2003 - Proj Proposal Sent To Signis

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3/F Teresa of Avila Bldg., 28 Acacia St., Brgy. Mariana Cubao, 1112 Quezon City, Philippines

Telephone No. 00-632-721-3391 Fax No. 00-632-725-8167 / 721-8677 E-mail: [email protected]

June 2, 2003 SIGNIS ASIA c/o SIGNIS PHIL. thru NOMM 2307 Pedro Gil St., Sta. Ana 1009 Manila, Philippines

Dear Sir/Madam: Greetings from Manila, Philippines! I am Fr. Antonio de la Cruz,O.Carm. the Commissary Provincial of the Order of Carmelites in the Philippines. I am formally sending you this mail to endorse the Project entitled: Revival of Traditional Media within Modern Mass Media in the Media Education Program of the Carmelite Media Ministry in Carmelite Mission Areas submitted to your office by the Titus Brandsma Media Education program. The Titus Brandsma Media Education Program is a project of the Order of Carmelites here in the Philippines. Its primary aim is to educate both media practioneers and media audiences on the impact, significance and influences of Mass Media to the people especially those in the Schools and in the Basic Christian Communities of our Parishes. We do believe that this project will help empower our people and will make them critical towards the negative effect of Media and globalization in our communities. We do hope that you will give due attention to this project. We are looking forward for your favorable response. I remain. Sincerely yours,

Commissary Provincial


24 Acacia St., Brgy. Mariana, New Manila, Quezon City, 1112, Philippines Tel. No. 00-632-7267763, Telefax: 00-632-7218677, E-mail: [email protected]

April 21, 2003 SIGNIS ASIA c/o SIGNIS PHIL. thru NOMM 2307 Pedro Gil St., Sta. Ana 1009 Manila, Philippines E-mail: [email protected]

Dear Sir/Madam: The Titus Brandsma Center-Media Program (TBC-MP) is the primary mover of the Carmelite Media Ministry of the Order of Carmelites-Philippines. The program has existed for years now with which it envisions itself as: 

An instrument to the formation of collective awareness regarding the potential and use of media and communication for local community development towards an active participation and re-appropriation of people’s own culture and

In the creation of an open space for people to become critically aware, to articulate own or reject the values and meanings as mediated by the media.

In the past three years, TBC-MP engaged itself among others in research, which prepared it to the next level of its course – the implementation. True to its visions, the Program in coordination with the local communities designed a project to facilitate the implementation of activities promoting critical awareness that would further develop their decision-making abilities. This is an effort to empower them as community able to solve their problems, on their own terms, resources and collective abilities. During the preparatory stage of this new project, continuous consultation was done with the local communities. With TBC-MP’s existence, it found out that media and communication has a very big role in the social development of a community. The project is then designed in the context of globalization due to its continued growth, demands and more often, its harsh effects brought about by technological revolutions in media; thus, the creation of global media. However, TBC-MP has learned that the solution to this is not to ban access but to educate society how to use these technologies for productive and creative rather than problematical ends. In response to the needs of the local communities and media practitioners – the formation of critical awareness for the enhancement of decision making capabilities and further pastoral care for media practitioners (brought about by the research findings), TBC-MP proposes the revival of traditional media as it continues to embark on its media literacy education program. This would strengthen the resilience of communities affected by an environment that is increasingly subjected to the impact of the modern mass media. As supplement to this alternative media, modern means of mass communication will still be utilized to serve these ends. Project is entitled: REVIVAL OF TRADITIONAL MEDIA WITHIN MODERN MASS MEDIA IN THE MEDIA EDUCATION PROGRAM OF THE CARMELITE MEDIA MINISTRY IN CARMELITE MISSION AREAS

Local media core groups in the communities have already been established, however, plans for activities are still pending due to the limitations of TBC-MP as the primary facilitator, which boils down to lack of funds.

