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4 Trendy Diets Receiving the new year is always exciting as we take notes of what we learned from the past and what we want to achieve in the present and the future. We are filled with goals, wishes, dreams, plans and of course: resolutions.

I am pretty sure that you will agree that the number one resolution people have when starting a new year is to lose weight. As part of the process of shredding those extra pounds, you have involuntarily welcomed the dreaded word: DIET!

There are plenty of diets to choose from. I believe that it is very important to consider your lifestyle, the specific goals you have and your health condition. I want to share with you some trendy diets that I came across while doing some research on the topic.

New Year’s Resolution: Diet & Exercise (1) THE FORKING DIET This concept debuted in France in a book called Dine Avec Une Fourchette. It is very simple and more than a diet, I would say it is more a way of eating. Silverware is the important aspect of this particular method of losing weight as you can only eat what you can grab with a

FORK. There is a French adage that says that you should have breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper. With the Fork it Method, you have three meals a day. There are few restrictions for breakfast and lunch. But at dinnertime, you are only allowed to consume foods that are naturally eaten with a fork. Among those foods are some veggies, pasta, salmon and only white meats such as chicken and turkey. So, no cheating with pizza, burgers and steak. I believe that every diet has its pros and cons… Cons of the Forking Diet: One of the parts that I did not like about this particular one is that you are not allowed to eat sashimi, edamame or any other Asian food because of the use of chopsticks and/or hands. Aside from Puerto Rican cuisine, Japanese food is one of my favorites and there is no way that I would ever leave my sushi behind. Also, you are not allowed to snack under the Fork It Method, and I love snacking throughout the day. This diet is based on three meals a day, and I do think that it is better for your metabolism to have several small healthy meals a day. Pros of the Forking Diet: On the positive side, this method is very easy to implement and maintain, as well as safe to practice. For more information, food suggestions and different options depending on your goals, you can visit http://www.forkitdiet.com.

(2) 5:2 DIET

Developed by health journalists Michael Mosley and Mimi Spencer, the 5:2 or 2 Day Diet promotes short term weight loss. You can eat normally for five days of the week and then restrict calories to 500 (600 for men) for the other two days. Although there is limited evidence on how much weight one will loose, some have admitted to losing up to 1.5lbs a week while undergoing the two non-consecutive days of fasting. This is a diet that I would definitely consider. It is not about going crazy the other five days of the week but you have the flexibility of choosing what you eat, and then for two days you keep counting calorie intake. For example: For breakfast, eat 2 scrambled eggs with ham and green tea, and water or black coffee; for lunch/dinner, eat Grilled fish or meat with vegetable. For menu ideas, you can go tohttp://www.thefastdiet.co.uk/

(3) FLEXITARIAN DIET Although I don’t see myself ever going the vegetarian route, I found this diet pretty interesting. Flexitarian is obviously a combination of the words flexible and vegetarian with the philosophy that you don’t have to eliminate meat completely to receive the health benefits associated with vegetarianism. Although meat is limited, the diet does contain approximately 50 grams of protein

daily. The Flexitarian diet can inspire people to eat less meat and more plant-based meals. It teaches you to add more disease fighting and earth friendly plant foods to your diet. Examples of foods that are acceptable in this diet are: The “new” meat (tofu, lentils and beans), peas, nuts, seeds and eggs. Also, fruits and veggies, whole grains, sugar, spice and one of my favorites: Agave nectar sweetener! (This is the only one I use with my coffee.) There are different stages in this diet. Beginners can do two meatless days a week and then progress to three or four. If you think this is the diet for you, I strongly recommend reading this book. It gives you a range of options, recipes, meal plans, tips on losing weight, and it can serve as an introduction to vegetarianism.

(4) THE


Former gymnast, Dr. Melissa Hershberg breaks the rules of dieting with her own Rebel Diet. Under less strict conditions, this diet helps you stay fit and improve your nutrition, energy and health. You can skip breakfast, consume coffee, carbs, sweets, chocolates and breads. This diet works for the person that is constantly on the go. You can eat everything but in

moderation. Hunger deprivation can lead to rebound weight gain so this type of diet may work better for those who do like to eat. In her book, Dr. Hershberg offers medical insight on some diet myths we constantly hear about, and she offers plans that allow you to keep eating those foods that you enjoy.

