2007-03 The Action

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THE ACTION March 2007

The Official Publication of the Hanover Area Jaycees

Volume 66 Issue 03

Matt Boyer 812-1490 President

What weather! Warm for most of the winter, then hit with snow that turns to ice. It was pretty nasty, solid ice on the road. Only a few weeks of winter to go…

Liz Boyer 637-0373 Membership VP

The month started off great with the State Boards… actually held in January. The Hanover Area was #1 again in 2006! Great job to Kathy Main and everyone last year who made this possible. Kathy will have a few more words on this later in the Action. Also, 2002 President Sherry Cracium was sworn in as State President. We are ready to move forward again in 2007, to work on another successful and fun year.

Jen Lupp 359-7253 Financial VP Katie Rohrbaugh 637-1259 Individual VP Karen Sentz 757-9101 Community VP Troy Bolin 227-0051 Treasurer Kelly Myers 637-8570 Secretary Kathy Main 637-0050 Chairman of the Board Directors Dave Maus 633-5716 Emily Graybill 632-2568

We hope to see everyone at the Shrimp and Chicken Feed on Saturday February 24. It is always a great time. We appreciate the help running the project, and add to the fun. Jen Lupp is doing a great job with this, and will have more information in her article. In March will be the National Convention held in St. Louis. The U.S. Junior Chamber is holding the year-end awards celebration from Thursday, March 15 to Saturday, March 18. At this time, 5 people from our chapter are registered to attend, but it isn’t too late for anyone else interested. Also coming up in March are the H.A.R.T. Bowling Social and Adopt-aHighway, Bingo, and another fun JAM Session. Details on these will be further in the action. There are several other projects in the coming months which we still need Chairpersons and committees. Either on the committee or at the project itself, it’s great to see the members out and joining us. Don’t Back Down! Please let either Katie Rohrbaugh or myself know if you are interested in having the Action sent to you via e-mail. And sorry to all the Bears fans out there… I wasn’t going to forget that!


Mark Riggs 259-7765


Kari Weaver 632-2542


Yours in Jaycee Spirit,

Matt Boyer

COMMUNITY - WHAT CAN WE GIVE BACK? Karen Sentz, 2007 Community Vice President We have all been given so much. Now is your chance to give back. Don’t miss the opportunity! Doing something for someone else can be one of the most rewarding things a person can do for themselves. Upcoming Projects:

Hart Bowling Social This will be a special day to share your time with the employees of the H.A.R.T. center. Jeff McCloskey is chairing this event. It will be held on March 3rd. Please volunteer your time. You won’t regret it!

Adopt a Highway Yes, it’s time to pick up that trash again. Just like Spring cleaning. You know how much fun it is to clean up all the things people have thrown from their cars while speeding along route 116. Oh, the things you find. What could be more exciting? You never know what you may come across next. This year there will be a special prize for the person who picks up the most original or disgusting trash item as voted on by the chapter. Just come and help even once and submit to me a description (no I don’t want the dead animal carcass myself, just a description) of what you found along route 116 that is worthy of this prize and I will register you in the contest. Good Luck! First trash pick-up is March 18th. We will meet at 1pm at the Chapter House.

Lastly-The Halloween Parade-I need a chairperson! Who is man/woman enough, who Won’t Back Down. Who dares to follow in Kim Leese’s footsteps. I don’t care if it’s not even summer yet. The time is now. Step forward and show your courage! Call me 757-9101 or cell 858-4516.

Financial Notes Jen Lupp, 2007 Financial Vice President Food Sale Don’t forget about our Joe Corbi’s food sale project! Orders are due to Emily Graybill on March 1st, the night of the Membership Meeting. Picked up is March 15 after 6pm. If you have any questions, call Emily @ 451-5602

Chicken BBQ Come rain or sun it’s time for fun! Mark your calendars for the upcoming Chicken BBQ on Saturday April 14th. Nick Cracium is chairing this project so if you have any questions or would like to help please call him or myself. We need your help selling the dinners, so contact Diana Rumsey at 632-6803 for more ticket information. We are still in need of a Manpower sub-chair if anyone would be willing to help, please call Nick or myself.

BINGO I need your help! With a lot of people heading out to National Boards, I am in need of three people for State Bingo in Lancaster on Friday March 16th. For anyone interested in helping please call me at 451-4362. There is going to be an incentive involved for any volunteers!

