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Corporate Profile www.EXT.com

Table of Contents Extensions, Inc Intellectual Property.................................................................................... ....................... Cause Based Social Support Network Patent Volunteer Appreciation & Monetization at the Point of Impact Patent Mission Adaptive Plan Patent Corporate Structure...................................................................................................... ...... Cancer.im Newswire, Inc. Overtise, Inc. Litego, Inc. Officers, Directors, & Management.................................................................................. ... Jeff Black – President Crawford Shaw – Chief Executive Officer & Director B. B. Tuley – Chief Financial Officer & Director Dr. Mahesh Kanojia - Director Dr. Barkat Charania – Senior Advisor Corporate Governance........................................................................... ............................ Executive Sessions of the Board of Directors Company Communications with Members of the Board of Directors Director Responsibility Board of Directors Committees Exclusive Committee Authority Crisis Management Cancer.im Corporate Overview........................................................................................................... . Mission Statement Company Goals & Objectives Unlocking Cancer Wisdom Cancer Market................................................................................................ .................... Features & Functionality...................................................................................... ............... Patient Support Network Patient Wisdom Videos Cancer Research Database Volunteer Project Matching Customized and Printable Research Book Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Cancer Mission Adaptive Plan (Cancer MAP) Revenue Model....................................................................................................... ............ High-Priced Ticket Items Targeted Online Advertising Goodwill Generator Advertising Direct Product Sales Cancer.im Marketing...................................................................................................... ..... Cancer.im eBook Cancer.im Boot Camp Search Engine Ad Placement Webisodes & Internet Video Commercials Cancer Industry Partnerships Competitive Analysis........................................................................................... ............... Newswire Mission Statement................................................................................................... ........... The Newspaper of the Future............................................................... .............................. Intellectual Property.................................................................................... ....................... Features & Functionality...................................................................................... ............... Press Release Distribution Article Guarantee Journalist Profiles Journalist Social Network Journalism Staff Potential.................................................................................................... Revenue Model....................................................................................................... ............ Press Release Distribution Advertising Associated Content Model Industry & Competitive Analysis.................................................................................. ....... Newswire Provisional Patent............................................................................... ................ Newswire.Net Articles.................................................................................................. ....... Become Part of the Newswire.net News Agency Newswire.net Launches Its Social Network News Agency Collective Independent Journalism is the Future of News Writers Will Lead the Way to the News of Tomorrow Newswire.Net Press Release Guarantee Newswire.Net Press Release Guarantee 2 Newswire.net: The Newspaper of the Future The Newswire.net Union of Independent Journalist References......................................................................................... ................................ Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Further Research......................................................................................... ....................... Business Development...................................................................................... ................. Overtise Packages................................................................................................... ......................... Overtise Press Release Sugar Rush Overtise Express Overtise Premier Press Releases Newswire.Net Announces Guaranteed Article follow Up On All Press Releases Distributed Through Newswire.Net Newswire.Net Publishes Its Media and Business Development Kit Newswire.Net Launches Its Social Network News Agency Extensions, Inc. Announces the Launch of www.EXT.com, the Next Generation of Social Networking References & Support Documentation Quick Facts........................................................................................................ ................. Diagnosis & Survival Statistics Cost of Cancer Breadth of Cancer Cancer Statistics............................................................................................................... .. Online Health Information Statistics.............................................................. ..................... Clinical Benefit of Support Networks..................................................... ............................. Quality of Life and Cancer............................................................................ ...................... Social Networking........................................................................................................ ....... Disclaimer

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Extensions, Inc Extensions, Inc. (EXT) is creating a toolset which creates Wisdom Based Search Engines by allowing Social Network members the opportunity to index knowledge and experiences for the benefit of others and research. EXT’s mission is to help people solve complex problems by unlocking and indexing the wisdom currently trapped in social networks. When an individual wishes to solve a complex problem, accomplish a goal, or complete a comprehensive project, there are a multitude of preparations to be made, resources to mobilize, and actions to take. This myriad of options contributes to confusion, wasted time, exhaustion, discouragement, frustration, and is often so overwhelming, the individual takes no action at all. EXT has created a goal-oriented, task-based navigation system for an individual (the “Beneficiary”) to follow during the pursuit of a specific personal feat. The technology draws its unique aspects through online and real life interactions leveraging social networks, social support networks, public resources, print media, stakeholders, volunteers, and the individual wisdom of those who have accomplished a similar personal feat. The summation of our technology and all of its components allow the Beneficiary to follow a logical pathway to success and serve as an interactive navigation tool for online social networks. At present, traditional social networks have proven to be an excellent tool for networking, broadcasting information about oneself, and initiating relationships. Where social networks remain unproven is in their ability to organize and mobilize their members toward a greater individual or social good and to create a stable ad revenue model. Our technology is an empowerment mechanism that, when combined with a traditional social network, allows individual users to accomplish a personal feat by following a detailed guide, harnessing the wisdom of others in the network, and embracing the collective support lent to the individual from the greater social network. As an individual develops their customized search, it becomes an

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

alternative navigation mechanism for their social network experience and generates an acceleration of activity throughout the social network.

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Intellectual Property EXT’s intellectual property suite consists of three provisional patents and a handful of trademarks related to social networking enrichment. The patents are as follows:

Cause Based Social Support Network Patent A Cause Based Social Support Network is an evolution of the traditional social network which organizes social network users for a greater social good, or cause. SSNs are made up of miniature social networks, called Micro Support Networks, which revolve around a single user, or Beneficiary, who is facing a personal challenge or obstacle related to the Cause. A perfect example is a patient battling cancer. Clinical data has shown that diagnosed cancer patients who have a support network outlive patients who do not. Furthermore, patients who stay proactive in seeking their cure actually derive a medical benefit from the activity. This patent details the use of a traditional social network as a support and organization tool for an individual overcoming a personal challenge or struggle. Preliminary Explanation Social networks are an online collection of nodes and ties. Nodes are the individual actors within the networks, and ties are the relationships between the actors. In a traditional social network, users are provided a collection of ways to interact, such as chatting, messaging, file sharing, blogging, e-mail, video, voice chat, discussion groups, etc. Users can further personalize the experience by entering personal data, such as interests, cultural heritage, geographic location, political ideologies, marital status, gender, etc. Social networks that follow this model include MySpace, Facebook, and Friendster. These Websites are currently dominated by younger individual grown individuals (ages 16 to 26) seeking relationships and social support. Social networks have grown in popularity because they are excellent tools for networking, planning and coordinating social events, building social ties and providing entertainment value for users. The Cause-Based Social Support Network (SSN) is an evolution of the traditional social network because it adds a dimension: the SSN organizes users for a greater social good or cause. SSNs are made up of miniature social networks, called Micro Support Networks, that revolve around a single user or Beneficiary who is facing a personal challenge or obstacle related to the Cause. A perfect example is a patient battling cancer. Clinical data has shown that diagnosed cancer patients who have support networks outlive patients who do not. Furthermore, patients who Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

proactively seek their cure actually derive a medical benefit from the activity. The SSN infrastructure requires users to register and participate according to a specific user type: Beneficiary, Advocate, or Volunteer. The goal of each Micro Support Network is to: (1) remove all of the frustrations from every aspect of the Beneficiary’s personal challenge; (2) give the Beneficiary the ability to focus all their energy on improving their situation; (3) give the Beneficiary empowered access to all available information regarding their situation; (4) surround the Beneficiary with a support community of individuals with a common purpose, or those who have already fulfilled that purpose; (5) enable the Beneficiary to create an informed and customized strategy of attack that is molded to their unique value system.

Volunteer Appreciation & Monetization at the Point of Impact Patent The Volunteer Appreciation & Monetization at the Point of Impact Patent (also known as the Goodwill Generator) deals with the concept of an act of goodwill generating a progressive string of events and other benevolent acts. The process is fueled by a random gift generation and assignment mechanism. Preliminary Explanation Volunteer and charity organizations are fueled by the goodwill of individuals willing to donate their time and resources to a cause. A common challenge among these organizations is growing and retaining a healthy volunteer base. Individuals who volunteer their time, energy, and resources toward a cause often do so without recognition or acknowledgement from the person they are benefitting. This lack of recognition is one of the primary reasons for volunteer attrition or an increase in time until an individual’s next charitable act. Volunteer and charity organizations acting alone create environments and pockets of goodwill by mobilizing volunteers toward a specific cause. The organization then leverages this goodwill to raise capital (through donation) to support future charitable acts. This cycle repeats indefinitely and creates a charitable act to donation loop. Under this model, the ability to create an increased amount of charitable acts is dependent upon generating and/or recovering donations at a faster rate. However, the organization’s attempt to speed up their cash flow cycle is received by beneficiaries as pandering, and degrades the perception of the charitable act itself. This shift in perception leads to a decrease in gross cash flow back to the organization and a decrease in its ability to conduct future charitable acts. Furthermore, organizations suffer large rates of volunteer Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

attrition due to organizational bureaucracy and the failure to properly recognize the charitable acts of the volunteers. The Goodwill Generator is a tool that allows organizations to monetize the goodwill of their volunteer base and redirect it to encourage new goodwill acts. The mechanism of action is a combination of real time communication, mobilizing individuals who would previously not participate, and the desire of for-profit corporations to leverage the goodwill created for their own advertising and branding benefit.

Mission Adaptive Plan Patent The Mission Adaptive Plan Patent involves the process of taking all the data and activities that take place online and translating it into a hard copy format. This patent bridges the gap between the virtual and real worlds and enables modern day social networking to involve an older generation who may not be as familiar with the internet. Preliminary Explanation When an individual wishes to solve a complex problem, accomplish a goal, or complete a comprehensive project, there are a multitude of preparations to be made, resources to mobilize, and actions to take. This myriad of options contributes to confusion, wasted time, exhaustion, discouragement, frustration, and often is so overwhelming, the individual takes no action at all. . The Mission Adaptive Plan (“MAP”) is a goal-oriented, task-based navigation system for an individual (the “Beneficiary”) to follow during the pursuit of a specific personal feat. The MAP draws its unique aspects through online and real life interactions leveraging social networks, social support networks, public resources, print media, stakeholders, volunteers, and the individual wisdom of those who have accomplished a similar personal feat. The summation of a MAP and all its components allows the Beneficiary to follow a logical pathway to success and serves as an interactive navigation tool for online social networks. At present, traditional social networks, such as MySpace and Facebook, are excellent tools for networking, broadcasting information, and initiating relationships. However, social networks remain unproven in the arena of organizing and mobilizing members for the social good. A Mission Adaptive Plan (“MAP”) is an empowerment mechanism that, when combined with a traditional social network, allows users to accomplish a personal feat by following a detailed guide, harnessing the wisdom of others in the network, and embracing the collective support lent to the Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

individual from the greater social network. As an individual develops a MAP, it doubles as an alternative navigation mechanism for the social network experience and generates an acceleration of activity throughout the social network. A MAP can be used to get results for something as simple as planning an event or as complex as a six year battle against cancer. Its purpose is to put the user on a logical pathway to success based on collective intelligence, milestone accomplishment, proper allocation of resources and a supportive environment.

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Corporate Structure Extensions, Inc. is incorporated under the laws of the State of Nevada and is a fully reporting public company under Section 12(g) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Extensions, Inc. presently has approximately 94 million shares outstanding. The company’s common shares are listed for trading on the Pink Sheets under the symbol EXTI. The company’s balance sheet carries no long or short term debt. The Extensions, Inc. corporate office is located at 770 South Post Oak Lane, Suite 330, Houston, TX, 77056.

Cancer.im Cancer.im is a social networking website for cancer patients, advocates, and volunteers. Cancer.im is positioning itself to have the first mover advantage by becoming the primary resource on the Web that people affected by cancer will turn to in order to make a difference in their own lives and the lives of others. Members can use Cancer.im to: Create and mobilize their own Patient Support Network; Learn from the wisdom of cancer survivors; Research all aspects of cancer; Organize their medical records, insurance, and research; Create a customized strategy based on their educated beliefs, values and resources; To create a proactive cancer prevention strategy.

Newswire, Inc. Newswire.net is a social network for independent journalists and readers interested in investigative journalism. Journalists will use Newswire.net to: Publish investigative journalism articles Network with other journalists Collaborate on investigative journalism projects Readers will use Newswire.net to: Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Find news that is free from corporate influence and political bias Contribute their own knowledge about a particular topic or reported event Influence the direction of future investigative reports Newswire’s network of journalists will have the freedom to investigate and write stories they believe are important. The Newswire name will bring credibility to their reports and will allow individual writers to provide information to an audience that may not be as easily reached through traditional media. Newswire.net is a wholly owned subsidiary of Extensions, Inc. It will launch in 2009 and will leverage various aspects of EXT’s proprietary toolset.

Overtise, Inc. Search engines are the phone books of the 21st century. They are responsible for more than 85% of all commerce conducted on the internet. To grab part of this traffic, you need to target the KEYWORDS that relate to your product or service. This is known as Key Word Search Engine Optimization. The better you are at this the more traffic you will get from Search Engines. 1. Overtise patent pending process will do the following for you. We will create keyword sub-domian social network for you. We then will import your website, into your own social network which you then can invite and communicate with customers and prospects. We will register your business with Yahoo, Microsoft Search and Google and place directions to your business on the front page of your own sub-domian social network. We will consolidate and meta tag all your loose content into your social network so that the search engines can see you better. And through our distribution agreement with Newswire.net we can broadcast your press releases and news to more than 50,000 internet sites that act as one way inbound links to drive traffic to your site.

Litego, Inc. Litego is a social network dedicated to consumer advocacy and uncovering corporate fraud using litigation as its sword and the mobilization of many as Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

its shield. Litego will allow its social network members to help identify corporate fraud and upload their own experiences to assist in the litigation. The goal of this social network is to equip consumers with a voice that will be listened to by corporations. Litego is a wholly owned subsidiary of Extensions, Inc. It will launch in 2009 and will leverage various aspects of EXT’s proprietary toolset.

Officers, Directors, & Management EXT has the following officers, directors, and management.

Jeff Black – President Jeffery T. "Jeff" Black is an American chief executive officer and chief strategy officer associated with the information technology industry. He also is a programmer and inventor, holding six patents. At school Black studied business and computer science and artificial intelligence programming. In 1984 he went on to work at Digital Equipment Corporation, where he was one of its leaders for fourteen years. During that time, he was part of the team that developed AltaVista Black served as general manager at AltaVista. During his time at Digital, he filed several patents, with at least three in 1995 alone: a "multicontext compression system with shared data structures", a "context control block for computer communications", and a "method and apparatus for providing a variable reset interval in a transmission system for encoded data", all assigned to Telco Systems. At Digital, he also received a "top secret" clearance due to classified work for several agencies of the United States Government. In 1998, Black quit from Digital. He became CEO of Internet Marketing Inc. (IMI), the first web mapping service on the Internet. He also established the Laurel, Maryland-based iAtlas. IAtlas established the first database on businesses on the Internet, compiling information that could be purchased by third-party groups for 5000 dollars. It also established a search engine that enabled casual users to locate businesses in specific locations, the first search engine that was able to do that. Initially relying on a business incubator provided by Doug Humphrey, within a year it had secured three million dollars of venture capital. On August 3, 1999, iAtlas secured a partnership with Ameritech (then the largest telecommunications company in the Midwest), allowing Ameritech's yellow pages search engine to use the iAtlas Registry. In the early 2000s, Black established and then sold Hotels.com and Resorts.com. He also held management positions for BizExpense, Inc., Conomae Corporation, and Tandy Corporation. Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

In 2005, he founded the startup company TalkPlus, based in San Mateo, California. TalkPlus serves as a mobile phone service that allows multiple phone lines to be used from a single mobile phone, as well as make calls from an existing landline phone number. The service allowed for new phone lines to be created for as much as one-tenth the cost of creating a new landline. Applications were also seen for use in conjunction with online dating services and online auction sites, to prevent callers related to those services from gaining access to permanent personal or business phone numbers. Black was inspired to develop the concept by work he did for the government during his time at Digital. In 2007, Black stepped down from his position of CEO, in order to assume the mantle of chief strategy officer, allowing him to work on continuing to develop new technology innovations and corporate strategies. He was replaced as CEO by Michael Toepel. Currently Black is part of the staff of Trusted Opinion, a social networking website. He also serves on the board of directors of the Silicon Valley Cancer Foundation, a non-profit providing research into the causes and cures of cancer and information on its treatment. Black has also participated in Silicon Valley Open Doors technology conference, representing TalkPlus.

Crawford Shaw – Chief Executive Officer & Director Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer and President Crawford Shaw has been a leading international lawyer, financier and management consultant during the past thirty years. As a partner at Shaw and Reed, which he founded, Mr. Shaw practiced in the areas international law and finance and served as legal, financial and management consultant to several small and medium sized private and public companies. He graduated from Yale College in 1958 and Yale Law School in 1961. Mr. Shaw is a former Fellow of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York and is the current Editor of A Lawyer’s Guide to International Business Transactions, published by the American Bar Association and the American Law Institute. A member of the New York Bar, he is admitted to practice before the Appellate Division and Court of Appeals in New York, as well as the United States Court for the Southern District of New York and the States Court of International Trade. Mr. Shaw is also a director of Paper Free Medical Solutions.

B. B. Tuley – Chief Financial Officer & Director Director and Chief Financial Officer B.B.Tuley graduated with a BBA from Southern Methodist University and later attended graduate school at the University of Dallas and Georgia State University. In 1962, he started his audit and tax accounting career with Ernst & Young (Arthur Young & Company) in Dallas, Texas. In 1968, he joined East Texas Motor Freight Lines, Inc. as assistant to the Chairman of the Board. He was later promoted to CFO. After joining forces with Refrigerated Transport, Inc., an AMEX company based in Atlanta, GA, as CFO, he was instrumental in obtaining a $20 million Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

private placement for the company. In 1978, he rejoined Ernst & Young (Arthur Young & Company) as a tax partner and established and served as partner-in-charge of the Emerging Business Group in Dallas. He started at Michaels Stores, Inc., an AMEX company, in 1984 as CFO and assistant to the chairman and vice-chairman of the Board. By 1986, he was promoted to President and CEO. For the next 4 years, Michaels grew from 40 stores and $100 million in annual revenue to 120 stores and almost $400 million in annual revenue. In 1990, he left Michaels to perform turnaround and interim management services. Since then, his work has included successful stories including Silk Greenhouse, Inc., Pic ‘N Pay Stores, Inc, Hedstrom Corporation, Muzak LLC, and NexPak Corp. Mr. Tuley currently operates his own turnaround consulting company, The Equity Enhancement Group in Dallas, Texas.

