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TE RM 3 2nd Se pte m ber 20 09

Nelson Central School We e kl y N e ws l e tt e r

Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa te whanau whanui o te Kura Tuatahi o Whakatu – Greetings to friends and family of Nelson Central School. Self re vie w e -learning I have printed below a summary of our self review into eLearning in our school. The evaluative question we posed was: How effective has teacher PD in eLearning been in enhancing student learning and achievement?

Word for planning, email and blogs for gathering teaching ideas. Educational websites and You T ube/T eacher T ube video websites are also used to support their teaching. In addition, 4 teachers are trialling and implementing use of the Interactive Whiteboard in their classrooms.

Students at Nelson Central School are being exposed and having their learning supported by use of a wide range of eLearning tools. These include the use of blogs for Note: eLearning is identified as “ learning and teaching that communicating learning, educational games in literacy and is facilitated and supported through the smart use of numeracy for revision and extension of classroom information and communication technologies” (Enabling programmes plus the use of tools such as the digital camera, the 21 st Century Learner: An eLearning Action Plan for Kidpix/T ux paint computer drawing software and Schools 2006 – 2010, Ministry of Education) Inspiration mind mapping software to enhance their knowledge and understanding of current learning The particular question being reported on here is: How are programmes. Use of the Internet to research is also teachers using eLearning to implement the curriculum? supporting Inquiry learning, especially at years 3-6. We collected information in this area from a range of T eachers’ performance management schedules for appraisal sources. T eacher weekly planning and documentation of purposes also detail and report back on the teacher’s use of units of learning were examined. We also conducted an eLearning to support and enhance learning opportunities for eLearning survey of all teaching staff in June 2009. students. Each class at Nelson Central School is allocated an The ICT Cluster Milestone Reports show eLearning “ is eLearning time where they can use the computer suite or becoming an integral part of teaching and learning at Nelson pods of laptops in Room 4. T eachers are also able to use Central.” the Google Calendar to book additional equipment such as the Mac, PC computer pods and the alphasmart (typing) Senior staff work load tools throughout the week for their classes. From now until the end of the year senior staff will be very busy carrying out their leadership and curriculum T eachers link their classroom learning programmes and responsibilities. That will include ensuring all use eLearning to support these across the curriculum. T his documentation is up to date, assessments are carried out, is seen strongly in Inquiry learning and in literacy and children’s reports written and all records updated. Their numeracy programmes of learning in many classes. work will require them to be out of their classrooms from T eachers have reported that student use and skills in time to time. We are fortunate that we have some very good eLearning has improved. T he year 0/1 students are relievers to call on at times like this and disruptions to achieving beyond expectation of basic skills set in learning will be kept to a minimum. planning. Student independence in using eLearning Dr Paul Potaka programmes to enhance and further their knowledge and PRINCIPAL understanding have increased. Students are becoming more familiar with eLearning vocabulary. Some students have Nelson Central School Achie vers also improved their digital photography skills and are most Rosa C (R11) for writing three super sentences are able to use and access online maths and literacy games Liam T (R8) for asking good human rights questions to support classroom learning. Student skills in reading, Maya S, Hannah M, Zoe F, Hattie F, Jonti W, Callum M, orientating around, posting and commenting on class/ Hazel R, Madison S (R5) for super work on NCS values individual blogs are an area of growing independence school-wide. Spe cial Awards T eachers at Nelson Central School are using a wide range Hamish M for a Silver Award at the Nelson Schools Science of eLearning tools to strengthen and support their teaching Fair. and classroom learning programmes. These include use of TRASH AND TREASURE SALE the data projector, Google searching, use of Microsoft Friday 4th September, 12.45pm Our weekly newslett er is kindly Bring along your coins for a bargain: toys, books sponsored by – food, games and lo ts more. T HE DOC U M EN T COM P A N Y Fundraising for Kahikatea Camps. 7 0 N i l e S t r e et, N el s o n Principal: [email protected]

Pho ne 03 548 4972

Secretary: secretary@nelsonc entral.school.nz

F ax 03 548 4483 –

E m a i l s t a f f @ n e l s o n c e n tr a l . s c h o o l . n z

BOT Chairman: Geoff Clark 545 8010

Website: www.nelsoncentral.school.nz

Sorry everyone - Because of a lack of space this week, Weekly Sports Results will appear in next week’s newsletter. Nelson Schools Science Fair Recently many studen ts and classes participated in this years Science Fair. There were lots of wonderful projects and pictured are those studen ts who received awards (missing from the pho to is Joey - Rm 2). Well done everyone for your superb effort and hard work. Person / Class


