5 Dosa Soeharto Pada Soekarno.docx

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5 dosa Soeharto pada Soekarno. Diawali dengan peralihan kekuasaan dari presiden soekarno pada presiden soeharto, diiringi kematian ratusan ribu orang. Sejumlah kalangan menyebut peralihan kekuasaan itu sebagai kudeta “merangkak”. Setahap demi setahap soeharto mulai menggembosi kekuasaan soekarno. Berangkat dari surat 11 maret 1966, soeharto mulai bergerak cepat. Keesokan harinya, dia membubarkan Partai Komunis Indonesia dan didukung MPRS. PKI dinyatakan sebagai partai terlarang. Lalu soeharto mulai menangkap anggota cabinet Dwikora yang diduga terlibat PKI. 16 menteri ditangkap walau tak jelas apa peran mereka dalam gerakan 30 September. Saat itu Soeharto bergerak didukung mahasiswa dan rakyat yang anti PKI. Puncaknya, 7 Maret 1967 MPRS bersidang untuk mencabut mandate Presiden Soekarno kemudian melantik Soeharto sebagai pejabat presiden. Proses pengambil alihan kekuasaan antar rezim biasa terjadi. Tapi yang menyakitkan, Soeharto kemudian memperlakukan Soekarno sebagai pesakitan. Rasanya tak adil seorang proklamator berjasa besar diperlakukan demikian. Berikut dosa-dosa Soeharto pada Soekarno : 1. Menjadikan Soekarno tahanan rumah Soeharto menahan Soekarno di Wisma Yasoo, Jl Gatot Soebroto Jakarta, Rumah ini dulunya adalah kediaman salah satu istri Soekarno, Ratna Sari Dewi. Di tahanan itu, Soeharto melarang Soekarno menemui tamu. Dia diasingkan dari dunia luar. Belakangan pemerintah Orde Baru juga melarang Soekarno membaca koran , mendengarkan radio dan menonton televisi. Akibat pengasingan ini, Soekarno mulai pikun. Sejumlah saksi menyebutkan Soekarno kerap bicara sendiri. Dia kemudian sakit dan akhirnya meninggal. 2. Tolak lokasi makam Soekarno Soekarno pernah berpesan ingin dimakamkan di kawasan batu Tulis Bogor. Di tengah hamparan sawah, pegunungan dan gemericik air sungai. Tapi Soeharto merasa terlalu berbahaya jika makam Soekarno terlalu dekat dengan. Dia memindah kan lokasi penguburan ke Blitar, Jawa Timur. Alasan Soeharto, Soekarno sangat dekat dengan ibunya dulu di Blitar. Protes sejumlah keluarga Soekarno tak didengar Soeharto. Rupanya Orde Baru masih khawatir dengan charisma pemimpin besar revolusi ini.

3. Biarkan penyakit Soekarno Selama menjadi tahanan politik, kondisi Soekarno semakin memburuk. Dia menderita penyakit ginjal dan rematik. Pemerintah Orde Baru tak pernah memperlakukan Soekarno sebagai mantan pemimpin besar. Mereka memperlakukan Soekarno seperti penjahat politik yang berseberangan dengan penguasa. Tahun 1969, saat Soekarno menghadiri pernikahan Rachmawati, itulah kala pertama dia bisa keluar dari tahanan rumah. Dengan pengawalan ketat Soekarno hadir. Saat itu hamper semua hadirin menangis melihat Soekarno yang tampak lemah, wajahnya bengkak bengkak dan kondisifisiknya sangat menurun. 4. Habisi para Soekarnois Orde Baru memandang Soekarnois atau pengagum ajaran Bung Karno sama berbahayanya dengan Partai Komunis Indonesia. Maka saat pembunuhan itu, seringkali para algojo tak ambil pusing apakah target mereka Soekarnois atau komunis. Jika mau melawan, sebenarnya massa pendukung Soekarno masih banyak. Begitu pula tentaraloyalis Soekarno. Setidaknya ada angkatan udara, KKO (sekarang marinir), Divisi Siliwangi dan Brawijaya yang loyal padanya. Tapi Soekarno memilih mengalah, walau diperlakukan seperti tawanan. Dia tak ingin ada banjir darah lagi di Indonesia. 5. Jauhkan Soekarno dari orang - orang dekatnya Soeharto melarang semua orang menjenguk Soekarno. Termasuk keluarga dekatnya. Ada pengawal kesayangan Soekarno yang juga akhirnya dipenjara oleh Soeharto. AKBP Mangil Martowidjojo mungkin adalah perwira polisi yang paling disayang Soekarno. Perwira polisi ini adalah Komandan Detasemen Kawal Pribadi (DKP) Bung Karno. Mangil mendampingi Soekarno mulai dari detik proklamasi, hijrah ke Yogyakarta hingga melindungi Soekarno dari ancaman granat dan penembakan. Tahun 1967, Mangiltak membiarkan konvoi Soekarno dihadang tentara RPKAD. Dia adu gertak dengan perwira RPKAD, sementara anak buahnya kokang senjata melindungi Soekarno. Setelah peristiwa itu, Soeharto kemudian membubarkan DKP. Mangil pun terpaksa meninggalkan Soekarno.