Dr. Mahesh Kanojia - Director Director Dr. Kanojia completed his residency in Internal Medicine in 1979 at the University of Alabama in Birmingham, Alabama, his fellowship in Hematology in 1980 at the University of Georgia, and a fellowship in Medical Oncology at the University of Texas - MD Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute. He later joined the faculty of MD Anderson and pursued research in Bone Marrow Transplantation and advanced chemotherapy of gastrointestinal cancers. In 1983, Dr. Konajia established the Julie and Ben Rogers Cancer Institute and in 1997, established the Beaumont Cancer Institute. In 2004, Dr. Konajia was awarded a faculty position at the SVYASA Yoga University in Banglore India and received a diploma in Ayurveda from Ayurvedic Institute of America.

Dr. Barkat Charania – Senior Advisor Barkat Charania, a medical doctor, has earned formal Postgraduate degrees in Surgery, and Law. However, informally, he has been student of History, Philosophy, Logic, and Entrepreneurship. Dr. Charania got trained as an Orthopedic Surgeon in United Kingdom, and practiced surgery for 30 years. While practicing the profession, he simultaneously established a 200-bedded private hospital facility with all its ancillary services, like ICU, CCU, ORs, X Ray and Laboratory departments. He was CEO of this facility for 16 years. Dr. Charania served as director and then as advisor to International Council for Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders (ICCIDD), Aga Khan Foundation (AKF), World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF. In these capacities he attended several senior level country specific and general consultation meetings in different countries, including Belgium, China, Egypt, India, Iran, Switzerland, Tanzania, and Pakistan. Project to eradicate IDD from Northern areas of Pakistan was personally executed by him with the help of AKF volunteers.

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

While being Hon Secretary and Treasurer with Society of Surgeons of Pakistan, he organized three International Symposia. He taught graduate and postgraduate students at Aga Khan University, and College of Physicians and Surgeons of Pakistan. He has co-edited, authored and published three books, several original research articles in Medical Journals, and has written Editorials for Surgical Journals by invitation. While his deep rooted pursuit of Philosophy, Logic and History continues unabated, and while he remains an Entrepreneur at core, Dr. Charania presently serves on the Boards of various organizations involved in Real Estate investments and development, trading of Fuel Products and Electricity, Healthcare Delivery and Banking. He possesses a well-rounded experience of initiating, strategizing, and managing, while bringing worldly wisdom from his real life experiences to EXT.

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Corporate Governance EXT has adopted an extensive corporate governance policy to maintain integrity in both financial reporting and conduct of corporate executives and board members. According to EXT’s corporate governance charter, the board of directors shall: 1. Review and approve strategic plans to enhance stockholder value; 2. Review corporate performance; 3. Oversee and evaluate management's systems for internal control, financial reporting and public disclosure; 4. Establish corporate governance standards; 5. Oversee and evaluate senior management performance and compensation; 6. Plan for effective succession of the chief executive officer and senior management; 7. Be apprised of relations with stockholders; 8. Set a tone for a climate of corporate trust and confidence; 9. Set standards for director qualification; 10.Set standards for director orientation and continuing education; 11.Undertake an annual performance evaluation of the board of directors.

Executive Sessions of the Board of Directors Annually, the board of directors shall hold at least two (2) executive sessions without management and the chief executive officer and in addition, at least two (2) executive sessions with the chief executive officer present, but without senior management. The Chairman of the Governance Committee shall preside at the executive sessions of the board of directors.

Company Communications with Members of the Board of Directors Any employee, officer or other interested party who has an interest in communicating with non-management members of the board of directors may do so by directing the communication to the Chairman of the Governance Committee. The Chairman of the Governance Committee is the presiding director for non-management sessions of the board of directors. Directors have full and free access to officers and employees of the Corporation. Any meetings or contacts that a director wishes to initiate may be arranged through the chief executive officer or the secretary or directly by the director. Directors should use their judgment to ensure that any such contact is not disruptive to the business operations of the Corporation.

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Director Responsibility Directors must exercise sound business judgment and act in what they reasonably believe to be the best interests of the Company and its stockholders. In discharging this obligation, directors may reasonably rely on the honesty and integrity of The Corporation's management as well as that of its general auditor and independent auditor. In order to effectively oversee the management of the Corporation, all directors are expected to attend meetings of the board of directors and meetings of committees of the board of directors of which they are members. Directors who attend less than seventy-five percent of meetings of the board of directors and meetings of committees of the board of directors of which they are members for two (2) consecutive years will not be eligible for nomination to the board of directors. Directors are expected to be prepared for these meetings and to be able to devote the time required. Information and data important to the understanding of the business to be conducted at a board of directors or committee meeting will generally be distributed in advance of the meeting. In order to maintain independence for members of the Audit Committee, members of the Audit Committee may not directly or indirectly receive fees or other compensation for services as a consultant, legal advisor or financial adviser, regardless of the amount. Due to the Audit Committee's time commitment and responsibilities, Audit Committee members may receive reasonable fees and compensation greater than those paid to other directors.

Board of Directors Committees The board of directors will maintain an Audit Committee, a Compensation Committee, a Nominating Committee, an Investment Committee, a Governance Committee, and such other committees as it deems appropriate. A majority all of the members of the Audit Committee, Compensation Committee, Investment Committee, Nominating Committee and Governance Committee shall be independent directors under the criteria established by the Board from time to time.

Exclusive Committee Authority The board of directors and each committee shall have the power to engage independent legal, financial or other advisers as it may deem necessary, without consulting or obtaining the approval of the board of directors or management of the Corporation in advance. The Audit Committee shall have exclusive authority to engage and terminate the Corporation's independent auditor. The Audit Committee shall also pre-approve all engagements of the public auditor for all non-audit services. Fees paid to the public auditor for Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

non-audit services should not exceed the sum of the fees paid for audit and audit-related services. The Nominating Committee shall have exclusive authority to engage and terminate any consultant or search firm utilized to identify or recruit director candidates and to nominate directors for election by stockholders. The Compensation Committee shall have exclusive authority to set the compensation of the chief executive officer and senior management.

Crisis Management The board of directors shall be proactive in the context of any governance, compliance or business crisis affecting The Corporation. The board of directors will work with management and any outside advisers in order to assess any crisis and choose a proper course of action. The board of directors will use its best efforts to maintain and preserve the value, integrity and control of the Corporation.

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Cancer.im When an individual is diagnosed with cancer, the feeling of panic is overwhelming. As loved ones hear the news, they too are overwhelmed and often do not know what to do. Cancer.im provides a common sense approach to managing the chaos and uncertainty. The goal is to increase the patient’s quality of life and enable them to take back control. Cancer.im is a social network for cancer patients, advocates, and volunteers. Members can connect to other people affected by cancer, organize personal and professional resources available to them, research the qualitative and quantitative aspects of cancer and create a customized strategy for beating or preventing the disease. Cancer.im was founded by people who have firsthand experience with cancer. The network continues to grow thanks to individuals who continually donate their time, resources and experience to help cancer patients navigate the obstacles they face. Our driving principles to create an internet-based support system are based on clinical data which have shown that: Cancer patients who have an active support network live longer than cancer patients who do not. Increasing a cancer patient’s quality of life directly lowers the incidence of morbidity. We believe that the Cancer.im social network can change the way in which patients view and manage their disease by providing them with the tools to regain control.

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Corporate Overview Cancer.im is a social networking website at www.Cancer.im for cancer patients, advocates and volunteers. Cancer.im is positioning itself to have the first mover advantage by becoming the primary resource on the Web people affected by cancer will turn to in order to make a difference in their own lives and the lives of others. The goal is to increase quality of life for patients by allowing them to leverage one or all of the 15 cancer specific social support modules on the Website. Cancer patients can leverage our support modules to: Learn how to accept their disease Find a cancer sponsor Organize and mobilize their Support Network Organize medical records electronically Organize insurance and finances Research their disease Find an oncologist and hospital Change their priorities and increase quality of life Adopt an exercise plan Adopt a healthy diet Research and register medications to determine adverse drug interactions Prepare for treatment and mitigate side effects Build a custom strategy to beat the disease Share wisdom and experiences about how they went from patient to survivor for other patients Become cancer sponsors to help future cancer patients get the most out of Cancer.im The Cancer.im social network is in development and scheduled to launch in January, 2009. This will establish Cancer.im as the first entity in the emerging Social Support Network marketplace.

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Mission Statement Cancer.im’s mission is to empower every cancer patient, regardless of their ability to pay, with the ability to research their disease and to find, organize and manage their own cancer support network. The goal of these support networks is to assist the patient in conserving needed energy by reducing the burden associated with their own daily trials and tribulations. Cancer.im strives to convert this saved energy into a higher level of patient activity and a stronger determination to fight. This philosophy also allows the patient’s friends and family to feel empowered. Knowing that their activities and volunteer efforts will directly and positively impact their patient’s quality of life and chances of survival will help eliminate and transform that universal sense of helplessness into a position of strength and confidence.

Company Goals & Objectives The vision that drives Cancer.im is the belief that the network has the potential to directly and positively affect the lives of millions of cancer patients and indirectly affect the millions of friends and family that care about them. The short term goal of the company is to establish Cancer.im as a first mover in the newly founded Social Support Network space. At that point, we intend to leverage our open platform and altruistic channel with strategic alliance partners who can benefit our members while at the same time develop value by our association. Cancer.im has the following long term goals: 2. Develop the largest cancer specific Body of Knowledge (BOK) of qualitative and quantitative research; Provide researchers access to our anonymous patient information diaries to find new anomalies and to promote the research of new drugs and therapies; Become the recognized leader and primary source for cancer patients who wish to research and organize their resources; Obtain a collection of testimonials from patients and their support networks who have used our resources to beat this disease; Leverage patient success stories to educate people about the importance of prevention and behavior modification in fighting cancer; Encourage volunteers to improve our system by allowing them to create open source applications; Encourage ideas and input regarding how to improve our system. Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Unlocking Cancer Wisdom Every single person who has ever gone through any experience with cancer, as a patient or as an advocate, has valuable insight that can help someone else who is going through a cancer experience. Wisdom captured from these individuals in the Cancer.im Social Support Network will be made available to anyone and everyone who needs it. Cancer.im allows cancer patients to unlock the wisdom of those who have already been through what they are about to go through. Cancer.im equips patients with a customized strategy, the Mission Adaptive Plan (MAP), guiding them from diagnosis to recovery. As they follow their MAP, they are introduced to other patients who have been there before them, and are able to download their wisdom in the form of pre-recorded videos. These qualitative perspectives give new patients an understanding they would not be able to get from their oncologist or from reading about their disease online.

Cancer Market In the United States alone, it is estimated that there are more than 10 million cancer survivors. Worldwide, that figure is more than 22 million survivors. Since the average cancer survivor has 4.3 people in their direct network contact base, there are approximately 94 million people with firsthand experience, people who directly know someone who has had or is currently battling cancer. This year alone in the US, 1.3 million people will be diagnosed with cancer for the first time. Additionally, more than 556,000 people will die of the disease. This makes cancer the leading cause of death for people under the age of 85 years old.1 The latest statistic we have for the impact of cancer in the US are figures from 2006: approximately $78 billion was spent on direct medical costs and an estimated $128 billion on indirect costs (including lost productivity and labor), which equates to a $206 billion economic impact.2 To put this in an easier to understand economic perspective, out of the 1,300,000 people in the US who are diagnosed with cancer, $60,454 is the average spent on direct medical costs for each patient, which translates to $78 billion for 1.3 million cancer patients. Dollars in lost productivity average about $97,454 per patient, or collectively, $128 billion for 1.3 million cancer patients. Thus the direct and indirect cost of cancer is actually about $157,545 per cancer patient ($208,000,000,000 / 1,300,000 patients).

1 2

http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/press/index.htm http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/press/index.htm

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The economic impact of cancer in the US is approximately $206 billion a year, with $81 billion spent on direct medical costs and $126 billion spent on indirect costs. The average cancer patient spends approximately $61,000 per year in treating their disease. Cancer is a growth industry. The National Institutes of Health state that by 2045, 45 percent of the population over the age of 45 will have been diagnosed with some form of cancer.3 Cancer is a disease that becomes more prevalent in an aging population. About 80% of the cancer patient population is between 46 and 62 year of age. With medical advancements adding years to the average life expectancy, cancer will continue to grow within this segment. The National Institutes of Health concurs and has predicted that by the year 2045, 45 % of the population over 45 will have cancer (“the paradigm of 45”). To put this in perspective, think of two of your peers, if neither has cancer by the year 2045, you are almost guaranteed you will!



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Features & Functionality In addition to the traditional social network elements of chat, e-mail, personal profiles, groups, and calendars, Cancer.im will incorporate several unique features that add funcionality:

Patient Support Network Clinical data proves that patients who have an organized support network outlive patients who do not.4 In this regard, friends and family are the most valuable resource available to a cancer patient. Cancer.im allows its users to organize and get the most out of their support network. For patients, this means only having to communicate a message once to reach their entire network. Patients can also task people with specific ways to help. For advocates, this means feelings of helplessness are replaced with the ability to be helpful. It also allows support network members to know exactly where they can contribute so as not to duplicate the effort of someone else.

Patient Wisdom Videos Every cancer survivor has a unique story to tell. The insights and intuitions of those who have been there are invaluable to a patient currently battling the disease. Unfortunately, survivors often grow disinterested from telling their story over and over again. Cancer.im has developed a platform where survivors record their stories on video. These stories are recorded using a question and answer interview format designed to isolate wisdom into 30 to 60 second video clips. Once uploaded, these videos are available for Cancer.im members to browse by question, survivor characteristics, or other keyword. Management anticipates that Cancer.im will have over 10,000 hours of searchable Patient Wisdom Videos by the scheduled launch in January, 2009.

Cancer Research Database Cancer.im has joint-ventured and entered into development agreements with charities, clinics, and research institutions to display their cancer-related content on the Cancer.im social network. This content is organized according to an easy to navigate taxonomy enabling users to find what they are looking for, fast. By Website launch, Cancer.im anticipates over 60,000 pages of unique cancer content will be created. Users will be able to search, browse, and collect the cancer research they need to successfully fight their disease.


Coughlin, Dr. Steven S. Surviving Cancer or Other Serious Illness: A Review of Individual and Community Resources. American Cancer Society. http://CAonline.AmCancerSoc.org. Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Volunteer Project Matching Cancer.im has more than 8,000 cancer-related charities on its social network. These charities use the Cancer.im platform to recruit, organize, and communicate with their online volunteer base. As patients and their support networks grow and need assistance with a specific task or project, these volunteers are available as a resource. To access this resource, users simply submit an online request and volunteers who can respond are automatically notified.

Customized and Printable Research Book Cancer.im gives users the ability to print their own customized research book to take with them when they are on the move, or to deliver to a cancer patient who is not able to conduct online research themselves. The book is compiled by browsing the thousands of research pages on the Cancer.im site and simply highlighting the content that is important to them. This content is then automatically added to their customized book, organized into a table of contents, and indexed to make it easy to find information offline.

Cancer Mission Adaptive Plan (Cancer MAP) When an individual is diagnosed with cancer, a feeling of shock overwhelms them, which is quickly followed by the feelings of panic and indecision. As a way to alleviate this feeling, Cancer.im has created the Cancer Mission Adaptive Plan, or Cancer MAP. The Cancer MAP is a 15-step program guiding the patient through all the necessary tasks to best achieve a full recovery.

1. Accept the Disease On the road to recovery, people need a MAP - a guide to show where to focus time, energy and resources. The first step of their journey begins by accepting the situation. Before starting, a patient needs to stop considering the past and focus on the matter at hand. The only thing that matters is what is to be done NOW.

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

2. Find a Cancer Sponsor Understanding how to get the most out of our site at first may be confusing. At Cancer.im patients will be matched with a qualified sponsor, who will help the patient understand all the functionality of the site, as well as assist the patient in setting up the support network. 3. Organize the Support Team Patients with cancer need every advantage to beat the disease. It's a fact that cancer patients who have an active support network outlive cancer patients who don't. It's not enough to just have a plan for treatment. Patients also need people close to them to get involved and help through the tough times. Because this is so important, Cancer.im has created tools to help organize, communicate with and mobilize the patient support network -- so that family, friends and coworkers can all pitch in while the patient focuses on getting better. For cancer patients, this means communicating with the support network from a single point of contact and showing them how they can help. For advocates, this means knowing when and where to lend a hand, without being a burden to the patient or duplicating the effort of another advocate. We want to help people change from being patients to being survivors, and their advocates from feeling helpless to being helpful. 4. Organize Medical Records When fighting cancer, it is important to control medical options. By organizing medical records electronically, the patient can easily get multiple medical opinions to insure the adopted strategy is the one the patient has the most confidence in. At Cancer.im, we want patients to have this option while knowing that medical records are under their lock and key control. To insure this we have partnered with two of the leading Electronic Health Records (EHR) Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

companies. 5. Organize Finances Does the patient qualify for Social Security benefits? How will the insurance company pay health claims? The volunteers and charities that work with Cancer.im can help organize claims and, if needed, fight for entitlements so the patient won’t have to. 6. Research the Disease Cancer.im has teams of volunteers who are constantly researching, editing, and communicating all aspects of cancer, including: treatments, alternative medicines, clinics, oncologists, charities, diets, exercise programs, and prevention strategies. At Cancer.im, survivors of specific cancers will answer the most important questions on how to fight the disease, complimenting patients’ research by using Cancer.im’s proprietary technology called V.I.E.W (Video Indexed Encapsulated Wisdom). Now patients can find answers to questions that only a person who survived their type of cancer and stage would know, like is Dr. XXX really as good as they say, or how bad are the side effects from XXX treatment. 7. Find an Oncologist Finding the best oncologist and hospitals that meet a patient’s needs and share a patient’s values is simple at Cancer.im. The doctors and medical centers in our database are rated by cancer survivors who have direct knowledge of how they approach cancer treatment. 8. Change Priorities Clinical data has shown that cancer patients who increase their Quality of Life (QOL) live longer. Cancer.im will help research ways to increase Quality of Life. Then, with this information, patients can task the support network with ways that they can help. Patients will be able to empower friends and family in their support network from feeling helpless to being helpful by asking for what they truly need.