Shrimp and Chicken Feed We can’t forget about the Shrimp and Chicken Feed. Thanks to everyone’s help with this project. Without you, it wouldn’t have been a success!

“Down the Line” Here are some up coming Financial projects that need your help: -Car Show -Kids Karnival -Seafood Raffle -Miss Hanover If you are interested in helping with any of these projects, call me at 451-4362.

Thanks! Thank you to the following people that have helped with recent financial projects: Bingo: Deb and Fred Baber Food Sale: Emily Graybill Shrimp and Chicken Feed Committee: Kathy Main, Troy Bolin, Tammy Trish, Kari Weaver, and Dave Maus Your help in these projects is greatly appreciated!

“Learning to Fly” through Individual Development Katie Rohrbaugh, Individual Vice President

The luck of the Irish be with ya! Wouldn’t you lads and lassies like to see those green rolling hills of the Emerald Isle right now instead of all this snow and ice? It would sure make my Irish eyes smile. Well, even though we can’t be there maybe we can show our spirit by the wearing of the green at our membership meeting. You may get pinched if ya don’t. I’m hoping to find that leprechaun and get his pot of gold and three wishes. What will you get if you find that leprechaun? Hmmmm…….

March Membership Meeting March 1, 2007 Social 7:00 p.m. Meeting 7:30 p.m. Program: Personality StylesWhat color are you? Red, Green, Yellow, or Blue By your IDVP

I still need chairmen for the following projects. Mother’s Day Craft Night and Father’s Day Craft Night. These are great projects to do if you are chairing a project for the first time. Give me a call if you are interested or if you have any questions?


Easter Egg Social Sunday April 1st. Time and Place: TBD Chairman: Jamie Haines Mark your calendars for a fun time to spend with your immediate and Jaycee family. Please call me or Jamie Haines with any questions.

March Jam Session Saturday March 24th We will be going to the Corner Stable in York to eat dinner and then watch the “Love Haters” We will meet at the Chapter House at 6:00 to car pool. Dinner reservations will be for 7:00. Please RVSP to me by Friday the 16th so I may notify the Corner Stable our final count for dinner. It will be a fun night! Call me if you need any more info. or have any questions.

Petty the Parrot’s Trivia SQUAWK….I wanna go where it’s warm. I’m freezing my feathers off. What can warm you up? A shot from your new light up shot glass if you get the trivia question right. Let’s try again. No one got it last month so I’ll make it easier for you this time. Remember, the first one to give the answer to Katie at the meeting before she gives her report will be the winner. Good luck!!! What Petty video is Kim Basinger in ? This is an easy one!!!

I’d like to thank Nick for being the first one to call me with a suggestion. It made my day. Nick please see me at the next meeting for your guitar pin. As always, please call or email me with any suggestions for JAMS and training.

GROUPIE INFORMATION! Liz Boyer, 2007 Membership Vice President

To begin, I want to apologize for being so behind with everything. I never anticipated that helping to open the new Wal-Mart store would cause me to work so many hours… and such odd hours! But, I do appreciate everyone’s patience! Also, please note that I have changed my email address. Since Suscom went to Comcast, I’ve had some major problems. So, I have gotten a generic email account…[email protected]. If you have emailed me anything in the last 3 weeks, I have not received it, so please re-email it to me. WELCOME to our newest groupie! Niki Poist! She is a Certified Massage Therapist… that’s right… a CERTIFIED MASSAGE THERAPIST! Can’t we ALL use a massage? You can find Niki at The Health Empyrean or by calling (717)965-7172. Congratulations, Niki! COMING UP!: New Member Orientation will be held on March 27, at 7:30, at the Chapter House! Shout it Out!: CONGRATULATIONS to Dave Maus on his engagement to Crystal Mummert! NETWORK!: If you have a MYSPACE site, please let me know. Depending on the response, I may add the URL’s to the roster due to the popularity… and, it’s another way to network and meet members. Last but not least… Chairman… please make sure you give me or your VP a copy of the Involved

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Kristen Hart Jim Taylor Stan Carbaugh

3/1 3/7 3/28

Katie Kenworthy 3/1 Kelly Myers 3/8 Deb Baber 3/30

Laura Manville Jen Lupp

DUES REMINDER! Renew your membership to take advantage of everything the Jaycees has to offer! Due by March 10 Stan Carbaugh Kim Clapper Tom Hufnagle Michael Kaguyutan Anne Marchio Susan Martz Amy Myers Angel Nace Randy Noel Christina Rosensteel Karen Sentz Tammy Trish

Due by April 10 Liz Boyer Doug Smith

Due by May 10 Donna Adams Jon Bowers Matt Boyer Michael Etridge DJ Hart Michael Link James Taylor

Want to invite a friend or have a membership update or question? Call me! 717-968-3203!