Translation English 5 Soeharto's sins to Soekarno. Beginning with the transfer of power from President Soekarno to President Soeharto, accompanied by the death of hundreds of thousands of people. Some people call the transfer of power a "crawl" coup. Gradually, Soeharto began to defuse the power of Soekarno. Departing from the letter 11 March 1966, Suharto began to move quickly. The next day, he dissolved the Indonesian Communist Party and was supported by the MPRS. The PKI was declared a forbidden party. So Suharto began to arrest Dwikora cabinet members who were allegedly involved in the PKI. 16 ministers were arrested even though it was unclear what their role was in the September 30 movement. At that time Suharto moved to be supported by anti-PKI students and people. The climax, March 7, 1967 MPRS convened to revoke the mandate of President Soekarno then inaugurated Suharto as presidential official. The process of taking over inter-regime power is common. But what was painful, Soeharto then treated Sukarno as a prisoner. It feels unfair that a great proclamator is treated like that. Following Soeharto's sins to Soekarno: 1. Making Soekarno house arrest Soeharto detained Soekarno at Wisma Yasoo, Jl Gatot Soebroto Jakarta, this house was once the residence of one of Sukarno's wives, Ratna Sari Dewi. In that prisoner, Suharto forbade Soekarno from meeting guests. He was exiled from the outside world. Later the New Order government also prohibited Sukarno from reading newspapers, listening to the radio and watching television. As a result of this exile, Sukarno began to senile. A number of witnesses said Soekarno often spoke to himself. He later became ill and finally died. 2. Reject the location of Soekarno's grave Soekarno once told him to be buried in the Bogor Write Stone area. In the middle of a stretch of rice fields, mountains and gurgling river water. But Suharto felt it was too

dangerous if Soekarno's grave was too close. He moved the burial site to Blitar, East Java. Soeharto's reason, Soekarno was very close to his mother in Blitar. The protests of a number of Soekarno's families were not heard by Suharto. Apparently the New Order was still worried about the charisma of the great leader of this revolution. 3. Leave Soekarno's illness During his time as a political prisoner, Soekarno's condition worsened. He has kidney disease and rheumatism. The New Order government never treated Sukarno as a former great leader. They treated Sukarno like a political criminal opposite the authorities. In 1969, when Soekarno attended Rachmawati's wedding, that was the first time he could get out of house arrest. With Soekarno's strict escort present. At that time almost all the audience cried seeing Soekarno who looked weak, his face was swollen swollen and his condition was very decreased. 4. Finish the Sukarnois The New Order saw Soekarnois or admirers of Bung Karno's teachings as dangerous as the Indonesian Communist Party. So at the time of the murder, often the executioners did not care whether their targets were Soekarnois or communists. If you want to fight, there are still a lot of supporters of Soekarno. So was Soekarno's loyalist. At least there are air forces, KKO (now marines), Siliwangi Division and Brawijaya are loyal to him. But Soekarno chose to yield, even though he was treated like a prisoner. He did not want any more floods in Indonesia. 5. Keep Sukarno away from people nearby Suharto banned everyone from visiting Soekarno. Including close family. There was Soekarno's favorite bodyguard who was finally imprisoned by Suharto. AKBP Mangil Martowidjojo is probably the police officer most loved by Soekarno. This police officer was the Commander of the Bung Karno Private Guard Detachment (DKP). Mangil accompanied Sukarno from the moment of the proclamation, moved to Yogyakarta to protect Sukarno from grenade threats and shootings. In 1967, Mangiltak let the Soekarno convoy be intercepted by RPKAD soldiers. He clashed with RPKAD officers, while his

men cocked weapons to protect Soekarno. After the incident, Soeharto then dissolved the DKP. Mangil was forced to leave Soekarno.

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