YBAM National Service Programme Newsletter
马佛青总会国民服务计划期讯 2008 年 9 月(第二期) SEPTEMBER 2008 VOL 2
全柔国民服务计划佛教徒学员交流会 Johor NS Buddhist Trainees "Long Time No see" Reunion Gathering reported by Ling Tian Soon
To provide an opportunity for former National Service trainees to return to Buddhist organizations, the Johor SLC had organized the "Long Time No See" reunion gathering on 30th September, 2007 at Batu Pahat Buddhist Association. Former NS trainees from 7 camp sites in Johor and Muazam Shah camp, Pahang met and had a wonderful time in ice-breaking and interactive activities. ■报导/林添顺
为了让曾参与国民服务计划的学员再叙及回流到佛教会, 马佛青总会柔佛州联委会国民服务计划委员会特别于 2007 年 9 月 30 日假峇株吧辖佛教会主办“好久不见—全
The participants had a better understanding of the roles of YBAM as well as the member organizations after having been given some briefings by the organizer. They were also informed of the channels from which they could further study Buddhism.
柔国民服务计划佛教徒学员交流会”。会上汇集了全柔七 Bro . Cheng Zhee Long , who is inflicted with reflex sympa个国民服务营地及彭亨州姆阿占沙营地的学员及接待团 thetic dystrophy was invited to share on how Buddhism has changed his view towards life. In addition, the
体。轻松有趣的破冰与团康活动让各地的营员打破隔膜。 participants also actively took part in group activities and 通过介绍马佛青总会及柔佛州会员团体,学员们可以更了 interactive sessions and experienced the altruistic joy of helping each other in achieving goals assigned to respec-
解马佛青总会所扮演的角色以及各地方上的佛教团体,以 tive groups. 便他们可以继续到佛教会学佛。大会也特别邀请来自柔佛
Although the attendance was not up to expectation, the
州不幸患上神经萎缩症的残障青年曾志龙,分享了佛法如 organizer promised that they would remain persistent in 何改变他的生命,确立正确的人生观。此外,学员们积极 carrying out get-together of such nature in our effort to spread the Dharma. In other words, the flame of the
参与小组活动,在完成自己任务的当儿也协助他人达成目 Dharma must be kept burning even with only one partici标,亲身体验自利利他所带来的法喜。虽然出席人数不如 pant! 预期,主办当局承诺,“就算只有一位学员回来也要继续 As the saying goes, " the continuous development of Buddhism depends on youths and the youths need Buddhism 办下去,让佛法延续!” for spiritual advancement ! "
奉献的人生是一首诗歌,悠扬千里;奉献的人生是一幅图画,意境无限; 奉献的人生是一束花朵,幽香入心;奉献的人生是一股清流,有情有义 奉献的人生是一束花朵,幽香入心;奉献的人生是一股清流,有情有义!
在这里可以让我有机会对自己的宗教有 更深一层的认识!很感激在这里的每一 个人,毫无怨言的招待我们,想游戏让我 们玩!感激不尽!(朱盈洁,17,Kem Rimba Taqwa, Sik))
每逢星期五我都特别开心,因 为看到你们就感到很温暖,很 有家的感觉。我要在这里谢谢 你们带给我快乐。 (余丽娴, 18, Kem Cahaya Gemilang Cherating )
食物很好吃,从来没有吃 过酱好吃的素食哦!谢谢 各位在这三个月里陪我 们!(江芷薇,18,Kem Rimba Taqwa, Sik))
Resort, Kerteh)
老师们教得很棒,让我对佛教这个以人为本 的特别宗教产生莫大的兴趣,日后我将会多 些接触佛教。老师们的教导成功改变了我对 佛教不正确的看法。谢谢你们,老师们。(李 雪媚,17,Kem Bakau Resort, Kerteh)
我真的很感谢马佛青总会为我们举行佛学课和认识佛法。老师还教我们念 佛经,我念到没有压力!谢谢你!(沈威民,17,Kem Port Dickson Resort)
学员感言 Participants’Feedback
I like to listen to the Dharma preaching especially the story of the Buddha life. The way the teachers teach make the class fun and meaningful. Life here is fun and PLKN do make me a little more independent and a happier and cheerful person. Thanks. (Joelle Lee Meng Swee,18, Kem Bakau
我很荣幸在这个营里获得佛法。在此我 诚恳的感谢黄老师和师姐能牺牲您们的 时间与精神,抽空来为我们讲解佛陀的 历史。我会永远记得您们的教诲和指点。 希望别人跟你们一样诚心向佛,那么苦 难就会在这个世界中渐渐减少。(陈伟 健,17, Kem Debana Jempol,)
I appreciate the effort of this organization. But it is quite discouraging for those who do not have a good command in Chinese Language. I hope the organizer may consider using English as the medium. and to prepare the Buddhist Studies syllabus in both Chinese and English. (Wong Kok Soon,18 , Rachado Bay Camp)
我们用心呵护的小树, 我们用心呵护的小树, 明天将成为大树, 明天将成为大树, 用它坚实的臂膀爱护着大地! 用它坚实的臂膀爱护着大地!
