Forever Frozen

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  • Words: 5,618
  • Pages: 38
I could feel the cold stone counter pressing up against my back. I could hear voices. ‘She may not come to’ one was saying. The other was uttering ‘Well if she doesn’t, we can do without another one of her type.’ I could sense that there was another person in the room, but I couldn’t tell where. He was very close. I couldn’t lie here any longer without moving. It was distracting. ‘Hey! She’s awake. Hold her down!’ I heard someone shout. My eyes shot wide open. The room was dark and smelt of salt and rust. A deep snarl started in the base of my chest and worked its way up my throat and ripped through my teeth that were unnaturally sharp. It was deafening and it caused one of the people around me to scream in pain. I didn’t recognise the voice so it must have been the other person I

sensed before. I could feel strong hands holding the sides of my head, and one hand on each of my own, pinning them down. Wrought iron chains slid over my wrists and ankles. They silently locked into place. ‘Shit! She’s so cold! It’s burning me! Jason! Get off your arse! Help me!’ a voice screamed over my wails. It was directly above me. I’m guessing it was the person holding my head. ‘You know what Steven! I didn’t even want to catch this one!’ screamed Jason, I’m guessing. ‘Jesus Jason! We all have problems! Now get over there and help Steven hold her head down!’ The voice from my feet screamed. ‘Fine. I’ll just sacrifice my hands just to hold another blood-sucker down,’ moaned Jason, as his hands swapped with Stevens. I could hear Steven’s feet scuffing what I assumed to be a concrete floor, most likely looking for an ice pack. I thrashed in pain as

Jason’s hands held me tighter and stronger than Stevens’ did. The iron chains burned my skin. I shrieked in pain. It was high pitched and loud enough to deafen a normal person. Another scream of agony, from who I’m guessing was Jason…again, reverberated around the room which had surprisingly good acoustics for a sealed stone chamber. I writhed in pain as the wrought iron chains choked the ends of my limbs. Bridging onto my head, I supported myself with my neck and growled at my capturers, like a wild animal that has just been caught by poachers. The burning of my limbs enraged my will to bite and kill. The smell of burning sage, candles, holy water and blood asphyxiated the inside of my throat and burnt the inside of my nose. I stopped moving for a few seconds to look at my surroundings properly. It was a square-ish room made of concrete. The room was dimly lit with a dozen candles randomly placed around the walls.

Thin, red, silk, sheets were loosely pinned up, leaving a wide U-shape at the top. In each of the four corners, a piece of sage was burning below a chalice of holy water on a thin glass shelf. There was another marble counter with a basin, a cup with what smelled like a mix between water from the Holy shrine at Lourdes and salt from the Sea of Galilee. Litmus. Well a version of it anyway. I remember the smell from 1807. Some priest tossed a few drops at me and it burned my hand. I still have a small scar on my left thumb. I could feel the heat and tension in the air in this brief time. It forced me down onto the counter. I could smell sweat and burning flesh from the three boys’ hands as they touched my frozen skin. I could smell the candles, the sage, the holy water and the intoxicating smell of blood. Steven, the one who was holding my head before, had discovered that his

hands were not just burnt but they were blackened and partly bleeding. I smiled a dark smile. ‘She’s so strong! Look what she’s done!’ screamed Steven, obviously in pain. ‘We all have problems Steven,’ quoted Jason sourly. ‘You know what Jason!? I’m going to let you talk to her. So you can shut the hell up and do your job!’ ‘Hey guys, can you please be quiet and take a look at her? She’s stopped moving, but she’s smiling,’ said Craig in a satisfied, yet confused tone. ‘Your time to shine Jase,’ said Steven, mockingly. ‘Sure, Sure,’ replied Jason condescendingly. ‘We’ll be back in an hour. Give us a call if you’re done early,’ said Craig. ‘And Jason. Take care,’

‘What’s your name?’ asked Jason, beginning a long line of questions. ‘Juliet’ I replied calmly in my high pitched song voice, even though I was tied with iron shackles to a marble chair. ‘Your full name’ he tried again. ‘Juliet Marie Rose’ I answered. ‘How old are you?’ Jason asked in a bored voice, like he’s been doing this all day. ‘Eighteen’ ‘And you’ve been eighteen for how long?’ He asked stubbornly. ‘Ok, if you must know. Two-hundred and thirty-two years.’ ‘What coven are you from?’ He asked inquisitively. ‘I’m a nomad. I have no coven.’ I said. ‘What country were you born in?’ He said, suddenly gaining interest.

