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  • Words: 2,169
  • Pages: 13
Wordlist Catalan-English (Modern), a = at, to, toward, towards, a, in, inside, into, on, per, within abans = before, in front of abric = cloak, mantle abril = April absent = absent acabar = accomodate, end, finish, terminate, use up acampar = camp, be encamped, lie encamped, camp out acceptar = accept, receive, take, take in acompanyar = accompany actiu = active, in action actor = actor actriu = actress adjectiu = adjective adreça = address advocat = advocate, barrister, counsel, intercessor, lawyer, solicitor agost = August agradable = agreeable, enjoyable, lovely, nice, pleasant agulla = needle agut = abrasive, acerbic, acid, acrid, acrimonious, acute, lurid, sharp aigua = water aire = air aixeta = faucet, tap ajeure's = go to bed ajudar = accomodate, aid, assist, help alarma = alarm aliment = food, nourishment alt = high, lofty, tall, loud altar = altar amable = affable, friendly, good-natured, kind amarg = acerbic, bitter ambdós = both ambulància = ambulance amic = friend amiga = friend amo = boss, chief, leader amor = affection, love ample = broad ampolla = bottle anar = go animal = animal anit = last night antic = ancient, antique

anuncio = ad, advertisement anxova = anchovy aparador = show window ara = at present, now aranya = spider arbre = tree arena = arena arribada = arrival art = art artificial = artificial ascensor = elevator, lift ase = ass, donkey avaria = brakedown avi = grandfather avia = grandmother aviat = early avui = today a baix = below, downstairs, underneath babord = port side badia = bay bagul = trunk baix = low baixar = descend, go down balcó = balcony balena = whale ball = dance ballar = dance banyar-se = bathe, have a bath barba = beard barri = district, neighbourhood, quarter batalla = action, battle, scuffle, struggle bellesa = beauty bestiar = livestock biblioteca = library bicicleta = bike, cycle, bicycle bigoti = moustache blanc = blank, white blau = blue boira = fog, mist bolet = fungus, mushroom bolígraf = ballpoint pen bon = good, nice, okay bona nit = good night bon dia = good morning, good day botifarra = sausage botiga = boutique, shop, store

botzina = hooter botó = button braçalet = bracelet bru = brown brut = dirty, filthy, nasty, soiled, unclean brúixola = compass buit = empty, void buscar = fetch, get, pick up bustia = letterbox, mailbox butlletí = bulletin butllofa = bulb bé = okay, well cabina = cabin cable = cable cacauet = peanut caixa = cashier's stand, fund, money box, money-box, till cambrer = waiter cambrera = waitress caminar = march, walk camió = lorry, truck campana = hood, suction apparatus camperol = farmer canal = canal, channel canell = wrist cantar = sing cantó = corner canviar = interchange, swap cançó = song cap = head, pate carbó = charcoal cargol = snail carta = letter carter = postman casa = house casat = married català = Catalonian catòlic = Catholic caure = drop, fall cautxú = rubber cavaller = cavalier, knight ceba = onion cec = blind cendrer = ashtray cent = hundred, one hundred cert = a, any, anybody, some, somebody, one, someone, some one cervell = brain

cinc = five cinquanta = fifty cita = citation, quotation cobrador = guard cognom = surname cogombre = cucumber coixí = pillow colom = pigeon com = how, in what way començar = begin, commence, start comerciant = merchant comprar = buy, purchase, take over comprendre = understand, realize com està vostè? = how are you?, how do you do? condició = circumstance congrés = congress, convention conill = rabbit consell = advice, counsel construir = build, construct contagiós = catching, contagious, infectious content = contented, pleased, satisfied continuar = continue, hold, last cop = blow cor = heart corbata = tie, necktie cosa = thing cosir = sew costa = coast, seaside, shore costum = custom, habit, way cotó = cotton cranc = crayfish creu = cross creure = account, accredit, believe, deem crit = cry, shout cua = glue cuir = leather culpa = blame, fault, guilt cunyada = sister-in-law cunyat = brother-in-law cura = treatment còpia = copy dany = damage de = from, of, out of decidir = decide declarar = declare, state demà = tomorrow