讲师感言 Facilitators’Feedback 国民服务计划之营内营外佛学课程涉及之层面广范。同时,也 考验着我们的恒心及毅力。常常在想这真的是一项繁重的工 作。可是,它又对后辈起着很大的接引作用,是对新生代的真 理传播,是大马佛教发展的一个里程碑。当觉得累了的时候听 到有人说:“我是在国民服务计划认识佛教的,我进入大专时我 要去佛学会,我以后要协助国民服务计划佛学课程。”顿时,所 有的疲乏也随着消失了,取代的是鼓舞。希望更多的佛教徒能 够参与我们。也对直接间接参与国民服务计划佛学课程的佛友 们表示对你们的感恩,因为有你们,大马佛教会更茁壮的发展。 ■讲师/叶锦华
其实我一直以来都自认佛学基础不好,可是我想 有愿力,就有力量,就有办法。参与国民服务佛学 班讲课不知不觉已一年,学生们的求知欲、殷切的 期盼,每每都让我感动不已。教然后知不足,为了 教学,我重新拿出尘封的佛书复习,做笔记,思考。 是他们让我在学佛的路上更精进。我很感恩有着 个机缘和他们分享佛法及个人的生活经验。我想 我只是一座桥让学生们接触佛法。虽然我带不出 深奥的佛法,可是我想我的用心一定不会白费。我 并不期望可以改变他们,我只希望某一天当他们 需要时可以想起佛法,以佛法为归依。我的能力是 那么的有限, 学生是那么的多,真的好希望佛友 们都可以发心来当讲师。 ■讲师/孙安妮
国民服务计划特别委员会报告 National Service Special Committee Report 马佛青总会国民服务特别委员会除了主办各项培训课 Besides conducting training programmes, the YBAM National Service Special Committee also keeps regular con程,也走访各地以便直接与协调员、讲师及接待员们交 tact with camp coordinators, speakers and facilitators and 流。为了更了解讲师或协调员面对的问题,委员们也积 visit the national service camp sites for closer monitoring and observation so as to gain a better understanding of the 极到各营地进行观察。间中,委员会也与国民服务当局 problems and difficulties faced. In addition, discussion, brainstorming and meetings are also held to gather more 进行会议讨论,以便更有效地把问题反映给当局。 effective feedback and for more accurate evaluation. Future Plan
The YBAM National Service Special Committee is compiling the database of speakers and trainees, and will 的资料库,以提供给各州联委会。此资料库可供地方佛 distribute to SLCs upon completion. Buddhist organizations can utilize the database to contact the trainees to serve as 教会主动联系学员回流,有助解决佛教会缺少青少年的 volunteers or helpers at the respective Buddhist organiza问题,亦可进一步推动佛教会朝向蓬勃的发展。 tions. With this effort, it is thus hoped to help solve the problem of insufficient manpower and instead to provide young blood for the Buddhist organizations for continuous growth. 国民服务计划特别委员会正在收集及设立讲师与学员
国民服务计划 民服务计划特 务计划特别委员会 2008/2010 组织架 组织架构 National Service Special Committee 2008/2010 Organization Chart
宗教顾问 : 释开舍法师 Ven Khai Sear Religious Advisor Ven. B. Sri Saranankara Nayaka Maha Thera 顾问 Consultant : 廖国民 Liau Kok Meng 主席 Chairman : 侯源章 Howe Wan Chong 副主席 : 戴亚和 Teoh Ah Hor Vice Chairman : 邱满媚 Hew Mun Moi 符妙姬 Foo Meow Yee 秘书 Secretary : 吴青松 Goh Qing Song 财政 Treasurer : 麦丽贞 Mak Lai Cheng
课程与培训组 Programme And Training Unit 组长 Head : 颜慧芬 Gan Hui Hoon 委员 Committee members : 温悦忆 Wut Yet Yee 陈淑芳 Tan Soh Hong 李秀薇 Lee Siew Wee 林祺龙 Lim Kee Leng 詹尊敬 Chiam Soon King 陈淑慧 Tan Soh Hui 宣传组 Publicity Unit 组长 Head : 孙安妮 Sung Aun Nee 委员 Committee members : 骆慧春 Lok Huey Chuen 吴友捷 Goh Ewe Chiep 庄秀珍 Chong Siew Chin
青年弘法教育的时代性使命 The Contemporary Mission of Dharma Propagation 今天的小树,是明天的大树; 今日的种子,是明日的森林。 马佛青总会自2005年接受国民服务局委任为国民服务计划 佛学课程之协调单位后,便积极安排佛学课程讲师进入国 民营授课,同时展开一系列培训课程及编写适合国民服务 计划学员的佛学课程纲要及辅助教材。除此之外,本会也 协调国民服务计划学员到附近的佛教团体进行每星期一次 的宗教膜拜及营外活动,以加强学员对本身宗教的信念。 迄今全国共有大约80个营地,每年约有数万名非回教徒青 少年接受为期一年三期,每期三个月的培训。国民服务计 划因此提供我们把佛法介绍于国民服务计划学员的契机。 为了让国民服务计划佛学课程顺利地推行,马佛青总会需 要以下支援成就此计划: 1. 佛教团体负责接待每星期一次的营外活动 2. 佛学课程讲师 3. 团康带动员 4. 义工(协助佛教团体接待国民服务计划学员或载送讲 师至营地授课) 有意协助者,欢迎联络马佛青总会秘书处 03-78049154/7
