21.2 .09 Transaction Analysis Vps

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  • Words: 1,981
  • Pages: 29
Transaction Analysis 21 Feb DEI


Case 

Ram who is fresh Engineer Trainee with 6 months experience takes leave from his boss stating that he is unwell . Boss’s wife , (who met Ram other day in Annual function )who also happened to go to Movie “ Rab ne bana de jodi “ sees Ram in the picture hall along with girl . Ram comes to next day to office .Your are the boss .You recall that Ram was absent without prior information about a week back .

Situation 1 

Boss : Ram can you come in  I Don’t like people who lie .You took leave for being unwell and went to movie. It is absolutely wrong . Ram : Sir . 

I became well in the afternoon. My cousin dropped in at 2 o clock and asked for going to movie as I was getting bored

Boss : 

These are good stories . I do not want to accept them. You should have rang me up . I am asking Personnel to make it leave without pay .

Situation 2 

Boss : What happened Ram yesterday ? Are you ok now . My wife was telling that you were enjoying movie yesterday . Ram : Yes Sir : I became ok in the afternoon itself . I went to movie along with my cousin.I enjoyed it

.I 

avoided coming to factory as it would have been difficult to get transport. Boss : That’s perfectly ok. It is your leave and must use it as it makes sense . Good that you have not landed in factory . There was nothing urgent .

Desirable Outcome 

Students understand concept of transactional analysis & how Individual ego styles affect workplace behaviors and lead one to success in interpersonal relationships . Students understand the core individual behavior can be successfully moderated to get better results.

Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

What is TA : Basics Personality formation Transaction analysis :Theory Communication patterns. Different Sub Ego states Traits formation in different ego states Formation of communication pattern Exercise Application of learning's

1. What is Transition analysis TA 

Def : TA is system for analyzing all personal and interpersonal communication behaviors for better connectivity and relationships . Communication is normally in the for form transactions between two mental states . A Transaction is said to have taken place when there is sender who sends the message , receiver who gets the message and sends the feedback /response to the sender. ( a element of communication ) The signal (input) received by a person is processed by a unique (processor ) mind , which processes the information based on either on store of past experiences , or relooks it and then it is responded.

TA; Basics 

The formation of personality is significantly depended upon the development of mind at an early stage in life.( first 0 to 10 yrs) It is necessary for Individual to understand himself based on his responses and reactions so that he knows his limitations and strengths. Such self awareness helps in responding to situations with careful thought.

2. How Personality gets Formed : Records how the parents & Other Influential people ones behave and act

We act or feel or think like those who raised us

We respond with calm & patience with data

parent Mind Child


As one grows Learning through exploration , books etc & updating the stored data

Records events as One sees ,observes , feels as a child We behave or feel as we did when we were small child

3. Transaction Analysis :Theory 1. 


People communicate from their Ego states . Three distinct part of personality called Ego states that are present in every individual . Individual exhibits one or other ego state while communicating with others. Ego states are known as 1. Parent Ego state 2. Adult Ego state 3. Child Ego state Effectiveness of communication depends upon how well a person is able to understand and use the ego states to complete the communication transaction

All of have three Ego states Communication occurs when Two EGO STATES interact : Two persons X and Y









Overall Psychological Personality P

Division of Brain


C brain


Old Store of emotional bank Beliefs



Primary signal




feelings / Secondary emotions How do I respond Primary response Negative , positive , Brain


External events Emotional & intellectual Social


Secondary signal

A Processes

Here & now



Thinking :Learning & problem solving

Typical way how we respond to a situation

Actions / Behavior (Voice / Tone Words )

4.Behaviors exhibited PAC 



This is a set of feelings, thinking and behavior that we have copied from our parents and significant others. One gives judgment based on his experience /recordings .Normally judgmental with focus on rituals , customs , picked up from old members of family .Also believes in authority and respect .

A little person , who was told to follow what is being said by elders without questioning , picks up same trait.  A little person who gets firing for defying some rule , does same thing when he faces similar situation later in life.  They get stored in the processor as “ what parents do “ .This is range of behaviors (controlling , nurturing +ve , _ve etc )  As a little person , some values and beliefs are inculcated , same gets played as one grows up.  As little person , well nurtured , responds with trust and care. Things get recorded unedited as little one is having no power to question as he depends on them. 

