2481208 Tv Commercial Jas

  • June 2020
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[Writer's surname]


[Writer’s name] [Professor’s name] [Course title] [Date] Critical Analysis of a TV Commercial Selected Ad The selected ad for this analysis is “Pepsi” ad featuring Britney Spears. Introduction to the Selected Ad This particular ad was first telecasted in the earlier part of the decade, when Britney had become the heartthrob of millions around the globe and an icon in the music industry. The purpose was to use Britney’s persona and fan following to promote Pepsi and to hoist up its sales along with leaving a long-lasting memory and impression in the minds of the audiences. This particular ad is a good example of popular hip-hop culture in modern America. The use of celebrities has become a much used idea in recent times. Though, the notion is archetypical but it is actually the frequency and numbers of ads that are using celebrities define the change in strategy of ad producers and marketers i.e. to increase the size of their share in this consumer society. Appeal Used The appeal used in the ad is the testimonial appeal. The testimonial appeal can be defined as an appeal in which some very renowned and popular celebrity or public figure(s) is used to promote or endorse a certain idea, product or service. The purpose behind the use of appeal is that it is believed that people like to follow in the footsteps of their favorite celebrities and they associate themselves with whatever these celebrities are doing. In other words we can hypothesize that people consider these celebrities as their role models, thus the following.

[Writer's surname]


Analysis of the Ad For the purpose of better understanding and comprehension of the ad and the encrypted message we are conducting different types of analyses of the ad like Semiotic analysis, Psychoanalytic analysis, Critical Discourse analysis and Paradigmatic and Syntagmatic analysis. A brief account of each of these analyses is presented below: 1.

Semiotic Analysis Semiotics is the science of signs. American philosopher Charles Sanders

Peirce (1839–1914) and Swiss linguist Ferdinand de Saussure (1857–1913) are credited with the development of the field. The three aspects of signs are icons, index and symbols. The icons are the visible things that convey the intended message to the selected group of audiences. The index, which is more sublime and to some extent subjective in nature, is the casual connection between two things. The probably most important part of the signs science is the symbol; it is where learning step in. the symbols describes the convention of the index. In the particular ad we are discussing, the obvious icon is Britney herself, the index (though there is none present, but an attempt for developing a relationship is underway) is Britney along with Pepsi and the symbols are the can of Pepsi and Britney’s apparel and her cap which are another attempt of reinforcing Pepsi’s name and logo in the minds of archetypical and potential customers. The signs are some sounds or images that symbolize any idea or concept. The sound and images are known as signifier and the concept as signified. Like a hat not brushed in weeks is an indication of the fact that probably the man’s wife does not

[Writer's surname]


love him anymore. In the ad under discussion the signs are Britney’s desire for Pepsi that signifies her addiction with the product. 2.

Psychoanalytic Analysis According to Freud’s structural model of psychoanalysis Id, Ego and

Superego controls our every action and their consequences. The id is founded on one’s pleasure principle, whereas, ego is based on principles of reality, and the Superego is actually the moral part and develops gradually due to the ethical and moral constraints placed on one by the society. According to my analysis the ad is focusing on both the Id and the Superego parts, very blatantly on the Id and very subtly and sublimely on the Superego part. 3.

Critical Discourse Analysis “Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) is a special type of discourse analytical

research that basically researches the way social powers of abuse, dominance and inequality are enacted, reproduced, and resisted by text and talk in the social and political context. With such rebellious research, critical discourse analysts take explicit position, and thus want to understand, expose, and ultimately resist social inequality.” (Van Dijk, Teun A. Critical Discourse Analysis. p. 352) In the ad under discussion, none of the aforementioned areas are discussed or hinted in anyway, thus again reemphasizing the fact that for MNCs and global products like Pepsi, stereotype every customer and treat them as equal and they can not try to win the hearts of one segment on the expense of any other. That is why no indication of any type of class conflict can be detected in the ad. 4.

Paradigmatic and Sytagmatic Analysis Paradigmatic analysis is the analysis of paradigms embedded in the text or

other signs (pictures, jingle, taglines etc). This analysis frequently uses commutation

[Writer's surname]


tests, which is a method in which words are being substituted by those of same type or class to regulate changes in connotation. On the other hand, Syntagmatic analysis analyzes syntax (surface or Syntagmatic structure). This analysis is also conducted by commutation tests. Syntax, the word has Greek origins (syn, means "together" táxis, means "arrangement"), can in linguistics be described as the study of the rules, or "patterned relations" that govern the way the words in a sentence come together. It relates to how different words can be combined together into clauses, which gives rise to sentences. Syntagms can be defined as a coherent chain of signs. And Paradigms deals with sets of signs and also their duality in meanings.

Fig. 1

[Writer's surname]


Fig. 2 The above presented both diagrams depicts the association of both the concepts with each other. In the ad under discussion, the settings of the store filled with the insignia of Pepsi presents an example of syntax, whereas, the Britney’s presence along with Pepsi Can is a manifestation of paradigm. The ad does not provide enough to analyze it on the scales of this model.

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