3/6 3/9

HANOVER AREA JAYCEES MEMBERSHIP MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 1, 2007 Meeting called to order @ 7:40 PM by President Matt Boyer Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Kathy Main Program: Lion's Club by Bob Gotwalt Introduction of Members and Guests: Secretary's Report: Kelly Myers: Motion to dispence with the reading of the minutes by Diana Rumsey 2nd by Brenda Chenault motion carries. Motion approve the minutes as presented by Diana Rumsey 2nd by Karen Sentz motion carries. Treasurer's Report: Troy Bolin: Motion to approve the Treasurer's Report as presented by Jamie Haines 2nd by Joel Loder motion carries. Balance as of 2/1/07 Building & Renovations $16,532.07 Checking-Jaycees $5,316.93 Jaycees Savings $2,862.48 Total $24,711.48 Community VP's Report: Adopt -A-Highway is 3/18 @ 1:00 meet at the Chapter House, Jeff McCloskey stepped forward to chair the HART Bowling Social which is March 3 , 2007. Individual VP's Report: Katie Rhrobaugh: Lori Noel did a great job with the I&A Banquet, I need chair people for Mother's Day and Father's Day Craft Night, Jamie Haines has stepped forward to chair the Easter Egg Social. February 17th is family game night @ 7:00PM at the Chapter House. Financial VP's Report: Jen Lupp: Thanks to Deb and Fred Baber for going to Bingo and the next bingo is 2/16. Food Sale is continuing through March 1st, pick-up is March 15th. Shrimp and Chicken Feed is 2/24 next commitee meeting is 2/7 @ 7:00 at the chapter house, Nick Cracium is chairing the Chicken Barbeque, the next commitee meeting is 2/13 @ 7:00PM at the chapter house. I need a chairmen for Kids Karnival. Rebecca Smith is chairing the Miss Hanover Pageant. Membership VP's Report: Liz Boyer: We lost two members in January and she's having an M-Night on 2/6 at Bill Bateman's. State Director's Report: Upper Adams I&A Banquet is 2/23, Hanover is the number1 chapter for the year, Littlestown Pizza sale is 2/9 to2/15 $10, Daffdil Days are 3/19&3/20 pick-up is 3/21-3/23, York's game night is 2/10. Presdient's Report: Matt Boyer: National Jaycees if a member recruits 5 members you get to play deal or no deal, Littlestown Pizza Sale, Wal-Mart gave us a $2000 grant. Induction of New Members: none Break: Motion to dispence with break by Jamie Haines, 2nd by Diana Rumsey motion carries. Discussion: none Old Business: none New Business: Sherry Cracium makes a motion for the foundation and a commitee with the President and Chairman of the Board, 2nd by Kathy Main, Sherry Carcium reserves the right to speak motion carries. Matt Boyer makes a motion with the YOPA and corrections with the budget and calendar, 2nd by Kelly Myers, Matt Boyer reserves the right to speak. Matt Boyer recinds his motion and Kelly Myers agrees. Jeff McCloskey makes a motion to except the 2007 YOPA with exception to the membership portfolio and membership plan, 2nd by Sherry Cracium motion carries. Announcements; none

Good of the Order: Sherry Cracium-thanks to everybody for last weekend and to Matt and Jen and the Board for your work on the YOPA, Mark Gibson- York's Monte Carlo Night is 4/14, $20 and you guys are running a strong chapter, Kathy Maim-Thanks to Bob Gotwault and Steve Eck for coming tonight, Matt Boyer-Thanks to Bob and Steve, to Mark Gibson for coming and to Kathy for being number 1. Jaycee Creed: Led by Andy Bolin Adjournment: Motion to adjourn the meeting by Nick Cracium, 2nd by Andy Bolin motion carries. Meeting is adjourned at 9:10PM Respectfully Submitted Kelly Myers Kelly Myers, Secretary

Kathy Main

Contact: 451-8515 [email protected]

#1 in 2006 – 4th year in a row As your 67th Past President I would like to proudly say that we did it again in 2006. At the beginning of last year, I was not sure if we could do it again, I had big shoes to fill from Kevin Adams, Nick Cracium and then Deb Baber; they all lead the chapter to the #1 spot, but we “Made it Happen” in 2006 too. Congratulations to all and thank you for a great year!

