大會程序 <1> 「我們的二十年──媽媽我沒有過錯」 暨趙紫陽錄音講話 六四舞台
<2> 奏哀樂 — 《江河水》 <3> 獻花 支聯會常委/20歲年青人
<4> 燃點火炬 司徒華/20歲年青人/常委
<5> 致悼辭 支聯會副主席蔡耀昌
<6> 默哀一分鐘 全體會眾
<7> 播放「六四」死難者家屬錄音 「天安門母親」群體代表丁子霖
<8> 齊唱《血染的風采》 全體會眾
<9> 演講:前八九學運領袖講話 熊焱
<10> 齊唱《二十年》 全體會眾
<11> 演講:廿載血淚.勿忘國殤 香港專上學生聯會秘書長周澄
<12> 齊唱《自由花》 全體會眾
<13> 誦讀《青年宣言》 1989年出生年青人
<14> 齊唱《中國夢》 全體會眾
<15> 誦讀《大會宣言》 支聯會常委葉楚茵/李耀基
<16> 火化弔唁冊 支聯會常委
<17> 齊唱《祭英烈》 全體會眾
<18> 呼籲參加「七一」遊行、歡迎加入「支青組」 大會結束
「六四」二十周年燭光悼念集會 悼辭 八九民運中犧牲的民主烈士們: 我們把這悼辭獻給你們,把這一片燭光獻給你們。願你們在 天之靈,聽見我們的聲音;願你們在天之靈,看見這一片燭 光,這是祖國南邊一個小島嶼上的燭光,這是我們心中流出 的血和眼中流出的淚,所凝結成的點點燭光。 整整二十年過去了,七千三百零五個日日夜夜過去了。「六 四」兩字,仍在祖國大地被禁止提及;你們親屬的眼淚流盡 了,但悲痛仍在,被阻止公開拜祭你們;你們 還有戰友, 被囚禁獄中;那廣場和長安大街上的血跡已被洗刷乾淨,但 正義人們心中的這一段歷史,仍刻骨錐心,嗅得到那血腥。 我們要告訴你們:最近的一次香港民意調查,支持「平反六 四」的有百分之六十一點二,認為中共政府做得不對的有六 十八點九。這是十年來的新高,說明了在資訊自由的地方, 人心不死,公義是屬於你們的。我們對遺忘的抗爭,取得了 勝利。 香港支聯會,高呼「毋忘六四,平反六四」,已經整整二十 年了,已經七千三百零五個日日夜夜了。今年,我們的紀念 口號是:「毋忘六四,繼承英烈志;薪火相 傳,接好民主 棒」。我們要堅持到底,戰鬥到底。不只這一代,還要一代 一代地堅持和戰鬥下去,直至五大目標:「釋放民運人士、 平反八九民運、追究屠城責任、 結束一黨專政、建設主中
國」,徹底實現為止! 八九民運中犧牲的民主烈士們: 願你們在天之靈,聽見我們的聲音;願你們在天之靈,看見 這一片燭光;願你們在天之靈,安息。 釋放民運人士!平反八九民運! 追究屠城責任!結束一黨專政!建設民主中國! 毋忘六四,繼承英烈志!薪火相傳,接好民主棒! 毋忘六四!平反六四! 堅持到底!戰鬥到底!
Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China
SPEECH of the Candlelight Vigil to Commemorate the 20th Anniversary of June 4 June 4, 2009 Hong Kong, China
Obituary: The Martyrs of the 1989 Pro-democracy Movement We dedicate this obituary to you and offer this candlelight to you. We hope that you can hear our voice in heaven. We hope you can see this candlelight in heaven. This candlelight is from a little island in the south of the motherland. This candlelight is the blood that flows from our hearts and the tears from our eyes. Two decades have passed-- 7,305 days and nights. The words “June 4” still cannot be mentioned on the mainland. Your families have exhausted their tears. But the grief is still there, and yet they are barred from publicly commemorating you and your comrades who are still imprisoned. The bloodstains in the Square and along Chang’an Avenue have been thoroughly scrubbed away, but this period of history is still in the hearts of people who are just, it is still deep in their bones and hearts, they can still smell the blood. We want to tell you: In the latest opinion poll in Hong Kong, 61.2% of Hong Kong people support the vindication of June 4, 68.9% of them think that the central government was wrong. These are the highest percentages in the past 10 years. They show that in places where there is freedom of information, people’s hearts aren’t dead, and justice belongs to you. We have won our struggle against forgetting.