‘Spain, in the 1700’s’ I said with honesty and “girlish charm” ‘In 1776 right? If you’re two-hundred and thirty-two, then you must have been born then. You were changed in 1794 if you claim to be eighteen. Am I right Juliet?’ He asked. ‘Yes you are. How are you so good with numbers? What are you?’ I replied amazed. ‘Humph’ he laughed. ‘I’ll tell you, if you tell me what you are. You’re definitely different from the others I’ve interviewed.’ He said with a wide grin. ‘Different how?’ ‘Well, your skin temperature is far below zero, yet you burn everyone you touch.’ He held up his hands, showing me the black, bandaged skin. I smiled and then said, ‘Yeah, well, we’ve evolved. Anything else?’ ‘Yeah. Your eyes.’ He said mesmerised. ‘What about them?’ I asked. I’ve

actually never seen my eyes. I hated mirrors. They distorted the truth. ‘You’ve never seen your eyes before, have you? Well, your pupils are dilated and the iris’ are dark gold diluting into an orange into a red around the rims.’ He said spellbound. ‘If I could go pink in the cheeks, I would be dark crimson. But, sadly, I can’t,’ I said flattered. Jason was a cute boy of; I’d say, around eighteen or nineteen. He had dark blonde hair, streaked with brown and tipped with orange. It was tangled and uncombed. His face was round-ish and his skin was tanned and un-blemished. The irises of his eyes were grey-ish blue and his pupils were fully dilated. He was perfect for anyone who didn’t hear him scream before. He was gorgeous but there was something about him that screamed “I’m not normal!”

He was just too perfect to be real. He wasn’t like me, because he had a pulse…but it wasn’t a strong one. He, Steven and Craig were different to others. They all had very faint heartbeats; they all were too different and too accustomed to what I am. ‘You’re too sweet to go red. You’re very beautiful Juliet.’ he said, keeping little eye contact. He leaned closer to me and stopped a few centimetres away from my lips. His breath was hot and I could feel the heat on my lips and the skin around them. ‘Hey! What are our rules? No getting close to the patient. Physically or emotionally.’ said Steven as he walked through the bolted stone door. ‘Remember what happened to Kyle? Poor Kyle. May he rest in peace…well pieces.’ Craig said miserably. Jason backed away and dark red blood filled his cheeks. ‘Let’s see what we have here…well, well. Juliet Marie Rose. So skilled and so

old. How did you get captured?’ asked Steven who I now think is a very obstinate, stubborn person. ‘I let myself down,’ I said through sharp clenched teeth. ‘It appears you have.’ said Craig, who I now know copies Steven’s lead. ‘Normally, I would say to Craig, kill her. But since Jason has taken such a liking to this one, we’ll spare her life, for now,’ said Steven who was talking like I wasn’t in the room or I was a small child. ‘One slip up, and you’re gone. Understand?’ He said as he grabbed a metal key from his pocket. I nodded in anger, not agreement. ‘You are one lucky bitch you know that?’ said Steven, unwillingly. I snarled and he chuckled forebodingly as he opened the iron chains that bound my wrists and ankles. But before he did, he asked rhetorically ‘Jason, you wanted to do something?’ and then laughed in spite of his friend.

He unpicked the lock and held my hands still. ‘Promise me, you won’t leave and that you won’t turn feral.’ ‘I promise,’ I said through gritted teeth. He let me go.

It was cold inside the vault at night. It was nights like this I wished I could sleep. So, instead of just waiting for morning, I sat in front of the desk and explored. There were several pictures of beautiful people on the side. The most amazingly gorgeous one was a male, I’d say between sixteen and eighteen when he was changed; brown ruffled hair, smooth brown eyes rimmed with crimson and skin like porcelain. I touched the picture with one of my dead fingers. ‘His name is Benjamin,’ said a voice from behind me. I stood up and spun around.

