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Pray for Pastor Mike (speaker) and Connie, Pat, Joan and Jennifer, as they travel to a mission conference in a closed country tomorrow; for Senior Pastor Mike & Connie Rose FFC to Closed Country Pat and Joan serving with young children, Jennifer with Jr. and Sr. High School missionary kids.


Bill shares, “I was 10 when challenged by Ray Davis, a missionary from Sudan Interior Mission, to dedicate my life to serve on the continent of Bill & Donna Woods Campus Crusade, Colorado Africa.” They have trained pastors and lay people in 13+ countries-- now use the JESUS Film.




Pray as they conduct vision tours and treks; for health conferences and community health volunteers, teachers for 24 Christian schools, house Nathan & Kathy Closed Country fellowships, national evangelists; their oldest daughter (college in US) and one in high school.


In response to the serious lack of pastors in China, Voice of Friendship Seminary was established to provide biblical training to lay Far East Broadcasting Company Global leaders. Pray this strategic broadcast will be a positive influence on China’s fast growing church.


There are 1,900+ Bible translation programs in progress and still more than 2,200 communities without any access to Scripture. Join Wycliffe Bible Translators Global WBT in their urgency to reach these communities, to form relationships and create access to Scriptures.


Praise for their first year of service in Iquique; for the new church in Alto Hospicio; for the family’s good health. Pray as they take a bus with young Alejandro & Robyn Armijo ABWE, Chile people (most unsaved) to camp in Santiago this week; furlough plans July –December.


Serving in translation work half a world away, they’ve completed their Genesis consultant check with native speakers. Pray it will be ready for printing Ron & Erin Closed Country prior to June furlough. Remember children: 2 in college, 2 in overseas mission school.


Pray for the Radical Mission School in New Zealand, March 1-May 10; for students (from 6 countries) that need funds and air tickets; for God David & Jodi Pierce Steiger International, Massachusetts to move powerfully and that those who come are prepared to boldly proclaim the love of Jesus.



Praise: they have a contract on the house they’ve been renting since last July; the kids are well and have made friends; they are discovering community. Bill & Jenni Hunt Campus Crusade, Arkansas Pray for Bill as he equips national staff to build Family Life in 21 African countries.









Ask for God’s leading to purchase a place for la Industria; for the six new students to finish the 9month program transformed in character, their walk with God and their ability to minister with their gifting. Praise: value of the $ is up!

Jeff & Carolyn Anderson New Life, Spain

Pray for their new ministry “Family Junior,” focusing on young married couples who have small children up to 10 years of age. Ask for opportunities Pablo & Rosa Gallego Partners in Evangelism Int’l., Spain to present the Gospel to newly married couples; for the Gallegos’ example as young parents.

“We have 400+ written invitations, but have almost no laborers- need both medical and lay people. We can teach people to fit eyeglasses, pass out Agape home health kits and humanitarian aid. Can your church send JUST ONE?”

Dr. Bill Becknell

Agape Medical Center, Russia

Pray for ongoing follow-up from the Christmas evangelistic outreach; for Lenita’s children’s classes; for the need of pastors for three of Lenita Vetter Flagstaff Mission to the Navajos, Arizona their churches. Praise for the five children who were recently saved in Lenita’s Tuesday Bible Class.

Pray as they invest love, time, money and labor to build a business for M, his wife and their newborn child. M, one of their closest friends, is Vaughn & Jennifer, Four Children Closed Country Muslim. Ask wisdom and grace as V&J seek to be living examples of Christ among the unsaved.

Pray for Beth and a new “T2 Team” of 9, as they seek to become mature disciples of Christ while making disciples through their life and Beth Hanna CAM International, Mexico ministry. Ask for a good internship for Sarah Shedd; for good relationships as they work together.

Ask the Lord to orchestrate residence permits, a place to stay in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and for someone to stay in their apartment while Jim & Ruth Finke Greater Europe Mission, Greece they return to the States for daughter Lydia’s marriage on April 18. Pray also for funds to travel.

Pray for the Lord to work through donors to provide financial and prayer support necessary to care for every single homeless and hungry man, Hope Ministries Des Moines, Iowa woman and child who comes through their doors for help and hope. The need is increasing. Pray for recording trips; for setting goals with their team now located in two cities; for laborers as they build their house; for Tim’s new Tim & Iris Loomans Global Recordings Network, Siberia teaching job (helps funding and visas); good schedule; opportunities to reach out to the students.

Tsering enjoys her new assignment at Woodstock School with 32 kids--pray for their salvation. Pray as Tony serves in leadership, administration, Tony & Tsering Malik Global Outreach Mission, India personal witness and counseling, serving on several boards. Pray for his ill mother in Delhi. Pray for a decision they must make regarding their future. Their university said that some of the classes Melissa and some others are teaching Jeff & Melissa Closed Country will not be offered next year. Pray for the salvation of Jeff’s parents as they visit this month.


Pray for Team Czech-Prague as they find permanent housing, enroll kids in schools and start to initiate ministries in their Paul & Cheryl Nyquist Avant Ministries, Missouri neighborhoods. Praise— they met all 3 matching grants, benefiting ministries in W Africa, Europe and N America.




Farhos are in Omaha for a 4month home assignment. In June they move to a closed country to minister. “We have a huge transition to Mike & Sue Farho make, after serving in Cote Christian & Missionary All., Cote d’Ivoire d’Ivoire since 1990.” They have sold all possessions and said goodbyes.