The Hong Kong Alliance has been calling, “Remember June 4, vindicate June 4,” for a full two decades-- 7,305 days and nights. This year, our commemorative slogan is “Remember June 4! Inherit the goals of those who came before us! Pass the torch on! Relay the message of democracy to those who come after us!” We have to persist and fight until the end. Not only this generation but the next generations must persist and continue to fight until these five main demands are met: that dissidents be released from prison; that the democratic movement of 1989 be vindicated; that those who ordered the June 4 massacre be held accountable; that one-party dictatorship be ended; and that democracy be realized in China. Martyrs of the 1989 pro-democracy movement, we hope that you can hear our voice in heaven, we hope you can see this candlelight in heaven, we hope that you can rest in heaven. We demand that dissidents be released from prison; that the democratic movement of 1989 be vindicated; that those who ordered the June 4 massacre be held accountable; that one-party dictatorship be ended; and that democracy be realized in China. Remember June 4! Inherit the goals of those who came before us! Pass the torch on! Relay the message of democracy to those who come after us!
「天安門母親」群體代表丁子霖 在香港紀念「六四」燭光集會上的講話 親愛的香港同胞們、朋友們! 今年是「六四」慘案二十周年。香港同胞與往年一 樣,在維園舉行隆重的燭光晚會。此時此刻,我受大陸「天 安門母親」委託,在這裏向大家致以誠摯的謝意。衷心感謝 你們每年來到這裏,悼念「六四」亡靈,撫慰「六四」難 屬,追究屠城責任,發出正義的呼聲。 今天我在這裏講話,內心很不平靜。我常常想,我們 中國人活得太沉重、太無奈了。一百多年來,中國民眾不被 人尊重,他們任人宰割和擺佈,沒有說話和行動的自 由, 沒有免於恐懼的自由。他們年復一年地這樣生活著,又年復 一年地這樣忍受著。他們迫於無奈,也曾揭竿而起進行過反 抗,而且有過無數次這樣的反抗,但最終 都失敗了。這最 近的一次,就爆發在公元一九八九年。它是歷史上先輩們無 數次反抗的繼續,更是中國百年來尤其是半個世紀以來正義 與邪惡、自由與奴役、尊嚴與 屈從無數次較量的繼續。但 它不再是歷史上那些反抗的簡單重複,它有了自己新的語言 和新的訴求,有了新的抗爭形式,這就是以和平請願和示威 的方式,維護公民 的自由權利,爭民主、反官倒,推進政 治體制改革。它是中國人渴望融入世界潮流、尋求新的生存 方式的一次偉大嘗試。
但是,這場歷時五十天的和平示威運動最終還是被獨 裁者鎮壓下去了,而且是以空前慘烈的流血慘案而告終。然 而,也正因其空前的慘烈、空前的悲壯才使它成為中 華民 族的一座歷史豐碑,成為我們民族精神的一個象徵。它向世 界宣告:中國人也像所有酷愛自由的國家的人民一樣,也曾 為自己的自由、權利和尊嚴進行過驚天動 地的抗爭,而且 也曾為此付出過高昂的代價。它以這樣的抗爭、這樣的代價 贏得了世界進步人類的尊敬。 現在,「六四」慘案已經過去二十年了。在這二十年 裏,中共當局想盡一切辦法,用經濟的引誘和收買,用警察 的打壓和恐嚇,用盡了一切欺騙和隱瞞,來抵銷「六 四」 事件在民間和國際社會的影響。從最初的「平息暴亂」,到 後來的「動亂」,再到後來的「事件」或者「發生在一九八 九年春夏之交的政治風波」。他們這樣做 法的目的只有一 個,就是不能讓後來的年輕人知道有一個「六四」。這一 點,他們做得似乎很成功,今天的年輕人確實很少知道有一 個「六四」。即使有人偶爾從網 路上知道了有關「六四」 的一些資訊,或是不敢相信,或是竟然說甚麼:「一個人活 著多好啊?為甚麼一定要去死呢?」中共把「六四」後的一 代輕輕鬆鬆地接收過 來了。毛澤東曾經說過:世界是你們 的,也是我們的,但歸根結底是你們的。中共現在想依靠的 恐怕就是這樣的「六四」後一代吧。 因此,我們認為,香港同胞在幾年前提出的「薪火相 傳,接好民主棒」的口號,是富有遠見的。你們盡最大的努 力,用各種可以利用的方式,把有關「六四」大屠殺 的訊 息傳承給年輕人,讓他們了解真相,知道一九八九年的大陸
