Futuro con to be going to + verbo base Forma affermativa I am You are He, she, it is We are You are They are
Going Going Going Going Going Going
Forma affermativa I am not You are not He, she, it is not We are not You are not They are not
Forma affermativa Am I Are You Is He, she, it Are We Are You Are They
to to to to to to
talk talk talk talk talk talk
Going Going Going Going Going Going
Going Going Going Going Going Going
to to to to to to
to to to to to to
talk talk talk talk talk talk
talk talk talk talk talk talk
To be going to… usato come Futuro/ for the Future. a. To going to + verb something /farò qualcosa = Ho già deciso di fare qualcosa, ho intenzione di farla, ma non ho preso accordi con alter persone/ I have already decided to do it, I intend to do it, but not involving other people in these arrangements. Il mio computer è vecchio, ne comprerò uno nuovo. My computer is old. I’m going to buy a new one. Il mio amico è in un bel pasticcio, cercherò di aiutarlo. My friend is in a nice mess. I’m going to help him. b. Qualcosa sta per accadere/ “something is going to happen” per esprimere predizioni basate su situazioni presenti facilmente previsibili date le circostanze / to express predictions based on observing the present situation. Prendi l’ombrello, sta per piovere. (il cielo è cupo, minaccioso)
Take an umbrella, it’s going to rain. Tom non supererà l’esame. (non ha studiato) Tom is going to fail his exam.
*Interactive Exercises http://www.englishpage.com/verbpage/verbs2.htm http://www.englishpage.com/verbpage/verbs21.htm http://www.englishpage.com/verbpage/verbs22.htm http://www.englishpage.com/verbpage/verbs23.htm http://www.englishpage.com/verbpage/verbs24.htm
*Please note: Listen carefully to the following videos in youtube, they speak about the Future. Ascoltate attentamente i seguenti video di youtube, essi parlano del Future. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGPgn6loHnA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmSKJ-t8lJ8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVX0ajEiM5s song