7 Habits Good Says

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 835
  • Pages: 23

are things we do repeatedly. Most of the time we are hardly aware that we have them In other words, they are on auto pilot.


regularly Planning ahead Showing respect for others


negatively Feeling inferior Blaming others

 Taking


at night  Eating yogurt with a fork  Reading a magazine from back to front


on what they are, our habits will make or break us. We become what we repeatedly do

 Sow

a thought, and you reap an act; Sow an act, and you reap a habit; Sow a habit, and you reap a character; Sow a character, and you reap a destiny Samuel Smiles (Writer)

 Habit

1: Be Proactive

-Take responsibility for your life.

 Habit

2: Begin With The End In Mind

-Define your mission and goals in life

 Habit

3: Put First Things First

-Prioritize, and do the most important thing first

 Habit

4: Think Win-Win

-Have an everyone can win attitude

 Habit

5: Seek First To Understand, Then To Be Understood -Listen to people sincerely

 Habit

6: Synergize

-Work together to achieve more

 Habit

7: Sharpen The Saw

-Renew yourself regularly


paradigm is all your perceptions of the way things are.  The way you see something, your point of view, frame of reference, or belief.  Paradigms are like glasses; when you have incomplete paradigms about yourself or life in general, its like wearing glasses with the wrong prescription. The lens affects how you see everything else.

“There is no reason for any individual to have a computer in their home” -Kenneth Olsen, President and founder of Digital Equipment Corporation, 1977

“Airplanes are interesting toys but have no military value” -Marshal Ferdinand Foch, French military strategist and future WWI commander, 1911

“Television wont be able to hold on to any market it captures after the first six months. People will soon get tired of staring at a plywood box every night” -Darryl F. Zanuck, Head of 20th Century-Fox, 194

 For

the majority of people, the use of tobacco has a beneficial effect” -Dr. Ian G. Macdonald, Los Angeles Surgeon

 “Nothing

of importance happened today” -King George III of England, July 4th, 1776

 No

one in my family has ever gone to college. I’d be crazy to think I could make it.  My Teacher is out to get me.  You cant get ahead in life unless you know the right people  Me? Thin? Are you kidding? My whole family is full of fat people.


can change your perception on things One way to do this is to change your paradigm

 Paradigms

of Self: How do we see ourselves -Negative or Positive?  Paradigms of Others: How do we see others -Seeing things from another persons perspective can change your outlook  Paradigms of Life: The Driving force of our lives -What is yours?

Friend-Centered  Stuff-Centered  Boyfriend/GirlfriendCentered  School-Centered  Parent-Centered  Sports/Hobbies Centered  Self-Centered  Enemy-Centered 

 Principles

Never Fail  Principles apply equally to everyone  Principles don’t talk behind your back  Principles don’t play favorites  Principles can’t be bought or sold  If you break them you will fail  If you live by them you will excel


principle is a natural law: -Throw a ball up and it comes down

 Honesty  Loyalty  Hard

work  Patience  Trust  Love  Service

 Respect  Gratitude  Moderation  Fairness  Integrity  Responsibility

 The

next time you look in the mirror, say something positive about yourself  Show appreciation for someone’s point of view today.  Think of a limiting paradigm you might have of yourself, such as “I’m not outgoing.” Now, do something today that totally contradicts that paradigm

 Think

of a loved one or close friend who has been acting out of character lately. Consider what might be causing them to act that way  When you have nothing to do, what is it that occupies your thoughts? Remember, whatever it is most important to you will become your paradigm or life-center

The Golden Rule rules! Begin today to treat others as you would want them to treat you. Don’t be impatient, complain about leftovers, or bad-mouth someone, unless you want the same treatment  Sometime soon, find a quiet place where you can be alone. Think about what matters to you most.  Listen carefully to the lyrics of the music you listen to most frequently. Evaluate if they are in harmony with the principles you believe in. 

 When

you do your chores at home or work tonight, try out the principle of hard work. Go the extra mile and do more that is expected.  The next time you’re in a tough situation and don’t know what to do, ask yourself, “What principle should I apply?” Now, follow the principle and don’t look back

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