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Institution of Mechanical Engineers


Routes to Membership

IMechE Hong Kong Branch 5 November 2005



Dr C W Tso CEng,IMechE, FHKIE, RPE

Chairman of Membership Sub-Committee Hong Kong Branch


IMechE London ¾ IMechE is a registered charity ¾ Founded in 1847 to promote mechanical engineering ¾ Promotes the registration of Professional Engineers either Incorporated or Chartered status ¾ A force for change ¾ A voice for the profession ¾ 75,000 members worldwide, 43,000 Registrants www.imeche.org.uk



IMechE Hong Kong Branch www.imechehk.org.hk Office:

5/F HKPC Building, 78 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon

Telephone: Fax:

2194 5765 2894 9885


[email protected]


Membership Classes ¾

Non Corporate ¾ ¾


Corporate ¾ ¾


Affiliate Associate Member Member Fellow

Others ¾ ¾

Honorary Fellow Companion www.imeche.org.uk

IMechE Membership Fellows Members Companions Associates Affiliates

6151 38159 20 17541 13942

Statistics as at 27 October 2005 www.imeche.org.uk

IMechE Hong Kong Membership Fellows Members

87 1184

Associates Affiliates

470 180

Statistics as at 27 October 2005 www.imeche.org.uk

Benefits of becoming Registered with the ECUK ¾

Recognition of professional competence worldwide


Lifelong professional development


Increased employment opportunities


CEng or IEng designation allows you to deal on an equal footing with other professionals


Higher earning potential www.imeche.org.uk

Membership Classes and Post Nominals Fellow

CEng FIMechE IEng FIMechE


CEng MIMechE IEng MIMechE




IMechE is there to help YOU at every stage of your career.


Qualifications & Requirements presented by


Member of Membership Sub-Committee Hong Kong Branch Professional Interviewer www.imeche.org.uk

Qualifications & Requirements

These are prerequisites for Corporate Membership Applications:


UK SPEC Components ¾ Academic Requirements ¾ Professional Development Requirements Please also note: ¾ Degree Accreditation ¾ UK-SPEC UK Standard for Professional Engineering Competence & IMechE


Exemplifying Requirements for CEng Requirements: ¾ Accredited BEng(Hons) degree [in Mech. Eng.]

Plus - Approved MSc degree Or - A period of Further Learning

Or ¾ Accredited 4-year MEng degree ¾

Overseas qualifications of an acceptable standard and profile


Exemplifying Requirements for IEng Requirements: ¾ Accredited BEng(Hons) degree Or ¾ A relevant IEng accredited degree or equivalent qualification Or ¾ A suitable HND/HNC plus further learning to degree level Or ¾ Overseas qualifications of an acceptable standard and profile


Registration & Membership All applications for Registration and Membership are treated in exactly the same manner i.e. • Must meet the academic requirements • Must meet professional development requirements


Professional Development ¾ Initial Professional Development For young engineers leading up to application for Corporate Membership ¾ Continuing Professional Development For Corporate Members to maintain their competency www.imeche.org.uk

Initial Professional Development Judged on Competency Standards identified in UKSPEC ¾ Competence, Capability and Commitment ¾ Ideally, they should follow IMechE Monitored Professional Development Scheme (MPDS) ¾ Details of the MPDS at http://www.imeche.org.uk/mpds www.imeche.org.uk

Initial Professional Development PERIOD and CONTENTS ¾ CEng requires normally 4 years of Professional Development ¾ IEng requires 3 years Professional Development ¾

Recommended Guidance by a MENTOR (Who should be a Corporate Member of IMechE)

¾ Experience created solely must be “real life” and not artificially for the purpose of meeting IMechE requirements www.imeche.org.uk

Initial Professional Development PERIOD and CONTENTS (cont’d) ¾ Responsibility lies with the applicant, and not with the organization ¾ IMechE expects each individual engineer will have a DIFFERENT competence profile ¾ As example, a Research Engineer will have a different profile to that of a Manager in the Manufacturing Industry


Initial Professional Development Process

¾ Determine which competences have been attained and how these meet the requirements of the UK SPEC

¾ Determine which competences are needed for a particular target

¾ Mentor-Assessed during MPDS to show level of achievement for each competency www.imeche.org.uk

Initial Professional Development Development Action Plan ¾ Set Targets ¾ Review & Measure Achievements


Continuing Professional Development (For Corporate Members)

• Further qualifications such as MBAs, diploma in engineering management, • Technical & business courses • Workshops • Seminars, Conferences & Lectures • Submission of /to Technical articles/journals

• Distance/open learning • Updating in own and other fields of work • IMechE interviewer or industrial advisor • MPDS Mentoring • Language studies • Government activities • Community and Charity work


