304 Choiceboard

  • June 2020
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Unit 11.5: 1920s Choiceboard Directions: Select three activities from the choiceboard to complete throughout this unit. All activities will be graded out of 10 points for content (4pts.), organization (4pts.), and effective use of materials (e.g., technology, the textbook, props. 2pts.). Webquest: Select a Khan Anticipation Guide (2 Mini-lesson Presentation: Academy lesson pertaining to parts): Part 1 must be Select a topic from the unit this unit on the 1920s. Find submitted during the first and create an informative and describe 10 facts or week of the unit! Part 2 may Prezi, PowerPoint, or Google figures from the lesson that be turned in during the last Slides presentation. You must seem important to you. week. make use of at least 1 outside Alternatively, write a 1.) Write about your source (i.e., not from the summary based on the assumptions or questions textbook) that will add new information you read. regarding US history during information to the topic that the 1920s, or what you expect we did not learn in class. to learn from this unit. Presentations should be 2.) Compare what you’ve between 3-5 minutes. You learned to what you may work with a partner or anticipated in Part 1. Write a group—at least 1 external response. Were all of your source will still be required questions answered/did you per person and time will be have to revise your adjusted accordingly. assumptions? Freewrite: Write a paragraph Double-entry Journal: Mind Map: Create a digital about something pertaining to Select at least 8 quotes or Mind Map using Mindmeister the unit. It could be a passages from the text to that represents key ideas from summary of what you’ve respond to, paraphrase, or the entire unit or a single learned, something that summarize. lesson/topic. Your maps interested you, a reflection, should have at least 3 how this unit changed your subtopics, and each subtopic understanding of US history should have 3 captions. in the 1920s, etc. Digital Collage: Use Padlet Vocabulary Guide: Select Skit: With 3 or 4 classmates, to make a digital collage that 15 words from the readings create a skit that represents represents the content of this that are difficult for you or one of the topics or themes unit. You may include items that represent key topics in from the unit. Skits should be such as photos, videos, music, this unit. Make a three between 3-5 minutes. You etc. Each collage should have column vocab guide should use at least 1 of the at least 10 items. including the definition, a following to liven up your picture/drawing to help you skit: props, costumes, remember, and an example of PowerPoint backgrounds, the word in context. music, etc.

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