3 Thus, TBC-MP are appealing to the generosity of your agency to help the Program and its local communities realize their potential through this project. The Program believes that your priority areas cover education and development and thus hope that SIGNIS ASIA will agree to be one of its partners thru helping in the raising of funds. Your agency can either choose to help in financing the whole project or part of it particularly those that are educational in nature like the series of workshops/trainings, dialogue (sharing), group study and theatre program and research. This proposal has already been submitted to other funding agencies and still awaiting for their response. Attached to this mail includes the following parts for your reference: 

Project Proposal (14 pages) – cover letter, history of TBC-MP, its present situation, project description (premises, goal, objectives), project details (mission areas, partners, key result areas), potential/actual projects and activities, supervision and management and implementation of projected activities (3-year time frame).

Details of Proposed Activities (11 pages) – description of the flow of activities per objective per year including the effective measures to evaluate/assess effectiveness and the organizational framework that would guide the implementation of the project.

Budget Proposal (16 pages) – budget for the three-year time frame

After the three-year time frame, the Program expects the full integration of media literacy education in the school curriculum and process of community life. Moreover, has developed people socially and thus, depend on themselves in uplifting their conditions. Continuous production of media artifacts and initiatives on upgrading their skills are also expected from the communities and the students. TBC-MP will be responsible for the over-all management and implementation of the project. Moreover, will be in-charge of the disbursement of funds to activities of the local communities as approved and discussed by TBC-MP Board and advisory groups. Local media core groups will manage the resource and databank center, which will become the central office in the communities and would then facilitate the implementation of the project and reporting to TBC-MP. Thus, the center is an integral part of the project framework and would signal a start for the communities considering the materials and equipment they would need to guide them thru. Updates on the progress of the project will be sent to the office of the funding agency twice a year for reference. Annual reports will also be given to present a comprehensive outline of the year’s accomplishments together with the communities’ reaction and comments. The Program prays fervently that your agency would find time to evaluate and respond positively to our proposal. Thank you very much and more power!

Respectfully yours,

Fr. Christian Buenafe, O. Carm Director, Titus Brandsma Media 3/F Titus Brandsma Center 24 Acacia St., Brgy. Mariana New Manila, Quezon City, 1112 Philippines 00-632-7267763, 00-632-7218677 (telefax) [email protected] (Hard copies will be sent via mail if necessary)






The Titus Brandsma Center-Media Program (TBC-MP) was born to function as primary mover of the Carmelite Media Ministry when it embarked on its mission to give serious contributions to the Filipino people and to Carmel Philippines – through Media and Spirituality. This was in effect of the statement in the Carmelite Constitution, Part II, Article 34, No. 2, “Carmelites have to be aware of the growing importance of world-wide communication in the present-day society, and of the major technological innovations in this field. There is no doubt that the mass media can play an important role in evangelization; the abuse and manipulative use of media, however, can endanger human dignity and freedom. Our communities shall therefore evaluate the best ways to make use of the mass media, with a view, both to safeguarding the contemplative and fraternal dimensions of our lives, and to increasing the effectiveness of our apostolate.” The distinction of TBC-MP from other media programs of the other religious orders in the Philippines lies within its focus and direction. Unlike other Congregations the Carmelite Media Ministry does not engage itself in direct media work. The TBC-MP sees it as its mission to focus on the promotion of media awareness and ethics among communities as well as among media practitioners. In order for media audiences as well as for media practitioners to become a leaven of Christian and humane values in the world of the mass media the TBC-MP as a Church initiated program wants to create space within communities for critical media awareness and alternative media. With this perspective in mind, the TBC-MP engaged itself among others over the past three years in a research project on the trends, issues and needs of the Philippines Media as perceived by the media practitioners as well as on the impact of media on selected communities. Its new proposed program is a continuation of this research. This Research had three parts: 

PART I: A preparatory study surveying community values as perceived by key informants among leaders in Basic Christian Communities. This research was conducted in 1999.

PART II: A study on the Philippine media environment. This study was conducted among some 30 media practitioners and resulted in a report, titled: “Philippine Media: Trends, Issues and Needs.”

PART III: A study of the impact of the mass media on audiences conducted in selected urban and rural communities.