Degree Accreditation ¾ IMechE is licensed by the ECUK to Accredit University Degree programs for both IEng and CEng ¾ If degree not listed, seek clearance from Membership Department ¾ You need to provide ¾

¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾

Name of University Degree Title Degree Discipline Level of Award Mode of Study (full time / part time / sandwich) Starting and Graduation dates

¾ Full list of accredited degrees on ECUK website www.engc.org.uk ¾ List of IMechE accredited degrees at www.imeche.org.uk


UK-SPEC & IMechE (UK Standard for Professional Engineering Competence) Published by Engineering Council in December 2003 and implementation from March 2004 Sets Standard for COMPETENCE, CAPABILITIES & COMMITMENT ¾ Underpinning Knowledge and Understanding ¾ Professional Development and Experience


UK-SPEC & IMechE Academic Qualifications

¾ CEng 9 BEng(Hons) + MSc 9 BEng(Hons) + Further Learning to Masters Level 9 MEng 9 Overseas Qualification of acceptable standard and profile ¾ IEng 9 BEng(Hons) 9 Relevant IEng degree or equivalent qualification 9 HND/HNC + further learning to degree level 9 Overseas Qualification of acceptable standard and profile


UK-SPEC & IMechE Further Learning Contents 9Engineering & Science deepening 9Technical broadening 9Non-technical broadening No quantitative values attached Individual Assessment www.imeche.org.uk

Translation from SARTOR to UK-SPEC Academic qualifications, recognized by the Engineering Council at the time they were gained, will continue to be acceptable under UK-SPEC All non-standard routes(i.e. Mature Candidate Scheme, Career Appraisal Route, Individual Case Procedure, Cognate Degrees and Senior Route) subsumed into Technical Report www.imeche.org.uk

Non-standard routes Before UK-Spec Candidates without Exemplifying Academic Qualifications could seek CEng or IEng by: 1.

Mature Candidate Route


Career Appraisal Route


Individual Case Procedure


Cognate Degrees


Senior Route www.imeche.org.uk

Assessment Process Now For Individuals without exemplifying qualifications: ƒ Follow Further Learning ƒ Take further Qualifications or ƒ Take EC(UK) examinations or ƒ Approved assessed work-based learning (IMechE) ƒ Or Apply for Technical Report submission or ƒ Or Any combination of the above www.imeche.org.uk

Technical Report •

Career history must show they have sufficient Mech Eng experience to submit a report

It must show a depth of MechEng knowledge to meet UK-SPEC competences

It must be Technical (to Masters’ level for CEng) - A pure management type report is not acceptable

Peer assessment by two trained Assessors consists of: – Applicants career history – Appraisal interview based on the report

Professional review if report is acceptable

NOTE: in all cases (CEng & IEng) a MENTOR is appointed www.imeche.org.uk

Technical Report (IEng)

Approx 6-7K words

FDg/HND/HNC + 4-5 yrs experience

No relevant qualifications + 10 yrs experience at the appropriate level

Transfer from CEng 2/3 yrs using IEng competences


Technical Report (CEng) •

Approx 8 – 10K words

FDg/HND/HNC + 10 years experience

BEng(Hons) non accredited + 5-6 yrs exp

Non Mech Hons degree (Scientific) + 8 yrs appropriate exp

No relevant quals + 15 yrs at an appropriate level

Transfer from IEng 2/3 yrs using CEng competences www.imeche.org.uk

Technical Report Process •

Submit qualifications and career outline

AAC review and invite TR, scope defined and Mentor appointed

Submit synopsis of TR

Synopsis approved with guidance given if necessary

TR prepared (essential Mentor involvement)

Submit TR + qualifications + career appraisal

TR reviewed by assessors

Interview on TR

Professional review

PR interview


Application, Submission & Reports presented by

Dr Arthur Wong CEng, FIMechE, HKIE, RPE

Professional Interviewer Committee Member, Hong Kong Branch


Application Process (UK-SPEC)


Academic Qualifications

Professional Development & Professional Competencies

Professional Interview

Corporate Membership & Professional Status


Flowchart to Corporate Membership (UK-SPEC)

Academic Study

Professional Training


Academic Qualifications Assessed


Exemplifying Qualifications



Professional Review

Academic Assessment Committee

Applicant Choice

Further Learning Options

Professional Review Interview




Defer with Recommendations

Not Approved

Professional Review Committee

Approve Corporate Membership & Professional Status

Academic Study Technical Report Recommendations


Technical Report Interview




Corporate Application Process Documentation required ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾

currently 4 - 6 months processing time application form Training report (to be replaced for IPD) Professional Review Report Development Action Plan/Evidence of Continuing Professional Development ¾ application fee appropriate to class applied for


