765th Trsb Newsletter 2009 June 2009

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Download & View 765th Trsb Newsletter 2009 June 2009 as PDF for free.

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President:Dick Ltmd 4318 DyesInletN.W. Bremerton,Wa. ph 360-373-5448e mail [email protected] Sec.-Treasurer:Bill Hill 101GrahanrRd. Jasper,Tn.37347 Ph.423-942-2644 Bremerton, Wa Reunion coordinator: Dick Lund (Addressabove) VP & Assistantcoordinators: SueHamilton,2024WindingCreekLane,Mason,Oh.45040,ph 513-398-0713 e-mailgrglqlilton(Dfusc.net-- Sheryl& Peny Schneider10560McKelveyRd. Cincinnati,Oh.45240 ph 513-648*0351e-mail [email protected] Nv. 89012 Ph.702-260-4224, e-mail NewsLetter: Bob & Dan Kalan 2158King MesaDr. Henderson, bobkChilelr."sel Video Photographer: Frank Rowe 755 RacineAve. Columbus,Oh.43204 ph614-274-5270 Tt374O5 ph423-265-5147 Chaplain: Ben Smith 1929Hixson Pike Chattanooga, e-mailgl.IulUUlla[arh-acl Web Site: NancyCunningham,5634Richard,Dallas,Tx. 75206,?h.214-823-9366, 765 History site, http://griffi ncunningham.neVcriffir/MAlNi765th.htm 765 Reunion group site, http:/griffincunningham. nstl76freunionorglmain.htm

Dear765 friends, We're looking forwardto seeingall of you in Seattle.Dick Lund, Sheryl,PerryandSue havebeenworking hardin gettingthis reunionsetup. It shouldbe a goodoneasthe Seattleareais very scenic. The Alaskacruisethat is beingplanned,for thosewho areplanningon going,shouldbe a wonderfultime. On andAlaskacruiselike we havebeenon, the sceneryandwildlife seensuchasKiller Whales,AmericanEaglesaswell asotherwildlife areincredible. We havehada very busytime lately dueto our healthissues.Bob's cameasa shockto all of us asit hasbeendiscoveredthat he hasa heartconcernto be lookedafter. He as alreadyhadtwo stintsput in andhis Cardiologistsaidthat athird oneis to be put in on might haveto be put in. Theseissues July 7. The Dr. alsostatedthat evena Pacemaker will be lookedat morecloselyaftermore doctorvisits aswell astests. I havemy that havereally slowedme down a great balanceproblemaswell asmoreweaknesses deal. I havebecomemoredependenton Bob andDan to help me getthingsdoneandto aroundetc. SomewherearoundMay 12,(I neverwrite datesdown),PatandJim Smithwerein the Las Vegasareafor a wedding, (their granddaughter?)On their visit to HooverDam and Lake Meadthey stoppedby us for a visit. Patsaidthat sheput her feet in my drinking water( shewent wadingin LakeMead) We hada very nicevisit. We'll be seeingthem in Seattlethis September. The weatherout herein the Vegasvalley hasstartedto becomehot! Todayit finally hit 101outside! Take-careof yourselves and stay in touch! Audrey, Bob and Dan