究竟發生了甚麼,應該怎樣去對待這場劫難。在中共執政的 半個多世紀裏,他們的愚民政策造成了一 代又一代人的集 體失憶,使得以往受到的迫害和痛苦不能轉變成一種智慧和 精神力量,萬一劫難再次襲來時,他們仍然是手足無措。我 常常想,歷史上中國人常說的 「捨生取義」、「殺身成 仁」、「士可殺而不可辱」等等。這可都是大劫難過後先人 留下的教訓啊!為甚麼我們的民眾就不能汲取呢? 現在,中國的「六四」大屠殺,從五年,到十年,再 到二十年,都已經過去了。前不久,香港特首曾蔭權先生在 回答議員關於「六四」的提問時說:「香港人對『六 四』 的感受及看法,我是明白的。但事件發生到現在已經很多年 了。期間,國家在各方面的發展都得到驕人的成就,亦為香 港帶來經濟的繁榮。」這就等於說,只要 經濟取得驕人的 成就, 即使是歷史上的天大冤案,也不該再提起。曾先生 這番話,與大陸黨政要人為「六四」屠殺所作的辯護如出一 轍。但是,道上有大坎,總得有人搬啊!二十年來,我們苦 苦追溯大屠殺的真相,尋求遲遲不肯到來的正義。儘管前面 的路還是那樣的漫長,但是,我們未敢懈怠,未敢停息,仍 然一步一步地艱難跋涉著。這是一場弱者 對於強者的抗 爭,這是一場道義對於權力的較量。我們曾經遭受過一次又 一次的挫折,但我們堅信一條,這個世界不可能永遠靠金錢 和權力來主宰。它總有公理在。 謝謝大家!
Speech by the Representatives of the Tiananmen Mothers at the Candlelight Vigil to Commemorate the 20th Anniversary of June 4 June 4, 2009 Hong Kong, China
Dear Hong Kong Compatriots and Friends, This year is the 20th anniversary of the June 4 tragedy. As in previous years, our compatriots in Hong Kong are holding a great candlelight vigil in Victoria Park. On this occasion, I have been entrusted by the Tiananmen Mothers in the mainland to extend my sincere thanks to everyone here. I sincerely thank all of you who have come here to commemorate those who died on June 4, to console their families, to call for accountability for those responsible for the massacre, and to call for justice. As I speak, I do not feel calm in my heart. I often think as Chinese, our lives are too heavy and lacking in choice. For onehundred years, the Chinese people have not been respected. We have been at the mercy of others, without freedom of speech or action, without freedom from fear. We have lived like this year after year, and we have endured year after year. When we have had no other option, we have resisted. There have been numerous forms of resistance, but ultimately they all failed. The most recent was in 1989. It was a continuation of previous resistances. It was also a continuation of the struggle between justice and evil, freedom and slavery, dignity and subjugation. But it was not simply a repetition of previous resistances. It had a new language and new demands. It had new forms of resistance. Through the use of peaceful petition and protest, it
sought to safeguard the freedoms and rights of citizens, to fight for democracy and against official profiteering, and to push for political reform. It expressed the desire of the Chinese people to become part of the global community, to find new ways to live. However, this peaceful movement lasted fifty days and was then crushed by the dictators. Its end was tragic, bloody and unprecedented. However, precisely because of the tragedy and sorrow, it