2006-04 The Action

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n o i t c A The April 2006 Kathy Main 637-0050 (home) 451-8515 (cell) President Liz Boyer 637-0373 Community VP Kim Clapper 632-3229 Individual VP Matt Boyer 812-1490 Financial VP Scott Strausbaugh 632-0646 Membership VP Lori Noel 630-0459 Treasurer Brenda Chenault 637-9459 Secretary Deb Baber 624-9239 451-1494 (cell) Chairman of the Board

Katie Rohrbaugh 637-1259 Director Jeremy Myers 428-3064 Director Kim Leese 225-3182 Director Tammy Trish 229-2956 Director Ed Cornelius 449-0167 State Director Chapter House 637 - 8778 22 York Street Rear P.O. Box 368 Hanover, PA 17331

The Official Publication of the Hanover Area Jaycees

Volume 65 Issue 04

Hello Jaycee friends! Spring has sprung! It’s hard to believe that the first quarter of the year is over already. The year is moving along faster than I ever imagined and it will continue to whiz right on by. This past month we did our first Adopt-A-Highway clean up collecting 20 some bags of garbage. Jeff McCloskey chaired his first project, which was the HART Bowling Social. Thank you to everyone who sold pizza kits and cookie dough from Joe Corbi’s, we went over the budget on what we sold, good job Jen Lupp. Also this past month we had about 12 of us go to the National Convention in Myrtle Beach, what an exciting time that was. We had some awesome training, parties, and just good times to share with some friends that we made. Deb and myself competed in speak up competitions. During the awards ceremonies, Hanover received it’s Bronze Chip Award. The chapter also was recognized as one of the top 100 chapters in the Nation and along with that Deb was awarded for being one of the top local chapter presidents– way to go Deb! We are passing the ball right along on into April. Coming up we have some great projects. First we have the Membership Meeting on April 6th. Then the Chicken BBQ on April 8th, see Matt’s article for more details. Right after that we have the Easter Egg Hunt, I heard the committee has lots of new activities to do there. That same week we are having a New Member Orientation, so any new members please come on out. The week of April 16-22 is National Growth Week, we are having a M-night on the 18th and another social later that week to help recruit new members. The Board Meeting will be held at Bob & Barb’s Main Street Tavern. Don’t forget your baseball glove this month we have the Pitch, Hit, and Run. Last of all we have a family oriented JAM Social being planned for the end of the month. As you can see we have a busy month in April, plus the VP’s are busy planning for the future projects coming up such as the Crab Feed, the Miss Hanover Pageant, and the Halloween Parade. If you have not noticed this year is our 65th Anniversary. Some of us have decided we want to have a 65th Anniversary Open House/ Past President Reunion. I am planning on having a committee meeting for brainstorming on Monday April 10th at 7:00 at the Chapter House. If you are interested in serving on this committee, please plan to attend; and let me know if you are coming. Check out the chapter’s new website, if you haven’t yet. Andy Bolin has been working hard at updating and making the website more user friendly. Also Andy has established an e-mail address for the chapter, so you can visit us at http://groups.msn.com/HanoverAreaJaycees or e-mail us at HanoverAreaJaycees.gmail.com and I will get your e-mail. If you are interested in receiving this newsletter in the future via e-mail, please let me know by e-mailing me at [email protected]. The Chapter House now has recycling bins that we will need to use in the future for glass, plastic, paper, and cans.

Now let’s go out there team and Make it Happen! APRIL MEMBERSHIP MEETING Thursday, April 6, 2006 Social begins at 7:00 pm Meeting begins at 7:30 pm http://groups.msn.com/HanoverAreaJaycees

Yours in Jaycee Spirit,

Kathy L. Main Kathy L. Main 67th President Hanover Area Jaycees

65th Anniversary We are celebrating our 65th anniversary as a Hanover Area Jaycee Chapter. When: September 9, 2006 at 5:00PM Where: 22 Rear York Street, Hanover, PA –Chapter House I need help from all the current members, past members, and past presidents to gather all information about past members and past presidents. You may call me at 717-451-8515 or e-mail at [email protected] with the information.

Community Hands at Work Liz Boyer, 2006 Community Vice President Easter and Spring go HAND in HAND in providing a fresh start through cleaning our homes, our jobs, and our souls. This Spring, take a refreshing deep breath of fresh air. Then, smile, and get excited about your participation in giving a HAND to our community! First, I would like to thank Jeff McCloskey and his committee for doing such an awesome job with the HART Bowling event! We had a great turnout and lots of smiling faces as the medals were handed out! Thanks to all the “Cheerleaders” that helped to make the event such a success! You ALL truly made a difference in the lives of others! Great job Jeff on your first project!! Secondly, thanks to Adam Martin for making sure our first Adopt-A-Highway excursion was successful! Our stretch of road from Cooper Motors to Smith Station Road looks beautiful because of all of those members who came out to help! Great job in working Hand in Hand to make our community a better place to live in! Be a part of a rewarding project… our next Adopt-A-Highway will be June 11! Thanks also to Adam for volunteering to chair your first project!

