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TE RM 3 29th July 200 9

Nelson Central School We e kl y N e ws l e tt e r

• How do adults make sure children are safe? Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa te whanau whanui o te (Charlotte) Kura Tuatahi o Whakatu – Greetings to friends and • How many children in Africa die from no clean family of Nelson Central School. water? (Luke) • How many children in Cambodia suffer from no Alison Slee started the latest class of 5-year-old children in Renwick 1. We expect this might be the last class we start healthy food? (Luke) for the year. However, if you know of any prospective • Why are children getting stolen by people and enrolments in the community can you please ask them to getting put in the army; and why isn’t anyone contact us. It is important for planning purposes for us to stopping that? (Luke) know about them. Starting a new class involves appointing Congratulations for asking such good questions. We are staff, creating classroom space, reorganising timetables looking forward to the results of your inquiry. and a host of other minor details. All that takes time so the Dr Paul Potaka more notice we get the better for everyone. PRINCIPAL From the classroom Term Events As many of you will know all classrooms have been 30 July – 1 and R8 ski trip working on Inquiry Learning using the SAUCE model 4 August – ICAS English (check in your child’s classroom for details). A key feature 19 August – Board of Trustees meets of the model is that children should be able to ask a 19 August – ICAS Mathematics question that is capable of guiding a sound process of 16 Sept – Board of Trustees meets inquiry. Asking a good question is a lot harder than most 21–25 Sept – Education Review Office visit people realise; however, Room 3 have worked hard to do 25 Se pt – Te rm 3 ends that with their Inquiry Learning topic on Children’s Rights. 12 Octobe r – Te rm 4 be gins I have printed a selection of questions to show you the 19–23 October – Room 1 camp at Marahau good work children have been doing: 20–21 October – Rooms 3 and 6 camp at Teapot Valley • What do you think you should do if your rights 20–21 October – Rooms 5 and 14 camp at T eapot Valley aren’t being respected? (Lochie) School Te rms and holidays for 2010 • How many countries respect children’s rights? Feb 3 – T erm 1 starts (Lochie) April 1 – T erm 1 ends • What happens if governments take away children’s April 19 – T erm 2 starts rights? (Bianca) July 2 – T erm 2 ends • How does New Zealand take children’s rights July 19 – T erm 3 starts seriously? (Bianca) Sept 24 – T erm 3 ends • Why do children’s rights exist? (Bianca) Oct 11 – T erm 4 starts • Can new rights be added on? (Bianca) Dec 16 – T erm 4 ends • Do people that violate rights have rights? (Bianca) Official Holidays in 2010 • How did children come to have rights? (Ruby) New Years Day – 1 January • Who made the rights of children around the world? Day after New Years Day – 2 January (Baimon) Waitangi Day – 6 February (Saturday) • How are rights effected for children around the Good Friday – 2 April world? (Baimon) Easter Monday – 5 April • What children’s rights are most common? Day after Easter Monday – 6 April (T uesday) (Baimon) Anzac Day – 25 April (Sunday) • Are children’s rights different and if so, how are Queen's Birthday – 7 June (Monday) they different? (Grace) Labour Day – 25 October (Monday) • Why do some children not have homes and where Christmas Day – 25 December do they go? (Charlotte) Help Want ed • How do poor children get health care? (Charlotte) We are looking for v olunteers who have ov erloc kers and who c an assist with the repair of Our weekly newslett er is kindly hems on our sc hool sports shirts. Please see sponsored by – T HE DOC U M EN T COM P A N Y Shery ll in the sc hool office if y ou are able to offer y our assistance. 7 0 N i l e S t r e et, N el s o n Principal: [email protected]

Pho ne 03 548 4972

Secretary: secretary@nelsonc entral.school.nz

F ax 03 548 4483 –

E m a i l s t a f f @ n e l s o n c e n tr a l . s c h o o l . n z

BOT Chairman: Geoff Clark 545 8010

Website: www.nelsoncentral.school.nz

Social Skills

Push Play Families Centre of New Zealand / Walters Bluff ** REMINDER *** REMINDER **

No Put Downs

• Be positive • Think about others feelings. • Smile at people. • Listen to people. • Play and have fun with your friends.

• Say nice things. • Don’t use put downs. • Be responsible for your own behaviour.

We are looking for positive people!!!! Nelson College PREPARATORY SCHOOL PARENT FORUM Tuesday 11 August Nelson College Hall at 7pm We invite Parents and Sons of Year 5 boys (entry for 2011) to our Parent Forum Information Evening. We also extend our invitation to families w ho are interested in a placement for Year 7, 2010. Find out HOW ∗ Effective teaching focused on the needs of boys ∗ Catering for different learning styles ∗ Positive male role models ∗ Focus on literacy and numeracy ∗ A ratio of two students to one computer w ill m ake a difference to your son’s level of engagement in learning. For further information please contact the school secretary, Pauline Schur mann Ph: 5483099 or email: [email protected]



All Central School fami li es are i nvi ted to joi n us on a w alk up the Centre of New Zealand to Founders Par k vi a Walters Bluff. T he w alk i s approxi mately 1½ hours, wi th a get together for a coffee / i ce cream at Founders at the end. Thi s i s shorter than our previ ous w alks, great for those fami li es wi th smaller chi ldren. Meet at the Botani cs Sports fi eld at 10 o’ clock. If you requi re fur ther i nfo, phone Kathryn 5457009 Postponem ent date i f w et – 9th Augus t.