Supermodel Gisele Bundchen Remember that there are plenty of diets that can help you achieve your goals. Try to choose the one that works best for YOU, not necessarily your friend or a relative. It should be easy to follow, nutritious, safe, effective for weight loss, against diabetes and heart disease. I want to wish you all a happy and healthy 2014! Darlene Vazquetelles http://www.twitter.com/darlenevaz POSTED IN FOOD

How to Shrink Your Pores in 10 Steps POSTED ON JANUARY 16, 2014

By Lizbeth Perez

Every woman wants to have smooth, beautiful skin. We all search for ways to make our faces look flawless and porcelain-like. There are countless of products (and claims) out on the market that give us (false) hopes of actually being able to attain this ideal. Walk down any beauty aisle, in any store, in any part of the world and you will ultimately find the product after product all claiming to do just that- leave you with the coveted, perfect complexion that you’ve ALWAYS wanted. Unfortunately for all of us, the only people who have porcelain like skin are the cover models on magazines…after being airbrushed.

Yes, that’s the bad news. If you were to ask almost any (reputable) dermatologist how to make your pores smaller, you’ll get the same exact answer: Once pores are enlarged, there really is no way to reduce their size. So what exactly are pores and what causes them to get larger? Is there a way to prevent it from happening?

Kate Bosworth with Amazingly Small Pores

I’m sure all of these questions are either crossing your mind, or have at some point or another. In short, pores can best be described as dots that you can see on the skin. For some (lucky) woman these dots are small, while for others (not so lucky) these dots resemble the outside of an orange. These “dots” are ultimately the openings of hair follicles where hair basically decided not to grow. In each of these openings you find a sebaceous gland, which is TOTALLY necessary for your body not only

produce natural oils but also is the avenue that it uses to release sweat and oil. Some of these pores are more noticeable, specifically the ones on your forehead nose and cheeks where the sebaceous glands tend to be bigger.

But, those aren’t the only things that separate us when it comes to your pore size. Things like genetics (usually fair skinned people tend to have pores on the smaller side of the spectrum while people with olive or darker complexions have larger ones), your skin type, (if you have dry skin, your skin tends to look more “pore-less” while oily skin tends to show more “visible” pores) and exposure to the sun and age (the sun’s UV rays weaken the collagen that supports pores and keep them tight which is something that also happens as we age, thus making your pores look larger) all ultimately factor into the equation.

Luckily though, while there might not be a way to permanently shrink your pores, there are ways to make them appear smaller, which is better than nothing. Just a few of the tricks I’ve come across I’m listing here for you all to enjoy a cleaner, more radiant and clearer look to your skin, and who doesn’t want that?

1. The biggest most important thing to remember is to keep your face clean. Wash your face twice daily, I suggest when you wake up and before you go to sleep. Of course, if you work out or do anything that causes excessive sweating wash it as soon as you can afterwards. It’s very important to remove all of the excess oil and bacteria from your skin BEFORE it clogs your pores, which will ultimately stretch your pores (making them bigger) and cause unsightly acne. Remember, it’s easier to prevent than to treat, and if by chance if you do end up with clog pores, under NO circumstance pick at it! No matter how strong the urge, its ALWAYS better to keep your skin clean than it is to cause trauma.

2. In addition to keeping your skin clean with regular washings, you can’t go wrong with exfoliation. Exfoliation ultimately clears any debris that might clogging (or trying to clog) your pores. A very inexpensive tip that I have for anyone who doesn’t want to shell out a gazillion dollars on a fancy skin care routine (yet still wants their skin to

look like it’s undergone one) is something that is found in practically everyone’s kitchen: baking soda. Baking soda is one of those home remedies that even some of the biggest celebrity makeup artists swear by. (As for which ones…sorry I’m not telling!) Here’s what you do (be sure to do this only after washing your face): • Take equal parts baking soda and either water (normal skin, make sure the water is warm and not hot), extra virgin olive oil (dry skin, will give you a natural glow) or apple cider vinegar (oily skin, the vinegar acts as natural astringent). Roughly use about two tablespoons of each • Using your (clean) fingertips apply the mixture onto your face and massage in a circular motion, no need to be rough! • Rinse with warm water. Follow this regimen 3-5 times a week once a day.