HUNTER’S SAFETY EDUCATION CLASS! Spread the word! This event is for ANYONE ages 11 and older. In order to be certified to hunt safely, participants MUST attend both April 27 from 6-9:30PM AND April 29 from 8-4:30PM at the Chapter House. Refreshments will be served at both classes, and lunch will be provided on Saturday. The course is FREE! All participants must register before the class begins on April 27 by calling Bobby Shearer at (717)-779-6369 or Liz Boyer at (717)-968-3203. Outstanding Young Pennsylvanian Award! Thanks to Mike Johnson for chairing this project and helping us in the search of finding that young person that makes such a difference in our community! If you have any nominations, please contact Mike Johnson at (717)-630-9749 by April 19. Pitch, Hit, and Run! What a GREAT opportunity for kids, ages 7-14, to showcase their baseball skills! This is a National Program where kids compete in all aspects of baseball. They can advance 4 levels, where at the National level, they compete All-Star week, go to the All-Star game and be a guest of MLB! Call Shawn Hoover at (717)-773-5146 for details! For more information about ANY of our Community Projects, please call me at (717)-968-3203!

The Financial Times Matt Boyer, 2006 Financial Vice President

Only two more weeks to go until the Chicken BBQ. Have they been able to predict the weather yet? The BBQ is being held on Saturday, April 8 at Communtiy Banks across from Pizza Hut / Behind Menchey Music. If you need better directions, or want to help please call Christine Smith @ 717-578-8228. And sell those tickets… that makes for more basting!

If it isn’t a fast year… already bringing up projects in June! Coming up is the Annual Car Show, chaired by Deb Baber. Still in the planning process, if anyone is interested in helping with this project let us know. Please contact either Deb @ 717-624-9239, or you can contact me @ 717-873-5986.

Bingo, always a subject for the Action. But something that should be read, too. Who knows what Turtle might have said at the last one… who is Turtle? Who wants to find out? Three people are needed on the third Friday, April 21. Come along and I’m sure you won’t miss him.

Great job Jen Lupp, chairing the Joe Corbi’s Food Sale! Her first project as chairperson was a success, and I’m sure everyone who bought some Joe Corbi’s is enjoying it? Again, great job Jen! Thanks to Nick Cracium, chairperson for the Shrimp Feed. How many projects was that for him? A successful project as well, everyone enjoyed the shrimp and the chicken, and the beer and the music. Especially when Andy the ’Private Dancer’ earned a little money as well. Great job Nick!

Individual News Kimberly Clapper, Individual Vice President

April Membership Meeting April 6, 2006 Social at 7:00PM Meeting at 7:30PM Program: Ann Barricks Heavenly Paws Animal Shelter (She will be bringing pets) *Please call Kim to bring a snack*

May State Board Meeting Individual Competitions I want to have a full slate of competitors because I want to hear Matt Boyer sing. I will be giving gift certificates to all competitors, above the discount on the trip. If you are interested in competing call Kimberly at 717-965-1282.

Easter Egg Hunt When: April 9 at 2pm Where: Kid’s Kingdom There will be fun, food, face painting, games and more. If you would like to bring your family or have questions please call Lori Noel at 630-0459 or Kimberly Clapper at 965-1282.

April 29 Family JAM Social We will be traveling to the “Land of Little Horses” and going on a picnic. There will be more information at the meeting. If interested of have questions please call Kimberly at 965-1282.

Mother’s Day Craft Night May 10 Please contact Brenda Chenault at 637-9459 to sign up or for information.

Calling All Jaycees I am looking for a few good chairs for some upcoming projects: May JAM Social, Father’s Day Craft Night and June’s JAM Social. Please call Kimberly at 965-1282 if interested in helping.

MEMBERSHIP NEWS SCOTT STRAUSBAUGH, MEMBERSHIP VICE PRESIDENT (717) 632-0646 OR [email protected] Happy April Birthdays Tammy Gobrecht RT Gondon Sherry Cracium Dorcas Shelly Matt Boyer Kristie Greenholt

Dues Reminder for May

Dues Reminder for June

Matt Boyer James Taylor, II Krystal Landis Donna Adams Jon Bowers DJ Hart Katie Kenworthy Monica Miller Michael Link Brad Hilbish Shanna Crawford Brad Crawford Fred Baber

