plant life, after which animal life and on to human or self aware consciousness and so on. Time has no meaning here, all that is important is that the soul atom accumulates units of consciousness, a bit like a tree growing branches and leaves. b The human body therefore has at its core the soul atom, its six other inner bodies and its physical outer shell. It is essentially responsible for the accumulation of billions and billions of like atoms that form its body. b So each body that is formed is a vast network of consciousness with at its core the soul atom. These bodies experience in bodily form all of life. e It is stated in esoteric literature that the three most inner p planes

are formless, nevertheless there is experience, beginnings and endings even on these planes. As the consciousness expands it becomes aware of its focus. Wide awake in the body it occupies. Self conscious, in other words, it develops the capacity to understand itself and the Universe, to manipulate matter, to become like GOD. It cannot do one essential thing however, it can never create life, only GOD can do that. At our present stage of evolution, the human is still partially in the animal kingdom and its full wide awake focus limited to awareness only on the physical plane. Due to being fully immersed in physical matter it is easy to understand why a separation is felt, not only in sexual terms but also separateness from GOD or its true self. Eventually we will no longer need to incarnate, [have lives in the physical], but this cannot happen till full satiation of the physical plane occurs. Everything that exists has the imprint of GOD in it and must follow according to the divine laws. There can be no e exceptions. So we have the smallest thing behaving in a similar fashion to the biggest thing, all of which occurs within the great U UNMANIFEST. The divine laws are immutable and cannot be challenged or overturned, they do not evolve but simply exist and although it may appear that these laws are broken, this is p

effectively only an illusion. Anything that is done �wrong� is within the law, anything that is done �right� is within the l law, The The 12 The The The The The The The The The The T

major laws are called : law of love. law law law law law law law law law law

of of of of of of of of of of

1 13 CHAPTER 4 C

attraction and repulsion. passivity and activity. productivity and receptivity. compensation and retribution. polarity and balance. cohesion and adhesion. cycles and periodicity. supply and demand. cause and effect. growth and potential.


For anything to exist it must have two poles, a positive and a negative. No entity can exist in total positive or total negative. It would not be able to �hold� together. These poles vibrate together in harmony on the higher spiritual planes, it is only when they get to the lower formfull planes that one or the other pole is suppressed. This is particularly necessary as the physical plane can only accept �new� beings onto it through the process of birth. Here we become involved in one of the greatest illusions of the material w world. The essential misconception [an apt word] is that a being in a female or a male body is incomplete and needs to find its other half outside itself. In fact its other half is within itself albeit suppressed. It could be said that the only reason we appear to be different or incomplete is for the purpose of propagating the species in the physical worlds. When we realise that there is no longer any need to project onto another being in such a way we will be well into the true human kingdom and birth will be completely different to todays laborious process. As we are complete entities unto ourselves, why do we love others and attract others to love us? It is acknowledged in psychology that that which is suppressed, expresses itself

o often Without our conscious knowledge of what we are doing. A being in love with another being therefore projects the hidden side of him/herself onto the object of his/hers desire. Being �in love� he/she cannot really see the other person but only the idealised hidden counterpart of his/herself. It could be stated that what occurs in the �in love� state is the beings perfect other half. This is why it is often expressed as �I will love you forever� �You are the only one for me� and so on. These are powerful projections which after a period of time and familiarity fade away to expose a more realistic picture. This type of personal love is important in that it gives us a glimpse of our own ecstatic perfection. A parents love for their children is a powerful and necessary projection that enables the parents to care deeply and intimately for their offspring thus protecting them from harm and enabling them to grow. If the parents were asked to love another persons child in the same way they would invariably be unable to access the same intensity of devotion. However this very necessary illusion is when, all is said and done, a deflection from our own essential completeness. As no energy can be lost in the Universe that which is projected or sent out from our being must inevitably be reclaimed and owned. This �in love� state must not be confused with unconditional or altruistic love which a completely different dynamic. The sex act itself gives us an echo of what our true

complete state is. It reminds us in orgasm of the ecstatic true nature of our being and acts as an external reminder of what we are internally. w Unfortunately religions have contaminated this joyful U expression of our beingness, with fear of sex being instilled into the hearts of their followers and encouraging the consequent perversions and aberrations of suppressed sexuality as often occurs in celibacy and denial. s Before we are born into the physical, a choice is made as to what body will be most suitable for the expression of our unique sexuality. We tend to have blocks of lifetimes in either a male or a female body and seldom alternate after each lifetime. This is in order to experience the full gamut of either male or female impulses and gain a deeper understanding of our true androgynous self. It is important to note here that there is a wide variation of male and female impulses and no discrimination should be made against any particular combination of male and female aspects as the outer is a parody of our true complete self and useful only for the lessons that can be learned. a By accepting the almost infinite complexity and balances of our male and female elements both within ourselves and in others we take a step into our higher more complete human s state. Where sexuality is suppressed and feared by cultures, religions and states there can only be fear of ourselves and others and all the inevitable pain that this creates. o

When it is fully understood that each and every being is a complete unit then much of the silliness about sexual projection will resolve itself and we will be well on the way towards expressing selfless love, which is our essential g goal. Personal love as we know is limited and selfish but it does serve to bring us forward through the minefield of relationships and r 1 16 towards a deeper letting go and loving of all. t When the Master said �Love your neighbour as yourself� H He wasn�t just asking us to be nice to each other, but to actually express unconditional selfless love. a It is difficult for us in our present state of evolution to do this due to the imbalances in our outer sexual state but when the two poles within us become wide awake in day consciousness it will be an obvious thing for us to express truly unselfish love. This will mean that we will be able to love GOD above all things which will be same as loving others and as a consequence of this, love ourselves, for they are all one and the same. a 1 17 CHAPTER 5 C


Projection of energy is a vital component of a living beings makeup. In fact it is paramount in the evolution of c consciousness. Nothing can exist unconnected to the rest of life. Just as the great UNMANIFEST projects the MANIFEST out of itself and that life eventually returns home to the UNMANIFEST so all living beings express their energy in a circuit. That which goes around comes around so to speak. Due to the innate imperfection of living beings, the nature of projected energy is equal to the level of growth or lack of it. For example; if someone has a tendency in terms of being jealous then they will project this energy of jealousy onto others. The illusion is of course that others are now responsible for the projectors own difficulty. Whatever is projected belongs completely to the projector, not the projectee. This is why in our current stage of development, our human nature is inclined to look for a scapegoat to hang their projections on. There are of course positive projections. A mother and a fathers love for their offspring as mentioned previously. After much battling we learn that no one else is responsible for our own imbalances although they may have pressed buttons that activate our own individual area of difficulty.

