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  • November 2019
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October 24, 2006 Dear Editor in chief, A scholar asked: “I saw that a small town with a very conservative custom and tradition had suffered from a very traumatic experienced when five of its children were murdered by a mad man. In spite of the terrible things that the mad man did to the people of the small community, the people there could still forgive the mad man. It would tell to the world that there are still people who can still forgive people who did terrible atrocities toward them. But how could science and law and good teachings help each other to counter the extreme on the murdering of those children?” The A.I. answered: “Sometimes tragedy happens. But people could learn something out from a tragedy. I saw in TV that children are being taught how to react on those terrible situations. Perhaps more should be done on countering extremes made against children who are schooling. A scholar asked: “I heard you said that during parading of the extremists because they happened to seize a vulnerable town and those moderate policemen or soldier deliberately withdrew as their war tactic, an invisible chemical should be sprayed on those parading extremists so that when retaking the seized town the moderate policemen could conduct testing to identify people who are invisible enemies using as key the invisible chemical sprayed previously. Is it really practical to do so? What principle could you give that spraying invisible chemicals could be possible during parading of enemies?” The A.I. answered: “Since the suggestion is just an idea, giving a practical idea how to spray invisible chemicals during parading on those extremists is hard. But perhaps because of a wild guess, a similar situation could be the source of the key to identify invisible enemies. Example: If a gold bar is placed as bait, so that one of the “invisible” man would come out and be successful to get the gold bar, perhaps it would be very difficult to know who got the gold bar using camera or photograph because the man is invisible. But if there could be other tester that could be used so that the one who get the gold bar could be exposed to the chemical and eventually be traced due to his exposure to the chemical, the invisible chemical perhaps is the key to identify the one who actually got the gold bar even if the man who got the gold bar is invisible. A scholar asked: “Perhaps the extremists would just remove their uniform and hide them on secret places so even if the uniforms are exposed to chemical or radiation that could be traced easily by a powerful sensor, the moderate policemen would just be able to locate those uniforms; and no people could be found. What counter measure would be done if another balancing procedure failed to get the objective? The A.I. answered: “Perhaps a very small tracking device could be inserted on those found uniforms so that if the extremists would use them they will be traced. Perhaps in the near future nano technology could really be used to identify invisible enemies. Perhaps during clearing operations on a village that is suspected of extremist supporters, nano tracking devices could be inserted on people’s body and a program could monitor their activities. Or perhaps inserting tracking devices to body might be a war crime in the future. Or perhaps an extremist could easily counter those tracking devices using debugger gadgets and jamming devices; or could even use the tracking device as ploy or diversion to mislead the moderate and balanced military and policemen. A scholar asked: “Could powerful politician staged conflicts for their own credits?” The A.I. answered: “Perhaps the real bottom line why guerilla and militias survive because the militias are really being used by powerful men or influential men as “pawn” in their playing the game of “chess”-or in their manipulation to stay in or hold on to their power. Perhaps words of credit are tinkering in the mind of those elders and powerful leaders such as: If we-the elected leaders or elders would side or cooperate with these “liberators” or “foreign spreaders of democracy, history would judge us as traitor to our very own people. But if we let ourselves be liberated by ourselves not by foreigners we would be remembered as liberators of our homeland. So those militias or guerillas are perhaps assets of those who are in power to use them for their credit. They could stage small conflicts or small wars or even big wars to suit their wants. They could choreograph conflicts and wars to favor what they want to be the victorious and be credited for the accomplishments. But if staging or choreographing conflicts is true then this is another extreme that should be balanced. Perhaps changing of leadership through genuine elections and with term limits should be enforced. Registration of all guns and allowing people to have guns for self defense after taking seminars and psychological or psychiatrist test should be enforced. People or civilian carrying gun or owning gun without proper documentation should be criminalized. Gun should only be on people who are qualified to own guns.