Dave Maus Diana Sterner Brenda Chenault Kim Leese

The Hanover Area Jaycees extends its condolences to the friends and family members of Clair Amspacher who passed away on March 7, 2006. He was a past president and charter member of the Hanover Area Jaycees. He was also the former co-owner and operator of the Hanover Terminal until his retirement in 1977. Mr. Amspacher was a well-respected business person and active member of the Hanover community. We will be taking a collection at the April Membership Meeting to donate to the Church of Brethren. WELCOME NEW MEMBERS OF THE HANOVER AREA JAYCEES: Bobby Shearer, Christine Blystone

Maria Cracium, Briana Weaver

NEW MEMBER ORIENTATION Date: April 11, 2006 Location: Chapter House

Time: 7:00p.m. Length of program: 1 hour

Who Should Attend: New Members including: Briana Weaver Maria Cracium Melina Oberlander Shane Rebert Angela Delph Alecia Harner

Bobby Shearer Christine Blystone Kelly Rebert Jessica Crouse Tara Hall Jeff McCloskey

Special Guest Wendy Keesee from the PA Jaycees will also be speaking about the Springboard and Degrees Program. All members are welcome and encouraged to attend this program. If you plan to attend, please let me know. Scott Strausbaugh

Hello Hanover Jaycees, Time is sure flying by the first Quarter is about over, but we still have a lot of work to do so lets get started. The York Jaycees are having a Monte Carlo Nite April 1 you could go to gamble or be part of the staff. This event starts at 7:00. We have our Regional meeting on April 8 being held at Harrisburg University from 4:00-7:00 p.m. We also have May Board Meeting coming up May 5-7, being held at the Grantville Holiday Inn. We also have the Upper Adams relay for life May 20. Then on May 26 York Chili Cook Off. The U.S. Jaycees are holding GALS June 9-14 being held in Washington DC. We have the Eastern Institute Meeting June 23-25. The PA Jaycees are hosting this event at the Holiday Inn New Cumberland. We leave from the hotel to go to Altar Rock June 25. Lets recap Myrtle Beach we got recognized for achieving Bronze Chip, also Deb and Kathy competed, they did not make call backs but we are still proud of you competing on the national level. Deb was recognized as 100 to watch, way to go. Ed Cornelius

Question from the President: As of last year was how many years the Halloween Parade has been run?

Baby News: Andrew Carrolus & wife had a baby boy – Colwyn Jake, 7lb. 10 oz.

Surgery News: Mike Johnson just had back surgery.

Did I hear Chicken BBQ?

Yes, When: April 8, 2006 from 11-2 Where: Next to Community Banks on Wetzel Drive in Hanover. What: Meal consists of 1/2 of a Chicken, Baked Potato, Apple Sauce, Roll, & Butter. If interested in helping please contact Brenda Chenault at 717-637-9459. If you would like tickets call Brenda Chenault at 717-637-9459.