3. Now that you’ve cleaned your face and exfoliated you’ve got the surface of your skin covered but sometimes you need to get in deeper. This is where you can go ahead and do one of two things: Apply a toner to deep clean (make sure that whatever you decide to use doesn’t contain alcohol, which will dry out your face) another option is to use pore strips. For both of these options, you can go ahead and use over the counter products (Clean & Clear makes good toner while for pore strips you can’t go wrong with Biore) or, if you happen to be more inclined towards all natural products you can make your own in both instances.

For an all natural toner: • Mix about 30mL of apple cider vinegar with dried, crushed mint • Let sit for about a week

• Strain out pieces of mint (cheesecloth works well for this part) • Use this mixture about once a day, it will tingle. Word of advice, use in the evening since there WILL be a strong vinegar odor. For DIY pore strips: • Mix together one tablespoon UNFLAVORED gelatin and one to two tablespoons milk. The amount of milk you use is really up to you and how chunky you want the mixture to be. Try and not make the mixture too thin or it won’t work. • Mix QUICKLY • Put in the microwave for 10-15 seconds on High • This is the tricky part; you MUST work quickly for the mixture turns to gelatin REALLY quick! Put the mixture wherever you feel the need to. • Wait 10-15 minutes until the mask is hard. (I promise you’ll know when it’s time) • Peel it off! You’ll be able to see everything that your pores were harboring. 4. To further open up your pores, try doing a steam bath. The way you do this is simple; boil water in a pot that is slightly larger than your face. Once the water has boiled, put the pot on a hard surface and put your face over the pot. (Be sure not to touch your face to the water or the pot!) While you’re doing this, it helps if you have a towel over your head so that the steam doesn’t escape. Do this for about 10 minutes straight. 5. To further tighten the appearance of your pores, after steaming, take a washcloth and drench it in pineapple and

lemon juice. Take this washcloth and apply it firmly to your face for about one minute. Rinse any residue with warm water. I know this might sound strange, but pineapple and lemon juice contain natural enzymes that tighten and firm skin while brightening and purifying at the same time. The best part, both items can be found at your local supermarket. (Word to the wise, don’t buy artificial!) 6. Another simple remedy is to apply ice. Yes, that’s right, your normal run of the mill ice cubes can greatly help reduce the appearance of your pores by (temporarily) tightening the skin. I personally like to use green tea or even peppermint tea as it just feels more refreshing on my skin; and both items have been known to have antiinflammatory and anti-aging properties when applied topically.

7. Drink lots of water! Water is essential to keeping your skin hydrated. Remember, dehydration is makes your skin look more dry and wrinkled. A good rule of thumb to remember when it comes to drinking water is divide your body weight by half. Therefore, if you weigh 120lbs you should aim to drink 60 ounces of water per day.

8. Moisturize. Moisturizer creates a barrier on your skin sealing in the moisture. Look for a moisturizer that’s oil free and has sunscreen. Apply daily.

9. Don’t smoke. This one is pretty self explanatory in my opinion. 10. Eat a healthy, balanced diet with lots of citrus mixed in. Much like the idea of lemon helping to brighten your skin, it has been proven that eating a diet rich in citrus fruit (specifically oranges and tangerines) helps produce firmer skin and rebuild collagen.


Wave Goodbye to Flabby Arms in 4 Easy Steps POSTED ON JANUARY 15, 2014

By Lizbeth Perez Every girl has a fear of getting older and their body changing for the worse. Interestingly enough, I specifically remember exactly when I first figured out just how scared I really was of my body changing. I was 18 years old, and the visual (that just so happens to still be imprinted in my brain) came from an older co-worker, who at the time was 29. I remember sitting in the conference room when she started talking about how much her body has changed from her early 20s, specifically her “batwings” and proceeded to lift up her arm and with her free hand jiggle her triceps would move much like jello…

To say I was horrified was an understatement. It was at that point that I vowed, as long as I could help it, I’d do everything in my power not to end up with flabby bits under my arms that would wave with the wind every time I’d wave goodbye. Now, don’t get me wrong, I STILL don’t have the thin (super) toned arms that I dream of, but I’m also not unhappy with what I do have and can honestly say that I’m (finally) comfortable in my own skin, and have no desire to buy a matching sweater along with every new tank top or spaghetti strapped shirt or dress that I buy. With that said, I figured why not share a few tips to help you all along your journey to the “gun show.”

