2007-05 The Action

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The Official Publication of the Hanover Area Jaycees

Matt Boyer 812-1490 President Liz Boyer 637-0373 Membership VP Jen Lupp 359-7253 Financial VP Katie Rohrbaugh 637-1259 Individual VP Karen Sentz 757-9101 Community VP Troy Bolin 227-0051 Treasurer Kelly Myers 637-8570 Secretary Kathy Main 637-0050 Chairman of the Board Directors Dave Maus 633-5716 Emily Graybill 632-2568

Volume 66 Issue 05

For the first time I remember, it was a nice day as we held the Chicken BBQ. Only a minor gust of wind… ok, maybe not minor, which blew the tents over. Great job Nick Cracium and crew that helped make it a success. Jen Lupp will have more information on this and other financial projects coming up. This month we had another great JAM Social. Several of us had dinner at the Olive Garden, where a few people got to try Calamari for the first time. Good food, if you ask me, not that it was a family meal... that was Hog Maw. In May there will be a party at the chapter house, we hope to see everyone there! Katie Rohrbaugh will fill you in more later in her article. The May Convention is the first full weekend of May 4th-6th. Hosted by the Mystertown Jaycees, this is being held in Middletown, PA. We are looking forward to a lot of fun. If anyone is interested in attending, please let us know. One of my favorite projects, the HART Bowling Social went well. Thanks to Jeff McCloskey for running this project, and to everyone who came that morning to help out. Not only did we have fun running the project, they all had fun there. At the end I heard some of them say how disappointed they were it was already over… it is something they really look forward to every year. The first Quarter is over and almost four months into the year already, hard to believe. With the nice weather coming up, now is a great time to be bringing some friends and prospective members to projects or socials. Liz Boyer is working hard on the membership, and different incentives may be each month. She will keep you up to date on this information. Great job to the Chapter and the Board… Don’t Back Down!


Mark Riggs 259-7765


Kari Weaver 632-2542


Yours in Jaycee Spirit,

Matt Boyer Matt Boyer 68th President

COMMUNITY-START HELPING! Karen Sentz, 2007, Community Development Vice President A quick story this month: I had just come back from a run on the first beautiful day we had this spring. I was chatting with my neighbors across the street when along comes a fluffy white dog tearing up Pinehurst Road with a blonde lady running after him as fast as she could. My neighbor says, “Stupid blonde, trying to walk her dog without a leash!” And we all stood there laughing. As she caught up to where we were, he yelled at her, “Trouble catching your dog?” She yelled back across the street, “The dog isn’t mine; he belongs to an elderly gentleman who lives a few streets down. I almost hit him on Eastern Boulevard, so I stopped my car to help the man get his dog back, because he can hardly walk.” I felt smaller than an ant. Here I was laughing at someone who stopped her car and her busy schedule to help an elderly stranger. In that moment I knew I had to help, so I threw my headset in the front yard and began my second run of the day. And as I ran threw all the neighbors yards, most of whom I didn’t know, I came to realize that they must be thinking, “Look at that stupid woman chasing after her dog-Why didn’t she put him on a leash.” And so it goes, on and on this way-we judge people without even knowing most of the time the full story. So I ask you this month to learn from me and stop judging, start helping. Yes, we did get the puppy back safely to his owner who was thrilled so the story has a happy ending and also a lesson for me! Now you ask-How can I help…

Adopt a Highway-Route 116 was clean for a few days after our first clean-up on March 25. The litter is starting to pile up again so it’s time to put on those shiny vests and stylin gloves and get back out there. Not only did we pick up trash on the first Adopt a Highway but also a new member, Sarah Lupp was sworn in on a tree stump at the side of the road beside several bags of trash. It was a beautiful sight. Please welcome Sarah if you haven’t when you see her! Hope to see you on May 6th for our second collection of the year. If we don’t hear from you Niki Poist will be calling to sign you up! HART Bowling Social-The HART bowling social chaired by Jeff McCloskey, was held on April 21 at the Hanover Bowling Center. All the bowlers had a great time and were thrilled to receive their metals. They were all terrific bowlers and I learned that Turkey is not just the meat we eat at Thanksgiving! It is also when a bowler bowls three strikes in a row. I witnessed this several times and in fact once in the 10th frame on Dewey’s last game. Let me tell you, I would never want to bowl against these guys. Thanks to Jeff McCloskey for chairing this very worthwhile community project. Thanks also to Stan Carbaugh for putting together the beautiful photo collage from last year’s event. All of the bowlers were thrilled to see their pictures. Kimberly Clapper has stepped forward to chair the OYP project. The project is already underway and progressing nicely. Please call or email me with any questions or suggestions. 858-4516 (cell) or [email protected].