5 Meanwhile (while the results of research PART III on the impact of the mass media on audience were being processed), media core groups in the communities were formed on those sites, where Carmelites are in charge of the pastoral ministry (parish and school) in the local church. Those groups are to spearhead their own local media program and eventually plan their own activities. They are composed of lay leaders, ministers and catechists handling Basic Christian Communities. Moreover, follow-up seminars were conducted that provided basic knowledge on the environment and relationship of Church and media. The series comprised such topics as the impact of media and communication in the life of Basic Christian Communities, media and bible: on the formation of local media educators, lay leadership and media, impact of media in the work of evangelization, and community alternatives for the influence of mass media. Given this development the TBC-MP is now ready to engage in a new stage of its program.

Present Situation TBC-MP maintains the following core programs:


Film dialogue – held every 2nd Saturday of the month in the Titus Brandsma Center in Manila. Featuring foreign language/art films, this activity aims to encourage dialogue among the viewers on the films’ content and ‘spirtuality’ and on how the film relates to one’s own spirtuality or meaning of life. There is an average audience of 60 to 70 participants, mostly students and film enthusiasts. A core group among the regular participants is actively involved in the activity. The activity is conducted in cooperation with other institutions and published in several national news outlets. Media Literacy Education – conducts a series of trainings and workshop in Carmelite communities, parishes and schools in Visayas and Mindanao. Networking – maintains a network of Catholic press and communicators (Philippine Church Communicators Network, PCCNet) and conducts special forums on societal issues hounding both the Church and Media. Titus Brandsma Award-Philippines – bi-annual project that gives recognition to outstanding Print and Broadcast Journalists in the country. It is our local version of the International Titus Brandsma Award given by Union Catholique Internationale dela Presse (UCIP). Resource Center – maintenance a mini film/book library with references/materials on Church and Media and foreign language/art films from different countries.

6 II.


Premise The TBC-MP project is designed in the context of globalization, more in particular in the context of the so-called Network Society. The new communication technologies play a central role in these new developments. They give a new and thus far unknown shape to the already dominant market economy. The following premises therefore guide the TBC-MP:  

Globalization is not only a factual development but also an ideology used by the powerful in a deceptive way to lure people with the illusory benefits of modernity and progress. Hence, the need for critical community awareness and resilience. The mass media are increasingly in the hands and the control of few, large and powerful organizations linked to the interest of big capital. The ownership of radio/TV stations, publishing companies, cable networks, satellites, IT and film companies is interlinked with political lobbies, and big business, industrial and banking interests. Hence, the need for critical consciousness and response among media audience. Globalization, in its zeal to commercialize everything has turned culture into a product to be sold in the market. Hence, the need for community awareness that true development of human beings goes beyond material and technological advancement or mere economic growth. Economic globalization with information technology as its driving force has become instrument for propagating Western culture. Abrupt Westernization undermines people’s existing values and culture – their spiritual and faith traditions are attacked. Thus, propagation of Philippine culture is essential. Global integration takes place at the expense of local disintegration; therefore the need to encourage unity and community development.

In other words:  

Communities must stand united to safeguard national identity or sovereignty. Community-oriented social communication strengthens solidarity unlike globalization, which offers the uniformity of the same products we consume.

Description At the backdrop of the pervasive influence of the modern mass media of communication the Carmelite media ministry through the TBC-MP has designed a program to respond to the needs of the local communities. The program aims at the revival of the traditional media in order to strengthen the resilience of communities affected by an environment that is increasingly subjected to the impact of the modern mass media. The modern means of mass communication will thus ideally function as supplement to the traditional media, rather than to serve as main source of communication, information and entertainment.


The revival of traditional media is necessary because the following reasons:     

Communication creates community: communication including the use of alternative media can revitalize communities and rekindle community spirit; Communication is participatory: the more widespread and powerful the media has become, the greater the need for people to engage in their own local or inter-group communication activities. In this way, they will also rediscover and develop traditional forms of communication; Communication supports and develops cultures: communicators have the responsibility to use and develop indigenous forms of communication; There has been reluctance to focus on...meetings, dances, songs and drama, storytelling and other interpersonal means of communication. These will need to be rehabilitated. Affirms people’s identity, names their values and is a tool for finding, maintaining and reclaiming social meaning.