1. Before doing anything at all, you need to step back, take a look at your arms and set a realistic goal. If your arms are larger than you’d like them to be, you’re going to have to increase the repetitions of whatever exercise you do as well as try and drop body weight. Now, if you have the opposite problem and think your arms are too thin, focus on pushups to build up your strength.

2. Cut calories. In order to get slimmer arms, you need to realize that that there’s just no way to spot reduce any part of your body. With that being said, you need to drop weight and you do this by ultimately eating a well balanced diet, i.e., low in sugar, fat, and carbohydrates.

3. Strength Training is essential to get the toned sleek look that most women desire. Interestingly enough though, you do not need a gym membership or even weights in order to strength train. In fact, for a lot of exercises include just your own body weight, which is more than enough. Here are a few simple exercises that can get you started, and remember to do roughly 15 to 20 repetitions each exercise three times a week in order to see results:

Pushups • Your hands should be directly under your shoulders and lined up with your chest. Make sure your core is tight and your shoulders and neck are relaxed.

• Use your triceps to help execute the perfect pushup, so make sure you feel them engage when you are lowering and lifting back up. Your body from shoulder to foot should be tight (stiff) and even (your body straight and parallel to the floor) Tricep Kickbacks

• While standing, hold a weight in one hand and bend the opposite knee, leaning forward at a 45 degree angle. • Keep your elbow close to your body. • Fully contract your tricep. The only movement should occur between your elbow and your fingertip.

Dips • Place the heels of your hands on a chair or bench. Keeping your back straight, extend your legs at a 90 degree angle to the top of your stability. • Keep your butt close to the bench and your shoulders blades back as you lower yourself down.

Dumbell Curls • First and foremost, don’t let the lack of equipment stop you from doing this exercise. If you do not have access to dumbbells, grab some soup cans. • Retract your shoulder blades and hold your elbows in at your sides. Keep your core tight, and your knees soft.

• Once you’re in the right position, simply contract your bicep. Don’t let your shoulders rotate forward.

Dumbell Curls Arm Circles • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, arms extended straight out to sides at shoulder height. • Keeping shoulders down, do 20 small backward circles. • Switch directions; do 20 forward circles.

4. The last and one of the most important things to remember when wanting to slim your arms is cardio. You could do as much strength training as you want and curls until your arms feel like they can’t go anymore, but if you don’t do cardio you will never burn away the fat that is purposely hiding your muscles. Try and aim for at least 34 days a week of any type of exercise that you enjoy.


Top 5 Reasons to Ski in Sarajevo + Amazing Personal Videos POSTED ON JANUARY 15, 2014

By Elma Beganovic Photos/Videos by Nerina Hodzic Poplata and Martina Saira I spoke with two local girls (Club Fashionsita correspondent Nerina Hodzic Poplata and a local celebrity-fashionista Martina Saira), both of whom are avid skiers, about skiing in Sarajevo. They shared with me videos and some personal photos. Let me provide you with a brief background on skiing in Sarajevo, the international buzz began with… In 1984 Sarajevo hosted the Winter Olympics, and received much deserved attention for its breathtaking

white peaks and its abundance of natural scenery. The main mountain to ski in Sarajevo is Jahorina, which hosted the women’s alpine skiing in the 1984 Winter Olympics. Its highest peak is 6,276 feet tall, which makes it the second tallest mountain in Sarajevo and the paths very long (16 miles of ski trails).

“It” Girl Martina Saira Skiing in Sarajevo So, why choose Sarajevo as your skiing destination?

