4-rancangan Penelitian, 2009

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Rancangan Penelitian Dr. Bambang Sunarko Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia

Diklat Fungsional Peneliti Tingkat Pertama, 2009

Alur Penelitian LIPI

Idea Concept Paper

Usulan Penelitian

Pengolahan, analisis dan presentasi hasil analisis

Penulisan Ilmiah

Komunikasi Diklat Fungsional Peneliti Tingkat Pertama, 2009

Rancangan Penelitian

Koleksi Data

Kegiatan Penelitian

Penelitian? salah satu

…cara untuk tahu! …cara untuk memperoleh pengetahuan! Scientific Research the most legitimate source of knowledge  empiris  objective,  testable,  tentative  systematic,  ….

• • • • • •

kebetulan pengalaman tradisi otoritas coba-coba ….

Why do we do research? LIPI

• • • • •

To get information To answer a question To gain understanding To predict outcomes To assist in evaluating options

Diklat Fungsional Peneliti Tingkat Pertama, 2009

What is (scientific) research? LIPI

“Process of systematically obtaining accurate answers to significant and pertinent questions by the use of the scientific method of gathering and interpreting information” Penelitian Ilmiah vs. Non-Ilmiah?

Diklat Fungsional Peneliti Tingkat Pertama, 2009

Scientific Method LIPI

• • • • • • • • •

Become aware that a problem exists Define the problem Set forth hypotheses as to cause and/or solutions Determine what information will be required Decide which methods will be used in collecting information Collect information or evidence Compile findings in systematic form Analyze findings to determine whether they substantiate or eliminate hypotheses Write the final research report

Diklat Fungsional Peneliti Tingkat Pertama, 2009

Evaluation Criteria for Research LIPI

Validity, Reliability, Replicability Validity





to allow other to replicate it

Diklat Fungsional Peneliti Tingkat Pertama, 2009

Validity LIPI

• Internal validity – can the design sustain the conclusions?

• External validity – can the conclusions be generalized?

Diklat Fungsional Peneliti Tingkat Pertama, 2009


Goals of Research valid conclusions Research Design!

Diklat Fungsional Peneliti Tingkat Pertama, 2009

Goals of Research Design LIPI

• Right issues • Correct approach – object & measures – methodology – experimental design

• Reliability & validity of results • Valid conclusions can we believe its conclusions? Diklat Fungsional Peneliti Tingkat Pertama, 2009


Rancangan Penelitian (research design)

Metode Penelitian (research method)

Rancangan Percobaan (experimental design)

Diklat Fungsional Peneliti Tingkat Pertama, 2009

• Research design – a plan or structured framework of how you intend to conduct the research  to answer the research question

• Research method – techniques, and procedures to implementing research design  is part of the design

• Experimental design is part of the method

Diklat Fungsional Peneliti Tingkat Pertama, 2009

Research Design LIPI

• Type of investigation • Purpose of the study • Study setting

Diklat Fungsional Peneliti Tingkat Pertama, 2009

Type of Investigation LIPI

• Correlational – Type of study to establish a relationship (i.e., non-causal) between variables that are associated with the problem

• Causal – Type of study done when it is necessary to establish a ‘cause and effect’ relationship in order to answer the research question

Diklat Fungsional Peneliti Tingkat Pertama, 2009

Direction of correlation: LIPI

• Positive correlation

relationship between the When A has a high value, B has a high value; amount smoked When A has a low value, B has a low value and the probability of heart disease

• Negative correlation

When A has a high value, B has a low value; when A has a low value, B has a high value

• No correlation When two variables do not co-occur

Diklat Fungsional Peneliti Tingkat Pertama, 2009

amount of daily exercise and probability of heart disease.

