3-month Survey - Medlog.docx

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  • October 2019
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More details

  • Words: 527
  • Pages: 3
3-Month Survey Certification in Humanitarian Medical Logistics Practices (MedLog) As part of an on-going review of the Fritz Institute / CILT (UK) Certification Programme, we would greatly appreciate it if you would take a few minutes to give us some feedback on your experience. The information will be used to support the ongoing development of the Programme. Thank you! Name (Optional): Permanent E-mail (Optional): Country of Origin: Current Duty Station: Course Fees: Organization: Job Title: Description of current responsibilities: Years of experience and background in humanitarian medical logistics:



Overall, did the course meet expectations? Please describe.



Comments / Examples


Have you changed jobs or your role within your organization since starting the programme? Please describe. Do you feel that the programme contributed to that change? Please describe. Did you get support from your supervisor (or other colleagues) during the programme? Please describe. Has your organization recognized your participation in / completion of the course in any way? Please describe. Do you feel more confident in your work as a result of the course? Please describe. Do you think your performance has improved as a result of the course? Please describe. Would you recommend/have recommended the course to others?


For information on other Humanitarian Certification courses, please e-mail [email protected].

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Comments / Examples

Did the course provide you with a better understanding of the overall supply chain / function of logistics? How so? Which parts of the course were most relevant? Why? Least relevant? Why? Can you give examples of improvements that you made in your work as a result of what you learned on the course? In procurement? In storage? In transport? In disposal? Has the course helped you in your interaction with other units? How? (ex. Programme, General Logistics, Management, Reporting) The course is designed to take 75 guided learning hours in total. How long did it take you per task? Per unit? In total? Was the amount of time provided appropriate?

On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the highest), how would you rate: Question


Comments / Examples

Content of the course: Case study Learning materials Tasks UNIT 1 – Humanitarian Medical Supply Chains UNIT 2 – Procurement UNIT 3 – Storage UNIT 4 – Transport UNIT 5 – Disposal Report for Independent Assessment (IA is completed by CILT(UK) – please comment on:

1. 2.

Speed of response from CILT(UK) Feedback given by the CILT(UK) Assessor)

Overall administration of the course: Convenience / flexibility Responsiveness Clarity in communications Overall coaching: Knowledge of humanitarian medical logistics Clarity of answers and direction Responsiveness

For information on other Humanitarian Certification courses, please e-mail [email protected].

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Comments / Examples

Engagement (meaningful reaction between yourself and the organisations below) With Sponsoring Body (Fritz Institute) With Awarding Organisation (CILT(UK)) With Delivery Partner (LLA)



Please can you give an example of how completing this course has helped yourself, your organisation and/or your beneficiaries Is there anything we can do to improve the course / experience? Any other comments?

For information on other Humanitarian Certification courses, please e-mail [email protected].

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