became a historical monument for the Chinese people and a symbol of the national spirit. It declared to the world that the Chinese people, just like other freedom-loving people in other countries, have undertaken an earth-shaking struggle for their freedom, rights and dignity and have also paid a high price. It is such a struggle, such a price that wins the respect of progressive humankind. Now, twenty years have passed since June 4. In these twenty years, the Communist Party has used all means to counter-act the impact of June 4 on civil society and the international community. It has used the economy to lure and buy people. It has used the police to suppress and intimidate. It has used all means of deception and concealment. [It has referred to the ’89 demonstrations with various euphemisms] from “riots” to “unrest” to “incident” to “the political storm that happened between spring and summer of 1989.” It has done this with only one purpose, to conceal from young people that there ever was a June 4. On this point, it seems to have been very successful. Indeed, very few young people today know of June 4. Though some do occasionally learn something about June 4 on the internet, they either do not dare to believe it or they say things
like, “Isn’t it better to live? Why choose to die?” The Communist Party has easily co-opted the post-June 4 generation. Mao Zedong once said to young people, “The world is yours. It is also others’. But in the final analysis, it is yours.” I’m afraid the CCP now puts its hope in this post-June 4 generation. For that reason, we believe our Hong Kong compatriots’ slogan, “Pass the torch on, relay the message of democracy to those come after us,” is visionary. You have made the greatest effort and used all kinds of methods to inform young people of the June 4 massacre, to tell them the truth, to tell them what happened in the mainland in 1989 and how to deal with this catastrophe. Over more than half a century of CCP rule, its policy of fooling the people has made one generation after another suffer collective amnesia, rendering them unable to turn the persecution and pain they suffered into wisdom and spiritual strength. If disaster strikes again, they will still be at a loss. I often think Chinese sayings such as “Sacrifice your life for justice” and “A warrior can be killed but he cannot be insulted” are lessons our ancestors learned after catastrophes! Why cannot we, the people, learn our lesson? Five years, then ten years, and now twenty years have passed since