‘Hey.’ Jason was standing in the dim light ‘Hey’ I smiled a cold dead smile. He smiled but his cheeks were pink and dimpled. ‘What happened to him?’ ‘Steven got tired of him. Benjamin wouldn’t give him any information except his name and his birth-year,’ explained Jason. ‘That’s horrible.’ I sighed ‘That’s what we are. It’s what we were taught from birth to do.’ Jason clarified as he walked over to me and his feet scuffed the shiny cold floor. I continued to look at the pictures. There was a beautiful picture of a girl. Long blonde hair, glowing blue eyes and skin like porcelain. ‘Are all these people ones you’ve killed?’ I asked stupidly. Of course they’re dead! I’ve never seen them before! And I’ve been around for a long time. ‘Yeah. Steven killed these ones. Craig’s

murders are on the other side.’ He looked down at his Georgio Armani sneakers. ‘And, if I’m not being so rude, where are yours?’ I asked, jokingly. But I really wanted to see them. To see how many so called lives this young man has taken. He walked over to the front of the desk and opened the grey folder. I walked to his side and saw the mini-massacre on the inside cover of this folder. ‘I’m sorry,’ he said, disappointed. ‘Why are you sorry? It’s what you are. It’s what you were taught from birth to do, right?’ I said sympathetically, but gawking at the phenomenal amount. ‘You’re so much different to all of these,’ Jason declared, waving his hands over the top of the “Folder of Death.” ‘What are you? You gave me your job; now tell me what you are. Please?’ I begged, trying to get an answer from him.

He sighed and said ‘Did you ever hear of a corporation called Helsing? Run by Judith’ I nodded and he continued. ‘We’re Hunters for them.’ This took a while to sink in, but as each word clicked into place, a questioned formed in my brain. ‘Wait! I thought you had to be one of the hunted to be the hunters?’ I questioned. ‘We were the exception. Our parents, well, mother gave birth before she was incorporated into Helsing. Our father… well we never met our father and our mother never talked about him, but he must be one of your kind. See,’ He opened his mouth. Inside were beautiful, white teeth, and on either side of his front top teeth, were short fangs. ‘You’re a Half-Breed Hunter’ I breathed. He nodded and said ‘Now tell me what you are.’

I stood staring at the photographs; blank thoughts ran wild throughout my head as I stared at the beautiful people. ‘I’m a new breed. But I’m the only one…that I know of,’ I explained. ‘Yes, and what is that breed?’ He asked, with his arms crossed, standing at least two metres away. Staring. Staring at me. He was wearing a long-sleeved, tight, black, V-neck sweater with the sleeves pushed up. Wearing baggy grey jeans, and black Georgio Armani sneakers, you would have thought he just got dressed in the morning. ‘I’m a Nimp.’ I said in a light springy voice. My eyes were still fixed at the picture of the girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. I knew her from somewhere. ‘Nimp?’ Jason asked his brow furrowing. ‘Yeah. I look and I act like a Vampire but I’m, well, I’m not. That’s why you

got me,’ I tried to clarify. ‘Explain,’ He said, still confused. ‘How to explain this to a child…Okay, Vampires bite people right? I don’t. I was a Vampire, hence the fangs.’ I smiled and showed the deadly knives stuck into my gums. ‘But, on the night of June ninth, 1815, I was bitten by another Vampire. Usually this wouldn’t change anything. But the venom on this Vampire’s fangs was different. It was enough to turn me over Vampire and become a Nimp. So, I don’t hunt people, I hunt Vampires.’ There Jason stood, arms limp by his side, jaw to the floor. His brain had left his body. ‘Jason?’ I waved my long dead hand over his blank eyes. ‘I knew it! You are different! I’m so sorry about Steven,’ He shouted ‘Nah, he’s alright,’ ‘Hey shut it Jason! We’re trying to work!’ screamed one of the others.

