6th Period African News

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The African Gazette Volume 1, Issue 1


December 16th 2008

In this Edition… —> A Bite too Far, Local villagers score revenge on Crocodile, avenging their lost friends. —> Slave a Queen, Rhodopis goes from house slave, to queen of Egypt.

Slave a Queen? Could slave become queen? “Rosy Rhodopis,” that is what everyone is saying in downtown Cairo after a young slave girl became the queen of Egypt. It all happened yesterday when a slave girl named Rhodopis was sitting by the Nile. The three servant girls that she lived with came down and insulted her. Rhodopis just tried to ignore them like she did every day. When night fell, Rhodopis danced with her animal friends. She was dancing so gracefully that she didn’t even know that her master had woken up and began to make her some slippers. As morning broke, the slippers were presented to Rhodopis. They were rosy red and sparkled at the toes. (See “Slave a queen” — Page 2)

A Bite Too Far Villagers score revenge on Crocodile Just recently, the Crocodile by the river has become a vegetarian and will not bother the villagers again. Officials say that the villagers gathered many sharp and pointy stones, and killed a sheep. Then the villagers stuffed this sheep with the sharp and pointy stones, and then brought the sheep to the river. When the Crocodile saw the sheep, he immediately ate it in one bite. Officials say that the Crocodile wasn’t hurt too bad, and that he should make a full recovery. Many days ago, a small village in Africa was suffering from a long drought. The entire epidemic began with Mother Earth asking her daughter to go to the river and bring back water to the village. When the daughter went to the river, she never came back. Mother Earth was getting worried and sent (See “Crocodile” — Page 2)


The African Gazette • $0.50 • Volume 1, Issue 1 • December 16th, 2008

Slave a Queen (Continued from page 1)

Just as Rhodopis was beginning to feel good about herself, word of a party at the pharaoh’s house reached the hut in which Rhodopis lived. All of the servant girls left, but Rhodopis was forced to stay behind. A bystander has said that Rhodopis decided to sit under a tree and wait for the return of the servant girls. The bystander then told us that a falcon named Horus swooped down and stole one of the rosy red slippers. The falcon flew to the Pharaoh’s house and dropped the slipper onto the Pharaohs lap. A witness at the party said that the pharaoh needed to find the foot that fit this slipper immediately. He called of the party and began his search. When the servant girls arrived at the party, they were so angry that no one was there. They left and went home. The Pharaoh himself was searching relentlessly until he arrived at the home of Rhodopis. He ordered everyone to try on the slipper. The servant girls tried to fit their foot into the slipper but failed. Then Rhodopis slid her foot into the slipper with ease. One of the servant girls has told me that the Pharaoh exclaimed that Rhodopis would be his queen forever. I’m Colin Yeaney reporting from downtown Cairo.

Crocodile (Continued from page 1)

someone else to look for the daughter. But, he didn’t come back either. Another person was sent, and another, and another, but they didn’t come back either. The villagers knew that the Crocodile was the culprit, so the chief called for a meeting. All of the elders stated many radical ideas but one elder finally suggested using sharp and pointy stones, killing a sheep, stuffing it with the stones, and letting the Crocodile eat the sheep. All of the villagers agreed with this idea and proceeded with his plan. The villagers brought the sheep to the river during the mist of night, and put it in plain sight of the Crocodile. Officials say that the Crocodile spotted the sheep and ate it in one huge bite. The Crocodile had become so afraid of meats that he became a vegetarian. Officials say that the Crocodile has remained in hiding and hasn’t disturbed the villagers since. By Josh Milligan