Aw ard


Whole Class (Rm 13)

Cleo Woodall

3rd Place Whole Class Award

Rohan O Nic C

Viv Leachman Derek Mcleod

Judges Highly Commended Award Vitamin C Judges Highly Commended Award Safe or Sorry

Max H

Derek Mcleod

Judges Highly Commended Award Safe or Sorry

Sam F

Derek Mcleod

Judges Highly Commended Award Acids and Anti-acids

William W

Derek Mcleod

Judges Highly Commended Award Free Fuel for Fire

Whole Class (Rm 5)

Viv Leachman

Judges Highly Commended Award Snuggle Down

Hamish M

Derek Mcleod

Science Silver Standard Award

Fast Burning

Lachlan M

Rick Manhart

Participation certificate

Mind Find

Ben W

Rick Manhart

Participation certificate

Mind Find

Ben R

Rick Manhart Derek Mcleod

Participation certificate

Mind Find

Participation certificate

Rotten Apples

Joey V Callum W

Derek Mcleod

Participation certificate

Rotten Apples

Derek Mcleod

Participation certificate

Cooking with the Sun

Juliette P

Rick Manhart

Participation certificate

Our Warm Furry Friends

Isabelle E

This week the NCS Blog of the Week Award goes to RENWICK 3! Renwick 3 certainly did have wacky hair to celebrate Daffodil Day and raise money for the Cancer Society last week. You can see photos of how super they looked on their blog! While there you can also see what Renwick 3 have been doing in music. They have been learning to keep in time to the beat and have photos of them playing their air guitars to the beat of the music! Well done Renwick 3. So great to see so many photos of you getting involved and enjoying your learning! You can view Renwick 3's blog and see their super wacky hair and photos from their music lesson by going to the school website and clicking on "Classrooms" then on "Renwick 3".

Surface Matters

Reminder** 7th September ** PARENTS Haven Counselling Services will be presenting an evening discussing the development of strategies and skills when dealing with children’s anger. This will be held 7pm – 8.30. in the school library.

Featuring our own Rosa (Rm 15) and Claire (Rm 8) !

Whacky Hair Day The S tuden t Council would like to thank everybody for their kind donations to the New Zealand Cancer Society. A lot of people will benefit from your help. The coin trail raised nearly $450 and Zoe and Theo raised about $270. You all looked great with your Whacky Hair. Well Done Central and Thanks.

⇐ Here is Room 11 placing their coins on the wacky hair coin trail.

Social Skills Term 3: 2009 Weeks 6 and 7 For the next two weeks we will focus on :

“Being in the Right Place” Watties Volunteer Coach of the Year Nominations close 4th September (this Friday) Nominations can still be made online at http://volunteercoach.watties.co.nz

Winte r Sports Tournament 2009 Unfortunately due to weather worries the annual winter sports tournament with the town cluster of primary schools was cancelled. The tournament is played between Central, Victory Square, St Josephs, Auckland Point, Hira and Hampden St year 5/6 Pupils. Sports offered were hockey, netball, soccer, frisbee golf, miniball, rugby. T o soften the disappointment our year 5’6 children had their own mini sports tournament here at school prior to lunch. PLEAS E NO TE WE WILL BE SENDING HO ME A REFUND O F TH E $4 BUS FARE WITH YO UR CHILD THIS FRIDAY 4 TH SEP TEMB ER Nelson Netball – Saturday 5th Sept Draw , Year 6 Venue/

T eam 1

T eam 2


Nelson Central S ting v Appleby A

Nelson Arts Festival This fantastic event is coming up on 15th – 18th October. Once again we will be participating in the festival with small groups performing at Red Square. We have secured a limited number of tickets for two festival performances. These will be on sale next week on a first come first served basis. Our biggest involvement will be The Mask Parade. Friday 6th October. The overall parade the me is : One Earth Global Creative Spirit. Nelson Central The me is based on Bob Marley Song