‘I thought Vampires; well even halfVampires didn’t have to work?’ I asked and turned my attention to Jason momentarily and then restarted my incoherent staring. ‘Yeah but Steven and Mini-Steven like to pretend they’re normal. Scares the crap out of me,’ I laughed nervously, never once taking my eyes off the girl. Curiosity overcame my fear. I knew who she was. I saw her many years ago, I fear. ‘Who’s this?’ I asked pointing a white bony finger to the blonde girl. ‘That’s Keira. She was hypnotic and dangerous. Kyle lost his life to Keira. He got too close to her. Emotionally, and for her to tear her into two hundred and eleven pieces, physically too,’ ‘What’s her full name?’ I asked as the flashbacks started. ‘Keira ‘Kay,’’ he started and finished with my voice as the soprano back up. ‘I remember her from 1815. The war of

the immortals. I was there representing my old coven, the Kansai clan of South America. She was there as the Omega for her coven, the Solvered coven of Greece.’ ‘Go on.’ He urged. ‘I was going to. Anyway, the Solvered coven left early. I was curious and followed them, leaving my creations behind to mix either die or learn with the other great leaders of our race.’ ‘That’s when I saw it. They all took off into the opaque parkland shrub, except one. She had flowing blonde hair, and was wearing dark pants and a long black jacket.’ ‘She turned around and revealed the bloodbath around her mouth. It dripped down her face. Thick and pasty, it oozed off her ceramic face like glue drips off a paint brush, leaving it relatively dry, but stained.’ ‘I was allured by the smell of blood and I exposed my hiding spot. She spun around and saw me. She shot beautifully disturbing smile at me. I

froze to the spot and, as a Vampire; I wasn’t the fastest so I couldn’t run, I couldn’t hide so I just took it.’ ‘I was out for a month. I couldn’t feel anything. I was paralysed, yet I could feel pain. A lot of pain. It was agonising and it mentally scarred me forever.’ ‘I’m so sorry for you,’ he said exasperated. ‘Not your fault. Mine if anybodies. Anyway, I’m just, you know, ‘scarred for life!’’ My sarcasm came out like fear from a small child’s mouth. He looked at me with puppy-dog eyes and walked over. He breathed in my ear as he looked over my shoulder at the eye-catching people. I couldn’t stop myself. Prey on my shoulder. You can’t dangle a piece of meat in front of a lion and expect it won’t try to bite! I snapped and almost got the halfblood boy. He jumped backwards before my teeth even grazed him. I have to have the slowest reflexes for a Nimp.

He pulled out a dagger from his belt and aimed it at me. I was so thirsty. I hadn’t hunted in a few days. ‘I’m sorry,’ I said as I took a step towards him. ‘Stay away from me!’ he said defensively pointing his jewel encrusted blade at me.

‘I know you can’t control it but if I let you out, will you hunt and come back?’ He said, breathless and panting, still pointing the crimson blade at me. It was a beautiful iron blade, with jewels encrusted in the handle. I knew if it hit a vampire or a Nimp, it would slice through them like a hot knife through butter. ‘Maybe,’ I wasn’t certain how good I’d like it outside. The wind in my hair, the exhilaration of the speed, and the fact that I am constantly dodging trees was too much to pass up.

‘I need to hunt. Do you? I mean, I’m not sure how this whole half vampire thing works, but do you guys hunt for your food?’ I guess if he was that paranoid, he could come too. ‘Yes. We don’t have to but we can. I haven’t hunted for a few days. I’m sure they won’t miss us.’ He looked anxiously at the stone door that separated us from them, and looked back at me. ‘Can you run?’ I asked as he shoved me gently out the other door. ‘I’ll race you,’ he antagonised. ‘You’re on,’ I agreed.