Traditional media would mean:     

All communicative possibilities existing and inherited in a given culture; Not only distinctive technical means but also a part of lifestyle and worldview of a culture; Related to the deep-rooted values of a group of people; An initiative to know and to take the communicative dimension of every culture seriously; Includes technical means, key community persons, places (geographical) and places (in time-life cycles or course of the year); Technical Means: storytelling (oral communication), songs, gestures, drama-including mime and puppetry, drums for signaling, message-giving and “taking” and dance Persons: opinion leaders in different fields, speaker, story teller, (town) cryer, headman, hornman poet and minstrel Places (geographical): marketplace, streets and street crossing, forums and assemblies, religious institutions and voluntary groups or cooperatives Places (in time): initiation rites, marriages, burials, customs related to planting and harvesting, selling and exchange for rainy and dry seasons or fiestas


Material culture/symbols is included like the plastic arts – sculpture, masks, drawings and symbol. Criteria: simple in form, generally available to all at no material cost, public domain, anonymous in origin, communicating directly through any of the senses, dialogic, function/utilitarian, constant presence of one or more surrounding listeners or participants. Purpose: to provide teaching and initiation; imparting traditional esthetic, historical, technical, social, ethical and religious values; to provide a legal code, which rests in stories and proverbs; mobilizing people’s awareness on their own history; to unite people and give them cohesion of ideas and emotions.

Integrating traditional and modern media suggests:  

Adapting the content and uses of modern media to cultural needs and expressions and involving grassroots participation especially in rural communities; Use modern media technologies to reflect and promote indigenous cultures and traditions;


Technology would be used in a manner that makes them adaptable to the immediate needs and concerns of the people.

Modern media, on the other hand, function as supplement to traditional media, how: 


The cultural potential of media can be found in their service to the traditional folk arts of the country, where stories, plays, songs and dance still express an ancient traditional inheritance. Because of their modern techniques, the media can make these achievements widely known. In this way, the media help to impress on a nation a proper sense of its cultural identity and by expressing this delight and enrich other cultures and countries as well. (Communio et Progessio, No. 51). Grassroots and traditional media not only an important forum for local cultural expression but develop competence for active participation in shaping and using mass media. Traditional media can use new technology creatively to support mobilization at the community level.

Goal The TBC-MP sees the necessity to emphasize both “education for media” through its project on media literacy education and “media for education” by utilizing traditional and modern media for classroom and training instruction. Thus, the goal: 

The integration of modern media as supplement to the revival of traditional media for the enhancement of critical and discerning stance on the contents of the messages presented to media readers, listeners and viewers within communities through media literacy education.

Primary channels are Carmelite schools and parishes while the auxiliary channel is the community media. This proposed contribution of TBC-MP is based on the essence of social communication as familyfocused, community-oriented and people-based which can help bring communities of people to a higher level of development. Objectives Since the project is aiming for the revival of traditional media with modern media as supplement for TBC-MP’s communication strategy, objectives are the following: 1. Revival of traditional media such as religious activities (witness of life, catechetic, personal contact, popular piety, liturgy and similar celebration (Lenten drama, Santacruzan), quasi religious expressions (ati-atihan, sinulog) and secular forms (drama, songs, proverbs and riddles) for critically analyzing development messages. 2. Strengthening the organization and integration of development workers and media practitioners for the protection and promotion of family values and community welfare.

9 3. Sharpening and heightening the utilization of social communication means for intellectual development, social responsiveness and cultural enrichment of Christian communities especially the youth sector. 4. Tightening the internal structures of local media programs in schools and parishes for effective and efficient implementation and management of projects and activities and for skills training of project implementers.