Adult 

Adult :

Use of information and data for decision making based on here and now . It continues to updates the information available from stored experiences . Normally picks up knowledge from education & uses logic / analysis to updates and questions the data picked up from various sources . 

As a little person , is explained the logic /reason , picks up same behavior.  Why two plus is four and not six  Science subjects etc

Behaviors 

Child :

This is set of behavior which one learns when he was subjected to inputs from his parents and society and how he felt within him. him Love , fear , anger faced by him creates his personality. Or explored life in a natural way. 

 

A little person who gets always anger at an early stage , responds in the same way A little person gets blame for everything , starts blaming others for every thing A little person who was treated with love and care , behaves that way . A little person who experienced fun responds in same way. A little person , who rebels , when scolded or follows immediately.

5. Different Sub Ego states 

Parent : Two predominant styles 1. 2.

Adult : Only one style :Rational and data based Child : Two styles 1. 2.

Nurturing Controlling

Free & Natural Adopted

Traits exhibited : Parent 

Nurturing Parent    

Caring Nurturing Loving Helping

Controlling Parent    

Setting standards Using authority Making value judgments . Being responsible

Win –lose relationships

Adult : Traits   

Uses data Questions past traditions and rituals Analyses the pros and cons before taking a decision. Believes in win –win

Child ;Traits 

Free and Natural Child    

Source of emotions Spontaneity Creativity Curiosity

Adopted Child   

Self control Compliant Politeness

Fun – relationships , Not serious relaionships

formation of Communication patterns 

The communication pattern depends upon how the ego states are used while responding. Ego states develop at an early young age , the pattern of communication would be basically based on your profile and its mix. A person with high Parent would always be communicating in a particular manner .Similarly some one with High Child ego states would respond in different way. As one enlarges his intellectual capabilities , Adult develops which brings a balance in our communication with right mix of CHILD & PARENT .

Summary PAC

Success in communication :Personality 

It depends upon which ego state is being used by you in responding to various situations. Normally in Office matters , predominant ADULT personality is highly successful stance In Household situation , it is more of parent and child becomes transactional modes. In Games , picnics etc , Child ego enjoys the situation

8. Exercise : 26/11 Statement A :What Pakistanis has done in Mumbai blasts is absolutely wrong. They must be punished Statement B: if it is correct that Pakistan is instrumental in sending terrorists to India , Then they need to be dealt with strong hands. Statement C : I know that Pakistan is against India . The only way to deal is bomb Pakistan immediately .

Exercise Parent :What Pakistanis has done in

Mumbai blasts is absolutely wrong. They must be punished ( strong judgmental focus; Conclusion reached ;Decision given) Adult: if it is correct that Pakista……………….. .( Analytical Ego state: Conclusion is depended upon the data :patience ) Child : I know ………… . ( Picks up old data /experience to come to conclusion and wants to take action immediately : impatience )

Exercise 

-2 Home situation

Husband to wife ( while going to office ) : Where is my watch ? ( child ) Wife : You must keep your watch in proper place in the night before sleeping. ( Parent ) Wife : It is better you search it yourself as you would learn from it and keep it safely next time . ( Adult )

Exercise 3 Office situation 

In case if you are asked “ can u sell addition 25% this year ?  A Child state would mean some answer


to be give to avoid negative stroke .He may Yes immediately A parent response would be “ We have never done more than 110% of target in the past and hence not possible. An adult state would say “let me study the possibilities and get back . We need to study the data on production capacities , market outlook next year . Give me some time

Application of learning's 

Always examine the ego state from which other person is sending the message  If sender is speaking from Parent Ego state , It is better to be in either parent ego state or Child ego state when one is in social setting.  In official situation , it is better to act patiently with adult ego state as agreeing to parent ego as a parent or child , can cause loss to the deptt or company. One has to first use either P or C and then switch to A.  In office situation , it is predominantly adult ego state gives you the power to handle situation. Even when one has to use Parent or Child , the adult needs to be in control .

Use of TA in following cases   

 

Giving Feedback to subordinate Convincing a customer to buy a product Responding to a customer who is very angry because Car sold by you have major quality problems. Responding to a email which blames you for some activity for which you are not responsible . Your wife / husband not well Your friends father has expired in a accident .

Thank you

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