The cool night wind whistled through my dead, brown, hair and wrapped it around my face, leaving random strands on my white skull. ‘Having fun?’ he asked as he ran beside me. His cool, slick, elegance

was obvious in the dull, ghostly shadow of the moon. His blonde, tangled, hair was pushed back and the blonde-ish orange tips were all flattened by the pressure of the wind. His skin glowed white in the light of the moon. His lips were pale and cracked and his teeth shimmered as the diluted venom that stained his teeth, was hit by the twilights new moon, covered by the eclipse of the midnight sun. ‘Yeah. Hey, I think I smell something over here,’ I said, steering the conversation from him. ‘Kay. Hungry? Well, Thirsty?’ he asked, looking at me with his greyish blue eyes, glittering in the moonlight. ‘Desiccated. Let’s go,’ I turned slightly left and spotted the kill. There was a Deer and a Doe. They smelt horrible compared to carnivores, but they were the only thing around in the entire scrublands. ‘I got the Doe!’ I screamed at Jason as I pulled ahead of him.

‘You do that! I got the Deer!’ he smiled at me as he tried to catch up. ‘Yeah, whatever’ I mumbled back. I caught the Doe easily. As I sunk my teeth into it, the warm blood that flowed through its veins flowed no more. The Doe screamed in pain as the blood from the herbivore was drained. The wailing faltered and all I could hear was the sound of Jason gorging himself in the Deer. I looked down at my clothes. They were still immaculate and no signs of blood, that I could see. I peered over at Jason and saw his feast of a Deer spread over the forest floor. ‘You haven’t hunted for a while have you?’ I said as I walked over the Doe’s corpse to Jason. ‘Nup,’ Was what I think I heard. I couldn’t make it out over the fountain of gurgling blood. I stood with my back to the tree while

Jason finished his meal. The bark was rough and uneven. ‘You done?’ I asked bewildered at how much this young half-breed can eat. He stood up and looked at me like I was insane. ‘Am now. You don’t eat much. Ha! The first anorexic Vampir… Nimp,’ he joked. ‘Yeah, yeah. Now can we go?’ I asked, looking around apprehensively, in fear of an unforseen backhand. ‘Geez Juliet! You can’t seriously be scared, can you? I mean, we are the deadliest thing out here.’ He was walking towards me, slowly and precariously. 'I know, it’s just that, well, I am afraid,' of you. His brow furrowed as he tried to make sense of the gibberish that was pouring out of my mouth. After a few seconds thought he said ‘Like I said before, we’re the most dangerous thing out here. And, you have me to protect you. Besides, you’re what? A million years old?’ he smiled as he walked past me

in the general direction of the Vampirekillers estate. ‘I’m only two hundred and fifty years old! And you’re a just a junior halfbreed! Too weak and timid to protect a mature double-breed,’ I caught up to him on light springy feet like a fairy in a field of butterscotch. He stopped dead in his tracks, turned to me and said ‘If you must know, I’m seventy and I’m pretty strong, well, for a seventy year old,’ ‘Really? You don’t look a day over sixty!’ I said without looking back at him. ‘And you, don’t look a day over two hundred! Still very stunning though,’ he said, intoxicated. I didn’t turn around but I knew he was looking at me with increased awe. I tried to manoeuvre the conversation away from me. ‘I thought we were racing?’ I asked, hoping we could go back to the prison. It was better there than here with him, alone, in the forest.

I could see from corner of my eye, his face acting like a perfect mirror and reflecting the bright sun’s imprint on the envious moon. His hair was tangled and knotted and sticking up unevenly in random places around his warm blooded head. ‘Huh? What? Oh yeah. I’ll beat you,’ said an egomaniac half-breed vampire hunter. He sounded like a person who has just woken up after surgery. Confused, yet determined. ‘Ready? Go!’ I said calmly before Jason was ready. I sprinted off into the dense scrublands without another glance at the perfect half-breed. ‘Cheater!’ he screamed after me. He too darted through the thick forest. I could have just run away, but he trusted me. I needed allies in this place and a half-breed vampire hunter would be a good start.

It was agitatedly bitter outside the mausoleum. I was a kilometres in front

of Jason, so I decided to take a look around the gaol that was going to be my home until Jason, Craig and Steven found another and dispatched me. It was a circular building, made of concrete. It was windowless and it had a flat-topped marble roof. I was curious and started to walk around the side, past the first trees. My walk started to slow as I felt the heat of a pair of eyes hit my back. I turned sharply to see who or what was watching me. A soft wind blew through the trees and caught my hair in its updraught. It was an unnaturally cold wind and I, being the idiot that I am, said ‘Who’s there?’ in my most insecure voice. Another soft breeze blew through my hair and messed it all up. Shit. Another day of attempting to straighten it! I heard voices talking. Their voice was muted by the thick shrub that covered most of this area.

