1st Period African News

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 3,177
  • Pages: 7
Illustrated By: Jay, Celia, and Alex


Volume 3 Issue 2


The King, Parties?

The royals and a party just don’t mix. On Sunday, King Lion held a divine party. All of the animals of the kingdom were invited. This was a law, (the invitation meaning) and the animals couldn’t turn down the invitation. After the animals: The Bucks, Leopard, Rabbit, Zebra, Mole, Elephant, Polecat, King Lion saying hello to his guests http://tinyurl.com/5gthee

Snake, Baboon, Donkey, Rock Rabbit, Hippopotamus, Rock Lizard, Hyena, Jackal, Horse, Cow and the

Lynx had arrived and had partied the King had a special surprise. The King was trying to show all the animals what a great King he was. So he cleared his throat and said “I have gifts to show you what a great king I am”. All of the animals got presents, and were very pleased. But it wasn’t easy for the King to give out the presents. Everyone wanted one that was better than his or her neighbor. But when the King roared it settled down. The hardest present was the coats. The Cow and the horse went to the King and the Horse said “We work on the Farm, “And we have to dress neatly every day,” added Cow. “One suit of clothes is not enough,” said Horse. “We surely don’t want the farmer to laugh at us animals,” said Cow. So the Lion gave them many beautiful suits. The frog’s clothes got stolen. He was getting hot waiting for all of the other animals. So he took off his clothes and jumped in the pond nearby. When he was about to come out his clothes were stolen. He is very selfconscious, so now he only comes out at night. Towards the end the King got very cranky, and hungry. But in the end it was very lovely, and most of the animals loved their presents.

By: Alex U.

Hare Jumbles Message, Moon Mad!!!

Devious Bullfrog Abscond King’s Flight An ap-

Last Monday there was a huge fight be-

palling scan-

tween the hare and the moon. The hare has

dal has oc-

a cleft on his face from where the moon hit

curred in the

him. The moon is now very scratched up

country of

from the hare scratching his face a lot. This

South Africa.

story starts in Cairo, Egypt with the Moon sending an insect off with a message to

The Lion is upset because he has lost his ability to fly. http://tinyurl.com/yqesyb

vous bullfrog

mankind. The message is “As I die, and dying live, ye shall also die and dying live”. As the insect was travelling farther along the hare caught him and found out why the insect was traveling. The hare decided to take the message and deliver it himself so he could get the fame and glory. But as the hare travels he mixes up the story and once he finds man he tells him this “as I die and dying perish ye shall die in the same manner and wholly come to an end”. When the moon heard of the mix up that the hare had made it was outraged and hit the hare in the face and left a cleft there. The hare retaliated and scratched and clawed the moon leaving marks on its face. By: Jay R.

The mischie-

lured the guards away from our king, Oom Leeuw’s cave yesterday afternoon while the lion king was hunting on the savannah. When asked their feelings about being hoaxed they two white crows responded that “We were told that we worked too hard and needed a break. Obviously, Bullfrog wasn’t planning on just doing our job while we were away......” Bullfrog told these guards to leave their position in front of Oom Leeuw’s lair to fly off to the sunset. When they returned they said to have seen “Bullfrog deviously laughing on upon a pile of bones from Oom Leeuw’s previous meals. Has anyone really ever questioned why Oom Leeuw is the only lion king that could fly? Apparently not because upon questioning, Oom Leeuw revealed that the reason he could fly was the power of the bones. When crushed, so was our great King’s power of flight.

Rabbit pondering about the Moon http://tinyurl.com/57vlal

By: Celia M.


J C M N E WS P A P E R Newsletter Date

Volume 1, Issue 1


It was reported that yesterday at around 4:00 pm the prized ram belonging to the king was murdered. The ram was grazing in Anansi’s crops and Anansi was very annoyed by it so he threw a rock at it hitting it between the eyes killing it instantly. Then Anansi went to the king blaming that the spider for what had happened. The king believed him but later was advised by his wife that obviously Anansi did it because there’s no way a spider would have killed a ram. The king then found Anansi and kicked him so hard that he exploded leaving him to appear as if he was spider. Anansi’s family has been fined $1,000,000 to pay for a new ram that the king will buy. http:// www.mooseyscountrygarden.co

Banished Sheep and Ram Cause Trouble in Local Village

http://oysteinwika.com/images/ lightning.jpg

Yesterday the banished Thunder a mother sheep and Lightning her son a ram gave the small village that they used to live in revenge. Lightning sent his fire down to the village destroying all the crops then his mother made it worse by shaking the whole village with her loud rumbling voice. The story of these two goes back to two months ago when people started insulting Lightning; this was a big mistake causing Lightning to fly into a furious rage burning everything in his path sometimes killing people then his mother would stop him with her loud voice. One of the only survivors of these attacks was Fred the Farmer whose crops were all burned down witnessed one of these rages and explained that Lightning was going to have to be banished. The next day the King banished Thunder and Lightning to the bush, but this was a big mistake because Lighting flew into one of his furious rages and set the whole bush on fire because it was the dry season burning crops and houses to the ground. The King knew this was bad so he and his advisors thought of a plan and they made one. This plan was to banish Thunder and Lightning from the earth and send them to the sky. Thunder and Lightning agreed to go to the sky and they did. The King thought that this had solved the problem until today. Further news tomorrow.

