2006-06 The Action

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n o i t c A The June 2006 Kathy Main 637-0050 (home) 451-8515 (cell) President Liz Boyer 637-0373 Community VP Kim Clapper 632-3229 Individual VP Matt Boyer 812-1490 Financial VP Scott Strausbaugh 632-0646 Membership VP Lori Noel 630-0459 Treasurer Brenda Chenault 637-9459 Secretary Deb Baber 624-9239 451-1494 (cell) Chairman of the Board

Katie Rohrbaugh 637-1259 Director Jamie Haines 630-2379 Director Kim Leese 225-3182 Director Tammy Trish 229-2956 Director Ed Cornelius 449-0167 State Director Chapter House 637 - 8778 22 York Street Rear P.O. Box 368 Hanover, PA 17331

The Official Publication of the Hanover Area Jaycees

Volume 65 Issue 06

Hello Jaycee friends! The weather is getting warmer, children are counting the last weeks of school for the year. It is hard to believe summer is here already. It is also hard to believe that half of the year is almost over. We have accomplished a lot already and we did the best we could and it paid off. At the May State Board Meeting we placed #1 in the state on the parade of chapters. Congratulations to the Chapter, we “Made it Happen!” The month of May was a busy month. We had about six children come out for Mother’s Day Craft night, the children colored flower pots and then planted a flower in it. They also made cards for their mothers. Then May 19th and 20th we had about six of us go help out at the Upper Adams Relay for Life. Then the next day, about twenty-two all together went to the Land of Little Horses for the JAM Social. We ended our weekend with the Codorus Clean up. Nine of us cleaned up around the pool area. We are not slowing down at all in the month of June. Coming up we have the Halloween Parade Meeting, Miss Hanover Pageant Meeting, Kids Karnival Meeting, Car Show Meeting, and much more. CALLING ALL NEW MEMBERS!!! - We will be having a New Member Orientation on Tuesday, the 13th. Mothers bring your children out Wednesday for Father’s Day Craft night. Training is on the schedule too, on Saturday, June 24th we will be having an ID College, which will be full of training. Then we will be ending the month with a visit to Altar Rock. We are going to be having our next 65th Anniversary meeting on Monday, June 19th at 6:00 at Homewood. If you are interested in coming please let me know and I can get you directions if you need them. Do you like to golf? Fred, Jamie, and I are working with the Gettysburg Jaycees on a golf tournament. The tournament will be Sunday, September 10th starting at 1:00PM. We are going to be having it at the Links in Gettysburg. The cost is $80 per person, unless you have a foursome, then it is $75 per person. We can use help that day working the event or if you want to golf that is okay too. Mark your calendar now. The following poem reminds me of how the Jaycees are and how we should be. I hope you enjoy reading it. “AND THEN SOME… these three little words are the secret to success. They are the difference between average people and top people in most companies. The top people always do what is expected… and then some. They are thoughtful of others, they are considerate and kind...and then some. They meet their responsibilities fairly and squarely… and then some. They are good friends and helpful neighbors...and then some. They can be counted on in an emergency...and then some. I am thankful for people like this, for they make the world a better place. Their spirit of service is summed up in these three little words...and then some.” - Carl Holmes Please don’t forget to recycle glass, plastic, paper, and cans when at the Chapter House.

Now let’s go out there team and Make it Happen! JUNE MEMBERSHIP MEETING Thursday, June 1, 2006 Social begins at 7:00 pm Meeting begins at 7:30 pm http://groups.msn.com/HanoverAreaJaycees [email protected]