I strained my sensitive ears to the point that they almost started to hurt. I still couldn’t hear anything though. I tried to locate the spot where the voices were coming from. They were everywhere. I couldn’t pinpoint the location, so I just tried to listen as close as I could and make out as many words as possible. ‘Yeah…she’s different,’ I think I heard a male voice. It was deep, but that could have been the trees messing the sound up. He sounded familiar, yet different. ‘So, she’s not a Vampire?’ another male was saying. His voice sounded deeper than the other one, but still recognisable. I know these voices. I’ve heard them before. I just can’t remember where. ‘No,’ the first voice said. I took a step in the direction I had decided the voices were coming from. Were they talking about me? Most likely. How do they know? Who told them? Did I tell them? I’ve only told Jason. Why would Jason tell them what

I was? Was he trying to save me by telling them otherwise? Who was he telling? Was it Craig? Or, was it Steven? Or was it someone completely different? Was it that Judith woman who runs the Hellsing Corporation? I heard something snap under my right foot. I looked down and sure enough, there was a stick, well now two sticks. ‘What was that?’ one of the guys said. Damn! I was so close to finding out who it was! ‘I dunno. Let’s check it out,’ I could hear them coming from the spot I figured they were. I ran to the front of the building in fear of exposure. I couldn’t trust anyone… well, anything. I got to the front of the house. The marble doors stared me in the face in mourning, in pain, in agony, in fear and in sorrow.

‘Hey! Nothing like a run to make you feel refreshed,’ Jason said, his human side out of breath. ‘Hm,’ I said, trying not to make a commitment by saying anything concrete. ‘Whats wrong Juliet?’ he asked anxiously as he walked hesitantly towards me. ‘Nothing. It’s just that it’s um, really cold. Can we go inside?’ I asked, hoping he wasn’t listening to the first bit. My mother could even tell I was lying. And she’s been dead for two hundred and twenty six years! Vampires and Nimp’s have the sickest sense of humour. ‘Oh. Okay. Yeah, sure. Here,’ He pulled a silver key out of his pocket and walked towards the door. He must be so gullible or he’s just respecting my privacy. Either way, he’s a good puppet. He fitted the key in the lock and turned it twice. It clicked as the bolt was removed on the other side.

‘One question, how long were you here alone before I got here?’ He asked, his forehead creasing. ‘Um, I was here for about two minutes,’ I lied. I was actually here for about ten minutes. ‘Slander,’ he snarled and glided over to me, smoothly, as if on rollerblades. I felt confronted. I could only defend myself. I pushed my energy through my body and let it fill my entire being, letting it seep through my fingertips. I could feel the energy filling up my hands and with just a flick of my delicate wrist, I could kill every living being in a fifty kilometre radius. I could feel my hair stand up on my head as the aura of energy pulled at every strand on my dead scalp. ‘You wanna risk it?’ I asked, through gritted teeth, as I concentrated my energy into my palms. ‘You wanna tell me the truth, Nimp?’ he posed.

‘Highly doubt it half-breed,’ I said, grudgingly. ‘So, it’s gonna be the hard way? Fine. See you on the other side doublebreed,’ He concentrated for a second and unleashed a small scale attack which I flicked off. ‘My turn.’ I intensified the power in my hands to make them glow bright silver. It lit up his face and made the tips of his hair glow. ‘You still wanna risk it, half-ling?’ I asked with an evil smirk on my face. I reminded myself of one of those super villains on the early morning kids shows. ‘Bring it on Juliet,’ He said, sure of himself. I felt the power drained from my body as glowing sparks were forced from my fingertips, aimed loosely at Jason. One out of a million hit him. The wound was small, paper cut small. It still would have hurt like hell though.

