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Lesson Draft covering the Four Elements of a Curriculum LESSON: TECHNOLOGY AND ITS USES Intent

I. Students will understand the following:


I. For this lesson of Technology, the teacher will ask his / her students to 1. Technology is provide the defined as "any following: invention, including Research materials tools, machines, on the history of materials, technology techniques, and Computer with sources of power, Internet access that makes people's Long strips of paper work easier.” II. The teacher will explain to the 2. Uses of students the Technology. definition of Technology, and its 3. The history of uses in everyday technology really living of an begins in prehistoric individual using times. It is the outlined report as history of invention visual aids. You can of tools and write the following techniques and is on a manila paper / similar to the other cartolina: sides of history. The term came What Is from the Greek Technology? word techne which Technology is a means art and craft. body of knowledge It was first used to devoted to creating describe applied tools, processing arts but now it is actions and the used to describe extracting of the advancement materials. The term and changes ‘Technology” is around us. It starts wide, and everyone

Learning Activities / Experience


I. Ask your students what they think of when they hear the word technology . Ask them when they think technology began. Their answers are likely to center on modern technology, especially computer-related technology. Let students know that technology is defined as "any invention, including tools, machines, materials, and sources of power, that makes people's work easier." Then ask them to reconsider their ideas about when technology began. They should realize that technology began the first time a human, or even a pre-human, used a stick or a rock as a tool or a weapon. Such advances as the ability to make fire, the

I. The teacher can evaluate groups on their time lines using the following three-point rubric: 1. Three points: includes more than 10 items; dates accurate; illustrations included; time line carefully prepared 2. Two points: includes at least 10 items; most dates accurate; illustrations included; time line satisfactorily prepared 3. One point: includes less than 10 items; several inaccurate dates; few or no illustrations; time line carelessly prepared

with the beginning of life on earth, and goes until the founding of early modern technologies, such as computer and nuclear power. The era of technology started when wheel was invented which is one of the most important technology and after it, more and more things were invented.

has their way of understanding its meaning. We use technology to accomplish various tasks in our daily lives, in brief; we can describe technology as products and processes used to simplify our daily lives. We use technology to extend our abilities, making people the most crucial part of any technological system. Technology is also an application of science used to solve problems. But it is vital to know that technology and science are different subjects which work hand-inhand to accomplish specific tasks or solve problems. We apply technology in almost everything we do in our daily lives; we use technology at work, we use technology for communication, transportation, learning, manufacturing, securing data, scaling business and so much more. Technology is human knowledge

development of agriculture, and the use of simple machines such as the lever or the inclined plane count as technology, as do electricity, nuclear power, and the computer. Divide your class into groups, and have each group meet to brainstorm a list of at least 10 technological advances they think should be included on a time line of the most important technological advances in human history. Next, have students do research to find the dates for the technological advances they plan to include on their time lines. (Prehistoric technology can be dated simply by the word "prehistoric.") Students can make their time lines on long strips of paper they cut out and tape together or on brown paper that comes in rolls. Time lines should include illustrations of the technological advances students wish to highlight.

which involves tools, materials, and systems. The application of technology typically results in products. If technology is well applied, it benefits humans, but the opposite is true, if used for malicious reasons. II. After explaining the definition of technology and its uses, the teacher will ask the students to do a research about the history of technology and explain it in a one whole sheet of paper.

When all groups have completed their time lines, display them around the classroom. Invite students to compare the time lines to see which technological advances were included on most of them. II. Have the students choose one of the six simple machines such as inclined plane, lever, pulley, wedge, wheel and axle, or screw and make a model or draw a picture of it.

The title of the lesson that I did is Technology and Its Uses which tackles the definition of technology, its history and uses in our everyday living. The lesson that I did covers the four elements of a curriculum which are the intent, content, lesson activities / experiences, and assessment. In the Intent section, I used the Tyler model where according to module 7 of this subject the teachers plan for instructions using a linear progression scheme. I determined the important / key ideas of the topic that I chose. I made sure that the student will understand the definition of technology, its uses, and its history. I did notmade the lesson hard or complicated because i also considered how much the students are supposed to learn about the topic I have chosen. In the Content section of this lesson, I used the principles of Ornstein and Hinkins (1998) which has five guidelines: significance, utility, validity, learnability, and feasibility. I made sure that the value attached to the particular content of the lesson I chose will impact the students. The content I mentioned in this section is useful to the students because aside from providing a visual aids for the definition of technology and its uses, I

also made sure that the students will participate in the lesson that I formulated. At the last part of the lesson, the students will do a research about the history of technology and explain it in a one whole sheet of paper. The third section of this lesson is the learning activities / experiences. I used the Dale’s Cone of experience by Edgar Dale because I believe that the different instructional methods will effectively make the students learn. Dale’s Cone of Experience is a model that incorporates several theories related to instructional design and learning processes. During the 1960s, Edgar Dale theorized that learners retain more information by what they “do” as opposed to what is “heard”, “read” or “observed”. His research led to the development of the Cone of Experience. Today, this “learning by doing” has become known as “experiential learning” or “action learning”. Assessment is the last section of this lesson which measure whether the students has satisfactorily explained the entire lesson which is the definition of technology, its uses and its history. I assesed the students on their time lines using the following three-point rubric: (1) Three points: includes more than 10 items; dates accurate; illustrations included; time line carefully prepared. (2) Two points: includes at least 10 items; most dates accurate; illustrations included; time line satisfactorily prepared. And (3) One point: includes less than 10 items; several inaccurate dates; few or no illustrations; time line carelessly prepared.

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