the June 4 massacre. Not long ago, Mr. Donald Tsang, the Chief Executive of Hong Kong, said in response to questions from members of the Legislative Council, “The feelings of the Hong Kong people towards June 4 I understand. But the incident happened many years ago. Between now and then, our country has made impressive achievements in all areas of development, which have also brought economic prosperity to Hong Kong.”
That is to say, as long as the economy achieves remarkable success, even the greatest injustice in history should not be mentioned again. These remarks by Mr. Tsang are exactly the same as the justifications made by the Party. However, “there is a big hole in the road” and someone needs to fill it! For twenty years, we have tried hard to find out the truth of the massacre, to seek justice that has been continually denied. Although the road ahead is long, we have not dared to slacken our efforts, we have not rested. Step by step we walk this difficult road. This is a struggle of the weak against the strong. This is a battle between morality and power. We have time and again suffered setbacks, but we firmly believe this: The world cannot be ruled forever by money and power. Justice will prevail. Thank you all! The Tiananmen Mothers
血染的風采 也許我告別 將不再回來, 你是否理解? 你是否明白? 也許我倒下 將不再起來, 你是否還要 永久的期待? * 如果是這樣,你不要悲哀, 共和國的旗幟上 有我們血染的風采。 * 也許我的眼睛 再不能睜開, 你是否理解 我沉默的情懷? 也許我長眠 再不能醒來, 你是否相信 我化做了山脈? * 如果是這樣,你不要悲哀, 共和國的土壤裏有我們付出的愛。 *
二十年 抗爭 到底,那管光陰流逝。 昨天 盟誓,讓那薪火傳遞。 來接替民主棒,後代繼英烈, 志向永不變,六四決要平反。 國家強大,腐化貪風猶在。 決心變改,愛國的心仍在。 求變革,尋公理,未懼怕失望。 遇挫折,也堅守,長遠戰鬥目光。 呀……呀……呀…… 戰鬥二十年,戰鬥二十年,不死的信念, 那怕又十年,那怕又十年,有你共步前。
廿載血淚 勿忘國殤 香港專上學生聯會悼念「六四」屠城二十周年講稿 去年今日,我們同樣身處此地,一如既往悼念「六四」 死難者,亦為四川地震的天災默哀,為豆腐渣工程等人禍感 到悲憤。一年已逝,四川省政府宣佈不 存在「豆腐渣」工 程,以賠償為名禁止死難家屬追討責任,徹查真相的人士亦 相繼被打壓甚至被捕,與此同時,中共政權以片面報導及大 型紀念活動粉飾太平,為其 統治建立合法性。這令我們想 起,二十年來身陷囹圄、漂泊流離的民運人士、為尋求公道 的天安門母親,在一個一直無視民主訴求、踐踏人權自由的 國家,其遭遇不 也相同。然而,死者的沉默,正是令我們 更加堅定不移,呼喚良知、呼喚公義的力量。 「六四」屠殺二十周年前夕,竟有無關宏旨、混淆是 非、假藉民意的言論,企圖淡化屠城真相與民運意義。事實 上,當年天安門廣場上的訴求仍未得到落 實。中國自改革 開放以來,政治改革一直長期落後於經濟改革,促成特權利 益集團壟斷政治權力,城市化問題頻生,貧富懸殊與城鄉差 距日趨嚴重;言論及新聞被箝 制、維權運動被打壓等,人 權不進反退。可見,中共所謂的「國家富強」,只是建基於 不平等的財富分配與剝削之上,更是掩飾社會不公,甚至模 糊大是大非的手段。 今年是五四運動九十周年,中共將運動收編成中國青年 節,掏空當中的批判精神及改革國家的歷史意義,但仍在教 科書中有隻字片言。然而,八九民運在 中國近代史上與五
四運動一脈相承,同樣舉足輕重,卻因觸及中共統治權威而 被消音,使年青一代在匱乏的認知下成長。歷史教育是培養 下一代責任感及良知的重要 一環,因此,香港特區政府應 本著良知及責任,將「六四」屠城納入歷史科及通識科等的 課程綱要,填補國民教育及官方歷史敘述的空白。 魯迅曾言︰「苟活者在淡紅的血色中,會依稀看見微茫 的希望;真的猛士,將更奮然而前行。」 今天是「六四」屠城二十周年,我們呼籲港人應繼續立 足公民社會,承傳歷史使命,堅持平反八九民運,為民主、 自由、人權及法治的中國而努力。讓我們以最沉痛心情悼念 死難烈士,也讓我們以最堅定態度,要求中國政府: 1.徹查「六四」屠城及四川「豆腐渣」工程的真相,還死難 者及其家屬公道; 2.停止打壓民運人士、天安門母親及維權運動; 3.開放集會、結社、出版、新聞及言論自由,尊重人民聲 音; 4.落實民主、自由、平等、人權、法治; 5.釋放民運人士,平反八九民運,追究屠城責任,結束一黨 專政,建設民主中國!