Mission Areas        

Parish of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel and Basic Christian communities in Escalante, Negros Occidental Mount Carmel College in Escalante, Negros Occidental Parish of the Sacred Heart of Jesus through its Basic Christian communities and Mount Carmel College in San Francisco, Agusan del Sur Parish of the Most Holy Rosary and its Basic Christian communities and Mount Carmel School Parish of San Vicente Ferrer and its Basic Christian Communities Parish of St. Michael the Archangel and its Basic Christian Communities and Urios High School in Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur Titus Brandsma Center and its contact schools in Metropolitan Manila Carmelite Formation Center and its surrounding communities including the organization of lay people, in Cebu City


Christian families and members of various BCCs Criteria: those who are direct recipients of radio, televisions and newspapers Youth sector (including students) Criteria: engulfed in computer culture and those who are open and receptive to life experiences and immediate receivers of media Media practitioners of both traditional and modern means Criteria: (traditional) those who see the value of culture and viability of folk media (modern) those who define and influence the contents and bias of news programs Parish groups and organization Criteria: primary implementers and decision-makers of pastoral direction

Key Result Areas   

Community-based organization of various folk media groups Result: regular and concrete projects implemented and supported by private groups and local government organizations Interactive communication structures with small media groups Result: in the community, town and provincial level Youth sector including the students and members of Christian communities


Result: critical analysis of media content and guided by their Christian faith Installed and operational internal structures Result: provide communication management systems for continuing access to and involvement of community media in the system and decision making process


Potential/Actual Projects and Activities

Objective 1:

Objective 2:

1. 2. 3. 4.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Data base research/study Group study/analysis Series of training/seminars/workshops Organization of folk media groups

Dialogues, group meeting/discussion Organization of communication group Skill-building seminars/workshop/training Development of communication network

Objective 3:

Objective 4:

1. 2. 3. 4.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Film Dialogue Production of a radio/TV segment Quasi-religious activities Focus group discussions


Organization of Advisory Groups Formation/Regulation of policy/guidelines Seminars/Training for capability-building Writing of Evaluation reports

Supervision and Management of the Project

1. Board of Directors of Titus Brandsma Center (BOD) – its responsibilities involved the defining of strategic direction of the Center, formulation of policies, assessment of project implementation and evaluation of the results and impact of the project and activities. 2. Advisory group in the project sites – assistance in the enrichment of the specific direction of social communication, conceptual and technical aid for accreditation of folk media groups and requests for financial assistance, assessment and approval of plan of action, review and evaluation of the progress of project. 3. TBC-MP – management of project implementation in all project sites, conducts research/study in the areas, implementation of specific steps approaches to specific activities, discuss and process specific requirements and remedial actions to be taken with project head, monitor development of project and activities and submission of regular and periodic reports to project head and undergo self-appraisal of contributions to project development.


12 I.

Implementation of Projected Activities (3-year time frame)

First Year

Second Year OBJECTIVE 1: Revival of Traditional Media

Third Year

 Networking – inventory of theatre groups within the barrios, town and provincial level for production of directory and formation of folk media groups  Research/Study of existing and extinct traditional media in different project sites for the purpose of inventory and reference for future use  Group Study/Theatre Program - weekly session of critical analysis of traditional literature – its relevance and application today facilitated by a mini drama  Series of Workshops and Trainings – quarterly workshops for basic skills on acting, cultural presentation and technical know-how

 Networking – conceptualization of tie-up and collaboration projects to aid and give to local theatre groups within mission areas  Research/Study – focus on uses of the discovered extinct and existing traditional media: practical application and rationale for its revival  Group Study and Theatre Program – sharing of findings from the first year through forums and competition of the best mini drama/plays  Series of Workshops and Trainings – advanced skills on acting, cultural presentations and technical know-how (forums, tour of mini plays which won in the competition, concert – summary of the best plays)

 Networking – enhance relationships and continue alliance building  Research/Study – focus on the impact and effectivity of traditional media to personal, community life and social development  Group Study and Theatre Program – continuation of the program plus major theatre production with societal issues as its subject  Series of Workshops and Trainings – updating of skills and specialized trainings (module from the group study/theatre program, major theatre production and documentary on the research/study on folk media)

OBJECTIVE 2: Strengthening and advancement of organization and integration of practitioners  


Networking – formation of communicators’ group; inventory of community media within the town and provincial level through mail. Focus group discussions – twice a month session, which discusses issues confronting media/communicators and analyze media contents Media Literacy Education – twice a year public discussion on issues; focus will be media’s contribution to social development Annual Retreat and Mission Conference – focus on Church and media; spirituality and media Series of Trainings – twice a year series; focus on Public Journalism/Countryside Journalism and integration of social communication