Financial Notes Jen Lupp, 2007 Financial Vice President BINGO- is scheduled for May 18th. I’m looking into possible make-up dates for the Bingos we missed in February and March. Anyone willing to help, please call me at 451-4362. Thanks!

Car Show Come join us for fun in the sun on Saturday June 9th at the South Hanover Giant. Stan Carbaugh is hard at work getting sponsors and cars lined up for this event. We are still in need for manpower subchairs. If you are interested in helping out with this project, please contact Stan or myself. Don’t forget your sunscreen!

Kids Karnival The Kids Karnival is scheduled for July 28th at Wirt Park. Kari Weaver and her committee are starting to plan the events for the kids. We still have a few vacant spots on the committee that need filled. The more people we can get out, the more fun it is for the kids that day. If you can help, please call Kari or myself.

Miss Hanover Rebecca Smith is starting to set-up a committee for the Miss Hanover project. Publicity and decorations subchairs are still available. If you are interested in any of these positions, please contact Rebecca at [email protected] or myself at 451-4362.

Summer Projects Summer is a busy time for all of us with vacations, baseball, softball, and other fun in the sun activities. However, we can’t back down from our summer financial projects. Shortly, I will be looking for help with the Crab and Chicken Feed and the Seafood Raffle. If anyone is willing to help with these projects, please call me at 451-4362!

Chicken BBQ Thanks to everyone’s help, we sold out of chickens. Our biggest concern this year came from the wind, not the rain. More profit information will be provided after our wrap up meeting on May 1st!

“Down the Line” Here are some up coming Financial projects that need your help:

-Apple Harvest

-Miss Hanover

-Cadillac Banquet

If you are interested in helping with any of these projects, call me at 451-4362.

Thanks! Thank you to the following people that have helped with recent financial projects: Bingo: Kim Leese and Matt Boyer Chicken BBQ Committee: Nick Cracium, Diana Rumsey, Deb Baber, Kathy Main, Jon Bowers and Fred Baber… You did a great job!

Everyone’s help in these projects is greatly appreciated!

“Learning to Fly” through Individual Development Katie Rohrbaugh, Individual Vice President

What would you do? What would any of you be willing to do…would you brave the role of project chairman or journey to new shores to visit another JC chapter to make our Captain (Mr. President) happy? It’s time to board me hearties. Become an active member of the crew. We need all hands on deck to find our treasure…which be training, fun, and friendship through community projects. Arrrrr! And don’t forget, Pirates of the Caribbean 3 At World’s End comes out May 25th savvy. Ship ahoy!!

May Membership Meeting

I‘d like to thank Chairman Jamie Haines and Sub-chair Christine Smith for doing an “Egg”cellent job with our Easter Egg Social. Everyone that attended had a great time. Thank you for all your hard work!

Thursday May 3rd, 2007 Social 7:00 p.m. Meeting 7:30 p.m. Program: Past President Steve EckEck-Identity Theft

Mother’s Day Craft Night Tuesday May 8th at 6:00 p.m. Chairman: Tara Kibler Jaycee children can come out to make a craft to give to their mom for Mother’s Day. Please contact Tara or myself to sign up. May Jam Session Decade Party Saturday May 12th 2007 at 7:00 p.m. at the Chapter House. Please bring a covered dish to share and come dressed in attire from your favorite decade. We will be having a 50/50 drawing at the membership meeting to raise funds for door prizes. Call me with any questions. Petty the Parrot’s Trivia It’s me again, Petty the Parrot to give you this month’s Petty Trivia. Congrats to Christine Carbaugh who one last month’s shot glass. Where was Tom born and what is his full date of birth? I still need a chairman for Father’s Day Craft Night and for the bus trip. Please call me if you are interested. NOTE: I will not be able to attend the Membership meeting but that crazy blonde Diva Alexa will be filling in for me.