‘Keira taught me that after she had changed me. Hurts don’t it?’ I offered to help him up but he refused to take my hand. He jumped up and said ‘what did you do that for?! I just wanted to know how long you’ve been here for! No need to get all defensive!’ ‘Me?! You’re the one who’s acting defensive! You just said that I lied! What do you have?! Multiple personality disorder? Are you an escape mental patient in the right place at the right time and just so happens to be a half-breed hunter? Tell me if you are!’ I screamed and forced my energy through my body creating a blue-silver aura around my body. It was strong enough to lift up strands of my hair and encase them in light. I was confused and angry. But I felt sorry for Jason. I just exploded in his face for a stupid reason. He shouldn’t have to put up with that. He should have as much a normal life as possible. I lost my chance. ‘I’m sorry I disappoint. I’m not an escape mental patient. I don’t have

multiple personality disorder. I’m just…’ he stopped unexpectedly. ‘You’re just?’ I prompted. ‘I’m just different,’ he looked down at his mud-covered shoes. ‘Different how?’ I asked stupidly. I know that Jason’s different. Even from Steven and Craig. ‘You know that I’m different,’ he said, smiling, staring at his shoes like he’s never seen them before. ‘Yeah, but how?’ I asked impatiently. I was never a patient person. My hair fizzled and crackled as if it was on fire. ‘It’s not easy to tell you. You won’t believe me,’ ‘I won’t believe you? Are you serious! I am non-existent and you think I won’t believe you?!’ I was laughing so hard my hair died out. ‘Can I tell you later? When I find out more about, um, it’ he said.

‘Ah-ha. Sure.’ I said, respecting him like he respected me. ‘Thanks,’ he said. ‘The least you can do is say my name,’ I joked as he turned to open the door. He turned around and looked at me funny. ‘Okay. If it will make you happy. Thank you Juliet Marie Rose. For everything,’ ‘Was that so bad?’ I asked as he walked closer and looked at my face. His breath was like before. Hot and smelt like blood. ‘I just want to try something. If I die, bury me where we hunted,’ he said softly, breathing heat in my face. ‘if you’re gonna try what I think you’re gonna try, just think. What happened last time you got too close and I wasn’t tied to a chair?’ I reminded him. ‘Oh. Just once please?’ he begged. ‘If you want to die, kiss a vampire,’ I said, trying to calm myself so I wouldn’t cause much damage.

‘Jason. You want to die?’ Asked Craig, who was standing in the doorway. He was wearing a tight black t-shirt and dark blue jeans. His shoes were muddy sneakers. It hasn’t rained here for ages, but it did rain this morning. Odd. ‘That’s what I said, but somebody has a death wish,’ I said switching my gaze from Jason to Craig. ‘Shut up!’ Jason said as he turned his eyes away from me to his friend. ‘Hey Juliet. Got thirsty? Don’t worry. I won’t tell Steven. But, if you don’t want Steven to know, you might want to change your jeans,’ Craig said, leaning against the doorway. I looked down at my jeans. They were filthy. I didn’t see that before. ‘Yeah I guess so. Got any I could borrow?’ I asked. Borrowing jeans from hunters. Keira would be so disappointed. ‘Sure. Steven’s just gone to report to Judith. Just inside the door. You can

have one of mine. First wardrobe,’ He said. ‘Um. Okay,’ I said. He sounded like Jason when he was interviewing me. Shit.

I walked inside the gloomy confinement. I looked over my shoulder at Jason and Craig. They were talking anxiously and constantly looking over their shoulders. I turned into the doorway, which lead to Craig, Jason and Stevens’ room. It was a big room, made completely of marble and stone. There were dark crimson sheets hanging loosely on the walls like in the other room. This room, however, had no burning sage, no holy water and no wooden stakes. Safe. For me at least. In the corners, there were candles burning and flickering as a source of light.

Glass bookcases lined one wall. They were filled with books with names like “Holy Water; The Gift of Normality” and “Hellsing Handbook”. Another wall had a mahogany desk, circa 100AD. The chair was polished mahogany with carvings of flowers and I’m not sure what else. The desk was clattered with folders, papers, a computer and a landline. Another wall had two, two seater, black, leather, couches pushed up against it. The last wall had three, stone doors.

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