3pm Special Minutes

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SPECIAL MEETING OF TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Monday, April 6, 2009 at 3:00 p.m. Fraser River Presentation Theatre th 4 Floor, 20338 – 65 Avenue, Langley, BC

MINUTES Present: Mayor Green Councillors J. Bateman, S. Ferguson, C. Fox, M. Kositsky, B. Long, K. Richter and G. Ward M. Bakken, P. Catlin, C. Corfe, D. Leavers, R. Seifi, H. Tsikayi, J. Winslade and C. Wright S. Palmer BUDGET PUBLIC INPUT The Public is invited to provide feedback and comments regarding: 2009 Combined General Property Tax Increase of 5% 2009 Combined Utility Rate will reflect the actual cost of service 2009 to 2013 Combined General Property Tax increases of 5.0% per year 2009 to 2013 Combined Utility Rate increases will reflect the actual cost of service There were no submissions from the public relative to the budget. A.


Special Council Meeting – March 23, 2009 Moved by Councillor Bateman, Seconded by Councillor Fox, That Council adopt the Minutes of the Special Council Meeting held March 23, 2009. CARRIED


Special Meeting of Council for Budget Purposes – March 24, 2009 Moved by Councillor Bateman, Seconded by Councillor Fox, That Council adopt the Minutes of the Special Meeting of Council for Budget Purposes held March 24, 2009. CARRIED

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APPROVAL OF DELEGATION REQUESTS TO APPEAR BEFORE COUNCIL Moved by Councillor Long, Seconded by Councillor Bateman, That Council approve the following Delegation Requests, and That speakers Nos. 6 through 10 be heard at the end of the Regular Council meeting in accordance with the Township of Langley Procedure Bylaw 1997 No. 3694. 4:00 p.m. 1.

Ken Donohue BC Transplant File 0550-07 Request by Ken Donohue, BC Transplant, to appear before Council to discuss the 2009 Langley Organ Donor Awareness Campaign April 19 – 26. 7:00 p.m.


Emese Szucs File 0550-07 Request by Emese Szucs, to appear before Council to discuss Access Awareness Day 2009.


Lucy Baratta File 0550-07 Request by Lucy Baratta, to appear before Council to discuss the Jericho Sub-Neighbourhood Plan, request to be included in the plan and to change land use designation.


Jasmir Walia File 0550-07 Request by Jasmir Walia, to appear before Council to discuss the Jericho Sub-Neighbourhood Plan, request to change land use designation and be included in the neighbourhood plan.


Murray Wood File 0550-07 Request by Murray Wood, to appear before Council to discuss the request of 7 properties on 199 Street to be included in the Jericho Sub-Neighbourhood Plan.


Anthony Nikl File 0550-07 Request by Anthony Nikl, to appear before Council to discuss re-designation of property directly west of 199 Street to be included in the Jericho Community Plan.

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Arminder Sahota File 0550-07 Request by Arminder Sahota, to appear before Council to discuss inclusion of properties on the northeast corner of the 202A Street and 80 Avenue block in the Jericho Sub-Neighbourhood Development Plan.


Don Bassani File 0550-07 Request by Don Bassani, to appear before Council to discuss the Jericho Sub-Neighbourhood Plan.


Gary Pooni - WITHDRAWN File 0550-07 The request by Gary Pooni, to appear before Council to discuss the Jericho SubNeighbourhood Plan was WITHDRAWN.


Eric Bysouth File 0550-07 Request by Eric Bysouth to appear before Council to discuss the Mufford/ Highway 10/64 Avenue overpass and road.


Jacob Arle De Raadt File 0550-07 Request by Jacob Arle De Raadt to appear before Council to discuss Langley Tram Power and Light Bylaw No. 1906.

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MOTION TO RESOLVE INTO SPECIAL CLOSED MEETING Moved by Councillor Bateman, Seconded by Councillor Fox, That Council now resolve into a Special Closed Meeting according to Section 90 of the Community Charter for discussion of the following items identified under Section 90: Item D.1. - Section 90(1) (a) Personnel; Item E.1. - Section 90(1) (g) Litigation; Item E.2. - Section 90(1) (k) Negotiations, 90(2) (b) Inter-Governmental Relations; and Item G.1. - Section 90(1) (k) Negotiations.