Yours in Jaycee Spirit, Kathy L. Main 67th President Hanover Area Jaycees

Community Hands at Work Liz Boyer, 2006 Community Vice President “I’ve come to believe that each of us has a personal calling that’s as unique as a fingerprint - and that the best way to succeed is to discover what you love and then find a way to offer it to others in the form of service, working hard, and also allowing the energy of the universe to lead you.” - Oprah Winfrey Special thanks to all of the members who came out to help with the Pitch, Hit, and Run! Even though we only had 6 kids compete, we had lots of members who helped to make this project a success!! Also, thanks to Bobby Shearer and Jason Quinnan for doing an awesome job with the Hunter’s Safety Course! We had 21 members of the community take the exam and pass to earn their PA Certification! Kim Leese… you rock!! Codorus clean-up was a success, once the group figured out what they were doing! Several members helped to clean up the pool area and the locker rooms. Unfortunately, WalMart doesn’t close on Sundays, so I’m sorry I had to miss it. But, thanks to all of you that did help out! June 11– Adopt-A-Highway! Meet at the chapter house at 1:00PM! We will be cleaning up the trash from stretch of road between Cooper Motors and Smith Station Road on Route 116. If you have any further questions, please contact Adam Martin. Hanover Halloween Parade! YES! It is rapidly approaching!! We will hold our second meeting on Tuesday, June 6th at 7:00PM at the Chapter House! If you are interested in helping out, please come on out to this meeting! It is such a BIG project, but it is such a FUN project! Our first meeting went well! Jen Lupp is working hard on registration and getting more bands involved!! I am still looking for a chairperson! It’s a great opportunity to develop your leadership skills and would look GREAT on a resume! All of the sub-chair positions are filled except for Manpower and Marshals. So, if you’re ready to take on a challenge, let me know! I promise to help you make it a success!

Coming in July! RELAY-FOR-LIFE! This will be held July 14 at 4:00PM to July 15 at 4:00PM at the Hanover YMCA. The luminary dedication in memory or honor of those that have been touched by cancer will be held July 14 at 6:00PM. For more information or to participate in the event, contact Tammy Gobrecht!

For more information about ANY of our Community Projects, please call me at (717)-968-3203!

The Financial Times Matt Boyer, 2006 Financial Vice President

Bingo will be on Friday, June 16. Much thanks to everyone who has participated, three more people will be needed this month. A sign-up sheet will be available at the membership meeting, or call 717-873-5986 if you would like to help with this project.

Kids Karnival is the last Saturday of July, the weekend of Dutch Days. Held in Wirt Park, this includes face painting, games for kids, a concession stand, and a lot of fun. Adam Martin is chairing this project, a few sub-chair positions are still open. Please call Adam @ 717-632-5831 if you are interested in participating.

The Annual Car Show is coming up Saturday, July 8, being chaired by Deb Baber. This well be held at the South Hanover Shopping Center. From some of the awesome cars that have been at the past shows we’ve held, I look forward to seeing what will be there this year! If you need any information call Deb @ 717-451-1494.

Coming up Thursday, October 24 is the Miss Hanover Pageant. Presently no chairperson, but several people have volunteered to help on the committee and take on sub-chairs. If anyone is interested in helping, please contact me at @ 717-873-5986 or Kim Clapper @ 717-632-3229.

Can you think of a new financial project? Do you have any thoughts on present projects? A Committee is being put together to find new ways to raise funds for the chapter. Our first meeting is Wednesday, June 7. If you would be interested in helping out, or have any ideas, please call me at 717-873-5986.

Chair people are still needed for the following: Crab Feed Apple Harvest Cadillac Banquet

Individual News Kimberly Clapper, Individual Vice President

June Membership Meeting June 1, 2006 Social at 7:00PM Meeting at 7:30PM Program: Frank Guerriero Self Defense Tips

June 10 JAM Social

Father’s Day Craft Night. Wednesday June 14 at 6:30pm, we will be creating a great gift at the chapter house for our father’s for Father’s Day. If interested in signing your child up, please call Christine Blystone at 624-6143.

We’re going to the Drive-in. Keep your hands were I can see them. I am still looking for a chairperson for this, so please let me know if you are interested. If you are interested or you have questions please call Kimberly at 965-1282.

August State Board Meeting Individual Competitions Let’s get Matt to sing! If we get a full slate he will perform at the next Jaycee Idol Competition. Every person that competes will get the incentive discount, plus a gas card.

June Membership Meeting Please call me if you are bringing a snack item, 965-1282

Upcoming Projects I still need chair-people for the following: June JAM Social, and July JAM Social, call me at 965-1282.


