2003 - Proj Proposal Short Ver

  • July 2020
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  • Pages: 6




The Titus Brandsma Center-Media Program (TBC-MP) was born to function as primary mover of the Carmelite Media Ministry when it embarked on its mission to give serious contributions to the Filipino people and to Carmel Philippines – through Media and Spirituality. This was in effect of the statement in the Carmelite Constitution, Part II, Article 34, No. 2, “Carmelites have to be aware of the growing importance of world-wide communication in the present-day society, and of the major technological innovations in this field. There is no doubt that the mass media can play an important role in evangelization; the abuse and manipulative use of media, however, can endanger human dignity and freedom. Our communities shall therefore evaluate the best ways to make use of the mass media, with a view, both to safeguarding the contemplative and fraternal dimensions of our lives, and to increasing the effectiveness of our apostolate.” As the program advanced its course, TBC-MP realized more the direction it wanted to follow. Thus formulating its goals:  

Formation of collective awareness regarding the potential and use of media and communication for local community development towards an active participation and reappropriation of people’s own culture and Creation of an open space for people to become critically aware and to articulate own or reject the values and meanings as mediated by the media.

Therefore, the TBC-MP saw the need for research to concretize its actions and be scientifically bound. Also, this was an aid to realize the goals of the Program, to generate data that would be the basis of the Program’s course and would later be guided in the formulation of its media education series. The TBCMP’s Research Project has three parts: PART I PART II PART III

Study on Survey of Community Values from Key Informants of Basic Christian Workers in 1999 Study on media environment, “Philippine Media Trends, Issues and Needs.” Impact of Media and Communication in Selected Urban and Rural Communities

As a result of this research with the third part on its way to finalization, the Program has realized its direction: “bring forth the Media Program to the local communities it serve; proposing community-based projects that would directly answer the needs of the communities; and, embarked on media education as the means for propagating critical stance on the issues affecting the family and country as a whole. Present Situation As Carmel Philippines strengthens its media apostolate, TBC-MP continues to develop, improve and grow in maturity. Equipped with the results of the 3-Part Research project, the Program was able to

2 assess the needs of the communities from the perspectives of local Carmelite educators, media practitioners and the community members. Initial results and findings of the third part of the research were re-echoed to the communities earlier this year and would soon be a reference in planning the next phase of the Program. With this, media core groups in the communities were formed to spearhead their own local media program and planned their activities. The group was composed of lay leaders, ministers and catechists handling Basic Christian Communities (BCCs). Also, the group underwent a series of media education to give them basic knowledge on the environment and relationship of Church and Media. TBC-MP maintains the following core programs:    

Film dialogue – held every 2nd Saturday of the month. Featuring foreign language/art films, this activity aims to encourage dialogue among the viewers on the films’ content and how the film is relates to their Spirituality or their very own meaning of life. Media Literacy Education – conducts a series of trainings and workshop in Carmelite communities, parishes and schools in Visayas and Mindanao. Networking – maintains a network among Catholic press and communicators (Philippine Church Communicators Network, PCCNet) and conducts special forums on societal issues hounding both the Church and Media. Titus Brandsma Award-Philippines – bi-annual project that gives recognition to outstanding Print and Broadcast Journalists in the country. It is our local version of the International Titus Brandsma Award given by Union Catholique Internationale dela Presse (UCIP). Mini Books/Film Library – maintenance of resource materials on Church and Media and foreign language/art films from different countries. II.