D€arBob& Audury, I almostnev6rread the obits in the Tdbunesince I dont knonranyonein Chicago,but Rosema4y's name jusl poppedout at me that day. I rememberwhenwe all met for lunchin Mawyoodor somoplacesome yearsago. Theywere a lovelycouple. Boband I both missthe time with the 765thmembersand theirfamilies. I so wish we couldcometo a reunionagain,but I doubtthat iE possible. We did driveto Flo.idalast fall and spentthe winter,but I don't see us doingthat againeither- We endedup shippingour car homeby car-carTiorand Ronda,Boband I fleu,homeas the hip drivingdorm was too muchfor Bob. We had someonewith us all winter,Rondaor my sister and her husbandor my brothersince it is prettyhardfor me to take care of Bob by myself. He cannotbe l€ft aloneat all for fear he wlll fall or be confusedaboutwherehe is at. He still walkswith a walker,but if I am taking him someplaceby myself,I use th€ wheelchair. Sincehe had deepbrain stimulation,he doeenot tremor,but the othersymptomsof Parkinsonsstill exist and get wors€. lr'yedo fe6l that the surgerywas a goodthing though. Duringthat last surgery,they hit a part of the brainthat has to do with the calander- so he doesnt knou,the day, monthor year. lt has also effectedhis balane. We still havea full-timecare giverfor him who is wonderful. lt gives me time to myselfand makeslife alot easierfor m6. We have put our condoat Fort MyetEBeachup for sale. We actuallyrenteda house at the Villagesfor two monthslast fall (Nov.and Dec.)and if we were ableto go backto Florida,w€ would probablygo there. lt is the mostwonderfulplacefor ac{iveseniors. LG of thingsto do. And the medical facilitiesther€ are great. Theyare buildinga VA clinicthere nolvthat will be readyto opennextfall. Also,any helpyouwouldneed,likecarefor Bobor housecleaning,it veryavilable.I thinkPatandJoe Aronica livedthere beforeJoe passedaway. We were sure sorryto hear aboutHootand Virginia. Theywere such a grcat couple- We had many good timeswith them. We didnt get to see Bill and Billythis year on our way homesincewe flew homeand weft, disappointedaboutthat. I hopeyou are all doingfine and enjoyingthe aummer. We ar€ still hereon lhe farm and wouldloveto see anyoneand everyonewho gets this way. Bobwouldlove it and so wouldl. The bestto you all. SharonWheelerand Bobtoo. I |€ad in yestedays (June 10th)ChicagoTribunethd a RosemaryFuentespassedaway. lt reads: RosemaryFuentes,Belovedwife of the late JosephA. lovinigmotherof James(Christine),Phillip(Mary Ann), Richard(Palricia)and CathleenFuentes;cherishedgrandmotherof Elizabeth,Eric, Thomas, Joseph, Kathryn,Daivd,Eleanor,Jaqueline,Matthew(Gina)and Christopher,greatgrandmo&erof Jason,sister of the lateWilliam,dearauntof many. FuneralserviceThursady11:30a.m.fromSmith{orcoran FuneralHome6150N, CiceroAve.to St. Maryof the WoodsMassat 12 Noon. IntermentSt. Joseph Cemetery.VisitationWednesday&9 p.m. In lieu of ffowelsdonationsto the RonaldMcDonald'sHouse Charities1900 Sprir€ Rd.Suite3'10OakBrook,ll. 60523wouldbe appreciated.www.smithcorcoran.com I assumethis is the Ros€maryand Joe Fuentesof the 765th. Sharonl/Vheeler

Hi Bob, Here is the form. What are you guys doing out there. One getsbetterjust in time to take careof the nextl I wish you were closer so we could help! Attached is the RegistrationForm. We will needto get, at least25 peopleon eachtrip for we can't go for the prices I have listed. I just spoketo Dick Lund and he is anangingthe busesand the tours along with picking a place for the lunches. I don't know what the cut-off dateswill be for the busesbut I am surethat thJ August deadlinefor the reservationswill be aboutthe same. Unfortunately,most people wait until the last minute to decide. At that point, I supposewe could rent a coupleof vansif needed' So far there is eight of us leaving the moming of the 19th for the cruise so that will be eight lessfor the museumtrip. This getsharderevery year! Youre military so you know how to take orders,and this is an order....Iwant all three ofyou to straightenup, get healthy and comeplay with us in September!! Bestto all, Sheryl