GROUPIE INFORMALiz Boyer, 2007 Membership Vice President

INVITE YOUR FRIENDS! You are a quality person who has quality friends! So invite them to enjoy the fun! At the May Membership meeting… guests will be able to select a flower that will contain a surprise discount off of their initial dues! COMING UP!: Our next M-Night will be held on May 30! We will be going miniature golfing at Hickory Falls Family Entertainment Center located on the corner of Broadway (Rt. 194) and Hickory Lane. All guests will golf for free! THANK YOU!: Thank you so much to Deb Baber for helping with the New Member Orientation! I think we ALL learned some things that night! Thank you so much to Kathy Main and Deb Baber for helping with the Degrees and Notebooks night! We now have several more members with Degrees! If you are interested in learning how to earn YOUR Degrees or to be officially recognized for all of your hard work, please let me know! IN NEED OF OUR PRAYERS: All of our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families and friends in the terrible tragedy at Virginia Tech!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Heidi Dutterer Ryan Hastings Galen Shelley

DUES REMINDER! Renew your membership to take advantage of everything the Jaycees has to offer! Due by May 5 Donna Adams Jon Bowers Matt Boyer Michael Etridge DJ Hart Michael Link James Taylor

Due by June 5 Dave Maus Diana Sterner Brenda Chenault Kim Leese

Due by July 5 Elaine Meckley Adam Martin Amy Davis

Want to invite a friend or have a membership update or question? Call me! 717-968-3203!

HANOVER AREA JAYCEES Membership Meeting Minutes “Won’t Back Down” April 4, 2007 Meeting called to order @ 7:30PM by President Matt Boyer. Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Sara Lupp Program: International Travel Secretary’s Report: Kelly Myers: Motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes by Nick Cracium, 2nd by Diana Rumsey motion carries. Motion to approve the minutes as presented by Diana Rumsey, 2nd by Nick Cracium motion carries. Treasurer’s Report: Troy Bolin: Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report by Kathy Main, 2nd by Sara Lupp motion carries. Balance as of 4/4/07 Building & Renovations $ 16,532.07 Checking-Jaycees $6,626.29 Jaycees Savings $2,862.48 Total: 26,020.84 Community VP’s Report: Karen Sentz: Adopt-A-Highway went well, the next one is 5/6, HART Bowling Social is 4/21 from 10to12, Kim Clapper has stepped up to chair OYP, Christine Carbaugh has stepped forward to chair relay for life on 7/13&7/14, I need chairmen for punt pass & kick, senior citizens and children’s shopping tour. Individual VP’s Report: Katie Rohrbaugh: Seven of us went to see the love haters, Easter egg social went well and Jamie Haines did a wonderful job, 4/22 is Bube’s Brewery $35 or $31 meet here at 3:30PM to car pool, degree and notebook night is 4/12 @ 7:00PM, Tara Kibler is chairing Mother’s Day Craft Night on 5/10, competitions are Friday night at the May State Board Meeting @ 8:30PM, 5/19 is the J.A.M. Session a decade party @ 7:00PM here, Christine Carbaugh won petty trivia, I need chairmen for father’s day and bus trip. Financial VP’s Report: Jen Lupp: We made $3,090.85 on the shrimp & chicken feed, thanks to Emily Graybill for doing a good job with the food sale, chicken barbecue we need help from 5AM to 4PM, bingo is 4/20, Stan is working on the car show which will be in south Hanover and he needs sub chairs for concessions and manpower, Kari Weaver continues to work on kids carnival, pizza sale with Littlestown Deb Baber is working on. Membership VP’s Report: Liz Boyer: Welcomes Sara Lupp and guest Kelly, new member orientation was 3/27, next m-night is 5/30, we lost six members. State Director’s Report: Kathy Main: June 24th is altar rocks family pininic $12.84 is the cost and the deadline is 4/20, Gettysburg’s relay for life is 5/18 & 5/19, 5/7 is Gettysburg’s membership meeting, May 4th-6th is state board meeting hosted by Myerstown. President’s Report: Matt Boyer: Monte Carlo is 4/14, please help where you can with projects and sub chair positions, golf tournament on 4/27, website is done, any suggestions please see me. Induction of New Members: None Break: Motion to dispense with break by Karen Sentz, 2nd by Diana Rumsey motion carries. Discussion: May 12th is the J.A.M. Session and check for $100 for the Easter Egg Social. Old Business: None New Business: None Announcements: Sign up for visitations, sub chairs for kids karnival, relay for life sign up sheet is in the back and Upper Adams has a raffle 1 for a $1 or 6 for $5. Good of the Order: Liz Boyer-thanks Deb for helping with new member orientation and great job to Matt for 1st quarter, Kathy Main-welcomes Kristie and Kelly, Karen Sentz-Jamie and Christine did a great job with the Easter Egg Social, Nick Cracium-thanks everyone who went to the national convention, Deb Baber-thanked Troy for the website, Katie Rohrbaugh-welcomes Kelly, thanks to Diana for the song, website is nice and happy Easter, Matt Boyer-good job everyone for 1st quarter, appreciates everyone’s help and good job to Jamie and Christine for Easter Egg Social. Jaycee Creed: Led by Deb Baber Adjournment: Motion to adjourn the meeting by Deb Baber, 2nd by Nick Cracium motion carries. Meeting adjourned @ 9:02PM.