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

9. Adopt an Exercise Program As patients learn more about cancer they will soon find that Cancer hates oxygen. At Cancer.im, patients will find help and advice to adopt a regular exercise program to change the terrain in which they are fighting. 10. Adopt a Healthy Diet Cancer loves sugar and processed foods. Patients will be able to learn about nutrition at Cancer.im and create an anti-cancer diet to cut the fuel lines of cancer off.

11. Research Medications Adverse drug interactions caused more than 100,000 deaths last year and are the 4th leading cause of death. With Cancer.im, patients can register the medications they are taking and get detailed alerts of adverse drug interactions. 12. Prepare for Treatment Cancer.im provides information about treatment side effects and how to best prepare and minimize the side effects of upcoming therapies.

13. Build A Unique Strategy The more patients learn about their specific disease and options, the more customized the strategy becomes. Cancer is a generic term for a unique disease and a SPECIFIC strategy should encompass a patient’s values, beliefs and resources. Each strategy should be as unique as each patient that comes to Cancer.im. 14. Share Wisdom The transformation from patient to survivor will need to be documented for the benefit of future patients. Cancer.im alumni will become beacons of hope to others battling what they have overcome. At Cancer.im, we've created tools which will allow survivors to share their experiences and wisdom for the benefit of others. Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

15. Cancer Sponsor Survivors’ experiences and knowledge become the beacon of hope for future patients. Survivors can help new patients get familiar with the site and how to organize their support network, while they stay current on the latest research and cancer prevention strategies.

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Revenue Model Cancer.im has a unique value proposition which leverages the unique demographic of the Cancer.im user base. Because cancer is such a powerful and emotionally challenging experience in a person’s life, it draws intense emotion and the participation of friends and family. The users who will be on Cancer.im will share in this intensity and will be motivated to purchase goods and services as a means of combating their challenge.

High-Priced Ticket Items Cancer.im’s revenue model is unique because of the high ticket price of items that will likely be sold through the social network. Fighting cancer is not a cheap task to undertake. Prescription drugs, symptom management, insurance premiums, and travel all cost more than the average products sold online, such as cell phone plans and vitamins. High- priced goods and services result in higher costs paid by advertisers to Cancer.im.

Targeted Online Advertising Cancer.im will give users the ability to place contextual, banner and rich media ads on information pages that best relate to the product or service they are advertising. For example, an overseas clinic specializing in treating Stage IV Breast Cancer would pay Cancer.im to be featured on the social network page dedicated to Stage IV Breast Cancer patients. Cancer.im’s advertising model allows advertisers to choose a cost per click thru (CPC), cost per page impression (CPM), or cost per action (CPA) advertising cost structure. Further, the psychology of members of Cancer.im, are more inclined to be in a natural search mode (Google) than the typical browsing mindset of traditional social network users (MySpace, Facebook, YouTube, etc). This unique driver allows Cancer.im the ability to leverage contextual ad placement (Ad Sense) which has been shown to lead to higher conversions rates of higher ticket items (Google profitably vs. social networking flat ad response).

Goodwill Generator Advertising Cancer.im has a unique value proposition which leverages EXT’s Goodwill Generator patent. In short, the Goodwill Generator communicates charitable acts in real time to the friends and family of the act’s beneficiary. This allows those who have the highest stake in an individual’s welfare to be notified and solicited for donations and product purchases at the point when emotions are Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

at their highest. This results in a substantially higher rate of conversion and product sales and an increase in overall revenue.

Direct Product Sales Cancer.im will generate revenues through direct product and web advertising sales. The Cancer.im social network is designed to convert users who are searching for a solution into buyers of a product or service that contributes to that solution. These products will be directly sold by Cancer.im through their online store or by third party companies who advertise on the Cancer.im social network. Nutraceuticals Prescription and Over-the-Counter Drugs Massage and other Quality of Life Services Domestic and Overseas Hospitals and Clinics Complimentary Alternative Therapies Legal Services Claims Processing Services Charities and Foundations

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Cancer.im Marketing Cancer.im will position itself as the first place that anyone affected by cancer goes; regardless of whether they been recently diagnosed or know someone who has been diagnosed. To best accomplish this, Cancer.im has developed a multidimensional approach of Awareness, Reputation, and User Experience. Awareness


User Experience

Cancer.im must become a ‘household name’ when it comes to cancer prevention, treatment, and assistance.

Cancer.im must be respected as a valuable patient resource by all members of the greater cancer community.

People who use Cancer.im must derive benefit and continue to use Cancer.im for their cancer battle and prevention needs.

With these three goals in mind, Cancer.im has developed the following marketing techniques and strategies.

Cancer.im eBook Cancer.im is currently developing a cancer publication designed to empower cancer patients and advocates with strategies and techniques for battling the disease. The articles in this magazine will promote Cancer.im as a necessary tool in every patient’s cancer battle. The eBook will contain fax intake forms and promotional coupons encouraging readers to setup a Cancer.im account. The eBook will be 50 to 75 pages in length and will be available for download or in print. It will be distributed electronically to individuals who have purchased it or signed up for the Cancer.im social network. The Cancer.im eBook will bridge the divide that currently exists between the virtual world and the real world. Given the demographic of the average cancer patient, this bridging is essential to incorporate the millions of cancer patients that are not technologically savvy or familiar with online social networking.

Cancer.im Boot Camp Cancer.im will host its first Cancer Boot Camp during the first quarter of 2009. Cancer Boot Camp is a two day workshop for cancer patients and their advocates to learn how to best prepare for and manage their fight against the disease. The Boot Camp will be hosted in Houston and will accommodate up to 60 individuals. The time will be spent reviewing the 15 different aspects of the MAP. Upon completion, patients and their advocates will be Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

equipped to properly research, organize their resources, follow a nutrition and exercise program, prepare for treatment, and mobilize their friends and family. Additionally, Boot Camps will offer Cancer.im a control group of individuals that comprise the target market of the Cancer.im social network. Furthermore, they create a grassroots awareness of the company and altruism associated with this project. Cancer.im believes that the individuals who attend the Cancer Boot Camp will willingly unlock their own contact database and resources to our project, thereby creating opportunity and joint venture possibilities that would otherwise be overlooked. Like the website, nobody will be turned away due to an inability to pay.

Search Engine Ad Placement Cancer.im will leverage search engine keyword advertising, such as Google Ad Words and Yahoo Keyword Marketing, to drive traffic to the Cancer.im information and sign up pages. This campaign will begin with the release of Cancer.im beta.

Webisodes & Internet Video Commercials Cancer.im is currently developing internet webisodes and internet commercials that will air on YouTube.com and other video hosting sites.

Cancer Industry Partnerships Cancer.im is positioned as a natural marketing partner for hospitals, clinics, and oncologists because Cancer.im is a free tool for any cancer patient or advocate. Additionally, all cancer charities will be able to use Cancer.im to reach out to, recruit, fundraise, and coordinate their volunteers. Due to the altruistic nature of the Cancer.im business model, and the fact that we offer free membership to all cancer patients, advocates and volunteers, our agenda is in line with that of churches, community organizations and charities. Cancer.im will actively market to the leadership of these organizations. The goal of this effort is to receive free placement in organizational publications and announcements at events to increase awareness of the social network in the minds of their constituents. Cancer.im will further create value for churches, community organizations, and charities by providing them free access to Cancer.im’s social network infrastructure. Essentially, Cancer.im will create an organizational page administrated by the organization. This page will allow them to organize and mobilize their members through the Cancer.im infrastructure. Cancer.im will also provide these organizations with new outlet for outreach, recruiting new members and harvesting donations. Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Competitive Analysis Cancer.im is in the unique position to gain first mover advantage in the untapped Social Support Network marketplace. At the date of this publication, there are no cancer social networks that offer the user experience generated by Cancer.im. The following companies have one or more features similar to Cancer.im. Company



PatientsLikeMe is a social networking health site that enables its members to share treatment and symptom information in order to track and to learn from real-world outcomes.


Disaboom is a social networking website, described by founder Dr. Glen House as a premier interactive online community dedicated to improving the way individuals with disabilities or functional limitations live their lives.


WebMD is a medical and wellness information service, primarily known for its public Internet site, which provides health information, a symptom checklist, pharmacy information, blogs of physicians with specific topics and a place to store personal medical information


CancerCare is a non-profit organization that provides services to people affected by cancer, including cancer patients, friends and family of people with cancer, and people who have lost friends and family to cancer. CancerCare's services include counseling (including web-based support groups), financial assistance, information about various types of cancer, treatments, the challenges of coping with cancer or grief and educational programs.

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.


MedHelp partners with doctors from hospitals and medical research institutions to deliver online discussion boards on more than 150 healthcare topics. The company's slogan is "Finding Cures Together."


DailyStrength is a social networking website where users share emotional support and discuss their struggles and successes with a wide variety of medical, psychological and general life challenges.

Organizedwisdom.co m

OrganizedWisdom.com is a human-powered search service for health (or human search engine) launched in alpha test in October 2006 by Steven H. Krein and Unity Stoakes. As of July 2008, the project is in beta test. It differentiates itself from algorithmic search engines like Google, as well as other directory sites like DMOZ and Yahoo by tracking and building handcrafted result sets for many of the currently popular health search terms.[1][2]


ACOR is a unique collection of online communities designed to provide timely and accurate information in a supportive environment.

Imtooyoungforthis.or g

Support service for young adults affected by cancer.

Cancerhopenetwork.o At Cancer Hope Network, the Website provides free, rg confidential, one-on-one support to people with cancer and their families. They match patients with trained volunteers who have themselves undergone a similar experience. They also provide support and hope to help patients and families look beyond the diagnosis, cope with treatment, and start living life to its fullest once again. Caringbridge.org

A CaringBridge website helps keep loved ones informed during difficult times. In return, family and friends give patient and caregiver support through guestbook messages.

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Cancerbuddiesnetwor This Website hopes to create a haven where people k.org living through similar cancer experiences, be they patients, caretakers, or family and friends, can get together with others in the same situation and even in the same part of the world for the purpose of giving and receiving cancer support, sharing, comparing, chatting and making long-lasting friendships. Planetcancer.org

Planet Cancer is a community of young adults with cancer.

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Newswire Newswire is a wholly owned subsidiary of Extensions, Inc. (OTC: EXTI) with a website address of (www.newswire.net). It is a social network news service engaged in providing journalists with a credible platform from which to report the news free from corporate influence and bias. Newswire offers a unique value proposition to corporations, communities, charities and causes through their diverse network of writers, photographers, videographers, bloggers, and other independent online journalists. Newswire’s platform allows its associate journalists the ability of distributing their work throughout the internet. This distribution platform is also made available to Newswire’s corporate clients who look to Newswire to distribute their press releases on a per release basis. Newswire’s back end social network serves as a collaboration and research platform tool for all Newswire Journalists to accomplish reporting goal. Newswire.Net is a social network built on the Extensions, Inc. (www.ext.com) “EXT” platform; it is dedicated to organizing independent journalist, blog writers and other active social media contributors for the purpose of enhanced media credibility and broader press release acceptance, and coverage. We believe the www.newswire.net has the potential of being an organic Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tool aimed at small business owners, content publishers and causes looking for an economic way of broadcasting their content. Press releases can be a powerful form of advertising for small businesses. Why shouldn’t the creation of a new product line, the opening of a new store, or the hiring of a new President or CEO be news? For the most part, stories of these sorts are not picked up because media outlets make their profit from advertising, they publication of these stories is seen as giving away what they are trying to sell. From Newswire’s perspective, news is news, whether it comes from the private or public sector, the government or a corporation, a school or a store.

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

In the end, who will benefit from Newswire and its work? First of all, the writers who will become associates of the network. They will receive credentials as journalists and the backing of a news organization. Second, there are the many small businesses, local non-profits, and community organizers, who for a minimal cost can use Newswire to ensure their news becomes news. Lastly, there are the many people who are thirsty for a source of news that is not simply what a media outlet wants them to know, but represents the full breadth of what is truly happening around them.

Mission Statement Newswire’s Mission is to become the internet newspaper of the future, by uniting independent journalists with a credible collaboration and distribution platform from which they can report news independently of corporate influence.

The Newspaper of the Future Where do most people go now to get their news? If the sharp reduction in newspaper readership has taught anything, it is that the internet has become the major source of information for people trying to understand what is happening in their world. Yet anyone who uses the internet or even twentyfour hour news channels as their source for news also knows the limitations of these platforms. The same limited number of stories gets circulated over and over again. News channels get fixated on one or two stories, to the exclusion of everything else. Even local newspapers depend more and more on large national and global press associations for their stories. The result is a plethora of versions of the same three or four stories, and no coverage of small scale, local interest and business stories. How can it be that as the number of all-news networks increases and the reach of the internet expands, there seems to be less and less "news"? Newswire represents a New Source for News and the Newspaper of the Future. Newswire will make use of a patent-pending technology to harness the power of independent bloggers, writers and journalists and the extent of the internet to create a forum for all news stories, not simply the few that interest the main media outlets. Newswire seeks to be for the news world and for independent journalists what the Sundance film festival has become for cinematography and independent filmmakers. The technology used by Newswire will allow news stories with even the smallest niche audiences to find those readers, and give truly talented but underappreciated independent writers, bloggers and journalists an opportunity to make a real impact.

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

The technology used by Newswire will give small and local businesses, notfor-profits and community organizers a platform for their press releases. Newswire will work on the supposition that if it is news to you, then it is news to everyone else. Rather than taking the time and effort to put together a press release and hoping it will get picked up, every press release sent to Newswire will be carried on their network. Now people will have the opportunity to get a real feel for what is happening in their town, region, and country, uncensored by a supervising media outlet. In this sense Newswire will not only be the newspaper of the future; it will also be the news outlet that the Founding Fathers’ of the US no doubt dreamed of when they drafted the 1st Amendment to the Constitution regarding freedom of speech.

Intellectual Property Newswire’s social network concept and journalist collaboration platform is a patent pending technology titled “Method of Creating and Maintaining a Social Network News Agency and Press Release Distribution Service”. This provisional patent leverages the utility of caused based social networking and provides the following credibility, distribution, and monetization to independent journalists: 3. Report and distribute news over a reputable medium Application process including the grading of writers abilities Code of Ethics pledge and internal oversight Editorial oversight, approval and writer assistance Research assistance and access to topic specific micro social networks (MSN) for research and collaboration Physical press pass, with multiple electronic verification of same Editor Assistance in booking interviews and gaining press access Method of monetizing writing Method of collaborative distribution

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Features & Functionality Newswire.net has a suite of options available to journalists, readers, and companies looking to distribute press releases.

Press Release Distribution Newswire offers companies a distribution option that bridges the 3 major online components of online news sources (such as Google News), search engine optimization (such as Yahoo Search), and social network seeding (such as Facebook and Twitter).

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Article Guarantee When a business or organization submits a press release to Newswire, a credentialed writer(s) will research the press release, and interview the company issuing the press release. The result being credible news article(s) being written explaining the press release from a News perspective. This combination of press release distribution and article writing also serves as a natural Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tool, allowing the issuer the ability to optimize “key” industry words for better positioning on internet search engines.

Journalist Profiles Newswire gives independent journalists the platform they need to report the news. This includes an online profile detailing the journalist’s credentials, portfolio, and current project.

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Journalist Social Network Sitting behind the Newswire.net website is a social network setup exclusively for Newswire journalists. It serves as a forum for online research and collaboration on leads and stories. It is this back end network that allows Newswire to serve as a true incubator of unique content and journalistic integrity. Access to this social network is restricted to journalists who have gone through the Newswire application process.

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Journalism Staff Potential Estimates for the number of independent writers, bloggers and journalists currently at work on the internet vary, the best studies we can find say we are a nation of over 20 million bloggers5, with 1.7 million profiting6 from the work, and 452,000 of those using blogging as their primary source of income7. That’s almost 2 million Americans getting paid by the word, the post, or the click — whether on their site or someone else’s. Newswire wants to harness the talent of those writers by giving them the credibility and backing of a news organization, and helping them generate income by writing up press releases and articles for small businesses and other local news sources. Newswire will vet each writer before they become a part of the network. Each one will submit five articles on a subject of interest to them, which will then be graded by editors at Newswire for spelling and grammar, structure, content, and readability. Once a writer’s work has passed muster, each writer will need to agree to standard of journalistic ethics and conduct. Only then will they become full-fledged members of the Newswire network. This will ensure that articles on Newswire can be trusted as news and improve the overall credibility of everything put out by the Newswire network.

Newswire Guest This is the lowest form of Newswire membership. It is attained by people who simply sign up for an account or connect via Facebook Connect.

Newswire Member This is a person who is interested in receiving updates from Newswire and to access Newswire’s unique content. Through this membership they receive email updates on Newswire events and services.

Newswire Company This is a Newswire corporate account that allows a client company to maintain a profile on Newswire from which all of their press releases and related articles are indexed and accessible. Through this mechanism, client companies are able to organize all press releases and news related to their company.

Provisional Writer 5

The Blogosphere a Mass Movement from Grass Roots: http://www.emarketer.com/Report.aspx?code=emarketer_2000494 6 Important Blogging Statistics http://www.blogworldexpo.com/general-information/important-statistics 7 Only Two Percent of Bloggers Can Make A Living: http://www.mediabistro.com/galleycat/trends/only_two_percent_of_bloggers_can_make_a_living_100207.asp

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

This is a holding account for writers interested in obtaining full Newswire Journalist credentials. They maintain provisional status until they satisfy the writing requirements necessary. This is the first step of the application process for writers interested in becoming Newswire Journalists.

Associate Journalist This is the standard level of Newswire writer. Associate Journalists receive press badges, have credentials checked, and agree to additional terms and conditions before attaining this level.

Senior Journalist This writing level is reserved for Newswire Journalists who demonstrate a high level of quality and quantity of Newswire participation.

Provisional Editor This is a holding account for people interested in an editor or sales position with Newswire. They maintain provisional status until they are interviewed and retained as an Associate Editor or Senior Editor (see below).

Associate Editor The Associate Editor title is essentially a cover for salespeople engaged in cold calling and pitching press release distribution customers. Associate Editors receive press badges, are eligible for commissions, and agree to additional terms and conditions before conducting business as Associate Editors.