desembre = December desert = desert desgràcia = accident desig = desire, want, wish desigual = bumpy desitjar = desire, wish despert = adroit, clever, dexterous, skillful despeses = charge, cost, expense detall = detail deturar = arrest deu = ten deure = duty, obligation diamant = diamond diarrea = diarrhoea dificil = difficult, hard, inconvenient dilluns = Monday dimarts = Tuesday dimecres = Wednesday diner = money dins = inside dir = say, tell director = director, manager dirigir = go disc = grammophone disc disculpa = apology disponible = available dispòsit = depository distint = different districte = district dit = finger diumenge = Sunday diversió = amusement, fun divorci = divorce doble = double, dual doctor = doctor, physician document = document, paper dolor = ache, pain dolç = gentle, soft, sweet, tender dona = wife donar = give dos = two dosi = dose dur = hard dutxa = shower déu vos guard = good evening edat = age

edificar = erect, establish edifici = building el = the elecció = choice, election electricitat = electricity elefant = elephant ell = he, him els = the embarcar-se = embark embenament = bandage emoció = emotion empiular = correspond empleat = employee en = a, in, inside, into, on, per, within encendre = kindle, light encenedor = lighter enciam = lettuce enclusa = anvil encàrrec = errand, message enemic = adversary, enemy ensenyar = indicate, suggest entendre = understand, realize enterrament = burial, funeral, interment error = aberration, error, mistake escarabat = cockroach escola = school escoltar = listen escombrar = sweep esmorzar = lunch espanyol = Spanish especial = apart, particular, separate, special esperança = hope esperar = foresee, abide, expect, wait, await, wait for estar = be estret = narrow estudiar = learn exacte = exact examen = investigation, examination, test excel-lent = fine, great excepte = apart from, but, except, other than excursió = excursion, outing, sightseeing trip exemple = example exercici = exercise, practice explicar = account for, explain exposició = exhibition, exposition fabricar = fabricate, manufacture

faig = beech fam = fame, hearsay, renown, repute, rumor, rumour família = family farmàcia = chemist's shop, drugstore febre = ague, fever febrer = February fer = achieve, act, do, make, perform ferro = iron festa = celebration, festival, party fi = aim, goal, purpose, target, end, ending ficar = lay down, place, put, put down figa = fig fil = thread filferro = wire fill = son filla = daughter finestra = window fix = fixed flama = flame flor = bloom, flower foc = fire fons = background font = fountain forner = baker fort = strong força = force, strength, vigour fosc = dark, dim fre = brake frontera = boundary, frontier, limit fruta = fruit full = blank, form fulla = leaf, sheet fusta = timber, wood fàcil = easy, facile galeta = biscuit, cookie gallina = chicken, fowl gas = gas gat = cat gel = ice gendre = son-in-law gener = January genoll = knee gent = people gerent = manager germana = sister germà = brother

gola = throat gos = dog got = glass gota = drip, drop gras = fat, fatty, greasy grip = flu, grip, influenza gris = grey groc = yellow gros = bold, corpulent, fat, thick guàrdia = guard habitant = inhabitant haver de = have to, must, ought to, should herba = grass home = man, human being honor = honor, honour hospitalitat = hospitality humit = damp, humid, moist iaia = granny idea = idea idioma = language, tongue igual = equal, even, level illa = island imant = magnet imitació = imitation imperdible = safety-pin, safety pin inclòs = including, inclusively indicar = indicate, suggest individu = individual infermera = nurse insecte = bug, insect insistir = insist iode = iodine iot = yacht joc = game joiell = gem, jewel jove = daughter-in-law, young judici = judgment jugar = play juliol = July juny = June jutge = judge la = the lent = slow licor = liqueur llac = lake, loch llagosta = lobster