Projections are always to do with wanting something from someone else, yet until we really know ourselves and take full responsibility for every single projected element, we cannot possibly see other beings as they truly are. This is why, that after many lifetimes of close relations we often end up knowing less about another being than when we started. w Where there is violence projected, a being is essentially at war with him or her self, others enter into the field of play due to being attracted to similar energy or karmic connections. No energy that is projected remains �out there� forever even if it takes millions of years, it has to come back home. b Here we have the enormous responsibility of owning our own energies and developing the essential moral attitude of not harming others, for if we do so, we only harm o ourselves. When we eventually learn to cease harming others and bring home that which has always been ours, then at last we can begin to express selfless love. Confusion occurs because there is often more than one being doing the projecting. Conclusions then assumed by all projectors can be riddled with misconceptions often creating illusory agreements to sustain the essential relationship. It is extremely difficult to know if a projection is valid in these circumstances. No one likes to have their energy back when it reminds them of a negative aspect of their own being. Yet it is only

when this w energy finally comes back and is totally assimilated and reabsorbed that it becomes possible to transmute it. Selfish love can create even greater difficulty if it is not fully reciprocated and a shared love projection expressed. Love of this nature can quickly turn to hatred. From what has already been stated it is clear that that we create others according to our own perceptions or projections and do not really �see� each other. Projections are not just to do with other beings but also about environment. Great mass collusions are entered into particularly in terms of politics, religious understandings and businesses which dominate whole ethnic groups, social systems and world belief structures. Our projections are the end result of our beliefs, conscious and unconscious and they continually, like the tentacles of an octopus surge out from us looking for beings , objects and systems to absorb them. Harmony can only truly exist when beings are all at the same point of consciousness so their projections are on the same page so to speak. The confusion created by a multi levelled consciousness world is obvious when beings often in the same family are projecting on very different wavelengths. Projections are relatively healthy where no abuse occurs.

The example of a parent allowing a child to follow its own path even though it is not what they believe is the best way forward but will honour the child�s choices ahead of their own determinations. Equally a child also creates its parents out of its own needs and perceptions and can take much of its adult life to i unravel what it has created. u We see the world through our own particular set of biased glasses and although others can effect us dramatically it is our own perception that matters, not anyone else�s. o It is worth understanding why we cannot intrinsically lose energy. Lets say it were possible for a being to project onto someone and lose their energy to that other person. This would create a depletion of consciousness resulting in one person being less than they are and the other becoming greater than they were. g This can appear to happen when a person idolises a famous person, religious figure, pop star or president. This is a shallow illusion and may result in the person at the centre of attention feeling more important than others and enjoying the adulation, but it in no way adds one iota of consciousness to them that belongs to others. c The projected energies invariably all return home to their projectors and all that has occurred is a temporary boost to another�s ego. a Possibly the greatest dangers of projection, aside from P

family, friends, close relations, reside in the joining of projections with many others and something monstrous adhered to, which contaminates the field of mass consciousness. Nazi Germany for example. When such a group power is invoked it becomes increasingly difficult to reclaim our own particular tiny part of it and often we do things as a result of a mass hypnosis which we would never contemplate on our own. Advertising is the art of the manipulation of projections, constructing ideas for the perceiver that they did not have a any 2 21 say about. Politics and religion do the same thing. As no man can truly be an island we dive into the great sea of desires, accumulating beliefs and assumptions about everything. Most of these things have been projected onto us and we have accepted them without question. The imperative for us all is to become aware of and question these projections and begin to see our true self in this magic hall of mirrors. 2 22 CHAPTER 6 C


Life and movement are the same thing, that which does not move is not living. The great UNMANIFEST does not move, it just simply is. On the other hand the great MANIFEST always has a beginning and an end. Indeed all living things have no alternative but to move and this movement must follow the immutable laws of evolution. To know why the UNMANIFEST expressed out of Itself the living moving Universe with its myriad bands of existence is to attempt to know GOD. As we evolve we will begin to see and understand the �why� of everything more clearly. I like think that it may very well be the actual process of life itself that holds the key to the Divine purpose. This gives validity to every single moment of existence at whatever stage it may be, at however primitive or complex. Love is the binding substance uniting all of Creation. Because we cannot create life we can only get a tiny glimpse of the love that our Creator has for all of its creations. Our attempts at love can only be incredibly shallow when compared with this intrinsic bonding, Mystics who penetrate through to this bliss state albeit for a moment are overwhelmed by the Oneness of all things

saturated in Love. When the soul sets out it, spends the first half of its journey ploughing through the darkness. Along the way it accumulates many overcoats of experience that separate it further from the Source. When eventually the human stage is reached we begin to become self aware, conscious of self and prepare for the long journey home. This involves making positive and negative choices, choosing the paths that suit us best. In our current stage of third density experience here on Earth we determine our orientation before going on to fourth density positive or fourth density negative. No being can graduate into the next density unless it has completed all experience on the previous level. That time of choice is said to be occurring now. Beings who have not experienced full satiation in third density will continue on another planetary body suited to their experiential needs. The illusion of separateness is responsible for much of the pain we are working through, the Lucifer principle so to speak. As nothing can exist outside of GOD then it is an illusion to think that something that is part of Creation can ever be outside it. However beings can and do choose their path whether positive or negative in order that the full possibility of all experience can be lived through. Being on a third density planet means that beings are in conflict due to their orientation. This means wars are inevitable in the cauldron of emotions that swirl around us. Positive beings by their nature are at odds with negative

beings. Positive meaning those who are Service to Others, thinking of others at least half of the time and negative being Service to Self who think of themselves ninety percent of the time. In general STO believe in sharing and caring while the STS believe in control and domination. This makes our current existence on this Planet fraught with difficulty, a hard and harsh schoolroom that can culminate in the very destruction of our Planet as technological developments can be misused. Esoteric literature states that the Earth will not be so destroyed but will be a future home for fourth density STO beings. S Thankfully fourth density STO and fourth density STS cannot exist together and are separated onto suitable separate worlds to avoid endless conflict. Eventually it is said in the higher densities the two separate strands culminate as the journey of the soul heads nearer home. Getting back to the nature of life itself, it is evident that there are three aspects to every living being. That which comprises the being, the world or environment where the being moves around and finally the greater body that contains it. In more detail: Microcosmos = That which comprises a body, atoms molecules and cells. Mesocosmos = The planet or body that sustains the

being comprising animals plants minerals and an atmosphere. Macrocosmos = The Universe [body of GOD] It is as difficult for a microcosmic being to understand the body in which it resides as it is for a mesocosmic being to understand the macrocosmic being. However all exist connected to each other according to Divine law and each part no matter how small or large is essential to the existence of the living being. CHAPTER 7 C


In this chapter I will attempt to summarise the previous chapters by using commonly accepted understandings against the truth or reality as I see it. To do this I will use the concept of illusion versus reality. The first grand illusion�. Death, that anything can really die, no longer exist, be no more.