AMENDMENT Moved by Councillor Fox, Seconded by Councillor Bateman, That the Agenda be amended by adding the following, thereto: Section G.2. – Section 90(1) (g) Litigation CARRIED MAIN MOTION, AS AMENDED The question was called on the Main Motion, as amended, and it was CARRIED MEETING RECESSED The meeting recessed at 3:03 p.m. MEETING RECONVENED The meeting reconvened at 4:00 p.m. B.


Lisa Despins and Allison Colina BC Transplant File 0550-07 Lisa Despins and Allison Colina, BC Transplant, appeared before Council to discuss the 2009 Langley Organ Donor Awareness Campaign April 19 – 26. She provided a brief history of the formation of the BC Transplant organization and noted that in 2008, a total of 266 transplants were made, a 42% increased in deceased donations. She noted that 300 people are currently waiting for a transplant in BC, thousands more are on dialysis, and that there is a critical shortage of organs available.

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DELEGATION Councillor Richter entered the meeting at 4:03 p.m. She urged the public to consider signing up to become a donor on their confidential online registry at www.transplant.bc.ca. Council was requested to support the upcoming Organ Donor Awareness Campaign. Councillor Kositsky entered the meeting at 4:08 p.m.



Rentable Value Appraisal of the Langley Regional Airport File 0550-10 George Miller, Langley Airport Manager, was in attendance and advised that a review is undertaken every 5-7 years and noted that the leases were increased from $0.085 cents to $0.12 cents per square foot in 2003. He continued that the annual Vancouver Price Index was applied to all leases and that tenants were fully aware of the annual increase at the Langley airport. Dave Kirk, Cunningham & Rivard Appraisals was in attendance and provided a presentation regarding Rentable Value Appraisal of the Langley Regional Airport. He noted that the airport and aviation industry has established its own market rate level, no longer influenced by other types of land. He continued that Langley Airport has a competitive edge in that it can service smaller aviation industries at a rate of approximately $0.28 per square foot. He reiterated that Langley is well positioned to capitalize on growth of non-fixed wing aviation industries, noting that a 10% jump in current rates would allow tenants to secure longer term financing and opens up the capital market. Councillor Richter left the meeting at 4:12 p.m. and rejoined the meeting at 4:14 p.m. Councillor Ferguson entered the meeting at 4:17 p.m.



Mowing Maintenance Contract Award 2009 – 2011 Report 09-40 File RCP 2320-20 Report 09-40 Contract for 2009 – 2011 Mowing Maintenance RFQ #PRE 09-302 to Newlands Landscaping was withdrawn.


Aldergrove Core Planning Program and Aldergrove Planning Committee – Terms of Reference Report 09-49 File CD 6540-20 Moved by Councillor Long,

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REPORTS TO COUNCIL Seconded by Councillor Fox, That Council receive the report entitled “Aldergrove Core Planning Program and Aldergrove Planning Committee – Terms of Reference”, for information; That Council endorse the Terms of Reference for the Aldergrove Planning Committee; and further That Council authorize staff to proceed with the establishment of the Aldergrove Planning Committee as presented in this report. AMENDMENT Moved by Mayor Green, Seconded by Councillor Bateman, That the Terms of Reference be amended by increasing resident and business owner membership levels from 3 to 4 respectively. CARRIED Councillor Long and Ward opposed AMENDMENT Moved by Councillor Fox, Seconded by Councillor Bateman, That Section 4.2 Non-Voting members be amended by inserting the following: “That Council shall appoint a minimum of two members of Council as non-voting members of the committee.” CARRIED Councillor Richter opposed The question was called on the Main Motion, as amended, and it was CARRIED 3.