Senior Editors These are actual editors engaged in the review, modification, and publishing of press releases and articles submitted to Newswire. This is an actual position with Newswire in that people must complete a full interview process before becoming Senior Editors.

Administrators Administrators are Newswire employees responsible for overseeing and facilitating the entire Newswire Content Management System and business model.

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Revenue Model Newswire has the following revenue opportunities built into its model.

Press Release Distribution Newswire offers press release distribution starting at $250 per press release. This price is in line with industry standards with comparable services. This value proposition is further enhanced by Newswire’s ‘Article Guarantee’, a service included in our provisional patent that has yet to be offered by any newswire service.

Advertising As Newswire is a hub for unique content on the web, opportunity for online advertising exists on every page. Newswire has the infrastructure in place to capitalize on Cost per Click and Cost per Action advertising. Cost per Click advertisers can purchase packages by the number of impressions or the length of time their ad is displayed. Cost per Action advertisers are sourced through 3rd Party affiliate marketing companies, such as ClickBank and AffiliateHub.

Associated Content Model Newswire’s unique content allows Newswire to be the source for companies and websites needing unique content. This revenue will continue to develop as Newswire grows its writing staff.

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Industry & Competitive Analysis The Newswire Industry is a competitive one with various levels of service and distribution capabilities. The leaders in the industry have built their brand and reputation over time and now leverage their brand to justify higher prices. Newswire’s name and website alone allow them to participate in this arena. Further, their pricing model is competitively priced relative to the other leading wire services.

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Newswire Provisional Patent


Method of Creating and Maintaining a Social Network News Agency and Press Release Distribution Service.

ID Number:


Date Issued: June 7, 2009 Method of Creating and Maintaining a Social Network News Agency and Press Release Distribution Service. Where do most people go now to get their news? If the sharp reduction in newspaper readership has taught anything, it is that the internet has become the major source of information for people trying to understand what is happening in their world. Yet anyone who uses the internet or even twenty-four hour news channels as their source for news also knows the limitations of these platforms. The same limited number of stories gets circulated over and over again. News channels get fixated on one or two stories, to the exclusion of everything else. Even local newspapers depend more and more on large national and global press associations for their stories. The result is a plethora of versions of the same three or four stories, and no coverage of small scale, local interest and business stories. How can it be that as the number of all-news networks increases and the reach of the internet expands, there seems to be less and less "news"? News Channels have also shunned rather than embraced the more than 12,000,000 new online journalists, who without a news distribution platform are left in haystacks reporting on needles. Our method is to leverage the utility of caused based social networking and provide the following credibility, distribution, and monetization to independent journalist: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Report and distribute news over a reputable medium Application process including the grading of writers abilities Code of Ethics pledge and internal oversight Editorial oversight, approval and writer assistance Research assistance and access to topic specific micro social networks (MSN) for research and collaboration Physical press pass, with multiple electronic verification of same Editor Assistance in booking interviews and gaining press access Method of monetizing writing Method of collaborative distribution

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Figure 1

Traditional Media Non Acceptance of Independent Content and Independent Journalist

S m a ll B u s i n e s s

No D is t r ib u t io n

No A d S a le s

No In c o m e

No W r it in g

T ra d it io n a l M e d ia No C r e d e n t i a ls

No D i s t r i b u t io n

In d e p e n d e n t J o u r n a l i s t

Independent Content, not providing any predictable ad revenue support, is denied access into mainstay media due to the fact that it is a liability to their limited physical paper cost. No Ad Sales + No Writers + No Distribution = Independent Content Independent Journalist, not having an editorial process or membership from a mainstay media outlet is branded as an independent journalist (free lancer) and as such is relegated into 2nd class citizens in the eyes of the reporting community. No Media Credentials + No income + No Distribution = Independent Journalist

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Method of accepting and distributing Independent Content and Independent Journalist Figure 2


Independent Content submits Press Release to the Newswire.Net Engine (See Figure 2.1)

P re ss R e le a se C o n te n t P ro v id e r

2. Press Release is distributed and posted to Associate Writers Writing Assignment Pool ( See Figure 2.2) 1



New s D is t rib u t io n

Independent Journalist calls, interviews Press Release Content Provider.

4. Press Release Content provider approves Article which is submitted and posted on the Newswire.net article site.


2 5

In d e p e n d e n t J o u rn a list

5. Article is posted onto Independent Journalist Newswire.net public site with credit and citation given(See Figure 2.3)

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Figure 2.1

Independent Content Approval & Distribution Cycle P r e s s R e le a s e C o n t e n t P r o v i d e r


5. N e w s w ire w r it e r r e c e iv e s r e je c t io n a n d c o n t a c t s C o n t e n t P ro v id e r t o a s s is t

P r o v id e r p a y s f o r a n d s u b m it s c o n t e n t f o r a p p r o v a l a n d d is t r ib u t io n



E d it o r a p p r o v e s p r e s s r e le a s e f o r d i s t r i b u t io n


E d it o r d e n ie s p r e s s r e l e a s e f o r d i s t r ib u t i o n

5. 7.

P r e s s R e le a s e K e y W o rd O p t im iz e d


P re ss R e le a s e R e a d y fo r D is t r ib u t io n


P re s s R e le a s e C o n te n t P ro vid e r V e rif ic a tio n to A c c u ra c y a n d A p p ro va l

9. N e w s w ir e P re ss R e le a s e Sent

1. Press Release Content Provider pays for and submits content for approval and distribution 2. Editor reviews content and Rejects (see Step 3) or Approves See Step 6 3. Editor denies content 4. Random Associate writer is tasked out by editor with the rejection and reason(s) and hands out the assignment to the writer of contacting Press Release Content Provider and assisting them on producing content which can be approved 5. Associate Writer assist Press Release Content Provider to resubmit Press Release (See Step 1) 6. Editor approves of Press Release Content 7. Press Release is key word optimized 8. Press Release is sent back to the Press Release Content Provider for verification of accuracy and approval

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

9. Press Release Content Provider approves content and verifies accuracy (See Step 10) Press Release Content Provider disapproves content and or denies accuracy (See Step 1) 10. Press Release is distributed And Placed in Associated Writer Assignment pool

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Figure 2.2

Independent Content Distribution and Independent Journalist Article Assignment with Payment N e w s w ir e P re ss R e le a s e Sent



P re s s R e le a s e S u b m it t e d t o A s s o c ia t e W r it e r A s s ig n m e n t P o o l


A s s ig n m e n t C o m p le t e

13. W rit e r C r e d it e d


A s s o c ia t e W r it e r s S o c ia l N e t w o rk


14. 11.

W r it e r a c c e p ts A s s ig n m e n t

W r it e r g e t P a id


W r it e r I n t e r v ie w s C lie n t


A r t ic le W r it t e n


E d it o r A p p ro v e d D e n ie d

A p p ro v e d



9. D e n ie d

1. Press Release Content is distributed 2. Press Release submitted to Associate Writer Assignment pool 3. Assignment is broadcasted over the social network to all writers with Fee to be paid upon completion 4. Associate Writer accepts Article from pool which then removes the Press Release from eligibility 5. Associate Writer, calls and interviews Press Release Provider to clarify facts 6. Associate Writer writes article 7. Associate Writer submits article for editor approval or rejection 8. Editor Approves (see Step 11) or Editor Denies (see Step 9) 9. Editor Denies 10. Writer rewrites article and resubmits for Editor approval 11. Writing Assignment Complete 12. Associate Writer submits courtesy copy to Press Release provider 13. Associate Writer is credited with article and summary with full article link is posted on Associate writers Newswire.net Homepage Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

14. Independent Writer is compensated as per pre assignment agreement

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Figure 2.3 Independent Journalists Online Article Credit and Citation



1. Title of approved article 2. Author of approved article

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Figure 2.3.1 Page

Independent Journalists Online Article Credit and Citation Verification


2. 1. Author picture and misc. information 2. Articles written (title and excerpt)

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Figure 3. Associate Writer Article Written off of Independent Content Press Release Submitted

N e w sw ir e C u st o m e r

1. 3. 2. N e w sw ir e P r e ss R e le a se W r it e r


A r t i c le W r i t t e n fr o m p r e ss r e l e a se a n d In t e r v i e w


A r t icle D ist r ib u t e d o n N e w sw ir e .n e t a s a P r e ss R e le a se

7. P r e ss R e le a se S u b m it t e d t o N e w sw ir e S u b m issio n E n g in e


Ke y W o rd O p t im ize d


N e w sw ir e J o u r n a list A ssig n m e n t


P r e ss R e le a se D ist r ib u t e d o n N e w sw ir e .n e t a s a P r e ss R e le a se

1. Newswire Customer request a Press Release to be written from an approved Newswire Associate writer 2. Newswire Associate writer a press release on behalf of client 3. Client submits, verifies accuracy and approves press release 4. Press Release is Key Word Optimized for Search Engines 5. Press release is approved by Newswire Editor and distributed on the Newswire network 6. Press Release is posted to Newswire Associate Writer Assignment Board 7. Associate Writer interviews press release client

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

8. Associate Writer writes article and Editor approves 9. Article is posted and distributed on the Newswire Network as a Article

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Figure 3.1

Separating Press Release Writers, from Article Writers

N e w s w ire C u sto m e r

1 2 N e w s w ir e P re s s R e le a s e W r it e r

8 N e w sw ir e E t h ic s P o lic y


9 3

A r t ic le P u b lis h e d N e w s w ire J o u r n a lis t A s s ig n m e n t

P r e s s R e le a s e W r it t e n


P r e s s R e le a s e D is t rib u t e d o n N e w s w ir e .n e t a s a P re s s R e le a s e



P re s s R e le a s e P o s t e d o n A s s o c ia t e W r it e r a s s ig n m e n t b o a rd

1. Newswire Customer request a Press Release to be written from an approved Newswire Associate writer 2. Newswire Associate writer a press release on behalf of client 3. Client submits, verifies accuracy and approves press release 4. Press release is approved by Newswire Editor and distributed on the Newswire network 5. Press Release is posted to Newswire Associate Writer Assignment Board 6. Associate Writer accepts assignment 7. Associate Writer interviews press release client 8. Associate Writer writes article and Submits it to the editor who checks it through the Newswire.net Ethics Policy Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

9. Article passes Ethics Policy and is published on the Newswire Network 10. Article is posted and distributed on the Newswire Network as a Article

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Figure 3.2 Achieving Key Word Search Engine Equilibrium (SEE) via a combination of Key Word Press Releases followed up by Key Word Articles

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Se a r ch E n gin e K e y w o rd Lo n ge v it y

S e a r c h E n g in e E q u ilib r iu m

A r t ic le W r it in g fro m P re ss R e le a s e

N EW SW IRE P r e s s R e le a s e A r t ic le W r it in g E n g in e

N e w s w ir e P r e s s R e le a s e

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Se a r c h E n g in e K e y w o r d A b s o r p t io n

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Figure 4.

Associate Writer Application Process N e w sw ir e A sso c ia t iv e J o u r n a list A p p lic a t io n

A cce p t a n ce o f J o u r n a list ic E t h ics P o licy

A cce p t a n ce o f N e w sw ire .n e t T e r m s o f Se r v ic e

A cce p t a n ce o f N e w sw ir e .n e t P r o - B o n o P o icy

P r o b a t io n a r y W r it e r S t a t u s

P a sse d C lie n t Phone In t e r v ie w T e st

5 A r t icle s w r it t e n a cce p t e d a n d su b m it t e d

N e w sw ir e A sso c ia t e W r it e r St at u s A c h ie v e d

1. Newswire Independent Journalist Application (Name-Photo ID- Social SecurityEmail/Phone Verification) 2. Newswire Independent Journalist Signed Acceptance of Ethics Policy 3. Newswire Independent Journalist Signed Acceptance of Newswire Terms of Service 4. Newswire Independent Journalist Signed Acceptance of Newswire Pro-Bono and Community responsibility Pledge 5. Newswire Independent Journalist Probationary Status Granted 6. Newswire Independent Journalist Takes and Passes Phone Interview Test 7. Newswire Independent Journalist accepts writes and get editor approval on 5 articles to be written 8. Probationary Status Lifted - Newswire Associate Journalist granted Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Figure 5.

Physical Media Press Pass with Electronic Verification of Same

P h y sic a l P r e s s P a s s (S e e F ig u r e 4 . 1 )

C r o ss V e r if ic a t io n F e a t u r e s

F ig u r e 5 . 1 - S e c t io n 1

W r it e r 's p r e ss p a ss v e r if ic a t io n in t e r n e t p a g e

F ig u r e 5 . 2 - S e c t io n 1

F ig u r e 5 . 1 - S e c t io n 2

W r it e r 's n e w sw ir e . n e t d ir e c t d ia l p h o n e n u m b e r

F ig u r e 5 . 2 - S e c t io n 7

F ig u r e 5 . 1 - S e c t io n 3

N am e

F ig u r e 5 . 2 - S e c t io n 3

F ig u r e 5 . 1 - S e c t io n 4

I d e n t if ic a t io n N u m b e r ID

F ig u r e 5 . 2 - S e c t io n 4

F ig u r e 5 . 1 - S e c t io n 5


F ig u r e 5 . 2 - S e c t io n 9

F ig u r e 5 . 1 - S e c t io n 6

E d it o r D e sk p h o n e n u m b e r

F ig u r e 5 . 2 - S e c t io n 2

F ig u r e 5 . 1 - S e c t io n 7

W r it e r 's C u r r e n t S t a t u s

F ig u r e 5 . 2 - S e c t io n 5

F ig u r e 5 . 1 - S e c t io n 8

B a r C o d e C o n f ir m in g W r it e r 's C r e d e n t ia ls

F ig u r e 5 . 1 - S e c t io n 9

F ig u r e 5 . 1 - S e c t io n 1 0

E le c t r o n ic V e r if ic a t io n (S e e F ig u r e 4 . 2 )

W r it e r 's S ig n a t u r e

W r i t e r 's N e w s w i r e .N e t e m a i l a d d res s

F ig u r e 5 . 2 - S e c t io n 8

W r i t e r 's N e w s w i r e .N e t A r t i c l e s w r i tten A r c h i v e

F ig u r e 5 . 2 -S e c t io n 1 0

W r it e r 's N e w sw ir e . N e t P r e s e n t A r t ic le A ssig n m e n t

F ig u r e 5 . 2 - S e c t io n 1 1

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Figure 5.1

Physical Media Press Pass

w w w .k a re n .sm ith .n e w sw ire .n e t


D ir e c t L i n e (2 5 3 ) 2 2 0 -4 6 0 1


PR ESS PASS N am e: K a r e n S m ith ID J1 2 3 4 5 E d ito r s D e s k N u m b e r


(2 5 3 ) 2 2 0 -4 6 0 0


4 6


11/ 30/ 2009 Th i s j o u rn al i s t i s o b tai n i n g n e w s an d p h o to s o n b e h al f o f N EW SW I R E. N ET Th i s b ad ge e n ti tl e s th e c arri e r to th e n e c e s s ary a c c e s s th a t i s re q u i re d to ge t n e w s an d / o r p h o to grap h . Th i s ri gh t i s gu a ra n te e d p e r th e Fi rs t A m e n d m e n t o f th e U n i te d Sta te s C o n s ti tu ti o n P ro p e rty o f N e w s w i re . n e t, I n c .



2 5 3 - 2 2 0 -4 6 0 1

9 S ig n a t u r e


k a re n .sm ith @ n e w sw ire .n e t

10 1. Newswire 2. Newswire 3. Newswire 4. Newswire 5. Newswire 6. Newswire 7. Newswire 8. Newswire 9. Newswire 10. Newswire

Independent Journalist Newswrie.Net unique web address Independent Journalist Assigned Phone Number Independent Journalist Full Legal Name Independent Journalist Identification number Independent Journalist Photo Editor Desk Phone Number for Newswire Writer credential verification Independent Journalist Press Pass Expiration Date Independent Journalist electronic bar code name and ID verification Independent Journalist signature accepting our Ethics policy and TOS Independent Journalist assigned Newswire.Net email address

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Figure 5.2 Internet Verification of Newswire Press Pass

1. Newswire 2. Newswire 3. Newswire 4. Newswire 5. Newswire 6. Newswire 7. Newswire 8. Newswire 9. Newswire 10. Newswire 11. Newswire

Independent Journalist Newswrie.Net unique web address Editor Desk Phone Number for Newswire Writer credential verification Independent Journalist Full Legal Name Independent Journalist Identification number Independent Journalist Press Pass Status Independent Journalist Writing Assignment Status Independent Journalist Assigned Phone Number Independent Journalist assigned Newswire.Net email address Independent Journalist Photo Independent Journalist written article archive Independent Journalist present assignment verification

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Figure 5.3 Editor Phone Verification of Newswire Associate Writer N e w s w i r e W r i te r 1 P res en t M ed ia P a s s a t E v e n t to s e c u r i ty

S e c u r it y a t E v e n t C a lls E d it o r N u m b e r


N e w s w i r e W r i te r G r a n te d M e d i a A c c e s s to e v e n t

2 4

w w w .k a re n .sm it h .n e w sw ire .n e t D ire c t L in e (2 5 3 ) 2 2 0 - 4 6 0 1

P R ESS P ASS N am e : ID

K a re n S m ith J12345

E d ito rs D e sk N u m b e r

(2 5 3 ) 2 2 0 - 4 6 0 0 V A LID T O

11/ 30/ 2009 T h is j o u r n a li st i s o b t a i n i n g n e w s an d p h o t o s o n b e h a l f o f N E W SW IR E .N E T Th is b ad ge e n t i t l e s t h e c a rri e r t o t h e n e c e ssa ry a c c e ss t h a t i s re q u ire d t o ge t n e w s a n d / o r p h o t o gra p h . T h i s ri gh t is gu a ra n t e e d p e r t h e F i rst A m e n d m e n t o f t h e U n i t e d St a t e s C o n st it u t io n


E d i t o r c o n fi r m s i n fo r m a t i o n a n d re q u e s t th a t m e d ia c o u rte s y b e give n

P ro p e rt y o f N e w sw i re .n e t , In c .