There can be no death in the above terms, only transmutation of one form into other forms according to the movement of one state to another. No aspect of the material world can totally cease to exist although its outer form is changed and may break down into other elements or combinations of elements. So even the physical world is essentially eternal never losing any minute part of itself. e The second grand illusion�. As humans we have only one life then die, if not religious we are totally absorbed into matter and are no more, if religious we go to an after state, termed heaven, hell or whatever and meet our maker. t I have suggested here ,according to ancient wisdom, that we are as humans made up of six other bodies or states aside from the a physical. This is very apparent to mystics and is accurately outlined in esoteric literature, often called the Chakras, each a centre or vortex in the living beings body. When the physical falls away it goes to the next state often termed the astral plane. The being permeates through to the point in the spirit worlds that satiates it before once again reincarnating into the physical world again. I will also add here that some beings have their spiritual homes in other Star Systems and Galaxies and will return to these once the physical vehicle has ceased. p The third grand illusion�� We are separate from GOD. T Although having free will and feeling separate in individual bodies, it is impossible for us to be ever removed from our b

Creator. GOD is everything that exists and everything that does not exist or is not in manifestation. There can be no way around it. No other GOD or family of GODS exists. God is unified in its totality. All that is and is not and we are, however minute, part of that. Although it boggles our imagination, as this is too infinitely small and too infinitely great to get our heads around, yet GOD is completely there in every component of existence. This is the Law of One. The fourth grand illusion��.. We can create life. As previously mentioned only GOD can create life. Humans can feel that they create new life in conception, and the birth of a child which holds their DNA and genetic makeup. On deeper examination it becomes apparent that they can only be vehicles for the incoming being. Your children are not your children but a continuing opportunity of an incoming being to experience the 2 27 physical world. Most parents are imbued with a love injection that enables them to care deeply for their offspring and this is very necessary for the eventual care and well being of the being coming in who is in a completely vulnerable state. Yet they cannot ever own the child, ever lay claim to the soul of the child, or have the right to determine it as their own property. Even in laboratories if a child is cloned or physical components juxtaposed to supposedly create new life, without the decision of the incoming spirit to reside in said vehicle, it will remain hollow shell, void of consciousness.

At best we can only manipulate matter and have therein the divine responsibility to do no harm or suffer the consequences if we do. If life could be created by artificial methods then GOD would cease to exist as there would have to be more than one GOD. h The fifth grand illusion�..That we have another half that is external to us and must seek it, in order to find completion. e

If this were so we would only be half of a being instead of a whole being. It is true that we are born into this world with a particular sexual orientation correspondent to our need for growth using the particular vehicle we inhabit. In no way however are we incomplete as a being. Our essential soul being is androgynous and only requires polarity in order to experience the full gamut of male and female attributes. Each male has an equal and opposite female part and each female has an equal and opposite male part. Through the process of myriad lifetimes in p 2 28 the physical and spirit worlds, experiencing every single combination of male and female energies, we eventually evolve an understanding of our androgynous state. Even in so called heterosexual relationships balances of these energies occur so that equilibrium can be found. There is no preferable sexual orientation, only a journey towards understanding who we are in our totality, which once achieved, enables us to manifest true love for another, for then we know they are one with us. t

The sixth grand illusion��.Others are to blame for what happens to me. It is easy to fall into this trap and there is no doubt that history shows great crimes perpetrated against the innocent. Indeed our present state has grown from thousands of years of manipulation and abuse by a few against the many. Yet who knows the bigger picture?, the journey of a being through time and all of its positive and negative acts. If reincarnation did not exist as a divine truth then of course evil could go unanswered and criminals get away with their crimes. As we have explored previously every action creates an equal and opposite reaction and is compensated for even over aeons of time. No one gets away with anything although in a small life it might appear so. What is important here is to focus on our own reaction to harm done to us. Some will turn the other cheek, others will take up arms. This is all acceptable under free will and personal choice and a necessary part of our evolutionary process. If we make a mistake and perpetrate great harm on others then we will undergo the process of unravelling this energy through future experience. When we look at beings, we often jump to judgement on very little knowledge and become righteous very quickly. On examination of the deeper story and karmic layers the greater truth is told.

The seventh grand illusion�. We are judged by GOD Or if atheist by our peers.

It is not the remit of any living being to judge another. GOD does not need to judge or condemn or forgive, for we are part of God, none of less significance than another. It is true when crimes are committed human laws intervene and keep order, yet they cannot judge someone, only restrict or terminate there movements on this planet through incarceration or execution. Only when a being senses that what they have done is wrong can they truly be remorseful and prepare for true compensation, sometimes in a future life. Every living being can only then judge themselves in the true sense and reach their own levels of forgiveness and compassion. Even in the higher spirit worlds the sanctity of a beings own understanding is maintained sometimes to that beings own pain and punishment in the lower astral worlds. After all there is no escape from oneself. CHAPTER 8


Having shown that even the physical Universe is effectively eternal and cannot die, only being capable of transmuting and changing form, we are now ready to contemplate why in fact a physical Universe exists in the first place. It is accepted by even our narrow scientific understandings that there is a process of evolution in the origins of the Universe. From the Big Bang to the gaseous state to the solid state to the plant state to the animal state to the human state. Each stage following on from the previous one. As mentioned previously time has no significance here. Aeons and aeons of time can occur to create a new stage of evolution and if this is what it takes, so be it. It is obvious to the discerning mind that there is an intelligence working here, even in the most rudimentary stages, for each step has purpose and intent. As gaseous states whirl around and coalesce to become

solid spheres that orbit around central suns, suns that have also coalesced into dynamic balls of light and radiation, it is apparent that everything even in the physical Universe has purpose and is mathematically correct. h As planets move and change in time, organic life appears out of elemental pools, leading to where we are today. o Simply put each step leads to the next step. Gaseous to solid, solid to organic, organic to animal, animal to human and human to higher human and so on. a When we look around we see even in our own tiny Solar System a variety of planets , although alive in the sense that they exist, being unable to sustain intelligent physical life and therefore deemed dead worlds. Who is to say that these planets are either more evolved or less evolved than the Earth having undergone their own circuits of evolution when Earth itself was a so called �dead� world. From what I understand from esoteric literature there are only two planets in our current System in third density at this particular time. p Let me explain what I mean by density. A density is a singular complete phase of evolution. So first density is the mineral kingdom, second density is the plant kingdom, third density is the animal/human kingdom, fourth density is the true human kingdom and so on. It is said that there are seven densities in all corresponding with the seven bodies in each living being. Planets and the life thereon have a symbiotic relationship and each need the other in the evolutionary process. A thought occurs to me that when all the rounds or densities are t