Pray as this family and a national couple begin preparations for leaving Bolivia to serve in a closed country. Ask for donors to fund business Jonathan & Monica Steele Frontiers, Bolivia loans and educational scholarships for ministry. Steeles will also need $300 more per month.

Ask for broadening the TV outreach to include other towns (currently in Puebla and Olvera) ; plans for an evangelistic campaign this Don & Paula Cabeen TEAM, Spain summer; development of leadership in the church; for another town to open up for a weekly cell group.





Pray as they plan a 4-month furlough for late April; wisdom as they work on strategic objectives; mapping out a long-term strategy for Leroy & Debbie Zumack Greater Europe Mission, France church planting in Lille. Praise for daughter Lydia’s wedding (Leroy officiating) last month in France.

Matt, our newest FFC missionary, is the nephew of Pastor Curt and Karen DeGraff. Pray for remaining 15% support needed; for administrators Matt Richardson Future in a Closed Country as they work to obtain difficult visas; $15,000 for one-time expenses; more prayer partners.


Pray for an affordable building plan for Sanyo Grace Church; that those who made decisions during Christmas events would Paul & Violette Bridgman TEAM, Japan continue attending church and growing in Christ; for their replacement while on home assignment July ‘09-July ‘10.

First Federated Missionary Family

The board unanimously decided to decrease fees for summer camps in ’09. Pray as they seek additional support for the ministry Pat Amsden Camp Appanoose, Iowa and trust in God’s sovereign direction to care for their needs; for developing a more active volunteer base.

Ask God for teens and adults to serve, more summer missionaries, Good News Club workers, volunteers and staff, more prayer partners and donors. Beth Lamb Child Evangelism Fellowship, Iowa Ask for favor with school superintendants to allow Good News Clubs in their districts.

Lifelong Missionary Servants 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Condit, Elroy & Gordia, Wycliffe Bible Translators, Florida/Wisconsin Congdon, Dal & Audrey, TEAM, Illinois Davis, Ross & Colleen, International Church Ministries, Arizona Griffiths, Dick & Char, TEAM, Wisconsin Hesse, Don & Lois Jean, Wycliffe Bible Translators, Texas Taber, Bob & Lois, OMS International, Iowa Vetter, Lenita, Flagstaff Mission to the Navajos, Arizona Woods, Bill & Donna, Campus Crusade for Christ, Colorado

15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39.

1. Amsden, Pat Camp Appanoose, Iowa 2. Anderson, Jeff & Carolyn New Life, Spain 3. Appleby, Dan & Jodi MAF/Moody, WA 4. Armijo, Alejandro & Robyn ABWE, Chile 5. Becknell, Dr. Bill Agape, Russia 6. Bridgman, Paul & Violette TEAM, Japan 7. Cabeen, Don & Paula TEAM, Spain 8. Dabson, Emmanuel & Mercy PI, Ghana 9. Decker, Sarah InterVarsity, France 10. Farho, Mike & Sue C&MA, Cote d’Ivoire 11. Finke, Jim & Ruth GEM, Greece 12. Gallego, Pablo & Rosa PIE, Spain 13. Goossen, Harold & Priscilla GMSA, Argentina 14. Hanna, Beth CAM International, Mexico Hocking, Peter & Marta Segadores, Peru Hunt, Bill & Jenni CCC, Arkansas Ibbotson, Rita TEAM, Zimbabwe Lamb, Beth Child Evangelism Fellowship, Iowa Loomans, Tim & Iris GRN, Siberia Malik, Tony & Tsering GOM, India McCalley, Mike & Brenda CCC, Washington Mayse, Matt & Rachelle Youth for Christ, Iowa McCracken, Peggy CCC, Washington, D.C. Meyer, Wayne & Miyako Navigators, Japan Mok, Mony & Kunnery Partners Int’l., Cambodia Nyquist, Paul & Cheryl Avant Ministries, Missouri Pascual, Santiago & Yolanda Segadores, Peru Richardson, Matt WBT, Closed Country Ritz, Kurt & Kathy CCC, Texas Rogers, Dan & Sylvia MAF, Ecuador Schwarze, Steve & Rhonda FEBC, Philippines Sonius, Lee & Michelle HCJB Global, Ghana Stark, Terry & Mary Avant Ministries, Iowa Steele, Arden & Helen SIM Int’l., Bolivia Steele, Jonathan & Monica Frontiers, Bolivia Van Cleave, Jerry & Patty PCJM, Iowa Weller, Elaine CEF, Missouri Zellmer, Keith & Pam SEND Int’l., Kosova Zumack, Leroy & Debbie GEM, France

Closed Access Countries 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Katy Asia Steve & Pat Asia Michael & April Asia Vic & Gwen Asia Jeff & Melissa Asia Glenn & Carol Asia Boaz & Ruth Europe David & Vreni Europe

12. 13. 14. 15.

Dave & Pam Gordon & Grace Nathan & Kathy Asia Vaughn & Jennifer Asia

Daily Family Prayer Guide february 2009

Daily Family Prayer Guide is published monthly by First Federated Church to help YOU pray more effectively for our missionaries and their needs. Jean Crabbs, with the help of a group of volunteers, reads through piles of mail and writes current and urgent prayer requests from those we support. Put this Daily Family Prayer Guide into your Bible and include in your daily prayer time. First Federated Church 4801 Franklin Avenue | Des Moines, IA 50310 FirstFederated.org | [email protected]

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