253- 220-4601 S i g n a tu r e

N E W S W IR E .N E T k a re n .sm it h @ n e w sw ire .n e t Newswire Independent Journalist identifies he/she is an associate writer and present Newswire Press Pass to security: 1. If security question credential Newswire writer can point out the editor desk number for verification of credentials; 2. Security calls Editor Desk and give the desk Name and ID Number of Badge; 3. Editor looks up Newswire Writer and confirms is the pass is in good standing and relay information of what the writer is presently writing about. Editor also ask security to give grant newswire writer media courtesy; 4. Newswire writer granted access; 5. If Denied Editor can see if he can call the media relations desk (if not closed) to see if they will extend courtesy.

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Figure 5.4

Newswire Associate Writer Phone Number

N e w sw ir e A sso c ia t e W r it e r s A ssig n e d phone num ber 1 2

w w w .k a re n .sm it h .n e w sw ire .n e t D ire c t L in e (2 5 3 ) 2 2 0 - 4 6 0 1

P R ESS P ASS N am e : ID

K a re n S m ith J12345

C a lle d v o ic e m a il st a t in g y o u r e a c h e d " w r it e r " a t n e w sw ir e . P r e ss 1 t o le a v e a m e ssa g e o f p r e ss 2 t o b e f o r w a r d e d t o " w r it e r "

E d ito rs D e sk N u m b e r

(2 5 3 ) 2 2 0 - 4 6 0 0 V A LID T O

11/ 30/ 2009



T h i s jo u r n a li st is o b t a i n i n g n e w s an d p h o to s o n b e h a l f o f N E W SW IR E.N E T Th is b a d ge e n t it le s th e c a rr i e r t o th e n e c e ssa ry a c c e ss t h a t is r e q u i re d to ge t n e w s a n d / o r p h o t o g ra p h . Th is r i gh t is g u a ra n t e e d p e r t h e F i rst A m e n d m e n t o f t h e U n i te d St a t e s C o n sti t u ti o n P ro p e r ty o f N e w sw i re .n e t , In c .

2 53- 220-4601 S i g n a tu r e

N E W S W IR E .N E T k a re n .sm it h @ n e w sw ire .n e t

1 . is P r e sse d N e w sw ir e V o ic e M a il S y st e m

2 . is p r e sse d C a ll f o r w a r d e d t o N e w sw ir e w r it e r s c e ll phone

1. Newswire Independent Journalist assigned Newswire phone number 2. Phone when calls either routes to Newswire Voice Mail (option 1) or hunts the newswire writer down via call forwarding (option 2) 3. Option 1 pressed taken to Newswire Voice mail 4. Option 2 pressed call is forwarded to Newswire Writer

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Figure 5.5

Newswire Associate Writer Assigned Email Address

w w w .k a re n .sm it h .n e w sw ire .n e t D ire c t L in e (2 5 3 ) 2 2 0 - 4 6 0 1

P R ESS P ASS N am e : ID

P O P 3 A c c o u n t fo r w a r d e d t o N e w sw ir e . n e t E m a il Se r ve r

K a re n Sm ith J 12345

E d ito rs D e sk N u m b e r

(2 5 3 ) 2 2 0 - 4 6 0 0 V A LID T O

11/ 30/ 2009 T h is jo u rn a list is o b ta in in g n e w s a n d p h o t o s o n b e h a lf o f N E W S W IR E .N E T T h is b a d g e e n t itle s th e c a r r ie r t o t h e n e c e ssa ry a c c e ss t h a t is r e q u ir e d t o ge t n e w s a n d / o r p h o t o gr a p h . T h is rig h t is gu a ra n te e d p e r t h e F i rst A m e n d m e n t o f t h e U n ite d S ta te s C o n stit u tio n P r o p e rt y o f N e w sw ire .n e t , In c .

253- 220-4601 S i g n a tu r e


A sso c ia t e w r it e r N e w sw ir e E m a il A d d r e ss

k a re n .sm it h @ n e w sw ire .n e t

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Figure 5.6

Newswire Associate Writer Assigned Email Address

N e w sw ir e W r it e r c o n t a c t s E d it o r a b o u t n e w A r t ic le t h e y a r e w r it in g


E d i to r A p p r o v e s A r ti c l e a n d p o st a s a cu rren t a s s ign m en t o n N ew s w ire w r i te r 's w e b s i te

1. Newswire Independent Journalist contacts Newswire Editor to register an article they want to write. 2. Newswire Editor approves article and post article summary and scope on the Newswire Independent journalist web site.

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Figure 5.7 Event

Newswire Editor Assistance in Obtaining Newswire Writer Access to

W r it e r R e q u e st A c c e ss t o N e w s E ve n t


C o n t a c t s E d it o r


E d it o r C o n t a c t s M e d ia R e la t io n s o f E ve n t



E d it o r R e q u e st M e d ia C o u r t e sy f o r W r it e r

6 W r it e r a t t e n d s e v e n t


A p p ro ve d

4 D e n ie d


M e d ia E v e n t R e c e iv e s L e t t e r f r o m E d it o r ,

9 W r it e r w r it e s a r t ic le a b o u t e ve n t


M e d ia E v e n t R e c e iv e s A r t ic le f r o m w r it e r

1. Newswire Independent Journalist contact editor about getting into an event to write a story about it 2. Editor Contacts Media Relations department of Event 3. Editor Explains who Newswire is and what are writer is trying to accomplish 4. Media Relations department denies request 5. Editor send out letter follow up with media packet of who Newswire is 6. Media Relation Department Approves Newswire Access 7. Writer Attends event 8. Writer takes Notes at Event (Records/Photgraphs) 9. Writer writes article about event 10. Editor send article to Media Events department contact with a thank you.

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Figure 6.0 Collaborative Based Research Networks

M em b er M an agem en t

T o p ic S p e c if ic C o lla b o r a t iv e B a se d R e se a r c h N e t w o r k

In v it e

S o c ia l S e e d in g

T o p ic B lo g s

T o p ic R S S Fe e d s

T o p ic D is c u s s io n s

T o p ic W ik i's

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Claims 1. A method of organizing independent member journalist for the purpose of creating unique content. 2. A method of organizing independent journalist for the purpose of distribution of the unique content created in 1 above. 3. A method of creating a union of independent member journalist for the purpose of creating unique content. 4. A method of creating a union of independent journalist for the purpose of distribution of the unique content created in 1 above. 5. A method of creating journalistic credibility for the union of independent member journalist for the purpose of distribution of the unique content created in 1 above. 6. A method of distributing content from independent journalist through other independent journalist’s member’s content web site, blogs, post. 7. A method of distributing press releases through other independent journalist’s member’s content web site, blogs, post. 8. A method that a press release submitted on our platform has a third party independent article written about it. 9. A method that a press release submitted on our platform is broadcasted to independent member journalist to be for picked up as an article assignment. 10. A method that an independent member journalist can be compensated to write an article about a press release submitted on our platform. 11. A method that an independent member journalist can claim the assignment of writing an article about a press release submitted on our platform. 12. A method that an independent member journalist article can be reviewed by an editor and (when/if) approved can be posted and distributed on the platform. 13. A method of training our independent member journalist on how to conduct a proper phone interview for the purpose of an article follow-up. 14. A method of requiring an independent member journalist to write 5 articles that are acceptable to the community before application can be approved. 15. A method of allowing the independent member journalist to accept or decline new journalist membership applications. 16. A method of allowing independent member journalist the ability of creating an income by reporting on local or small business news.. 17. A method of allowing small businesses to retain independent member journalist for the purpose pf reporting on their business.. 18. A method of creating a physical independent member journalist media press badge. 19. A method of creating an electronic verification of the physical independent member journalist media press badge. 20. A method of creating a physical independent member journalist media press badge, with electronic verification of same. 21. A method of creating an electronic webpage having the independent member journalist name in the sub domain identifier. (ie www.name-of-jounralist.newsire.net) media press badge. 22. A method of having the sub domain identifier. (ie www.name-ofjounralist.newsire.net) embedded into the physical media press badge. 23. A method of creating and posting on the website (ie.www.newswire.net) an Editor Desk phone number for the verification of independent member journalist standing. 24. A method of having the an Editor Desk phone number embedded into the physical media press badge

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

25. A method of having the independent member journalist name, photo and identification number in the sub domain identifier website. (ie www.name-ofjounralist.newsire.net). 26. A method of having the independent member journalist name, photo and identification number in the sub domain identifier website. (ie www.name-ofjounralist.newsire.net) embedded into the physical media press badge. 27. A method of having the independent member journalist status (active/suspended/terminated) identified in the sub domain identifier website. (ie www.name-of-jounralist.newsire.net). 28. A method of having the independent member journalist status (name and identification number) translated and embedded into the physical media pass as a bar code. 29. A method of having the independent member journalist sign the physical media press pass, confirming to the adherence or newswire.net, inc terms and conditions. 30. A method of creating an email having the independent member journalist name in the sub domain identifier. ([email protected]). 31. A method of allowing the independent member journalist access to their email address name in the sub domain identifier. ([email protected]). 32. A method of having the independent member journalist email address (ie [email protected]) identified in the sub domain identifier website. (ie www.name-of-jounralist.newsire.net). 33. A method of having the independent member journalist email address (ie [email protected]) embedded into the physical media press badge. 34. A method of posting the independent member journalist articles in the sub domain identifier. (ie www.name-of-jounralist.newsire.net) website. 35. A method where the independent member journalist can contact an editor to post a new assignment which the independent member journalist is working on. 36. A method where the independent member journalist, new assignment is posted in the sub domain identifier website. (ie www.name-of-jounralist.newsire.net). 37. A method where the independent member journalist, can contact a editor of the platform to assist in getting the journalist access into a particular news venue. 38. A method where the editor(s) have the ability of finding and communicating with the specific events media relations department on behalf of the independent journalist member. 39. A method where the independent journalist member has access to a collaborative Based Research Network. 40. A method where the independent journalist member can create a collaborative Based Research Network. 41. A method where the independent journalist member can invite others to collaborate on the independent journalist created Topic Specific Research Network 42. A method of increasing the credibility of content distributed via membership application 43. A method of increasing the credibility of content distributed via members journalist written ethics pledge 44. A method of increasing the credibility of content distributed via members journalist written pro-bono pledge 45. A method of teaching independent member journalist how to create a micro social network for the purpose of promoting a brand and/or increasing brand equity on the internet. 46. A method of teaching independent member journalist how to create a micro social network for the purpose of researching a topic 47. A method of teaching independent member journalist how to recruit other writers to their micro social network for the purpose of assisting in researching a topic

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Newswire.Net Articles 1. Become Part of Newswire.net News Agency 2. Newswire.net Launches Its Social Network News Agency 3. Collective Independent Journalism is the Future of News 4. Writers Will Lead the Way to the News of Tomorrow 5. Newswire.Net Press Release Guarantee 6. Newswire.Net Press Release Guarantee 2 7. Newswire: The Newspaper of the Future 8. The Newswire Union

Become Part of the Newswire.net News Agency News is definitely not what it used to be. From the traveling troubadour who sang you the news while you sipped your ale to the 24-hour news station taking a break only for commercials, the way reporters deliver and the way people receive the news has changed immeasurably over the centuries. But now, despite the existence of the internet, 24-hour talk radio and news television channels, it seems harder to get a real handle on the news than ever. All this technology should mean that the world would have access to more news than ever before. Instead, it just means the same few stories get broadcast and repeated over and over again. Newswire, the new press service and journalist network, aims to change all that for the better. It will make use of the internet and its already-existing powerful search engines to organize and distribute the news to a world hungry for something truly new. It will aim specifically to report on one of the most neglected and overlooked sector of the news, small and local businesses. Most importantly, it will tap into the great resource that is the 12,000,000 estimated independent writers and journalists currently at work and underpaid in the world right now. If you are a blogger, hobby reporter, or writer who can communicate someone else’s story, then Newswire is looking for you! Newswire will make use of a patent-pending process to distribute articles across the major search engines’ news sections. Search engine news spiders pick up stories and articles much faster than they do even regularly updated Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

web pages. The articles and press releases that Newswire-accredited writers produce will be picked up almost immediately and made available to readers. Since many of these articles will have writers’ bylines attached, this a great way to get known as a recognized journalist. The business model for Newswire is completely new and also patentpending. The focus will be on reporting as news what too many media outlets overlook, largely because they depend on these entities for advertising income: businesses, especially small and local ones. Any business can submit a news item to Newswire, whether it is a new store opening, a new product line roll out, or the addition of a new service to those already provided. These news items will be either full blown press releases or simply announcements. In the case of the latter, all accredited writers who are part of the Newswire network will have the opportunity to be paid to produce completed press releases. In exchange, Newswire writers will agree to take press releases and write up the story into a news article to be released on the Newswire platform. The business gets it press release out to the world along with a news article, a writer gets a subject about which to write to display their talents to the world, and another earns income from preparation of a press release. So how will someone become a part of the Newswire team? First, writers will be asked to write and submit for editorial review five original stories on a subject of their choice. These stories will be reviewed for mechanics (spelling, grammar and structure) and their treatment of their chosen subject. Once the editorial team at Newswire agrees that a writer has demonstrated capability to report on and to write up a news story, they are invited to sign the Newswire code of ethics. This code ensures that writers attached to the Newswire label had demonstrated not only an ability to write and report, but also a desire to adhere to the truth. Only after having their content approved and agreeing to the code of ethics will writers become a part of the Newswire network. There are several perks Newswire-affiliated reporters receive beyond just having access to paying work from small businesses anxious to have their stories in the news. First, each Newswire network member will have the articles they have written verified as their work online. For an example of this verification, visit http://www.newswire.net/author/mattfromtexas . Each author will also have a professionally-produced Newswire “press badge” released to them. No Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

more sneaking into parties just to get information for a private blog; wherever the main stream media press can go, independent Newswireapproved journalists now also have access. Each writer will also have a Newswire email address and individual phone number they can use to mark them as legitimate news gatherers. A toll-free number will be given out so that any Newswire-accredited reporter can have their status with the network verified at any time, in any place. Anyone can call themselves a reporter, but for the first time writers will be able to remain independent of the big "news corporation" while also having an editor and a larger news organization behind them. Last, each Newswire-accredited writer will have Newswire Journalist Business Cards containing all their contact information and the number for their editor. So why would any blogger, writer or journalist want to join the Newswire network? First, because joining Newswire means being a part of the newspaper of the future. Who would not have wanted to be the first paper reporter, the first radio broadcaster, or the first television anchor? Second, because it will provide access to paying work, which every independent writer knows is an important part of staying independent. Lastly, because it will give the credentials needed to go where no “bedroom blogger” has ever gone before. Become a part of Newswire today.

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Newswire.net Launches Its Social Network News Agency What sort of news do you get if you ignore the world’s 12 million independent journalists, along with the 25 million small businesses who have news worth reporting? You get the current mainstream media distribution system. Is there a better way of reporting the news that does not ignore the bulk of the world’s reporters as well as the bulk of the world’s news? If that is the question, the answer is Newswire.net. Newswire uses a patentpending technology developed by Houston, TX based Extensions, Inc. to bring together one of the world’s largest untapped sources of news with its most unappreciated journalistic labor force. The result is a news service for the next generation - and beyond. It is widely recognized that the news distribution systems of the early 20th century will no longer work in the 21st. Perhaps no one has explained this better than journalist and blogger Jackie Hai. In a recent posting Mr. Hai wrote that current news syndication models work... “...in an economy of information scarcity, whereas the web represents an economy of abundance…What [20th century news distribution services have] failed to grasp is that the evolution of the participatory web has blurred the line between content producers, distributors and consumers to the point where everybody can be any and all of the three. The news wire of the future will not be centralized and top-down, but rather distributed and bottom-up.” (Jackie Hai, http://jackiehai.com/2009/04/14/why-top-downsyndication-is-broken/) What Mr. Hai means is this: old news distribution models were developed in a world where news had to be hunted down, and distribution was difficult. With the advent of the internet, there is now an abundance of freely available information. The news services of the 21st century will be both newsmakers, distributors, and consumers. Newswire, in essence, is a social network of independent journalists with proven writing skills, bound by a common code of ethics, and backed by an editorial staff. These journalists will also be able to earn income by producing press releases for businesses and organizations, which in turn will be written about by other Newswire journalists. The patent-pending Newswire process aims to be the distributed, bottom-up news distribution service of the 21st century. Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Harnessing the Power of 12 Million Independent Journalists Unlike other news services, Newswire will not depend on a small, localized and limited paid staff. Newswire will make use of the talents of the estimated 12 million independent journalists already at work in the world today, but largely ignored by old-generation news services. These journalists, often dismissed as the “blogosphere” or denigrated by so-called professional reporters, are an unappreciated asset. One of the reasons these journalists are ignored is for the very reason they are able to provide some of the best news reporting: they are “independent.” They do not have the backing of the major news agencies and networks, and so lack the media credentials necessary to delve deeper into stories. While being independent means they are able to investigate whatever interests them without outside influence, it also prevents them from having the access to news conferences and sources that their credentialed counterparts have. Newswire has a rigorous accreditation process that will allow these freelance journalists to remain independent, while also having the backing of a major news service. Each writer will have signed the Newswire ethical code of conduct and had the quality of their work verified by Newswire’s editors. Through Newswire these independent writers and investigators will receive the media credentials that other reporters also have. They will have the support of Newswire’s editorial staff, a press pass identifying their affiliation with Newswire, and the ability to electronically verify their status as Newswire reporters. Newswire journalists will also have opportunities to be paid for their writing skills, by producing press releases for small businesses and agencies. Independent journalism and blogging rarely produces a sizeable income stream in and of itself. This opportunity to work for pay will provide independent writers with the income stream to allow them to continue to pursue their own reporting interests on the side. When Did Innovation Cease To Be News? It is estimated that there over 25 million small businesses whose work remains largely ignored by the current media distribution services. These businesses are developing the technologies, products and services that will change the world in the coming years. Yet these businesses are finding it harder and harder to get their news out to the world. For Newswire, bringing Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

the innovative inventions and processes of these entrepreneurs to the world is a top priority. Newswire has developed a “Press Release Guarantee” that will ensure that every press release submitted will be written up in an independent article. This is the key to ensuring that a business’ news becomes circulated as news on the internet. These independent articles will be written by Newswireaccredited journalists who will choose to freely promote press releases that match their interests and expertise. Newswire: News Service of the Future The patent pending technologies of Newswire aim to take advantage of the very things that are rendering older news services obsolete. These include the ability to circulate information freely on the internet, and to take advantage of the pool of talented writers and reporters who want to remain independent, who also crave the credentialing given to journalists of other organizations.