experienced in a Solar System the System is then ready to transmute back into its latent state, possibly by condensing into a black hole and becoming the raw material for future Systems. This I can only speculate on. We currently reside in the third density of Planet Earth in the animal/human kingdom. I accept the mystics understanding that we are entering into fourth density as Planet Earth prepares itself for a major evolutionary leap into its next phase of existence. I will discuss this in greater detail later. Although everything that exists is intensely alive whether it appear inert or not, not all Planets have third density ensouled physical beings on them as mentioned previously. Planet Earth however has myriad life forms culminating in the ensouled human. The mineral, plant and animal kingdoms have elements of soul energy or partials to be more exact. Over aeons of time these partials begin to coalesce in the higher animal kingdom till they unify in one complete unit and when the moment is right the human soul is sparked and will continue from here on out to the final immersion in the Creator. The soul is never dependant upon the body in fact it is the other way round. Souls inhabit bodies like a driver inhabits a car. Souls are self aware, complete unto themselves, indivisible, indestructible and eternal. They occur at the culmination of long evolutionary steps and could be said to be the intelligent process behind these

steps. They are focused, self aware points of the Creator and have free will. They inhabit bodies, on this planet humans, on others, reptilian, cetacean, insectoid and so on depending on the d suitable body for the worlds they are on. It is said that the mammalian is only about twelve per cent of ensouled beings in this Galaxy alone. b Souls also can travel anywhere in Creation and experience existence in many different vehicles according to their desire to learn, serve, and experience. However many souls will stay on a particular round or cycle of time on one planet in order to be with loved ones and aid in that particular planets evolution. p In the early stages when the being is primitive it will incarnate almost instantly. When the being has reached the higher human stage its sojourn in the spirit worlds is far longer than its physical lifetime. This is because the soul no longer needs the full saturation of the physical schoolroom and is preparing itself for its evolution into the higher spiritual realms where no physical reincarnation is n necessary. The personality of the ensouled human does not necessarily reflect the soul. Indeed it could be said that the ego is often at variance with the soul and this is a subject I will address in detail at a later stage. i Ensouled beings who commit suicide with the intention of c reaching nothingness are unfortunately misguided as once r

the soul has sparked it cannot ever be transmuted or annihilated. It is with us to the very end which at this stage of understanding is beyond our finite imaginations. This then makes it a huge gift from our Creator and binds us to the Godhood in the most intimate way, for now we are as GODS and essentially feel God intrinsically. We could be likened to the self aware thoughts of GOD, the purpose behind the aeons and aeons of evolutionary steps, the sacred and most treasured offspring of a Father s 3 34 /Mother, intensely loved and becoming aware of how to reciprocate that love. r 3 35 CHAPTER 9 C


After aeons of time a Planet eventually arrives at a point when it is ready to accommodate incarnating souls. Souls are divine sparks of the Creator and cannot be extinguished r destroyed once they have ignited. This usually occurs at or o

the mid point of the Animal kingdom. Planet Earth has chosen the mammalian humanoid form as the vehicle of choice for the inhabitation of such souls. It is possible that other grand ensouled forms existed on this Planet before us but there is little evidence left of their time here. Once a form has outlived its usefulness it will transmute into another suitable vehicle. This is said to be happening now as we prepare for the higher human kingdom in fourth density. As a side note to the evolution of forms, it is obvious that this Planet has had help in speeding along the forms that we see today. Indeed Neanderthal man provided the raw material for the eventual human shape we currently inhabit. Left to its own devices and without the direct input of higher beings we would still be living in caves in a rather crude body. The form is only useful in terms of its experiential possibilities and its compatability for the environment it will inhabit. The next human form which has already been created is waiting in 36 the wings for the transition into our next stage. In third density it is very evident that humans are still very much in the animal human stage. The massive imbalances in civilised understanding across this world where most live lives of hardship and poverty whilst the privileged few control and command us. Conflicts are a natural result of such chaos and the reason for this I will explain further on.

Third density is the fiery cauldron in which the soul is moulded. At the beginning of this grand stage of soul development , beings are self aware but only on primitive levels. Basic survival like foraging for food and having rudimentary shelter. There are relatively short intervals in the adjacent spirit worlds as the being develops greater consciousness of him or herself and their surroundings. Eventually new evolutionary possibilities occur, imagination becomes more active and reason begins to develop whilst relationships become more subtle. Surroundings become more sophisticated and arts and religious interests begin. It takes many thousands of lifetimes to get to this stage. Each step is fundamentally important as it leads from the previous point to the new point. The being must undergo all necessary experience in each step before going on to the next. To give some idea of the enormity of this process lets look at the concept of astrology. There are twelve sun signs covering one whole year. A being must experience each aspect of every sun sign, in male and female bodies in a multitude of cycles from the primitive to the refined consciousness. The tarot also shows this as a vast journey through archetypelic experience. Each one of us correspond to a particular point until we have mastered all of third density. Mixed in with this we have the development of orientation

which further complicates some beings choose a path moral ideal whilst others others in a loving caring o

the matter. It is obvious that contrary to the religious and fervently think of, and serve way.

This is due to a division in the paths which occurs in the human kingdom and this path determines our future evolution into the higher densities. e Simply put, there are those who choose to serve others and there are those who choose to serve themselves. There is also a third category and that belongs to those who vacillate between these two points and are currently undecided. It is said that the STO represent around thirty percent of ensouled beings on the Earth at this time, STS represent under ten percent and the remaining sixty per cent are u undecided. As can be understood this is a complicated mixture and the cause of much conflict and strife. It is the reason why wars are inevitable and people suffer great hardships through the oppression of others. o The power of STS should not be underestimated despite their small percentage as it takes only a tiny few committed STS to dominate and control vast multitudes of people. Our history shows they have had very effective for many thousands of years up to and including today. Many programmes are put in place by them in the political and religious arena to dominate the thinking of the unsuspecting populace. If our true repressed history were exposed, most M decent people would find it hard to believe and be extremely upset at being duped by those they e