Upcoming State Events! LittlestownThey are having their monthly Poker night coming up this Friday, the 23rd starting at 8pm at their Chapter House. If you are interested let me know and I can get you more information.

YorkThe York Jaycees are going to a Hershey Bears Hockey Game on Saturday, March 31st, at 7PM, cost is $21. If interested let me know.

GettysburgI just attended their meeting this past month and they are planning their year. One thing for sure they have on their calendar is the Golf Tournament that some of us helped with last year. Once again, they are looking for help from Hanover again for manpower. I know I am looking forward to either helping this year or maybe even try to golf myself. Fore!

Upper AdamsDeb and I just attended their meeting this past month. The board is also planning out their year. This coming Friday will be their I & A Banquet. Then Saturday evening at our Shrimp & Chicken Feed we will have the opportunity to see about 25 of our fellow Jaycees from Upper Adams. If you get a chance, go say “hi” to them.

I am planning to visit these chapters at least once a quarter and go to some of their events that they have planned this year. I would like to invite as many people to go with me as possible. Like Fred Baber always said “Let’s go meet the neighbors!”

Who’s your director? 2007 Directors Dave Maus

Mark Riggs

Emily Graybill

Kari Weaver

Karen Sentz

Donna Adams

Kevin Adams

Deb Baber

Christine Blystone

Fred Baber

Andy Bolin

Melanie Adams

Troy Bolin

Jon Bowers

Paul Briggs

Liz Boyer

Matt Boyer

Sherry Cracium

Brenda Chenault

Vikki Collins

Lynne Brown

Andrew Collins

Stan Carbaugh

Kimberly Clapper

Rusty Elsner

Ed Cornelius

Maria Cracium

Christine Carbaugh

Nick Cracium

Bob Gotwalt

Amy Davis

Dawn Delauter

Angie Delph

Heidi Dutterer

Bonnie Link

Lori Elder

Michael Etridge

Tammy Gobrecht

Kirk Dutterer

Rick Swartzbaugh

Pat Elder

RT Gondon

Kristie Greenholt

Brian Greth

Mike Mummert

Jamie Haines

DJ Hart

Ryan Hastings

Michael Kaguyutan

Tom Hufnagle

Kristen Hart

Mike Johnson

Tara Kibler

S. Edward Murphy Dorcas Shelly

Eric Kenworthy

Becky Kuhn

Jen Lebo

Kim Leese

Dwayne Sudduth

Gabielle Leppo

Michael Link

Jennifer Lupp

Kathy Main

Anne Marchio

Joel Loder

Adam Martin

Susan Martz

Jeff McCloskey

Elaine Meckley

Amy Myers

Brenda Myers

Kelly Myers

Angel Nace

Lori Noel

Kelly Rebert

Robert Shearer

Katie Rohrbaugh

Randy Noel

Diana Rumsey

Doug Smith

Christina Rosensteel

Amy Smith

Christine Smith

Rebecca Smith

Galen Shelly

Scott Strausbaugh

Jim Taylor

Tammy Trish

Diana Sterner

Bill Trump

Brianna Weaver

Lisa Trish

Kristy Stremmel

Gina Trump

Laura Manville

Monica Miller-Thacker

Patricia Thayer

March 2007 Sun




Thu 1 Food Sale

Fri 2

Sat 3

orders due Membership Meeting 7:30

Hart Bowling















Food Sale Pick-up


St. Patrick’s Day

National Boards

National Boards

National Boards









Board Meeting 7:30 pm

National Boards






Jam Session



Membership Orientation

April 2007 Sun 1

Mon 2

Tue 3

Wed 4

Easter Egg Social


Thu 5







Membership Meeting 7:30





Easter Chicken BBQ

15 22

16 23

17 24




OYC Named

Board Meeting BINGO 7:30 pm




21 28 Jam Session



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