Directions of Correlation between Two Variables LIPI






computer use per week


grade point



0 0







Positive correlation (r=.99)

Diklat Fungsional Peneliti Tingkat Pertama, 2009



0 0







Negative correlation (r=-.73)

Causality: LIPI

• A causes B if and only if: – A exists then B exists – A does not exist, then B does not exist

• To test causality  an experimental design

Diklat Fungsional Peneliti Tingkat Pertama, 2009

Research LIPI

• Type of investigation • Purpose of the study • Study setting

Diklat Fungsional Peneliti Tingkat Pertama, 2009

Purpose of research LIPI

• Exploration (Penelitian penjajagan) • Description (Penelitian descriptif) • Explanation (Penelitian penjelasan) • Prediction • Improvement

Diklat Fungsional Peneliti Tingkat Pertama, 2009

Exploration LIPI

• To develop an initial, rough understanding of a phenomenon • Methods: – – – –

literature reviews Interviews case studies key informants

Diklat Fungsional Peneliti Tingkat Pertama, 2009

Description LIPI

• Precise measurement and reporting of the characteristics of phenomenon • What is the case? • What is the nature of the relationship? • Methods: – census, – surveys, – qualitative studies Diklat Fungsional Peneliti Tingkat Pertama, 2009

Explanation LIPI

• Why “Is x the case?” • Methods – experimental

Diklat Fungsional Peneliti Tingkat Pertama, 2009

Research LIPI

• Type of investigation • Purpose of the study • Study setting

Diklat Fungsional Peneliti Tingkat Pertama, 2009

Study Setting LIPI

• natural setting – Field study – Field experiment

minimal interference manipulation of variables

• artificial research setting – Lab experiment manipulation of variables with high degree of controls

Diklat Fungsional Peneliti Tingkat Pertama, 2009

Designing Research LIPI

• • • •

Research question Hypotheses Variables Methodology – Data Collection Methods – Data Analysis Methods

Diklat Fungsional Peneliti Tingkat Pertama, 2009


“a question well asked is a question half answered”

• Is it understandable? • Is it researchable?

Diklat Fungsional Peneliti Tingkat Pertama, 2009

What the Research Question Does LIPI

• Provides key to research • Suggests types of data required • Suggests types of investigative techniques • Suggests objectives for literature search and review

Diklat Fungsional Peneliti Tingkat Pertama, 2009

Consider the verbs used in question LIPI

• Explore (initial description) • Describe (detailed account) • Explain (establish the factors responsible) • Understand (establish reasons) • Predict (using an explanation to postulate future outcomes) • Change (to actively intervene) • Evaluate (assess if desired outcomes are achieved) Diklat Fungsional Peneliti Tingkat Pertama, 2009

Designing Research LIPI

• • • •

Research question Hypotheses Variables Methodology – Data Collection Methods – Data Analysis Methods

Diklat Fungsional Peneliti Tingkat Pertama, 2009

Developing Research Hypotheses LIPI

• An hypothesis is a tentative explanation for certain behaviors, phenomena, or events that have occurred or will occur • Hypotheses should be based on theory, previous research, or observation of actual events • Hypotheses must be testable

Diklat Fungsional Peneliti Tingkat Pertama, 2009

Which of the following are hypothesis? LIPI

• Life currently exists on Mars • On average, men are taller than women • Drinking coffee raises your IQ temporarily • People who get up early in the morning are better people than those who sleep late. Diklat Fungsional Peneliti Tingkat Pertama, 2009

Designing Research LIPI

• • • •

Research question Hypotheses Variables Methodology – Data Collection Methods – Data Analysis Methods

Diklat Fungsional Peneliti Tingkat Pertama, 2009

Types of Variables LIPI

• Dependent variables • Independent variables – experimental: manipulated by researcher – quantitative – qualitative

• Extraneous variables – any factors other than those under study that could have an affect on the dependent variable

Diklat Fungsional Peneliti Tingkat Pertama, 2009

Steps in Designing Research Study LIPI

• • • •

Research question Hypotheses Variables Methodology – Data Collection Methods – Data Analysis Methods

