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TE RM 2 24th June 200 9

Nelson Central School We e kl y N e ws l e tt e r

Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa te whanau whanui o te Kura Tuatahi o Whakatu – Greetings to friends and family of Nelson Central School. What is Matariki? Matariki is a small but distinctive star cluster also known as Pleiades or the Seven Sisters, whose appearance in the tail of the Milky Way in the north eastern pre-dawn sky in late May, early June marks the start of a new phase of life.

Minister of Education’s ideas for National Standards which all schools will be required to work to. You have until 3rd July to present your ideas on the proposal. If you are interested in doing so you should start with the Ministry website at: http://www.minedu.govt.nz/theMinistry/Consultation/ NationalStandards.aspx

Influenz a update “There is no need for alarm, but there is a need to prepare to manage this influenz a in the community” (MOH Media release 22.6.09). We are following the ‘business as usual’ MOH advice for workplaces: • Staff should stay home only if they have flu-like symptoms or if they have received medical advice to stay home. • Protect yourself and others • Signs and symptoms of influenza include fever, cough, sore throat, stuffy nose, body aches, headaches, chills and fatigue. Some people also experience diarrhoea and vomiting. About Matariki • Try to avoid contact with sick people and reduce In ancient times Matariki arrived at the end of the harvest time spent in crowded settings. and was therefore a time of plenty for our ancestors. • Sick people should stay home until they are well, Matariki was important in establishing the correct time to rather than going to school or work. plant crops. • Hand hygiene is still the single most effective measure in protecting yourself. Various Māori tribes celebrated Matariki at different times. • If you become sick, stay home for seven days after Some held festivities when Matariki was first seen in the your symptoms begin or until you have been dawn sky; others celebrated after the full moon rose or at symptom-free for 24 hours, whichever is longer. the beginning of the next new moon. This is to keep you from infecting others. Most people will be able to safely recover at home. Matariki was a relatively inactive period of the year. T his • You should seek medical advice if necessary (by allowed time for study and learning. For some iwi, the phone first), for example if you have a serious stars form the first house of learning - a whare wananga in underlying health condition or your condition the sky. worsens. • If you need medical advice, please phone Healthline A re naissance 0800 611 116 in the first instance, or your GP. Do In recent years awareness of the Maori language and the not turn up at a hospital or medical centre before wider cultural traditions of Maori has greatly increased doing this as you can spread germs to other people. among New Zealanders. The renaissance of this ancient • If you are caring for someone with flu, watch for Maori celebration and its traditions is a chance for all New signs that they may need further medical attention, Zealanders to remind ourselves of the very special place including: shortness of breath, chest pain, blueness we occupy in the world. around the lips, inability to keep fluids down, becoming less alert or light headedness. National Standards Ministry of Education staff are conducting a series of consultation meetings around New Zealand to present the Te rm Eve nts 24 June - Matariki 3 July - Te rm 2 closes 3 pm Our weekly newslett er is kindly 20 July - T erm 3 starts sponsored by 22 July - R2 and R7 ski trip T HE DOC U M EN T COM P A N Y 30 July - 1 and R8 ski trip Matariki literally means the ‘eyes of god’ (mata ariki) or ‘little eyes’ (mata riki). Some say that when Ranginui, the sky father, and Papatūānuku, the earth mother were separated by their offspring, the god of the winds, T āwhirimātea, became angry, tearing out his eyes and hurling them into the heavens. Others say Matariki is the mother surrounded by her six daughters, T upu-ā-nuku, T upu-ā-rangi, Waitī, Waitā, Waipuna-ā-rangi and Ururangi. One account explains that Matariki and her daughters appear to assist the sun, T e Rā, whose winter journey from the north has left him weakened.

