2nd Period African News

  • December 2019
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J C M N E WS P A P E R Newsletter Date

Volume 1, Issue 1


It was reported that yesterday at around 4:00 pm the prized ram belonging to the king was murdered. The ram was grazing in Anansi’s crops and Anansi was very annoyed by it so he threw a rock at it hitting it between the eyes killing it instantly. Then Anansi went to the king blaming that the spider for what had happened. The king believed him but later was advised by his wife that obviously Anansi did it because there’s no way a spider would have killed a ram. The king then found Anansi and kicked him so hard that he exploded leaving him to appear as if he was spider. Anansi’s family has been fined $1,000,000 to pay for a new ram that the king will buy. http:// www.mooseyscountrygarden.co

Banished Sheep and Ram Cause Trouble in Local Village

http://oysteinwika.com/images/ lightning.jpg

Yesterday the banished Thunder a mother sheep and Lightning her son a ram gave the small village that they used to live in revenge. Lightning sent his fire down to the village destroying all the crops then his mother made it worse by shaking the whole village with her loud rumbling voice. The story of these two goes back to two months ago when people started insulting Lightning; this was a big mistake causing Lightning to fly into a furious rage burning everything in his path sometimes killing people then his mother would stop him with her loud voice. One of the only survivors of these attacks was Fred the Farmer whose crops were all burned down witnessed one of these rages and explained that Lightning was going to have to be banished. The next day the King banished Thunder and Lightning to the bush, but this was a big mistake because Lighting flew into one of his furious rages and set the whole bush on fire because it was the dry season burning crops and houses to the ground. The King knew this was bad so he and his advisors thought of a plan and they made one. This plan was to banish Thunder and Lightning from the earth and send them to the sky. Thunder and Lightning agreed to go to the sky and they did. The King thought that this had solved the problem until today. Further news tomorrow.

Tortoise and Baboon Fight Once Again


It was reported yesterday at 12:00 in the evening, busy neighbors were pulling some pranks on each other. The two witnesses in this story were the baboon and the tortoise. We sat down and interviewed the baboon about how you felt about tortoise. He said that he wanted to strangle the tortoise because the tortoise told him he could share his scrumptious lunch with him. After my long journey to his house my hands got dirty and he would not let me eat. He told me to wash my hands and I washed my hands in the river but on my way back, my hands got dirty again. He would still not let me eat the lunch if my hands were dirty. Then I realized I was tricked. I have no idea why he tricked me. Then we interviewed tortoise. We asked why did you trick baboon? Tortoise answered “I only tricked baboon because he tricked me first”. After interviewing the tortoise and the baboon we think the dispute between tortoise and baboon will never end.

New African Times Volume 1, Issue 1

Friday 13, 1,234

Thimsen African Story Written by: Rachel Thimsen Yesterday afternoon at approximately 2:31 PM, scientists discovered why the frog and the snake are enemies. Scientists hid behind some bushes and watched the scene. Frog walked out of a small hut and met up with a snake a few minutes later. The watchers were puzzled..... The two animals started to play with each other. At 2:00 PM the animals went back to their small huts and a weird crying sound was heard from the frog hut. The watchers started walked in a little further and looked at the scene in the hut. The mother Frog had told the frog that she can’t www.toddzalewski.com/ books.html play with the snake the next day because snakes are supposed to eat s frogs. When more investigators watched into the snake’s hut they found out that almost the same thing was happening. The mother snake told snake that she must eat the frog the next day because snakes are supposed to eat frogs. The next day at approximately 8:30 AM, the investigators came back to the scene and saw the snake go over to the frog’s hut. But the frog fled and escaped from the snake. Then the two animals went different ways. The scientists are now making a book about this discovery.