HAV News

Volume 1, Issue 1 December 16, 2008

Spiders Get A New Look By: Alexa Hoffman

One week ago, a bird bystander saw grandfather spider being pulled this way and that. He wondered what was going on. But he had to get somewhere and soon, so he didn’t see the rest of the scene. The bird said he saw that grandfather spider was being tugged by web strings. The bird saw no more so Grandfather spider was interviewed. Grandfather spider said, “There were 4 feasts going on, so I decided that each of my grandchildren would pull me to the feast when the time came.” It happened yesterday in an African jungle, when Grandfather Spider heard a feast was being held. Sense no one would tell him wear the feast was he called all of his grandchildren home by sending a message by spinning a web. Webster, Spin, Fly and Charlotte said that they all heard of feast and quickly spoke up. “I was being quite greedy and came up with a very dumb idea,” admits Grandfather. “I toke 4 strings, tied them around my waist and gave the other end of one of each string to one of my grandchildren. When a feast started they had to tug on the string so I would no which way to go.” It ended up that all the feast were at the same time, so Webster, Spin, Fly, and Charlotte all pulled on the string at the same time. The strings then started to squeeze Grandfather Spider and the grandchildren in have until the strings broke. “It was so painful,” says Grandfather. “All never make up an idea that quickly again.” Doctors are predicting that their stomachs with stay skinny and that all their children will have that same hourglass shape. The Miracle in the Night By Hannah Chow One week ago, a bystander gasped as he saw 7 gold threads drop from the sky. The scene had happened at the amazing scene at Mario’s house. 7 beautiful women slid down the each of the threads, each one with a glistening silver bowl on their head. This doesn’t happen every day! This took place in Nigeria, Africa, in the home of Mario. He saw no more because the stable fence had covered up. Since the bystander saw no more, Mario himself was interviewed. Mario said that he was searching for a long time for a wife, but never found one until the day the 7 golden threads fell out of the sky. He exclaimed, “When the women dropped down from the golden threads, the each began to milk each of the 7 cows that I owned.” Mario said that he jumped out and told the women to stop, and they each ran for their threads. “I jumped out and reached for one of the women, and I caught her.” He said. Mario claimed that he asked her to marry her, since she was so charming, and that she said yes. Her name was Cheryl, and Cheryl said that she was the daughter of the sky god, Nyami. Cheryl also told Mario that her sisters meant nothing hurtful, but they didn’t get much milk in the kingdom she lived in. Mario exclaimed, “When she said she would marry me, she said that she would bring a basket and I was not to look in it until she said I was allowed to. And I agreed to that.” And then, after the marriage, Cheryl had brought the basket. One day, Mario was home alone, and he said that he was mad and frustrated about why he couldn’t look in the basket. He accidentally pushed it down, and then he confessed, “I opened the basket and looked in it.” Cheryl came home to see that he looked inside her basket, got mad and then that same night Mario watched her as she climbed her golden thread out of sight, no matter how many times Mario begged her to stay. So now Mario says that everyone should respect other’s dreams, and whoever doesn’t respect others dreams, doesn’t deserve to be respected themselves.

Commotion near the Nile

See page 2 for “The Wedding Basket”

The Stamina

Volume 1, Issue 1 The New Moon edition


Girl Sent to Royal Palace to gain pharaoh’s favor A girl named Mutemwia was sent 1 week ago to the royal palace of the pharaoh. “Mutemwia was a musician for the women at the royal palace.” Said by a royal guard. While she was there the magician Zajamunkhu said he saw and heard Mutemwia’a beautiful singing and playing. “As it is the magician’s custom to have dinner with the pharaoh Senefru Zajamunkhu spoke very highly of the young girl Mutemwia,” As told by a reliable source. So the pharaoh decided to have Mutemia sing and play for him the following night. So he did Mutemwia played for him and sang for him and they became very good friends. But the pharaoh left when news of trouble came to him about the still burning city Alexandria. When he returned Mutemwia missed her freedom more than him said one of the chefs at the royal palace. So he grew angry and did not see her for a long time but he got bored of other entertainers and Zajamunkhu told him to get a boat filled 20 women rowing him while Mutemwia sang and guided him. So this happened and each women got new clothing and copper hair lotuses but for Mutemwia a gold hair lotus and golden clothing. But soon after Mutemwia received her presents a big wind came and knocked the lotus out of her hair. Zajmunkhu did astonishing and mesmerizing magic and the water was lifted above their boat and Mutemwia got her hair lotus back. Soon after pharaoh Senefru granted Mutemwia freedom. She and the pharaoh have been very good friends ever since. Next week’s story “Will Mutemwia find a good job, or will she rot in the house she was given?”

Mutemwia is now the Pharaoh's best friend http://www.veronicasart.com/small%5CPharoah.jpg

Seven Maidens Spotted From the Sky By: Zoe Dohm

One week ago, an anonymous bystander saw seven golden threads fall out of the sky and seven beautiful maidens arriving on them outside of Zesperunza’s barn. It was late at night and was very dark and he could see no more. He reported this information to us and we also got some information from other witnesses. We conclude that the day went like this. Last night seven golden threads dropped from the sky just outside Zesperunza’s barn and seven gorgeous maidens came down them with bowls on their head and they intended to steal the cow’s milk. He jumped towards them and they got frightened and ran to their threads and six of them got away. He held the seventh in my arms tightly and asked why she was here. One of the women said that she was one of the daughters of Nyami the sky god. She also said that her and her sisters meant no harm. He said that He would forgive her if she “…agreed to marry me”. She agreed to marry him but she said that she will bring a basket and he shall not look in it. So they got married that night. And the next day he was home alone and he was glaring at the basket and wondering what was in it. So he opened the basket and there was nothing in it, he was so confused.