7 0 N i l e S t r e et, N el s o n Principal: [email protected]


Pho ne 03 548 497 2


F ax 03 548 4483 -

Secretary: secretary@nelsonc entral.school.nz

E m a i l s t a f f @ n el s o n c e n tr a l . s c h o o l . n z

BOT Chairman: Geoff Clark 545 8010

Website: www.nelsoncentral.school.nz

19-23 October - Room 1 camp at Marahau SCHOOL COMMUNITY GROUP 20-21 October - Rooms 3 and 6 camp at T eapot Valley Next Meeting Thursday 25th June 20-21 October - Rooms 5 and 14 camp at Teapot Valley. at 7.00pm in the Staff Room. Nelson Central Achie vers Everyone welcome! 1. Hayden Waller (R5) for writing a great recount 2. Joel Isaac Montauban (R12) for an awesome story 3. Sam (R11) for a fabulous story Cre8 Drama Classes 4 – 18 years; 4. Maia Spiers (R5) a fantastic retelling of Aramunga RETURNS after a very successful 1st term. 5. Luke Meehan, Baimon Kassama, Louie Hampton, Congratulations to those studen ts who performed Aimee Hobbs (R3) T op quality handwriting a fabulous show this term. You have worked very 6. Louis Hampton, Paige Cotton, Baimon Kassamqa. Aiden T imony, Jenna Stallard, Ben Adlington hard. Well done. Meeting their goals If you want your child to gain confidence, build 7. Alexis Arthur (Ren 3) for fantastic story writing self esteem, concentra tion and have fun. Enroll 8. Dre Stevens (Ren 3) for an amazing story. them in for next terms drama classes. Call/tex t 9. Jack Dickie (R11) for awesome work 10. Hazel Rae, Hannah Montauban, Joseph Robertson Nikkie on : 0273 46 88 92/5486674 (R5) for lovely winter poems. Mad Scientist Club ! 11. Ruby Burr (R11) for wonderful maths After School FUN Science Congratulations and well done. Experiments Linked to NZ Curriculum Dr Paul Potaka Small Group- 8 weeks - $100 PRINCIPAL Mondays 3:30-4:30 pm Board of Trustees Call Sterling 545-6263 I hope to do this at Central school, but if not I have a space at Founders Park After a number of years (and terms) as a Trustee for Nelson Central School The Giggling Pony David Gray has resigned from the Horse & pony riding programmes Board at our last meeting. David, a Supervi si on and tui ti on by New Zealand civil engineer and project manager, has been a quali fi ed and regi stered teachers tremendous asset to the Board particularly around All levels of experi ence catered for managing the building maintenance progra mme and Pi ck up/ drop off servi ce avai lable: Nelson, renovations for the school. The Board considered the Ri chmond, Bri ghtw ater and Wakefi eld. vacancy created by David's resignation taking into Cost per chi ld: account Board of Trustee elections being held in $40 per half-day (w eekends only- 3 hours) March 2010 and whether to hold a by-election. As a $25 i ndi vi dual tui ti on (1 hour) $7 pi ck-up (mi nimum 3 chi ldren) result the Board resolved to fill the vacancy by $50 Full day programmes (avai lable duri ng school selecting Vanessa Anderson. Vanessa and husband holi days- 5 hours) Andy have lived in Nelson for about seven and a half Phone Kirsten or Gordon : 541 9145 years, have two children (Lochie and Aulay) at school with one more to start in the near future. Vanessa is Social Skills currently taking a sabbatica l break after an extensive experience both in New Zealand and overseas as a How do We React to Conflict? project manager working in design and construction. Last week we discussed the Teddy bear Woollaston Estates winery is an excellent example of Vanessa's work locally. Music is also a passion for approach to conflict. Vanessa.

This week it is -

As is required the Board has publically advised our intentions in the Ne lson Mail to select a replace ment Trustee rather than hold a by-election. If however, ten percent or more of the eligible voters on the school roll ask the Board, within 28 days of this notice being published, to hold a by-election to fill the vacancy, then a by-election will be held. Any eligible voter who wishes to ask the Board to hold a byelection should write to me c/- Ne lson Central School. Geoff Clark Chairperson - Board of Trustees

The Shark (Aggressive, control, win-lose)

• Set out to prove the other person wrong. • Refuse to take NO for an answer • Shout them down • Outsmart them • Lay down the law