Sotolongo African Story Written by: Silvia Sotolongo Two days ago, in a small village in Africa, the king announced that he must have wife. A man named Mufaro, has seen this as a chance for one of his daughters to be queen. Manyara and Nyasha are his daughters. Manyara wanted to be queen very much, and wouldn’t stop to become the king’s wife for anything. Nyasha would be pleased to serve as queen, but is also fine with being a village member. The king lives about half a day’s journey from the village so Mufaro thought it was right to walk there yesterday. “It seems unfair that any other girl should become the king’s wife, when I want it most,” Manyara quoted. A reliable source told us that Manyara was seen sneaking off late at night, to get to the king early. When Nyasha got to the town, she saw her sister crying. Manyara said, “There is no king, only a big snake!” The snake actually turned into a king, and when Nyasha came in, he announced her as his new wife. The new Queen of this town is Nyasha! http://www.homeagaincorp.com/sjj/ snake.htm

Weintraub’s African Story Written by: Jacob Weintraub Late last night, Anansi the farmer was found to have killed the king’s prize ram. This happened when the ram was grazing on Anansi’s fields, and Anansi threw a rock at it to kill it. He tried to cover it up by saying a spider did it, but the king knew that Anansi had to have done it. The king kicked Anansi into many pieces, making him a spider with long legs.

http://www.gateway-africa.com/ stories/index.html

CA Volume 1, Issue 1 Newsletter Date

MSA Inquirer

TRAGIC! HARE KILLS 5 WOMEN! Hare kills five women in an attempt to cause drought. This morning hare took revenge against the cattle men for not giving anything back after hare had let them borrow his goat to eat. This is a long process that started early this morning hare found antelope eating his peas and antelope paid him back with a hoe. Then he loaned his hoe to the clay diggers but they broke it and in return gave him a pot. Later in the morning he loaned his pot to the honey harvesters but they broke it and in return gave him so honey. Then he came to the pestle pounders and they had nothing to mix with their maize so he loaned them his honey but they used it all so in return they gave him so of the dough that they made. Coming along later came the young goat herders and they were very hungry and hare gave the goat herders his dough but they ate all of it so they gave him one of their many goats. Finally came the commotion. Hare came upon several men herding oxen and they also looked quite hungry so he gave them his goat, and they ate all of it. So when hare returned for the rest of his goat the cattle men told him that they had eaten his entire goat. And hare ask, well what do you have in return for me? Later when hare was interviewed we were told that they beat him till he was unconscious or they thought dead and hare was taken far away from our town. He had also told us that when he woke he snuck back into the village w/o anyone seeing him and took all the water away. Many people came to ask many ?s such as give us our water, or why did you do this when we were so kind to you. He simply sat there and watched people struggle. After he decides to give in he said that before this could happen anyone possible would have to pull a reed out of the ground. No one could so these desperate village people came back and begged and with one finger hare was able to pull the reed out of the ground, and beginning to flow was gorgeous water. But for hare to have his way 5 women were sacrificed so that hare could get final revenge.


Hare Drank Out of The Lagoon, Got Beaten, Then Disappears! Breaking news! A hare disappears after getting beaten last night. The dry weather was drying up the earth. All the animals including hare, was suffering from thirst, and famine was coming. When they all thought of an idea to cut off the tip of their ears, subtract the fat, then sell it to buy a hoe to dig for water, hare refused. So when the animals came back with a hoe and dug up the lagoon, water was found and all the animals went home after drinking. Then hare comes up to the lagoon and drinks and bathes when all the animals went home, and makes the water extremely muddy. The next day when hare is drinking again, the other animals caught him and punished him with a beating. Hare ran away and haven’t been seen since. This hare is wanted dead or alive, if you find him call this number 919-738-987-687-394-977-593-394-678-389-266-899-493-936-698-9879 or 911. Thank you for your time and make sure to contact these numbers if you locate hare.


Tippy the Tortoise tricks Elizabeth the Elephant and Harold the Hippo Yesterday in Africa Tippy the tortoise was almost stepped on by Elizabeth the elephant and they got into a fight about who was stronger. Tortoise finally got out of the fight by challenging Elizabeth to a tug of war match. He went to the other side of the forest where he saw hippo and got an idea. He told Harold the Hippo “I want to see which one of us is stronger will you play me in a of tug of war match.” Hippo said yes and he took the vine that tippy was holding. Tippy had tricked Harold the Hippo and elephant to a tug of war match against each other. When we asked George the Giraffe about what happened he said that “I heard a Voice say „Pull o might beast Pull‟ so I went to see what was going on. I look over to where the noise came from and there I saw tippy watching Elizabeth and hippo play tug of war. It was a completely even match. I did not know that tippy was supposed to be on the match on both sides. It looked to me like tippy was just watching the match.” That is all George had to say. Tippy won Elizabeth‟s and Harold‟s respect.