Kathy Main 717-451-8515 [email protected] News Flash… The Pennsylvania Jaycees May State Convention is coming up this month. The Myerstown Jaycees are hosting the Convention in Middletown, close to Harrisburg, PA. The convention will start Friday evening with some committee meetings and 2nd quarter competitions. Then we will be kicking off our shoes and have we will be having a party. Then don’t party to hard because early the next morning we will be having mid-year competitions and some awesome training. Then later on in the day, Myerstown has some fun things for us to do. Then what else to end the evening with but another party! Then Sunday morning will be the board meeting. Oh...I almost forgot...but this is also where we will find out how we rank this quarter compared to the rest of the state.

York... The York Jaycees Chili Cook-Off. It will be held on Saturday, May 26, 2007 on Pershing Avenue in Downtown York. I believe it cost $5.00 to get in or I am sure they would like us to help too. I know in the past we even had some of our members judge the chili along the side of John Brenner, Mayor also past OYP winner. Let’s go make this a visitation, if interested in going please let me know.

Gettysburg… Gettysburg Jaycees are working on one of their biggest projects, the 2nd annual Golf Tournament, held in September.

Upper Adams... Spring is here, so that kicks off the Relay for Life. The Gettysburg Relay for Life is being held at Oakside Park this year. Once again the Upper Adams Jaycees are operating the concession stand. They are looking for our help, especially over the night shift hours. Please let me know if you are able to assist with this project it is held May 18th and 19th. The Upper Adams Jaycees are preparing for their annual Fish Rodeo, it is held for young children in the community. The children try to catch as many fish and also the biggest fish. They are also in the contest to see what is the most unique thing that they catch. It is held at Oakside Park in Biglerville. It is Saturday, June 2nd starting at 9:00AM. Upper Adams is also selling chances to win a chainsaw carving of an eagle. Tickets are $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00. The proceeds will help Oakside Park remain one of the best privately owned recreational parks in the state. See Deb Baber for tickets.


Altar Rock...

Littlestown is growing… and they are also working on having a OYP nomination from their chapter. It is so great to see such a little chapter have such enthusiasm, keep up the great work Littlestown.

For those who may not know the Pennsylvania Jaycees have institutional chapters and Altar Rock in Huntington County is one of them. Matt, Sherry, Ed, Joel and I are planning to attend Altar Rock Jaycees Family Day Picnic. It is coming up on Sunday, June 24th from 11 –2.

I am planning to visit these chapters at least once a quarter and go to some of their events that they have planned this year. I would like to invite as many people to go with me as possible. Like Fred Baber always said “Let’s go meet the neighbors!”

May 2007 Sun


Tue 1











Membership Meeting 7:30

May Boards

May Boards



12 Jam Session 7pm





Mother’s Day Craft 6pm





Adopt-AHighway May Boards






Board Meeting BINGO 7:30 pm Upper Adams Relay for Life

Upper Adams Relay for Life




York Chili Cook-off





Memorial Day Observed



June 2007 Sun










Fri 1




Membership Meeting 7:30

10 17

11 18

12 19

13 20

Car Show



Father’s Day Craft




Board Meeting 7:30 pm







16 23 ID College/ Jam Session



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