Our Top 5 Reasons… (1) For starters, there are a fewer crowds than on the Alps. (2) The prices are much lower than the rest of Europe’s well-known resorts, e.g., ski and snoboard rentals are $14 per day. (3) Both skiers and snowboarders are accommodated. (4) The locals are very friendly. (5) The scenery is very authentic and all-natural, i.e. the opposite of commercial tourism. While photos are amazing to flip through, we wanted to provide you with a real review by recording a video from our recent skiing trip. Scroll down to see our experience. Until next time, XOXO adventure seekers and fashionistas…

Early Morning on Ski Path Cetvorka (i.e.,Four) on Mountain Bjelasnica in Sarajevo by Martina Saira

Fashionista &”It” Girl Martina Saira Skiing in Sarajevo on the Bjelasnica Mountain

Top of Bjelasnica Mountain by Martina Saira

Olympic Paths on Mountain Bjelasnica by Martina Saira

Martina Saira Powder Skiing on Off-Roads on Bjelasnica Mountain

Club Fashionista Girl: Nerina H.P. Skiing in Sarajevo http://youtube.googleapis.com/v/9BPJKLWgoBk&source=uds POSTED IN ELMA B., TRAVEL

New Year’s Resolution: Life’s Little Celebrations POSTED ON JANUARY 14, 2014

By Sammy Jade Apart from the iconic and much anticipated holiday surroundings, the New Year brings with it a chance for reflection, appreciation and an opportunity for much

needed change! It provides us with hindsight of the year past, and ultimately a clearer understanding of what we want for ourselves in the future.

Me (in Australia) for My Mum’s Surprise Birthday Party For me, 2013 was a very memorable year for a lot of reasons, teaching me more about myself than I ever could have expected, and granting me a higher appreciation for

all the amazing people I have to keep me grounded, supported and motivated. What better way to have ended the year than to have had so many of our close family and friends gather to celebrate a surprise birthday for my mum. The night could not have gone any better; with an ocean view landscape, warm weather, drinks flowing, music playing, and of course fairy lights, it was an amazing start to a great send off for 2013.

My Mum’s Surprise Birthday Celebration

Birthday Treats Very unexpectedly, the surprise was kept a secret until the very last moment, so planning my outfit was something that had to be done very strategically; something that reflected the occasion, but wouldn’t arouse suspicion. Outfit Dissected:

I decided to go with a shorter, more flowing dress to reflect the beach vibe epitomised within the location and the decor.

Me Lace necklines are very popular at the moment; I love the simple elegance it adds to a look, without creating an older vibe that lace is also associated with. Combine this element with the pure white of the dress, the sheer material and the movement it created, for me, this was a winning combination.

With the lace detail, it meant that accessories weren’t a necessity with this look, I chose to stick to my simple daily bracelets, allowing my gold Marc Jacobs watch to take the spotlight, and adding a few rings to create a more boho feel and sweeping my hair into loose curls at the side as a way to show off the entire neckline of the dress.

Lessons Learned in 2013:

Looking back, 2013 has definitely taught me many lessons that will be carried with me throughout my life. I have learned that as important as it is to plan and prepare for the future, life is also all about living for the moment; enjoying everything while it lasts and revelling in the happiness and vivaciousness as it is happening. I have learned that when it comes to friendships, quality overrides quantity always, and in particular, how blessed I am for those that have been there for my successes, brushed the dirt off me when I have fallen, and given me the extra push that I have needed to believe in myself. And finally, I have learned that only I am responsible for my own happiness; self satisfaction, appreciation, and aspiration manifestations begin with positive thinking and a desire for change and improvement. So here is to 2014! The year of surrounding yourself with the ones who raise you up to be the best version of yourself, to achieving your dreams and ambitions, to the many doors waiting to be opened, to revelling in the happiness and life’s little divulgences.

Me with Friends But most importantly; heres to enjoying the journey ahead (and hopefully sticking to one of our New Year’s resolutions along the way!).

XX Sammy Jade http://www.howtoruninstilettos.com

Instagram: @howtoruninstilettos POSTED IN FASHION, OUTFIT OF THE DAY

Designer Lingerie: Buy or Stay Away? POSTED ON JANUARY 14, 2014




Is Designer Lingerie for You? Ever looking for a gift for someone and think lingerie? If you are shopping for a significant other, a close friend, or family member, maybe you said yes. How about for a bridal shower, anniversary, or holiday? Maybe you said yes again. How about for yourself or just because? Did

you say yes? If you did, this is definitely for you. If you didn’t, keep reading, you may just change your mind. How to Pick Designer Lingerie? Buying lingerie isn’t as simple as going to a store and picking up the first thing you see. There’s an art to it. First, you need to make sure that the size is correct. You would hate to offend someone by buying something either too big or too small. Second, you need to check their style. If they like things that are trendy and stylish, you go with one thing. If they like things that are a bit more edgy, you go with something completely different. Third, you want to make sure that the item(s) that you are buying are going to be something that is fun and they enjoy wearing and not something that is going to be uncomfortable and a nightmare. I have compiled a list of the top lingerie brands around. Fourth, price. You most definitely shouldn’t decide to buy lingerie because it’s cheap. Though a seemingly “good deal,” you may find out later that it was just a waste of money. Keep in mind that in order to get the best, you are going to have to pay just a little bit more, but it may be worth it.