Conflict Resolution Skills Work on conflict resolution skills will be ongoing as part of our Human Rights and Social skills learning. The children are beginning to use the terms, turtle etc... when and if they are faced with conflict. Not all problems are easily solved but the children are slowly gaining the appropriate skills they need. . Thanks for supporting this at home. KELLY SPORTS We are currently running our “After School Program” which is every Thursday next term for 9 weeks starting 30th July to 24 Sep tember 2009 – {$80.00 or $75.00 early bird special, if paid by Friday 10th July 2009} . Our term will be developing the skill sets of: ♦ Large ball skills - Combination of all skills in fun game situations ♦ Running, agility & balance challenges to develop their personal skills. ♦ Obstacle course activities to challenge their development in other areas . For enrolling or queries contact [email protected] {5488609) or you can also download information, on our Kelly Sports website. www.kellysports.co.nz.

Top of the Sout h Gymnastic s Competition About 360 c ompetitors fro m around New Zealand descended on Trafalgar Centre during the sc hool holidays for three day s of c ompetition. Two of our pupils Paige (Rm 8) and Sam (Rm 2) competed. Paige rec orded a personal best sc ore on the beam for level 2 and Sam sc ored 9.05 for his somersault and was plac ed sixth overall in level four. Congratulations to y ou both. Each week we will be selecting a NCS Blog (like a website) to be our Blog of the Week. The blog will be showcased and celebra ted with our school community through this weekly section in our school newsletter. This week our Blog of the Week Award goes to ROOM 11! Check out their blog to read and see all the grea t things they did to celebrate 100 days of school last week. There is grea t p ho tos (including the children painting with their feet!) and even a video of a ukelele performance! Congratulations to Room 11 for their interesting blog! You can view the Room 11 blog by going to the school website and clicking on "Classrooms" then on "Room 11". http://www.nelsoncentral.school.nz

Nelson Netball – Saturday, Year 6 Section Three DRAW FOR 25/07/09 Venue/Time

Team 1

Team 2

Ct8 9:25am

Mahana Hotrods

v Nelson Central Sting

Section Three DRAW FOR 01/08/09 Venue/Time Ct12 8:30am

Team 1 Nelson Central Sting

Team 2 v Appleby A

Nelson Netball - Wednesday , Year 4/5 Draw Section Tw o & Four DRAWS FOR 29/07/09 Venue/Time

Team 1

Team 2

Ct5 3:45pm .

Nelson Central School Magics

v Victory Flames

Ct10 3:45pm .

Nelson Central School Stars

v Wakefield Prim ary Sting

Section Tw o & Four DRAWS FOR 05/08/09


Team 1

Team 2

Ct7 4:25pm.

Nelson Central School Magics

v Richmond Silver Ferns

Ct2 4:25pm

Nelson Central School Stars

v Upper Moutere Magic








New Sport and Represent ative Shirt s It is with great exc itement that we unveil our new sports and representative shirts. We are replac ing our existing y ellow sports polos over time as funding becomes av ailable. Our new sporting tops will be mo re prac tic al. They are of a lighter material and should be easier for everyone to keep c lean and tidy . We have purc hased our first lot of sports shirts and non sporting representative shirts through the kind donation fro m the Sc hool Community Group. Many thanks for y our support.

Netball Central Sting v Mahana. Sting w on 15-14. Player of the day: Maddie, room 7 Thank y ou to our models Harry and Joey of room Central Magics v Enner Glynn. Magics lost. 2. Harry is wearing the y ellow sport shirt and Joey Player of the day: Mai Room 7. is wearing the blac k representative shirt. Central Stars v Hampden St Sting. Hampden St w on 3-1. Player of the day: Shaye, room 1 Miniball Central Spurs v Tahunanui. Spurs w on 26-16. l Player of the day: Ronan, room 6. Central Slam v Nayland Blue Saints. Slam w on 2620 Player of the day: Sam, room 1. Soccer Nelson City Stars v Richmond Cougars. Richmond won 2-1. Goals scored by: Sam, room 2. Player of the game: Lennard. City Geckos v Marks Rangers. Geckos w on 5-3. Goals scored by: Devon, room 8, Lachlan, room 7. Player of the day: Quinn, room 7. Nelson City Green v City White. Green w on 2-0. Goals scored by: Jack , Bruno, room 11. Player of the day: Melany City Rockets v Mapua Griffins. Rockets w on 3-1. Goals scored by: Ben, room 3. Player of the day: Isobel, room 15. City Knights v Mapua Lions. City w on 3-1. Goals scored by: Felix, room 1. Player of the day: Jamie ( Inter mediate)

The World’s Healthiest Sport Celtic Squash Club is having a Junior Coaching C linic In Term 3 on Friday’s from 4.00pm Numbers are strictly limited. To find out more please contact Graeme Dow 5467134 or Ema il [email protected]

SMALL FERNS & LITTLE GIANTS BASKETBALL Small Ferns & Li ttle Gi ants Basketball i s an after school, ski ll based basketball program desi gned for Years 1 & 2 and Years 3 & 4 as an i ntroducti on to basketball and a pathw ay to mi ni ball. The program i s based on FUN but i ncorporates basi c ball and co-or di nati on ski lls. Players need no experi ence. The lessons are taken by ex peri enced staff on Mondays and w ill run for 9 w eeks of Term 3, 2009 at Jack Robi ns Stadi um, 104 Neale Ave, Stoke. DAY: GROUP: TIME: DATES: COST:

Monday Years 1 & 2 Years 3 & 4 3.30 – 4.15 4.15 – 5pm 27 July – 21 Septem ber $40.00

Registrations forms available from sports notice board located between rooms 2 and 3. For more i nformati on pleas e contact: Dallas Ward Work: 547 6419 Mobi le: 0272976017 Emai l: [email protected]

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