Diklat Fungsional Peneliti Tingkat Pertama, 2009

Sampling and Generalizing LIPI

• Random Sampling – to obtain representative samples (representing the population from which they were selected) • Random Assignment – To obtain representative groups

Diklat Fungsional Peneliti Tingkat Pertama, 2009

Sampling and Generalizing

The Sample

The Population

represents The sample is used to make statements about the population

Random Assignment


The Sample

The Population Control Groups does not get the treatment

Experimental Groups Get the treatment

The Sample

The Population Control Groups Diklat Fungsional Peneliti Tingkat Pertama, 2009

Experimental Groups

Remember LIPI

• statistical tests compare between group variance to within group variance - increase between group variance - decrease within group variance

Experimental Group

Control Group

to decrease Overlap Diklat Fungsional Peneliti Tingkat Pertama, 2009

In field research (as in the lab) LIPI

• it is important to maximize treatment variance, minimize error variance, control extraneous variables MAXMINCON Diklat Fungsional Peneliti Tingkat Pertama, 2009

Maximize treatment variance LIPI

• Try to make the effect (difference) as big as possible • "pull apart" experimental conditions by choosing conditions as dissimilar as possible

Experimental Group Diklat Fungsional Peneliti Tingkat Pertama, 2009

Control Group

Minimize error variance LIPI

Experimental Group

Experimental Group

Control Group

Control Group

• reduce random fluctutations and errors of measurement Fungsional Peneliti Tingkat Pertama, Gel. XVII, 2008 –Diklat increase reliability of instruments

Control extraneous variables LIPI

• try to keep from getting confused by directly eliminating some confounding variables- by

controlling them

Diklat Fungsional Peneliti Tingkat Pertama, 2009

Eliminate them as variables LIPI

• (e.g., if intelligence can influence the variable under study, choose subjects of only one intelligence range). TREATMENT

High intelligence

Experimental Group Diklat Fungsional Peneliti Tingkat Pertama, 2009


low intelligence

Control Group

Eliminate them as variables LIPI


Medium intelligence

Experimental Group Diklat Fungsional Peneliti Tingkat Pertama, 2009


Medium intelligence

Control Group

Steps in Designing Research Study LIPI

• • • • • •

Research question Hypotheses Variables Methodology Data Collection Methods Data Analysis Methods

Diklat Fungsional Peneliti Tingkat Pertama, 2009

Statistical Power LIPI

• Determinants of Power – sample size – effect size

• Increasing Statistical Power – increasing sample size – using more powerful statistical tests – random sampling – MAXMINCON Diklat Fungsional Peneliti Tingkat Pertama, 2009

Choosing Statistical Procedures START Interval Data


Compare Not Normal

Normal =SD

Spearman Correlation

Pearson Correlation

Dependent 2 groups

Independent 2 groups


>2 groups

>2 groups Mann-Whitney


Friedman Kruskal-Wallis


Dependent 2 groups Related Samples t-Test

>2 groups Repeated Measures ANOVA

Diklat Fungsional Peneliti Tingkat Pertama, Gel. XVII, 2008

Independent 2 groups Independent Samples t Test

>2 groups ANOVA

Latihan! • Type of investigation Correlational? Causal?

• Purpose of the study Exploration?



• Study setting Natural setting?

field experiment?

Artificial setting (Lab experiment)? Diklat Fungsional Peneliti Tingkat Pertama, Gel. XVII, 2008

field study?

Scientific Method • Become aware that a problem exists (?) • Define the problem (?) • Set forth hypotheses (?) as to cause and/or solutions • Determine what information (?) will be required • Decide which methods (?) will be used in collecting information

Diklat Fungsional Peneliti Tingkat Pertama, Gel. XVII, 2008

Research Evaluation • Validity (?) – Internal – External • Reliability (?) • Replicability (?)

Diklat Fungsional Peneliti Tingkat Pertama, Gel. XVII, 2008

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