look up to. l Whatever orientation all must act within the divine laws mentioned in an earlier chapter. However when a definite path is chosen the being will then continue to learn its lessons in that orientation, not just here but in the next density as well. d As the Earth is transmuting into fourth density even as I write this and is about to have major changes to its body as well, only beings that are STO will graduate into the New Earth. This is because the Higher Beings who manage these movements know that if STO and STS were to continue alongside each other there would be constant conflict with no real growth possible for either side. n The STS who graduate will go to an STS planet that is suited to their evolutionary growth. The undecided will not be able to continue here but be moved to a Planet that is already being prepared for their arrival. a Our reality in third density as stated previously is controlled to a great extent by powerful STS beings but there is also a greater control exerted by the Council of Worlds who protect our matrix from extraordinary intrusion or harm, leaving us to exercise our free will without bias or advice that would take away our divine right to grow. Consequently we are protected in some ways from interference but are also left to figure things out for ourselves and to have the possibility of being proved wrong. This makes our current stage of evolution very w e

interesting indeed as the element of doubt pervades all things. Serving others does not necessarily mean that we are doormats for others to wipe their feet on. Although Service to Other being will use his/her heart and mind for the greater benefit of 39 humanity and is often bemused at the selfishness of those who do harm intentionally. As Service to Self works on the dynamic of mastery and slavery it exerts massive control over others and their environments. On the slave side it sees itself as a lackey to those in control but cares little for others in its peer group. Two elements of the same type that feed each other. As can be witnessed by our present controlled system, they do their work extremely well and have had power over this Planet for the last twelve thousand years. Yet the development of healthcare and human rights point to strong Service to Other elements breaking through. Regretfully it is always a battle in our current mixed orientation. Earth also has accepted beings who have come from higher densities. This would be a tour of duty for them and an opportunity to serve in a very fundamental way. It is also risky as they can be caught into the material world in a way that can at times shift their orientation. I believe that this is relatively uncommon.

These beings are called starseeds or wanderers and there are many millions here today due to the transmutation of Earth from third density to fourth density. This has also been made possible due to the Earth moving into positive fourth and not negative fourth. As a side note, fourth density is said to take four times longer than third in evolutionary terms and takes the being into such aspects as telepathy, awareness of the spirit worlds, the ability to see the auric nature of another and also to travel to distant constellations. It is a feature of third density that physical travel can only occur within our own solar system and no m matter how hard we may try, we are quarantined to our own system. Star Trek does not reflect our current status but a possible future state in fourth density. p Beings in third density cannot see fourth density beings unless they choose to be seen and there are many beings here today surrounding the planet in space and on the Earth itself with a multitude of shapes and aspects, hidden from us, guiding and preparing us for the great transition into fourth density positive. f Planets exhibit the densities of the beings that inhabit them and have a symbiotic relationship with these beings. There is a strong relationship between the Planets stage of evolution and the beings that reside on it. As a side note there are at least two or three other third density races living underground but only very tiny populations. They will cease to be here also unless they graduate into fourth w r

density after the transition. One of the visiting fourth density groups has responsibility for the next form that will inhabit the Earth. This will be a mixture of current human DNA and theirs. These beings are in large ships surrounding the planet and some are acclimatising to earth conditions in various portions of the globe in order to get used to the atmosphere of this world. The end of third density is a time of choosing for all the ensouled beings here and is a very exciting time. Many humans have had long cycles of experience here and their home is changing. The grand illusion that we are alone in the Universe is about to be shattered along with our ego concept of being in charge and being able to dominate other life forms. In fact the human as we now understand him to be is about to become extinct just as Neanderthal man did, but in its place will be a 41 human with huge intellect and spiritual understanding that will care for his/her world and its fellow beings with total love and spiritual understanding. 42 CHAPTER 10


Once a soul has sparked in third density it enters into a classroom of connected experience. The vital core of this experience is our interaction with others, so much so, that even at the end of third density itself a choice is made whether to be service to other or service to self. It is how we interact with others that determines our individual step on the evolutionary ladder, making relationships the central theme of our existence. As has been shown earlier each being is in fact complete unto itself. Why then the need to interact with others?. Firstly we are born into this world in a male of female body. In fact our spirit has an innate imbalance and a desire to experience in a particular sexual aspect. Sometimes the body is inhabited by a different sexual balance to the spirit itself causing even greater challenges in the Earth life. Let us imagine a clock face with the minute and hour hands representing the male and female balance. A being comes into the body with its own unique mixture of male and female elements, it is at a particular point on the clock so to speak. It then has the sense that it must locate another who will compensate this imbalance in order to have a feeling of

completion. This is of course an illusion but becomes vitally important for the being to experience all it can in this imbalanced state. There are also pre birth agreements that set in so that the beings who enter our life fulfil necessary roles in our own particular dramatic working out. As written earlier the hidden aspect of our sexuality is projected outwards and corresponds to the perfect partner we seek. In the strongly projected state this can become extreme as anyone who has had the anima or animus experience will testify. True love of the unconditional kind cannot be so selfish. It is only when we relate in a mature way and love the other truly for themselves that we get a glimpse of our and their true state. The idealised love of another is really a reflection of the other aspect of ourselves and therefore cannot be sustained in an objective sense, yet this type of love is often emphasised as being more vital than unconditional love. It has huge excitement and commands total absorption but as anyone who has experienced it will testify, it cannot last long, as the reality of living with another will drain it of fervour and vitality. I will mention here the soul mate drama. Souls are part of a family group, this in no way diminishes their unique totality. Sometimes two beings from the same soul family will connect on the Earth plane. They will be so completely aware of each other that there would be no need to speak or explain anything. They will be as one. This has its drawbacks as it prohibits the beings from entering into the difficult but rewarding drama of relating to others and

encouraging selfless action and growth. There is in fact nothing to strive for so this state occurs only unusually. For most of us relationships are fraught with difficulty as being with another involves interaction with a world of particular nuances that are foreign to us. This creates a complex and often confusing field of interaction but is at the kernel of our growth as ensouled beings, enabling us to experience others with tolerance and understanding and reaching for what is the eventual truth of the matter, that we are all one and as we serve another we serve ourselves. A being can only perceive another in its imbalanced state according to its own unique makeup. Others exist in the same way and this leads to the great dramas that unfold in our interaction with others. No one has the power to own or dissipate another being. Abuses occur, and harm is done which has a compensatory component but nothing of the soul of a being can ever be reduced, broken, drained or dissolved in any way. This is not of great reassurance to those who have been the victims of huge abuse, be it mental, emotional or physical, but the truth of the matter stands that even though the ego or personality has experienced damage, the soul is always intact and complete. In the outer physical worlds there is the appearance of injustice and harm done to others that is often in our minds unforgivable. Yet on deeper examination and from a spiritual point of view, taking in the full weight and energy

of a beings many thousands of lifetimes, what we see and judge to be harm is the consequence of the being experiencing growth from huge obstacles it has agreed to create. Herein lies the dilemma of our too physical state that sees only the surface of things. It is said t 4 45 that there are no accidents, no matter what age or how innocent a being appears, that all is part of a greater story for which we are unable in this state to know. f I will add here that crime deserves to be punished and laws put in place to protect us are necessary, as we have a duty to deal with matters as they effect us from our Earthly point of view, and those who suffer, deserve our support and compassion and understanding no matter what the deeper circumstance may be. c Beings often incarnate in familiar groups where a different aspect can be worked upon. The mother can be the daughter in a future life, the son can be the father and so on. Each time around a different component of the relationship is worked upon often with the sense that we know the person in a deeper way than just their status in this life. t The purpose behind this complex web of relating is to fully understand ourselves and by our interaction with others achieve awareness of our male and female nature, culminating eventually in the manifestation of our true s androgynous state as is set out in the Tarot card, The W World.