Hello I’m Sharon Patterson, I a m a school parent and an art student at NMIT. This term I have been busy with a project called “Urban Interventions”. It’s about creating art inspired by or in a public space and I chose Ne lson Central School as my site; with kind permission from Dr Potaka. I started with photos taken after school hours as my source materia l. These ma de me realise that a school is a different place without children. Without the dyna mic energy of kids the space is quiet and still and t o me it felt lifeless. This prompted me to find ways to capture the feel of Central School in its active state and work out how best to visually express this within the school. It was important for these ideas to work in harmony with the visual ele ments already present in the school environment. My final works are following two ideas, one using cartoon style acorns and the other with silhouettes of children. Last Wednesday we had fun photographing Room 15’s dancing shadows using a light, curtain, camera and music. A big thankyou to Whāea Trina and her wonderful students, the images are choice! The digital files I have made may be used around the school, in newsletters or on the school website. Keep an eye out for them, I a m hoping they will promote a sense of fun, energy and the spirit of Aim High – Ki Runga Rawa. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A SPORTS HOLIDAY PROGRAMME FOR YOUR CHILDREN??? Check out the SAXTON SPORTS HOLIDAY PROGRAMME 13th to 17th July 2009. 8.30am--3.30pm Saxton Field For ages 8-12yrs p hone 0800 Saxton/0800 729866 to order a registra tion form or for more information. Information also available on www.nelsonsuburbs.co.nz. Sam Fu-Allen ca me 3rd overall in the Blenheim gy m competition at the weekend. He got first in the vault and pommel. We ll done Sa m!

WEEKLY SPORTS RESULTS Week ended 21st June Netball Central Sting v Clifton Terrace. Clifton Tce won 10-7. Player of the day: Juliette Perkins. Central Magics v Nayland. Nayland won 7-0. Player of the day: Mai Plank. Central Stars v Mapua. Mapua won 4-0. Player of the day: Oonagh Graham Miniball Central Spurs v St Joes Wildcats. Spurs won 32-22. Player of the day: Max Hickling. Ronan Owen and Kyle Clark also impressive games.

This reversed the only loss of the season when E.G. won by 10 points. Both teams progressing really well. Keep up the good work. Soccer Nelson City Stars v Wakefield Wild Dogs. Nil all draw. Goals scored by: Player of the game: Patrick Lorandi. Most Improved Player: Callum Wilkie. City Geckos v Suburbs. Geckos lost 3-6. Goals scored by: Lachlan McNae, Arlo van Heldon 2, Player of the day: Arlo van Heldon. Nelson City Green v City Blue. Green won 2-0. Goals scored by: Ben Parker, Jamie (another school). Player of the day: Ella Dickson.

Central Slam v Enner Glynn Short Blacks. Slam won 3820. City Rockets v Motueka Phoenix. Motueka won 3-2. Player of the day: Ben Ripley. Goals scored by: Ben Adlington. Player of the day: Grace Malcolm.

Nelson Central School Rippa Rugby Tournament We recently sent 2 year 5/6 teams to the annual Nelson Rippa Rugby Tournament held at Trafalgar Park. The conditions w ere perfect and the games w ere exciting. Both teams played against Clifton Terrace, Hampden Street, Auckland Point, and Victory. The teams w ere placed 3rd and 6th and played w ell. The players w ere as follow s: Nic Clar k Keegan Phipps Felix Murray Jackson Scott Lachlan McNae Brady Machen Devon Blackbourn Jamie Kattenberg Max Shallcrass Brittany Hemi Joey Vining Ella Middleton

Kyle Clark Elliot Cina Jackson Bagnall Liam Tagarov Hamish Grant- Eggers Karama Bennett Neihana Broughton Max Hickling Thomas Morrisey Evie Walker Paige Byers Nelson Netball Year 4/5 draw

Section One DRAW FOR 01/07/09


Team 1

Team 2

Ct9 4:25pm.

Richmond Ferns

v Nelson Central School M agics

Section Three DRAW FOR 01/07/09


Team 1

Team 2

Ct10 4:25pm.

Richmond Shooting Stars

v Nelson Central School Stars


3 JULY 2009










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