Dian Hauser MLS Portfolio Summer 2009
My Portfolio My goal as a MLS candidate was to learn to provide better service to the public library patrons I assist. I also wanted to better combine my life as an artist with my career in the field of Library Science. The artifacts I have chosen reflect these aspirations. I have also shown how selected learning outcomes and professional values of the MLS program dovetail with these artifacts. http://dianhauser.weebly.com
Ar tifacts LI802 Patron Interview: The information search process LI813 Government Documents Website Presentation
LI802 P at ron Inter view: The I nformat ion S ear ch Proces s Outcome: Articulate a philosophy of client-centered information services. Value: Exhibit professional behavior, knowledge, and attitude based on client-centered philosophy and ethical guidelines.
Go vern me nt Do cume nts W ebsite Pr ese ntatio n
Outcome: Lead using collaborative, communication, and organizational skills. Value: Demonstrate creativity in problem solving. LI813 Govdocs
Changes Due t o the M LS Progr am Intellectually: I’m much more willing to consider diverse viewpoints.
Professionally: I have applied my new knowledge to my work environment. Personally: I am more confident in my ability to express myself.
Pr ofessio nal Ph ilo so phy I believe that we best serve ourselves and our growth by giving service to others. As a librarian, I want to take what I have learned in my MLS studies and use it to better serve the patrons at my library.