Happy June Birthday’s Kevin Brown Maria Cracium Kim Leese Gabrielle Leppo Michael Link Brenda Myers Christina Rosensteel Amy Smith Diana Sterner

Dues Reminder for July (due now)

Up coming Dues for August

Jamie Haines Kim Leese David Maus Diana Sterner

Ed Cornelius Shawn Hoover Adam Martin Elaine Meckley Jeremy Myers Jason Quinnan

___________________________________________________________ MEMBER NEWS Please keep in your thoughts and prayers fellow Jaycees Mike Johnson and Bill Trump. Mike will be having back surgery again this month. Good luck Mike. Hope you have a quick recovery. Bill’s mother recently passed away unexpectedly. The Jaycees offers their sincerest condolences to Bill. NEW MEMBER ORIENTATION We will be holding another New Member Orientation on June 13, 2006 at 7:30pm at the Chapter House. If you are a new member and have not attended this orientation, please do so. The program should last approximately one (1) hour. JACYCEE M-NIGHT Get your appetites in gear. We will be having an M-Night at the Tropical Treat on June 20, 2006 at 7:00pm. Our plan is to have the M-Night on the deck. Come on out for some good food and good times. Bring a prospective member to find out what the Jaycees are all about.

Hello Everyone, We are now getting into what can be called a very busy summer. Here are some of the events we have coming up. •

June 9-14, we have GALS in Washington DC.

We then head off to Harrisburg for Eastern Institute, hosted by Pennsylvania on June 23-25.

Right from Holiday Inn and Eastern Institute we head off to Altar Rock on June 25, for their family picnic.

On July 8th, Schuylkill Haven Jaycees are having a kiddie carnival, this is where they have the best fireworks, even better then Hanover’s.

July 30 lets hop in the car for a day of fun at the Northern Schuylkill Family Picnic at Knoebles Park.

Don’t forget to start packing for the August State Board Meeting in Harrisburg, while there we will give recognition to our very own OYP Recipient, Tammy Trish.

Be sure to mark all of these dates on your calendar! If you have any questions please call Ed Cornelius, your State Director, at 449-0167.

Question from the President… 65 years ago the Hanover Halloween Parade started, but it was not known as the Parade. What was it called when it started? Whoever can answer the question at the June Membership Meeting will win a prize.


This year the Hanover Area Jaycees are celebrating their 65th Anniversary and we would like all of you to join us. We will be having an Open House on September 9th at the Chapter House. And we need your help. We have many names, addresses and phone numbers in our database, but we don’t want to miss inviting anyone. Please contact Fred & Deb Baber with a list of the board members from your time as a Jaycee officer. Home phone (717) 624-9239, Deb’s cell phone (717)4511494, or email at [email protected] Fred’s cell phone (717) 891-5464 or email at [email protected].

We are still looking for Jaycee memorabilia from the years gone by. I’m sure that many of you have boxes of stuff collecting dust in your basements or attics. Why not share your Jaycee history with other Jaycees past and present?

Please join us at our next committee meeting on Monday, June 19th at 7:00 pm at Homewood.

District 2C Notes By Fred Baber, District 2C Liaison (717)624-9239 or [email protected]

Congratulations to the Hanover Area Jaycees on the first quarter’s accomplishments! I am so excited for you! But DO NOT rest easy! I know for a fact that the York Jaycees just missed 1st place ranking by a very few points! AND the Upper Adams Jaycees are submitting the next set of certifications and you already know how much the Upper Adams Jaycees do for the Jaycee movement! And more importantly, your community and your membership need you to be your best at all times! They/we all rely on YOU! Keep on your toes! Just a few short notes! I am sure Eddie will cover most events from the state level, but he may not know about this one yet. The Upper Adams Jaycees will proudly host the Region 2/Distrcit 2C meeting on Saturday, August 26th at their very own Oakside Community Park. Events will start at 3:30 P.M. There will be a day of good training, short meetings, picnic style meals of pit beef, rides through the 90+ acre park, good friends, and great Jaycees from all over the center of the state! Please mark your calendars for this one! If you need directions, please contact me! Also, anyone interested in receiving the Pennsylvania Jaycees Newsletter by email, please let me know. Although all of the Chapter Presidents and State Officers already receive the newsletter, you have a right to read it too! Get me your email address and I will be sure that you get this valuable information each month! (This goes for the District 2C newsletter too!) Well that’s enough for this month. I am glad to see you all working so hard, but there is still much to do. If you would like me or any other Pennsylvania Jaycee Officer to be at any specific event, please let me know. I will be sure to have someone there. Remember, the PA Jaycees are around to serve you, the member! Make sure we help you wherever needed! District 2C is Stepping It Up in 2006!