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Collective Independent Journalism is the Future of News Few who follow the world of news gathering and journalism have missed the fact that traditional newspapers are dying. Even the hallowed New York Times is in financial difficulty. In early 2009 Michael Hirschorn wrote an article in the Atlantic magazine suggesting that the New York Times Company might even need to declare bankruptcy this year (http://www.theatlantic.com/doc/200901/new-york-times). While the Times responded that reports of its demise were exaggerated, few doubt that the company remains in trouble. Some analysts have suggested that cost cuts of 20% each year for the next two years at least will be essential for the organization's possible survival. Others have suggested charging a subscription fee for access to the New York Times' website (http://www.businessinsider.com/2009/1/new-york-times-were-not-goingbankrupt-in-may-nyt). In December of 2008, the Fitch Ratings service made the following prediction: "More newspapers and newspaper groups will default, be shut down and be liquidated in 2009 and several cities could go without a daily print newspaper by 2010.” What has happened to the newspaper? Perhaps a comedian on the Comedy Central program, "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart" put it best. He asked the editor of the Times in an interview why people should continue paying for news that is already a day old, when they can get last hour's news for free off the internet. Tossing a copy of the Times on the editor's desk, he nonchalantly asked him to point out one story of something that happened today. The newspaper, once the most easily accessible and most up-to-date source of print news, is now "old news." What will fill the void created when venerable newspapers such as the Houston Chronicle, the Chicago Tribune, the Washington Post and even the New York Times go out of business? Certainly some of the void will be filled by television and radio news stations. But these sources of news are cumbersome and, to use a technological phrase, "sequentially accessed." Suppose you want to know the sports scores for a particular team, the local weather for tomorrow, or an update on the car crash you just passed. Radio and television may give you the information you want, eventually. But first Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

consumers must listen to information for which they have little or no use or interest. Print (or on screen) media has the advantage of being "randomly accessed." Users can look for precisely the information they want. For that reason alone television and radio will not be the replacement for newspapers. What has driven the newspapers out of business is not radio and television, but internet-based news services. But if the internet is to fill the void left by the newspapers, a new business model for news reporting must also be developed. As the article in the Atlantic made clear, what is driving newspapers under is the hits to their bottom line: the cost of paying a full time staff, business and overhead expenses while losing revenue from subscriptions. There is also a loss of confidence in the quality of their reporting. There is a sense that stories in the "main stream media" are no longer free of bias, but they are written to serve a larger agenda. The old proverb, "he who pays the piper calls the tune," is seen by many to apply to professional reporters for large scale news organizations. Which brings us back to the question: what will fill the void left by the old newspapers? One strong candidate for the position is Newswire.net, a social network of journalists working from a completely different model than the old newspaper companies. Newswire has a minimal editorial staff, and so far less overhead than the old paper organizations. Rather than depending on paid staff, Newswire leverages the talents of the more than 12 million independent journalists already writing articles and doing reporting. The patent-pending technology of Newswire works this way. Journalists and writers can submit samples of their original writing for review by Newswire's editors. On approval, applicants sign the Newswire code of conduct and become journalists credentialed under the Newswire banner. Each reporter will have their own press credentials which can be confirmed electronically or over the phone with the editorial staff of Newswire. Newswire will promote the journalistic work of these writers; will also giving them opportunities to earn income by writing press releases for small businesses and organizations. Old newspapers depended on subscriptions to pay their staff, expenses and the cost of the papers themselves. This old business not survive into the 21st century. Organizations like Newswire, completely new business model and their democratization of

operating model will with their the news

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

reporting process, will be the ones to carry the newspapers' banner into the future.

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Writers Will Lead the Way to the News of Tomorrow The world is clearly in the midst of a revolution in news reporting and consumption. A century ago the only reliable source for news was the newspaper and printed materials. This was how it had been for hundreds of years, almost since the invention of the printing press in the 15th century. Then came radio, which many thought would replace newspapers, yet found its own unique niche. Radio, although giving more up-to-date information than papers, also provided news sequentially. One story followed another, and listeners had little choice as to what they were learning about or when they were going to learn about it. Newspapers still offered consumers a choice of what news to focus on and what news to pass over or read later. Television, and in particular 24 hour cable news channels such as CNN, added a visual element that radio lacked, but in most other ways differed little from radio in the way the news was presented. Even with the addition of multiple cable news channels catering to different needs, most viewers are still captive to the stories anchors and producers want them to see. Since these networks are all in competition for viewers, many of them report on the same stories at the same time, ignoring all else in the rush to keep consumers from changing channels. Newspapers still fill a need not being filled elsewhere. Then came the internet. Now consumers finally have a means of accessing the news they want on the topics that interest them. The internet is a written, auditory, and visual phenomenon, combining the best of all these mediums in one. Newspapers had at last met their match. For the first time major newspapers such as the New York Times, the Chicago Tribune, and the Washington Post began bleeding red ink. But for the internet to truly fill the void that may soon be created by the death of the printed press, one obstacle needs to be overcome. The obstacle is that of veracity. The issue of truth in reporting was raised when fraudulent stories were uncovered in papers such as the NY Times. The issue cannot now be avoided by internet news sources, either. How can we be sure the news we are reading is true? Houston-based Extensions, Inc., developers of the EXT social network, are taking aim at the challenge of internet news distribution with their Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

www.Newswire.net social network. The network will attempt to harness the talents of some of the 12 million independent writers already blogging and reporting on the news over the internet, but who do not have the backing of a news agency. Because these independent writers have no credentials or status, their work is often suspect, and they also have a harder time than their credentialed peers in getting access to news sources, press conferences and other information. Newswire will review five pieces of original work from everyone who wishes to be part of their social network. After a writer's work has been evaluated for content and quality, a writer will be asked to review and agree to Newswire's code of conduct. Any writer that is found to have broken that code can be disciplined or removed by Newswire's editors. Approved members of the network will receive proof of their status as Newswire journalists, and will have the backing of Newswire's editorial board who can vouch for their status. By being a member of Newswire, writers will have access to paying work writing press releases for businesses and organizations. At the same time they will be able to continue their freelance work with the added benefit of being able to establish a certain level of trust with their audience. Essentially Newswire will have provided a level of legitimacy and credibility to the writers who are the future of the world's news: independent journalists and reporters. What has driven newspapers under is their high overhead costs, including salaried journalists. What has stood in the way of the internet filling the void that will be left by those papers is concern over the truthfulness of news written by "freelancers." Newswire will be the market leader for internet news gathering services that will build trust with consumers and provide them with an even wider variety of news than they could previously receive. Radio and television competed against newspapers, and found their own nitch. Newswire will combine the best of radio, television and newspapers to become the next great media outlet.

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Newswire.Net Press Release Guarantee The power of the press release may be one of the most untapped resources for those new to the internet. Few people, who run businesses, or sell products or services, realize that an opportunity for publicity exists that can cost a fraction of a full-scale ad campaign. Not only cost a fraction, but also create as great an impact. That resource is the press release, made possible by the democratizing effects of the internet, and the good people at Newswire, the web's newest media outlet. Did you ever wonder what makes something qualify as "news"? The answer is quite simple: the media. The people who run the radio stations, television channels, newspapers, magazines and journals are the ones who decide what information rises to newsworthiness. Consider for just a moment how news works. On one side of the equation is a person with a story. On the other side is someone who wants to hear that story. In the middle are the people who make up "the media." They decide what information should be disseminated at no charge to the "newsmaker," but at a cost to the receiver: in other words, what qualifies as news. On the other hand they may decide that they should charge the "newsmaker" for the privilege of having their information conveyed freely to the receiver: in other words, what qualifies as "paid advertising." But make no mistake that it is the media who decide the difference between what is "news" and what is "advertising," and the decision can often be quite arbitrary. Newswire was founded on the belief that new business opportunities, products and services being offered to the public are every bit as much "news" as stories about new highways, bribed politicians, and cats caught up trees. Newswire is a union of reporters and writers, vetted by an editorial team for the quality of their writing and their adherence to ethical standards. Newswire is a new breed of media outlet, who guarantees that every press notice submitted to them will have a professionally written article written about it and distributed across the internet. Now your business does not have to have someone else decide whether their new store, new product, or new service is "newsworthy." You no longer need to wait and see if some writer will condescend to pick up your story and broadcast it to the wider world. Newswire believes that if you think what you are doing is newsworthy, then it is. Their writers will treat it as such, and see that if gets the attention and distribution it deserves. Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

The advantages to having your story published as a press release and not simply as an advertisement or commercial are many. But the chief benefit in the electronic world of the internet is this: it will attract more attention to your website. The more articles, press releases, and other websites that reference yours exist, the stronger the "strands" that connect you to the web. Search engines rank websites higher in search results if they do not simply stand alone, but strengthen the "web" portion of the "world wide web." So a press release about new business ventures, new milestones, services, and products is a good way of strengthening your overall presence on the internet. Consider, too, the advantage of having what you are doing classified as "news." News is taken seriously, whereas advertising if often skipped over. A professionally written story circulated as news has the chance of being picked up by another writer who may retell your story to others. Unless your advertising is particularly clever and ground breaking, what is the chance of that happening? Newswire wants to fill the void left by many of the other media outlets. They want your story to be told, and told well. Take advantage of Newswire's press release distribution and article capabilities and get your story out there.

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Newswire.Net Press Release Guarantee 2 Press releases are without a doubt one of the cheapest means of getting word out about your company, product, service or special event. The concept of the press release is really quite simple. You produce an announcement of the milestone you have achieved and “release” it to various media outlets. After all, if what you are doing is new to you and of interest to the community that alone should make it newsworthy. You then wait for a reporter or writer to take that press release and use it as a basis for an article or story. This is what turns your “idea” for news into something that someone will pick up and read. A press release lets people know that something new is happening. But it takes a trusted third party journalist, writer or reporter to make that “something new” into a story. Once that writer or journalist picks up your press release, investigates and writes about it, it becomes more than a mere "announcement.” It becomes part of the news. Without all the expense of advertising you have promoted your most recent endeavors to a large audience hungry to keep up with what's new. That is why press releases have for years been an essential part of any successful PR campaign. Of course the success of the idea of the press release hinges on one important step; that someone in the media will take your press release and report on it. Yet even though the world is awash with 24 hour television news channels, blogs, and news radio, fewer and fewer press releases are ever picked up and turned into stories. The multitude of news media outlets can not keep up with the exponential increase of press releases clambering for someone’s attention. Competition between news sources has been reduced to simply reporting what everyone else is reporting, but better. A few large stories are followed hour by hour and day by day, while a multitude of smaller but equally worthy stories are ignored entirely. Does this mean press releases are no longer of any use? What if there was a way to guarantee that your press release would get picked up by a third party writer? What if there was a media outlet that would guarantee your press release would turn into news? There is a way. Newswire is the media outlet, and the Newswire Guarantee is their promise to you that your press release will become news. Newswire is a new network of vetted, high quality freelance writers and journalists Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

dedicated to giving everyone, including your business, a platform for sharing their news. Not only will the writers of Newswire pick up your press release and turn it into a third party article, guaranteed, but they will also draft the initial press release according to your specifications. Newswire operates using patent-pending technology to disseminate news articles just like any other news outlet on the web. Like Reuters, Associate Press, and other media, Newswire distributes news to anyone wanting to be in the know. All the major search engines on the internet have special “news” tabs that search services like Newswire. Imagine your business, product or service coming up not only in general web searches, but coming up in a search of recent news. That is the power Newswire aims to put at your disposal with their press release guarantee. Newswire writers need to pass a review by editors before they are eligible to work on your press releases or to turn them into third party articles. They must first complete five articles on subjects of their choosing. Each of these articles is reviewed for content, structure, and originality. If the writer’s articles are considered of sufficient quality, the writer is invited to sign Newswire’s code of conduct and become a member of the Newswire network. Each of these writers is credentialed by Newswire and backed by their editorial team. These are the writers you can pay to help draft your press release. But they are also the third party writes who will pick up that press release and turn it into a story that can be picked up by all the major news search engines. Newswire seeks to once again democratize the news. Thomas Jefferson once said, “I would rather live in a world with newspapers and no government than one with government but no newspapers.” Rather than allowing a handful of large media conglomerates to determine what is and is not news, Newswire wants to give readers full access to the wide variety of happenings in their town, region and country. That includes what is happening at small businesses like yours. The press release is back, and this time it will make the news. Guaranteed – by Newswire.

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Newswire.net: The Newspaper of the Future Introduction Where do most people go now to get their news? If the sharp reduction in newspaper readership has taught anything, it is that the internet has become the major source of information for people trying to understand what is happening in their world. Yet anyone who uses the internet or even twentyfour hour news channels as their source for news also knows the limitations of these platforms. The same limited number of stories gets circulated over and over again. News channels get fixated on one or two stories, to the exclusion of everything else. Even local newspapers depend more and more on large national and global press associations for their stories. The result is a plethora of versions of the same three or four stories, and no coverage of small scale, local interest and business stories. How can it be that as the number of all-news networks increases and the reach of the internet expands, there seems to be less and less "news"?

Newswire, a New Source for News Newswire will make use of a patent-pending technology to harness the power of independent bloggers, writers and journalists and the extent of the internet to create a forum for all news stories, not simply the few that interest the main media outlets. Newswire seeks to be for the news world and for independent journalists what the Sundance film festival has become for cinematography and independent filmmakers. The technology used by Newswire will allow news stories with even the smallest niche audiences to find those readers, and give truly talented but underappreciated independent writers, bloggers and journalists an opportunity to make a real impact.

The Newspaper of the Future The technology used by Newswire will give small and local businesses, notfor-profits and community organizers a platform for their press releases. Newswire will work on the supposition that if it is new to you, then it is news to everyone else. Rather than taking the time and effort to put together a press release and hoping it will get picked up, every press release sent to Newswire will be carried on their network. Now people will have the opportunity to get a real feel for what is happening in their town, region, and country, uncensored by a supervising media outlet. In this sense Newswire will not only be the newspaper of the future; it will also be the news outlet that the Founding Fathers’ of the US no doubt dreamed of when they drafted the 1st Amendment to the Constitution regarding freedom of speech.

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

But Is Everything Truly News? Some may suggest that if the current national and global media outlets do not pick up a story, maybe it is not truly newsworthy. This would overlook the simple fact that media outlets do not publish news as a favor to the general public, or out of a sense of civic responsibility. Almost all news outlets are multinational conglomerates who exist to produce profits for their shareholders. Their goal is to report stories with the widest possible appeal, and with the least possibility of losing even one listener or reader. That is why most media outlets report what all other outlets are reporting and will rarely take a risk on a “different” story. Like the major movie studios, it is easier for a newspaper, news channel or radio station to stick with what works than to take a chance on something new. This certainly does not mean that the major movie studios have not missed the boat on blockbuster movies by independent filmmakers many times over. In the same way, just because a story is not reported by the mainstream media does not mean it is not news worthy, or even that it does not have the potential to make a national or global impact.

Credibility and Work for 12,000,000 Independent Writers Estimates for the number of independent writers, bloggers and journalists currently at work on the internet vary, but the number is probably close to 12 million. That means there are twelve million talented writers waiting to help small businesses make their news into a story. Newswire wants to harness the talent of those writers by giving them the credibility and backing of a news organization, and helping them generate income by writing up press releases for small businesses and other local news sources. Newswire will vet each writer before they become a part of the network. Each one will submit five articles on a subject of interest to them, which will then be graded by editors at Newswire for spelling and grammar, structure, content, and readability. Once a writer’s work has passed muster, each writer will need to agree to standard of journalistic ethics and conduct. Only then will they become full-fledged members of the Newswire network. This will ensure that articles on Newswire can be trusted as news and improve the overall credibility of everything put out by the network.

Press Releases and Small Businesses Press releases can be a powerful form of advertising for small businesses. Why shouldn’t the creation of a new product line, the opening of a new store, or the hiring of a new President or CEO be news? For the most part, stories of these sorts are not picked up because media outlets make their profit from advertising, they publication of these stories is seen as giving away what they are trying to sell. From Newswire’s perspective, news is news, whether it comes from the private or public sector, the government or a corporation, a school or a store. Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Linking Local Businesses and the Press When a business or organization submits a news item to Newswire, a credentialed writer will produce a press release and publish it on the Newswire platform. At the same time another writer or writers will pick up the press release and write an article on the same subject, at no cost to the business. This ensures that a business not only has a press release presented on a legitimate wire service, but that the press release is now also available to be read as a news story in its own right.

So Who Benefits from Newswire? In the end, who will benefit from Newswire and its work? First of all, the writers who will become associates of the network. They will receive credentials as journalists and the backing of a news organization. Second, there are the many small businesses, local non-profits, and community organizers, who for a minimal cost can use Newswire to ensure their news becomes news. Lastly, there are the many people who are thirsty for a source of news that is not simply what a media outlet wants them to know, but represents the full breadth of what is truly happening around them.

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

The Newswire.net Union of Independent Journalist What if you could combine the best features of the media establishment and of the world of independent bloggers and writers? You would have Newswire, a new credentialed union of writers, bloggers and independent journalists. Newswire promises to provide a platform for the next generation of independent investigators, while at the same time promoting the journalistic integrity of the larger media outlets. In short, Newswire brings the zeal of the new journalist and the acceptance of the modern press together at last.

For Writers and Journalists outside the Main Outlets Ever since internet news maverick Matt Drudge broke the story of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, mainstream media has had to (reluctantly) pay attention to the work of independent journalists and writers. These nouveau-journalists have become collectively known as the “blogosphere,” and go boldly where no other reporter has dared to go before. But these writers have long labored under a heavy handicap. Members of the press attached to large outlets like CNN or Fox News, newspapers, or well-known magazines have access to press conferences, back stage interviews, and other news collecting opportunities. Independent bloggers do not have the backing of a large organization to give them the recognition they need for similar access. Newswire will provide these new independent journalists with an overarching organization to lend them the legitimacy many of them deserve but do not receive.

What will it accomplish? The first amendment of the US Constitution states clearly that the federal government shall “make no law…abridging the freedom of speech or of the press…” The United States was founded on the ideal that news could be shared freely among people without constraint. In order for that dream to be realized, media outlets are needed that will share all, not just some, of the news worthy of distribution. Newswire will provide all citizens committed to excellence in communication and a journalistic code of ethics a forum for distributing the news others might overlook. Newswire seeks to help fulfill the Founding Fathers’ dream of free and open exchange of ideas amongst all people, regardless of a stories commercial interest or "general" appeal.