http:// tinyurl.com/697eed

s e m i T e g a l l The Vi Volume 4, story 12 December 12, 2008

Nyal Patel, Nick Verde, Bethany Martin

Anansi the Thief Last night Anansi’s foot prints were found on chameleons supposedly his own fields. Later that morning there was a case over who got the fields and Anansi won. In Kinshasa Anansi’s fields had no rain so the agreement was that since Anansi knew they weren’t his fields he would fill chameleon’s “little hole” with food twice over. Even though chameleon knew that he had a vast cavern. Underground chameleon had built a cloak of flies but when the sun shined on it the cloak turned all different colors. Chameleon strode around with it and Anansi one day bought it from him. Then as a token of appreciation Anansi gave the cloak to the chief. But one day the chief was walking and the cloak broke and the chief became angrier with every step he took. Meanwhile Anansi was trying to fill chameleon’s hole but it was so big that no matter how hard Anansi worked he could not fill the hole. When the chief found Anansi he ordered him to give back all of Anansi’s field back to chameleon and his fields too. After he awarded the fields it rained on all of his fields and chameleon became the richest man in the village.

ANANSI ARRESTED! Just last week we got news that Anansi the trickster got arrested, and then he got beaten for not confessing! This all started when he decided to start a fishing business with a partner. His partner’s name was Onini and he outsmarted Anansi in the end. Anansi wanted to go do a fishing business with a partner and he found Onini. Anansi wanted to trick Onini into doing all the work and he would take all the fish. But in the end that’s not what quite happened! When Anansi first agreed to meet Onini around lunchtime in the Forrest, Onini already worked up a plan. So Onini said “first I will cut the reeds and you will get tired for me”. Anansi got mad and refused to get tired and he cut the reeds by himself. Once Anansi had cut the reeds Onini got up and said “now I will carry the reeds to the ocean and you will have the sore back for me”. Again Anansi got mad, and refused to have the sore back and he carried the reeds to the ocean. After Anansi carried the reeds Onini cried “now I will weave the reeds into the fish traps even though I have a sore back, and you will have the sore neck and the stiff fingers”. Of course Anansi was furious and he totally went mad! After he made the fish traps he then set the traps in the deep sea because Onini had told Anansi that if he got bitten by a shark then Anansi would have to die for him! After the traps were set it was told that they were to meet each other at the ocean around lunchtime to see how the catch was. Onini had made a plan into to taking all of the catch. When the y finally met up with each other Anansi was already there and he said that he wanted the bigger fish and Onini could have the smaller one but Onini had his plan ready. He then said “Anansi, you can have today's catch of the fish if I can have all of tomorrows catch because I think that the fish will be bigger tomorrow.” Anansi thought about this and finally said that he wanted tomorrows catch, so Onini took today's catch and went home. The next day there was more fish and they were bigger than yesterdays! Anansi called Onini a fool for taking the previous days catch. Onini just simply said “you get all of these fish but tomorrow I get the GLORIOUS catch”! Anansi thought about this and said ok you can have today's catch but I get tomorrows catch. The next day they come back and of course there is the GLORIOUS catch of fish in the net. Anansi was very excited until Onini said that he would get the fish traps and that he would sell the fish traps in the market for a killing amount of money. Anansi thought of a plan and told Onini that he would take the fish traps and that Onini could have the catch of the day. Anans i didn’t notice that the fish traps were rotting and they smelled terrible. He just picked up the fish netting and ran off to the market. Onini arrived at the market a lot later than Anansi and when he arrived all the villagers were laughing. One village lady told Onini that Anansi had brought those smelly fish traps into the market and it stank up the entire market so the chief had to come and arrest him for that and right before he left he was calling for you! Onini replied and said “I would think that he would have learned a lesson that he only fooled himself.” But the lady told him that he was calling for him because Anansi said “if I have to be arrested then why can’t Onini take the time for me”! We spoke with Onini a day after the “incident” and here was his thoughts. He said that he was going to make Anansi pay for tricking others into doing his work for him, so he wanted to trick Anansi into doing all the work while he would take the reward and the laugh.

