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St. Luke Parish Council Meeting Minutes July 22, 2009 ATTENDANCE

Father Feltz - P Julie Minor -P Matt Parisi - A Father Julian- P Ginette Pigeon – P Kevin Remillard-A Kathy Hogan – P Van Lantange-P Mike Cross-P Guy Vanzo – P Karen Hebert-P Jeannette Wills-P Colleen Berard-P Peter Fitzgerald-A Brenda Menard – P Bridget Morgan-P The Opening prayer was led by Fr. Feltz MINUTES The minutes of the 6/10/09 were reviewed with no corrections needed. Motion to approve the minutes were made and minutes were accepted. Fr. Feltz welcomed the new parish council members (Colleen Berard, Karen Hebert and Mike Cross/Kevin Remillard was absent) and reminded all of us how important it is to be a part of the council as we are the feedback for the pastor to and from the parish. He also said that input from the parishioners and council members are important and that he wants us to feel free to express opinions on decisions that will affect the parish. ELECTED POSITIONS Nominations for Chair: Nominations for Co-Chair: Nominations for Secretary: **elections are postponed until the next meeting (8/26) when all council members are present to vote.

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Brenda M. reported*There is still a need for teachers and assistants in the classrooms. *September 2nd--Representative for the CCD curriculum will be here to assist teachers so they can utilize the book/information in the best way possible *Required for all teachers to be there with curriculum leader *Sept 13th—Is the first CCD class of the ‘09 – ‘10 school year. *Parents will be with their children on the first day of CCD to explore the books together. This is being done so the parents can help support the teacher and their student. Activities will be presented that can at home, to carryover and support the learning in the classroom. *Registration—last 2 weeks in August *Virtus training-Jeannette W will look into training anyone who may need it LITURGICAL COMMITTEE Jeannette reported: *The committee met on May 7th with plans for the next meeting on 8/12. *There is still a growing need for Eucharistic ministers *A request will be put in the bulletin for parishioners to consider this ministry. *We are also in need of more Altar servers (we have lost more than we are gaining) *We are in need of more Lectors as well. *The Pope has declared this year (from June ‘09 – June ’10) to be “The Year For Priests” *How can we as a Parish observe this? *August 15 (Saturday) is the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and is not a Holy Day of Obligation this year.

*September 20th is Catechetical Sunday and the Commissioning of our CCD teachers. *October 18th is the Feast of St. Luke. *How can the parish celebrate our Feast Day? FINANCE COMMITTEE Fr. Feltz reported for Peter Fitzgerald: *Please see the budget worksheet for detailed information. The last page of report indicates that we were approximately 11,000 short at the end of our fiscal year. *It was noted that, this year, we should be able to meet all expenses and meet budget figures. *There is reimbursement to the Parish for money spent during the fundraiser for new church. *Religious education spent approximately 3,200 for the students’ books. *It was also noted that there are some areas where the allotted budget money was not spent. BUILDING COMMITTEE *No information was reported. CEMETERY COMMITTEE *There is one new stone added –a long time local family moved their loved one from Milton’s cemetery back here to St. Luke’s Cemetery SOCIAL COMMITTEE *July 26th is the Community Picnic *This event is open to the whole community *The schedule is: 4-5:00—field games for children and their families 5-6:00—picnic on the lawn

6:00---? Dessert to share while listening to two different musical groups (Duane Becker’s group-Tad Wilder and Tim Wills’ group-DDT)) *There will also be a Prayer Shawl ministry. Parishioners will make shawls, which will be given to people in need, such as cancer patients, soldiers who are deployed, shut-ins, etc. These shawls essentially act as a reminder that people are praying and thinking of that person during their time of need. *Aug 26th 7:40 pm- next meeting YOUTH REPRESENTATIVE *The youth were not present at this meeting. They will attend meetings once CCD classes have begun. NEW BUSINESS *A couple concerns were raised regarding collections during Mass —is there an age or grade requirement? --- if an adult sees there are high schoolers stepping forward to collect, we need to let them so they can work on their service hours. *Fr. Julian suggested that we have a ministry of Ushers and one person each week would be responsible for asking others to collect. **The Liturgical committee will talk about these issues and report back to the Council at the next meeting. Until then, there may be an announcement made in church as well as a reminder in the bulletin about the age/grade of collectors. **Fr. Julian will be away for month of January. **Fr Feltz will be away for 3 weeks in November. **Fr Feltz will also be deployed in January for a period of time. *We will have 2 substitute priests during January. The ending prayer was led by Fr. Feltz NEXT MEETING Thursday September 3, 2009 at 6:00 pm Submitted by Kathy Hogan, Secretary

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