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TE RM 2 3rd June 200 9

Nelson Central School We e kl y N e ws l e tt e r

Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa te whanau whanui o te Kura Tuatahi o Whakatu – Greetings to friends and family of Nelson Central School.

The second was Rippa Rugby where one of our teams came third.

Alton Street Many of you will know that the board of trustees has been working with the Nelson City Council on a plan to help make travelling to school safer for children. T he major problems occur in Alton Street in the mornings between 8:30 and 9 am and again in the afternoons between 2:45 and 3:15 pm. The board of trustees is considering a council proposal to make changes in Alton Street. That will include; installing a speed hump at the entry and exit to Alton Street, putting curb and channel on both sides of the street, reducing the number of car parks on the east side of Alton Usually new enrolments would be more of a blessing than Street and introducing angle parks on the school side of the a problem. However, we are short of suitable space in the street; parking restriction will be retained. A barrier will be school and are having to do the best we can with what we erected on the curve from a point outside the main office have. Room 10 is a smaller than desirable space but and continuing around the bend to a point near the last T eressa Kundycki-Carrell is gradually bringing it up to house on the east side of Alton Street. There will be an speed. opening to allow authorised traffic to enter the school grounds. The street outside the main office will be narrowed It’s just as well we managed to repair the doors and to encourage traffic to move along the street to angle park windows and complete painting the exterior of the building drop off zones. before we needed it for a classroom. Unfortunately it has meant relocating two of our programmes to an even less Commenting on blogs attractive part of the school. Thankfully we have patient Children are doing a great job of their blog sites as they and accommodating staff. create records of their learning. T here is something families can do to encourage them in their work – leave comments How will we cope if we have to open another classroom? on their blogs. I know people find that harder to do than The next space we will resort to is Renwick 1. We know say! However, here are four simple things you can do: that is not an ideal sized space but we have made it a ♦ Leave a simple statement to say you visited the comfortable, workable teaching space for a smaller group blog of children. ♦ T ell children what you found interesting ♦ Comment on any pictures you see The good news is that the Ministry of Education has made ♦ Make a suggestion about what else they could funding available to create 90 m2 of classroom space. At have told you that you might have found present board members David Gray and Eric Ripley are interesting. working out how we can work within the financial and property constraints to create the space we need. The board Inte reste d in Keas? will do its best to avoid diminishing grassed and concrete Keas are for children boys and girls aged 5 1/2 - 8 or year 1 play areas. to year 3. It is 1 hour every week, during school terms. Kea Scouts is based on a programme of Discovery, with heaps of fun activities around a themed programme. Found 3 scooters have been found – if you have lost a scooter please call at this office this week to claim it. If they A meeting with interested parents will be held on 11 June at haven’t been claimed by the end of the week they will be 7pm at Iron Duke Scout Hall, (coming off Queen Elizabeth passed on to the recycling centre since we don’t have the II Drive, turn into Wildman Ave, then turn right into capacity to store items on a long term basis. Akersten St, follow the road right around until you go past a motor boat engine shop, turn left into the carpark, and it’s Sports succe ss Last week we had children participating in 2 inter-school Our weekly newslett er is kindly sponsored by events. The first was the Interschool cross country held at T HE DOC U M EN T COM P A N Y Brandford Park. We had several students take part. Ne w classes When we opened Renwick 3 in late February we thought we had all the enrolments we were going to get for some time. However, in April it became obvious that a new class would be needed. At the start of this term we started a new class of five year olds in Room 10. Although preenrolments are not strong at present it is possible we will have to open another class for five year olds during term 3 or term 4.

7 0 N i l e S t r e et, N el s o n Principal: [email protected]


Pho ne 03 548 497 2


F ax 03 548 4483 -

Secretary: secretary@nelsonc entral.school.nz

E m a i l s t a f f @ n el s o n c e n tr a l . s c h o o l . n z

BOT Chairman: Geoff Clark 545 8010

Website: www.nelsoncentral.school.nz

the building to the right of a green shelter).

**Reminder **

If you require any more information regarding Keas, please contact Bridget, on 547 0664, or email: [email protected] Te rm Eve nts 3 June – School Cross Country 4 June – Runanga Matua Hui at Whakatu Marae 5 June – Arbor Day & World Environment Day 8 June – World Ocean Day 10 June – ICAS Science 17 June – BOT meeting, School Library 18 June – Human Rights in Education – information for parents 23 June – ICAS Spelling & ICAS Writing 23 June – Choir Musical Evening 24 June – Matariki 3 July – T erm 2 closes Dr Paul Potaka PRINCIPAL

Can anyone help?

The money for World Vision is due in this Friday.

Piano and Keyboard Lessons Rosemary McIver Dip. Teaching A.T.C.L. Phone 5394009 to enrol for 2009

Push Play Families Whispering Falls Walk **REMINDER** **REMINDER** SUNDAY, 7TH JUNE 2009

We are hoping that local businesses can donate raffle prizes to go in a raffle at the choir concert in a few weeks to raise All Central School families are invited to join us on a walk to money for the music department. The theme for the concert is NZ / Nelson so Whispering Falls . Meet at the Hackett Picnic Area, at the end of Aniseed Valley Road (left off the main road at Hope) any local produce would be great. at 10.15am. The walk is 1½ hours each way with a stop at Please Contact Kathryn on 5457009 or the waterfalls picnic area for lunch. It’s a well graded walk school office. with a few bridges & a long swing bridge, which the kids

After School Care

find quite cool. Bring good footwear, your lunch and water.