Tortoise and Baboon Fight Once Again


It was reported yesterday at 12:00 in the evening, busy neighbors were pulling some pranks on each other. The two witnesses in this story were the baboon and the tortoise. We sat down and interviewed the baboon about how you felt about tortoise. He said that he wanted to strangle the tortoise because the tortoise told him he could share his scrumptious lunch with him. After my long journey to his house my hands got dirty and he would not let me eat. He told me to wash my hands and I washed my hands in the river but on my way back, my hands got dirty again. He would still not let me eat the lunch if my hands were dirty. Then I realized I was tricked. I have no idea why he tricked me. Then we interviewed tortoise. We asked why did you trick baboon? Tortoise answered “I only tricked baboon because he tricked me first”. After interviewing the tortoise and the baboon we think the dispute between tortoise and baboon will never end.

Group Members: Ashley, Cohen, Andrew

The African Times Final Edition

12/15/08 WHO SHOULD HE KILL? Cohen Dworsky Reporting Involved at the scene was a rich Arab, the ground young squirrel catcher, and his son. On the day that it all went down, the ground squirrel catcher took his youngest boy to catch squirrels with him. He told his son to wait for the squirrel to try to escape and catch it. So the father started digging, soon enough the squirrel came rushing out the back exit of his home, but the son was distracted and did not catch it. The father was so angry he knocked his son senseless with a hoe. This news reports has been brought to you from the great country of Saudi-Arabia.

Kayatae and The Ostrich Andrew Kenyon Reporting One day near the watering hole the bushman Kayatae saw the ostrich pull fire out of her wing and use it to cook her meal. Kayatae did not have the fire, so he tricked the ostrich into opening her wings and when she did, he took some of the fire that the ostrich had. The ostrich was embarrassed and didn’t open her wings ever again because she might lose whatever fire she had left. The ostrich said “I didn’t know that he was going to trick me, but when he did, I gave him a sharp nip on the ear to remind him not to trick or steal again.

The Squirrel that got Away

The Boogey Man’s Wife

The Ostrich

Ashley Corn Reporting One day a witness noticed that a man was staying at the market way to long. The man took the elephant path home and became quite frightened to find a lion noise. The man started crying for help and a man named the Boogey Man let the other man in. The other man’s name was Da. Da promised the Boogey Man that if he let him stay the night at the Boogey Mans house than he would give him his daughter Goma for a wife. The Boogey Man agreed. The next day Da told Goma to go home with the Boogey Man. Goma followed the Boogey man down the elephant house to his path. When they arrived the Boogey man talked about how there was never a wife to clean the house. He told Goma to start sweeping. Goma refused so the Boogey man went to Da’s house and Da made Goma start sweeping the floor. The same thing happened over and over for the yams, to hoe the yams, to fix dinner, and even to eat. Finally the Boogey Man told Goma to go home and she did. A witness nearby though that the Boogey Man was silly because right as he sent her home Goma started obeying him. The Boogey Man’s Hut

New African Times Volume 1, Issue 1

Friday 13, 1,234

Thimsen African Story Written by: Rachel Thimsen Yesterday afternoon at approximately 2:31 PM, scientists discovered why the frog and the snake are enemies. Scientists hid behind some bushes and watched the scene. Frog walked out of a small hut and met up with a snake a few minutes later. The watchers were puzzled..... The two animals started to play with each other. At 2:00 PM the animals went back to their small huts and a weird crying sound was heard from the frog hut. The watchers started walked in a little further and looked at the scene in the hut. The mother Frog had told the frog that she can’t www.toddzalewski.com/ books.html play with the snake the next day because snakes are supposed to eat s frogs. When more investigators watched into the snake’s hut they found out that almost the same thing was happening. The mother snake told snake that she must eat the frog the next day because snakes are supposed to eat frogs. The next day at approximately 8:30 AM, the investigators came back to the scene and saw the snake go over to the frog’s hut. But the frog fled and escaped from the snake. Then the two animals went different ways. The scientists are now making a book about this discovery.