Hi Bob,Audreyand Dan, Thankyou so muchfur sendingme the 7651hNelrsledtgr.t alwayl enioyreceMngit, bul sad too to read of lho6e lhat have pass€dand thosethat are ailing. I think 3oooften of everyoneand lhe \Nonderfuliimes Mark,Lisa, Susanand I had. Theystill talkaboutitl l'm sorryto hear aboul Dans satbadq datn. I kno , he k medicaltyin gpod handsand hop6that he is "bad( on trac*" soon. 'le Ufe the same here in San Mateo. I ses Susanand h6r familyoften. They are slilt in Roddin,Cam - 20 mi northof Sagrlm9nto: Thelr Chrisbpher i5 3-1/2 and all boyl | 90 io Shroveportto see Lisaand her hmity. Her littl€ girls are no , 10 and 8. Am still playingtennis 2X a week and travel wlth my friendArli6 Lambdl over for bridget6umamentsl Am still in my titfle houseand wts'r6happyhere. I think of you ofien. Love,GGtchenSchmeeckle

-----Original Message . i .i ()l ts l i i " l i l (- l i ,oi !, Fro m : J oanne B e rm a n --i 3 .i;.;,' i A- i ' .i i i :' i ' , To : Joanne Berman <.].ii t;T,y,'rotitqfiiii.:r';i,i-:tril,. i,$:,.ii:, Sent: Sat, 6 Jun 2009 2lfg pm Subject: Ken Berman

It ia vrith sincere regret that I infoxm you that my husband, Ken Berman, passed away on r"tay 2i, 2009. He entered Hines hospitai on May i2 f thoughL might be mini strokes. "ith It was determlned that his lungs, siomach, pancreas. 1lver and the bones of his spine were loaded with srnari cetl cancer. had not conplained about a lot. of pain so this was a very big surprise. r was to have him brought hospitalsaying he wou.ld not make it. peacefully about 11 :00 a.rrr. He was





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home on the 2?th but received a carl frorn the our son Tracy and r were r^rith him as he died had


a stroke

on Nov.



/65th- IMPORTANT!!

Subjecfi765th-IMPORTANT!! From:[email protected] Date:Mon,25 May200916:07:43 EDT [email protected], To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] GC:[email protected] READTO THE BOTTOM:IMPORTANT! Most of you do nol know me, but I havetalked to Blll Hlll, Sue Hamilton,& Ken illiller in the past, and was invltedto attendyour re-unionin Salt LakeClty eventhough I was not part of the 765th. I was unableto afrend,but did appreciatethe invita I was iust lnformedby anotherfriend a couple of days ago about a rc-unionALL of you would be interested in...at Ft Euatls Va (detalls below). I was in Military Raitafter all of you....1957to 1959...atFt Eustls ln the 774thRwy Group,?'l4th TransportationBattallon(RallwaySteam& DleeelElectric), Spenttime in three different companiee...-HQ as exec officer ) forfor 3 months,C Co as CompanyCommander(Tralnmaster) for 13 months,and B Co Gommander(llaster mechanic)for about 6 weoks. Laterafter leavlng active duty I was exec offer at Ft Bliss, TX in a ReserveBaftalion..,.seemslike it was the 728th. I left the reserue as a Captain after 8 years. I am a thlrd genoratlonrallroader,staillng out laying rail at 17 inTucson,later telegraphoperator, traln dlspatche., U. S. Army, then back on numerous Operatlng Offlcer Jobsthe next 35 years, including D3rectorof Locomotlve distrlbutlon (2500locomotiv€s), I retirod as General Dlrector of LocomotlveFuelfor SouthernPaclflcIn 1995using 1.3million gallons of diesel per day.......retirlngin the Denverarea. My polnt is, I loved railroading.....itwas In my blood. Whatyou men did in Koreain operatingthe railwayswas alwaysan inspirationto me.... KermitM. (Mel)Claytor PLEASEREADTHEFOLLOWING:lT lS IMPoRTANTTOYOU! PASSlT ONTO YoUR GROUPII don't haveall your addresses...

Thankyou Mel,reallyit is a jointoperdionbetweena lot of folkswhoenjoydoingthis eventincluding yourself,so my thanksto you for your help.By the way, here iis an articleof interestto you copiedfrom the BLEonlineedition.