Chipmunks Nelson has spares for afterschool care. The cost is $5.50 per hour. Please call Jo Rose on 5487055 or email [email protected]

Any further info required phone Kathryn 5457009 Postponement date if wet - 14th June.

Social Skills How do We React to Conflict? As part of our social skills programmes all classes are discussing conflict management skills that create win/win situations for students, teachers, parents and caregivers. When involved in a conflict there are various responses that are adopted. The three main responses are:



Problem solving

Inter School Cro ss Count ry Last week a team of 44 y ear 5 and 6 students attended the Inter Sc hool Cross Country Championships held at Branford Park. Sc hools attending were Central, Hira, Auc kland Point, Hampden Street, Clifton Terrace, Vic tory and St Josephs. Conditions were perfec t and the teams raced over a c hallenging 1.5km c ourse through different terrain, ditc hes and over fences. All the runners performed extremely well and were a c redit to the sc hool. The following runners finished in the top ten of their sec tion: Year 5 girls 3rd Joey Vining 4t h Ella Middleton

Year 5 boys 3rd Dev on Blac kbourn 6t h Nic Clark

Year 6 Girls 5t h Tay la Hampton

Year 6 Boys 6t h Callum Wilkie 7t h William Wallac e Many thanks to all the parents/c aregivers who transported the children to and fro m the event, for taking photos and for supporting them on the day . Thank y ou to the parents and the boy s from roo m 2 who helped with the setting up and dismantling of the c ourse. Your help was inv aluable.

NELSON MINIBALL – TERM 2 2009 Games are 12 minute halves. 1 minute half time . Substitutions can be made on any whistle. Afte r a baske t is score d the playe rs must go back to half way be fore picking up their player. An automatic 2 points is score d if a player is foule d while shooting. Playe rs must defend the opposing player who is wearing the same colour band. If a playe r is on a fast break to score a basket the ne arest colour band may de fend this player. Players must then pick up their own colour band after stopping the fast bre ak. FULL CO URT: T he same rules as above for T erm 2. 5 JUNE 2009 Time COURT 1 - TOWN END




















Netball Year 6


DRAW FO R 06/06/09

Week ended 31st May

T eam 1

T eam 2

Ct10 8:30am.

Nelson Schools Cross Country League Nelson Central Sting *BYE* Race 2 Primary Boys Clifton T errace Cheetahs v Henley Flames 11th David Zohrab Brightwater Emeraldz v Henley Stings 16th Devon Blackbourn Murchison Flyers v Hampden Street Flames 20th Tom Zophrab Primary Girls DRAW FO R 13/06/09 14th Hayley Goldthorpe 18th Aimee Hobbs T eam 1 T eam 2 League Standings *BYE* v Hampden Street Flames Primary Boys: Ne lson Central 3rd Brightwater Emeraldz v Clifton T errace Cheetahs Primary Girls: Nelson Central 7th

Ct12 8:30am.

Nelson Central Sting

v Henley Flames


Murchison Flyers

v Henley Stings

Venue/T ime

Ct11 8:30am. Ct8


Ct11 9:25am. Se ction Three Venue/T ime


Nelson Netball Se ction One DRAW FO R 03/06/09 Venue/T ime

T eam 1

Central Stars v St Joes Monkeys. v Mapua & Districts Minie Saint Joes won 10-0. Players of the day: Oonagh Graham, Mighties Pearl Philavong. v St Joseph's Monkies Central Stars won Subway vouchers for team of the day. v Richmond Ferns

3:45pm. Enner Glynn All Stars


3:45pm. Nayland T actix


4:25pm. Brightwater Rock Stars


4:25pm. Nelson Central School Magics v Nayland Mini Ferns Se ction Three DRAW FO R 03/06/09

Venue/T ime

T eam 1

T eam 2



Wakefield Primary Force

v T ahunanui Keas



Henley Diamonds

v Nelson Central School Stars


Birchwood Stars

Ct10 4:25pm.

Hope Hurricanes

Central Magics v Ranzau A. Magics won 3-2. Player of the day: Victoria McLaren.

T eam 2



Netball Central Sting - No ga me due to Queens Birthday

Miniball Central Spurs - No ga mes due to Under 19 Nationa l Cha mps Soccer No soccer due to Queens Birthday

NELSO N SCHOOLS CROSS CO UNTRY LEAGUE 2009 v Richmond Shooting Stars A series of 4 races held on Saturday v Stoke Comets afternoons

Se ction One DRAW FO R 10/06/09

Primary School boys and girls - 1km

Venue/T ime

T eam 1

T eam 2


Nayland T actix

v Nayland Mini Ferns

Intermediate (Yr.7/8) boys and girls 2km

St Joseph's Monkies

v Mapua & Districts Minie Mighties

Brightwater Rock Stars

v Nelson Central School Magics


Ct12 3:45pm.

College boys and girls - 3km Race 3 :

Ct8 Ct9

4:25pm. 4:25pm.

Enner Glynn All Stars

v Richmond Ferns

Se ction Three DRAW FO R 10/06/09 Venue/T ime

T eam 1

T eam 2



Nelson Central School Stars v Richmond Shooting



Birchwood Stars

v T ahunanui Keas



Henley Diamonds

v Stoke Comets



Wakefield Primary Force

v Hope Hurricanes

Saturday 6th June , Saxton Field

Race 4 :

Saturday 13th June , (venue to be confirme d) All races start at 3pm. Registration not required. No entry fee. No limit on numbers from each school. Trophies awarded for all grades. For more details phone Dave on 547 1699 or email [email protected]

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