FORE… The Gettysburg & Hanover Area Jaycees present... 1st Annual Golf Tournament Where: The Links at Gettysburg 601 Mason Dixon Road Gettysburg, PA 17325 When: Sunday, September 10th Registration starts at 12:00PM

Shotgun at 1:00PM

Cost: $80 per person $5 discount per person when you sign up a four person team. Food: Pulled Pork, cheeseburgers, coleslaw, pasta salad, scalloped potatoes, vegetable medley, cookies, brownies, and pretzels Prizes: Hole in one, longest drive, closest to the pin, top team, and door prizes Deadline for registrations is August 6th. Send registrations to: Gettysburg Jaycees P. O. Box 3331 Gettysburg, PA 17325

Gettysburg & Hanover Area

“Make It Happen” April Membership Meeting May 4, 2006 Meeting Called to Order: 7:40pm by Kathy Main. Chaplain’s Invocation: Diana Rumsey Pledge of Allegiance: led by Kristie Greenholt Program: International Traveling by Stan Carbaugh and Susan Flemmens Introduction of Members and Guests: Secretary’s Report: Brenda Chenault - Dispense with the reading of the minutes by Jamie Haines; 2nd by Deb Baber. Motion carries. Motion to approve the Secretary’s Reports by Sherry Cracium; 2nd by Diana Rumsey. Motion carries. Treasurer’s Report: Lori Noel - Balances as of 04/06/06: Building & Renovations $16,532.07; Checking $4,482.53; Savings $862.48; Total $21,877.08. Motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report by Christine Smith; 2nd by Katie Rohrbaugh. Motion carries. Community VP’s Report: Liz Boyer - Thanks for everyone who helped out at the Hunter’s Safety Project and the Pitch, Hit and Run Project. 05/09: is the committee meeting for the Halloween Parade (Please come out if you are able to help or contact Liz.) 05/21: is Codorous Clean-up, Kim Leese is the Chairperson. 06/11: Adopt-a-Highway, Adam Martin is the Chairperson. 07/14 –07/15 Relay for Life, (starts @ 4:00 on Friday till 4:00 p.m. Saturday, at the YMCA on George Street) Tammy Gobrecht is the Chairperson. Car Wash will be schedule for July. Tonight at the Membership Meeting we will be collecting donations for the students that were affected by Hurricane Katrina. Individual VP’s Report: Kim Clapper: May Boards is coming up this weekend! 05/10: Mother’s Day Craft Night at 6:30 @ the Chapter House; Brenda Chenault is the chairperson. 05/20: Family Social is at Land of Little Horses, Rebecca Smith is the Chairperson. 06/14: Father’s Day Craft Night, Christine Blystone is the Chairperson. Thanks to everyone who has be donating food for the membership meetings. Financial VP’s Report: Matt Boyer - 05/19: State Bingo - 3 people are needed (every month!!). **NEW DATE **07/08: Car Show at the South Hanover Shopping Center, Deb Baber is the Chairperson. 07/29: Kids Karnival at Wirt Park, Adam Martin is the Chairperson (If you are interested in helping out see Adam Martin or Matt Boyer.) Chairperson’s are needed for Miss Hanover Pageant, Crab Feed, Apple Harvest Festival and the Cadillac Banquet!!! Membership VP’s Report: Scott Strausbaugh - 109 members to date. First person to bring Scott 2 new members get 2 tickets to the Orioles game. We did have 6 new members join recently. 05/16: M-Night at the Winner’s Circle Lounge. 05/23: Notebook Training @ the Chapterhouse @ 7:30. 06/13: New Member Orientation at 7:00 at the Chapterhouse. JULY M-Night may be at Scott’s house for a picnic. State Director’s Report: Ed Cornelius - 05/05/06 - 05/07/06: May Boards in Grantville @ Holiday Inn. 05/19/06 & 05/20/06: Adams County Relay for Life. 05/27: York is having their annual Chili Cook-off. 06/03: Upper Adams Fishing Rodeo. 