A bit like the agitation in the oyster creating a beautiful pearl, each relationship takes us a step nearer to our true self. So our relationships with others is a reflective process, a bit like a hall of mirrors where we see others but in reality only see ourselves. Even the negative reflections are intimately a part of ourselves and when we adjourn to the next world the truth is revealed, sometimes much to our astonishment. Relationships are the cosmic play on the grand stage of Earth and they defeat us and reward us, they give us sadness and joy, hatred and love and everything in between. CHAPTER 11


Most of us deal with the most potent illusion of all. Namely, that the matrix is in fact real, being unaware of our true nature and purpose, the external world appears to

command us totally. To survive the physical environment we are called upon literally to �dig to eat�. We have a physical vehicle or body for a short time which can be cumbersome and difficult to manage. There is immense pressure to stay within the mainframe and accept the illusion blindly and not to think it through. The organism is programmed to survive at all costs and will resist anything or anyone that threatens it. In third density there occurs a closing down of gateways to our wider reality. This is mainly due to each and every being on this planet needing to concentrate on the life lessons at hand. If we truly understood who we really are and what we are connected to, a strong temptation could arise to defer painful experiences thus slowing down our evolutionary development. There are essentially two types of ensouled beings aside from the orientation stated earlier. Those within the matrix who accept everything they are told without question and those who are aware there is a matrix and seek the windows and doors to greater understanding. This book will only encourage disdain from those in the first category, who are unlikely to read it anyway, but will provide an intuitive platform for those who tread further outside accepted parameters. In time, those who have held onto the accepted reality will become curious and tempt the matrix. It is all a question of spiritual thirst and the

evolutionary step the being is on. The Planet we inhabit has seven densities, just like us, we currently witness only three of them. The Planet itself is poised to enter its next evolutionary stage and will transition into full blown fourth density very soon, some say it is already happening. As mentioned previously it is only possible for a being to see across its own density and the densities on a lower level but impossible to see higher more refined states. Humans currently represent a massive cross section of evolutionary steps running the whole gamut from early, young, mature to old. Each human has within it seven planes of existence the physical only being one part. For those who are psychically sensitive it can be observed that there are seven chakras or wheels driving our physicality. These vibrate at a particular rate according to the evolutionary step we reside upon. They are veritable engines of our individual soul and profoundly state who we are and what point we are on. The earth itself has six other bodies beside the physical, all existing in the now. Once the human physical body has served its purpose it is absorbed back into the physical body of the Earth but the soul aspect continues into the next adjacent more subtle spirit world. This is often called the astral. If we can imagine spheres within spheres we can get some idea of the vast nature of a planetary entity. A bit like a Russian doll

but with each doll being constituted of a more subtle atomic nature. These worlds or states go far out into what we term empty space. e When the human body is shed, the spirit that inhabited it goes to the next adjacent world. g It will proceed through these worlds till it reaches the point of total saturation. For each being this culminates in their evolutionary capacity to manage more and more subtle states till finally it curves around again to begin a new cycle on the physical plane. If reincarnation did not exist then nothing would make sense. t The astral is vast beyond our comprehension and takes each returning consciousness into its folds enabling them to refresh, recombine, understand their individual path and assist those who are in great need both in the astral planes and on the Earth. It has all of the reflected state of the Earth and much more. a Once there we naturally gravitate to beings of like consciousness and levels of conflict are dissipated. Eventually a point is reached when the being feels the need for the more exacting lessons of the material plane and agrees to cycle in again. a This process is guided by our birthing guides and a blueprint is put forward concentrating on the particular next evolutionary step and the growth to be gained therein. Factors taken into account are hereditary, genetic, v environment, protagonists and the beings we often are familiar with in our reincarnational f

family. Once agreed, connection is made with the vehicle that is already gestating in the Mothers womb. A bit like diving into a deep pool, at the appropriate time, usually around birth the union of body and soul occurs. a Now the being is in a rudimentary body that can only accept levels of input from the soul according to its physical growth. It is dependant and needy and requires the support and care of parents to enable it to reach full soul saturation which usually occurs in the late teens or early twenties when the body is capable of sustaining the total energy of the spirit/soul. Birth as we know it into this world, actually only fully occurs when maturity is reached and the body and soul completely unified. That is not to say that the child has no experiential factor. Indeed the raw blotting paper that an incomplete being presents, draws to it the inks of experiences and consequences that herald the life lessons that eventually have to be absorbed and a assimilated. At some future point the need for reincarnating into a physical world will fade as the more subtle planes take us closer to home. c From the too human perspective it may appear that there is great injustice, that evil pervades our lives and takes hold and destroys good people. This is far from the truth for everything is very good and no part of Creation is lost or forgotten or goes uncompensated. f Love permeates all, binds the inner and outer worlds L f

together so that each minute component and vast Galaxy is held equally, sublimely balanced and intrinsically known without mistake or blemish and without flaws. CHAPTER 12


Never to be underestimated, the dark forces have, over all of our recorded history, exacted their hold on this tiny planet and its occupants. Yet they remain �unseen�. invisible to all but a select few. They hand down there legacy like a relay runner hands over his baton and maintain the concept that they own us and can do what they want with us. It is unusual for a service to other being to penetrate their fold as they are diametrically opposed to the concept of caring for others, it has little or no meaning for them. As mentioned previously, it only takes a small number of their kind to manipulate and control the majority whom they regard as useless unless serving their interests. They hold power tightly through business, bureaucracies and religion.