Sotolongo African Story Written by: Silvia Sotolongo Two days ago, in a small village in Africa, the king announced that he must have wife. A man named Mufaro, has seen this as a chance for one of his daughters to be queen. Manyara and Nyasha are his daughters. Manyara wanted to be queen very much, and wouldn’t stop to become the king’s wife for anything. Nyasha would be pleased to serve as queen, but is also fine with being a village member. The king lives about half a day’s journey from the village so Mufaro thought it was right to walk there yesterday. “It seems unfair that any other girl should become the king’s wife, when I want it most,” Manyara quoted. A reliable source told us that Manyara was seen sneaking off late at night, to get to the king early. When Nyasha got to the town, she saw her sister crying. Manyara said, “There is no king, only a big snake!” The snake actually turned into a king, and when Nyasha came in, he announced her as his new wife. The new Queen of this town is Nyasha! http://www.homeagaincorp.com/sjj/ snake.htm

Weintraub’s African Story Written by: Jacob Weintraub Late last night, Anansi the farmer was found to have killed the king’s prize ram. This happened when the ram was grazing on Anansi’s fields, and Anansi threw a rock at it to kill it. He tried to cover it up by saying a spider did it, but the king knew that Anansi had to have done it. The king kicked Anansi into many pieces, making him a spider with long legs.

http://www.gateway-africa.com/ stories/index.html

CA December, 12th 2008 Volume 18, Issue, 16

Elephant’s Enquirer JOEY STEAL GOOD

Bow & Arrow Custody Battle


By: Kristin Andrejko


Mid-day on October 16, 2003 an close to violent fight broke out between Mark the Monkey and Brer Wolf. Earlier that day Orang Outan, his uncle, gave Mark a magical bow & arrow that could shoot and kill anything desired. Unfortunately, Mark didn’t guard the bow and arrow like Orang Outan said to. In Visulartun, a southern African forest Mark was walking when he met upon Wolf. Mark gave Wolf his bow and arrow to use to shoot a scrumptious dear. They ate that deer pleasantly together until later that night when Wolf refused to give the bow and arrow back to Mark. This created a long quarrel between these two animals. “I was just walking home from work, and from a mile away I could hear them two bickering.” Jessi the Jackal commented. Jessi, being a member of the Animal Justice brought this matter to court. The trial is set for October 16, 2008 and it is going to be very eventful. An unnamed witness said she saw Jessi consulting with Wolf telling him that his evidence was strong, and his chances of winning the trial were also strong. Monkey will have to work hard and win the jury to get this bow and arrow back. Be sure to guard your personal items throughout walks through South African forests, so no cleaver wolves will persuade you to give it to them!

By Tory Andrews

Mark the Monkey, after the trial. Picture from: http://tinyurl.com/obb3d

The picture shot of the wanted woman. http://tinyurl.com/6ztgpw

Girl Breaks her Water Pot! Impresses her Family By: Anna Jenkins Early yesterday morning on the way to draw water a girl had the misfortune of breaking her new water pot. A rope amazingly appeared above her and she climbed up it. At a strange gate there was an elderly lady resting, she gave her strange advice: “let ants crawl in your ears.” The girl did not pay any attention to her and left her in a haste, afraid, but then remembered to report that a crazy old lady was found she snapped her picture. An ant did crawl in her ear, but strangely she could not get it out. She came to a town, but cannot remember anymore “clearly she is under a delusion, because she says that the ant told her to sit down and then cook for the town people, and she did!” says the girl’s father. The town gave her lots of jewels and a baby and her family is current happy for all the jewels and that their daughter is safe, but sad that their daughter is crazy. They blame the elderly women who tried to give the girl advice cast a spell on her.”The old women seen on my daughters camera is clearly a witch, she had to ruin my daughter because she was jealous of her.” Says mother. The family wishes to keep all names anemones. The women is being looked for, but not yet found.


It happened last Monday when the disaster struck. Joey, a poor man, dedicated worker, and friend of Edward, a rich man who goes through friends like the year goes through seasons were the two sides of the story. It all began with a vast hunger that came over the whole village, and Edward totally abandoned his and the poor man’s friendship, thinking that all the food and money he gave to Joey was just too, too much. Joey was left in total debt of food and money, making him have to go beg for all of his other needs. Although he sometimes came up lucky, getting some leftover scraps from some of the citizens. Unfortunately he had no salt to season it and no meat to make it into soup. This food was absolutely tasteless! Joey walked next-door to Edwards house, and ate these tasteless scraps with the great smell of Edwards alwaysgood food. The argument began with Edward, getting hysterically mad at Joey for this task, and ordered him to give him one goat as a payment. Fortunately, Joey went to James; the wise man. He asked him to help him in this situation, and of course he solved it. During this live event, last Monday at about 3:00 p.m. the court took place, holding Joey the defendant, and Edward the accuser. See page A2 for complete Story.

, This is the tasteless corn meal that the poor man ate with the flavor from the rich man. http://tinyurl.com/66l9xl

Elephants Enquirer Joey Steal Good Smell; James to the Rescue! Continued from page A1 The Jury and the Judge would decide how it turned out, and James would be a “lawyer” of Joey. He thought of the idea to pay him back with the bleating sound of a beated goat. James said about this case: “Well, the poor man didn’t at all touch the rich man’s food, so the payment should be something that the rich man will not touch. A stealer may only repay as much as he has stolen.” These were his last words, and the court ended. The rich man (Edward) took in these bleating sounds as a payment for the great smell that the poor man (Joey) stole from his food.



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