Description The Carmelite Media Ministry through TBC-MP has designed a project to respond to the needs of the local communities. Preparations have been done prior to this planning. With the present focus and direction, TBC-MP proposes the revival of traditional media as it continues to embark on its media education program. Modern media will function as supplement to traditional media because the Program believes that the solution is not to ban access to new technologies. However, to teach society how to use these technologies for productive and creative rather than problematical ends will guide them through. The Project is supported by the Church document Aetatis Novae (No. 16) on Pastoral Priorities and Challenges. It affirms that mass media “by no means” detract from the importance of alternative media, which are open to people’s involvement and allow them to be active in production and even in designing the process of communications itself. The Church rather “must take steps” to preserve and promote folk media and other traditional forms of expression, recognizing that in particular societies there can be more effective than newer media in spreading the Gospel because they make possible greater personal participation and reach deeper levels of human feeling and motivation. Integrating traditional and modern media suggests:



Adapting the content and uses of modern media to cultural needs and expressions and involving grassroots participation especially in rural communities; Use modern media technologies to reflect and promote indigenous cultures and traditions; Technology would be used in a manner that makes them adaptable to the immediate needs and concerns of the people.

Goal The TBC-MP sees the necessity to emphasize both “education for media” through its project on media literacy education and “media for education” by utilizing traditional and modern media for classroom and training instruction. Thus, the goal: the integration of modern media as supplement to the revival of traditional media for the enhancement of critical and discerning stance on the contents of the messages presented to media readers, listeners and viewers in the communities through media literacy education. Objectives Since the project is aiming for the revival of traditional media with modern media as supplement for TBC-MP’s communication strategy, objectives are the following: 1. Revival of traditional media such as religious activities (witness of life, catechetic, personal contact, popular piety, liturgy and similar celebration (Lenten drama, Santacruzan), quasi religious expressions (ati-atihan, sinulog) and secular forms (drama, songs, proverbs and riddles) for critically analyzing development messages. 2. Strengthening the organization and integration of development workers and media practitioners for the protection and promotion of family values and community welfare. 3. Sharpening and heightening the utilization of means of social communications for intellectual development, social responsiveness and cultural enrichment of Christian communities especially the youth sector. 4. Tightening the internal structures of local media programs in schools and parishes for effective and efficient implementation and management of projects and activities and for skills training of project implementers. III.


Mission Areas      

Parish of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel and Basic Christian communities in Escalante, Negros Occidental Mount Carmel College in Escalante, Negros Occidental Parish of the Sacred Heart of Jesus through its Basic Christian communities and Mount Carmel College in San Francisco, Agusan del Sur Parish of the Most Holy Rosary and its Basic Christian communities and Mount Carmel School Parish of San Vicente Ferrer and its Basic Christian Communities Parish of St. Michael the Archangel and its Basic Christian Communities and Urios High School in Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur


Titus Brandsma Center and its contact schools in Metropolitan Manila Carmelite Formation Center and its surrounding communities including the organization of lay people, in Cebu City


Christian families and members of various BCCs Youth sector (including students) Media practitioners of both traditional and modern means Parish groups and organization

Key Result Areas    

Community-based organization of various folk media groups Interactive communication structures with small media groups Youth sector including the students and members of Christian communities Installed and operational internal structures IV.

Potential/Actual Projects and Activities

Objective 1: 1. Data base research/study 2. Group study/analysis 3. Series of training/seminars/workshops 4. Organization of folk media groups Objective 3: 1. Film Dialogue 2. Production of a radio/TV segment 3. Quasi-religious activities 4. Focus group discussions

Objective 2: 1. Dialogues, group meeting/discussion 2. Organization of communication group 3. Skill-building seminars/workshop/training 4. Development of communication network Objective 4: 1. Organization of Advisory Groups 2. Formation/Regulation of policy/guidelines 3. Seminars/Training for capability-building 4. Writing of Evaluation reports

Supervision and Management of the Project 1. Board of Directors of Titus Brandsma Center (BOD) – its responsibilities involved the defining of strategic direction of the Center, formulation of policies, assessment of project implementation and evaluation of the results and impact of the project and activities. 2. Advisory group in the project sites – assistance in the enrichment of the specific direction of social communication, conceptual and technical aid for accreditation of folk media groups and requests for financial assistance, assessment and approval of plan of action, review and evaluation of the progress of project. 3. TBC-MP – management of project implementation in all project sites, conducts research/study in the areas, implementation of specific steps approaches to specific activities, discuss and process specific requirements and remedial actions to be taken with project head, monitor development of project and activities and submission of regular and periodic reports to project head and undergo self-appraisal of contributions to project development.