After the wedding Basket was opened the wife never forgave her husband http;//www.eurocosm.com/Application/Images/wicker-baskets/garden-vegetable-basket-lg.jpg

A Fishing Conspiracy By Isabelle Blank

A week ago a young man named Anansi asked another young man named Onini to go fishing with him. A witness said that Anansi “… had it in his head to trick Onini into doing all of the work while he could just sit back and relax.” It was reported that every day Onini would come back from the lake with all of that day’s catch and Anansi would come home empty handed. Anansi was interviewed and he said that that he “…was waiting for the perfect catch.” But when he did come home with a catch it was the worn out fish traps instead of a fish. It was said that he took the fish traps into the market and stunk up the whole place. It was reported that the chief had to come down from his house and give the young man a beating. The last thing that was heard from Anansi was: “If I have to take a beating; then my lousy partner Onini should at least take the pain

Onini ended up getting all of the fish and Anansi was left to have a beating http://k53.pbase.com/g4/64/655664/2/62404474.MY8jvzlf.jpg


September 23, 2002

Volume 1, Issue 3

News K.I.M.-otion Animal Clash at the Well Two days ago, in a dry area in Africa, a conflict occurred between many of the animals. It was very dry and hot. The animals were starving, so they had to do something before they all died. They assembled a council and decided what to do. They chose to extract the fat from their ears and sell the fat. Then they would buy a hoe with the money and dig up a well. All of the animals agreed on this idea, everyone except the Hare. The other found it astonishing, but proceeded on. The other animals bought the hoe and dug up a well in a dry lagoon. They were so satisfied and began to drink the fresh water. The Hare was the only animal that was not there, but later on in the day he came along bringing a calabash with him. The animals near the lake became frightened and ran home, which gave the Hare time to drink from the lake with no disturbance. Then he bathed in the lake, and made it muddy. The next day, the other animals ran back for more water, but found the water muddied. “We were so mad. We spent so much time digging up our well, and then it all goes to waste. It was very cruel.” Giraffe told the news reporters. They were so mad that they got a dummy and covered it with lime stick. They decided to catch whoever muddied the water, so they hid behind the bushes. The Hare came yet again with his calabash in the middle of the day. He saw the dummy and talked to it. When it said nothing, he hit it with his hands and then his feet. The Hare got stuck, as the other animals came out of the bushes and beat him up. In the end, the let him goes, but the Hare ran to the grass and never came out. If you ever see a Hare now, they will be in the grass, so if you are looking for a Hare, the only place to go is the grass.

Hare, in the grass. http://i.pbase.com/

Cheetah at the lake. http:// tinyurl.com/5pwlwc

Fighting Child Meets It’s Match It had just rained two nights ago in the jungle and some regular forest animals were shivering the next morning. Their fires had been put out by the rain. So Lion told the news crew that he saw smoke rising from a hut on a nearby hill. The animals sent Antelope up to the house and he asked for fire from the woman who lived there. She told him that he would have to fight her child, Leelee goro, in order to win the fire. So, of course, our news crew had to question why she would put her child in danger but she would not answer. Antelope went outside to fight the child and was immediately thrown up and defeated. He had a cough from sand getting in his mouth. Many other animals went after Antelope like Leopard that was thrown up and got blood all over him. Also Elephant went and he hurt his two front teeth which swelled really huge to become tusks. Spider went and his legs got split into 8 weak legs so that he could not walk upright. Right before each animal was about to fight the child; mammy would sing a magic song that seemed to enhance the child strength. Finally, Snail decided to go and the animals laughed and laughed at him. Lion made some remarks like,” how do you expect to do what these other animals could not do?” Lion smacked snail and there were big claw marks on snail’s shell. Snail went anyway but craftily rubbed his slippery spit across the fighting place before he went to ask mammy. When he asked and went out to the fighting place with Leelee goro, he stood right in the middle of the spit. Leelee goro ran at him and slipped in the spit. Snail took the child and through it so high that he took the firewood and went back to the animals and it still hadn’t come down! Mammy cried and cried but Leelee goro finally came down and they hugged each other. This brought a way to stop crying to the world. Leelee goro is in the hospital recovering nicely.