llampec = lightning llapis = pencil llavi = lip llegir = read llengua = tongue llet = milk lleuger = light lleó = lion llibre = book llimona = lemon llis = even, flat, level, smooth llista = list llit = sleeping-accomodation, sleeping-place, bed lliurar = hand, hand over lliure = free lliçó = lesson lloc = inducement, motive, occasion llogar = let llop = wolf llum = light lluna = moon lluny = away, afar, far, far away, remotely lo = the maduixa = strawberry magnífic = lovely mai = never maig = May malalt = ill, sick malaltia = ailment, disease, illness maleta = trunk manar = direct, guide, manage, steer mantega = butter mar = sea martell = hammer març = March matalàs = mattress material = data, material matrícula = numberplate medecina = drug, medicine, pharmaceutical mel = honey meló = melon membre = limb, member menjador = dining-room menjar = eat, feed, meal mentida = lie mercat = market, sales activity

mestre = instructor, teacher metall = metal meu = my meus = my meva = my meves = my mida = measure, measurement mil = thousand, one thousand missa = mass missatge = errand, message moda = fashion, mode molestar = bar, hinder, inhibit, prevent molèstia = hindrance mort = dead mosaic = mosaic, mosaic work mosca = fly, housefly mostassa = mustard motxilla = rucksack mullat = wet multa = fine muntanya = mountain muscul = muscle món = world músic = music mànega = sleeve natura = character, nature nebot = nephew necessitar = need, require negre = black nervi = nerve neu = snow noguera = walnut-tree noi = boy, lad, laddie noia = girl, lass, wench noranta = ninety nord = north, North nostra = our nostre = our notícies = news, novelty, something new nou = nine, new, novel, nut novembre = November nu = bare, naked, nude núvol = cloud oasi = oasis objecte = thing obrir = open, open up

oceà = ocean octubre = October oest = west, West oli = oil oliva = olive ombra = shade, shadow omplir = complete ona = wave oncle = uncle ordinador = computer orella = ear os = bone ostra = oyster paciència = patience pal = baton, cane, stick palau = palace palmera = palm, palmtree pantalons = pants, trousers paper = paper paquet = packet, parcel parar = halt, come to a halt, stop paret = wall passadís = corridor, passage pastanaga = carrot pastisseria = confectionery pati = court, yard, courtyard pau = peace peix = fish perill = danger, peril perruquer = barber, hairdresser perruquera = hairdresser, female hairdresser pertànyer = belong to, be one of pescador = fisherman petó = kiss pinta = comb pintura = dye, paint pis = apartment, flat plana = plain planxa = iron, flat-iron planxar = iron, iron clothes plata = silver pobre = miserable, poor poc = a little, rather, some, somewhat, to some extent, little pollastre = chicken, fowl por = agony, anguish, fear portar = bring, fetch

postre = dessert prestatge = cabinet prim = gaunt, lean, slender, thin quantitat = quantity quaranta = forty quatre = four quelcom = anything, something quilo = kilo raspallar = brush ratolí = mouse rebut = receipt record = keepsake, memento, souvenir regal = gift, present remolatxa = beet representant = agent res = nothing ric = nice, tasty ros = blond, fair ruta = route sabatilla = slipper segle = century sempre = constantly, continually, continuously sentir = hear ser = be serra = mountain chain servir = accomodate seu = their, his seva = their, his sidra = cider silenci = calm, quiet, silence sincer = above-board, honest sogra = mother-in-law sogre = father-in-law solter = single, unmarried soroll = ado, din, noise sortir = exit, go out sostenidor = bra sumar = add, add up, count in suro = cork sí = yes, as, like, such as síndria = water-melon taca = blot, spot tacó = heel taverna = bar, pub tenir = desire, wish, have, have got tia = aunt

tinta = ink tovallola = towel tovalló = napkin treballar = work triar = choose, elect, pick out trucar = appeal to, invoke ull = eye ulleres = glasses, spectacles vaca = cow vas = glass vespre = dusk vestit = costume, outfit, suit veí = adjacent, neighbour vint = twenty vol = flight volant = handlebars, helm, rudder volar = fly vuit = eight vuitanta = eighty xofer = conductor, driver ésser = be

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