A Micro Social Network Newswire will be, in essence, a micro social network of journalists and writers. The internet has created this possibility of bringing people and their work together not in an office building or at an address but electronically. Writers and journalists will be able to exchange ideas and leads with each other, support each other, and encourage each other in their pursuit of the truth. Vetting of writers will take the form of submission of five articles on Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

any subject, which will be examined for content and structure. Once these articles are approved and a writer agrees to Newswire's journalistic code of conduct, they become a member of the Newswire network.

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Forum for publishing Too many good stories never see the light of day because they get buried under the weight of all that is being published on the internet, or ignored for reasons having nothing to do with the actual newsworthiness of the story. Newswire will give bloggers and other independent journalists a forum for publishing their stories. Once writers have been vetted and become established as members of the Newswire network, their stories will be available on the internet, and they will be publicized under the banner of a legitimate news network.

Access to Credentials Most importantly, being a member of the Newswire union of writers means that a journalists has access to press credentials and to an organization with name recognition. With a Press Pass and a 1-800 number to an editor at Newswire, members will have unprecedented access to press conferences, news scenes, and other areas that would have been closed to an independent writer or blogger. Newswire will be the first of a new generation of news sources, ones not beholden to commercial interests or to what will entertain a specific audience. With the globe as the audience, there are people somewhere waiting to hear the news someone else wants to bring. Newswire will become a new and fruitful bridge between journalists and citizens.

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

References *1. Article: The Blogosphere a Mass Movement from Grass Roots http://www.emarketer.com/Report.aspx?code=emarketer_200049 4 *2. Article: Important Blogging Statistics http://www.blogworldexpo.com/general-information/important-statistics *3. Article: Only Two Percent of Bloggers Can Make A Living: http://www.mediabistro.com/galleycat/trends/only_two_percent_of_blogge rs_can_make_a_living_100207.asp

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Further Research If you would like more research for an article you would like to write on: Newswire.net Extensions, Inc. Social News; News Distribution Models; Search Engine Optimization Strategies; Cause Based Social Networking; Collaborative Problem Solving; Our View on the Potential of Social Networking Please send us an email at [email protected]

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Business Development Newswire.net is positioning itself at the forefront at the current and massive News industry change. Our vision is to leverage our technology to harness the power of independent bloggers, writers and journalists and the extent of the internet to create a forum for all news stories, not simply the few that interest the main media outlets. We are young, full of energy and Ego free since 2001. We are transaction motivated; we do not employ a deal prevention unit. This is not to say we don’t do our due diligence, but one of our core strengths is how easy and quickly we can respond to a proposal and take it to a expedited logical conclusion. If you have an idea or can contribute, and want to be part of our team send us an email at [email protected] or call us at (888) 666-8910 extension 4. 1. If you are looking to develop a geographic www.newswire.net territory

please send us an email at [email protected] 2.

If you are looking to develop a content specific www.newswire.net territory please send us an email at [email protected]


If you are looking to develop an international www.newswire.net territory please send us an email at [email protected]

4. If you are looking to become a distribution partner for

www.newswire.net articles and stories please send us an email at [email protected] 5. If you are looking to become a distribution partner for

www.newswire.net press releases please send us an email at [email protected] 6. If you are a SEO or SEM firm and want to work together please send us

an email at [email protected]

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Overtise Search engines are the phone books of the 21st century. They are responsible for more than 85% of all commerce conducted on the internet. To grab part of this traffic, you need to target the KEYWORDS that relate to your product or service. This is known as Key Word Search Engine Optimization. The better you are at this the more traffic you will get from Search Engines. 4. Overtise patent pending process will do the following for you. We will create keyword sub-domian social network for you. We then will import your website, into your own social network which you then can invite and communicate with customers and prospects. We will register your business with Yahoo, Microsoft Search and Google and place directions to your business on the front page of your own sub-domian social network. We will consolidate and meta tag all your loose content into your social network so that the search engines can see you better. And through our distribution agreement with Newswire.net we can broadcast your press releases and news to more than 50,000 internet sites that act as one way inbound links to drive traffic to your site.

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Packages Overtise Press Release Sugar Rush Give your website a search engine sugar rush with a targeted Press Release about your company combined with a 3rd party article. Both get distributed throughout the web to thousands of locations giving your company website an instant increase in web traffic. Here’s how it works: •

You choose what you want your press release to be about (or upload your own release).

We get a Newswire Journalist to write and keyword optimize your release for search engines.

After you approve the press release, it gets distributed to over 450,000 locations across the internet including the major news outlets (including Reuters, Yahoo News, Google News, and more) all pointing back to your company web site.

Within 2 weeks, a Newswire journalist will write and distribute a follow up article to your press release giving you even better search engine results. $289 One time charge

Overtise Express Our Flagship package that drops your company information into a social network infrastructure supercharged for the keywords you want to target. •

You choose the keywords and zip codes to target.

We take your website content and drop it into your new EXT Web Extension (www.yourcompany.ext.com) that is optimized, targeted, and adjusted on an ongoing basis to maximize your placement on search engine results.

We distribute keyword optimized articles about your company to over 450,000 locations across the internet.

Your company gets better placement on search engine results for the keywords you want in the zip codes you choose. $299 Plus $79 a month

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Overtise Premier You get everything included in the Overtise Express Package (above) plus an automatic Overtise Sugar Rush targeting your EXT Web Extension once a month: Every month, a Newswire Journalist will write and distribute an article about your company to over 450,000 locations online $299 Plus $279 a month

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Press Releases Newswire.Net Announces Guaranteed Article follow Up On All Press Releases Distributed Through Newswire.Net July 13, 2009 Extensions, Inc. (Pink Sheets:EXTI) (www.ext.com), a Social Networking Development Company, today announced that its wholly owned subsidiary Newswire.Net, Inc. has officially launched the Newswire Article Guarantee on every press release submitted through www.newswire.net. The Newswire.Net Article Guarantee means that when a company purchases a press release package from Newswire.Net, they are guaranteed that a Newswire.Net Journalist will pick up the release and write an article following up on the company's press release. If an article is not written about the company within two weeks (ten business days) of the press release date, Newswire.Net will refund the entire press release cost. "We think that press releases should be more than just a company announcement. It should be the start of a conversation. Newswire.Net's Article Guarantee helps carry this conversation to a more targeted audience," says Crawford Shaw, President of Extensions, Inc. The Newswire.Net Article Guarantee is provided to companies at no additional cost. Interested companies should go to http://www.newswire.net/pages/index.html to learn more or to submit their company news or press release. About Newswire.Net Newswire.Net is a social network of independent journalists, who after submitting approved sample writings and signing our continuous ethics policy, are admitted as associate reporters under our Newswire banner. Each associate of Newswire.Net has their own profile page which includes the member's official photo, a brief biography, links to past articles, and articles Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

for which they are currently on assignment. Newswire.Net writers receive their own by-line credit, assistance from our editorial staff and a physical Newswire.Net media pass which can be electronically confirmed to demonstrate affiliation as a writer under the Newswire.Net News banner. To learn more about Newswire.Net and our business model please visit http://www.newswire.net/index.php/mediakit.html to learn how to become a member of the Newswire.Net writing team please send an email to [email protected].

Newswire.Net Publishes Its Media and Business Development Kit June 30, 2009 Extensions, Inc. (Pink Sheets:EXTI) (www.ext.com), a Social Networking Development Company, today announced that its wholly owned subsidiary, Newswire.Net, Inc., has published its media and business development kit at http://www.newswire.net/index.php/mediakit.html. "We look forward to the opportunity of working with the media in explaining our vision and business model," stated Crawford Shaw, CEO of Extensions, Inc., the parent corporation of Newswire.Net, Inc. The Newswire.Net Media and Business Development Kit explains the company's vision, business model, and contains the provisional patent titled, "Method of Creating and Maintaining a Social Network News Agency and Press Release Distribution Service." About Newswire Newswire.Net is a social network of journalists and bloggers, who after submitting approved sample writings and signing our continuous ethics policy, are admitted as associate reporters under our Newswire banner. Here associate writers will enjoy the support of an internal editorial review process insuring grammar, content and integrity of the article. Members of the Newswire network will receive the following membership privileges. First, each member will get a full-color badge identifying them as a member of the press corps as a writer for Newswire. These professionally produced badges will include an 888 number. Anyone will be able to call and verify with a Newswire editor that the reporter is who their badge says they are. Second, as writers submit more articles, they will be able to "rise in rank" in the Newswire.net organization. The founders of Newswire visualize writers being able to begin as an associate, but be promoted through "senior associate," "regional assistant editor," "section head," and even rise to the Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

position of "bureau chief" for their particular area of expertise or location. These will not be mere "titles;" they are titles taken from the media world itself to reflect the very real past work and reporting of a Newswire associate. Each associate of Newswire will also have their own profile on the social network. A profile page will include the member's official photo, a brief biography, links to past articles, and articles for which they are currently on assignment. These would be articles the associate has agreed to work on and is currently preparing a report for. The more articles are written for Newswire, the more every other member of the network will benefit. Their own articles will benefit from the popularity of their fellow writers. They will also benefit from having their writing backed by a legitimate and recognized news organization. Since each member will have a byline, the articles they write will contribute directly to their own reputation. Through Newswire, these independent writers and investigators will have the ability to receive the media credentials that other reporters have. They will have the support of Newswire's editorial staff and customized press passes identifying their affiliation with Newswire. For media inquires please email [email protected] or call Newswire.Net at (888) 666-8910 ext 4.

Newswire.Net Launches Its Social Network News Agency June 19, 2009 Extensions, Inc. (OTCBB:EXTI) (www.ext.com) a Social Networking Development Company, today announced that its wholly owned subsidiary Newswire.Net, Inc. has launched its Social Network News Agency at www.newswire.net. Newswire.net is a social network of journalists and writers who will be able to exchange ideas and research, support, and encourage each other in their pursuit of reporting the news. Here is how the process of joining the Newswire.net social network will work. First, prospective writers will submit five original pieces of work on any subject of their choosing. These articles would be verified for originality, mechanics (spelling and grammar), and readability. Once these articles are approved by the Newswire editors, the prospective writer would become a member of the network. This approval process will ensure that all associates can meet a certain writing standard, and also ensure the continued credibility of Newswire.

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

All writers will be required to sign a pledge to maintain ethical standards, and will agree to a code of conduct. This is no different than any other news organization, and will be one of the things that distinguishes Newswire.net members from individual writers or bloggers. People who read Newswire can expect that everything they read has been written by people who have pledged themselves to a certain standard of excellence and ethics. Members of the Newswire network will receive the following membership privileges. First, each member will get a full-color badge identifying them as a member of the press corps as a writer for Newswire. These professionally produced badges will include an 800 number. Anyone will be able to call and verify with a Newswire editor that the reporter is who their badge says they are. Second, as writers submit more articles, they will be able to "rise in rank" in the Newswire.net organization. The founders of Newswire visualize writers being able to begin as an associate, but be promoted through "senior associate," "regional assistant editor," "section head" and even rise to the position of "bureau chief" for their particular area of expertise or location. These will not be mere titles; they are titles taken from the media world itself to reflect the very real past work and reporting of a Newswire associate. Each associate of Newswire will also have their own profile on the social network. A profile page will include the member's official photo, a brief biography, links to past articles, and articles for which they are currently on assignment. These would be articles the associate has agreed to work on and is currently preparing a report for. The more articles are written for Newswire, the more every other member of the network will benefit. Their own articles will benefit from the popularity of their fellow writers. They will also benefit from having their writing backed by a legitimate and recognized news organization. Since each member will have a byline, the articles they write will contribute directly to their own reputation. Through Newswire these independent writers and investigators will have the ability to receive the media credentials that other reporters have. They will have the support of Newswire's editorial staff, and a customized press passes identifying their affiliation with Newswire. About Newswire Newswire.net, Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Extensions, Inc. (OTCBB:EXTI) (www.ext.com) a Social Networking Development Company. To learn how you can become a member of the www.Newswire.net journalist team please send an email to [email protected].

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Extensions, Inc. Announces the Launch of www.EXT.com, the Next Generation of Social Networking May 06, 2009 Extensions, Inc. (OTC: EXTI) today announced that it has launched its EXT Social Network at www.EXT.com. EXT outfits users with all the tools they need to create their own micro-social network. Users are able to host multiple profiles, control content visibility, embed items with a single-click, and unite with others in a way that increases effectiveness and collaboration. We believe our toolset unlocks the power of social networking as a utility, instead of being simply a novelty. There is no limit on the amount of profiles, groups, pages, or pods (EXT's term for the user-selected cells of information) a user can have, and permission and visibility controls are strong. Users are given the ability to choose who can and cannot view, and in some cases even comment on, the content they choose to add. Information will only be shared with the individuals who are hand-picked by the user. Those who are not granted access to particular information will not even know that it exists. This allows for a more focused and directed type of social networking. Users can easily gather around certain causes, and by keeping permission controls tight, increase the amount of interaction and communication occurring between members. We believe these micro-social networks give users access to the knowledge and experience trapped in traditional social networks, and has the potential of allowing users the ability of leveraging this knowledge to solve complex problems.

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

References & Support Documentation The following information and excerpts were gathered from various sources throughout the internet. The relevant information has been selected for this section. Full text resources are available at the websites indicated as well as in the Media Kit Supplement, available upon request.

Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Quick Facts

Diagnosis & Survival Statistics 1,437,180 people will be diagnosed with Cancer in 2008 in the United States.8 In January 2004, about 11.1 million people with a previous diagnosis of cancer were living in the United States.9 Approximately 65% of people diagnosed with cancer are expected to live at least 5 years after diagnosis.10 In the United States, 556,000 people will die of Cancer this year, making Cancer the LEADING CAUSE of death in the United States for people less than 85 years of age. 10,200,000 Cancer survivors in the United States (defined as being cancer free for the last 5 years).11 There are more than 24,000,000 Cancer Survivors today in the World (defined as being cancer free for the last 5 years). 3/4 of all U.S. families are caring for or have cared for someone who has had cancer. 1/3 of all men will develop cancer over their lifetime.12 1/2 of all women will develop cancer over their lifetime.13


Cancer Facts and Figures 2008. American Cancer Society. http://www.cancer.org/downloads/STT/2008CAFFfinalsecured.pdf 9 CDC, Cancer Survivorship Facts 2008/2009, http://www.cdc.gov/CANCER/survivorship/pdf/0809_survivorship_fs.pdf 10 CDC, Cancer Survivorship Facts 2008/2009, http://www.cdc.gov/CANCER/survivorship/pdf/0809_survivorship_fs.pdf 11 CA Cancer J Clin 2008; 58:71-96, doi: 10.3322/CA.2007.0010, © 2008 American Cancer Society http://caonline.amcancersoc.org/cgi/content/short/58/2/71 12 Cancer Facts and Figures 2008. American Cancer Society. http://www.cancer.org/downloads/STT/2008CAFFfinalsecured.pdf 13 Cancer Facts and Figures 2008. American Cancer Society. http://www.cancer.org/downloads/STT/2008CAFFfinalsecured.pdf Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

About 77% of all cancers are diagnosed in persons 55 and older.14


Cancer Facts and Figures 2008. American Cancer Society. http://www.cancer.org/downloads/STT/2008CAFFfinalsecured.pdf Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Cost of Cancer $89 billion is the direct medical cost of cancer care in the United States in 2007.15 $219.2 billion is the combined direct and indirect cost of cancer in the United States in 2008.16 $18.2 billion for indirect morbidity costs (cost of lost productivity due to illness).17 $112.0 billion for indirect mortality costs (cost of lost productivity due to premature death).18 The average cancer patient in the United States will spend an average of $60,000 in direct medical costs per year.

Breadth of Cancer 233 different types of Cancer 289 approved drug claims for Chemotherapy 5,100 complementary and alternative cancer drug therapies 8,032 approved cancer-based charities in the United States 38,500 members of the American Society of Clinical Oncology 450,000 active cancer volunteers


Cancer Facts and Figures 2008. American Cancer Society. http://www.cancer.org/downloads/STT/2008CAFFfinalsecured.pdf 16 Cancer Facts and Figures 2008. American Cancer Society. http://www.cancer.org/downloads/STT/2008CAFFfinalsecured.pdf 17 Cancer Facts and Figures 2008. American Cancer Society. http://www.cancer.org/downloads/STT/2008CAFFfinalsecured.pdf 18 Cancer Facts and Figures 2008. American Cancer Society. http://www.cancer.org/downloads/STT/2008CAFFfinalsecured.pdf Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Cancer Statistics About 1.3 million people in the U.S. are diagnosed with cancer each year. Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States. In 2004, an estimated 553,000 people died of cancer. NIH estimates the overall costs for cancer in the year 2007 at $219 billion: of this amount, $89 billion was for direct medical costs and $130 billion was for indirect costs, such as lost productivity. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – Press Room http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/press/index.htm

A total of 1,437,180 new cancer cases and 565,650 deaths from cancer are projected to occur in the United States in 2008. Although much progress has been made in reducing mortality rates, stabilizing incidence rates and improving survival, cancer accounts for more deaths than heart disease in persons under age 85 years. CA Cancer J Clin 2008; 58:71-96, doi: 10.3322/CA.2007.0010, © 2008 American Cancer Society http://caonline.amcancersoc.org/cgi/content/short/58/2/71

About 77% of all cancer is diagnosed in persons 55 and older. In the US, men have slightly less than a 1 in 2 lifetime risk of developing cancer; for women, the risk is a little more than 1 in 3. The National Cancer Institute estimates that approximately 10.8 million Americans with a history of cancer were alive in January 2004. About 1,437,180 new cancer cases are expected to be diagnosed in 2008. This year, about 565,650 Americans are expected to die of cancer, more than 1,500 people a day. Cancer is the second most common cause of death in the US, exceeded only by heart disease. In the US, cancer accounts for 1 of every 4 deaths. The National Institutes of Health estimate overall costs of cancer in 2007 at $219.2 billion: $89 billion for direct medical costs (total of all health expenditures); $18.2 billion for indirect morbidity costs (cost of lost productivity due to illness); and $112 billion for indirect mortality costs (cost of lost productivity due to premature death). American Cancer Society, Facts & Figures 2008 Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.


Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Online Health Information Statistics According to a 2006 study by the Pew Research Center, 80 percent of Internet users, or about 113 million adults in the U.S., get health information from the Internet. Goetz, Thomas. “Practicing Patients”, The New York Times http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/23/magazine/23patients-t.html?_r=2&pagewanted=all

Clinical Benefit of Support Networks In order to provide appropriate individual and community support for cancer survivors, there is a great need to better understand how people who have survived cancer or other serious illness adapt positively to health challenges and to identify effective approaches for helping people cope with health challenges over their lifetime. Studies have identified a number of personal factors that are associated with resilience, increased quality of life, and positive adaptation to illness. Of particular interest is the ability of individuals to survive or even thrive despite an adverse event, as influenced by both individual factors such as resiliency and external factors like social support. The experience of having a potentially life-threatening illness can lead to positive adaptation and increased ability to thrive despite difficult circumstances. The cancer survivorship movement and the cancer community in general provide important resources for improving quality of life and alleviating human suffering and distress among patients and survivors and for adding personal meaning and hope to people's lives. The social context in which persons live out their lives following a diagnosis of a potentially life-threatening illness such as cancer is also important. In addition to individual traits, external factors such as social support provided by others also promote coping and resilience.16 When faced with pain, grief, or fear of premature death, people reach out to others for support and are reminded of how interconnected we are with others. Community norms and resources and the common understanding of life’s challenges and responsibilities provide support for people who are dealing with a potentially life-threatening illness or who are caring for someone who is ill. Resiliency can be conceptualized not only in terms of individual resiliency or coping strategies, but also in terms of the resilience of extended family networks and community resilience.31 Some communities or networks of persons may be more resilient and capable of responding positively to adverse events than others due to differences in community resources, infrastructure, or social and cultural factors.31 Extended family networks contribute importantly to the resiliency of many societies. People who are resilient and employ positive coping strategies are apt to do better when faced with a serious illness, and this may be particularly true of Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

people who are members of resilient communities or networks of persons. Multilevel analyses and studies of contextual effects are needed to test this and related research hypotheses, however. The cancer survivorship movement in the United States and other countries, which has drawn attention to the needs and concerns of cancer survivors and led to new resources and programs for cancer patients and survivors, is an important example of how communities, institutions, and organizations can help individuals cope with serious illness. A variety of resources and programs for female and male cancer survivors have been developed or envisioned, including existing or proposed programs for those who are in different life stages or are from different socioeconomic or cultural backgrounds. Evaluative studies would be helpful to identify resources and programs that are most likely to benefit cancer survivors, including helping survivors to positively adapt to their circumstances. Other areas for further research identified in this review include the need for longitudinal studies to clarify the mechanisms by which people who have survived a potentially life-threatening illness may enjoy greater social connectedness and sense of belonging to a community, research into patients’ communication of their needs and concerns to health care providers, and multilevel analyses of possible interactions between community resources and individual factors such as positive coping strategies. The presence of highly active and visible communities of survivors creates a social environment where individual cancer survivors and caregivers are more apt to think of themselves in a positive light as survivors. When people see themselves as part of an energetic, compassionate, and important social movement or community of survivors, their relationships, expectations, and perspectives are likely positively influenced. The strength of survivors to endure adversity may also be augmented by their social network, environment, and access to community resources. The cancer survivorship movement and the cancer community in general (for example, survivors, caregivers, clergy, volunteers, advocates, health care providers, researchers, and program support staff) provide important resources for improving quality of life and alleviating human suffering and distress among patients and survivors and for adding personal meaning and hope to people’s lives. Surviving Cancer or Other Serious Illness. A Review of Individual and Community Resources. Steven S. Coughlin, PhD. http://caonline.amcancersoc.org/cgi/content/abstract/58/1/60

The purpose of this study was to describe the quality of life of patients with ovarian malignancies during chemotherapy under condition of no recurrence and to explore changes in quality of life during chemotherapy and factors associated with quality of life. These findings give insights into the quality of life of women with ovarian cancer during chemotherapy and imply that nurses and other medical professionals should provide continuing support to them in accordance with their needs. Furthermore, nurses should help prevent them from social isolation as a consequence of their illness and Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

treatment and acknowledge family members as a major support resource. Quality of Life of Chinese Patients With Ovarian Malignancies During Chemotherapy Under Condition of No Recurrence. Cancer Nursing. 30(3):243-251, May/June 2007. http://www.cancernursingonline.com/pt/re/nca/abstract.00002820-20070500000012.htm;jsessionid=J3DTGWcgmVlxRP4lL1LRbKDMPL5XxTzsJhTbR6GxKNcBwtbb2QHY!273 838506!181195628!8091!-1

This study indicates that social support has some beneficial effects on receipt of personal health services. Friends and family may act as proponents for the patient in obtaining services. Health care professionals should be encouraged to assess the cancer patient's social situation and identify areas where help may be needed. Social support among women who died of ovarian cancer. Jackson JM, Rolnick SJ, Coughlin SS, Neslund-Dudas C, Hornbrook MC, Darbinian J, Bachman DJ, Herrinton LJ. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17177041

Bakas, et al. found that in caring for lung cancer patients, the most timeconsuming tasks were providing emotional support, transportation and monitoring symptoms, and the most difficult tasks were emotional support, behavioral management, monitoring symptoms and household tasks. Lung cancer, caring for the caregivers. A qualitative study of providing pro-active social support targeted to the careers of patients with lung cancer. http://pmj.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/22/3/233

Quality of Life and Cancer Researchers at Fox Chase and Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit studied 239 patients with lung cancer enrolled in a treatment trial involving both radiation and chemotherapy. The study was designed to evaluate the role of quality of life as a prediction for survival. Questions included things like: "Do you have trouble taking a long walk?" or, "In the past week, did you feel irritable? Did you feel depressed?" The researchers also analyzed classic predictors of survival such as gender, race, age, marital status, state of disease and tumor location. Some 91 percent of patients completed a standardized quality of life survey before treatment. All patients were followed for at least 17 months. What they found is quality of life emerged as the most significant predictor of overall patient survival. Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Quality of life is key to cancer survival: Fox Chase Cancer Center Study http://uk.reuters.com/article/healthNews/idUKN3019584820071030?sp=true

Dr. Moss’ work documents the ineffectiveness of chemotherapy on most forms of cancer. However, he is fair in pointing out that there are the following exceptions: Acute Lymphocytic leukemia, Hodgkin’s disease, and nonseminomatous testicular cancer. Also, a few very rare forms of cancer, including choriocarcinoma, Wilm’s tumor, and retinoblastoma. But all of these account for only 2% to 4% of all cancers occurring in the United States. This leaves some 96% to 98% of other cancers, in which chemotherapy doesn’t eliminate the disease. The vast majority of cancers, such as breast, colon, and lung cancer are barely touched by chemotherapy. Chemotherapy usually doesn’t cure cancer or extend life, and it really does not improve the quality of the life either. Doctors frequently make this claim though. There are thousands of studies that were reviewed by Dr. Moss as part of the research for his book — and there is not one single good study documenting this claim. Chemotherapy Ineffective. No Author. http://anticancer.wordpress.com/2007/09/26/chemotherapy-ineffective/

Patients that feel better live longer. Clinical results show quality of life is an independent factor in survival. “Quality of life appears to affect the survival of cancer patients,” says Tan. “If physicians can identify patients who are not doing well, they will be able to intervene and, we hope, improve not only their patients’ sense of well-being, but also their length of life.” Baseline quality of life is a strong predictor of survival. Senior Citizen Health & Medicine, Quality of Life Found to Influence Survival in Cancer Patients. Mayo researchers find ‘quality of life was a strong predictor of survival’. http://seniorjournal.com/NEWS/Health/2008/8-05-16-QualityOfLife.htm

Clinical results support the view that social support may be associated with longer survival among women with localized or regional stage breast cancer. Social support is thought to promote biologic or behavioral adaptation in the face of stress. This, in turn, may lead to positive effects on immune function and Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

effects of stress-related endocrine changes possibly associated with tumor proliferation, result in better compliance with treatment and the adoption of better health behaviors generally with positive effects on overall physical condition, or some combination thereof. Only a few other studies have assessed the relationship of social support indicators to overall survival. Indicators of social support included availability and frequency of contact with members of the social network, network size, participation in social activities, and being without a confidant for some period after diagnosis. Three of these studies reported longer survival in women with social support, whereas two others found no relationship Social support and survival among women with breast cancer Elizabeth Maunsell, Ph.D. 1 *, Jacques Brisson, M.D. 1, Luc Deschnes, F.R.C.S.C. 2. http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/112689062/abstract?CRETRY=1&SRETRY=0

Two recently reported randomized trials, one among patients with advanced breast cancer and the other among patients with early stage melanoma, suggested that social support may affect survival favorably. These results support the view that social support may be associated with longer survival among women with localized or regional stage breast cancer Social support and survival among women with breast cancer. MAUNSELL E. (1); BRISSON J. (1); DESCHENES L. http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=3630906

Contrary to common wisdom, cancer treatment is not disrupted -- but may be enhanced -- when interventions designed to improve patients' physical, functional, emotional and social well-being are provided during clinical trials, according to a study by researchers at the UC Davis School of Medicine and Medical Center. Meyers and his colleagues compared two groups of cancer patients enrolled in phase I and phase II clinical trials of investigational chemotherapy treatments. All of the patients had a prognosis of less than one year to live. One group of patients received the investigational chemotherapy protocol only. Patients in the other group received palliative care in addition to the investigational treatment. Quality-of-life assessments were administered monthly to all patients. In the palliative care group, a nurse and social worker made regular home visits to patients, and also accompanied patients to their clinic appointments. At these visits, the nurse and social worker emphasized symptom management, emotional support and discussion of end-of-life issues. At the end of the seven-month study, patients in the treatment-only group scored lower on quality-of-life measurements than they had when they Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

entered the study, while patients in the palliative care-plus-treatment group scored higher. In addition, patients in the palliative care group were more likely to finish all of their chemotherapy cycles. And more palliative-care patients were referred to hospice. Quality of Life in Cancer Clinical Trials, UC Davis Health System, http://mentalhealth.about.com/library/sci/0502/blcancer502.htm

Clear and accurate information about health related quality of life outcomes for men diagnosed with prostate cancer is essential for men and their physicians to make appropriate care decisions. On the importance of race, socioeconomic status, and comorbidity when evaluating quality of life in men with prostate cancer: Ramsey SD, Zeliadt SB, Hall IJ, Ekwueme DU, Penson DF, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, W. http://www.urologiconcology.org/article/S1078-1439(07)002050/abstract?articleId=&articleTitle=&citedBy=false&medlinePmidWithoutMDLNPrefix=&overri dingDateRestriction=&related=false&restrictdesc_author=&restrictterm_author=&search=& search_area=platform%2Bmedline&search_currenturl=http://www.ejcancer.info/search/quick &search_datecombo=&search_dateradio=combo&search_doi=&search_federated=yes&sear ch_hits=40797&search_id=13067839&search_issue=&search_medline=yes&search_monthe ndcombo=&search_monthstartcombo=&search_operator1=&search_operator2=&search_pr eview=no&search_query=

Each prostate cancer treatment was associated with a distinct pattern of change in quality-of-life related to urinary, sexual, bowel, and hormonal function. These changes influenced satisfaction with treatment outcomes among patients and their spouses or partners. Quality of life and satisfaction with outcome among prostate-cancer survivors: Sanda MG, Dunn RL, Michalski J, Sandler HM, Northouse L, Hembroff L, Lin X, Greenfield TK, Litwin MS, Saigal CS, Mahadevan A, Klein E, Kibel A, Pisters LL, Kuban D, Kaplan I, Wood D, Ciezki J, Shah N, Wei JT, Departments of Surgery, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School, Harvard University, Boston, M. http://www.ejcancer.info/article/abstracts?terms1=quality+of+life+cancer&terms2=&terms3 =&terms4=

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Social Networking

Oct. 24, 2007 - Facebook and Microsoft Corp. today announced that the two companies would expand their advertising partnership and that Microsoft will take a $240 million equity stake in Facebook’s next round of financing at a $15 billion valuation. http://www.microsoft.com/Presspass/press/2007/oct07/10-24FacebookPR.mspx


June 16, 2008 - Facebook is estimated to earn $265 million in ad revenue. October 2007 - MSFT invests $240 million at a valuation of $15 billion, or $300 for each of the network's 50 million members. http://www.alleyinsider.com/2008/3/is_bebo_a_bargain_or_is_facebook_overpriced_

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Revenues: MySpace $800 Million, Facebook $350 Million Earnings per Visitor: MySpace $1.08, Facebook $0.84* *Facebook’s EPV is based on 32 million visitors. Change Facebook’s visitors to equal MySpace (60 million) and their EPV drops to $0.45 Valuation: MySpace $3.174 billion, Facebook $1.374 billion http://tomokeefe.com/2008/06/23/myspace-revenues-valuation-compared-to-facebook/

Microsoft invests $240 million in Facebook Software maker wins in bidding war with Google, buys 1.6 percent share http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21458486/

Facebook Quick Analysis: Facebook has the highest growth rate, and at Forrester we predict it to achieve the same number of registered users as MySpace in Q4 of 2008, or early 2009 given the current growth rates. The widget platform, which launched summer 2007, has had strong growth as more than 13,000 applications have been launched. Please don’t call this the MySpace killer as each of these sites serves a different demographic, with a different purpose, and different tools. Facebook is more of a ‘lifestyle’ play that allows members to connect to each other. General Growth * More than 60 million active users * An average of 250,000 new registrations per day since Jan. 2007 * An average of 3% weekly growth since Jan. 2007 * Active users doubling every 6 months User Demographics * Over 55,000 regional, work-related, collegiate, and high school networks * More than half of Facebook users are outside of college * The fastest growing demographic is those 25 years old and older * Maintaining 85 percent market share of 4-year U.S. universities User Engagement * Sixth-most trafficked site in the United States (comScore) * More than 65 billion page views per month * More than half of active users return daily * People spend an average of 20 minutes on the site daily (comScore)

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Applications * No. 1 photo sharing application on the Web (comScore) * Photo application draws more than twice as much traffic as the next three sites combined (comScore) * More than 14 million photos uploaded daily * More than 6 million active user groups on the site International Growth * Canada has the most users outside of the United States, with more than 7 million active users * The U.K. is the third largest country with more than 7 million active users * Remaining top 10 countries in order of active users (outside of the U.S., Canada and UK): Australia, Turkey, Sweden, Norway, South Africa, France, Hong Kong Platform * Over 7,000 applications have been built on Facebook Platform * 100 new applications added per day * More than 80% of Facebook members have used at least one application built on the Facebook Platform http://www.web-strategist.com/blog/2008/01/09/social-network-stats-facebook-myspacereunion-jan-2008/

MySpace Quick Analysis: MySpace, the largest Social Network in North America, maintains a dominant position as media site, primarily aimed at youth, giving them the opportunity to relate to brands and bands as well as self-express. This site will continue to do with advertisers and marketers. Expect to see more TV and video networks to integrate and work with MySpace, who has the new generation that Generation X was to MTV. Metrics · MySpace has more than 110 million monthly active users around the globe · It is the country’s most trafficked site on the Internet · 85% of MySpace users are of voting age (18 or older) · 1 in 4 Americans is on MySpace, in the UK it’s as common to have a MySpace as it is to own a dog ·On average, 300,000 new people sign up to MySpace every day, with a record 4.5 billion page views to the site in one day. It is localized and translated in more than 20 international territories: U.S., UK, Japan, Australia, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Mexico, Canada, Netherlands, New Zealand, MySpace en Espanol, Latin America, Austria, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Copyright © 2009 Extensions, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No copying or redistribution without prior written approval.

Finland. ·MySpace is one of the fastest growing websites of all time. ·100 billion rows of data ·14 billion comments on the site ·20 billion mails on the site total ·50 Million mails per day (more than Yahoo, Hotmail, or Google) ·10 billion friend relationships ·1.5 billion images ·8 million images being uploaded per day ·60,000 new videos being upload to MySpaceTV each day ·More than 8 million artists and bands on MySpace Music Acts including Lily Allen, Sean Kingston, Arctic Monkeys, Dane Cook discovered on the site by users Company Details ·Launched in January 2004 ·Acquired by Fox Interactive Media in October 2005 ·Los Angeles-based ·Founded by Chris DeWolfe, CEO and Tom Anderson, President http://www.web-strategist.com/blog/2008/01/09/social-network-stats-facebook-myspacereunion-jan-2008/

Marketers need to distinguish the difference between users who are in browse mode and those in search mode. Users in search mode are intentdriven consumers who know what they are looking for and should be contextually targeted, while those browsing without intent should be behaviorally targeted. Understanding the consumer's mindset in the online environment allows marketers to choose the most appropriate type of targeting for their campaigns. Users are more willing to engage with an ad that is relevant to the context of their search behavior because they are looking to get more information about something directly relevant to what they are doing at that time. Mr. Vanderhook said contextual targeting will lead to a lower click-through rate but higher engagement and time spent on the advertiser's Website. When a user is in search mode behavioral targeting will lead to a higher click-through and lower engagement because the user is interrupted from another task. http://www.dmnews.com/Searcher-vs-browser-Know-your-users-intent/PrintArticle/95659/

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Disclaimer This information contains forward-looking statements regarding future events and the Company's future results that are subject to the safe harbors created under the Securities Act of 1933 (the "Securities Act") and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Exchange Act"). These statements are based on current expectations, estimates, forecasts, and projections about the industry in which the Company operates and the beliefs and assumptions of the Company's management. Words such as "expects," "anticipates," "targets," "goals," "projects," "intends," "plans," "believes," "seeks," "estimates," "continues," "may," variations of such words, and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. In addition, any statements that refer to projections of the Company's future financial performance, the continuing development of the Company's website, the prospects for selling advertising on the website and new visitors and visitor page views related to advertising agreements, the Company's anticipated growth and potentials in its business, and other characterizations of future events or circumstances are forward-looking statements. Readers are cautioned that these forward-looking statements are only predictions and are subject to risks, uncertainties, and assumptions that are difficult to predict, including those identified under "Risk Factors" in our Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2008. Therefore, actual results may differ materially and adversely from those expressed in any forward-looking statements.

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