Snail sitting on a tree. http:// tinyurl.com/2ylhpt

Leopard on a tree. http:// tinyurl.com/5kxngn

Tortoises Trick Yesterday afternoon tiny Tortoise was crawling across the jungle when Elephant came by nearly trampling Tortoise. The day before at 8 o clock A.M. Tortoise was chased out of the river by Hippo. “Watch were your going” Elephant said this made tortoise mad. Cheetah a bystander to the accident says that Elephant was not watching were he was going and tortoise had the right of way across the jungle. After being trampled tortoise says that he was not happy and wanted to prove his strength so he challenged Elephant to a tug of war. Elephant stood in the jungle waiting for tortoise to start the contest he would try to pull tortoise into the jungle when Tortoise tried to pull elephant into the river the monkeys said they heard the contest begin when Tortoise yelled pull o mighty beast pull. Later that day Tortoise asked Hippo to a tug of war too and told him the same thing that he said to Elephant that when he yelled pull o mighty beast pull the contest would begin. He would have to try to pull Tortoise into the river and Tortoise had to pull Hippo into the jungle when Tortoise went into the jungle he didn’t go to the tug of war on the other side of the jungle but hid behind a tree according to sloth who was lounging when tortoise came by. Both Elephant and Hippo were tricked into having a tug of war against each other.

Elephant at the grass. http:// tinyurl.com/5mufup

Hippo in the water. http:// tinyurl.com/48tuyy

JKACTION NEWS Volume 1, Issue 1


Tuesday, December 16

The Return of the Musician! BY: JONATHAN AVERY

Banzai (The Singing Man) has returned to the Yoruba tribe in the city of Lagos, Nigeria, Africa! He was cast out of his village when he said that he wanted to become a musician. During his travels he teamed up with the great musician Sholo. They traveled to many cities and tribes spreading the word of African history through song, but one day Continued on page 2 Banzai the Musician

KING FINNALY WEDS BY: ABBY HALL Yesterday in a small village in Africa two beautiful young girls named Nyasha and Manyara were chosen to meet the King Manjulaa .Manyara has always been a rude and badly tempered girl where as Nyasha has always been kind and caring. Manyara worried everyone and left early so she could get chosen first. She had a strange journey. First she comes upon a little boy who is hungry she tells him she only had food for one and to step aside. Next she meets and old woman who tells her she will first reach a forest where all the trees will laugh at her and she must not laugh back! Next she will come across a man with his head Continues on page 2

Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters


Recently, the Barley fields have been burning down for unknown reasons, but villagers set a trap and caught the culprit. Apparently a… Continues on page2...

LION GIVES GIFTS BY: KATHERINE KING Before yesterday, all the animals of Africa were plain. No coloring, no ears, no nothing. But then, King Lion, the most respected animal ruler in all of Africa, invited each and every animal to a Dinner Party. Mrs. Kudu and the female Kudu, however, dug in their heels. “Surely we will get eaten!” They said. And did not attend. Mr. Kudu and the male Kudu thought otherwise. “We must go, or King Lion will think poorly of the Kudu, and eat us anyway.” They replied. And so, all the animals went. (Except Mrs. Kudu, of course.) At the party, there was dancing and singing, and afterwards a great feast, which

Continues on page 2

King Lion Poses then stomps away.

PAGE 2 King finally weds-continued

tucked under his arm and she said to be very polite to him. Manyara only said Step aside you old ugly lady!” By the time Manyara reached the palace, Nyasha and the wedding party started their journey. They also had a strange journey but unlike Manyara, Nyasha was kind and polite to all the people that came across her path. When they finally reached the palace Manyara was horrified because inside the palace she found a furious monster with five heads. Although when Nyasha went inside she found it was only her pet snake Nyoka, suddenly Nyoka turned into the king and he explained to her how he was all the strange people on her journey. Next he picked Nyasha to be his queen. A beautiful royal wedding was held. Manyara now serves as Nyasha’s servant at the palace.

Musician Returns-Continued

loved his music and made him his royal musician. A few days later, he came back to his village and played his music for them and was reunited with his family and tribe. His parents and brothers welcomed him home with open arms, and are looking forward to rekindling their family ties. King Lion Gives Gifts-Continued Be warned, for if you are greedy, you shall get none, and if you are unwilling to accept the gift, you also shall get nothing.” Elephant immediately thundered over to the horns side, chose two giant white horns, and picked them up in his mouth. King Lion roared with rage. “HOW DARE YOU TRY AND BE GREEDY! NOW THOSE HORNS WILL BE STUCK IN YOUR MOUTH FOREVER, AND YOUR NOSE SHALL DRAG ON THE FLOOR!” Elephant never got the horns out, and always had a long nose from that day forward. And one after another, each animal got gifts. Rabbit and Donkey got long ears, cow and horse got colorful clothes to divide among their children, Leopard and Giraffe spotted coats, and the Kudu got horns to display on top their heads. But the ones that didn’t come got nothing.

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