The Application Form


The Application Form


Sponsorship ¾ IPD mentor ideally as main sponsor ¾ Normally should be Chartered Engineers acquainted with applicant and does not have to be an IMechE member ¾ Any registrant with the ECUK can sponsor plans ¾ Both sponsors are required to be ECUK registrants or FEANI or Washington Accord qualified engineers. ¾ Sponsors are required to complete the ‘Sponsors’ form which details the applicant’s competency. ¾ Branches and Membership will help


Member to Fellow ¾ Simple application form + submission of comprehensive CV. ¾ Sponsors are not required to complete the ‘sponsor’ form ¾ CV + evidence of CPD submitted to Industrial Advisor - possible recommendations are: ¾interview (insufficient evidence provided) ¾election to Fellow ¾not recommended ¾ Professional Review Committee www.imeche.org.uk

Alternative Routes Mutual Recognition Agreements ¾ Are in place with HKIE (Hong Kong), IEAust (Australia) and IEI (Ireland) ¾ Standard application form but no interview required if sufficient evidence provided Existing CEngs or IEngs ¾ Standard application form but no interview required if sufficient evidence provided ¾ Sponsors are not required to complete the sponsor form


Professional Review Report ¾A critical part of the application and should identify where the candidate has achieved the UK SPEC competencies i.e. A2, B3 etc. ¾Presentation and Communication skills are assessed ¾Will form the framework for questions during the Professional Review Interview www.imeche.org.uk

Professional Review Report Contents ¾ Introduction ¾ Summarizing professional experience and career development to date ¾ Supplement information in the application form


Professional Review Report Contents ¾ Details ¾A critique of the breadth and depth of applicant’s initial professional development, experience and the extent of professional responsibility ¾Identify and demonstrate how each of the competences have been developed www.imeche.org.uk

Professional Review Report Contents ¾ Details ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾

Organization Chart Environmental Awareness Occupation Health and Safety Continuing Professional Development


Professional Review Report Alternative ¾ Select one or two projects which were enjoyable or provided the greatest challenge during recent years ¾ Highlight clearly which and how each of the competences were satisfied throughout the lifecycle of the project ¾ Write logically, clearly and simply www.imeche.org.uk

Professional Review Report Development Action Plan ¾Sets out how the applicant intends to maintain and enhance engineering competence through personal development ¾Should include short, medium and long term goals and how these are likely to be achieved www.imeche.org.uk

Professional Review Report Format of the Report ¾ Be written in first person singular ¾ Be between 2000 – 2500 words in length and typed in double line spacing, single-sided ¾ Identify where UK SPEC competences have been achieved ¾ Not use acronyms, jargon or abbreviations ¾ Be signed by a mentor, as main sponsor, or by senior-in-charge www.imeche.org.uk

The Interview presented by

Ir C Y Fong CEng, FIMechE, FHKIE, RPE

Professional Interviewer Hong Kong Branch


The Contents ¾ Objective ¾ Proforma ¾ Basis ¾ Interview Skills ¾ What we are Assessing ¾ Common Remarks for Unsuccessful Cases www.imeche.org.uk

The Interview Interviewers assess the Professional Review Report before the interview takes place The objective ¾ An assessment of the applicant’s suitability as a Qualified Engineer (Chartered Engineer or Incorporated Engineer) The Interviewers ¾ A structured meeting with two interviewers (Senior IMechE members) ¾ At least one interviewer should be of a similar registration standard sought by the applicant The Meeting ¾ Last for approximately 45 minutes www.imeche.org.uk

Pro-Forma for the Interview ¾ Introduction ¾ Competence in Engineering ¾ Professional Conduct and Commitment ¾ Development Action Plan ¾ Closure


Basis of the Interview ¾ Competence Based Interview ¾Assessing the applicant’s engineering experience ¾ UK SPEC ¾UK Standard for Professional Engineering Competence


Chartered Engineer (CEng) ¾ Use a combination of general and specific mechanical engineering knowledge and understanding to optimise the application of existing and emerging technology ¾ Apply appropriate theoretical and practical methods to the analysis and solution of engineering problems. ¾ Provide technical and commercial leadership


Incorporated Engineer (IEng) ¾ Use a combination of general and specialist engineering knowledge and understanding to apply existing and emerging technology ¾ Apply appropriate theoretical and practical methods to design, develop, manufacture, construct, commission, operate and maintain engineering products, processes, systems and services ¾ Provide technical and commercial management


IEng & CEng In addition, Incorporated and Chartered Engineers must demonstrate ¾Effective interpersonal skills ¾A personal commitment to professional standards, recognising obligations to society, the profession and the environment