Any aspect of humanity that might break through their elaborate veneer is regarded as a threat and dealt with ruthlessly. They prefer anonymity using their mass of foot soldiers to serve them blindly and subserviently. Indeed many good souls have sacrificed themselves on the bloody altars of their purpose. Even today they are still relatively invisible, using known i 5 51 names and key personnel to do their dirty work. They hold a mighty pressure over those who dare to contradict them and many succumb to their influence knowing the inevitable consequences of challenge. i They gain their power from the negative side of life and this has its own feeding mechanism which sustains them totally. They have no conscience for harm done but suck the life�s blood from others to achieve their agendas. t This is the mighty counterbalance to the light side and is an accepted part of the Creative principle. a Although at higher levels of evolution, they are aware of the Divine Laws, which even they are subject to, they regard the price paid as worthwhile and a truly committed service to selfer is not susceptible to moral arguments much to the amazement of a service to other being. t p In history they have controlled most of the great civilizations from ancient Egypt to modern America. From time to time their power has faded and we are now in a time where other matters [rather than the control of humanity] are of greater significance and taking up their h

total attention. Regretfully they hold the knowledge of our iminent future and have refused to share it with the rest of h humanity. On minor levels, service to selfers seek power over others, whether it be in relationships or in the workplace. They can act the role of the manager or chief executive or the subservient follower who willingly betrays others in order to impress his or her master. t Not all people in power or subservience are of this ilk but these beings are particularly fed by the excesses of egotism and servitude. a It only takes one such ruthless self server to contaminate thousands of lives and they see it as their divine purpose to do so. d So what have they hidden from us at this point in Earths fragmented history? f There is a mountain of information on this subject, of which, I will only touch the more significant points. w In the mid part of the twentieth century with the development of nuclear weapons this planet was deemed of interest to the Council of Worlds. There were two reasons why such an interest occurred. Firstly we were now capable of destroying not only all life on this Planet but we could potentially destroy the Planet itself. Secondly as the Earth was deemed ready for transition to Fourth Density in the near future it was necessary to determine whether it would n h

be a service to self world or a service to other world. b Greater contact from other worlds was agreed upon and a vote taken to ascertain the true future orientation of Earth. The vote when counted, taken at a soul level, was for a service to other world and this was taken subconsciously from all the beings existent at that time. f The U.S. top personnel and military were invited to participate in dialogue from both sides of the Extra Terrestrial equation so that true balance could be maintained and the element of doubt and free will be honoured. The U.S. chose to batten down the hatches and not divulge any of the information given to them at that time. Indeed they went further and tried to disseminate technologies which were supposedly freely given by negative E.T. entities with the hope that their and their n 5 53 children�s future could be secured and their dominance of the Earth could continue. To hell with the �useless t eaters�. The powers that be, feeding off the Illuminati control, determined that humanity as a whole be kept in the dark about their iminent future. d Roswell and the E.T.s that were recovered were responsible for the initial introduction to off world civilizations. Thereafter much was communicated to a powerful few, not just American, who then made the choice to keep such information from others. Not only did they determine this n but they removed ruthlessly any who weakened as a terrifying lesson to others. t

The vital message that was given from both sides of the T E.T. orientation was that the Earth would experience, in the early part of the twenty first century, a ninety degree pole shift causing the demise of up to ninety five per cent Of humans and animal life. O They even explained how this would come about and invited the powers at the time to check this out for t themselves. Out of this core information NASA, arose with a space programme cloaked in a hidden agenda. To be fair to the personnel at NASA, they corresponded to the usual pyramid power structure with only the chosen few knowing what was really going on. w The reason why NASA became vitally important was that through satellite exploration of our Solar System and beyond, verification could be made of the information g given. A key component of these earlier communications was that our Solar System was subject to the intrusion of a Planet four times the size of Earth, this Planet would f 5 54 come through the inner portion of our System and be responsible for creating the pole shift. r Sure enough this Planet was found in the early eighties exactly where it was supposed to be and it was heading our t way. Now armed with the truth of what they had been told, a decision had to be made whether to alert mankind.

True to their pedigree they opted for the easy way out, and decided to prepare shelters for themselves and their lackeys and look for alternatives places where survival might occur even on other Planets or the Moon. Anyone, and there are many, who actively and scientifically pursued investigation into this matter and were to be deemed a security risk were summarily executed. All of the promises made by the negative E.T.s turned to dust, as they were bound to do, leaving them holding a very uncomfortable baby, which is about to turn around and bite them. a Under the guise of the Cold War and the other more vehement wars that have taken place since the second world war [which was driven by a vortex of extreme negativity on all sides] programmes were put in place to prepare for what is now regarded in the higher echelons of power as inevitable. Bunkers were built all across America and in many places in Russia too, for the privileged few in order that they survive and maintain their control in the aftertime. The attack on the twin towers was a poorly camouflaged attempt at creating an artificial enemy so that the oilfields in the Middle East could be controlled and used post pole shift for the advantage of this powerful elite. u It is extraordinary that these few still hold sway over our I reality but their days are numbered too and there will be no escape allowed and no privilege given, indeed they will become vilified and hunted down as the truth begins to dawn on the public when signs are seen in the sky and no answers forthcoming. The very bunkers they have so a


elaborately constructed with taxpayers money will be their tombs and those unfortunate souls who were duped into serving them, will turn on their masters when times get really rough. r In the next chapter, I will focus on the intruder planet and what it means to us now and our future from the physical and soul point of view. a CHAPTER 13 C


It is a recurring theme of religions, psychics, mystics, Mayans, Native American, channelled teachings, new age understanding and our recorded history whether biblical or u


otherwise, that we are approaching the End Times. Most speak about a new beginning after a period of huge turmoil and all have their own particular slant on what is about to h happen. None speak of the end of the Earth where it is totally annihilated and devoid of life, rather they express the opposite, that the lion will lie down with the lamb, ascension will take place for the chosen and the Earth will begin a Golden Age. So the term End Times is a misnomer and very few people really believe in the total extinction of the Earth. t That said, the transition to this paradisiacal world comes with a price. In Biblical terms the evil ones go to hell to join Lucifer, the chosen few go to God to sit at his right hand. There is much said about punishment by God for the evil that man has done and no mercy will be shown to the w wicked. As in most of these stories, a little truth has been spread thinly over a broad spectrum of recorded history. t Yes there will be cataclysms and upheavals and a parting of u the ways but no being is condemned or lost in this process, for as explained earlier, we are all immortal and cannot truly die. t It is also absurd that God would intervene with a judgemental approach to its own creations, so the concept of a Jehovah character is very primitive and for those stuck in orthodox theologies. i