Langley Regional Airport – Lot 10 Lease Agreement Report 09-41 File CORPADM 8400-01 Moved by Councillor Fox, Seconded by Councillor Ward, That Council give approval to the surrender of lease on Lot 10 effective June 15, 2009 held by Tundra Helicopters Ltd. due to the sale of its office building and hangar on the property to Can West Component Services Inc.; and further That Council give approval to enter into a new lease agreement on Lot 10 effective June 15, 2009 with Can West Component Services Inc. for a term of twenty (20) years, with a five (5) year option to renew, for the purpose of establishing a business for helicopter component repair and overhaul and a separate business for avionics installation and engineering. CARRIED Councillor Richter opposed

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Update On North Nicomekl Trunk Sewer Report 09-44 File ENG 5330-24-18 Moved by Councillor Batman, Seconded by Councillor Ferguson, That Council receive the report Update on North Nicomekl Trunk Sewer; That Council grant staff the authority to enter into an agreement with Metro Vancouver, titled the Services Agreement (“the Agreement”), on behalf of the Township of Langley, subject to such modifications as may be deemed necessary by legal counsel; and further That Council authorize staff to direct the Consultant to proceed with detailed design and engineering construction services. CARRIED


Regional Growth Strategy “Metro Vancouver 2040 – Shaping our Future” Report 09-50 File CD 6540-03 Moved by Councillor Bateman, Seconded by Councillor Ward, That Council receive the report on the Regional Growth Strategy, “Metro Vancouver 2040 – Shaping Our Future” (Draft – February 2009) for information; and That Council endorse the list of key issues and recommendations to Metro Vancouver’s February 2009 Draft of the Regional Growth Strategy, as outlined in Attachments B to this report; and further That Council authorize staff to communicate these key issues and recommendations to Metro Vancouver for incorporation in their upcoming public consultation process. AMENDMENT Moved by Councillor Ferguson, Seconded by Councillor Fox, That these concerns as contained in the report be expressed as preliminary concerns, and That Council advise Metro Vancouver that a workshop will be held by Council to formalize additional concerns and to clarify existing issues. CARRIED AMENDMENT Moved by Councillor Bateman, Seconded by Councillor Fox, That the GVRD Livability Accord communities discuss the implications of the revised

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REPORTS TO COUNCIL strategy. CARRIED The question was called on the Main Motion, as amended, and it was CARRIED


CORRESPONDENCE Moved by Councillor Ward, Seconded by Councillor Bateman, That Council receive for information the Correspondence items as presented. CARRIED


South Fraser Family Court & Youth Justice Committee (SFFC & YJ) File 0540-20 Letter received from Jane Sowik, City Clerk, City of Surrey regarding a motion of the SFFC & YJ Committee to exclude Councillors on the committee from voting and to act as liaison members.


Prevention of Violence Against Women Week File 0630-01 Letter received from Dave Blair, We Can BC, requesting the third week of April 2009 be proclaimed as Prevention of Violence Against Women Week.


Access Awareness Day File 0630-01 Letters received from Nancy Henderson, Executive Director, SPARC BC and Robert Hobson, President, UBCM requesting June 6, 2009 be proclaimed as Access Awareness Day.









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Greater Vancouver Home Builders Association Moved by Councillor Bateman, Seconded by Councillor Fox, Whereas the Greater Vancouver Home Builders Association submitted a letter regarding DCC increases at the March 23, 2009 Special Council meeting; Therefore be it resolved that the letter from the Greater Vancouver Home Builders Association be referred to staff, and further Be it resolved that staff consider, as part of their next scheduled review of the Township’s DCC bylaws, whether a zoned community approach to levying DCCs may be appropriate going forward. CARRIED Mayor Green and Councillor Long opposed


Council Advisory Committee Establishment Bylaw 2008 No. 4700 Proposed Text Amendment Moved by Councillor Kositsky, Seconded by Councillor Long, That staff bring forward a text amendment by deleting Section 4.1.1. of the Council Advisory Committee Establishment Bylaw 2008 No. 4700 and inserting the following: 4.1.1. Council shall appoint a maximum number of fourteen (14) voting members per Advisory Committee, which includes up to two (2) youths who are serving on the Youth Advisory Committee. CARRIED

April 6, 2009 Special Council Meeting Minutes N.

TERMINATE Moved by Councillor Kositsky, Seconded by Councillor Bateman, That the meeting terminate at 5:31 p.m. CARRIED CERTIFIED CORRECT:


Deputy Township Clerk

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