Networking – strengthening of network through organized solidarity nights for media people to relax and unwind from the days work Focus group discussion – continue and develop the process and program

Media Literacy Education – a quarterly series, which will focus on analyzing media content of various media artifact (tri-media, internet) Annual Retreat and Mission Conference – focus on “Media at the Service of Social Development” Series of Trainings – focus on how to better utilized new concepts introduced in the first year of training in helping communities to realize their potentials


Networking – continuing alliance building and consolidation of communication network Focus group discussions – continue the program; have an evaluative research on the issues discussed during the sessions and the possible solutions and come out with a module

Media Literacy Education – continuing the series; development of courses and modules for school and communities  Annual Retreat and Mission Conference – focus on “Renewing the Mission”, how far I have contributed as communicator  Series of Trainings – focus on application of new technologies as aid to data gathering (2-part module on process/findings of focus group discussion & media education; development of courses 


OBJECTIVE 3: Sharpening and heightening utilization of various means in social communication 



Management of the Resource and Databank Center - Database on Folk Media Groups - Database on Community Media - Database on National Groups - Database on Probable Resource Speakers Implementation of Communication Systems – putting up of group media forms in response to community issues; production of information kits (IEC materials) Organizing Academic Activities - which respond to community issues through students participation (poster-making, essay writing contests, photo exhibits, etc) Film Dialogue – weekly viewing of films and processing through dialogue Symposia – a twice a year forum on community issues facilitated by fact finding missions and key informant interviews Maintenance of Tri-media segments – collaboration with community media to maintain sections/segments in their programs (radio, TV print); materials to be supplied by members of BCCs and students

Management of the Resource and Databank Center – maintenance of database and continue acquisition

Management of the Resource and Databank Center – maintenance of database and continue acquisition of equipment and other library materials; put up a Communication Centrum (physical & online) showcasing historical and current artifacts

Implementation of Communication Systems – maintenance and development of the systems pursued

Implementation of Communication Systems – maintenance and development of the systems pursued; compilation of IEC materials

Organizing Academic Activities - integration of these activities in school curriculum; start interschool contests

Film Dialogue

Symposia – maintenance and development of program; round table discussion of communities re issues/problems and solutions Maintenance of Tri-media segments – maintenance of a segment in community radio/TV, radio drama and newspaper section

Organizing Academic Activities - maintenance of these activities as an annual event; production of a book (compilation of posters, photos and essays showcased in the contests)  Film Dialogue - maintenance of the program; production of a module on the process of film  Symposia – maintenance and development of program; production of short film on an issue (narrative)  Maintenance of Tri-media segments – maintenance of a segments; compilation of the print section and copies of broadcast segments (Communication Centrum-physical & online, compilation books, module on film dialogue, compilation of segments, short film) 

OJBECTIVE 4: Tightening the internal structures of community media programs Identification, presentation of projects and initial  Meeting of BOD of Titus Brandsma Center for  Evaluation and summing up of the performance setting up of advisory groups perspective setting and decision making of the leadership in direction setting and Formulation, processing and regulation of  Consolidation and review of systems and resource mobilization policies and guidelines on project operations policies/guidelines for effective project  Evaluation and summing up of systems, and management implementation and efficient management of policies and guidelines in relation to project Participation of regular staff short courses for internal resources implementation and management and knowledge and skill enhancement  Continuing monitoring of project performance of the staff Meeting of leadership body (BOD, Advisory implementation and management through  Terminal submission of reports to supporting


group) Conduct assessment and evaluation on project implementation and internal functioning


interviews with key personnel Consultation and meetings of the advisory board for review of project development and implementation Assessment and evaluation of the conceptual, pastoral and organizational life of the project

agencies on the development of the project against the projected key result areas

(Measures: monthly reports, progress reports, annual reports, documentation (written/photo/video) of each groups to committees - consolidated and submitted to the Media Program – Central Office in Manila

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