The truth of the matter is really quite simple. The Earth if looked at objectively has a chequered history, a stop, start, Planet that goes for a while and develops and the suddenly finds itself back in primitive mode having to start over a again. Even in our tiny recorded history, which only represents the tip of the iceberg, there are noted times of massive upheaval and cataclysm, such as the Flood, the Exodus and whole civilisations wiped out like the Minoans and the ancient Egyptians and many others. The reason for these dramatic shifts in our progression on this Planet, point to an external event that occurs on a cyclical basis every three thousand, six hundred and fifty years or so. y These changes occurred at times when man had no capability to destroy himself and they always happened due to an event witnessed by all occurring in the sky. We are once again approaching the end of a 3650 cycle and the precipitator of the ninety degree pole shift that is about to occur has entered into our Solar System in 2003 as predicted and foretold by the E.T.�s 5 58 This is the biggest secret withheld from humanity and the cover up is set to continue right up to the event itself. A planet four times the size of the Earth came in on a thirty i degree angle to the plane of the ecliptic and was repulsed by the Sun, it gradually has been making its way just under

the ecliptic for the past five years. It has slowed to a snails pace as it attempts to penetrate through our Solar System. When it gets to approximately four million miles from Planet Earth it will finally work its way through the Ecliptic and continue on its way. Even at four million miles, being four times the size of the Earth and having a gravitational power twenty five times stronger, it grabs the earth in its magnetic clasp, stopping rotation and drawing Earth towards it till finally a conflict must occur between its and the Suns hold on us. The Sun wins out as it must but in that awkward moment of conflict the Earths mantle is at variance to its molten core, resulting in one of the most catastrophic pole shifts this Planet has experienced in its history. From an ego point of view the result of this pole shift is devastating causing the immediate end of ninety per cent of the human population and thereafter a further five to eight per cent due to shock, starvation and disease. Survival will be difficult and communities set up to sustain the few that remain. It is predicted that within one hundred years of the shift, not one single human will remain. So where is the Golden Age? The answer lies in what has already been happening since the Early nineteen eighties. A vast hybrid programme was

undertaken by one particular group of E.T.�s who have been called upon by the Council of Worlds to create the new human body, using a mixture of their and our DNA. These new bodies are already taking souls/spirits from the Earth and waiting in the wings for the Great Transition to occur. Beings who die from the human state and are deemed fourth density service to other will also reincarnate in hybrid bodies, while third density development will have reached a cul de sac and not be chosen by future beings to incarnate into. In a nutshell service to self who graduate into fourth density will go to a Planet suited to them. The undecided which are the majority will be moved by Great Spirits to a Planet already being prepared for them and the Service to Other who graduate to fourth density will have the choice of continuing on Earth or going to a Planet of their choosing. Not one single life is lost or ignored There are many here today who have had previous transitions from other planetary bodies and this will just be the next evolutionary step in there souls journey. For those who have deep connections with this Planet there will be a profound sense of loss particularly in the understanding that the current human form is about to become extinct. Being replaced by a better more improved model. As mentioned previously forms are only necessary for the optimum amount of growth that can be acquired in a particular world. Our extra terrestrial friends represent a huge variance in shapes colours forms, much we would consider monstrous. From their point of view we are not all

that pretty either. It is said that once the earth transitions to fourth density it will no longer be terrorised by its nemesis as it will remain in third density and cannot effect cannot effect the atomic structure of fourth density. This will be a most welcome relief for this long suffering world and for the beings who have witnessed these massive Earth changes in the past. There are many recorded sightings of the above, even by NASA who make errors in its attempt to cover up. Coming in from the eye of the Sun it will remain camouflaged till the final weeks. Timing is not known but many think it will happen in two thousand and twelve to coincide with the Mayan calendar. I expect it to be earlier than that, possibly mid two thousand and ten for various reasons. It is for everyone to determine their own path during these extraordinary times on the physical Earth. Most importantly to understand that we are immortal beings, we have chosen this lifetime at this particular time. Some of us are part of the hybrid programme giving our DNA for the construction of the new form that is about to inhabit this Planet. Some will chose the negative path as others determine that they cannot decide and will continue their third density experience elsewhere and others will continue to serve others and be proud forerunners of the new human condition. Whatever our orientation, we are all counted and cared for by our Creator and the many multitude of beings that surround us, not only from other star systems but from the depths of the spirit worlds that envelop us.

The intruder Planet leaves our System to come quickly around again in seven years at a point on the other side of the Sun from 61 the Earth causing little disruption. It then heads off again to its second Parent, Dark Sun for its 3650 year cycle and yes, it is inhabited by third density beings some of whom will graduate into fourth density Earth hybrid bodies when they shed their current bodies. 62 CHAPTER 14


There are many laws governing things and they are immutable, but there is one law that permeates every aspect of All That Is, it is steeped in Love and vibrates in every particle. It pervades the tiniest aspect of all atomic structures and is evident in the mightiest of Galaxies. It has its home in the six grand spiritual Universes and at every

point knows itself. It is the all pervasive Law of One. Divisions occur to enable us to grow faster. The endless dualities of the Earth Plane with there innate oppositions and diametrically differing aspects often ending in conflict and termination of physical vehicles as in war and premeditated or natural disease programmes. The classroom that we inhabit is crucially real due to resistance not acquiescence. This is the dilemma of the apparent state of things. It is not real, not really real, not what is really happening. Humans even have two brains polarised against each other. The outer, day awake conscious brain which spends most of its time dealing with conundrums of the fragile and shortly lived ego and the subconscious mind that knows really what is happening and is 63 barely listened to as the dramatic needs and demands of the personality overwhelm it. Yet all this conflict provides the rich manure soil that the soul/spirit grows in, and on this tiny Planet, a veritable grain of sand on the vast shore of Creation, the growth is rapid and deeply meaningful. It could be because of our stop, start status and the regular disruption at the hands of extra solar events, but at its heart the Earth holds a dynamic key to the most important journey we make. Namely, to know ourselves. At some point it will come, we will walk out from our homes and see the Universe as it really is and at that point

we will know we are all ONE. Each component of our reality is totally connected to our being, not just in an objective way but in an intrinsic way so profoundly connected, we are actually it. The time will come when those who appear separate to us are in fact another aspect of us along with the worlds and places they inhabit, combining the microcosmic, mesocosmic and the vast macrocosmos into One vibrant dynamic gestalt. Till that time let us enjoy the drama, the cosmic play, knowing that we are a tiny part of GOD, yet GOD all the same and every moment of our existence is loved, understood and accepted totally. It is a simple thought, why do I exist at all? It could be that I easily could not exist and would not know anything, be anywhere, never permeate the planes of existence, never know fear or hatred love or joy. Yet I exist as you do and am a being on a step of evolution like you are and this is the reason for GOD, as we know ourselves so God knows GOD and we at every stage, One with God.

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