06/23 - 06/25: Eastern Institute in Harrisburg. 06/25: visitation at Altar Rock (prison chapter) from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. 07/08: Schuylkill Haven Kid Karnival. 07/30: Northern Schuylkill Haven: Family Picnic. 08/0408/06: August Boards & OYP Banquet. President’s Report: Kathy Main - 05/07: Make A Wish Truck Convoy. 05/08: Committee Meeting for the 65th Anniversary. Committee’s are needed for: the history of the Jaycees and a decorations committee. If you are interested please contact Kathy. The Celebration will be 09/09. ; 05/14: Old Street Fair in York @ 7:00a.m. (2 hour shifts). Thank you from Clair Amspacher’s family for the memorial gift. Thank you from Joe Corbi’s for choosing them as a fundraiser. Copy of State Newsletter is available if you would like to see one. Thanks to the Vice Presidents for all of their hard work. 1st Quarter Awards: Jaycee of the Month for January: Jamie Haines; Jaycee of the Month for February: Jen Lupp; Jaycee of the Month for March: Jeff McCloskey; Jaycee of the Quarter: Brenda Chenault Question of the Month: Name any past member that was Chairman of the Board but not President: Answers: Ken Myers, Heidi Dutterer, Jeff Smith, Bill Trump and Larry Kline. Winner: Christine Carbaugh Prize: gift certificate to Subway Induction of New Members: Kate Schaeffer recruited by Sherry Cracium and Tammy Gobrecht. Break: Move to dispense with break by Diana Rumsey; 2nd by Brenda Chenault. Motion carries. Discussion: Discussion regarding Apple Harvest. Old Business: none New Business: Kim Clapper discussion regarding chapter extension. 06/16 & 06/17 will be going to Greensburg to recruit members. See Kim Clapper if interested. Announcements: Adam Martin said on 06/02: Blood Drive at Club 2000, see Adam for details. Good of the Order: Brenda: Would like to thank everyone help sell the Chicken BBQ tickets, good job to Christine Smith on the BBQ and thanks to all who helped that day. Thanks to the Board for voting me Jaycee of the Quarter. Deb: Thank you to Stan and Suzanne for the presentation for tonight’s meeting. Good to see Bill Trump. Liz: Thanks to Andy for the training at the Board Meeting. Bill Trump: Congratulations to all of the award winners tonight. It is great to come back and visit. It is glad to see everyone out at the meeting. Kathy: thank to Stan and Aunt Susan for the presentation. Thanks to all for who helped at the BBQ, the Easter Egg Hunt and the Pitch, Hit and Run. We raised $49.30 for the collection at tonight’s meeting for Hurricane Katrina, this will be added to the $100.00 donation from Deb Baber from the proceeds of selling polo shirts. Thanks Kim Leese for the boxes. Jaycee Creed: led by Troy Bolin. Adjournment: Diana Rumsey makes a motion to adjourn; 2nd by Deb Baber. Motion carries. Meeting adjourned at 9:25 pm. Submitted by: Brenda Chenault Secretary

June 2006 SUN








15 Board Meeting 7:30

16 Bingo



24 Eastern Inst.

5 Car Show Meeting

6 Parade Meeting

11 GALS Adopt-AHighway


13 14 New Member Father’s Day Orientation Craft Night


19 20 M—Night 21 65th Anniver- Tropical Treat sary Meeting @ 7PM






1 2 Membership Meeting 7:30 4

25 Eastern Inst. Altar Rock Visitation

7 Finance Committee Meeting


Eastern Institute



July 2006 SUN






SAT 1 ID College & JAM Social



4 JAM Social


6 7 Membership Meeting 7:30

8 Car Show






14 Hanover 15 Hanover Relay for Life Relay for Life



18 M—Night


20 Board Meeting 7:30









29 Kid’s Karnival



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