“Make It Happen” March Membership Meeting March 2, 2006 Meeting Called to Order: 7:50pm by Kathy Main. Chaplain’s Invocation: Diana Rumsey Pledge of Allegiance: led by Andy Bolin Program: Hosting an exchange student by Kim Clapper Introduction of Members and Guests: Secretary’s Report: Brenda Chenault - Dispense with the reading of the minutes by Diana Rumsey; 2nd by Deb Baber. Motion carries. Motion to approve the Secretary’s Reports by Nick Cracium; 2nd by Christine Smith. Motion carries. Treasurer’s Report: Lori Noel - Balances as of 03/02/06: Building & Renovations $16,532.07; Checking $4,224.79; Savings $862.48; Total $21,619.34 Motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report by Diana Rumsey; 2nd by Deb Baber. Motion carries. Community VP’s Report: Liz Boyer - Events for March: Adopt-a-Highway is scheduled for March 19 @ 1:00 @ the chapterhouse: Adam Martin is the chairperson. Hart Bowling: is March 18, project is being chaired by Jeff McCloskey; he is need of sub-chairs. Hunter’s Safety Education Class is coming up, see Liz for details. If you have a nomination for Outstanding Young Citizen Award, please contact Liz. ASAP! We need chair people for: Pitch, Hit & Run, Pass, Punt & Kick, the Codorus Project (in May), and the Halloween Parade. Individual VP’s Report: Kim Clapper: WANTED: Ideas for “family” socials. Good luck to everyone competing at Nationals, in Myrtle Beach. March 25: Jam Social at KClinger’s @ 7:00. Chair people needed for: Easter Egg Social and April’s Jam (Family) Social. Financial VP’s Report: Matt Boyer - State Bingo, Thanks to all that have been able to attend State Bingo. Joe Corbi’s Pizza and Cookie Dough Sale please turn your orders into Jen Lupp tonight and pick-up your orders at the March Board Meeting on 03/16/06. Shrimp & Chicken Feed was a great success and enjoyed by all. Thanks to everyone that “MADE IT HAPPEN!” Chicken Barbeque on Saturday, 04/08/06, Christine Smith is chairing this project. We need man power for the day of the event as well as to sell tickets. Tickets are available see Brenda Chenault for tickets. Membership VP’s Report: Scott Strausbaugh - M-Night on March 14 @ Barb & Bob’s Mainstreet Tavern @ 7:00. April 11 @ 7:00: New Member Orientation at the Chapter House. 101 Members as of February, 2006. Goal for the Year of 2006 is 115 members. If anyone has perspective members please let Scott know. Please get your money in for your yearly dues. If anyone has suggestions for upcoming M-Nights please let Scott know. State Director’s Report: Ed Cornelius - Recognitions at the February Board Meeting. #1 Chapter the third year in the row. Deb Baber was recognized as one of the top President’s. Fred Baber was recognized as one of the top State Director’s. Matt Boyer was recognized as Super Charged Jaycee for Pennsylvania Jaycees. US Jaycee’s @ Myrtle Beach 03/9 - 03/12. 03/18 @ 8:00: Myerstown: St. Patrick’s Day Dance. 04/01: York Chapter is having Monte Carlo Night. 04/07: Myerstown: Ham Smoker. 05/05/06 - 05/07/06: May Boards in Grantville @ Holiday Inn. 05/19/06 & 05/20/06: Adams County Relay for Life. 05/27: York is having their annual Chili Cook-off. 06/22 - 06/24: Eastern Institute in Harrisburg. Sign up sheet for visitation at Altar Rock on 06/24/06 (prison chapter), you MUST be signed up for clearances to be checked. President’s Report: Kathy Main - Shrimp & Chicken Feed: EXCELLENT MANPOWER!! Thanks for everyone to coming out and helping and selling tickets. February Boards: Great time and the eagle is back. I need all your help to keep that eagle here. Invite your family and friends to come out ad share the Jaycee experience. Bachlor/Bachlorette Auction is coming up, funds will go to the Boxer Rescue - see Ed Cornelius or Kathy Main for details. Paul is looking for people to help transfer the dogs from one point to another. The State is putting together a Cook-Book for a fundraiser. May Boards: room is $97 + tax; registration is $65.00 if paid by 04/10. If you want a discount you can compete in the individual competition. Competition Forms need to be submitted by 04/28. The topic: MOST OF THINGS WORTH DOING IN THE WORLD HAD BEEN DECLARED IMPOSSIBLE BEFORE THEY WERE DONE. What does this mean to you and why is important for the Jaycees to remember. The “Village People” will be at May Boards. Tony from Scranton has a challenge: He will give a gift certificate to you favorite restaurant of choice for the chapter that has the most people competing at the May Boards. The Hanover Borough is having us recycle; the Board has decided to recycle. Please supervise your children when they are at the Chapter House. At February Boards: Paul Melachrinas is a honorable member of the Hanover Jaycees. Question of the Month: Five people that are a member of the 2006 State Team. Jamie Haines wins the prize (jar of candy). Induction of New Members: Bobby Shearer recruited by Liz Boyer. Break: Move to dispense with break by Diana Rumsey; 2nd by Nick Cracium. Motion carries. Discussion: none Old Business: none New Business: none Announcements: Kathy: after the meeting Board Members need to meet for a short meeting. Good of the Order: Nick: Congrats to Hanover for recruiting members for 2005. Over 40 members from Pennsylvania will go to the National Meeting to represent Pennsylvania. Deb: Village People will be at the May Board Meeting at Grantville. Matt: Good luck to Deb & Kathy for competing at the National Meeting. Kathy: Thanks for helping w/ the Shrimp Feed. Thanks to Lori & Brenda for organizing the office. Good luck to Deb w/ her speech in Myrtle Beach. Jaycee Creed: led by Bobby Shearer. Adjournment: Andy Bolin motion to adjourn; 2nd by Ed Cornelius. Motion carries. Meeting adjourned at 8:58 pm. Submitted by: Brenda Chenault Secretary

April 2006 SUN











6 Membership 7 Meeting 7:30

8 Chicken BBQ

9 Easter Egg 10 65th Anniversary Hunt Social

11 New Member Orientation






18 M-night


20 Board Meeting 7:30@ Bob&Barb’s

21 Bingo

22 Pitch, Hit, & Run M-Social


29 JAM Social



National Growth Week 2006 23






May 2006 SUN










4 5 May State 6 May State Membership BoardsBoardsMeeting 7:30 Grantville Grantville

7 May State 8 BoardsGrantville


10 11 Mother’s Day Craft Night





16 M-night


18 Board Meeting 7:30

19 Bingo

20 JAM Social

21 Codorus Clean up






27 York Chili Cookoff





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