5 I. First Year

Implementation of Projected Activities (3-year time frame) Second Year OBJECTIVE 1: Revival of Traditional Media  Production of traditional media (town level) play  Training/workshops for youth/elderly who are interested in theatre and music for education and entertainment of members Christian community  Organizational consolidation and development of theatre groups in the different project sites through consultation, meetings and sharing  Solicitation and expansion of support for traditional media groups through fund and legal assistance

Third Year

 Result of the research/study done – a short  Research/Study of existing and extinct traditional media in different project sites documentary on the different traditional media found in  Group Study Program using critical analysis of the communities (its origin and uses) traditional literature – its relevance and application  Major theatre production with societal issues as its today subject  Implementation of a communication strategy as  Advocacy work for the advancement of traditional response to community problems using traditional media – writing of modules or have a Communication media (visual – bulletin, flip charts, information kits) Centrum in the community (physical museum or  Discussion, processing and initial creation of folk website) media groups  Summing up through publication of manual on the  Series of workshops for skill-building of folk media impact of the revival of traditional media in the different group members project sites  Sharing and solicitation or support to local government units and private organizations OBJECTIVE 2: Strengthening and advancement of organization and integration of practitioners  Regular focused group discussions on social  Critical evaluation of the results of dialogue and  Continue dialogue, sharing and action among communications and development setting, on how to development workers, parish/school communicators focused group discussions on the welfare of community create an atmosphere of participatory communication and community media media practitioners and others  Processing, reflection and discernment through  Continuous seminars and trainings for capability Produce a module based on the results retreat of community media and development workers development and retreats for community media workers  Sustain seminars/trainings on the emerging issues  Seminar/trainings on social communication  Organizational development of town-wide and concerns of globalization affecting mass media with  Data base on community media and initial dialogue communication organization the application of Church’s teachings and skillbetween grassroots communicators, Church and  Expansion and strengthening of network and enhancement community media on participatory communication and linkages on behalf of the grassroots  Assessment and evaluation of conceptual and public journalism  With network in community media, materials pastoral development of communication organization (content) for the production of radio/TV segment can be  Continuing alliance building and consolidation of contributed communication networks  Study the effects to listeners/viewers in the communities OBJECTIVE 3: Sharpening and heightening utilization of various means in social communication  Film Dialogue  Film dialogue  Film Dialogue  Conceptualization, planning of activities that deals  Series of media literacy education (development of  Regular theatre (plays) and discernment of the on the effects of mass media to the youth and family courses (all levels both from barrio and school) significance of traditional media on personal, (poster/photo contents, producing newsletters,  Presentation of theatre production concerning community life and its collective contribution to nation information kits, maintaining bulletins or use of flip political/societal issues building charts  Dialogue forums resulting to modules on media  Evaluation of sharing done between students/youth

6  Series of media literacy education issues and media practitioners  Dialogue/forums between students/youth sector and  Sustenance and maintenance of radio/TV segments media practitioners on media and societal issues (monthly) OJBECTIVE 4: Tightening the internal structures of community media programs  Evaluation and summing up of the performance of  Meeting of BOD of Titus Brandsma Center for  Identification, presentation of projects and initial setting up of advisory groups perspective setting and decision making the leadership in direction setting and resource  Formulation, processing and regulation of policies  Consolidation and review of systems and mobilization and guidelines on project operations and management policies/guidelines for effective project implementation  Evaluation and summing up of systems, policies  Participation of regular staff short courses for and efficient management of internal resources and guidelines in relation to project implementation and knowledge and skill enhancement  Continuing monitoring of project implementation and management and performance of the staff  Meeting of leadership body (BOD, Advisory group) management through interviews with key personnel  Terminal submission of reports to supporting  Conduct assessment and evaluation on project  Consultation and meetings of the advisory board for agencies on the development of the project against the implementation and internal functioning review of project development and implementation projected key result areas  Assessment and evaluation of the conceptual, pastoral and organizational life of the project

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