9/11 Commission Chart About Aviation Security

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  • Words: 625
  • Pages: 2
TOMORROW What happened'! State of the security system on 9/11. Precisely what happened & what went wrong?

What should we do?

What have we done? Specifically, how have we altered the security system since 9/11?

How should we reform the system to maximize security?


* What were they? * Were they followed? * Were they deficient?

Laws, Regulations, Policies, Priorities (Goals & Intentions)

* What were they? * Did they comply with law? * Were they followed? * How and why were they defeated?

System, Processes and Procedures (to implement the laws, regs, policies and priorities) (Methods)

* What were the $'s? * What were the processes and mechanisms of budgeting and financing of the aviation security system? * Were they deficient?

Budget and Financing Systems to implement programs. (Ways & Means).

What was the nature and quality of leadership, management & oversight? Was it deficient?

Executive and Congressional Governance to establish the laws, regulations, policies and priorities. (Administration)

* How should laws, regs, policies and priorities be reformed to maximize security?

* How shjuld systems, processes and procedures be reformed to best implement the law and maximize security?

How should we reform the budget and financing system foi aviation security to maximize security?

How should executive and Congressional leadership, management and oversight be reformed to maximize security?

Applying these facts, findings and standards to other modes of transportation, what measures can and should we take to maximize security across modes?




Based on the currently planned May 22 public hearing on commercial aviation security, we propose the following preliminary work schedule. 1. On May 1, 2003 brief the Commissioners on work plan, provide essential background information and receive commissioner's guidance on the future direction of the inquiry, including plans for the May 22 hearing. Hearing preparation (including securing of location, invitation of witnesses and media plan) should commence immediately upon Commission approval By May 15, 2003 complete briefing book for May 22 hearing, including background information on subject matter and witnesses, as well as key questions. 3. On May 22, 2003 staff public hearing on commercial aviation security with an emphasis on Work Plan Key Questions #1, #2, #3 (What happened?) and #5 (What's changed & Where do we go?). 4. Between June and November, 2003 perform the main phase of the research with a preliminary 6-month deadline. Work will include examination of resource material, interviews, consultations, and investigation with respect to the issues central to answering the Work Plan Key Questions. 5. Between July and September, 2003 provide quarterly update to Commissioners on work of the Team and receive guidance on future directions of inquiry. 6. Between November 2003 and January 2004 provide quarterly update to Commissioners on work of the Team and receive guidance on future directions of inquiry. This would include a proposed second round of public hearings on transportation security: two days of hearings (presumably in Washington, DC) in late January 2004 focusing on Work Plan Key Questions #5 and #6, and the application of risk management to transportation security issues across modes. 7. By end of December, 2003 present a preliminary report to the Commissioners on commercial Aviation and other transportation security. 8. In January 2004 staff public hearings on transportation security with an emphasis on Work Plan Key Questions #5 and #6 (Policies; priorities; budget & financing across modes 9-11, today and tomorrow?). 9. Between February and March, 2004 provide final quarterly update to Commissioners on work of the Team and receive guidance on future directions of inquiry. 10. Between February and May, 2004 carry out additional investigation as directed by the Commission, and assist Commissioners in preparation of the Final Report.

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