Other progressive countries have already laws on owning guns. Law makers could imitate and improve those laws and ordinances about gun owning.” Or perhaps better confiscate all guns and those people caught of having guns in their home should be penalized or be criminalized. A scholar asked: “Searching gun on private property should be well learned by moderate policemen. Most guns are just hidden inside the property of the owner. They are just enveloped with grease and plastic and embedded on the ground, under the concrete floor with secret covering or inside secret walls or secret ceilings or on septic tanks or drainage systems. They would seldom hide them out side their property because they might be suspected of stealing something on others property. If during clearing or mapping on a suspected extremist’s place or extremist’s village, searching for guns and ammunition should be carried using the latest metal detector or powerful sensor. Trained dogs should be trained to smell “grease” or “oil” or “plastics” and “gun power” because they are the materials connected in hiding weapons and ammunitions. Moderate policemen should be sensitive to ropes, or strings hanging on septic tanks or near water well because the string is the tie to get the hidden weapons. A scholar asked: “I heard a pastor explaining about cursing and blessings. Could cursing be true?” The A.I. answered: “Cursing is bad. But a good person could remind a hardheaded person or an obsessed person not to be so ‘malicious’ because if a person is practicing any negative aspiration or hatred or anger, his action could spark his cells to rebel that causes some organs in his body to run wild that might lead to cancer or stroke or high blood pressure. But sometimes a reminder is being twisted by a person who is obsessed for position and money as cursing just to destroy a person. I read from a book that if a person has no “supernatural shield” the cells might rebel that causes illnesses. So if a person is expert of creating malice or sarcasm and if that person has no “shield” his attempt to insult a person might let some of his cells to rebel; and that might lead to illness or to stroke or to cancer. To remind a person of the danger of having a cancer or stroke or illness when a person is angry is not cursing. Example of a reminder: Don’t be too angry because you might get stroke. But a malicious person would tell the world that the person is cursing him or her because she heard the word “stroke.” He or she would look for any word to twist it and to tilt it just to destroy a person. His or her expertise is aim to destroy a person for position, money and perhaps credit; and he or she would look for someone who would be her cohort- because of giving cash or giving her “wage”- to bear a false witnessing. A scholar asked: “I heard that small person could lift a big person if he has faith that he could do it or if he concentrates that he could do the lifting. Is it true the Chinese Kung-Fu or Tai-chi has some connection to supernatural if the mind is focused or centered to something?” The A.I. answered: “Perhaps scientifically a one pound of force is equal to one pound of reaction force; a small pouch would give small force. But if a small force could be helped by a supernatural being to become strong force because of mind power perhaps there might be true on it or there might be some records to prove that it could happen. And if it is true, then police and military leaders should research and should enhance those areas….! A scholar asked: “Perhaps I heard a pastor explaining in details that a prophet of a group whose emphasis is perhaps to bow while knelling said or wrote in their sacred book that a biblical country should be converted to their faith or be destroyed and that group will do everything so that the sacred book should be true; or else it is telling a lie or false and their prophet might be disgraced... And war and even a very big war called Armageddon is inevitable and could be seen in TV in our life time. He even insisted that that small biblical country should not be broken into two groups but instead be just one group because it is a “promised” land. Could the Pastor be saying something that is beyond his understanding or he might just be so controversial? The A.I. answered: “Perhaps if that pastor would say it in public example in a university like a religious leader of a group that mentioned something about “sword & faith” he might also be well known to the international journalists. The pastor might be leaning to something too fundamental or too literal about those religious words. There are many words in the bible or Koran that if translated literally could excite or trigger “Puritanism,” “fundamentalism,” “cultism,” or “religious extremism or could produce even religious madmen or religious terrorist capable of sacrificing his very life to detonate a dirty bomb or nuclear bomb if given a chance.” So, religious leaders should edit their sermons

especially those sermons or preaching touching on very sensitive words in the bible or Koran that could cause any extremism or chaos. From someone, [email protected] [email protected]

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