Ostrich Never Fly’s Again 3 days ago Kataye was walking along a sandy pathway in Africa when he came near this smell and an ostrich seated next to a blazing fire. She was making a meal. Kataye wanted the fire. He went early in the morning the next day to the bush in the jungle next to the ocean. He found the ostrich next to the blazing flame again. Now Kataye really wanted the fire. “He wanted the fire so badly that he was going to trick the ostrich out of the fire”, said witness Brown Smith. Kataye did trick the ostrich out of the fire. “I saw the ostrich being dragged to the Merenda tree by the bushman. He did give her a plumb which is the most irresistible fruit of all,” said Paint Williams. Today the Ostrich is very weird. “She acts really weird.” Villagers say. Kataye has not been seen since tricking the ostrich out of her fire. Now it seems all ostriches don’t fly. “It is probably because they are afraid that they will lose their fire,” says Smith William, one of the people that live in the Jungle near the Merenda tree.

Picture Credits http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:BAZsMD8kxKOSsM:http://sadaqahwater.com/images/gallery/header/african-boy-smiling-crop.jpg picasaweb.google.com/.../1g-aUmUUwpEAOgPU9YYLTw dev.newdayimages.ca/?m=200805


DJIBOUTI TIMES Cary Academy Volume 2 Final Edition 12/15/08

Egyptian Servant Crowned Queen! Today in Egypt a girl named Rhodopis was discovered who had lost the rosy-gold slipper she has now been made Queen!! We had an interview with the Pharaoh and he said “She was one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen.” Rhodopis was just a plain person, but she loved to dance. She was the most graceful dancer in the kingdom. The master gave to Rhodopis golden rosy-red slippers. They were stolen by a falcon then dropped in the Pharaohs lap! The Pharaohs then searched for many days until he found Rhodopis. She is now the Queen of all Egypt and plans to make a better Egypt. We got a quote from the pirates who stole Rhodopis “ARRGH! If we had known she was a queen we could have sold her for more. ARRGH!” The pirates then stole the cameraman and a replacement has been brought in.

father in Ghana, heard the King’s proclamation. As soon Manyara and Nyasha heard the proclamation, they rushed to the city. The two sisters were seen with three different people on the way to city palace. Their neighbor, who was a witness, testified that she had never seen the three people with Manyara and Nyasha. She thought they were a little peculiar and maybe foreigners from a different country. When the two sisters finally got to the city, something very unusual happened. The King told Manyara and Nyasha their deeds. He said Manyara displeased him, but Nyasha was perfect. “How do you know?” they asked. He told them that he was the first, the second and the third person they met on the way to the city. Manyara and Nyasha were astounded! The King then asked Nyasha to be his wife. Now, Nyasha is currently getting ready for her coronation and wedding ceremony, which will take place next week. Manyara is now a servant in Nyasha’s household and is also getting ready for the two big ceremonies next week.

The new queen

King Searches for Bride Last week, the King of Africa proclaimed he was looking for a bride. Maidens from all over Africa rushed to the city palace. Two sisters, Manyara and Nyasha, who live with their Continued at the top

The Pirate is mad that he didn't seell her for more http://tinyurl.com/6bzqzg

Anansi Hits Bush with Giant Metal Cleat, Permanent Face Damage! http://tinyurl.com/6h97m2

Anansi Creates Disguise, Tricks GOD The day before yesterday Ansansi had apparently tricked God. Anansi never liked to be involved with the press, and when interviewed, he said, “Why you asking me? Go ask God, he knows everything.” So one of our news reporters headed up to heaven and had a chat with him. All God told her was, “That man is amazing, he did the impossible task.” There was still question about how exactly Anansi completed this. It was told by Python, he told us all about how Anansi did this task. “First, Anansi went to the birds and they said they had no advice, but they could give him a beautiful feather. He gladly took that feather and then came to me for advice. He made a marvelous cloak out of that feather and flew up to heaven, and perched right outside God’s house. He told me he heard people talking about the strange way this bird looked, but they didn’t know it was actually Anansi. And then, later that night, many people gathered round to talk about the task. As they were talking he heard someone say that he had to fetch the sun and moon for his task. So, he flew down to me to ask how to do so. I told him how, and he then took the sun and the moon back to God.” After Python had given all the information, there was still one more question. And either God or Anansi could answer it. But the news reporter on this case knew Anansi’s personality, which he likes to boast. So, he knew that Anansi would tell him his award. Anansi said that he was elected as God’s captain on earth.

Anansi the Spifer boasting to the press http://tinyurl.com/6fonm5

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