Myla Lingerie List of Top 4 Lingerie Brands:

Agent Provocateur– “deliciously opulent range of inspirational creations, designed to intensify life’s pleasures and unlock you innermost desires. Beguiling, bold, flirtatious, or coy-indulge ever whim with lingerie.” Founded in England 1994 by Joseph Corre and Serena Ress, this brand is known for treating lingerie like an extension of fashion. This brand is one of the more inexpensive lingerie brands, but that doesn’t mean that it’s cheap. It has a fun and trendy style that attracts celebrities such as Kylie Minogue, Kate Moss, and Maggie Gyllenhaal. To stay up to date on all the news of Agent Provocateur, join it’s almost 26,000 followers on Twitter. @TheMissAp

Agent Provocateur (left Spanish Actress Penelope Cruz) Myla– If you like lace, this is the place for you! Ana Beatriz Barros founded Myla in 1999 In London’s Notting Hill. The price you will pay for this is a little less that most brands, but still the same great fashion. Myla is housed in all of London’s most fashionable districts. The style here is fun and trendy with a slight edge and boasts a celebrity following of Nicole Kidman and Reese Witherspoon. You may have also seen it on Samantha from “Sex in the City.” To stay up to date on all the news of Myla, join it’s almost 5000 followers on Twitter. @MylaLondon

Myla Lace Fleur of England– “It’s designed to better reflect the sophistication of the lingerie to the customer.” This exclusive design house was opened up in England in 2000. The price is kind of expensive, but also competitive to other top brands. It boasts a “supreme fit” and is more of a trendy style of lingerie. This lingerie is definitely something that would be fun to wear, just ask it’s celebrity following. Emma Watson, Rhianna, and Katy Perry all wear and represent this brand. To stay up to date on all the news of Fleur of England, join it’s over 3000 followers on Twitter. @fleurofengland

Fleur of England (Rihanna in the center)

Fleur of England Lingerie La Perla– Ada Masotti founded this brand in 1954 in Bologna, Italy. This is a very expensive brand, but well worth it if it’s the look you are going for. It has a definite edge to its brand and seems like some of the styles would

be a bit uncomfortable. Cara Develingne, Malgosia Bela, and Liu Wen have all done ad campaigns for La Perla. To stay up to date on all the news of La Perla, join it’s over 16,000 followers on Twitter. @LaPerlaLingerie

La Perla Lingerie

Cara Delevingne for La Perla (left) If you are looking for something trendy or edgy, fun or nightmarish, or just a great gift for you or someone else, think lingerie and check out these brands. I know you’ll like that you see! POSTED IN FASHION

Last Day of Winter Vacation in Aspen POSTED ON JANUARY 14, 2014

By Amra B. I spent one of my last days in Aspen soaking in the sun and working in a little-cozy-local cafe. My winter vacation was truly magical: I got to spend time with my family, went skiing on some amazing slopes, and ate incredibly fresh (healthy food) from Colorado. However, the most wonderful aspect about Aspen was meeting some astonishingly intelligent, talented, and CARING people. I had forgotten how nice it is to speak to total strangers and share your experience just to find out HOW MUCH you have in common. Now, I am back in my parents home and getting ready to leave for London. I have truly had a moment of selfrevelation this winter break and I hope this feeling continues. Oh, I almost died in couple of instances… BUT, maybe it is these difficult situations that force us to find out most about ourselves. So, in words of Kelly Cutrone from her book (If You Have to Cry, Go Outside: And Other Things Your Mother Never Told You): “When you think you are having a breakdown, you might really be having a breakthrough.”

Wishing you an incredible week. Outfit***Jacket Burberry, tights Bershka, scarf Ann Taylor, boots Uggs, purse Louis Vuitton, sunnies Dolce&Gabbana, gloves vintage, earring H&M


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