YBAM has been actively involved in arranging facilitators to teach Dharma in the national service camps throughout the country. YBAM also carries out a series of training programmes for facilitators and has so far published a teachers' handbook. YBAM has been appointed as the national body in charge of Dharma classes in all NS camp sites since 2005. Besides, YBAM also helps to arrange and plan out-camp activities to enhance the knowledge of Buddhism among the national service trainees. There are thousands of non-Muslim trainees recruited in the NS camps in 3 batches throughout the country annually with each batch undergoing 3 months of training. It is a golden opportunity to introduce Buddhism to the NS non-Muslim trainees. To ensure the smooth running of both in-camps and out-camps, we need your assistance in the following : 1. Buddhist organizations to handle out-camp activities 2. Dharma class speakers 3. Interactive activities facilitators 4. Helpers (work closely with Buddhist organizations in handling out-camp activities or to help fetch facilitators to camp sites, etc) Interested, please contact YBAM Secretariat at 0378049154/7
Buddhists Believe" written by Ven. K Sri Dhammananda will be printed for NS facilitators and trainees as a refer什么》(中文及英文版本)作为国民服务计划讲师及学员参考书 ence book. YBAM has also set up a fund in undertaking this 本。除此之外,马佛青总会亦征求各界捐助此计划之活动基金。 large scale national project. We hereby appeal to you for your generous monetary support to make it a reality, thus benefiting thousands of NS trainees.
《国民服务计划捐款计划》捐助表格 NATIONAL SERVICE DONATION FORM 姓名(Name): 中文 ________________________________________ 英(English) ____________________________________________ 出生日期(Date of Birth): ____________________________________ 性别(Gender): 女 Female / 男 Male 通讯地址(Address) : _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 邮区编号(Postcode) _______________________________________州属(State) ____________________________________________ 职业(Occupation): ________________________________________ 电邮(Email Address): ____________________________________ 住家电话 Tel (H): __________________________________________ 手提电话(H/P):__________________________________________ 本人愿意通过以下方式捐款:I would like to donate through the following methods: □ 月捐计划 Monthly Donation Plan
□ 随喜乐捐 Donation 支票,请志明 Cheque payable to: Young Buddhist Association of Malaysia (支票号码 cheque no:
签名 Signature: __________________ 日期 Date: _______________________
□ 直接存款 Direct Bank in to: 大众银行 Public Bank 户头 Account Name: Young Buddhist Association of Malaysia 户口号码 Account No: 3063802219
注:请传真捐助表格及存款单据至马佛青总会秘书处 03-78049021 Note: Please fax the Donation Form and bank in slip to YBAM HQ secretariat 03-78049021
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