自由花 忘不了的,年月也不會蠶蝕, 心中深處始終也記憶那年那夕; 曾經痛惜,年月裏轉化為力, 一點真理,一個理想永遠地尋覓。 悠悠長長繼續前航不懂去驚怕, 荊荊棘棘通通斬去不必多看它。 浮浮沉沉昨日人群雖不說一話, 不想清楚分柝太多真心抑意假。 但有一個夢,不會死,記著吧! 無論雨怎麼打,自由仍是會開花, 但有一個夢,不會死,記著吧! 來自你我的心,記著吧! 忘不了的,留下了不死意識, 深深相信始終會變真某年某夕; 如此訊息,仍賴你跟我全力, 加一把勁,將這理想繼續在尋覓。
Y89《青年宣言》 《青年宣言》 我們生於一九八九年。這一年,我們只是剛出生的小孩 或在母親肚內。這一年,北京天安門廣場上發生中國近代最 波瀾壯闊的八九民運。這一年,廣場上二十多歲的年青學生 為著理想打拼。這一年,黑暗將理想吞噬,鮮血染紅中國大 地。 也許你們認為,我們對「八九」、「六四」這一組數 字,或許記憶模糊,甚至未曾經歷。 也許你們覺得,我們跟當年廣場上的學生一樣,幼稚天 真,不吃人間煙火。 也許你們不相信,但我們對大是大非早有對錯之心。 但,我們懇請你們靜心聆聽,我們,一班一九八九年出 生的朋友,對「六四」的想法︰ 我們當中,有的曾在父母懷裏,在風雨中聲援民運;有 的長大後,在父母師長口耳相傳得知「六四」;有的在民間 團體、在「六四」悼念集會,首次接觸 「六四」。我們或 許沒有上一代的激情及憤慨,但我們仍能切身處地,理解當 年學生對改革中國的理想,也能感受屠殺的不公義、冷血。 因為,今天的我們跟當年的學生一樣,都是二十來歲, 抱有理想,活在中國土地上的年輕一群。我們對中國發展有 著同樣的期盼,我們痛恨中國的貪污腐敗,我們痛恨自由及
人權從未得到保障。我們對國家富強背後種種的黑暗,感到 悲傷。這就是我們的國家嗎? 我們生於一九八九年,成長於香港這片富裕的土地之 上,享有中國大地上最大的自由。我們享受著中國的發展成 果,但中國的國殤,我們卻不能置之不 理。因為我們與二 十年前廣場上的學生一樣,正值人生最美好階段,最能自由 地追逐理想、探求真相,我們豈能讓他們為改革付出的鮮血 白流?我們豈能逃避對他們 親人、繼承遺志的仁人志士的 責任?我們豈能任由中國被黑暗吞噬? 歷史選擇了香港,選擇了我們,為這急需改革的中國貢 獻力量。我們不想逆來順受,不想受制於無知與淡化歷史的 教育。「六四」二十周年,我們本著良 知,努力認識「六 四」歷史,我們也相信自己有改變社會的力量。歷史沒有放 棄我們,我們能享受成果,而我們更不應遺忘歷史。爭取平 反「六四」、發展民主政制 是中國發展和諧社會的立足 點,我們跟你們同樣期盼這理想在可見的將來得到落實,讓 自由的燭光照耀中國,讓每個中國人都能自豪地享受真正的 繁榮與光輝。
中國夢 我的夢和你的夢,每一個夢源自黃河, 五千年無數的渴望,在河中滔滔過。 那一個夢澎湃歡樂,那一個夢平庸苦楚, 有幾回唐漢風範,讓同胞不受折磨。 那天我中國展步,何時睡獅吼響驚世歌, 衝天開覓向前路,巨龍揮出自我。 叫中國人人見歡樂,笑聲笑面長伴黃河, 五千年無數中國夢,內容始終一個。 要中國人人每一個做,自由樂暢幸福我。
大會宣言 各位同胞: 一九八九年六月四日是中國近代史最黑暗的時刻,鄧李楊集 團下令軍隊攻進天安門廣場,向手無寸鐵的市民、學生開 槍,用坦克車輾斃攔路者和逃亡者。「六四」屠城後,舉世 震驚,神人共憤,全世界華人悲慟哀痛,「六四」成為「國 殤日」。人民不會忘記! 我們在二十年後的今晚又再燃點起堅持了二十年的燭光。每 一點燭光代表着「六四」屠殺在我們心坎內、良知內留下了 不能磨滅的印記。良知是普世的價值,亦是貫 穿人類歷史 的價值。一個社會、一個國家、一個民族,沒有了良知就是 沒有了靈魂,與禽獸沒有分別。八九民運就是受良知感召的 市民學生,繼承世紀初五四運動的 精神,自發地為國家的 民主進步獻上了學生們的赤子之心,但換來的卻是血腥鎮 壓。民運的精神感動了香港市民,感動了全世界愛自由的人 民,更間接引發東歐共產 黨政權的解體。 不過,可恨的是,二十年後的今天,埋沒良知的小人發表謬 論,指國家二十年的驕人發展,會促使人民對「六四」有客 觀評價。難道經濟發展就可以合法化、合理化 「六四」屠 殺?難道沒有流血就沒有經濟發展?難道香港得到經濟利益 就要為政權屠殺的罪行塗脂抺粉?讓我們舉起燭光,高舉中 國人的尊嚴及良知,去照亮香港、 照亮中國,不要讓這些 騎在人民頭上的小人囂張下去!曾蔭權特首,你聽得見嗎?
大家撫心自問,今日中國的發展是否真是比二十年前進步 了?今日的中國,中共政權容不下《零八憲章》,容不下維 權運動,容不下網上言論的空間,容不下宗教、 新聞自 由,容不了香港二零一二雙普選!二十年前民運提出反官倒 要民主,今日的中國,貪汚腐敗的廣泛及嚴重程度,將二十 年前的貪汚比下去,變得小巫見大巫。 今日的中國,竟怕 丁子霖出席天安門母親的悼念子女聚會,仍未肯還四川母親 公道,拒絶徹查「豆腐渣」工程。胡錦濤主席,你怕甚麼? 人民不會忘記「六四」,因為八九民運燃點起中國走向民主 法治的希望,我們相信如果重寫八九民運,沒有鎮壓而是推 動中國走向民主法治,人民生活肯定會更自 由,更有尊 嚴,更加快樂!我們今日每一點燭光,就是要再燃起對中國 民主自由的希望,解除專制的枷鎖。我們更有責任將我們這 點燭光傳給年輕一代。這是一場記 憶與遺忘的鬥爭、良知 與冷血的鬥爭、民主與專制的鬥爭。這場鬥爭,我們只許成 功,不許失敗。我們會更團結更有決心為平反「六四」、建 設民主中國,抗爭到 底,民主潮流不可抗拒,勝利是屬於 我們堅持良知的中國人民! 毋忘六四!繼承英烈志!薪火相傳!接好民主棒! 釋放民運人士!平反八九民運! 追究屠城責任!結束一黨專政!建設民主中國! 民主萬歲!自由萬歲!人權萬歲! 法治萬歲!人民力量萬歲!
Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China
DECLARATION of the Candlelight Vigil to Commemorate the 20th Anniversary of June 4 June 4, 2009 Hong Kong, China
Dear Compatriots, June 4, 1989 is the darkest moment in contemporary Chinese history. The “Deng-Li-Yangi” group ordered the army to enter Tiananmen Square, to shoot at unarmed civilians, and to kill anyone blocking the roads to the square or escaping. The whole world was shocked by the June 4 massacre. Both the gods and the people were indignant. Chinese people all over the world grieved in deep sorrow. June 4 became China’s “national day of mourning”. People will never forget. Tonight, twenty years on, we again light the candles we have lit for the last twenty years. Every candle represents the indelible mark left on our heart and conscience by the June 4 Massacre. Conscience is a universal value, shared by people throughout the history of humanity. Without conscience, a society, a nation, a people do not have a soul and are no different from animals. The 1989 pro-democracy movement was about citizens and students who were called by their conscience to take up the spirit of the May 4 Movement of 1919. Of their own free will, they offered their innocence to advance the cause of democracy in their own country. What they got in exchange was a bloody crackdown. The spirit of the pro-democracy movement moved the people of Hong Kong. It moved freedom-loving people all over the world. It also indirectly influenced the fall of Communist regimes across Eastern Europe.
But regrettably, twenty years on, ignorant people who have buried their conscience express mistaken ideas, saying that twenty years of successful development will help the people to arrive at an “objective evaluation” of June 4. Does that mean that economic development can legalize and legitimize the June 4 Massacre? Does it mean that without blood there would have been no economic development? Does it mean that Hong Kong should cover up the crime of those in power for the sake of economic interests? Let us hold our candles, hold our dignity and conscience high, to light up Hong Kong, light up China, and not allow ignorant leaders riding on the heads of the people to continue their arrogant ways! Chief Executive Donald Tsang Yam-Kuen, can you hear us? Let us ask ourselves honestly, is China today more developed than 20 years ago? In today’s China, the Chinese Communist Party cannot tolerate Charter 08, cannot tolerate the rights defense movement, cannot tolerate freedom of expression on the internet, cannot tolerate religious freedom and press freedom, cannot tolerate universal suffrage in Hong Kong in 2012! Twenty years ago, in reaction to official profiteering, the prodemocracy movement demanded democracy; but that was nothing compared to the ubiquity and gravity of corruption in today’s China. Today’s China is afraid of commemorative gatherings held by the Tiananmen Mothers like Ding Zilin in memory of their children. It refuses justice to the mothers of Sichuan Province, refuses to conduct a thorough investigation of the tofu construction of schools where children died. President Hu Jintao, what are you afraid of?
People will not forget June 4 because the 1989 pro-democracy movement lit up China with the hope of becoming a democracy with rule of law. We believe that if the crackdown had not occurred, China would have moved toward democracy and rule of law, and the lives of the people would be freer and happier, with greater dignity. Every candle we light today rekindles the hope of democracy and freedom, hope that the yoke of dictatorship will be removed. We have a great responsibility to pass this candlelight on to the younger generation. This is a struggle between memory and forgetting, conscience and coldbloodedness, democracy and dictatorship. In this struggle, we cannot fail, we must succeed. We are more united, more determined than ever to call for the vindication of June 4, to construct a democratic China, to fight until the end. The tide of democracy cannot be resisted, and victory belongs to the Chinese people who insist on their conscience. Remember June 4! Inherit the goals of those who came before us! Pass the torch on! Relay the message of democracy to those who come after us! We demand that dissidents be released from prison; that the democratic movement of 1989 be vindicated; that those who ordered the June 4 massacre be held accountable; that one-party dictatorship be ended; and that democracy be realized in China.
祭英烈 淚眼或已在凝望,或已沒有人願講。 不意如今,一起相對, 獻花祭英烈,再思念中國 齊共記起向淚情,待昭雪; 眾多烈士,有請到現場, 願你能認出,六四時淚光。 願君知我共你是同路, 我當天當夕,像你一般痛苦, 身,困於此處,沒法與君一起並肩上, 我亦無詞說斷腸 還願各位不必悲憤,莫悲憤, 六四那一夜,目睹君去後, 令我獨含恨,就算未如願,大志仍在心! 就算是無奈,就算未如願,大志仍在心!