Interview Skills ¾ Confidence ¾ Competence ¾ Preparation ¾ Presentation ¾ Ease


Competence and Commitment Competence A – Knowledge and Understanding B – Application to Practice C – Leadership and Management D – Interpersonal Skills Commitment E – Professional Conduct www.imeche.org.uk

Competence Requirements – Evidence (Examples) Information Provided ¾ The Professional Review Report ¾ The Training Record Book ¾ Presentation at the Interview Evidence ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾

Drawing / Design Studies Data Sets / Calculations Project Plans / Photographs Computer Programme / Project Reports etc. www.imeche.org.uk

What we are assessing? - CEng A - Knowledge and Understanding ¾ Maintains a sound theoretical approach in enabling the introduction and exploitation of new and advancing technology and other relevant developments ¾ Engages in creative and innovative development of mechanical engineering technology and continuous improvement systems B - Practical Application ¾ Identifies potential projects and opportunities ¾ Conduct appropriate research ¾ Undertakes design and development of mechanical engineering solutions ¾ Implements design solutions and evaluates their effectiveness


What we are assessing? - CEng C - Technical and Commercial Leadership ¾ Plans for effective project implementation ¾ Plans, budgets, organises, directs and controls tasks, people and resources ¾ Leads teams and develops staff to meet changing technical and managerial needs ¾ Brings about continuous improvement through quality management D - Interpersonal Skills ¾ Communicates in English with others at all levels ¾ Presents and discusses proposals ¾ Demonstrates personal and social skills


What we are assessing? - CEng E - Professional Conduct ¾ Complies with relevant codes of conduct ¾ Manages and applies safe systems of work ¾ Undertake engineering activities in a way that contributes to sustainable development ¾ Carries out CPD necessary to maintain and enhance competence in own area of practice, including a personal Development Action Plan ¾ Demonstrates involvement with the IMechE, other professional engineering institutions, schools, colleges or other local community activities


What we are assessing? - IEng A - Knowledge and Understanding ¾ Maintains and extends a sound theoretical approach to the application of technology in mechanical engineering practice ¾ Uses a sound evidence-based approach to problem solving and contributes to continuous improvement B – Practical Application ¾ Identifies, reviews and selects techniques, procedures and methods to undertake mechanical engineering tasks ¾ Contributes to design and development of mechanical engineering solutions ¾ Implements design solutions and contributes to their evaluation


What we are assessing? - IEng C – Technical and Commercial Management ¾ Plans for effective project implementation ¾ Manages the planning, budgeting and organisation of tasks, people and resources ¾ Manages teams and develops staff to meet changing technical and managerial needs ¾ Manages continuous quality improvement D - Interpersonal Skills ¾ Communicates in English with others at all levels ¾ Presents and discusses proposals ¾ Demonstrates personal and social skills


What we are assessing? - IEng E - Professional Conduct ¾ Complies with relevant codes of conduct ¾ Manages and applies safe systems of work ¾ Undertakes engineering activities in a way that contributes to sustainable development ¾ Carries out CPD necessary to maintain and enhance competence in own area of practice, including a personal Development Action Plan ¾ Demonstrates involvement with the IMechE, other professional engineering institutions, schools, colleges or other local community activities


Common Remarks – Unsuccessful Cases Not able to ¾ Applying original thought (A&B) ¾ Having sound theoretical knowledge (A&B) ¾ Having satisfactorily managerial responsibility (C) ¾ Integrating well with other professionals and understanding their roles (C) www.imeche.org.uk

Common Remarks – Unsuccessful Cases Not able to ¾ Achieving the adequate level of professional responsibility in Engineering (C) ¾ Having the adequate presentation skills (D) ¾ Having satisfactorily understood the importance of health and safety in relation to risk appreciation (E) ¾ Having a full appreciation of the role of the engineer in society(E)


Recommendation ¾Elect to Corporate Membership and application for Professional Registration ¾Defer ¾Reject


Statistics Hong Kong Year 2004: Interviews conducted


Pass rate



Matching Process & Round Up presented by Dr C W Tso CEng, FIMechE, FHKIE,RPE

Chairman of Membership Subcommittee Hong Kong Branch


Matching Process Career to Date ¾ Names of employer ¾ position held ¾ dates and brief outline of responsibilities ¾ in chronological order


Matching Process Professional Experience ¾ Overview of present appointment ¾ Brief outline of your organization ¾ Detail your personal responsibilities


Matching Process Industry Classification ¾Specify your current areas of engineering activities ¾3 areas only


Matching Process Industry Classification


Institution of Mechanical Engineers

Thank You


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