One Love One Heart . Let’s get Together and Feel Alright. Classes have begun ma king masks and Tanya Nock is working with the choir and a Room 2 percussion group. Too get the best sound on the night we will need parental assistance. “Singers and guitarists please join us with the mask parade street performance coming up. We will be singing a chorus from a we ll know Bob Marley song and we would like to have 3 harmonies going as well as having enough musicians to dea l with the mass of the whole school. This is a community event and your child will love you being part of the fun. We will have a few short 10 minute rehearsals at the Arts centre 8.40a.m. 11th and 18th Sept and then a whole school practice just after 10 on Sept 25th....if you can't make the m all then we can chat about what's happening...we still need you.. There is a list by the office....please put your name if you can take part as e ither a guitarist, singer or bot h… “ Let's get together and feel alright ” ” - Tanya

Nelson Central School Sports Teams Nelson Central pupils have the opportunity to participate in sports teams throughout the school year. Notification of start dates are published in the school newsletter and on the sports notice board located in the hallway between rooms 2 and 3. To participate in school teams children are required to complete a registration form for each sport and pay the required registration fee. T his must be done in terms 1 & 4 for summer sport and term 2 for winter sport. All children are issued with a school sports uniform to play in. T hese must be returned to school at the end of each term. Management/coaching of school teams is unde rtaken by parents/caregive rs. Te rm 4 Sports Milo Have A Go Cricke t Coaching Programme: - 5-8 year olds. An 8 week programme to introduce children to cricket and the skill base needed to play the game. Some parental assistance required. Commences week of 19 th October. Registration packs will be given to all 5-8 year olds when they arrive at school. Parental assistance re quire d. Registrations and fees will nee d to be re turne d to the school office by Monday 21st Se ptembe r. Kiwi Cricke t – Year 1 and above . A follow on from The Milo Have a Go Cricket Coaching programme run by Nelson Cricket term 4. Children play a game where all bat, bowl, wicket keep and field. Games are played at Saxton Field, Stoke, Saturday commencing 9am 31st October and finishing Saturday 12 th December. Parental assistance re quire d. Registrations forms available from sports office notice board locate d be tween rooms 2 and 3. To be re turne d to the school office by Friday 16th O ctobe r. Incre diball – Year 3 and above. The next step after Kiwi Cricket. Children play with a harder ball and wooden cricket bat. Assists with the transition to hardball cricket. Games are played at Saxton Field, Stoke, Saturday commencing 9am31st October and finishing Saturday 12th December. Parental assistance re quire d Registrations forms available from sports office notice board locate d be tween rooms 2 and 3. To be re turne d to the school office by Friday 16th O ctobe r. Hardball Cricke t – The progression from Incrediball. Traditional cricket played on Saturdays. Games are 25 overs per innings. Games are played at various cricket venues. Central School home ground T he Botanics. Commences Saturday 18 th October. Competition and teams remain the same as term 1. Volleyball – Year 5/6children. Games are 30 minutes and are played at Nelson Girls College Gymnasium on T hursdays between 4 and 6 pm. Commencing date to be advised. $30 per player. Parental assistance re quire d Registrations forms available from sports office notice board locate d be tween rooms 2 and 3 when more information arrives. Mini Socce r – Year 1-6. 5 aside soccer played on a small field. No goalies no offside. Mixed teams Games are 30 minutes and are played at Saxton Field Stoke on T uesday between 5 and 6pm required. Starts T uesday 27th October. Cost: $5. Parental assistance re quire d. Registrations available from sports notice boards locate d in hallway be tween rooms 2 and 3. To be re turne d with fee to school office by 9am Friday 18 th Se ptembe r. Touch Rugby – Year 2 and above. 6 a side. Games are played at Tahunanui playing field on Fridays between 4pm and 5pm. Commences Friday 16 th October. Cost: $9. Parents re quire d to coach/re fe ree teams on the night. Registrations available from sports notice boards locate d in hallway be tween rooms 2 and 3. To be re turne d to the school office with fee by 9am Friday 11 th Se ptembe r. Softball – Year 4 – 6 children. Continuation of competition from term 1. Commencing date to be advise d. Teams remain the same as te rm 1. Any sporting enquiries please see Sheryll McKeage at the school office or contact by phone: 5484972 ext. 819, email: [email protected] NELSO N MINIBALL DRAW 11 SEPTEMB ER 2009








Maitahi Majors Marching We are a local marchi ng team, currently w i th 7 gi rls aged betw een 5 and 7 and are on the look out for some new marchers. Our marchi ng team i s all about learni ng, dressi ng up, trav elli ng, maki ng fri ends, di scoveri ng and enjoyi ng musi c i n a fun, low cost envi ronment. If you w ould li ke to come along and see w hat marchi ng i s all about w e w ould love to see you! Please contact Wendi (Manager) on 5466974 for more detai ls.

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