MilitaryRailwayServicereunionto honorvets May20 - Registration CLEVELAND, will beginin earlyJunefor the Army'sspecialTransportation (TC) Corps thatwill honorMilitaryRailwayService(MRS)veleransof WorldWar ll and Conference Korea. TheArmys Chiefof Transportation, BrigadierGeneralBrianR. Layer,will hostthe annualTC Conference at FortEustis,Va.,fromJuly29 to August1, 2009.DuringWWll, morethan€,500 soldier-railroaders €ervedin over 50 commercialrailroadsponsoredMRSunitsstationedin theaters aroundthe world.

i of 2



Specificeventsscieduled to honorMRSveteransinclude"Staff Ride'visits to nearbyrail facilities,tours of the Army TransportationMuseum,sholvingof 1950s-eraArmy,railtrainingfilms, historypresentations on the MilitaryRaitwayServiceandthe Claibomeand PolkMilitaryRailway,andaccessto the locomotivesimulatortrainer. TheMuseumFoundation MeetingluncheonandConference Ballwill notonly GeneralMembership enablethe veteransto meetwith their contemporad€sbut to meetand sharetheir knowledgeand learn from today"'s generationof TC soldiers.Guestspeakerat the MuseumFounddionluncheonwill be LTG (Ret.)RichardF. Timmons,Presidentof the AmericanShortLineandRegionalRailroadAssociation. Throughoutthe event,an Army HistoryDetachmentwill be on handto recordthe personalMRS experiencesand impressionsof these veteransfor ftriuregenerations. A detailedschedulelistingtimesandlocaiionsfor specificeventswill be publishedin the nearfuture. Additionaleventsremainbeingu/orkedand will be announcedas they are confirmed.MostTC Conferenceeventswill be opento the public.A specialinvitation,though,is e)dendedto post Korean-erasoldierswho served,or arc cunentlyserving,in Activoor ReserveMRSunits. MRSveteransof WWll and/orKorea,desiringto participatein TC Conferenceac'tivilies,pleasecontac,t MarkMetz,LTC-USAR(Ret.),at e-mail:[email protected] or (714 597-2636. Otherindividualsdesiringto attendTC Conferenceactivitiesshouldgo to the Fort Eustiswebsite: form,whichwill be availableat endof this http://ww1i/.eustis.armv.mil andcompletethe registration monthor earlyJune

We foundthe real'HotelCalifornia'and the 'Seinfeld'diner.\Alhatwillyoufind?ExgfofgY.Vh.qfelfqAt.c,gm.

Audreyreceivedthis pic recentlyfrom one of her old girl friends. BeingAudrey,to haveher pic takenshe was wearinga bathing suit




Activities Reservation Form 765thTRSB Reunion SilverdaleoWashington September 16-20,2009 Silverdale Beach Hotel 3073 NW Bucklin Hitl Road Silverdale, Washington 98383 -360-30 1 7-7 621 or1 -800-5449799 Ask for 765t0Room Rates (Which will be hetd for reservation through August 17thOnly;

Thursday. September 17. 2009 Water Tour of the Puget Sound Lunch on your own during trip Clam Bake atthe Lunds (along with burgers!)



Price Per Person


$50.00 (minimumof 25 oaid attendees)

Friday, September 18. 2009 Banquet/Auction



(minimumof 25 paid attendees)

SaturAav. SentemUer Tour the Under SeasMuseum Lunch on your own during trip


$20.00 (minimumof 25 oaid attendees)

Total remiffed for all activities:


Last Name:


Address: City:

Phone: State:



Pleasecomplete this form and mail the form along with a check to cover these choices to: Make check payable to:

765thTRSB Bill Hill, Treasurer 101 Graham Road Jasper, TN 73747

Phone No. (423) 942-2644

Check in time and registration is on Wednesday,September 16,2009.

If you have any questionsopleasecall Sheryl Schneider - home: (513) 648-0351.


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